7 Things Satan CANNOT Do That Will Shock You

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Quoracles Digital Gospel
What are the Seven Things Satan Can Never Do? Using bible stories, the episodic bible study reveals...
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seven things Satan can never do the way some people speak of Satan they make him seem all powerful and all knowing they make him seem as if he can do anything he wants that's not true that is what he wants us to believe the truth is that God limited Satan's ability to do a lot of things in this episode we are going to speak about an enemy who is off often shrouded in fear and mystery Satan the adversary of our souls the Bible describes him as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour a deceiver
and the father of Lies yet as powerful and cunning as Satan may seem there are things he can never do there are boundaries set by God that he cannot cross limits that he cannot breach and it is crucial for us as Believers to know these truths not only to stand firm in our faith but also to walk in the victory that Christ has already won for us so in case you are wondering here are the seven things Satan can never do please subscribe to this channel like and share this video God bless you number one
Satan cannot read our thoughts or Hearts the first thing Satan cannot do is read our thoughts or know the intentions of our Hearts while Satan is a master of deception and can observe our actions and listen to our words he cannot see into the depths of our minds or Hearts this ability belongs to God Alone In First Kings 8:39 Solomon prays forgive and act deal with everyone according to all they do since you know their hearts for you alone know every human heart God alone has the power to search our hearts and know our innermost
thoughts this is why prayer and communion with God are so powerful when we pour out our hearts to God we do so knowing that he fully understands our thoughts fears desires and intentions even those we cannot fully articulate ourselves Satan can try to influence us with his lies and temptations but he does not have direct access to our thoughts this means we have a powerful weapon against his attacks we can choose our thoughts meditating on God's truth and filling our minds with his word as Paul exhorts Us in Philippians 4:8 finally brothers and sisters whatever
is true whatever is Noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things by guarding our thoughts and focusing on on what is true and pure we resist Satan's attempts to influence our minds and because he cannot know our thoughts he is powerless to affect the inner workings of our minds unless we allow him to number two Satan cannot know the future Satan is a created being and while he is more powerful and knowledgeable than humans his knowledge is finite only God is
omniscient meaning he knows all things past present present and future in Isaiah 46:9 to10 the Lord declares I am God and there is no other I am God and there is none like me I make known the end from the beginning from ancient times what is still to come I say my purpose will stand and I will do all that I please Satan cannot predict or foresee what God has planned he can make guesses he can scheme and he can observe human behavior to try to anticipate our actions but he does not have access to
the knowledge of the future this limitation is crucial because it means that no matter what Satan attempts he is always reacting to God's plans not proactively thwarting them Satan does not know what God will do next nor does he know how the events of Our Lives will unfold this truth gives us great confidence we can trust that God's plans for us are secure and that no strategy of Satan can derail the purposes God has set for our lives our future is in God's hands not in the hands of the Enemy Number Three Satan can never
separate us from God's love the third thing Satan can never do is separate us from the love of God in Romans 8: 38 to39 the Apostle Paul declares with unwavering confidence for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord imagine the vastness of God's love a love so deep so wide and so strong that nothing in
all creation not even Satan himself self can tear us away from it the enemy may try to deceive us accuse us or lead us into temptation but he cannot sever the bond of love that God has established with us through Christ this is our greatest assurance that in the midst of Trials tribulations and even our own failures God's Love Remains steadfast and unbreakable Satan's goal is to make us doubt this love to make us feel unworthy or Beyond Redemption but no matter how Fierce his attacks he is powerless to change the reality of God's love
for us this love is eternal unchanging and it is ours in Christ Jesus number four Satan can never create or give life the fourth thing Satan can never do is create or give life in John 10:10 Jesus contrasts his mission with that of the enemy the thief comes only only to steal and kill and destroy I have come that they may have life and have it to the full Satan is a destroyer by Nature he thrives on chaos death and destruction but he cannot create he cannot bring life where there is none only God the
creator of the universe has the power to give life in Genesis 2:7 we read that God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life and Man became a living being this Act of Creation is something Satan can never replicate even in his most deceptive acts where he may seem to offer something desirable it is always a counterfeit leading to death and despair rather than true life the life that Jesus offers is abundant Eternal and lifegiving it is a life that flows from the very heart of God
and Satan with all his schemes can never produce or sustain it this truth reminds us that our life and hope are found in Christ alone the true source of all life number five Satan can never overcome the power of the cross the fifth thing Satan can never do is overcome the power of the cross in Colossians 2: 15 Paul writes of Christ's Victory and having disarmed the powers and authorities he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross the Cross of Christ is the ultimate defeat of Satan on that cross Jesus
bore our sins took our punishment and broke the power of sin and death what Satan thought was his greatest Victory the crucifixion of the Son of God turned out to be his ultimate downfall through the cross Jesus triumphed over all the forces of Darkness disarming them and exposing them for what they truly are powerless Against The Sovereign plan of God the cross stands as a reminder to us that no matter how Fierce the battle the war has already been won Satan can rage he can accuse he can tempt but he cannot undo what Christ has
accomplished on the cross this Victory is not just historical it is eternal and it belongs to every believer who is in Christ number six Satan can never Force us to sin while Satan is a tempter enticing us with the Allure of sin he does not have the power to make us sin against our will James 1:4 to15 tells us but each person is tempted when they are dragged Away by their own evil desire and enticed then after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death
temptation is real and Satan is relentless in his attempts to lead us astray but the choice to sin always lies within us this is both a warning and a comfort it is a warning that we must be vigilant guarding our hearts and Minds against the enemy's lies but it is also a comfort knowing that we are not helpless victims in 1 Corinthians 10:13 Paul reassures us no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind and God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are
tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it God has given us the power to resist temptation through the Holy Spirit Satan may try to lure us into sin but he cannot force our hand we have the power in Christ to choose righteousness to stand firm and to walk in the spirit number seven Satan can never change the final outcome finally the seventh thing Satan can never do is change the final outcome Revelation 20:10 gives us a glimpse of Satan's ultimate fate and the devil who deceived them was thrown into
the lake of burning sulfur where the Beast and the false prophet had been thrown they will be tormented day and night forever and ever Satan knows his time is short he knows that his ultimate defeat is already sealed no matter how much he tries to disrupt God's plan the outcome has already been determined by The Sovereign will of God Jesus will return and he will establish his kingdom in full where sin death and Satan will be no more this truth should fill us with hope and courage we live in a world where the battle rages
on but we do so with the assurance that Victory is certain Satan's power is limited and his Destiny is fixed as Believers we are called to stand firm knowing that in Christ we are more than conquerors as we conclude let us remember these seven things among many other that Satan can never do he cannot read your mind he does not know the future he can never separate us from God's love he can never create or give life he can never overcome the power of the Cross he can never Force us to sin and he can
never change the final outcome these truths remind us of the limits of the enemy's power and the Limitless power of our God we do not walk in fear but in faith we do not cower before the enemy but stand strong in the victory that Christ has won for us let us hold fast to these truths and let them Empower us to live boldly to resist the devil and to walk in the light of God's love and grace please remember to subscribe to this channel like and share this video may the Lord bless you keep you
and strengthen you as you stand firm in his victory amen
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