THE POWER OF GRATITUDE - Best Morning Motivational Video Speeches Compilation 2024

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THE POWER OF GRATITUDE! Listen to this in the morning and live a happier, healthier life! One of the...
Video Transcript:
[Music] I'm thankful to see another day no things aren't what I want them to be no I don't have all the things I want to have but I'm thankful that I'm still here I have another opportunity another day to live another chance to contribute another chance to make a difference in life it is ridiculously impossible to become a human being I am one I have other good things going for me as a human being and I'm just grateful you you're dwelling and looking at what you don't have versus looking at what you have you are
alive against stupendous odds you are breathing air observing sunsets gazing into the night sky most people who could exist will never experience that I need to constantly remind myself I'm not yet where I want to be but I know I'll get there I'm not where I want to be but I am grateful I am so grateful that I'm not where I used to be I find 10 things to be grateful for before my feet hit the ground 10 things and they can't cost money and especially if I'm feeling strained and stressed I go over my
gratitude say cuz gratitude will reduce stress all day long happiness only requires that you are grateful if you've got a billion dollars and three beautiful children that love you and a beautiful husband or wife but doesn't matter what you have if you're not grateful if you live in an emotional home habitual pace of worry or frustration your life's called worry and frustration perspective and once you see gratitude and opportunity life is fun you get to decide if you're going to dwell and play prevent defense or if you're going to see opportunity and be grateful and
go on offense I am not where I want to be but I am so grateful I am not where I used to be if you didn't make me you can't break me if you didn't make the sun come up you can't stop me if you didn't make the moon shine at night you can't stop me my purpose my will my dedication my motivation is all about doing the business because guess what ladies and gentlemen that's what I'm about I'm about that business I'm about that life you have to stay grateful you can't take things for
granted we have so much abundance in the world so much opportunity and too many people are crying about what they don't have instead of being so deeply grateful for what they have do all you can within your power and the power of others who love you to maximize what you can be what you can think what you can learn how you can love whatever it is that's what you've got use [Music] it truth why do we hear about rockstars and famous actors and these people that we see as sort of like the the absolute Apex
of success in the industry why are they all killing themselves and dying of alcoholism and like all that Darkness happening at the highest level it's like cuz that doesn't equal happiness like what is happiness for you your mind your emotions your body you have 100% control over what you do with these things and that's where the game is won you win the inner game then you win the outer game but a lot of people spent their life trying to win the outer game they won and they're miserable you look at your life as you look
into the future and say what fears am I holding on to what fears that I'm allowing to imprison me that's keeping me from breaking out that's keeping me from living up to my true potential that's keeping me from really being happy that's keeping me from having a sense of adventure and excitement in my life what's what's keeping me from controlling my destiny but fears that I'm giving that permission to notice what I said that we must give our permission to fear to immobilize us because whatever discomfort you experience whatever challenges or difficulty that it is
you got to handle it got to go up in there and wrestle with it will it be easy no will it be challenging yes see myself see myself myself confronting my fears confronting my fears handling my fears handling my fears I'm more than able where have you been up to this point you look at your life you look at what you produced is it giving you what you want are you living on purpose are you living your dream are you acting on your ideas are you doing all you can do have you gotten comfortable are
you procrastinating are you invading your own greatness are you surrounding yourself with people that can en nourish you are you challenging yourself are you experimenting are you learning something different is your life an adventure or is it boring Where Have You Been when you're pursuing your greatness you live from a place of the willingness to live life courageously to be willing to take chances to become a risk take her to make impact to go beyond believing to knowing to lean not unto your own understanding to feel within yourself there's some cause there something that's bigger
than me but I'm never alone in facing this see we don't have the courage and that's what it takes courage it takes guts to do that which you know you need to do if you don't have the courage to act life many times will move on you and make you out life will whoop your butt so bad you will be so miserable you will catch so much hell you say yes I will do it what do you want me to do take me you got some idea some dream that you might have to go back
and brush it off and look look at it again and say I've got to do this this is my stuff this is what I'm supposed to do this is why I showed [Music] up where are you going with your life what decisions are you making right now as you look into the future it's necessary that you get outside of your comfort zone it's necessary that you develop some new relationships where you can learn from people it's necessary that you do reading that you do research it's necessary if you're already involved in some business that you
don't be satisfied with where you are if you want to make it a day it's necessary for you to constantly look at ways of getting better not only is it possible for you to have your dream and it's necessary for you to challenge yourself to go after and get better and leverage relationships that can help you get to where you want to go but it's you the major key to your reaching your dream you're living up to your greatness you're making your contribution is you Good Times create weak people weak people create bad times bad
times create strong people strong people create good times my whole thing is leaders anticipate losers react if you can anticipate what's coming you can really take advantage if you wait till it hits you you're in trouble the biggest problem people have they think they're not supposed to have any problems are the fuel for growth it's like if you don't have any problems you're either a liar or you might call them challenges it feels better I understand that anybody doesn't have problems he's either totally asleep with the wheel or they don't have much of any kind
of a life but then there's fulfillment and fulfillment is living What You're Made for is a lack of confidence no it's a lack of mission I like winning I like being the best at what I do so I'm not going to settle for less than that why would I Michael Jordan making a thousand shots before you take a break so you look at Jordan or you look at you know LeBron or you look at anybody who's the best in the world of what they do and you go aren't they lucky but if you actually study
them you'll see they're doing things they're practicing in private things that make them certain in public and they get rewarded for what they do in public yeah and you got got to do the same when you just know you're going to mess up it's not going to be perfect you're going to get forget that line that you really wanted to say but just put all the energy on the audience everything starts to change if you stay ready you don't have to get ready it's a shift in your identity every single day six days a week
what matters a few subjects your body cuz your energy matters that energy is low everything I just said is worthless to you cuz when you're low energy you don't don't use your full intelligence or ability you need emotion if you don't know how to master your emotion emotions start wars emotion creates peace emotion gets your children emotion is what can make that business work or fail and most people don't know how to direct their own emotions let me be conscious about feeding my brain things are going to give me not only inspiration but insight and
skill and tools 68% of the fortune 1000 were started in either in a recession or a depression well the first skill you got to master to be great is the ability to recognize patterns when Humanity recognize the pattern of the seasons the whole world change cuz we went from hunter gatherers trying to survive from place to place where we're exposed to everything to wait a second if we plant in the springtime we protect in the summer we reap in the fall and then we hang on to some of that so we can live through the
winter that created communities for the first time and then eventually cities and states and countries so that changed the world what will change a person's life is when you realize there's also a set of seasons in your own [Music] life and so think of it this way 0 to 21 is Springtime things are easy to grow in springtime you don't have to do that much growing as a kid happens naturally but overall life is supporting you it's sending you teaching you sharing with you now when you get from you know 21 to 41 or 22
to 42 whatever range you want to talk about you now are in the real world and now you go test what you learned in your Springtime so you start to learn test figure out what's real and it's an important stage of life 42 43 to 62 63 is the power of your life if you worked hard in the spring and the summer and you put yourself out there and you planted it's a reaping time it's a time when you really become a leader and then if you're lucky you go from 63 to 83 and maybe
83 to 103 and you have an extended final season of your life where you get to be the mentor you get to share you get to make a difference and maybe towards the end of your life people look out for you again if you looked out for everybody else that's kind of the cycle of Life what if you're born in 1910 World War I ends the world looks like it's a great place new technology cars radio and then what happens an explosion of abundance The Roaring 20s and so you're a kid you're 14 15 years
old and you're like I can't wait to get a car to go but what happened when that person hit the next stage of Life 19 20 21 years old as they came of age it's 1929 and suddenly people are jumping out of buildings total depression Dust Bowl nobody's got jobs it looks horrific and it was horrific but then did they get a break no when they turned 29 it's 1939 it looked like the whole world was getting in Hitler was sweeping across Europe bombing London it literally looked like the world as we know was over
this is what gives me great optimism for everyone watching here winter's not forever no pandemic lives forever everything changes and everything ends and the good news about winter is it's always followed by Springtime what follows the night the daytime what a cool way to set it up if you were God or the universe the first thing I do every single morning is I go and freeze in cold water and when you jump in it never feels good to go in but getting out you feel incredible but I I do it for a different reason I
do it to train my brain to say when I say now it means now when I say go we go I don't stand there cuz it's cold and go maybe in a minute when I'm ready but I always do it cuz I've trained my brain this is how we work and if you train your brain to do that every single day then it'll to do it on the more difficult and important things in life but the essence of it is I change my body radically and I do three things to make sure that my brain
is primed and what I mean by primed is most people think their thoughts are their thoughts leis and you and I know better most people just don't understand that you are being primed all the time and unless you prime yourself you're going to be primed by the environment so I want to take control of my brain so I do three quick things one I take three minutes of those 10 minutes after I've changed my body and I focus on three different events in my life that I'm grateful for I usually pick two big ones and
one small one it could be as simple as a smile on my daughter's face and it changes your biochemistry then real fast I do this three minute process that's kind of like a blessing and then three minutes the last three minutes are called three to thrive where I focus on three things I want to accomplish but instead of thinking I want to accomplished I see feel and experience it is done I feel grateful I celebrate it and it trains your brain so in 10 minutes I'm done third thing that I'll do I immediately send a
message or a text or an audio message to somebody as a sincere compliment and I don't go dude great job or wow you're cool I say Hey listen I saw you on Tuesday with those kids and I saw you take that extra 20 minutes no one else did I just want you to know I saw that I thought that was incredible so I'm always very specific so they know it's not just some positive thinking call it's sincerely doing it it makes me constantly look for the good and the people I work with fourth thing I
do is whatever I don't want to do the most challenging part of the day what's a story we all love it's the comeback story it's the comeback it's the rocky it's that music where all of a sudden you step back up and you take control and rock Good Times create weak people weak people create bad times bad times create strong people strong people create Good [Music] Times the fact that you're still alive and still on this Earth even though it's been challenging and rough and sometime you get discouraged and uninspired to keep going God has
a plan you will grow through what you go through don't be sad be grateful don't dwell do don't complain create we got this as long as there's breath in my lungs There's Hope in our hearts and giving up is not an option you and I and we no matter what your unique situation your storm your struggle your trauma your abuse your wounds your scars no matter what they are you are not a product of your past you are not a product of your environment or your current unique situation but you are always a product of
how do we navigate through our storm and so we're all waiting for perfect it's an illusion that will never come to you and it's an excuse to never show up and play your story is not meant to be your Fortress your story is meant to be your fuel you cannot win the war against the world if you can't win the war against your own mind that dream is not going to wait and say take a [Music] breather it's going to say come catch me Catch Me If You Can you got to block out all of
the noise around you that's going to tell you you can't do it just believe that you can tell yourself I am more than my circumstances I am more than my demons I am great and I will give my gift to the word because this is what I was born to do go get it son go get it be sweet go get it be sweet go get it be sweet go get it be sweet go get it son if you're going to see it if you're going to see breakthrough then you are going to have to
be okay with the process that is required the one thing you need to do to go where you've never gone before to have what you never had before is to change the way you think you're at the edge watching someone else live wondering what it's going to be like when you jump without ever jumping and I'm just is here to tell you jump believe that you can believe it's possible for you to have it don't lay on your back anything that comes your way you got to be prepared to accept the challenge and go through
it and stop thinking about the negative stop talking about the negative ask yourself what would amazing look like for you as long as that heart is pumping blood you're not dead yet they haven't put rose pedals on your box yet make sure Every Breath You Take counts for something continue to pursue purpose and we all got a purpose every one of you in this room were born to not just exist but to experience life every one of you in this room you were born to leave your fingerprints on history if you're struggling if you're frustrated
with yourself if you're at that point where you're so sick of yourself and your excuses I've been there Steven's been there this is a normal part of the human experience and at some point either the pain is going to get big enough or you're going to bump into somebody's story somewhere on this planet who has been in the position that you're in right now facing the stuff that you're facing right now and there is something about their story at this exact moment in time that will ignite something in you that is missing and what is
missing in you right now is Hope because when you're stuck and when you are on a downroad spiral whether it's just in your own head or it's in self-destructive Behavior the thing that's missing in your life is hope you don't believe right now that anything is going to make a difference what if this is the time sobriety sticks what if I go to therapy and I actually do change the way that I think what if I could recover from this narcissistic abuse that I've you know been kind of struggling with after that relationship or that
marriage what if I could get out of Deb if that person did it maybe I could do it and without either hope or that kind of rock bottom moment I don't think you're going to change scratch is what makes you better scratch friction obstacles create growth there's no friction when you're this far up in the game anymore you think there is the real that's right when you cheese so much the friction is is is minor cuz why I'm sore I'm going to get a massage today I'm hungry I'm going to eat today the refrigerator is
always full so your Comforts are now so your discomfort is now very minuscule to your discomfort back here in the $7 month place so you have to go back to the total discomfort to then raise your level of where you're at now I'm not saying stay there and stay there visit visit it and then you raise your level you you begin to realize that your dream and your gifts have so much meaning and so much value for you till your hunger for them will begin to push you past the fear your hunger to have them
will give you a special drive as you work on yourself as you begin to acknowledge your true identity the true power that you have the true capacity you have to bring about change the miracle working power that you have within yourself to do the things that you want to do and once we learned make choices that will measurably pay us back give us more residuals for longer term for a longer time in life we start to fall into that wise place of being able to navigate The Art of Living where life becomes a little bit
more of a dance you're sitting on the edge of the bed trying to have an honest dialogue with yourself and the little voice says you know it's pretty disgusting in here and you think well I'm way above Such trivial niceties as organizing my room it's like well that's Pride that's arrogance if you're above organizing what's actually yours how in the world are you ever going to organize anything else and so you get on your knees and you think well it's time to you know take a brush to the toilet and maybe that's where you start
and so and that works like that works you start making those micro improvements like real micro improvements real on the ground actual micro improvements to things you know that are wrong you'll improve unbelievably rapidly if you don't have hope and you don't have this breakthrough where you have for just a millisecond this Insight where you go well what if things did work out if you don't have that moment most people stay so stuck in resignation there are um so many people that are not aware of how much better and how much more present and how
much more joy they could experience in their life see when you are not filling your life with the things that you are capable of doing see we all have some stuff that we've been given and I don't think that it's optional for us to sit on what we have see if you're sitting on what you have what you've been given and I think everybody's been given something to bring to the planet that only you can do that only you can perform that only you can initiate that activity and if you don't do that if you're
not filling in your life with your life work or your mission then there are gaps in your life and what we do when we're not living out our true identity we begin to fill the gaps we fill the holes with garbage success is getting what you want fulfillment is living What You're Made for This is Drews we're talking about we're talking about dreams can you train your brain to appreciate cuz in the middle of whatever you're pissed off about or frustrated or fearful about or worried about you're deleting all the things you could be grateful
for you could appreciate that are absolutely real be your own motivator and you build yourself up and that's the problem with the mind you know I want your listeners or viewers to really think about this you do not experience life you experience the life you focus on that's it in order to achieve greatness you must first believe you can what's the biggest challenge that most of these individuals have what's the common challenge believe they don't believe man you know it's it's um it's all mental and people don't get it everybody wants to say okay well
here go 10 steps to okay Louis said do eight ET said do nine you know this person says this 12 steps and everybody trying to get the steps without the mentality you got this I believe in you when somebody says no matter what happens whether it succeeds or fails I'm going to be by your side that's when I have the confidence to do difficult things wow so it's the people in my life you should recognize the potential in yourself and love yourself enough to make the changes that produce the best possible version of yourself or
how do you overcome self-doubt how do you overcome self-doubt help someone else overcome self-doubt love I love that you overcome self-doubt by helping like and it's not a selfish thing I'm only helping you so I can you have to genuinely love and commit to the person so it's not the car the house the whatever it is that internal goal that internal why and so for me I just think that's it like that like you ah it just it's something within it you got to pull it out and so it's easy when you have a why
a purpose I'm doing it for this I'm doing it for that it's easy to get up and get going but if it's just for a car what happens L when you get the car cuz you can buy buy it what happens when you get the house and you can buy the house the only reason you're not the best right now is because you don't believe you're the best now you can learn all the techniques in the world if you don't believe in yourself it won't happen for you you have got to stand up to that
voice you've got to sell yourself every day on your abilities on what you're doing on the goal that you want to reach you've got to sell yourself every day every day every day according to your level of belief it will manifest itself in what you're doing whatever we have right now whatever we're demonstrating in our lives is a result of what we believe subconsciously that we deserve and part of increasing that belief level is that you have got to convince yourself every [Music] day I believe I'm the best there I ain't apologizing for it to
anybody I I think I'm the best things in sliced bread if you can't do it you scratch claw and even die [Music] trying [Music] [Music]
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