4 Scary TRUE Home Invasion Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
Use NIGHTMAREVIDS to get 55% off your first month at Scentbird https://sbird.co/3MlDvn2 or through m...
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this video is sponsored by sent bird the only monthly cologne and perfume subscription service out there that I trust I been using scent bird for the better part of a year and finding new cologn has never been more convenient through sent bird I found all of my favorite fragrances and I've never gotten as many compliments on my clones as I did this past year CER carries all the top fragrance brands with over 600 perfumes and colognes and a lot of unicy options and it delivers them right to your door for just $17 a month with each fragrance you'll get a 30-day Supply so you can try out fragrances before committing to a full-size bottle some of the scents I received this month are African Roy bows by Chris Collins and the hedonist by X Neo each bottle comes with a card which explains what the fragrance smells like so African Roy BOS has a scent that mixes the Aromas of cardamom tonka bean orus butter black pepper and royos tea Accord the scent is rated by users has a warm attractive scent perfect for date nights to help you pick a scent for you you can also go on their website and take their quiz which will tell you which scent is the best fragrance for you based on your lifestyle the quiz takes less than a minute and gives you personalized results based on what you're looking for if you're interested scan my QR code and use nightmare vids to get 55% off your first month at sentur very few people people experience something so traumatizing at a young age that it sticks with them forever I'm one of those people I was maybe 7 or 8 years old my older brother and I grew up in a broken household our mom raised us our dad was a dead bead and disappeared out of our lives our mom worked two jobs to provide for us she'd sometimes have to work night shifts and would usually have our grandma stay at the house on nights that she had to work my brother Austin is 2 years younger than me we work fortunate enough to have our own bedrooms given the circumstances we lived in a small house but for the three of us and on our mom's dime alone it wasn't terrible the area in which we lived wasn't amazing though it was a night like any other I can't remember if it was a school night or if it was a weekend I don't remember any tiny details like that but what I do remember is I was in the living room with my grandma she was watching TV and I was playing with Legos on my Lego table I was being loud and making a mess with them because I remember my grandma kept saying Alex quiet down Austin was already in bed my bedtime was 9:30 given that it was probably approaching that time I'm guessing this was a weekend night otherwise my bedtime would have been earlier the layout of the house was simple living room dining room and kitchen are all connected and then there was a hallway which led to the bathroom and three bedrooms our mom's bedroom was at the end of the hall mine was in the middle our grandma would sleep in our mom's bed when she'd stay over to watch us eventually I had to go to sleep my grandma would always go to sleep early too so right after saying good night to me she would go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and stuff before going to sleep as well I was never one to be afraid of the dark or anything my mom says I used to be a really Brave child but that night I woke up in the middle of the night something unusual for me because I remember myself being a very heavy sleeper I heard something outside in the hallway creeks in the floor the wood floors in that house were always very creaky anytime someone walked down the hall you'd hear it I thought my grandma was going to the bathroom however the creaking didn't stop it sounded like The Creeks were moving back and forth I got out of bed and went to the door to listen now I heard Whispering I was more confused than anything I thought my grandma was talking to Austin I opened the door and looked into the hallway and what I saw still haunts me there was a tall naked skinny woman leaning on the wall with her head between her arms she was whispering stuff to herself and then like a deer in headlights her head whipped around to look at me I screamed for my grandma like a little girl and slammed my door shut there were pounds on my door and the woman on the other side was screaming a name Jeremy Jeremy open the door I kept screaming as loud as I could for my grandma and I heard her scream in the hallway would I I distinctly remember was my grandma screaming get the [ __ ] out of here the woman screamed where is Jeremy my grandma was in her mid-60s at the time and she was still pretty quick she yelled at me to keep my door locked and she managed to fend off this crazy woman as she also called the police at the same time I don't know how she did it but my grandma was one tough woman the woman left the house screaming Jeremy and after locking the door my grandma came to hug both me and Austin who was awake and also crying from the commotion we all sat huddled together until the police came by that time my grandma told us to just go back to sleep this simply was a matter of my grandma not locking one of the doors mixed with living in an already shady area that woman had to be on crack or something seeing what I saw at such a young age did a number on me I couldn't sleep alone for a long time it was this incident that really resulted in us moving out of that house not long after [Music] let me give you some context before the Story begins when I was 19 years old I lived a pretty normal life I had just finished high school the year before the story takes place I had always been one for horror anything whether it was movies games jump scares you name it and I loved it I never seemed to be afraid of anything and I loved that it allowed me to go and do things that made me appear tougher to girls who I was interested in at the time or who were interested in me I thought of it almost like a superpower my friend had always talked about this REM induced real life nightmare called sleep paralysis I however had never experienced such a thing my friend Megan suffered from extreme lucid dreaming she explained to me several times about how certain stimulators or outside factors could play into her dreams and mold them into what could potentially be a Heavenly experience full of fun and wonder or could just as easily turn into a bone chilling nightmare Straight Out of Hell being the light sleeper I am I saw no chance of it occurring so I kind of just let it go right over my head one night Megan texted me and asked me to come over as she had just suffered another so-called evil experience due to her sleep condition when I arrived I found her asleep again seemingly peacefully I took a seat on her stool that she had for her makeup dresser right by the the window and started playing a game on my phone 30 minutes or so went by and I figured she was peacefully asleep and it would probably be okay for me to leave as long as I let her know that I stopped by as she requested but suddenly Megan awoke and started screaming this was a different kind of scream though a type of scream I had never heard before especially from her it was almost mumbled I don't know how else to describe it her eyes bulged open and I ran over to her side I asked her if she was having a bad dream she started shaking I grabbed a hold of her to try to calm her down but the Tremors grew I asked her what was going on but no response I figured this was just another one of her so-called sleep paralysis episodes I did my best to comfort her after about 30 or so seconds went by she regained full control of her body I made sure she was okay and I left back from my house as it was almost 1:00 in the morning right as I got home I received a very panicked text reading the hallucinations won't stop I asked her to clarify what she meant but no response after about 30 minutes went by I took it upon myself to head back over to her place when I arrived I noticed the illumination of red and blue covering her front porch and the surrounding road signs I ran up to her house desperately trying to find out what happened as I approached the house I noticed Megan was speaking with one of the officers on the scene when I went up to talk to her Megan and the officer walked me over to a more secluded area what I found out still sends chills up my spine to this day apparently when I had went over to Megan's that night she wasn't asleep at all she was pretending to be evidently right behind me was a tall skinny homeless man hiding in her closet the police had also found a very large kitchen knife on him as well the theory to this day is Megan thought she was having an episode when in real real ity this very real man was quietly creeping towards her in her bedroom supposedly when I had entered her house it was enough to Spook the man into hiding and my presence was enough to keep him hidden this gave Megan the time to call 911 and Report the situation which in turn resulted in the police arriving almost immediately after I had left thankfully the man was taken into custody rather quickly to this day I don't know what to think about that night other than I could have very easily saved her life simply by keeping her company during what I thought was a very stressful situation which in turn could have resulted in some very scary and heinous acts that would have taken place if I had been there any later I hope I never experienced such a thing that would be what finally trips my Fear Factor without a [Music] doubt around 10 years ago I moved out of my mom's house into my first apartment in the city of Chicago the place was a nice three-bedroom apartment on the south side of the city in a friendly neighborhood by the University of Illinois I lived with two roommates Tom and Mike Mike was a good friend of mine while Tom was a good friend of Mike's who I had not met prior although we ended up getting along just fine one night about a month after moving in I met up with a few friends of mine for drinks at a bar more in the center of the city around 10 minutes from my place it was a good time and I ended up getting slight slightly drunk before getting into a cab at 1:00 a. m. and heading home upon walking into my apartment I noticed that Tom's door was open showing that he was staying at his girlfriend's place while Mike's door was closed with the light from his TV shining underneath the crack I'd made my way to my bedroom and put on my own TV before lying down to prepare for sleep after around 10 minutes I heard my doorbell ring half asleep I woke up confused as it was 1:30 in the morning so I ignored it a few seconds later the doorbell rang again and then again a few seconds after that it's important to mention that my roommate Mike had a good amount of s cash by dealing weed to a few people he was also a huge Stoner himself so the idea that he fell asleep while waiting for a late night customer to come over was not out of the realm of possibility with this in mind I went over to my intercom and asked who was there a girl's voice answered back it's Emma I'm here to see Mike thinking that my suspicions had been confirmed I exited out of my front door and headed down the stairs the door to the outside of our apartment building was made of tall glass so you could easily identify any potential visitors here I saw an attractive college age blonde girl with glasses waiting patiently outside I had never seen this person before however she appeared to be non-threatening and besides having random customers over to grab weed Mike would also have some random girls over to hook up with from time to time because of this I let let my guard down slightly and crack the door open the girl then repeated what she had said moments earlier over the intercom hi I'm here to see Mike I replied okay he's here just follow me up and I held the door open for her she grabbed the handle and I turned around to head back up the stairs as I was walking back up I quickly noticed that this Emma girl was not following me up I glanced over my shoulder and saw that she was still standing outside holding the door open only now she was staring off to her right almost as if waiting for someone at this moment a tidal wave of fear crashed over me as I realized something horrible was more than likely about to happen I continued walking up to my place quicker now after turning the corner of the stairs I heard the door swing open and then heavy footsteps running up the stairs behind me I looked over my shoulder again and what I saw shook me to my core a tall gangly man with sunken an eyes greasy long- hair down to his shoulders was running up the stairs straight at me he was wearing a sleeveless black T-shirt and apart from the cheap looking tribal tattoos I saw creeping up his arms I noticed he was also holding what looked like a lead pipe in his right hand at this moment my body shot full of adrenaline as I turned around and raced back up the stairs and it's my I stood facing the now closed door paralyzed as the man hit the door three more times while shouting obscenities at me he eventually gave up and ran down the stairs and out the front instead of going down to let her in himself Mike buzzed her up after just hearing her name with his train of thought being him thinking that she was a friend of mine when she reached the door to our unit he opened it and let her in he said it seemed like she was confused mentioning that she was looking for someone named Tim Mike responded by saying his own name that no one named Tim lived here he mentioned she stayed near the entrance of the unit and kept reaching behind her to make sure the door stayed open before leaving only a few moments later after hearing this my theory is that these same people came earlier in the day and not expecting to have someone just let them up through the buzzer the girl made the mistake of forgetting to keep the door to the building open rendering the attacker unable to enter during this first attempt either way we both got extremely lucky that night we did call the police who arrived and asked for more information about what happened they asked if there was anyone we knew who might want to do us harm and we answered no which was the truth as this seemed to be a completely random attack the cops left soon after saying that there was nothing much they could do we never saw that Emma girl or her scumbag partner [Music] again this story happened to me 4 years ago when I was in my mid 20s this whole experience will probably scar me for life and it's still vividly imprinted in my mind the day was the 15th of June and I had the house to myself because my parents were on a two-e vacation in France it was sometime after dusk probably around 8:00 p.
m. and the weather was scorchingly hot believe me when I say I was sweating my ass off with just my tank top and shorts on the heat was so unbearable that I allowed in some fresh air opening all the living room and bedroom windows planning on closing them right before hitting the hay now before fast forwarding I must mention that I was feeling extremely exhausted on that same day I had taken three exams in the morning and played a volleyball match in the afternoon thus once I ate my dinner while browsing social media in my room I collapsed into bed without even realizing I woke up at around 3:00 a. m.
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