God Says ➨ Skip If You Choose Hell | God Message Today For You |God message | God Tells

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God Tells You
God Says ➨ Skip If You Choose Hell | God Message Today For You |God message | God Tells God Says ➨I...
Video Transcript:
my beloved child I am Jesus Christ your lord and savior speak to you today with a message of Hope comfort and profound Joy listen closely for I wish to share with you a truth that will uplift your spirits and strengthen your faith in times of both trial and Triumph there will come a time when your tears will fall not because of problems but because God has answered your prayers let these words sink deep into your hearts for they contain a promise of transformation and fulfillment that awaits each one of you who places their trust in
me and in our heavenly father I know the struggles you face in this world I have walked among you felt your pain and experienced the depths of human suffering yet I also know the incomparable joy and peace that comes from complete surrender to God's Will and the Miracle of answered prayer my children understand that your Journey of Faith is not meant to be one of constant sorrow or hardship while it is true that in this world you will have troubles I have overcome the world and through me you too shall overcome the tears you shed
today in the face of challenges and uncertainties will one day be replaced by Tears of overwhelming gratitude and awe consider the nature of Tears they can express a myriad of emotions sorrow frustration anger and pain but tears can also be a manifestation of Joy so profound that it cannot be contained within your mortal frame it is these tears tears of joy of relief of Wonder at God's goodness that I speak of now when you bring your petitions before the throne of grace when you cry out to our father in your times of need know that
he hears you every prayer every whispered plea every unspoken longing of your heart reaches his ears and in his perfect timing and wisdom he will answer there are times when his answer may not come in the way you expect or hope for in those moments trust in his infinite wisdom and love for you for I assure you his plans for you are good plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope in a future but there will come a day my beloved when you will witness the fruition of your faithful
prayers you will see the hand of God move in your life in ways so magnificent so perfectly aligned with the deepest desires of your heart that you will be moved to tears these will not be tears of sorrow or frustration but tears of pure unadulterated Joy imagine the moment when you realize that the mountain you've been praying to move has indeed been cast into the sea picture the instant when the healing you've long sought manifests in your body Envision the the day when the prodigal you've ceaselessly prayed for returns home in these moments and countless
others like them you will experience a euphoria that transcends human understanding your tears in these moments will be precious to me and to our father they will be a testament to your faith a celebration of his faithfulness and a witness to the world of the living active power of prayer these tears will water the seeds of faith in your own heart and in the hearts of those around you my children I want you to anticipate these moments with hope and excitement let the promise of answered prayer fuel your persistence in seeking the face of God
do not grow weary in your supplications for in due season you will reap if you do not lose heart remember the persistent Widow in the parable I shared during my Earthly Ministry she did not give up in Seeking Justice and her persistence paid off how much more will your heavenly father who loves you with an everlasting love respond to your faithful persistent prayers When you pray pray with confidence approach the throne of grace boldly knowing that you are heard that you are loved and that your prayers are powerful and effective James my servant wrote that
the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective you my beloved have been made righteous Through My Sacrifice your prayers have power beyond what you can imagine if you want God's grace always upon you then please consider to support our ministry by clicking thanks Button as you wait for the manifestation of answered prayer cultivate a heart of gratitude thank Our Father for his goodness even before you see the results your gratitude is an expression of faith a declaration that you trust in his promises and his character and when that day comes the day when
your tears fall because God has answered your prayers let your joy be complete do not hold back your emotions or try to contain your excitement let your tears flow freely as a testimony to God's faithfulness and as an encouragement to others who may still be waiting for their breakthrough These Tears of Joy will be a balm to your soul washing away the remnants of Doubt fear and pain that may have accumulated during your season of waiting they will refresh you renew your strength and ignite in you a passion to continue seeking the face of God
with even greater fervor moreover your tears of joy will be a powerful witness to the world around you in a world that often questions the existence and goodness of God you're visible tangible Joy will be a Beacon of Hope it will draw others to inquire about the source of your joy opening doors for you to share the good news of my love and salvation my children I want you to understand that this promise the promise of Tears of Joy from answered prayer is not reserved for a select few it is available to all who believe
in me and approach our father with sincere Hearts whether you are young or old rich or poor whether you have walked with me for decades or are just beginning your Journey of Faith This Promise is for you however I'm must also remind you that the journey to this moment of Joyful tears may not always be easy there may be times when your faith is tested when the answer seems delayed when doubts assail your mind in these moments hold fast to my words remember my promises lean on the support of your brothers and sisters in faith
draw strength from the testimonies of those who have gone before you and witnessed the miraculous power of answered prayer do not be dis discouraged if your first tears are those of frustration or sorrow these tears too are precious to me I collect every tear you shed and I am near to the Brokenhearted pour out your heart to our father knowing that he understands your pain and longs to comfort you these tears of Sorrow are often the seeds from which Joy will eventually spring as you persist in prayer allow my spirit to work in your heart
let him align your desires with the will of our father father for when your heart beats in sync with his when your prayers Echo his purposes for your life and for the world you will see answers that far exceed your expectations remember my beloved that prayer is not merely about receiving what you want it is about developing a deep intimate relationship with our father it is about aligning your will with his about growing in faith and character about becoming more like me with each passing day as you mature in your prayer life you will find
that sometimes the greatest answer to prayer is the transformation that occurs within you the tears of joy you will Shed from answered prayer are not just about the specific request being granted they are a response to the overwhelming realization of God's love for you his attention to the details of your life his perfect timing and His Infinite Wisdom these tears are an acknowledgement of his sovereignty and a surrender to his will I want you to look forward to these moments with anticipation but also with patience do not try to manufacture these experiences or Force emotions
that are not genuine true Tears of Joy from answered prayer come spontaneously often when you least expect them they catch you by surprise overwhelm you with their intensity and leave you in awe of God's goodness feel free to share this video with up to three people if you feel the need for God's presence let others too bask in the Divine Light of our heavenly father when these moments come Savor them let them wash over you like a refreshing rain after a long drought let them renew your faith strengthen your resolve and deepen your love for
our father these experiences are meant to be touchstones in your spiritual journey moments you can look back on in times of Doubt or difficulty to remind yourself of God's faithfulness moreover I urge you to share these experiences with others testify to the goodness of God let your tears of joy become Seeds of Hope in the lives of those around you your testimony of answered prayer may be the very thing that encourages another believer to persist in their own prayers or that opens the heart of an unbeliever to the reality of God's love my children as
you walk this path of faith and prayer remember that I am always with you I intercede for you before the Throne of our father I know your heart's desires and I long to see you experience the fullness of joy that comes from a life lived in Intimate communion with God do not be afraid to dream big and pray boldly our father is able to do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine your prayers offered in faith can move mountains change circumstances heal bodies restore relationships and transform lives believe in the power of prayer for
it is one of the greatest gifts I have given you as you pray remember also to listen prayer is not a monologue but a dialogue take time to quiet your heart and listen for the gentle Whisper of my spirit sometimes the answer to your prayer may come in the form of A New Perspective a Word of Wisdom or a deep sense of peace be open to receiving these answers for they are just as valuable as the more visible tangible responses to prayer my beloved I want you to understand that the promise of Tears of Joy
from answered prayer is not just about individual blessings it is also about seeing my kingdom come and my will be done on Earth as it is in heaven pray not only for your own needs but for the needs of others pray for the advancement of the gospel for the healing of for justice to Prevail for the loss to be found when you see these prayers answered when you witness revivals healings reconciliations and Transformations your tears of joy will flow even more abundantly remember the tears I shed during my time on Earth I wept at the
tomb of Lazarus moved by the sorrow of those I loved I wept over Jerusalem longing for its people to recognize the time time of God's coming to them these tears were expressions of my deep love and compassion in the same way your tears both of sorrow and of Joy are precious to me they reflect the depth of your love the sincerity of your faith and the authenticity of your relationship with our father as you continue in your Journey of Faith and prayer be prepared for seasons of waiting not all prayers are answered immediately and this
too is part of God's perfect plan in these seasons of waiting draw near to me seek my face allow me to minister to your heart and to prepare you for the answer that is to come often it is in these waiting periods that the greatest growth occurs as your faith is stretched and your character is refined when the answer finally comes and your tears of joy begin to flow you will understand the purpose behind the waiting you will see how Our Father used that time to work all things together for your good to bring about
a result far more wonderful than what you initially imagined your tears of joy will be all the sweeter for the waiting all the more precious for the journey that led to that moment my children I want you to live in constant expectation of these moments of divine intersection these instances where Heaven touches Earth where the supernatural breaks into the natural where the impossible becomes possible through the power of prayer let this expectation fuel your faith and Inspire your prayers do not limit god with small thinking or timid prayers he is the creator of the universe
the Alpha and the Omega the one who holds all things together by the power of His word when you pray remember who you are praying to approach him with reverence but also with the confidence of a beloved child coming to a loving father type Amen in the comments and don't forget to share this message with up to three people so that God can help you as you experience these moments of answered prayer and shed tears of joy let them be a reminder of the Greater Joy that awaits you in Eternity for if these Earthly answers
to prayer can move you to tears how much more will you be overcome when you see me face to face when you experience the fullness of God's presence when all your deepest longings are finally and completely fulfilled my beloved the tears of Joy you will Shed from answered prayer are a foretaste of the Eternal joy that awaits you they are a reminder that you are deeply loved that you are heard that you are valued beyond measure by the king of kings and Lord of lords so pray my children pray without ceasing pray with faith with
persistence with expectation pray in my name aligning your requests with my will and character pray with Clean Hands and a pure heart allowing my spirit to guide your petitions and when that moment comes when you see the unmistakable hand of God move in response to your prayers let your tears flow freely let your joy be uncontained let your praise rise to heaven for in that moment you will experience a taste of Heaven on Earth a glimpse of the glory that is to come remembering there will come a time when your tears will fall not because
of problems but because God has answered your prayers look forward to these moments cherish them when they come and let them strengthen your faith for the journey ahead I am with you always my beloved children I hear your prayers I see your tears and I long to bring you into the fullness of joy that comes from a life lived in Intimate communion with our father trust in his timing believe in his goodness and never stop praying for the day is coming when your tears of Sorrow will be transformed into tears of joy and your mour
will be turned into dancing hold fast to this promise though my children Let It Be an anchor for your soul in times of trouble a Beacon of Hope in moments of doubt and a Wellspring of joy in seasons of blessing for I Jesus Christ your lord and savior have given you this assurance there will come a time when your tears will fall not because of problems but because God God has answered your prayers go forth now with renewed faith and fervent prayer knowing that our father in Heaven hears you loves you and is working all
things together for your good may your lives be a testament to the power of prayer and the faithfulness of God and may your tears of joy Inspire others to seek the face of God with all their hearts remember my beloved that every tear you shed is precious to me whether they are tears of sorrow or joy I collect them all they are a reflection of your heart your faith and your love for me and for our father so do not be afraid to let your emotions show to be vulnerable before God and before others your
authenticity in both sorrow and joy is a powerful witness to the reality of your relationship with me as you go through life facing its challenges and celebrating its Joys keep your hearts open to the movement of my spirit be sensitive to the ways in which God is answering your prayers for sometimes the answers come in unexpected forms a prayer for strength might be answered through a trial that builds your endurance a prayer for love might be answered through an opportunity to serve others A Prayer for Wisdom might be answered through a difficult decision you must
make in all these things look for the hand of God at work recognize his answers even when they don't look exactly as you imagined and when you see his faithfulness his wisdom his perfect love displayed in the answers to your prayers let your tears of joy flow freely these tears are a beautiful offering of Praise a testimony to his goodness and a witness to the world of the living active powerful God we serve if you believe that God will help you please subscribe to the channel my children I leave you with this encouragement pray boldly
pray persistently pray with faith and prepare your hearts for the day when your tears will fall not because of problems but because God has answered your prayers that day is coming and it will be more glorious than you can imagine I Am With You Always even to the End of the Age my love for you is unchanging my grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in your weakness trust in me abide in me and watch as I transform your tears of Sorrow into tears of joy through the mighty power of answered
prayer amen
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