Como emagrecer muito fácil

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Leandro Twin
Como emagrecer muito fácil, mesmo sem receitas milagrosas. Assessoria esportiva (dieta e treino) on...
Video Transcript:
There is no point in catching an individual, who it's sedentary, it's been a long time go on no diet and put it on something radical, it will not work. So, of course, a macro count, a count of calories, the choice of food. Of course, all of this is very important, but if the person doesn't start from a basic thing, sometimes this violent breaking of tranquility, even if it is in search of something fantastic, it can be very exhausting and take away sustainability.
So, why in today's video, I will teach you how to lose weight easily, calm and using as little force as possible. And then after you lose weight or during this process, when you see the results, seeing that it is possible, if cheering up, you say: "Gee, now I'm going do something more elaborate. Now I will dedicate more to this.
" suddenly looking for a professional, suddenly see more videos, while you're already losing weight. So, subscribe here on the channel, this is conduct number 1. You signed up, click on like, of course they are requested more expensive.
It's never a command, until because, I can't do that and even if could, would not, have to be spontaneous. And let's talk here, in today's video, about a simple diet to lose weight. Like this we can do it easily, solve this problem, get on track, okay.
It is very important to remember that, this is a conduct, which I recommend including for my students. Guys, thanks more worth doing the second best method of the world all year, than the best method in the world for just one week, right? So, let's do it, we go quiet, during the process, seeing the result gets excited, suddenly seeks something else.
And with this, you will be thin and strong, if you wish, forever. You’re used to seeing diets extremists and I like to start, and I I need to start by talking about this for you. It won't work: HCG diet, moon, USP, you know, water, lettuce.
Light lettuce zero-lime. No, it’s no use guys, you’ve noticed, that you don't need a nutritionist, doctor, physical educator, you don't need anything, no of these guys for you to lose weight. Any can lose weight, calm, stop eat, close your mouth, take a medicine that someone has indicated and you will lose weight.
Only, not in a healthy way. Weight loss does not want say that you will look beautiful, you losing weight does not mean that you will lean lean, you know? And that, you use here to get thin, stay strong and forever.
Then you need the intellect, of a professional, whether hired in other words, he is here for free tips for you. Without further ado, because who wants to lose weight, wants to lose weight fast. But guys, there's no way, if you seek an extremist diet, you will fail, you will lose weight, but you will fail.
"So, these models of diet, do they work Leandro? " "Are they sustainable and healthy? " No, period.
"I understood that Leandrão. I've screwed up enough on diets, now I want to solve my life. Help me?
"So, take my hand, come with me, because of an ex-obese who already done a lot of wrong things, today I can give you the way, in 10 or 15 minutes as such is the case with this video. Staff, basic principle weight loss: caloric deficit, and precisely I'll talk a little about these diets, for the we can compare. Because normally, is what people are used to.
These diets, implies a very large caloric deficit, right? Food group restrictions, giant caloric deficit, puts a hormone that is not going to do anything and you have one, a result of weight loss considerable. But, as I explained, it's not cool, and you get it from another way, a weight loss process much more interesting.
Only, you you won't see the weight on the scale plummet, like you see in these, "Ah, so I don't even want to! " calm! But, this weight that is falling, you already stopped to think what is he?
Because if we lose 1 kilo of fat, you need more or less there, a loss of 8 thousand calories, you in a week, there's not much to lose 5, 6 kilos. "But I already lost Leandro. "That, but it's not fat.
It's food cake, after all everything you eat it's inside you, isn't it? You entered. Fecal cake, because after it left the stomach, it didn't disappear, it didn't disappear.
We have glycogen there, are the glucose chains within the muscle, which are required when a deprivation of calories, liquids, etc. So, when you restrict, when you do that brake on caloric intake, you lose all of that. What's up in a week it goes 5, 6 kilos though, only of fat, it was 1 kilo.
So, I love you I ask, is it all an advantage? Because not aesthetically, in terms of health, no. Lose muscle mass, glycogen is not cool.
So, what are you going to do? You need the calorie deficit, but you need a controlled calorie deficit, a deficit ideal caloric. "How am I going to find this number?
How much I eat protein, carbohydrate, fat? "Guys, like me said, a simple diet to lose weight, diet flexible, macro calculation diet, everything this is already here on the channel. Simple diet for weight loss, what are you going to worry?
One thing, one only, then you deepens, caloric intake. Any loss of weight, speaking broadly, will need a calorie deficit. Only if it's too big, it won't be cool.
So, you already know you have to work with a calorie, more or less average. So, you know you are going to work with a hypo calorie, meaning you will eat less than what you spend, only not much less, because otherwise, when your body stagnate, you have nothing else to do. "Per that, that he stagnates Leandrão?
"Because, I already I will talk, stay with me until the end of video. So, will you work with, how? You will take your weight and multiply by 20 in the case of men.
At the case of women, you will multiply by 15, that's the number of calories that, you will ingest daily for weight loss. So a 100-pound man is not going start with a 500 calorie HCG diet, that it will go wrong. Will start with a 2000 calorie diet a day, Perfect.
"Leandrão, but how do I eat protein, carbo, fat? "Don't worry, put in your head the following: "I need to beat 2000 thousand calories and not pass. "How are you going to distribute this in your day, if you are going to fast intermittent if you are going to eat 3 in 3 hours, if you go .
. . it doesn't matter, 2000 thousand calories a day.
You can not more than that number a day, perfect? Everything will revolve around the calorie. Women, 100 kilos 1500 calories per day.
"Leandro Twin, but there is no variation, hormone, muscle mass? "Yes, but as I said here, it's a primary thing, so you, who can even be a nutritionist, and it's me seeing, saying: "Gee, Leandrão is simplifying at the most level, this times, eat this here, it did. "But it is to start from some thing, understand?
Then of course, it’s up to improvement, it is clear that more study, more intelligence, more choice food, more hours, etc. But you have to starting from something, you have to start turning the machine, so we can start making UP GRADES on this machine. So, you will do this, men of 100 kg, 2000 calories; you understood the math.
Catch your weight and it makes 20 times, this is as much of calories. Girls take your weight and do times 15, this is the amount of calories to start. Only you will try prioritize more proteins: chicken, meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, why?
Because the protein will do a maintenance of your body, which carbohydrate does not. And the protein is also an energy source, different efficiency in carbohydrate, it is obvious but like me said: i'm wanting simplify. I'm hitting that key, because there will be comments, people talking like: "Oh no, but here you can.
here and there it is. "Guys, humbly, please, but I've been living for 10 years that, I'm ex-obese, I slim people, already has almost 500 successful cases, my advisory website. I know, but I'm trying to help, who's starting, so come on, let's look for these people too.
So, you will focus more on proteins, "Gee, Leandrão, I'm going to lunch ", puts half a plate of meat, salad, tell that, ok? "How am I supposed to quote that? " Download an application, My Fitness Pal, writes here for us editor.
Fat Secret, are two very good apps, "Ah Leandro, but they are paid. "But why don't you want to pay, for a thing that will help you, that will make you good? It's not even that expensive!
My opinion OK? I pay per app, I don't earn none of them, whatever. Must have app for free.
If you know any, write us here comments, a good one, feel free. But let's stop this thing: "Ah, I don't want to pay, I want. "My pay, it will help you, it will be a good thing.
The person who made it lives of that, and because if it will change the people's lives, cannot earn a little with that. There's nothing wrong people, it will be a good thing for you. Go there, pay for the full app, and then you will register what you eat there.
"Breakfast morning i woke up. I ate, focus on protein right Leandrão? Okay, I'm going to eat 3 eggs, one slice of cheese.
"Go ahead and register: 3 eggs, a slice of cheese. "How many calories He gave? It gave 400 calories, beauty.
Have 1600. Okay, 1,600 I'm going to manage this better, arrived there for lunch, did a dish I ate. Gee, I hit here, it was over 1000 more.
Vixi, just a little left. "Okay, come on send this little bit at dinner. The next day, you'll think better, say: "Gee, I have less appetite for breakfast, I will to hold.
I'm going to eat one egg, one slice of cheese, a slice of bread. Uow, now only 250, now I have more for part of afternoon. Part of the afternoon I'm not really hungry, I will send you a black coffee, this will help me satiety and I will send a little more there, 500 more.
Gee, there's a lot left for night, I almost didn't realize it. " so, because very high restrictions, there are interesting, and so you will do an extremely simple diet and you will lose weight, for sure. When comes the weekend, in one day you can eat quiet, go eat quiet, does not try to discount.
"Ah, that day here I'll discount it, what I didn't eat at another. "Don't go with that thought, that thought is not good. It goes like this: "Today I I can eat, but I want to be thin, I do not want?
So, it's focus every day, just that that day I'm allowed to eat a little more. "Churasquinho, go and have your beer, it takes little. "I took 10 long necks, I'm going take 5.
In a month, I'll take 3, but I will not give up. "Because if you give up everything, you will enter a life, you were in a wonderful life of food. Because eating wrong is wonderful.
Now, "I entered a life that I eat nothing", of course, you're going to say, "which one is better? This here, obviously. Here the result will take six months, a year, then get out.
" Now, if you, if this result takes too long six months, a year with half here, you says: "Ah, it looks a little better already. " Intelligence, sustainability. Go there and do it every day, focus on food healthy, the day it doesn't, eat a bullshit.
"Dinner came, there’s no rush what to do. I'll send a hamburger, a clown cafeteria ", it fits here in your calories? "Fits, a snack has 400 calories, I have 400 more for today to night.
I'm going to eat this. "It wasn't ideal, but I didn't blow mine calories, right? To health, for ours, for spraying micronutrients in our body, it was badly but I didn't burst my calorie from day.
In addition, we will do physical activities. Bodybuilding, great, there will be several, fantastic things will happen, when you do weight training. But if you don't like it, if you don't you can still do it, if it's tight, do it at least a brisk walk.
All day, an hour, go there, walk with the dog, call the husband, call the girlfriend, finally, gives a busy, spent a calorie, this will help too much, right? Do this for three months, after three months, you decrease a little. So what it was times 20, for men and times 15, and it was times 15, for women, times 10.
Why will you decrease again? Because your body will stagnate. "Ah Leandrão, explain!
" And now, we arrived at the moment. You will stagnate, because exactly, when you eat less, than what you spend, for your organism you're going in favor of death. Of course, because if I spent 3000 a day and I eat 2000, so 1000 will get out of where?
You have to leave somewhere, than we have in stock. But our stock is limited, right? There’s no infinite fat, good!
When it's over, "Ah, I'm going to use dough muscle, when it's over, he died. "So your the body will say: "No, metabolic brake. Pull the hand brake there, this crazy guy is out of control.
You're not eating. " it was 3 thousand metabolism, you ate 2000 and lost weight. He came and "zuft", stayed together, no more weight loss.
You like what you spend, then you come again, and take it again, and then you will be able to prolong your process weight loss. That is why diets that, already start down there, soon the body balances and then you got screwed, no have to do. Because you will take, you eat 500 calories a day, where do you go from take calories?
There's nowhere else to go! "Ah Leandro, but I'm going to run, I'm going to put to burn, I'll put it to break. "Okay, but eating 500 calories a day?
No, you won't, you won't make it, you will not be able to surrender, you will not have disposition. And that will obviously generate giving up physical activities, and a binge eating during a night shift. Except that a binge eating, with the your metabolism down there, then you will come back, you won't eat 3000 again, you will eat 4000 again.
Only you don’t have 3000 more metabolism, you have 500, what do you think will to happen? You will gain a lot more weight. You will not only recover the 10 pounds that you lost, how will you win 3 more, and then throughout life you can realize that.
That who diet extremist, lifelong fattening, and then which comes from the phrase: The diet is fattening. But diet in that sense is a provocative phase. The diet is fattening, because the guy loses 10 and wins 12, he loses 10 again and wins 12 again.
When you go to see, from 20 to 40, he weighed 100, now he weighs 130 and with a metabolic syndrome. There it is curled up, don't arrive in that. "Leandrão, how wonderful.
I got excited now, I'll start doing it, cool. Can I use some supplement, to help in the loss of fat, appetite control? "Can you, quiet.
Stay with this video here, which is a top supplements for loss of fat. So you will meet a little more of them, there is no kind of mandatory use, but if you want to add a little something to enhance results, and or leave more comfortable, the key is this one. A hug and stay with the next video.
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