What happened BEFORE Creation according to the Bible?

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What existed before Genesis? Before the familiar biblical creation narrative, many ancient myths and...
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hey let's dive straight into the big question what was there before Genesis before the Bible even begins to explain creation for centuries we've been handed this idea that before the let there be light moment there was absolutely nothing no space no time just emptiness but is that really what happened I'm not so sure now here's where it gets interesting if you look beyond the Bible into ancient myths and even ban texts you'll find something shocking the idea that this so-called nothingness wasn't really nothing at all think about the inuma Elish one of the oldest creation
stories from ancient Babylon in it before anything was created there were two primordial Gods absu the god of fresh water and Tiamat the goddess of salt water their chaotic mix was the origin of everything so before creation there wasn't a peaceful void there was chaos raw Untamed energy swirling in the dark waiting for something or someone to shape it let's bring in the Bible now in Genesis 1:2 we hear about the spirit of God hovering over the waters wait a second what Waters the Bible doesn't tell us where these Waters came from or why they're
already there it's like we've entered the story mids scene and no one bothered to tell us about the setup what if these Waters represent present that same kind of chaos we see in the inuma Elish a pre-existing force that God has to tame and not just a blank slate waiting for his touch ancient Gnostic texts banned by the church for being too radical also throw a wrench in the traditional narrative they argue that before God as we know him there was something else a higher more abstract existence sopia the embodiment of wisdom or the monad
the ultimate source of all things in these texts Yahweh isn't even the first Creator he's just one layer in a much bigger Cosmic story maybe Genesis isn't the beginning of everything but just a tiny chapter in an older much more complex history even if we pull in modern physics for a moment things get even weirder scientists like Steven Hawking have argued that before the Big Bang time as we know it didn't exist but instead of there being nothing they talk about the quantum vacuum a seething field of potential energy not visible not physical but very
much there so before the creation of the universe could there have been a Quantum chaos something raw and primordial that God had to harness now let's move beyond what happened before creation to a topic that's equally mind-bending what existed before Adam we've all been taught that Adam was the first man the origin point for Humanity the story seems pretty straightforward right God creates the Earth breathes life into Adam and boom there's the start of humanity but hold on there are some huge gaps in that story that nobody really talks about gaps that when you start
digging suggest that maybe Adam wasn't the first Human After All maybe just maybe there was another world other beings and an entirely different history before Adam even enters the picture let's look at one of the earliest cracks in the traditional narrative Lilith some of you may have heard her name but for many she's been scrubbed out of the mainstream version of the Bible according to Jewish mysticism particularly in the alphabet of Ben Lilith was actually Adam's first wife that's right before Eve was even in the picture there was Lilith and she didn't take kindly to
being considered subservient to Adam in fact she left the Garden of Eden because she refused to be dominated the texts say she fled to the desert a vague and ominous place where she mixed with demons and became a figure of Darkness but think about this for a second if Lilith existed before Eve and she had the same powers and intellect as Adam what does that say about the timeline of creation was there a world where Lilith ruled or where she and other beings existed outside of Eden this isn't just an isolated story either if you
dig into other ancient Traditions particularly Gnostic and suian texts you start seeing evidence that suggests Humanity existed long before Adam was ever created created take the gnostics for example their teachings often describe different layers of Creation with Adam being a more recent development in a much older Cosmic drama according to the gnostics the demage often identified as Yahweh was responsible for trapping human souls in material bodies and Adam he was part of that entrapment but before Adam before the creation of the material world there were beings of light pre-adamic humans who were far more advanced
spiritual and free these beings lived in a different realm one of higher Consciousness where they were not confined by the limitations of flesh and blood so was Adam the first or just the first in a new more controlled version of humanity now let's step outside the religious texts for a second and consider the scientific evidence if you look at fossil records anthropologists have found remains of humans or at least humanlike beings that go back hundreds of thousands of years far earlier than the 6,000 year timeline of the biblical Adam Homo sapiens neander denisovans they all
existed long before Adam is said to have walked the Earth and here's the kicker some of these ancient human species didn't just survive they thrived they built tools created art and established communities if they were here before Adam who were they and why don't we hear more about them in traditional religious narratives this brings us to the concept of the pre-adamites this Theory isn't some Fringe idea it's been around for centuries and even debated among Christian scholars in the 16th and 17th centuries theologians like Isaac Laria suggested that there were humans before Adam according to
this Theory Adam wasn't the first human but the first Hebrew or the first in a special line of humanity chosen by God the pre-adamites were simply the rest of humanity scattered across the the globe living their lives long before Adam's creation laria's Theory caused such a stir that he was forced to recant under pressure from the Catholic church but the question remains could the Garden of Eden story actually be focused on a specific group of people leaving out the broader human story Islam has its own version of a pre-adamic world in Islamic tradition Jin beings
made of smokeless fire lived on earth long before humans were created these gin had free will just like humans and according to some accounts they built civilizations and ruled the planet but their reign ended in chaos and Rebellion which led God to send an army of angels to put down the uprising the Gin were then cast out and only after that was Humanity created think about that for a second entire civilizations could have risen and Fallen before Adam was even formed from the dust so why don't we hear more about this why is the story
of pre-adamites Lilith or the Gin hidden from the mainstream the truth is these narratives challenge the Simplicity of the Adam and Eve story they suggest that humanity and even life itself may be far more complex older and diverse than traditional teachings allow maybe Adam was just one of many iterations of human life or perhaps he was created to replace an earlier failed experiment and when you consider the possibility of a pre-adamic world it raises some serious questions about what we think we know about human history but let's not stop there some researchers particularly in the
field of ancient astronaut theory believe that extraterrestrial beings played a role in shaping pre-adamic civilizations the ancient Sumerians for example wrote extensively about the anarchi a group of gods who supposedly descended from the heavens and created humans as a slave race to M gold the Sumerian texts describe the Anarchy as highly Advanced powerful beings who genetically engineered Humanity to serve them and get this some researchers suggest that the pre-adamites could have been these early human hybrids created by extraterrestrial intervention long before the biblical Adam was even a thought it's a controversial Theory but when you
look at the intricate knowledge of astronomy mathematics an architecture possessed by ancient civilizations like the Sumerians Egyptians and Mayans it's hard not to Wonder Could there have been Advanced pre-adamic humans Guided by some or someone not of this world here's something that's bound to flip your perspective on reality time itself may not have always existed we tend to think of time as this Unstoppable Universal Force something that's just always been there seconds ticking by hours turning into days one event after another in a neat little sequence but what if I told you that before the
creation of the universe time didn't even exist and what if that changes how we understand everything to get to the bottom of this we need to unpack one big assumption that time began with creation if you look at modern science it backs this up take the Big Bang Theory for instance one of the most widely accepted explanations for the origin of the universe it tells us that about 13.8 billion years ago there was this incredibly dense hot point wear everything space matter energy and yes time began but here's where it gets tricky before the Big
Bang there was no space no matter and crucially no time Steven Hawking and other physicists have argued that time itself is a product of the universe like a dimension woven into the fabric of space so before the universe time as we know it didn't exist but what does that even mean if we think back to religious texts especially the Bible there's no mention of time being created it's just there unspoken spoken as if it's an unshakable part of the process but pause for a second why doesn't Genesis mention God creating time why is that left
out it suggests that either the writers didn't fully understand the concept of time's origins or they simply didn't think it was relevant to the story but modern science has revealed that this could be one of the most important details if time had a beginning then what existed before it the answer it seems is nothing we could even comprehend with our current understanding in ancient Hindu cosmology there's a concept known as kalpa which describes time as cyclical not linear in Hinduism the Universe goes through endless cycles of creation preservation and destruction each cycle spans trillions of
years time here doesn't begin or end it just keeps looping in this view time isn't something that's born with the universe it's a continuous force that governs everything in existence so in contrast to The Big Bang Theory where time had a start kalpa suggests it has always existed and will always exist and that's not just a philosophical idea modern physics specifically theories about the Multiverse have started to flirt with a similar idea the possibility that our universe is just one of many and that universes are born and die in an infinite Loop this Theory also
hints that time might exist differently across different dimensions or realities the ticking clock we know could be a local feature specific to our universe in Another Universe time might behave in entirely different ways or not exist at all and this idea lines up with some ancient religious and philosophical thought suggesting that time is far more fluid than we think but let's bring it back to something even more mind-blowing time may not exist without Consciousness you see time is deeply tied to how we perceive the world it's not just an external measurement like a clock on
a wall it's woven into how we experience reality in quantum mechanics there's a concept called the observer effect where the act of observation can change the outcome of an event some scientists have taken this further to suggest that time two is subjective something that only becomes meaningful when there's an observer to measure it if no one's there to experience time does it even exist ancient Mystics and modern physicists have oddly similar things to say about this the ancient Greek philosopher Parmenides argued that time was an illusion that the past present and future all existed simultaneously
and only our minds perceive them as separate today physicists like Carlo relli argue something similar in the quantum world events don't happen in a sequence like we think time becomes murky entangled and nonlinear so what does all this mean for our understanding of time before creation well it suggests that time itself could be a construct one that didn't exist until there was something to experience it before creation there was no one nothing to perceive it which begs the question did time only begin when Consciousness did was time in some way created by the Act of
Creation itself if so time is not just an invisible force ticking away in the background it's something more Dynamic more linked to our very existence and here's another possibility if time didn't exist before creation then neither did cause an effect this is important because everything we understand about the universe is built on cause and effect one thing happens and it leads to another but without time there's no cause and no effect which means that the moment of creation whatever that was wasn't caused by something before it it just happened for no reason we can comprehend
this opens up a whole new line of thinking about the nature of existence the Big Bang or Creation in religious terms might not have needed a causal in the way we typically think it might have been spontaneous a singularity in every sense of the word the first and only moment knowledge is power that's something we all understand but what if I told you that from the very beginning there was a deliberate effort to withhold Knowledge from Humanity that from the moment humans were created created someone or something decided to keep us in the dark and
we're not just talking about any knowledge here we're talking about knowledge that could change the entire course of human history secrets of the universe the nature of existence even the truth about who or what we really are the story of forbidden knowledge is older than any religion we know and it's not just limited to the Bible cultures across the world have been telling stories about the forbidden fruit of knowledge for millennia let's start with the most famous One the Garden of Eden the traditional narrative is simple Adam and Eve lived in Paradise completely innocent until
the serpent tricked him into eating from the Tree of knowledge but what's really going on here the tree of knowledge wasn't just any tree it was a direct symbol of knowledge that was intentionally kept from Humanity now why would God create humans with the capacity for curiosity for Learning and then tell them that there was certain knowledge they shouldn't have that's a fundamental contradiction you don't give someone the ability to question everything and then deny them the answers unless of course the goal wasn't to protect them but to control them but what kind of knowledge
are we talking about according to many interpretations the tree of knowledge represents far more than just the difference between good and evil it's the knowledge of the universe how things really work in the Bible God says if you eat from this tree you you will surely die but here's the thing Adam and Eve didn't die at least not in the way we understand it instead their eyes were opened they became aware of themselves their surroundings their limitations in other words they gained Consciousness something that set them apart from the rest of creation so why would
that kind of awareness be dangerous some Scholars and esoteric thinkers argue that the story of Adam and Eve is not about disobedience it's about Humanity's first step toward Independence toward becoming Godlike and that's exactly what the serpent promised to Eve saying you will be like God knowing good and evil in this light the serpent isn't the villain it's the Liberator it's offering Humanity the knowledge that was intentionally withheld from them this theme of forbidden knowledge isn't just a biblical story it shows up in almost every ancient culture take the Greeks for example the story of
Prometheus is eerily similar Prometheus a Titan defied the gods to bring fire symbolizing knowledge and Technology to humans for this act he was brutally punished chained to a rock where an eagle would eat his liver every day the message here is the same those who try to bring knowledge to humanity are met with Divine wrath in ancient Sumerian texts we find the story of the anarchi a group of gods who supposedly descended from the heavens and created Humanity but the Anarchy didn't just create humans out of Goodwill they wanted a labor force according to the
texts they intentionally kept Humanity ignorant using us as workers but one God enki defied the rest and gave humans knowledge including the ability to think critically and even the secrets of civilization sound familiar it's another echo of the same theme and knowledge as power and power being kept from us now what's particularly intriguing is how these stories of forbidden knowledge often revolve around Divine beings who rebelled the serpent Prometheus enki all of them are depicted as Rebels who broke the rules to empower Humanity but what if the narrative we've been fed that they're the villains
isn't true what if they were trying to free us from a system designed to keep us ignorant it raises the question who benefits from keeping Humanity in the dark and it doesn't stop there in the Book of Enoch an ancient Jewish text that was banned by the early church we see a group of angels known as the Watchers these Watchers descended to Earth and took human wives but more importantly they gave Humanity Forbidden Knowledge how to make weapons how to work with metals and even the secrets of the stars and the moon for this they
were severely punished by God but here's the twist it wasn't the knowledge itself that was the problem it was the fact that this knowledge gave humans the ability to challenge Divine Authority in other words it made us less controllable we can see this pattern throughout history knowledge has always been seen as dangerous by those in power look at the Middle Ages when the church restricted access to education keeping most of the population illiterate why because if you control knowledge you control Power you control the narrative and that's exactly what's happening in these ancient Stories the
gods or whatever Powers were at play weren't just protecting humans from knowledge they were hoarding it keeping it to themselves to maintain control over us the implications of this are staggering if knowledge was deliberately kept from us then what else don't we know what Secrets have been hidden throughout human history and what does it mean that some of the earliest stories we have all point to a deliberate effort to control what we're allowed to learn this isn't just mythology it's a blueprint for understanding the world we live in today from religious Dogma to political systems
to societal Norms we've always been told that certain knowledge is too dangerous too forbidden but who decides what's forbidden and why so we've been conditioned to think of creation as this beautiful oddly event where God speaks and everything just appears but when we really dig into the details we find that the creation story whether from the Bible or countless other ancient texts doesn't start in a perfect peaceful void no it starts in chaos and that chaos is a crucial part of the story something that's often glossed over or Worse ignored why let's start with the
Bible right in the second verse of Genesis we read the Earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters wait what Waters we're too vers into the Bible and there's already something there before God says let there be light there's this chaotic watery darkness no one told us where it came from or why it's there it just is and that's important because it suggests that creation wasn't about God forming something out of nothing it was about God bringing order to chaos
about shaping an already existing primordial force that was unruly Untamed UNF frankly terrifying but this isn't just a biblical concept ancient cultures all over the world have their own versions of creation out of chaos take the inuma Elish one of the oldest creation stories from Mesopotamia in it there's no voidage at the beginning instead there are two primordial gods absu and Tiamat representing fresh water and salt water these chaotic swirling Waters Collide and it's from this Collision that the gods and the world are eventually born but here's the key part it wasn't a peaceful creation
it was violent Marduk the hero God had to battle and defeat Tiamat the embodiment of chaos before he could form the heavens and the Earth creation was literally born out of War what's fascinating is that this theme of water as chaos this Prime valve Force isn't limited to Mesopotamia or the Bible you find it in ancient Egypt too their creation story speaks of nun the chaotic Waters of the Abyss out of which the god atom Rises to bring light and order to the cosmos the ancient Greeks had something similar with Oceanus the river that encircles
the world representing the chaotic Untamed edge of existence over and over these ancient stories emphasize that before there was order there was disorder before there was structure there was chaos but why water why is this element the recurring symbol of Chaos in so many ancient stories think about it water is both lifegiving and destructive it nourishes crops sustains life but it can also flood drown and Destroy in ancient times people lived close to Nature and they understood this Duality intimately water was unpredictable and in many ways it still is it represents the uncontrollable aspects of
existence the things we can't predict can't harness can't fully understand now bring the that back to the idea of creation if creation didn't start from a peaceful empty void but instead emerged from a chaotic dark watery Abyss what does that tell us about the nature of our universe is chaos not just a part of creation but the very Foundation of it and what does that say about God or Gods who had to bring order to it in the Canaanite myth of B we see something eerily similar to the Mesopotamian battle between Marduk and Tiamat B
the storm God has to defeat yam the sea god who embodies the chaotic forces of the ocean once ball wins he establishes his Rule and brings order to the world so across cultures creation isn't this peaceful orderly event it's the result of divine beings battling the forces of chaos wrestling control from the primordial Waters and this idea didn't just disappear it evolved in modern physics we have Concepts like ENT the natural tendency of systems to move toward disorder in a way the universe is still fighting against chaos stars form from collapsing clouds of gas but
eventually they explode in supern noi scattering chaos across space black holes devour everything around them on a cosmic level we see the push and pull between order and disorder constantly playing out just like in these ancient myths but let's focus back on the biblical narrative for for a second in Genesis God doesn't eliminate the chaos he controls it after he creates the world the waters are pushed to the edges the Seas and oceans confined but not gone and if you read further into the Bible chaos particularly watery chaos keeps popping back up the story of
Noah and the flood chaos Unleashed once again the Red Sea God Parts the waters controlling chaos to save his people even in the Book of Revelation when describing the new heavens and new earth it says there will be no more sea why because the sea the water represents chaos it's the thing God has to keep under control and in the Final Act of Creation chaos is finally fully vanquished we're often told that the Universe was born from a singular peaceful Act of divine will but what what if I told you that creation didn't just happen
What If instead it was the result of a cosmic War a battle of unimaginable forces that tore through the fabric of reality before the world as we know it could even begin because that's exactly what ancient cultures believed in fact in many myths creation wasn't about Harmony it was about power conflict and the ultimate conquest of chaos and once you start seeing it that way the entire story of existence changes let's start with one of the oldest and most famous creation myths the enumer Elish it's from ancient Mesopotamia predating the Bible by centuries in this
story there isn't a Serene God hovering over the waters instead there are two primordial deities absu and Tiamat representing fresh water and salt water chaos and the abyss these forces weren't passive they were active swirling together creating the gods themselves but soon enough conflict arises Tiamat the goddess of the saltwater Abyss is furious the younger gods are disturbing the peace of the primordial Waters so she decides to destroy them enter Marduk a younger God who steps up to challenge her the battle that ensues is nothing short of Epic Marduk defeats Tiamat in a violent Clash
splitting her body in two from her remains he creates the heavens and the Earth creation isn't born out of Peace it's carved out of the destruction of a goddess a cosmic battle between Order and Chaos right there in one of Humanity's oldest stories creation is a product of War but Mesopotamia wasn't alone in this kind of thinking jump to ancient Greece and you've got the titanomachy the war between the Olympian gods and the Titans according to this myth before Zeus and the Olympian gods could rule the Cosmos they had to overthrow the Titans an older
race of divine beings and it wasn't an easy fight the Titans were powerful controlling the forces of nature time and the heavens themselves but Zeus and his siblings armed with lightning and divine Fury fought for 10 long years in the end they won casting the Titans into Tartus a deep abys of punishment and Chaos here again order doesn't emerge from nothing it's forged in the fire of divine conflict what's interesting is how this theme repeats across cultures look at Norse mythology where the gods led by Odin battle the primordial Giants in a violent struggle before
they can create the world even after creation the gods remain Locked In conflict with chaos knowing that one day Ragnarok the final battle will come and the world will end in Flames creation and destruction war and rebirth they're intertwined you might be thinking well these are just myths they don't have anything to do with the Bible right not so fast there's actually a hidden layer in the Bible that Echoes these same themes of divine conflict in the book of Isaiah we find references to Leviathan The twisting Serpent of the sea a creature of chaos and
what does God do he defeats Leviathan the Psalms even describe how God crushed the heads of Leviathan and gave him as food to the creatures of the desert it should because this is the same story told in different words God defeating a monstrous force of chaos to assert divine order it doesn't stop there in the Book of Revelation we see a final Cosmic battle where God must once again defeat the forces of chaos and evil before establishing the new heavens and the new Earth creation it seems is a cycle of conflict with chaos never fully
vanquished just kept at Bay for a time even in Jewish mysticism M the cabala Tells of a time before creation when Divine vessels filled with the light of God shattered this event known as the chevat harim represents a cosmic catastrophe the breaking of divine order from which the material world is formed the remnants of those Broken Vessels are scattered throughout the Universe a reminder that creation is at its core born from conflict and Fracture so why is this idea of creation through conflict so Universal why do so many cultures separated by time and geography share
the same story of divine War here's the thing it reflects a fundamental truth about existence creation whether we're talking about the universe Societies or even personal growth never comes without struggle it's never a smooth easy process there's always a battle to be fought a force of chaos to Be Tamed and maybe that's what these ancient myths were trying to tell us there's a deeper unsettling truth in all this if creation was born out of violence out of War does that mean that chaos is still lurking waiting to reclaim what was taken from it many of
these myths suggest exactly that they tell us that while the forces of order may have won the battle the war isn't over the gods didn't destroy chaos they contained it it's still there at the edges of reality waiting for its chance to rise again and isn't that exactly what we see in the world today even after Millennia of civilization we still live on the edge of chaos natural disasters Wars social upheavals they're all reminders that chaos is never far away it's not gone it's just waiting here's a question that challenges everything you think you know
about creation was Yahweh the god of the Bible actually the ultimate creator for most people that's a hard know the Bible tells us Yahweh is the all powerful all knowing creator of the universe but what if I told you that some ancient texts and esoteric Traditions paint a much more complex picture in these accounts Yahweh isn't the highest most powerful being instead he's something else a demage a lower Creator who shaped the material world but is not the ultimate force behind everything let's break this down the word demage comes from ancient Greek philosophy and it
means C Craftsman or Artisan in the writings of Plato the demage was a creator of the physical world but he wasn't perfect he didn't create from nothing and he didn't create the ideal world he shaped the material one the one we live in full of imperfection suffering and Chaos sound familiar it should because this idea lines up with certain Gnostic texts that question whether the god of the Bible is truly the highest Authority or if he's just a builder of a flawed material reality in the Gnostic tradition Yahweh isn't the Supreme Being in fact they
call him the demage and they say he is responsible for trapping human souls in the material world according to gnosticism the true ultimate God exists beyond the physical Universe pure Spirit pure goodness Yahweh on the other hand is a lower deity who crafted the material realm a realm filled with suffering and limitations and here's the kicker Yahweh self doesn't know that he's not the highest God he's convinced that he's the only one that's why in the Old Testament he constantly demands loyalty worship and obedience he believes he the beginning and the end but the Gnostic
suggest his wrong that is blind to the higher Realms of reality now you might be thinking wait how could this even be possible we've always been told that Yahweh is the one true God but these ancient ostic texts like the apocryphon of John or the nag hamedy scriptures paint a very different picture according to them the true unknowable God often referred to as the monad exists far beyond the demage in a realm of pure spirit and light the demage on the other hand is a lesser being who created the physical world but did so with
ignorance and when you start to view the Old Testament through this lens things take on a whole new meaning look at Genesis again Yahweh creates the heavens and the Earth but it's clear that this creation is imperfect there's suffering Temptation sin and death this isn't the ideal World you'd expect from an all powerful all loving Creator right but it makes sense if Yahweh isn't the highest God if he's a demage then creation would reflect his limitations the material world is flawed because the one who created it is flawed or at the very least limited what
even more interesting is how the Gnostic texts describe yahweh's reaction to humans gaining knowledge when Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of knowledge what's yahweh's response he punishes them he casts them out of the Garden of Eden but why if knowledge is power why would a loving God punish humans for seeking it the gnostics argue that Yahweh didn't want humans to gain the knowledge that could free them from the material world the Demi Edge wants to keep Humanity trapped in ignorance bound to the physical plane under his control this also explains why there's such
a sharp distinction between the Old Testament Yahweh and the New Testament depiction of Jesus in gnosticism Jesus isn't just the son of the demage he's a messenger from the higher true God sent to bring knowledge nosis that can liberate Humanity from the material world Jesus comes to awaken Humanity to the reality that they are Spiritual Beings trapped in a physical body imprisoned in a world created by a lower a God who doesn't even know is not the top of the cosmic hierarchy the crucifixion in this view isn't just about salvation from sin it's a way
to break free from the demage control and reconnect with the ultimate spiritual God beyond the Physical Realm if Y is the demage and the physical world is flawed because it was created by Him then what does that mean for how we view the world around us is the suffering we see War disease death just the natural result of a material world created by a being who isn't perfect and if so what's the way out the gnostics believe that the only path to Freedom was through nosis or direct spiritual knowledge not faith not obedience but in
a knowledge that transcends the physical Material World what's remarkable is how this idea lines up with so many other spiritual Traditions think about Buddhism where the material world is seen as an illusion meire and Enlightenment is about breaking free from this illusion to reach nirvana a state Beyond suffering and Beyond the physical or consider Hinduism where the soul artman is trapped in the cycle of birth and death bound to the material world by ignorance and must seek Liberation moocha to reunite with the Ultimate Reality Brahman across cultures across centuries we see this recurring theme the
material world is not the ultimate truth it's a prison a trap a flawed creation and the only way way out is through knowledge through understanding that there's something greater something Beyond whether you call that the monad Brahman or Nana the message is the same the material world with all its suffering is the product of a lesser imperfect force and true Freedom lies in transcending it so where does that leave us if Yahweh the god we've been taught to believe is the highest Authority might actually be a demage a lower creator of a flawed Material World
then we need to reconsider everything the universe isn't as black and white as we've been led to believe there's more to the story layers of Truth and deception that stretch back to the very beginning of existence this is the untold story of creation one that challenges our deepest beliefs and invites us to look beyond the material world to discover the true nature of the universe the demage Yahweh the flawed creation they're all part of a larger Cosmic puzzle and the key to solving that that puzzle it's knowledge the same Forbidden Knowledge that's been kept from
Humanity since the dawn of time thank you for watching and if you made it this far we really appreciate you being part of this journey don't forget to like comment and subscribe for more content and as always God bless us all [Music]
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