Blippi & Ms Rachel Learn Vehicles - Wheels on the Bus - Videos for Kids - Tractor, Car, Truck More

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Ms Rachel - Toddler Learning Videos
Learn all about vehicles with Ms Rachel, Blippi and Meekah! Get ready to take a bus, ride on a fire ...
Video Transcript:
friends today we're going to learn all about vehicles at the Children's Museum of Manhattan I'm so excited [Music] what it's a bus yeah should I get on the bus yeah get on get on get on I'm on the bus from from beep beep oh look two more friends want to get on the bus do you want to learn about vehicles with us today yeah I love vehicles vehicles take us where we need to go hey let's hop on the bus and go to the grocery store [Music] the wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town let's do the horn the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep the town let's do the wipers the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish all through the town what do the doors do the doors on the bus go open and shut open and shut open and
shut the doors on the bus go open and shut all through the town the people on the bus go up and down up and down up and down the people on the bus go up and down all through the town when you need to buy some food how do you and your grown-up get to the grocery store [Music] wow I take the bicycle to the store I take the flipping Mobile today we took the bus the Wheels on the Bus [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah we made it to the store vehicles take us where we need
to go yeah hey let's go do some shopping who wants to be in the grocery clothes I do okay here we go [Music] hmm what would you buy good idea oh I think I would like to buy two red apples here's one two so yummy yeah I love healthy foods and let's get three pairs good idea one two three yummy now we can pay for our fruit let's go we put the fruit on the conveyor belt help us put it on put it on put it on hi hi flippy did you find everything okay yeah
we did thank you whoa this looks yummy yeah pear fake Choice okay that will be five dollars let me reach in my pocket here you go thank you oh see you later bye-bye have a nice day thanks for shopping at flippies Market where the fruit is very appealing can you do this we we what's that sound yeah it's a siren can you help me find a vehicle that uses a siren you found it the fire truck yeah what color is a fire truck red right red fire truck fire trucks take firefighters water and Equipment where
it needs to go let's pretend to be firefighters will you pretend with us [Music] let's pretend to sleep and then we have to wake up and fight a fire oh good idea yeah let's go good night everyone [Music] sweet dreams [Music] alarm goes off slide down the pole put on your helmet come on let's roll the fire truck riding in a fire truck fire truck riding in a fire truck what connects the hose [Music] climb up the ladder to save the day fire truck riding in a fire truck fire truck riding in a fire truck
oh no there's a kitten stuck in a tree let's go see this come on hurry hurry up [Music] very quickly foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] a vehicle is a machine that takes people or things from one place to another place the bus is taking the kids to school the bus is a vehicle how do you get to school wow flippy Mika look s somewhere [Music] it's so cool a subway train is a vehicle that takes a lot of people where they need to go and it usually runs under the ground I take the subway all the
time it's one way I can get where I need to go so cool I want to play with the three train hmm Blimpy has the three train if I really wanted to play with the three train what could I do I could ask if he wants to trade hey blippi I really want to play with the three train would you trade me for the D sure that was so nice of Flippy to trade [Music] we can also ask a friend for a turn try with me say can I have a turn Mika can I have
a turn with that train when you're done sure I'll be done playing with it in a few minutes thanks [Music] oh that was really nice of Flippy and Mika to share they're such nice friends which vehicle goes in the air yes the plane which vehicle goes on land yes the truck which vehicle goes in the water yes the boat great job you could make a chart like this at home and sort all the vehicles you know since we're learning about Vehicles today I I got you both a surprise surprise [Music] Rachel you're welcome thank you
oh you even wrapped it in our favorite colors yeah this is so thoughtful stay open open whoa okay here we go it's opening whoa check it out [Music] do you know what this is a garbage garbage truck [Music] whoa thank you Miss Rachel I love it open yours okay stay open [Music] wow my favorite color purple and it's an airplane wow airplane is a vehicle with wings it can fly oh thank you you're welcome Miss Rachel thank you for the gifts actually we also have a gift for you thank you yep here you go wow
it's my favorite color stay open open [Music] oh thank you guys so much it's a car and the doors really open that's so cool trunk opens here we go [Music] let's do a vehicle pattern plane truck plain truck plane what comes next yes truck great job say go and the ball will go down the ramp ready set [Applause] oh that was fun and you know you can make your very own ramp at home you could use a recycled item like wow a paper tube wow how does that work Mika well you take a card doesn't
even have a little car oh I do I actually have one two cars great so put the car in the tube and yeah Miss Rachel you can catch it okay ready say go [Music] that was fun Should we drive the other car too yeah okay here we go that was fun which train is the longest yes this one which train is the shortest yes you got it great job [Music] it was so much fun learning about being Flippy and yeah and we had so much fun spending the day with you miss Rachel yeah I think
[Music] I think and we also learned that vehicles take us where we need to go [Applause] we see you next time see you later bye-bye [Music] oh it's a tractor I'm going to get on the tractor here I go wow now I'm on the tractor I'm going to pretend to drive can you pretend to drive a tractor with me well where is this tractor it's green and yellow awesome wow what color is this tractor hi this is the color red [Music] color is this one ah it's got yellow and white good job drive with me
[Music] it's time for a Magic movie what exactly is a tractor hmm a tractor is a strong vehicle can you say vehicle vehicle vehicle tractors help the farmers take care of the farm tractors pull plows and other Farm machines who do tractors help can you remember who do tractors help tractors help the farmer yeah they help the farmer great job hey what's the number of the day let's figure it out by counting these tractors one two three four five six tractors the number of the day is six nice job let's sing row row row your
boat get out your paddles row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream this time let's pretend we see a crocodile row row row your boat gently down the stream we see a crocodile don't forget to scream Now Let's Pretend We're on a big ship that's a big boat and we have to turn the ship oh and we have to turn the other way we're on a big ship wow this is the way we steer the ship steer the ship steer the ship this is the way
we steer the ship we're steering a big ship so big oh we are two Sailors come from where the sea if you want to go away again come along with me oh wishy washy wishy washy wishy-washy if you want to go away again come along with me oh we like to wash and scrub up in the tub so come right in and join us [Music] if you want to go away again come along with me [Music] can you help the car go down the ramp you say go and the car will go down the ramp
ready set oh car went down the ramp let's pretend to drive from Ruby beep beep beep say beep beep [Music] this is the way we drive the car drive the car drive the car this is the way we drive the car every single day should we go faster fast this is the way we drive the car drive the car drive the car this is the way we drive the car every single day and that was so much fun good job driving green means go go go go go yellow means slow slow slow slow red means
stop go go go slow slow stop good job go go go go go go yeah means slow slow slow slow slow red means stop go go go slow slow stop good job [Music] so silly [Music] look ah a train wow choo choo chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo can you do that good job wow [Music] a train let's put this horse in the train put him in put him in put him and good job now the horse can ride in the train should we put the cow in the train yeah put her in put her
in put her in now the cows in the train [Music] can you say go go say go and some cars will come out ready sad go wow wow cars let's do more let's do more ready I said go more cars more cars yay [Applause] this is up this is up and this is down this is up this is up and this is leaning to the side side to side and this is turning around up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down [Music] this is [Music] turning around up and
down and up and down and up and down and up and down foreign [Music] and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down [Music] where is the car where is it under the blanket let's check oh from from the car was under the blanket we found it we found the car I like cars [Music] look it's a toy car car can you say car car car car car save from from and the car will come out going fast so
fast fast now it's going slow slow car slow car bye bye car say bye bye to the car bye bye car can you say beep beep beep beep here comes the car [Music] driving away hmm [Music] oh the city is great and the city is Grand there are lots of tall buildings on a little piece of land and we live way up on the 57th floor and this is what we do when we go out the door [Music] we take the elevator up take the elevator down take the elevator up take the elevator down take
the elevator up take the elevator down then we turn around [Music] take the elevator up take the elevator down take the elevator up stick the elevator down take the elevator up take the elevator down then return [Music] the elevator down take the elevator up take the elevator down [Music] look blue car look at this it's a blue car blue car car car blue car what does a car say beep beep beep beep pretending to drive a car from from from from room beep beep so fun hello friend hello friend do you want to play do
you wanna play Let's go on the swings let's go on swings let's go down the slide let's go down [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello friend hello friend what's your name what's your name how old are you how old [Music] the airplane thank you now let's let's now let's be firefighters fighting fire climbing higher [Music] [Music]
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