the world is increasingly embracing a troubling reality one where the lines between good and evil are being blurred and Society is redefining Morality In direct contradiction to God's truth as we move into 2025 this trend will not only continue but intensify challenging Believers to stay rooted in their faith and discernment the Bible warns of times like these where good will be called evil and evil will be called good and it is vital that we prepare ourselves spiritually for what is coming the prophet Isaiah spoke of such times when he declared Isaiah 5:20 woe to those
who call evil good and good evil who put Darkness for light and light for Darkness who put bitter for sweet and Sweet for bitter this prophetic warning is becoming a real ity in our modern world society is celebrating behaviors and ideologies that defy God's word while marginalizing and even vilifying those who stand for biblical truth as we approach 2025 it is critical to understand that this is not just a cultural shift but a spiritual battle one of the most evident signs of this inversion of morality is the global acceptance of sin as normal and virtuous
what God calls sin the world now calls progress Enlightenment or self-expression this is evident in the redefinition of family the celebration of immorality and the increasing rejection of God's design for Humanity this isn't a random occurrence it is the Fulfillment of biblical prophecy in second Timothy 3: 1 to5 Paul warns of perilous times in the last days people will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boastful proud abusive disobedient to their parents ungrateful Unholy Without Love unforgiving slanderous Without self-control brutal not lovers of the good treacherous rash conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of
God having a form of godliness but denying its power the Bible speaks clearly about the perilous times marked by an overwhelming love of money and nowhere is this more evident than in the context of war wars are not just battles fought over ideologies or territorial disputes they are lucrative Enterprises for those who profit from them when you see a war unfolding always remember this someone is making an unimaginable amount of money weapons manufacturers defense contractors and companies supplying War torn regions stand to gain billions even trillions from the continuation of conflict can you think of
anything more wicked to prioritize financial gain over human suffering and loss is to betray the very essence of humanity innocent lives are lost families are shattered and nations are destabilized ized also a few can add to their wealth for these individuals business is booming when people are dying this callous disregard for human life is a tragic manifestation of what Paul warned about a love of money so deep and pervasive that it drives people to commit atrocities they not only tolerate War but also perpetuate it to secure their profit margins such wickedness highlights the depravity of
our age we are living in an era where unholiness is not only accepted but also celebrated the Apostle Paul describes this condition perfectly today sin is no longer seen as a transgression against God's law instead it is rebranded as progress self-expression or personal freedom the clearest example of this is sexual immorality at first sin and sexual immorality were merely Toler ated then they were accepted as an alternative lifestyle over time they began to be celebrated with Society promoting and glorifying what the Bible calls Unholy today it has escalated to an extreme where sin and immorality
are worshiped sexual sin has been elevated to the level of a cultural Idol with entire Industries and social movements built around its propagation this is no longer just a moral failing it has become a fullscale religion people worship their desires sacrificing Purity righteousness and God's design for fleeting Pleasures such unholiness Grieves the heart of God and serves as a clear sign of the times another characteristic of our time is the rashness of human behavior the term rash describes a reckless impulsive Spirit a tendency to act without wisdom consideration or regard for consequences Our Generation exemplifies
this mindset decisions are made hastily driven by emotion selfishness or fleeting desires rather than careful thought or sound judgment we see this recklessness in how people approach relationships finances and even governance impulsive choices lead to Broken families Financial ruin and widespread societal instability the lack of restraint and wisdom feeds into a cycle of Destruction further highlighting the perilous times we live in this rash and Reckless Behavior reflects a generation that has lost its anchor in God's word and replaced it with the shifting Sands of human ambition and desire the love of self has become the
highest virtue in modern culture people are encouraged to prioritize their desires above everything else even at the expense of others and their relationship with God this self-centered mindset is being praised while humility obedience to God and self-sacrifice are being mocked or dismissed as outdated as we move into 2025 this Spirit of rebellion against God's order will become even more entrenched the rise of digital culture and social media has played a significant role in this shift platforms that could have been used to glorify God and spread his truth have instead become breeding grounds for deception vanity
and idolatry social media influencers and celebrities often promote Lifestyles that are far removed from godliness yet they are admired and IM imitated by millions meanwhile those who stand for biblical principles are silenced cancelled or ridiculed in Revelation 13 we are warned about a time when the whole world will worship the Beast and follow after him this passage speaks not only of the Antichrist but also of the culture and system that will prepare the way for his Rise by normalizing sin and demonizing rightous I the world is being primed for the ultimate deception it is no
coincidence that we see a global push for Unity that disregards God's truth emphasizing tolerance and inclusivity at the expense of Holiness and obedience to his word another area where we see the inversion of Good and Evil is in the justice system and governance increasingly laws are being passed that protect what God calls sin while punishing those who uphold biblical values for example in many parts of the world sharing the gospel or speaking against certain sinful behaviors is labeled as hate speech while acts that dishonor God are celebrated as human rights this trend is not only
alarming but also a clear sign of the times what does this mean for believers it means that we must remain Vigilant and steadfast in our faith Jesus warned us in Matthew 24: 12 and 13 because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved as the world grows darker it is more important than ever to be lights in the darkness reflecting Christ in all that we do this will require courage discernment and deep Reliance on the Holy Spirit we must also
be people of prayer it is our Lifeline to God through prayer we can seek his wisdom strength and guidance to navigate these challenging times as Paul wrote in Philippians 4: 6 and 7 do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus another critical aspect of preparation is knowing God's word the Bible is our ultimate Authority and guide and it is essential that we study it diligently
your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path in a world that is increasingly hostile to truth we need to be grounded in scripture so that we can discern what is true and stand firm against deception