BATTLE OF THE SEXES | Grilling with Myron Gaines

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Grilling crosses the pond once again. We host the @FreshFitMiami host Myron Gains this week and it d...
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you like women that you can manipulate into thinking that they're smer or less worthy than you you're manipulating this conversation right now from I'm notating the conversation I'm just saying from a Viewpoint it seems like you like women that you can manipulate into thinking that you're the best thing that they've ever had in order for them to feel like that it's okay that he cheats on me because I've got a pride absolutely not that's a fact though no it's not a fact it is a fact it's not a fact it's it's a statistical fact Marin
gains one half of the fresh FR podcast we are here to do an episode of grilling like seeing women always man I'm always womanizing always sourcing the more you deal with with females the more you just realize like man they're really not that special man I am the gr i' be cooking these when you've interviewed almost 3,000 girls you know what they're going to say so it's like black Bell and this stuff so that'll be good it makes it more exciting when you don't know and last one are you ready Marin always am [Music] hi
nice to meet you nice to meet you you going to give me a hug or what oh no that's lame that's a traditional way yeah that's lame no it's not it's respectful no lame no lame oh well you can just sit down then well you can stand up you could just sit down I'm going to walk out [Laughter] then he hugs uh how are you I'm good thank you how are you good very good she didn't want to stand up typical feminist you can you know it is what it is you got to play the
game guys this how women are nowadays you know they want to sit there and think oh no I'm not going to stand up and it's like okay cool now I'm going to demolish you in this debate so what's it like living in Miami it's good lots of hoes women some but most are hoes we're about 5 seconds in and he's already saying the word hoes okay and you indulge with them a lot or yeah she's trying to grow me but you know I'm professional in this black belt we're dealing with woman e so easy mode
I mean we have them on the show all the time uh we have regular girls as well so oh what do you do sorry oh we have a podcast ourselves where we it's m self podcast tsht oh yeah yeah male self approved podcast yeah fresh so you have women on there yes it's a component of what we do we also do money Mondays teach guys how to make money uh then Wednesdays how to date properly and get your stuff together uh and then Fridays we do call on shows or bring in special guests or whatever
it may be but so do you think you're quite knowledgeable in the dating field to a degree do you think you have a great understanding of how women work yes yes unfortunately yes unfortunately yeah wouldn't that be a great thing if you understand the women uh well the thing is you can either understand women or respect them but you can't do both at the same time what is he talking about I don't think that's a true statement I think with understanding women you'd learn to respect them more the same as understanding a man You' you'd
learn to respect him more no you can't respect them as equals once you understand them you'd still respect them as a woman and what they what value they hold speak from an equality standpoint like I can't respect them as equals since I understand them and I think that's the way they like it anyway you can respect each other for their gender like I would respect a man for being a man and what he provides as a man and you could respect a woman for the things that she could provide that you could never do if
you understand women there's no way you can respect them as equals that's that's my purpose on it why can't you respect them as an equal cuz we're way different yeah but you can still respect the fact that you're different and respect what they're capable of that you're not men and women aren't equal it's just funny how women want you to treat them as equals but everything that they're actually attracted to and aroused by most importantly is not equal I can't believe what I'm heing for example perfect example I came down here I said oh give
me a hug what' you say oh well it's traditional kiss my hand yes that did not sound English that right there in itself signifies the difference between men and women yeah you displayed it yourself a second ago oh so that's fine doesn't mean you can't respect that so so traditionalism and this is what a lot of girls do they'll want traditionalism when it benefits them but that they'll want to expect to be treated as equal later on don't you think men are the same though how so like they want to be traditional in the sense
they provide and stuff but then they want to be treated at equal when they can't be to show up as a man anymore well here's the thing I disagree with that I think men need to you know be protectors and providers so I don't think uh women should work I think the man needs to be the sole bread winner and I think women should work electively with responsibility comes Authority right so if you're going to go ahead and be responsible and pay the bills and everything else like you should have the authority to tell your
girl what it is so do you think men are higher value than a woman in a relationship yes wow yeah every time I come on the show it's just another girl sping the same [ __ ] about oh treat me like a lady but at the same time I'm equal to you it's like what the [ __ ] it doesn't make sense if you want to be treated like a lady that inherently means we're not equal because it's way harder to find a guy that has a [ __ ] together than an attractive woman it's
not necessarily an attractive woman because if all you're looking for is an that's what we care about so you don't care that what values Traditions what respect level obviously she can't be a [ __ ] either it's it's not that hard to be pretty and keep your legs closed it's not hard but it's not is that all you care about though yeah this guy is unbelievable so you wouldn't want a woman that looks after you you looks after your mental health looks after your brain comes with it not necessarily I know a million beautiful women
that haven't got the power in their brain or the sense to to be accommodated in that sort in any way well typically when girls aren't right that means they come from a strong family structure they understand these things they have a strong male figure in their family to some degree that they respect but then you are more than just looks and onen you well it's the main thing to get her foot inor the most important thing cuz there's no conversation if she's not attractive first okay so what what's your type not fat okay not a
hoe what would you classify as fat it it's just crazy to me how like there's so many girls that are like you know big as hell like I weigh about 195 to 200 lb there's girls that weigh as much as me and I'm 6'3 so it's like it's crazy mhm you know there'll be 100 kilos and expect you to so you want to feel bigger than the woman it's not about me feeling bigger it's just about I don't want a f r it's unacceptable just like women don't want a man shorter than them I don't
want a girl big as hell facts do you not think that's quite like offensive to women in what way calling them fat as hell yeah because they're in Direct Control of every morsel of food that goes in their mouth that's even worse just like a dude is in control of how much money he earns woman's in control of how much food she consumes also men are in control of how much food they consume so men can also get well yeah it's unaccept to be fat as a man as well but it's even worse when you're
a female cuz at least as a man you can make up for your lack of Aesthetics men have to provide value and utility in way more than one way women you guys have one job make sandwiches what more not two jobs make sandwiches be hot three jobs and don't be a [ __ ] not hard that is ridiculous so all you require from a woman and you think all we're capable of as women is making sandwiches looking good and what was the third thing not not being not being a [ __ ] not being a
[ __ ] well I didn't say that's all they're capable of what I'm saying is that these are things that men tend to Value women tend to think that we care about like their opinions and all this other stuff we don't care about none of that Men actually don't want to lot guys we're very simple women's opinions of course are valid this guy has got everything seriously Twisted but you will eventually won't you so if you were with a woman and you were settling with a woman and you were and you were growing as the
business or something your woman is naturally going to be right by your side isn't she so you are going to Value her opinion you are going to respect no because the reality is when a woman's with a man that she loves admires respects her opinions pretty much become your opinions girls absorb the strongest man in uh that they're in a relationship with or that they're linked to so for example if a girl has a strong father a lot of the times she has a very similar world view to her father if she has strong brother
she has similar world view if she doesn't have any male you know influence she'll do to think dumb [ __ ] like her mom tells her oh man ain't [ __ ] blah blah blah so I can always tell from speaking with a woman if she has a father or some kind of strong masculine figure in her life that's why we don't care about yall opinions cuz we know it could be morphed by your whatever some women do have a great mind and they do have helpful opinions and they do have a different opinion that
maybe well actually I wouldn't have thought ofbody like that because I'm in such a masculine state that sometimes you forget the femininity is actually really important too when it comes to certain things her opinion matters but she has to earn that right so like a lot of girls think that we care about their opinion early on in the relationship or whatever we really don't care because a man's life is way harder than a woman's life so whatever opinion you have it's kindy null and vo I don't necessarily think a man's life is harder than a
woman's life I think men have a hard life women have a hard life but we have different struggles yeah these feminists are stupid as [ __ ] if he spend even a day in a woman's shoes he would know that that is a lie I think the only thing that's different with men and women is women have a great support system so any of our struggles are like shared they're hared whereas a man is literally on your own you don't really have that friendship group that you could go in tions to no no no that
that doesn't mean that anyone's Liv's harder it just means we we both have equally hard lives and we have we must become excellent like women have the privilege of being mediocre and still being taken seriously by Society still finding a man to take take care of them us on the other hand if we don't become excellent our reality reflects that we get no chicks no one respects us no one wants to hang out with us so as a man you must go out there and become successful for women you don't have to you'll never experien
child birth you will never experience pregnancy you never experienced M cramps that's a choice menal cramps aren't a choice they're but pregnancy is but if you wanted a child because it's not just a singular choice is it it's between two people so if you wanted a child you can't you can't physically have your own child it'd be on your woman ah this is a perfect example of women always seeing the finish line and not actually seeing the race what needs to happen for a child to be born the LVS sex right sex how does a
man go about getting sex um I don't know you you have that's probably really EAS exctly delusional female what's new let's talk about the race let's talk about the guy having to build his value up let's talk about the guy being useless at 18 years old versus a woman at 18 years old everyone's trying to fly her out if she's hot enough she has an Instagram profile she's getting offers from dudes that are you know1 million $2 million net worth Etc as a man you have to build yourself up to even be able to get
sex women are just offered sex I don't think that's true actually because if you're a good-look guy like you said there's plenty of women around that that will happily have sex if you're a good-looking guy we all know that it's not easy for guys to get laid if it was guys will be watching porn or subscribing to only fans or all this other [ __ ] that we got going on with sex work it's not harder for men to have sex it might be harder for men to have sex of higher value women but like
you said there's hoes hoes everywhere there's women of less value or less attractive than you they would happily sleep with you so it's not harder you're just looking in the wrong places okay what does it take to be a good-looking guy it depends everyone's idea of of good-looking differs but most people find a lot of men attractive these days like the standards aren't very high I keep it for so so for as a guy to be attractive you have to be tall most women want to guy over 6 feet tall most men don't B say
this but then when it actually comes down to it and you ask them about their pasts most wom probably aren't over well you say good looking and casual sex so if a woman's going to go ahead and have casual sex and good-looking with a guy she's typically going to want a guy that's like very very attractive junk she is people get lefted into bed all the time the point I'm trying to make is is that women typically want a guy who's better than them in every regard so for a guy to get sex is very
difficult and then you're mentioning oh well he could just be good-looking that's not easy for a man you have to go to the gym you have to build your body up you have to dress well smell well then you have to also have game even if you're a good looking guy the same for a woman she's got no [ __ ] idea man he has absolutely zero idea do you [ __ ] every good-looking guy you talk to no absolutely never I'm not talking about me you said you yourself with hose and I'm saying if
you do surround yourself with hose then sex is easily obtainable for good looks a lot of the times might get your foot in the door but if you're not able to convey yourself in a certain way have a certain tonality have a certain confidence speak in a certain way do you not think that's the same with a woman we still have to go to the gym we we actually appreciate when you guys are quiet I've had enough but if we went on a first date and I sat there and I was like mhm you're going
to think one she's boring two she's got no personality three she's got zero substance now as much as you say all you want is someone to look go to make sandwiches realistically you're going to get so bored of that if the person you're dating has no substance well most women are boring in general imagine there a guy and you know hot girls want to fly you out and suck your dick and smash you just for you existing would you actually go to the gym and develop yourself the answer is a profound [ __ ] no
and the hardest scrs especially are boring that's not also very true I think it just depends on how you you were raised and your upbringing and what you were surrounded with he is wrong I do not care that is wrong there's a lot of people that you wouldn't find attractive that are also boring there's a lot of people in general no one cares about ug girls no one cares about ugly girls but what I'm saying is that hot girls a lot of times are boring because they've never had to develop themselves to become attractive and
they've gotten everything that they've ever wanted simply by being hot so why I think that's a very small minority though no one gives a [ __ ] about ugly girls just like no one cares about broke guys in front of 7-Eleven asking for money you're invisible attractive women are fairly common yeah of course they are the attractive women that have had everything handed to them and never had to work and and never had to build a personality that's quite rare because a lot of people that I know that are attractive are very great people and
they've had not everything hand to them they've still grafted they've still worked and they've obtained a great personality like women you mean yeah yeah but you got to remember that what women are interested in and what men are interested in are two different things he keeps saying about women don't like men unless they've got money but I know girls out here that don't give a [ __ ] about money the reason why I say women live life on easy mode is because they reserve the right to be useless if they want but as a man
I don't think so hold on well okay how many useless bimos do you know that are with Rich guys you probably know a bunch no they're stupid they don't make any money they don't do nothing I don't know any you don't know okay well in the real world okay there is very attractive women that have no skills yeah right that are with exceptional men and they're able to do so because they're attractive now with that said I'm not knocking all women out there if girls want to go to school and make money and be successful
that's cool but the key is they don't have to however as a man you cannot be a loser and get an exceptional woman but you can especially in this generation when women women want equality and women want to overpower a man there's women out there that are doing really well those relationship Never Last those relationships Never Last does it does it ever last vice versa yeah or does he men rely leave relationships yeah but they do women leave men don't we know that 80% of divorces are initiated by women and men rarely if ever leave
women unless like they do some really vile [ __ ] so once again a girl that doesn't understand how the real world Works they don't leave the relationship they just obtain other relationships during their relationship in order for the women to leave still in a relationship they don't end it but is it really a relationship some false pretenses now is it men almost always want other women that's just how it goes is that true though or do you think when you really love someone that you will just stay in a monogamous relationship monogamy is a
lie for who for men the guys that sit there and say I want to be monogamous nine out of 10 times they're lying it's cope they want to have other women they just either a are too scared to admit it B don't have the sexual market value to attract multiple women or see all the above do you know what you don't actually really realize how men think until so you start dating them in this this intense with this grilling this whole grilling thing and they're really open about that they all just want to women all
day long no matter what relationship no matter what and they think it's absolutely fine it's not fine guys it'sing damaging stop listening to online people because you know what the truth is is they find a good woman they're not going to [ __ ] anyone else anyway they're just damaged let them heal come back to them don't listen to them cuz they're just going to damage you as well I'm not saying that men aren't naturally going to want other women cuz that's very natural thing for men I understand that but it's whether you're going to
break your relationship or risk your relationship in order to obtain another woman during that why not why not tell her I'm going to have multiple girls why not be honest but then you might she might not stay well that's why most guys lie but if your Val is high enough you tell her straight up I'm going to have other women and they accept it and this is why I always say the more money you have you think you can buy your way out of morality we always put Morality In the female frame oh it's immoral
for you to have you know multiple women it's immoral for you to want to have other chicks I could turn around and be like well it's IMM moral for you to want a guy that has money it's IM moral for you to want a guy that's 6' tall it's a moral for you to want a guy that's better than natural though that's natural for me to want H it's natural for you to want it it's whether you're going to go and do that it's hold on so it's okay for you to want and actually take
action on having a guy that's six foot tall that makes money that has status that is attractive that's Charming that's good looking but it's immoral for me to enact on my natural want which is multiple women yes because it's very different and woman man like you said you someone who's let's make this even more fun hold on let's make this even more fun this is a perfect example of women thinking that their double standards are more important than yours so for example they want to sit there and say I want a guy that makes money
and tall and successful and strong Etc but if you want multiple women it's a problem he is the epitome of delusional as a man I have to earn my ability to get a variety of women you don't have to even earn your ability to get a guy that's 6 foot that makes money Etc of course you do no you don't you just exist that's just not true you can't just exist and just get every money in the world if you're attractive just exist have an Instagram profile be at a club or be at a bar
just stand there genuinely spent a week in a woman's body you'd understand that that's actually not a true statement in the slightest maybe like I said the women that you've associated with have had a life like that I was a woman I'd see how women's lives are easy easy mode compared to men easy mode typical Modern Woman in front of me guys I feel sorry forever Bears this man's kids you think women are inferior yes why it's bi biology yeah biology they're physically inferior they're mentally inferior but aren't men here as Protectors of women yeah
so why would we need to be protected if we was inferior you protect things that are more in value to you than you are I got him there no well because the King has bodyguards the queen has bodyguards to look after them because they are very high value they need to be protected men are here as Protectors of women so we're not necessarily the fact the fact that I'm able to even protect you and I have the ability to do so is because you're Superior to yeah your strength is superior yeah yeah that's what I
mean men are superior end of story no one watches WNBA for a reason they suck I don't think the word inferior and Superior are the right words to use between men and women it's like a baby say we had a child a little newborn baby he's a fairy he's useless it's the truth babies are a liability and so are women guys did he really just say babies are a liability and here's the thing women are just like babies and children like you guys can barely make your own decisions don't know what you want to eat
half the time you can't protect yourselves it's like godamn I mean we can protect ourselves but we shouldn't have to because that's what men are for how are you going to protect yourself from a man no not from a man I suppose but this is why you're here to protect us so we're notor to you you're not Superior your strength is superior for the reason of protecting women he just seems so insecure when it comes to women and I just I kind of feel a little bit sorry for him your strength is superior which is
the most important thing strength is the only thing that matters strength isn't all that matters stop winding me up now it's the only thing that matters what that's a very vague statement to say strength is the only thing that matters in the whole world so you can't that's why we're at the top of the food chain it's why we built this crazy world that we have right now everything was built by Men Let Me Be Honest women suck at almost everything that they do I can't believe he's just said that yeah women suck at everything
guys that's so they they suck at driving I'm a fantastic driver okay I would run lapse around I'm Li sure they suck at sports they're not as coordinated right you ever throw like a like a like a ball at a chick or something and she's not expecting it oh [ __ ] you know I think you really dealt with some really dumb women because everything that you've just named I'm fantastic well being dumb and not being and being uncoordinated are two different things there's people that are I know so many men that are uncoordinated I
could throw a ball and he's not going to catch it I think you're talking about a a minority of both genders no I'm speaking in general okay I'm speaking in general for both genders yeah for both genders women that can't drive most suck at most things is what I'm trying to say most men suck at most things because if they didn't every man would be a millionaire every man would be a high value man men suck there's a reason why there's separate leagues for everything yeah right because women suck at most things that's such a
vague statement saying women suck at everything they do but how how can you say women suck at everything women are better naturist they're better emotional Expressions they're better at communication they're better at child birth so they're better at making sandwiches telling you communication you guys can't even tell us what you want to eat I don't know what women you're dealing with cuz I'm a very straightforward woman you asked me where we're going to I was thinking about it since last night we're talking about women in general here I know you might be special okay I
am special clear she just said women are good at communication no women are good at listening to communication and being able to assess the situation but to be honest with you they talk too much they're annoying and they can't even tell you what they want to eat so explain to me how they're good at communicating yeah but I just think you've got a really really bad Viewpoint of women and I think no matter real how great a woman is you're just going to say we suck at everything you guys do men suck at everything then
you suck the reason why the reason why I believe in being a protector a provider right and women not working Etc is because I know women deep down in the back of their mind suck like all the you guys suck because you're all Inc capable of a lot of things you're not emotionally available men are the worst being emotionally available they keep all their emotions in and then they became enraged Okay so makes you L attractive a man who's emotionally available is very attractive oh really yes guy sits there and cries and tells you C
that's being emotionally available no no no you're not going to sit and cry every day though are you you can cry if you're upset of course you can it's it's natural and you're going to lose respect for God gave us all of these feelings you're going to lose I'm not going to lose any I'll give you a CLE I'll put you on your vagina will get dry see this is a female garbage once again I'll be emotionally available and then I'm like okay well you want the guy to cry and have his emotion I want
to and cry every day but that's being emotionally available yes need to happen cry if you need to cry have you when was the last time you cried it's been a while I can't remember exactly he needs a good old cry this one but that is a very healthy part of being a human being not a man or a woman being a human being you have to express these feelings you have to feel every emotion because you know what you'll do you'll build it up and it will come out in a different emotion and mostly
in men it comes out as rage one of the big cornerstones of of uh being a man versus being a woman is emotional control cuz look at I'll tell you this emotional control is is healthy but that means knowing when to control means when to be emotional that doesn't mean don't feel your emotions yeah go ahead and feel them but feel them by yourself or with one of your guys that you could trust not with a woman because women don't are not receptive to emotionally available men you say that but look at how many men
right are in relationships when they're having a bad day yeah who are they going to go to to make their day B their woman no I I would talk to my guys okay women don't have I don't think you like women no I do you don't like women because any man they will go home to their woman their woman will make them feel better if they're feeling down they're going to go to their woman because women are emotional we're nous we're cares we going to make you feel better he's been so damaged they can't help
you what's a man going to do well that's a good question yeah we deal the same you with everything your boys going to do remember how I said women live life on easy mode see I build upon myself women live life on easy mode which means they have a different experience than men do they have there's no burden performance women are born with value men must earn their value so what the hell do I look like telling a woman my problems that she doesn't have any idea of she can't even fathom because she's a female
she can't give me any real solutions the difference between men and women is this when I have problems and I go to someone I want Solutions women you guys just want someone to hear you guys out that's why you guys can come to us with your problems and be like I feel this way blah BL blah you guys don't want Solutions you just want to be heard cool us we the problem yeah but most of the time they just want to be heard with men we want Solutions men are deductive problem solvers that's why you
see the Fantastic World in front of you that we have here we have a very powerful mind and the right woman is very int going back to what I was saying yeah they suck at everything right oh my goodness so since I know that women suck at everything right since I know that they suck at everything I understand that the burnning performance is on me I got to protect I got to provide and her job is to be pretty and be there like she don't got to worry about nothing and that's how women want it
that that's that's how we want it but that's not because we suck that's because we haven't got good qualities to offer that's just because that's naturally what we would would require from a man and natur so you naturally suck no I don't natur men actually suck like if we really deep it men suck majority do suck you all suck you you all suck because even the high value men you've got sucky mentalities yeah where you think you can go [ __ ] everyone now because you've got money well they have to earn that ability no
no no they have to earn that right to cheat you suck okay we are loyal we're naturally more loyal we're naturally more car disagree you have a bad experience with women women are natur actually terrible I actually women are actually less loyal because women and here's the thing no no no here's the thing I think women have really hurt you and you need to cry of course women can't be loyal from a biological standpoint guys because it's in their nature to seek the best so if you're going to go ahead and seek the best all
the time it's in your nature to not be loyal women can't be loyal biologically because for them to be loyal that means they're going to stick with a guy even when he's at his worst and women do that yeah they do but they lose attraction respect for that guy not necessarily it depends on what he's doing whilst he's down and out if my husband or partner or whatever was down and out but I can see that he's trying he's trying to build up his mentality is still strong I will push you I will build you
I will I will help you grow I will everything until he gets to where he need to there's a Time clock on that the point is is that I'm not going to wait 50 years am I okay yeah how long are you really going to wait man she's not sticking around guys there's always a shot clock once you stop pay paying the bills he is a serious overthinker women naturally cannot be loyal they can't from from a biological standpoint they're loyal to the best man that they can get only but once that man is not
able to provide security anymore she loses interest loses she loses respect first then she loses Interest next thing you know she's not [ __ ] you she's not sucking you no more but if you flip it my girl loses her job Etc I'm not going to but that's not the same thing because we said women and men want different things but if a woman got fat now you're going to lose respect for her so it's on the same Spectrum it's just the different aspects of your relationship yeah but men rarely leave women men are actually
the more loyal ones by far cuz here's the problem you're conflating this is this is where I see where the the the issue is your definition of loyalty you're attributing it to both genders if it's the same yeah and the reality is it's not your job as a woman is to be loyal sexually through sexual Fidelity my job is to be loyal to you by protecting and providing for you un sexually no yes no because a woman's main commodity is her sexuality a man's main commodity is not his sexuality it's his ability to provide security
but that doesn't matter it doesn't matter you you stay loyal because you have to say a relationship is two people coming together and agreeing to be with each other yeah you go to have sex with someone else you're not based you're not in a relationship but I'm not going to protect that [ __ ] I don't care you're still giving her things that should only be for me no so let what if a woman goes and has sex with another man then you're going to call her a exactly but cuz you didn't have to earn
that loyalty for a man is not sexual loyalty for us is being able to protect and provide for our wom being willing to put your life on the line for a female shows your loyalty as a man he's very insecure and in that pain and Trauma he's tried to dissect the female female mind and he has got it so so wrong is it easy for a woman to get sex is it easy for a woman to get sex of course it is is it easy for a man to get sex of course it is no
it's not hard it's way harder feel like you've had a really bad experience of getting women because I know so many people that can just have sex okay you know what let's have fun with this if you think it's so easy I'm the girl how you ever going to rise me up what a [ __ ] question I'm not a man I would never rise you up you thought you said it was easy yeah because I it's easy R me up I'm not a man the girl I don't know how to rise people up what
the [ __ ] I wasn't here for that see guys I told you girls have no game she failed with raising me up did you just ask me to rise him up I think he's a bit gay that's why he wanted to act like a woman I knew it I called that one guys but it is easy isn't it no it's not it's is you go on a date you date a few does it you just ask a girl on a date it's that easy if you're going for high value sing no absolutely not okay
would it be fair to say that you are very picky on who you go on dates with absolutely congratulations you just provve my point point proven once again I didn't say I would have sex with everyone I'm saying it's easy to have sex away from me not with me away from me yes it is you said you were special earlier right yeah I am you just gave the answer that every other girl gives I'm not that obtainable okay but you congratulations of women every girl thinks like you do even hoes I don't care what he
says or how much work he's put in in his calculations he doesn't understand women it's easier for women to get sex it's hard for men to get sex if you're ugly probably ugly as a man even even attractive guys struggle that's a lie that is a lie there's attractive man you go to IB for Maya somewhere like that there there how do I go to Barb fly there how do I fly there on an airplane how do I get on an airplane you walk onto it with your legs mate oh how do I get how
do I get the ticket you buy one with your money it's like 20 quid for a flight if you ain't got 20 quid for a flight to my B sweet are you got more problems from Miami it's way more expensive and then Marb you think it's Mii is it cheap to be in city of host she said you're missing the big point of you have to have money which isn't easy to acquire not if you live in Miami and you got all them hoes around you you don't need anything do you walk down the street
you need to live in Miami is that cheap okay I understand that but you've you've obviously moved to Miami because you've established yourself in life but I'm saying you already actually live there that's not easy though okay that's not easy I'm not I'm not disregarding your your journey in life of of where you've where you've came from or any man's journey in life of of building themselves up but it is easy to obtain sex as a good-look man you can walk up to a girl in a nightclub and nine times out of 10 if she's
drunk enough she's going home with you I'm sorry we live in a generation where women open their legs for fun yes they do yeah girls are hoes but you you you mistake that only a minority of men can actually pull this off it's not easy to get girls at the club because you got to get table service Run game all this other [ __ ] you're good man it's not easy most and most women find most men as unattractive cuz most men are unattractive okay so so there we go so since it's difficult it is
respected but since it's easy for women to get late it is not respected so me having multiple women going back to the whole loyalty thing that's where we started yeah is way different yeah than you going and having sex with another guy cuz I have to earn my ability to I completely understand your ab just because you've earned it doesn't mean you need to go and showcase that whilst you're in a relationship if you've earn it fantastic go and enjoy just be single whilst you do it hold on why are your standards more important than
mine there's no such thing as no one's standards are more important yeah because if your standard is that you want to sleep with multiple women have the best time be safe you know wrap it up cuz you know cuz I have to earn that but why should you be to a 6ot guy plus that makes money how can I what every so you could demand a guy that's 6 foot that makes money yeah but I can't demand multiple chicks you can demand whatever you like in this life but stay single this guy should just stay
single her standards are more important than mine and you guys should take this as a lesson this is how women think their standards always override yours don't fall for the [ __ ] always put your standards first cuz you're the one that's got to put the work in first here's the thing if you're attractive enough girls will accept you having other women I don't know what women you're referring to but if you can find that then you know how I already do well well that's fantastic they accept great they accept it I had three girlfriends
I don't a woman three girlfriends at one time yeah did they all know about each other yeah do you think they respected you yeah they went to Disney World together it was great do you think they have respect you as a man absolutely because a woman that respects her man isn't sharing her man with anybody oh no no no it's actually quite on the contrary woman that respects for man understands that this is what he wants I respect him this much I will accept it that's delusional no it's actually very realistic he does not respect
women at all no I would argue the woman that understands that she's with a guy that's successful full top of the you know top tier Etc she understands that she has to share him that's extremely pragmatic the def the actually the opposite of delusional because most women are delusional they say oh I want a guy that's tall Charming makes money charismatic in shape strong God I need to get my notepad out this guy won't shut up entertaining witty all this other crap oh man there's not many of these guys there oh I found one oh
I want him to be loyal to me yeah but I think if you that's delusional it comes back to supply and demand if you find a guy that's one out of a million right and every other girl is looking for the same [ __ ] because you guys are you guys are not as special as you guys say you are yeah what makes you think that guy's going to be loyal to you when he's he had he has the pick of the litter he is the special one in this regard I don't necessarily think that's
true I think you meet your match and if you if you ever met your match you wouldn't go and have three girlfriends at once and I don't agree that they would respect you I think if you had any respect for women which I know you don't you don't you don't value respect them as equal you don't respect them as equal if you had any respect for them at all have three girlfriends actually I respect them more than most guys cuz I think they should be protected and provided for I don't think they should work yeah
but for me to have that mindset I must understand that they're not equal every guy that's attractive to women has this mindset like that's not true the most attractive men we're all sexist all of us because there's being sexist and there's being completely disrespectful did he really just say sexism is a God thing sexism is a good thing and women want it I'm disrespectful for saying women need to protect and provide no no no that's not disrespectful like great oh Pick and the disrespect here we go not the disrespect that's not disrespectful see she's going
back on herself guys she retreating now disrespectful is having a relationship having that commitment with someone and then breaking that and having multiple women if you want that lifestyle like I said buy all me go and have a great time like you said you earn it just stay single I don't think and you know the women that are accepting this no offense they obviously have very low selfworth and very low self-respect for themselves because why would you tolerate that or you could go and get a man that is only going to be loyal to you
maybe they just care about the money no they're realistic okay realistically gold diggers no re they're realistic in their sense where they understand I'm with a top tier guy I know my place I know other women are going to want him I know he's going to be a man end of the day he loves me and he's going to come to me the girls I'm with are realistic they get it the women that he's with they maybe they probably have some daddy issues they've got some self-esteem issues there they're constantly seeking validation in the wrong
places would you not hold more value as a high value man knowing that you can have any girl and anyone can you can have that but not giving in would that not make you mentally stronger physically stronger physically more manly that you don't give into Temptations men that can commit themselves and stay loyal to one person are the sexiest men in this world would you hold value if you could bench 225 yeah no you wouldn't no one cares that's the same exact thing with you asking would you hold value would you value as a man
if you were able to not have sex with a bunch of girls that's a ridiculous question because we don't hold our value the same you hold your value by not having sex with other people yeah I demonstrate my value by being able to have sex with other girls I don't think we're going to agree on this topic you don't have to agree but that's the reality of how men make select than how women make S did you always have this mindset or with with money did you require acquire this mindset yeah I've always pretty much
since you were young you've always just said yeah you know what men should be able to just around yeah and you don't think that's disrespectful to your partner not at all because men have to earn their value so therefore if you've earned your value it's on you how you want to spend that value women don't earn their value so they can't dictate how you spend yours toxic guy there's women that really just don't care about money at all I know in Miami that might sound right but it's do don't want to have sex with girls
yeah dudes that want to have sex with girls no I just was saying something else ridiculous that isn't true okay well it is true there is women out there I think you you only know so many women because of the lifestyle that you've lived obviously and the ones you've been around but in the real world there's actually women that don't care about money they're not chasing after rich men they're not chasing after all of these things they just want substance love and loyalty if the guy has certain things in place first grow and build their
part women absolutely care about a man's ability to provide security and that security a lot of times is contingent on how much money they earn all girls are gold diggers some are just better hiding the shovel what do I mean by this I I mean some girls are overheard about it saying I only marry millionaires or I only date millionaires cool shovel is right there everyone can see it some girls got the little [ __ ] small shovel where they say stupid [ __ ] like oh I want a man that's ambitious I want a
man that has a good mindset that's a hard worker that's still a gold digger to a degree because you're banking on potential all girls are gold diggers some are just better hiding the shovel guys women are like sports Scouts you go to a game you see this guy damn this guy got potential okay some people are some girls are willing to take a risk on that individual some are not and they're like no I want them to be self-made and be ready to go when I get there but the point is that all girls are
gold diggers to degree and all girls care about a man's future I actually think he needs to date a man cuz he hates women so much I know women that are happy being the Breadwinners in their relationship being the what the bread like they earn the more money than their man they don't [ __ ] that man no more but they do and they have a healthy relationship and that's just how they like their Dynamic it's she don't respect him she don't like him like that she's probably talking to other guys not all women are
gold diggers I know a lot of women that really just don't care about money these days ugly girls don't care about money A lot of times that's true but who cares about them wow I wish there was a [ __ ] Noe for this why because women are useless friends remember I said women suck at everything one of the things they suck at is being friends there we go again I'm going back to my statement of you don't like women I think if women didn't have vaginas would you even have any association with a woman
no fantastic question mhm so that's a no that's a big no would you just prefer to date men no because vagina great you just seem like you like men so much more than women I understand where each gender has value conversation making money having are we not having a great conversation right now I'm actually in pain but we're making this happen right making it work okay uh but it's okay I I have high pain tolerance going to the gym so okay women have a higher pain tolerance than men to stay in that's fantastic women don't
have the same life experiences as men so it's very difficult for for them to identify what your masculine problems controversial take here if you're not getting sexual access to a woman you're not getting her best women can't serve two masters so for you to get the best out of woman get that nurturing care get that you know that what I call High give a [ __ ] atude that women give you have to be having sex with her and she has to respect you if you're in a friend zone by definition she doesn't respect you
I don't think that's a true statement at all how can you not just it's the same as just having a girl meate it's having a guy meate no you can have the same kind of conversation if a guy's in a friend Z by a woman yeah she does not respect him of course she can respect them when a woman friend zes you guys it effectively means you are not sexually attractive to me and I do not want to procreate Andor carry your lineage don't ever accept the friendzone go find another girl okay but she's not
friendzoned him they're just friends they've both made a mutual decision to be just friends no she made the decision he wants to smash if it's other way around cool I'm cool with a guy having friends and he's choosing it that's fine but when it's but let's be honest here that's rarely the case it's always the woman is friends with the guy he wants to sleep with her she knows this but she's able to siphon off utility from him oh I'm able to have a guy I could talk to oh I'm able to get this masculine
energy oh I'm able to get the boyfriend energy it's basically you're able to have a boyfriend without [ __ ] him it's a win win for women but I have a great friend who I've had since I was 11 who is male who would never sleep with me doesn't want to sleep with me yes if you called him at 2: a.m. and said I'm drunk and horny he would [ __ ] you he 100% wouldn't [ __ ] me ever there's just never been that I think cuz we grew up together from such a young
age there's just there isn't an attraction he's literally like my family no yes no and he would never [ __ ] me he would have given an opportunity he would never women constantly think that their friendship and their company is more valuable than it really is the reality is that most men wouldn't value women though you don't like most men would not talk to women if they didn't have vaginas that's also not a true statement that's an absolute fact that is not a fact if there was no sex involved and there was no sexual access
we would not talk to y'all we would play video games we hang out with our Bros but women play video games women suck a video games I'm [ __ ] fantastic actually so let's stop calling me sucky women are great at things okay just cuz you okay just cuz you might be good at something doesn't mean that a majority of women don't suck but just because you're good at something doesn't mean the majority of men don't suck what do you mean majority of humans these days unfortunately suck all the top video game players are men
all the top chess players are men all the top drivers are men NASCAR drivers etc for that's because it's a lot harder for women to get into the field because a few years ago we couldn't even work okay men dominate the world we understand naturally no they don't yes they do women dominate the world no they don't women have more okay name one writer privilege that men have that women don't besides being able to have sex with a bunch of women without being judged why do it get pointing at me name one writer privilege men
have that women don't in this day and age n exactly women do run the world nowadays especially the men do this and the men do that and now all of a sudden women Run the World make your mind up mate I just understand that we're different and there's also understand that we're different the prettier you are the quieter you are wow in all the Latin world are you Spanish no or did you just obtain that because you hate women no no no well it's actually funny my girlfriend told me that a phrase so yeah which
one number six she's number one now but she was number two before okay yeah she so she upgraded I bet she feels great about that yeah hey man do you know what as this dat's going on it's just got worse and progressively worse and worse and worse so they're all treated the same they all get the same access to you if they're my main girl but I have a very strict vetting face yeah it's not easy managing women how many main girls do you have at once what do you think is like a healthy obtainable
amount for you what could you tolerate in life it depends on the guy every man is different has different tolerance levels but I think having uh one to three main girls and then some side chicks you you know like you know when you go to a restaurant you get side dishes you get a main course you get one get a few sides you get one main you can't say one to three main girls cuz you only get one main the rest will be hold on but if you go to the gym and you train hard
you're going to want two Mains no I won't actually I'm not that that I'm not that hungry you need more calories yes so just have one big man get a bigger woman you want chicken here you want steak care you went really hard in the gym you need extra protein same thing I can eat a lot I put work in the gym unlike these fat hoes I really admire the way that you can make anything make sense in your head I love that about you I think I think it makes a lot of sense for
anyone I love that about because men operate in a meritocracy cuz I just talked about women and you went yeah yeah but I like chicken and steak this is a lot these are human beings they are treasured beautiful souls and you just see how you like you can't oh you know what I think you'd love it more if I would sat here and I had a penis Well we'd have a more rational conversation versus you and your feelings but I'm not in my feelings uh well I'm not in my feelings I'm actually really enjoying this
I think it's really great here's my thing I just speak from a very matter of fact standpoint what I'm saying is that as a man if you go out there and conquer the world you're going to get hungry and you're going to want multiple chicks it just comes down to do you have the value to be able to do it and pull it off most guys don't so they got to sit there and be like I'm monogamous but most guys don't want to be monogamous if you're a guy you're attractive you got your [ __
] together maybe you're religious or whatever and you're like I'm going be monogamous cuz my religion fantastic you made that choice what I have issue with is when guys are sitting there being monogamous cuz their girl tells them if you cheat I'll cut your dick off man I I wish my girl would try to tell me some [ __ ] like that happy wife happy life it'sing lie happy true it's happy King happy King D is how it works so my thing is did you make that phrase up for you I've never had that in
my life you never heard that you went let me see I can turn this to a monly thing and then you just made your own catchphrase men lead have to men lead women follow that's how it's got to be I agree with that women can't lead anything that's not true they suck as politicians they can't lead nothing when they're CEOs of companies they suck yeah cuz the men in in power right now are doing a real great job oh for [ __ ] sake that's a big [ __ ] no hell no why cuz it's
a very submissive thing to do pleasure in a woman submissive don't have sex then no licking her vagina is submissive why is that submissive is it you're going down on her it's literally like the the perfect example of being submissive as a man [ __ ] giving head man that's some [ __ ] just pledge your woman and get over it you she don't you don't have to go down and she could just sit on your face that's even worse what that's even worse women don't respect guys that sit there and just eat box all
day women men that will put her pleasure before before that [ __ ] no of it's a woman's job to pleasure the man this is very overly sexist now oh that was way over the line it was sexist ago and now you crossed my hand that's not sexist that's that's very sexist that's lovely could you imagine if I said kiss my hand as a man like what the [ __ ] this guy's a weirdo that's just not it's like sexism no sexism sexism there's basically there's some behaviors that are appropriate for one gender while being
inappropriate for another which is healthy and fine sexual activities aren't something that's for one or the other that is just something that you don't indulge in together okay why do men talk to women because we're fantastic how so because we're great conver conversationalists we are great listeners um we discussed we care about your opinion yeah you don't care about my opinion or any woman's opinion most men don't no that's just you and my maybe it's different in America like I said but most men in the UK value women they like women aside from our you
don't have to you don't have you could like a woman and still want her to be quiet yes occasionally be quiet but there's certain times you do want to have a conversation so sometimes I don't want a man to say a lot of things you can be quiet too a woman's job is to please her man sexually their job is to se no it's not remember how I said women should work electively M okay men should please their woman electively okay but hear me out right you're in a relationship you got free you're all for
guys prepare you know taking care of women but you're not for okay okay I am for women taking care of their men like that's your completely 100% however you have three women yeah three girlfriends so you got three sources of pleasure so right now your pleasure okay main girls or we talking Side Girls I'm one about in general just every girl how many Mains two right now one one and how many sides oh [ __ ] a few yeah yeah so there's a few going on so you've got a few people pleasuring you yeah and
also you can step out at any point and go and get it elsewhere too if you want this woman to be loyal to you and exclusive to you and you're the only person given her pleasure do you not think you should pleasure in every single way no we don't look vaginas over here he thinks pleasuring a woman is being inferior to a woman and I think he has real serious issues we derive pleasure from you guys being quiet making sandwiches and giving us sex you guys derive pleasure you don't like us you guys derive pleasure
from us being successful being the most attractive guy how other women look at us men love women that other men love maybe cucks you want to know what guy's like let me find a hot girl that doesn't have an Instagram no one knows who she is I'mma bring her out and people will be like oh [ __ ] who's that we don't know who she is and we don't need other people to validate her women on the other hand they want to be with the top guy they want to be with a guy he walks
in the club or he walks in somewhere oh such and such oh women need social proof we don't that's not true but also imagine if you got a girlfriend that's not true I don't social status no okay let me ask you a question then let's have fun with this let's say we met right mm we met in London and you find attractive I'm like oh I'm throwing a party like I'd love for you to come bring some of your girlfriends it's going to be awesome and you're like cool yeah for sure two scenarios you come
to the party right first one you show up you and your girlfriends and there's 50 dudes and like three girls are you staying no okay switch it up show up to the party in the second scenario with you and your girlfriends 50 girls like five guys are you staying yeah I wonder why social proof is important isn't it it's not about social proof it's women feel more comfortable being in an environment full of women okay if there's 50 men I'm going to feel intimidated I'm going to feel on edge and I don't like that okay
that's not about social proof no no no no but see here's the thing your ability to feel safe is rooted in Social proof the man being able to have a bunch of women there displays an ability of this guy has some kind of social semblance this guy's a I wouldn't have even thought of it like that I would have been like great live life on easy mode this what I'm trying to say see women live life on easy mode you don't even understand all the bits and pieces of work go into men creating an environment
for women to have fun like this is what I mean when I say girls have zero concept of what it's like to be a man or to be attractive and this is why we can have multiple chicks and you guys can't because we have to do all the work like that's right there I think that's just you because I think when everyone goes home and they go to sleep at night you sit there with a graph and you dissect every scenario ever and then you try and make it like bulletproof when that's not that hard
must do the work you make it harder than it needs to be men men have to do the work to be attractive to women he is thinking about that way too much cuz it wasn't easy for him to get those 50 [ __ ] at that why are you ugly growing up what does that have to do with anything I'm asking why are you ugly growing up all right I'll answer that in a second why is she asking me this [ __ ] weird ass question about I was ugly growing up all guys were pretty
much see this what I mean when I say women only see like surface level of the work that men put in right but not every man puts in this much effort or this much thought behind the most attractive ones do and this is how you get the girls you have to put in all this effort this is why a man that is attractive it's like a superpower cuz it's so hard to get you expect to just bang one girl after you learned all this [ __ ] hell no but you play women like we a
game you play the relationships like it's a game like it's a test that you're always trying to pass but it's not it's meant to be beautiful it's harmonious G it is a game women started this game it is a game that's why they call it you have game it's just that women don't like it when they know that you're playing the game with them they just don't like it when a man can outmaneuver them in this game because so few guys can do it it's not about out maneuver no one's supposed to be winning we're
supposed to be on the same team we're supposed to be working you guys wear makeup heels waist trainers everything about you guys is a lie that's not a lie absolutely I could take my heels off I'm still the same person I'm just a little bit shorter let's say I told you I was a lawyer I had a firm okay well that's lying isn't and we [ __ ] right then you find out that I work at McDonald's I'm probably going to get me too aren't I because you're a liar oh okay but what about women
wearing makeup trainers fil on instagam makeup up straight feel no way about being B women are fake everything about them is deceptive guys I told yall everything about women a lot of the times is based in deception you've been hurt heartbroken and damaged by women and I really feel like either a therapist or good cry would change a lot of your views what did I say that was incorrect that women just a lie about everything that we women care about social science a multibillion dollar IND it's also very damaging for women hence I you change
an argument why because makeup in itself inherently is to deceive or to enhance no it's to make up for your lack of Aesthetics that's why it's called makeup if I take my make make for lack of Aesthetics I look the exact same oh yeah I do I do the te like I I got a 12in stick do you that's fantastic prob why you got so many hoes so go back to earlier sure did you grow up ugly every man does makes a lot more sense do you know what as soon as he told me he
was an ugly kid everything made sense it just clicked it was like bing makes sense I'm starting to the picture starting to piece together now here's the thing a man's looks aren't as important as you think cuz like I said before men are able to make up in other ways but men effectively are all ugly when they're young because they don't have they're not able to provide security which is the most important thing that women look for men really don't Blossom until they're older anyway because the things that make us attractive take time to acquire
okay still being attractive an attractive man people can look at you and go actually you're really attractive but that doesn't mean you're GNA get women to take you seriously you could be a handsome guy and get some [ __ ] here and there but are you going to be able to keep them are you going to be able to get them to respect you no when women become 30 it's kind of downhill from there for us when we become 30 is all uphill okay if we do the work so women depreciate with age absolutely you
don't think women can age like fine wine cuz I I think a lot of women get better of age [ __ ] no yeah my sister she was a very late bloomer but she's absolutely stunning now yeah that's your sister of course you're going to be biased I'm not biased actually Lo of people she's probably mid to be honest her sister is absolutely mid anytime a girl like sensationalizes their friend or their sibling they're mid why we trying to say I'm mid how old are you doesn't matter oh okay exactly see you couldn't even you
want to say because my age was going to change your answer there you go because you couldn't just say oh no yes or no you were going to judge it by how old I am look at her avoiding it I got her on the robes now I don't even know what his issues are that's the problem they're that deep rooted I can't even figure them out no one cares about older women in their 40s men universally want younger Wom women and women know this so once they get of a certain age they want to they
don't want to say their age anymore he doesn't understand women he understands his perspective of women and his experience with women which has damaged him and now he has no respect for women I think women gain value as a age too I think this whole going for younger women is because men like to manipulate women and they can't manipulate women when they've got past a certain age because they've got way too much experience behind them now younger girls who haven't lived not necessarily that's not necessarily true at all in your experience yes I know you
traumatized I'm saying in with a lot of women so you're saying men value experience no I'm saying men value manipulation for younger women you go for young women because they're easier to to handle they're easier to maintain they haven't had the relationship experiences they've not had life experience to shake them to shift them to build them you want to build them that [ __ ] man we want girls that aren't used and abused men manipulate young women let me ask you a question go on you're going to do a CrossCountry trip across Europe right and
you need to get a car can't get any type of mechanical help or anything else like that you have to drive straight through all right you got two options you got a 22 Honda right with 100,000 plus miles on it okay or you got a brand new Honda 2024 with zero miles on it which one are you going to use to make that long ass Journey which one would you prefer I'm going to go with the older one you're not going to get no mechanical help but guess what you're going to be stuck on the
road why not mechanical problems hold hold on hold on so you're going to take the newer one because you don't want to get stuck on the side of the road which is cool that perfectly signifies marriage and relationships I don't want to use a used up car that's been through the ringer and take it through the long journey of marriage I want a car that's going to go off of my lead a car that hasn't been used a car that doesn't have issues a car that doesn't have bad Carfax on it that's how men operate
we want R in experienced men they say they're high value I've got this I've got that if you are so high value get a woman in your own age who's got the same experiences the same no you can't because you can't manipulate them you can't morph them into these things you go for younger girls that you can ra like raise it's it's like grooming and you're not even realize it it's like grooming women want men that are tall Charming experienced make money Etc they want older men right men however we want the opposite we want
younger women because we want someone that will not give us a headache follow or lead you want someone that's going to lead you so that means they need experience why is this the beginning of time I think with women let me ask this on this is the beginning of time why have men always wanted virgent women most men wouldn't I don't know cuz of [ __ ] in bed and she won't ever know men value inexperience men want inexperience guys don't sit there and let these girls sell youing used car saying no you want a
used car but what I'm trying to say is a woman that's older and that has had experience she's already she knows she knows who she is I'm not saying experience sexually I'm saying life exp if you went and got an 18yearold girl yes she would Mor to you and do all of these things but guess what in a few years when she's had some more life and SP she's probably going to leave you she's probably not she's good cuz then she's going to want to find herself women that are older they' already found themselves they
know who they are an 18-year-old doesn't know who she is she translation cuz you just said a bunch of woman I don't say sexually I when girl say find myself [ __ ] when a girl says finding myself translation I'm going to be a for a period of time 18-year-old doesn't know who she is she doesn't know what her mothers are she doesn't know what she stands for and she doesn't know what she can tolerate and what she can't tolerate in life she's not had enough experience to make them decisions okay so that car the
old car is probably going to cut through the side roads cuz it's really [ __ ] experienced J and it's going to get there without breaking down cuz it knows the route this one's going to trample along yeah and she's going to get a few bumps in the road cuz she didn't know which ones to avoid and guess what she's probably going to break down before the old one because she what do men want men want inexperience we don't care about yall experience but then when then when she leaves and then then what she's not
experienced and she she doesn't know what you need she doesn't know what you want she's not going to be able to be what you need you're going to have to teach her and then when you taught her going leave you cuz she's going to realize that you're not actually that great get it done guys no no if my girl can't get along with my mom I know something's wrong with her fck no my mom comes first he's a Mommy's boy as much as you say I hate women and all these other things it was my
mom that awared me on all this stuff wow then she warned me that hey American women Western women aren't going to stick with you through thick and thin I come from a Muslim background my family is sudin so it's a little bit different uh how compared to Western culture the way he he is makes a lot of sense when he talks about how his parents raised him and how his parents were growing up what would you do if I went to prison for two years I'd have other chicks and then I'd uh greet you on
your way out what if I went to jail for you so I was riding it for you you did something I didn't snitch but my one condition was that you could have you had to be loyal to me I would tell you that's not how I show loyalty I show loyalty by when you come out you're never going to work again but I'm saying to you look just I I really want you to do this one thing for me and it's just to wait for me for two years you don't dictate those terms wow so
you would never be loyal under any circumstance you're never going to work again when you get out that's more important you're still going to go and have sex with it's not more important I'd rather a man be loyal to me than than then provide for me financially I'll just s saying you can go jail and you won't have to [ __ ] no one then will you mate actually probably enjoy that cuz there men in prison no women to deal with I didn't bust my ass to make this money and become successful and go to
the gym to [ __ ] one [ __ ] that's dumb where's your dad to your mom yeah cuz he was a broky he had to be if your dad cheated on your mom how would you feel I'd applaud him I'd be like [ __ ] yeah you got your money up man how do you think Mom would feel she you know what she wouldn't leave she realin she would be like damn okay if it was continuous she wouldn't leave do you think she'd be happy with the Dynamics of that relationship though she knows how
it is okay his mom is 100% leaving she sounds like a great woman she has not stay in if he cheated on her ridiculous but no he was he was a monogamous St to my knowledge cuz he knows the right way to be we could be full and still look at the menu we're not like women man you guys when you're with a man that you love and respect you're like all men are invisible and tunel vision it's so loyal we're not like that well learn to be huh learn you learn how to do all
these other Co how about this learn guy that's 5' one happily have do you have one no okay there you go don't try and throw another thing in the works stop avoiding the question this what women do all the time God damn it when you learn to like 5' one guys I'll learn to be with one woman 55 if he was 5 five women then okay but if he was 55 but he was everything that I've ever wanted in a man yes I would I would I would make that sacrifice and I would say okay
I make that sacrifice five women there's no way she'd be with a guy that's five5 she's lying about that too men of status have always had more than one woman every single time Martin Luther King was smashing ho where did you get that one from and he did a bunch of stuff for civil rights great men always cheat man you should get that on a t-shirt I think I should actually great men cheat great men cheat great men cheat that's his slogan get it on a t-shirt [ __ ] off with it you're the only
person who's going to buy it true chill was probably smashing some ho since we're here in London you definitely smashing some ho probably Germans too you can't even take your seriously guys see what would you do if I propose to you I would never get down on one knee why would you never get down on one knee she wants the relationship for me she wants the marriage for me why am I going to get down on on a knee I'm the one that brings all the value but if it's women also I believe needs to
ask you on a DAT not date um she needs to ask you to be her girlfriend her boyfriend excuse me that is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard absolutely a woman yeah needs to go into her masculine and ask you to be my partner well here's the thing women don't overtly do it they always do it the sneaky way what are we where do we stand Etc that is her basically asking you out that's what I'm saying it needs to get to that point where she's asking but do you see why they ask the
man because the man leads the relationship the man dictates the stage of the relationship hence you guys have to ask us no no no see that is in an old world where women weren't but nowadays since we have feminism and we have all these bad habits from women women need to ask for relationships and I'll tell you why they want to go to the club they want to travel they want to have guy friends they want to do all this stupid [ __ ] right I have to have my standards and boundaries and be really
strong with them to circumvent and you know combat all theery that feminism is but you wouldn't have a relationship with any of these women let me finish if I ask her for a relationship what I've effectively done is said you are fine the way that you are I want a relationship with you and then she can go ahead and reserve the right to change it any time because I ask for the relationship but if I say hey I don't you know commit to girls that do XYZ well guess what she's going to shape up if
she wants to go ahead and get this relationship it's like a job interview men are their employers women are their employees you have to have certain standards I treat every girl like a job applicant and I'm a prestigious Law Firm you got to go to Cornell for this I don't I can't believe I've just heard is that actually how you think absolutely genuinely that is you're not saying that you think that everything you've heard today women have to apply So you you're the prize absolutely but you're traditional yes backwards because traditional men know they chase
after a woman the woman is the prize women are the prize not the men it's been that way since the beginning we all know it that's one thing that's been Undisputed women make things better they are the the added value that a man needs a woman brings so much value to your relationship the prize because men have to bring way more to the table than women do to get a relationship so therefore we are the prize that's not true absolutely no absolutely no that's that's that's not true men of the prize not women and you
guys need to hold yourself to that standard that's how women respect you do you find most men attractive or unattractive unattractive so would it be fair to say that you're picky yes very okay so if you find that guy would it be fair to say that he's probably in the top one or two% of men mhm by definition he's the prize thank you no I'm the prize I'm the prize if if and you pick the top 2% of guys yeah that means but because I'm the top 2% of women so we're both the prize Well
Done we got a great match no yes not true yes not true at all you so you don't think any woman is a is a is a valuable prize you don't think anyone you would ever meet a woman like you know what she is a prize no no there's great girls out there but at the end of the day the man is the prize and that's how it's got to work the man can't be the prize it just just it just the dynamic doesn't work anymore in every relationship there needs to be the adored and
the Ador and exactly and Ador the adorer the adorer gets more emot stimulation right than the adored guess who needs to have emotional stimulation to be happy in a relationship the woman men no no we don't need emotional stimuli to be with a girl do you just don't even realize it no we don't you have gone through so much we are totally content with our girl being quiet serving serving serving us sandwiches you are he loves the sandwiches guys sandwiches are great we both need emotional stimulation yes we do but men feel like they don't
and they they don't feel it they don't show it and it's it's ding for the same degree that you guys need no because we are slightly more emotional but we both need more emal we both need but women need it to a higher degree so since women need a to a higher degree they need to be in the uh adorer position okay and on top of that since women are hypergamous which I mentioned before they need to feel like they're with the best guy what represents that a woman is with the best guy better than
her chasing that guy's validation it doesn't work the other way around because when you pedestalize women or she thinks she's better than you why can't you pedestal each other that doesn't make sense why I can I can adore you you can adore me I can lift you up you can lift me up and it's it's it's a the term pedestal in itself first some first there's a better part understand that you can't both pedestalize each other you can have one day on it I'll hop off a smart [ __ ] but why would you be
the protector of a woman if she's been to be looking after you and and doing all of these things and admiring Wasing them Sho shouldn't we be the ones protecting you then if you're so high up here yeah that's how loyal we are no that's not Loy women are supposed to be prot somebody that's it because they're valuable because they're the price my point no we will sit there and protect someone that's inferior to us that is the definition of loyalty that's what I said at the top of the show I said men are more
loyal than women and we'll sit there and protect someone that's inferior to us weaker than us dumber than us sucks at everything by the way which I mentioned to include driving right we'll sit there and protect y'all because we're that fing loyal but you still go fck other people so there's no loyalties whatsoever if I pedestalize you that infers you have more value than me if I infer that you have more value than me that means that you're with a lower status man if you Perce hold on if you perceive me as lower status you
lose respect for me if you LR for me you don't [ __ ] me anymore that's where most guys are they're sitting there pedestalize girl please please I hope you like me no the girl needs to like the guy more going back to my thing this is why women need to ask the guy to be in a relationship because when a woman asks for the relationship the guy can put his standards he can make her actually appreciate the position that she gets in aka the law firm cuz if you work your ass off to get
into a law firm that has high standard guess what you're not [ __ ] leaving because it was really hard for you to get it women only respect what they have to work to get and since women don't work for anything in life remember hence what I said before living a life on easy mode they need to work hard to get the man that they want women don't need to work for men you even said it yourself women have life on easy mode why do we need to work and a million men will have the
only thing women should work on should work for is for their men when it's their man then they work no because why am I going to work for you right when I can have a million men that makes you [ __ ] no I'm not going to have a million men I'm saying my options are a million men that are going to you said only the top 2% right yeah okay and in that top 2% they're all going to admire me they're all going to they're all going to bring me up they're all going to
elevate me they're all going to admire me and make me feel great as a woman and make me feel feminine but you want me to work for you I'm not going to pick you I'm not going to ask you to be my partner because now you're making me masculine I don't want to be in my masculine I'm going to find someone who's going to keep me in my feminine in all senses you want the job or not no absolutely not so then then then then you end up being unemployed by you cuz I'm going to
go get a better job with someone else who's going to who's going to ask me who's not going to protect and provide for you there's going to say let's what the bill that's going to be 5'1 oh there's men out there that will provide and protect and still keep you in your feminine and not make you graft like like you're on a job interview that's ridiculous women only appreciate what they work for and unfortunately that's the world that we're in now where we have so many entitled women think that's they need to work they need
to well you don't know because you're not a man you never dealt with women from a male perspective as a male yeah I don't think you've dealt with women probably from a male perspective I don't know what kind of women yeah but what women are you dealing with what women thousands at this point okay but I don't think they have the right mindsets to be dating because no woman is going to want to feel like she's on a job take that up with them but the point I'm trying to make is is that the girl
needs to feel like she has the best man that she can get and the only way that she could feel that way she needs to feel like she has the prize for her to feel like she has the prize you have to be better than her for her to be to be better than her like you can manipulate into thinking that they're smarter or less worthy than you you're manipulating this conversation right now from notating the conversation I'm just saying from a Viewpoint it seems like you like women that you can manipulate into thinking that
you're the best thing that they've ever had in order for them to feel like that it's okay that he cheats on me because I've got a pride absolutely not that's a fact though no it's not a fact it is a fact it's not a fact it's it's a statistical fact like I I don't want to be an [ __ ] or anything but if a girl's with me they're like yeah statistical fact that she's like with one you can view it like that that's absolutely fine but you you will only find a woman that will
accept you or ask you to be her partner and go into that role because she has low self-esteem or she has love sofware she need she needs your validation she need she understands that I'm I got a top tier guy I need to deal with top tier problem and if she's a top tier woman she's not going to deal with that a woman is only top tier if she's with a top tier guy that's a woman's value is directly tied to her ability to Garner to to get a man to take her seriously we don't
give a [ __ ] about your' money we don't care about your guys' status we don't care about anything that you guys bring to the table besides your looks and the reality is when a woman walks into a room they don't ask her oh what do you do for a living blah blah blah you guys hug each other and say oh do you have a boyfriend do you have kids Etc women's values deriv from their ability to Garner a family with the best man that they can get no one cares about your career when two
men meet we shake hands what do you do for a living you guys meet hug do you have kids and if you don't have kids you're a failure if you don't have kids you're a failure if you don't have a man you're a failure I genuinely think if a woman's in her 30s and she doesn't have a man she's [ __ ] she failed in life she's failed wow she's failed because you only have one job be attractive and find a guy and men are simple so if you can't get a guy to take you
seriously your standards are too goddamn High probably most of the time and what's wrong with having high standards well there's nothing wrong with having high standards the problem is that what are your standards relative to your sexual market value and that's where women have issues they'll be a five thinking they deserve a nine it ain't happening you might [ __ ] that nine but you ain't going to get them to take you seriously there's a reason why a woman takes a Man's last name and not the other way around a woman's value is directly tied
to can you land a man of higher value can you land them and I would argue most women can't they can't keep a guy it's why most women are single well thank you for coming down did you have a nice um conversation even though you had to hear wom speak for longer than desired oh man it was a terrible time but I'm still here I'm just kidding no it was fun it was fun it's always uh you know good to you know let women know that they're inferior it's always fun uh and tell them the
truth about how the world really works man sandwiches sex and sustenance that works out you can get that on the back of your T-shirt I should great cheet it was very interesting very interesting just when I thought I had an understanding of how men think myin came yeah like every other day you know how girls are yeah I actually thought he was a very secure man but I've realized he's not he's really riddled with trauma like most men um and in return instead of dealing with it because you know men aren emotional beings they don't
know how to process take it out on women she came with the same arguments that every other girl does so I am the grill I wouldn't see Marin again he a Serial cheater he's never going to stop cheating and he has no respect for women so I could never be with someone like that for sex well you make your mind up sex only Recreation new only I think he did handle the cring well and I think he tried to grow me back I think anytime I had anything to say he always had something to say
back um even if it meant I didn't get this be she's probably going to give me a one because she's angry that she lost the debate would I rate myself as far as how the date went or oh 10 out of 10 she got defeated man this this I didn't go on this date to like get to know her nothing she it was on once she didn't want to stand up I was like hey man you going to take this L I'm going to give myON 5.5 why I don't like him to be honest
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