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with us today say hi to the folks on YouTube say hi folks on YouTube okay so you got folks here we got folks here live in the room with us today and when I say words are the way to wealth um there's a lot to be said on this subject I am going to say some things that are going to be confirming but I'm also going to say some things that will be controversial in some circles and I believe overall though it will be helpful for you to understand these principles um in Proverbs chapter 12
the whole the whole chapter of Proverbs Chapter 12 has a lot to say about life in business um Proverbs chapter 12 verse 14 it says a man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth and the recompense of a man's hands shall he shall be rendered unto him Proverbs Chapter 13 Verse 2 says a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth but the soul of the transgressors shall suffer violence or shall eat violence uh Proverbs chapter 18 verse 20 says a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of
his mouth and with the increase of his lips he shall be filled words matter a side note uh you've probably heard me talk about before that in the Hebrew language words are like the Hebrew language is not just phonetic like English is phonetic it's not just symbolic like Asian languages are symbolic it's both but it's also constructive like the chemical language if I write H2 on the board you know that I'm talking about water because when you put the components on the board like if you write down the components you're telling people what the thing
is made of well Hebrew words are like that you don't just spell words you build words right and words are the building materials that God used to build the world it says in Genesis chapter 1 in English in the beginning God created the Heavenly Earth right that's what it says in the beginning God created heaven the earth that is not a that's not a complete transaction a translation transaction it's not a complete translation it's not a complete translation because there is one word that's repeated twice in Genesis chapter 1 1 in the Hebrew that's not
translatable in English so understand that all translation is commentary that's why it's so important to do word Studies by using a strong concordance and a bind's expository dictionary and all these other study tools where we can understand what the words mean so we can understand what the word means right and so interestingly enough the Hebrew one of the Hebrew words for the word word or for the word to speak is also the same word for the word matter so not only do words matter but words are matter and matter is made of words it says
in John 1 1 it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God and the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made him who him the word well in Hebrew Genesis 1 1 matches John 1 1-3 more than it does in English because in Hebrew here's what it says Genesis 1 1 Rashid barah Elohim here's the word that's not in English ET so it is mentioned twice it is spelled aleph Tav
alif is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Tom is the last letter of the Hebrew alephate so when it says ET it's like Jesus said I am the Alpha and Omega if he were speaking Greek that's what he would have said but he was more than likely speaking Hebrew because he was a Hebrew he would have said I am the aleftav so when it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God the same was in the beginning with God in Genesis 1 1 in Hebrew
that word word is there the E the aleph bait the alphabet the word the the building blocks of everything Hebrews chapter 11 verse number three it says by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so things which are seen were not made of things which do appear people oftentimes mistakenly think that the physical world is the real world and the invisible world is some kind of invisible representation I promise you you got it backwards the invisible world is real is the real world the physical world is a manifestation of
that reality just like this table just like this phone just like this water is made even I can hold it in my hand it's made of and I can see it with my eyes it's made of invisible molecules that I cannot see that is a picture that points to Witnesses and shares to everyone that's a scientific principle that points to and Witnesses everybody everything that the physical world was made by and from the invisible world for me to think that physicality is reality and invisibility is not is to think that I am more real than
God I can't be more real than God if he made me he has to be more real than me so invisibility is more powerful than physicality I've said this before I'll say it again doubt is created in the eyes faith is created in the ears what you see will make you doubt what will you hear will cause you to believe because Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God when I say the same thing to me that God has said to me about me then and only then do I Know Who I
Really Am when I say about a situation to a situation what God says about that situation then and only then do I recognize that situation because God's word is not just true God's word is truth there's a difference between what's true and what's truth what's true is dynamic and can change what's truth is static and cannot change what's truth is incontrovertible in the words of Winston Churchill malice May attack it ignorance made to write it but in the end there it is now you may be wondering what Myron what does that have to do with
words being the way to wealth the verses that we read so a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth and I was thinking like why how does my mouth produce fruit by the way it didn't just say a man will eat by the fruit of his mouth I said a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth that is as long as the seeds that are coming out of your mouth are good seeds hmm I wish I had some Helena hey I want to make sure that the words I say
are words of power not words of weakness words that Empower and encourage not words that tear down and discourage the scripture says let your speech be with Grace season with salt Grace what's Grace Grace the word Grace comes from the in the in the New Testament comes from the word the Greek word kairis from which we get charismatic right it means gift let your words be with Grace with a gift season with Saul let your words be like a gift that you give to the people who hear them let me ask you a question are
the words that you speak like a gift to the people who hear them that's a good question unless the words that I speak are not like a gift that I give to the people who hear them so I want to make sure I want to make sure that my tongue uses words to build up and not to tear down to bless and not to curse to strengthen and not to weaken to empower people and not to disempower people I want to make sure my words do that so as I'm reading the different kinds of words
in Proverbs Chapter 12 for instance where it says in Proverbs Chapter 12 I think it was verse number 14 we just looked at if I can get my iPad to act right here um verse 14 a man shall be satisfied with the good Amendment shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth most people don't realize how powerful words are but your words literally create your wealth or the lack thereof how Myron are you talking about speaking things into existence no I'm not talking about that because in the scripture the only one who
speaks anything into existence is God Rashid bura the word barah means to create out of nothing to speak into existence the only one in the entire Bible who Barras anything is God Rashid barah Elohim Elohim Elohim is who God God speaks things into existence you don't speak I know I know there are new age people who disagree with me I know there are Christian people pastors religious people who disagree with me that's fine but the reality is you already know you're listening to me you know if you could speak something into existence you would have
already spoken something different into existence than what you've got in existence right now where Are My People we're my people foreign you can speak a word that causes Faith to be created in your heart in a space where doubt previously existed and that Faith gives you the ability to take an action in faith that you could not take in doubt so when I tell myself this is going to be awesome this has a better chance of being awesome than it does if I tell myself this is gonna be awful why because I want to use
my words to create faith and I'm not creating faith I because Faith already existed before I got here what I'm really doing is I'm installing faith I'm installing faith into my mind I'm installing faith into my heart I'm installing installing faith into my focus so my focus can create a feeling in my heart that produces a function in my hand that I could not do when I doubt it are y'all tracking very important the words we say are very very important we need to be hyper intentional about every word that comes out of our mouths
every word we need to take inventory of our communication ability so that the words that come out of our mouth are building words not destroying words all of us can remember a time in our lives when somebody that we looked up to or somebody that we cared about whose opinion we cared about said something to us that was painful painful painful how can a word be painful what does it hurt is it hurting your hand foot your eyeball your ELO where does it hurt s in your soul it's interesting that when God created everything he
created three categories in creation didn't he what are those three categories well he created creation the Sun the moon the stars the grass the trees the water creation he created creatures creatures and it is what it is horses and dogs and cats and giraffes and chimpanzees and alligators he created creatures but then God created something unique he created man Adam God called their name Adam I didn't call his name Adam God called their name Adam Adam later called her name Eve God created man not man males man humans men and women God created them in
the image of God created him male and female created he them them who them Adam how did he create them well it's interesting when God created creation he spoke it when God created creatures he delegated it he delegated the land creatures to the land to produce let the Earth bring forth the wild beast and the creeping things when it came to the fish in the fowl he said let the water bring forth but when it came to creating man this is so fascinating to me man I'm easily fascinated or maybe it's fascinating I don't know
I'll let you be the judge of that when God created man he didn't speak man into existence like he did creation you ever think of that God didn't speak man into he spoke to himself he said let us make man in our own image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish you'll see in the foul of the air and every creeping thing that moves upon the Earth but he didn't speak man into existence he said let us create man and then in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 it says and God formed
man from the dust of the ground and I love this part he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the Man became a living soul so God created man in his infinite imagination then molding a body for the man that he created and breathed the man that he created into the body that he created for the man and the only thing that God created that he gave language to his man he didn't he didn't give language to Creation not not the ability to talk about complex and intangible subjects he didn't give it to
create creatures except potentially ostensibly the serpent she took away later so I'm not going to go into the the long arduous argument about that because it's not relevant to what we're talking about today but he gave us words why did God give us words he didn't make us by word but he gave us words he didn't give dogs words you ever think of that he didn't give trees words he didn't give Birds words except for the parent or the talking parakeet and they can only repeat what they've heard and only some of them can do
that but like human beings like all everybody in here all y'all I'm looking at the one I'm looking the ones I'm looking at on YouTube would you you're typing stuff we can talk not only can we speak words we can type words we can write words we can read words we can understand words we think with words words are are everything this it's it's it's words are what we have in common with God that creation and creatures don't have language is spiritual and it's something that only Spiritual Beings have so powerful with words I can
take a feeling from inside of me and install that feeling inside of you with words you can take a feeling inside of you and install it inside of me with words if I've got a word of encouragement for you and I keep it from you shame on me shame on me withhold not good for whom it is due when it's in the power of your hand to do it anybody can say hello my parents are so funny they they spoke to us in sayings and proverbs don't better not better not see my mama or my
daddy for the first time and not say good morning or hello my mama say boy time of day is due to a dog hi Mom in other words in other words you'd say hello to a dog I'm Your Mother one of the biggest problems we have in the world today too many humans have encouraging words that they can give to another person and it cost them nothing but the intention and care to do it and they withhold thank you I mean you don't have to go take any money out your checking account you don't have
to put anything on your credit card walk past a human being and rather look at the ground than to acknowledge the godlikeness in another human being iron I thought you were talking about words creating your wealth I am because guess what all of the money that you want that you don't have right now it's in somebody else's pocket and if you're mean and rude and disillusioned a negative nobody wants to give it to you that's fat it's fat when God created everything in Genesis chapter one one of the things he created in Genesis chapter one
is this concept that I call the four levels of value in fact I'm gonna do it on the board I know some of you have seen it before some of you haven't so I'm going to do it for those who haven't for those who have and bear with me so the four levels of value I mean this is in Genesis chapter one by the way and in Genesis chapter one there are so many success principles it's almost like God gave us a wing and said in case you don't get to chapter two I want you
to be all right right and there are four levels of value and what's interesting about the four levels of value is you can pretty much determine how much money somebody makes based on which level they are on the lowest level of value is implementation what does that mean okay remember I said language is spiritual remember I said language is spiritual guess what else is spiritual wealth and abundance are yeah wealth and abundance Are Spiritual it's gonna make sense to you in a minute wealth and abundance Are Spiritual because God is infinite so wealth is a
symbol of godness abundance God Like Jesus said I am coming to you my the thief cometh not preferred to steal the kill and destroy but I'm coming that you might have life that you might have more abundantly God is a god of abundance he said the scripture says he owns a cattle in a thousand hills he owns everything the Earth is the Lord's in the fullness thereof abundance is Godlike the characteristic of God and I know well all you do is talk about money no I talk about a whole lot more than money the reason
I talk about money and wealth as much as I do is because when I don't know what happens in churches you go to but the ones I've gone to every time I have a prayer meeting the two things they pray for the most pray for my finances pray for my health pray for my health pay for my finances well finances are not something that you should necessarily need to pray for your follower of Christ you have The Blessing of Abraham by faith in Christ Jesus or maybe you're a natural you're like you got The Blessing
of Abraham part of that blessing as well like some of you aren't gonna like them said that do you I can't help you I can't help you I'm just here to tell you like God does not want his people to be Brokers or joke and ready to choke running around with your hands stuck out all the time we have the answers and if we have the answers to the life's questions in this book called The Bible why in the world are we walking around acting like we don't know and I'm not just about money but
yes about money also the Bible talks why are you talking about money the Bible talks about money how am I going to teach the Bible I'm not talking about money ow well the lowest level values implementation and if you're if this is where you work if this is where you create your income on implementation level guess what you make somewhere between minimum wage and eighty thousand dollars a year or eighty thousand pounds how about the same I can win right eighty thousand pounds right or eighty thousand dollar eighty thousand dollars you make minimum wage if
you make tacos Taco Bell flip burgers at McDonald's you might make eighty thousand a year if you work on cars and you're a high-end mechanic for Rolls Royce or Porsche or Mercedes or whatever you make 80 000 a year but there's a limit why is there a limit on your income if you're an implementer because the resource you're using to make money you are using your muscles over time muscles are a physical resource you're trying to produce a spiritual outcome time is a limited resource and wealth is an unlimited resource so you're trying to use
a limited resource I'm sorry a physical resource times a limited resource to produce an unlimited outcome no wonder you're broke I'm I'm not making fun of you I'm just telling you this is a I didn't set it up this way I just found it in the Bible I found it in the Bible it's in there I'm gonna show it to you in a minute you say Where's that in genocide I'm gonna show you in a minute you just calm down let me show you so what's the second level of second level value second level of
value is unification and on the level of unification use your management skills to make money management skills on that level you're gonna make somewhere between 40 000 a year and maybe 250 000 a year if you're managing the Taco Bell you're making forty thousand a year if you're a middle manager at Lockheed Martin or Boeing or one of those countries companies you're making 250 000 a year which is about 20 000 a little more than twenty thousand a month well that's better than minimum wage it's so interesting we were just staying at this hotel downtown
Tampa or yeah down near downtown Tampa and at this hotel uh the Hyatt Place um they had the housekeeping staff the hardest working people in the hotel are the housekeeping staff the lowest paid people in the hotel are the housekeeping staff why because they are the implementers if you are the person who does the thing the amount of money you will make will always be limited managing people is a higher spiritual activity than doing the thing yourself why because you have to have some leadership leadership is spiritual right you have to have people skills you
have to know how to communicate to people you have to know how to inspire people well that's going to make you more money than doing the thing yourself okay what's the next level wealth starts to be created on the next level of value this is the second highest level of value and where wealth begins to be created it's called communication the resource that you use on this level is called a mouth now there is a caveat you have to have a mouth and you have to learn how to use it to produce wealth because just
because you have a mouth that's not a guarantee that's only half the equation you need to learn how to have conversations that create cash flow you know know how to develop or deliver a message that moves the masses and when you can do that you can create wealth and I'm talking about On The Low End you might make a hundred thousand dollars a year selling cars or selling life insurance on the high end you might make a hundred million as an A-list actor or A-list singer hmm or if you're an entrepreneur who sells whatever you
might make somewhere in the middle communication now here's the reality I'm fairly theatrical and not terribly bad looking right however nobody in Hollywood is banging on my door saying hey can you come star in our next Blockbuster movie now if I wanted to start on a Blockbuster movie I would write the script I would hire the crew and I would make the movie and then I'd make it a Blockbuster movie but that's not my desire I don't desire to do that I can figure it out though but nobody's bringing my door down I I I
sing for my own personal enjoyment and for other people's personal endurance you'll get that one on the way home [Laughter] and like probably not going to make a fortune saying now I can make a fortune writing songs oh I wrote I've written some really good songs and we we produced a couple albums and we sold thousands and thousands of them and we're going to re-release our album as soon as our YouTube channel gets to a million subscribers we're gonna re-release our album right okay but in the meantime in between times probably not going to happen
for me singing so guess what I need to be I need to be an author and write a book that a bunch of people want to read oh check done that I wrote a book last year I wrote a book last year makes us on average between 25 and 30 000 a month one book I wrote it one time and it pays me every single solitary day oh snap I wrote a book back in 2000 six that book makes us about twelve thousand dollars a month oh by the way is that on the implementation level
nope yeah I implemented by writing the book but guess what boom I got it printed now all we have to do is like have a funnel out there and then people come buy it communication level I might be a consultant hey let me ask you a question you're a business owner you're doing a half a million dollars a year in Revenue I say tell you what you pay me 350 000 I'm gonna show you how to get the three million who wants that deal everybody wants that deal if they can if they believe that I
can help them get there everybody wants that deal in order for them to believe oh oh there's that word again in order for them to believe that I can get them there I have to use this thing called words and I have to be able to use those words skillfully enough to install some faith in their focus so they feel like I can help them and they perform the function of taking some money out of their account and putting it in mind and I did it with words who's tracking with me my peeps wave at
me my peeps I did it with words are amazing I I remember when I was a little boy I was I was terribly introverted I know that's hard for you to believe I remember I was in the sixth grade I was hanging out with my dad here in Tampa one of his friends came up my dad said and I by the way Not only was I introverted I didn't like talking I didn't like talking to people I didn't know and I hated my name I've got six brothers in my mind they all have what I
call normal names I mean my older brother's first name is Theron but we call him Jeff because Jeffrey's his middle name so we call him Jeff Mike it's my brother under me Rob Dwayne Derek Mark and I used to say to my mom I I know I said it to her every week while I was growing up seriously the only thing you could think of when you came to me was Miami Miami because that's how I heard it right so because there are seven of us one of our favorite TV shows growing up was The
Brady Bunch because they had six kids like house full of kids house full of kids don't you know on The Brady Bunch one time they got a pet mouse and that mouse's name was Marin the TV show to watch in the 70s for teenagers was Happy Days Happy Happy Days happy you know and the coolest guy on there was Fonz Fonzie the name the name the coolest guy on television made fun of was Myron I mean your name's Fonzie you're making fun of Myron I'd definitely rather have Myron I'm just saying Bonzi I'm I ain't
feeling anyway my point I hated my name I didn't like my first name I didn't like my middle name my middle name is Freddy I hated it not gonna go into why because none of it makes any sense I was a child so my dad sees his friend Mary Mary he says to Mary son I mean he says to me son this is my friend Mary we grew up together thank you poked at his chest son tell Mary your name I was horrified I mean I was horrified and I can remember I'm in the sixth
grade I'm 12 years old 11 or 12 years old I can remember thinking to myself it was one of them it was a very tragic this was a very tragic experience for me I can remember thinking to myself you just told me her name why couldn't you tell her my name you want me to talk to this person I don't know and I'm an introvert I didn't know I was an introvert but you want me to talk to this person I don't know I don't want to talk to her and you want me to talk
to her about my least favorite subject in the world my name hi my name's Myron that's that's what I felt like it was going to be one of the my name's in Myron and so I did with any self-respecting in introverted boy who hates his name would do I cried my dad he went into dad mode why what's the matter with you laughs hate my name I was an introvert didn't like to talk until one day I woke up and I realized if I'm going to do better in life I got to get good at
this talking thing and I can't just talk to me on the inside I ought to talk to some other folks on the outside communication is the second highest level of value what's the highest level of value the highest level of value is imagination here here's the resource you use on this level you use your mind and you use your money to make money loan million bucks a year high end billions see people think Steve Jobs was one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all times when I say great I mean most successful entrepreneurs of all times
because he was an innovator Steve Jobs was one of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time because he was a great imaginator and he was a great communicator say my imaginator ain't a word you knew what I meant didn't you uh-huh that's what I thought here's the interesting thing about the two highest levels of value words are necessary on both levels huh you can use words without thinking you ever said something you said oh man I wish I'd have thought about what I was going to say before I said that you can use words without
thinking watch this now but you can't think without using words what happened you can use words without thinking but you cannot think without using words in fact I was listening to a Jim Rohn audio cassette tape many moons ago for those of you who are younger than 20 years old Google audio cassette tape you'll know what I'm talking about listen to a Jim Rohn audio cassette date he said they did a study with a bunch of inmates in prison and they were just randomly doing a study they found something they weren't looking for here's what
they found that most of the inmates in prison have a very small vocabulary then he said because words are not just a communication tool words are the window through which you see the world wow do you understand the more words you have in your vocabulary the more clearly you can think words create wealth do you know why the iPhone was so successful because Steve Jobs put together a sentence that was so powerful back in 2007 that sold millions and millions of iPhones as a brand new invention here's what he said he said and he kept
repeating it over and over it's a phone it's a browser it's a music player it's a phone it's a browser it's a music player it's a phone it's a browser it's a music player I mean that is not a complicated sentence but you know what he did he told everybody what the payoff of the iPhone was in it's a phone it's a browser it's a music player 10 words change the world forever if he would have said well it's got the IOS operating system that operates with certain it has a it has a seven megapixel
camera and has all these megabits of information that do the megabytes with to the megabits no wouldn't have been anything he didn't use a lot of inside lingo he knew how to insert beliefs in the people's mind with Minds with words I am here to tell you some of the highest paid people on the planet are actors film script writers singers songwriters authors speakers coaches Consultants talk show hosts what's the tool they use words why we all have them some of us don't like to use them sometimes an encouraging word could save a person's life
and encouraging a word like talk hi hi how you doing now to answer your question that you had a man should eat good by the fruit of his mouth immensely good by the fruit of his mouth a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth hmm maybe I should get maybe I should start using better words and maybe I should get better at using words y'all tracking okay here's what people want to know Myron I never saw that in just chapter one you're making that up okay I'm not making it up I just
read very very slowly so I'm gonna make a recommendation for y'all you want to get more out of the Bible treat it more like a school zone and less like an interstate what do you mean slow down so some learning can take place stop being in such a hurry to get through the Bible and be more focused on letting the Bible get through to you so where's this in Genesis chapter one when God created man that's when he established the four levels of value here it is and God said let us make man in our
image so if God said let us make man in our image what had to exist before God said that the image the image existed first the image is God let's make man in our image and then God did what he said oh what's that that's communication God said let us make man in our image hmm But he didn't say let me make man in my image he said let us make man in our image by the way this is an aside but I'm going to say it anyway one reason a lot of people struggle is
because the words that come out of their mouth don't match the beliefs that are in their heart they're incongruent they're out of alignment some people don't do well because the words that come out of their mouth don't match the actions that come out of their hands they say well I'm going to do this and they never do it so I'll be there and they don't show up I'll be there at such and such a time and get there an hour later I wonder why you're frustrated you must become a person of your word because if
you don't you're creating a reputation for yourself that you are not a person of your word here's what it says about Christ remember I told you John chapter one in the beginning was the word the Word was God the word was with God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made what does it say in verse 14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as the glory of the only begotten of the Father the
word became flesh let me ask you a question does your word become your flesh the word became flesh into it among us huh isn't that interesting when your word becomes your flesh you can dwell among the people you gave your word to when your word doesn't become your flesh you have to hide from those very same people the word became flesh to dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as the glory of the only begotten of the father when your word becomes your flesh people behold your glory and then and only then can they
believe your story imagination communication unification implementation Genesis chapter 2 verse 7. and the Lord God formed it literally means squeezed the Lord God formed Man Out of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the Man became a living soul that's the implementation the last thing God did when he made man the only thing God did this with that he created was man he formed man from the dust of the ground that's the implementation now I believe but God gave us these four see I I often wondered why
is Genesis chapter 1 not just Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth why wasn't that the whole chapter why does he have to go into and the Earth became without form of void and darkness upon the face of the deep and God said let there be and the spirit of God moved upon face the water and God said nothing to be light and there was light and God separated light from the darkness why why are you going through all these details because God because God first wanted us
to know what his intention was which was to create the first thing God tells about himself is the creative the first thing he tells about us is he create us in our In His Image which means he created us to create stuff and he made us to make stuff and since he created Me In His Image to create stuff and he made me in this image to make stuff he went into detail so I could see the pattern of how he created what he created so I could know how I'm supposed to create what I
create that's what the details are about in Genesis chapter 1 verse Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2 God is showing me his process for creation I promise you if you change the words that come out of your mouth it'll change your life forever I'm going to end on this um there's a book called the hidden message the many the many hidden messages in water it's mind-blowing I don't know if any of you have ever read it mind-blowing and Dr Emoto just just one of the studies you can even Google Dr Emoto water studies he
took water from a water bottle put in a Petri dish sent water from the same bottle put another petri dish flash froze both of them but on one of the Petri dishes he wrote positive words on the other one he wrote negative words the one he wrote the positive words on turned it in these beautiful snowflake looking patterns the ones he wrote negative words one turned into these gnarly looking ugly matted up patterns here's the question I asked in my training the last two days as far as we know can water read no not as
far as we know as far as we know can water think well not as far as We Know hmm but yet the words written on a container of water affect the molecular structure of the water my body is 70 water my brain is 90 water and I can read I can hear and I can think how could I possibly go through life and be so deceived as this thing that words don't matter that's why I don't use profanity that's why I don't use negative talk I don't do negative jokes I don't negative negative negative most
people all most of stuff they do is negative the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism is programming you to be negative because it knows if it can make you negative it can make you broke and broke people are easier to control than people who are free so let's elevate let's use better words and let's use better words better a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth make sure the seeds that your mouth is planting are good seeds so when you eat you eat good fruit remember oh I was going to say remember to look
at the camera I did so thank you they give me these signs up here so I don't forget so like like our Channel subscribe to our Channel um comment thumbs up smash the notification Bell and any other YouTubey stuff that you know to do that I don't know to do do that to and we'll look forward by the grace of God to seeing you on next Wednesday by Friday
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