Why Jay-Z Is About To Drop a Drake Diss Track...

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Fantastic Hip Hop
As the Super Bowl is coming up, the industry is hearing that Jay-Z is going to be calling out Drake ...
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now while for most of the music industry this time of year marks the moment where things start to slow down it seems like in and around the hip-hop space things are only speeding up in terms of the direction where everything in the genre is headed and now most recently there is a rumor emerging in the industry that none other than Jay-Z is about to come back outside for the first time since 2017 with new solo music and now what this supposed report is telling us is that Jay had a private listening event in New York
City recently with some close friends and collaborators in head an entire new album's worth of material which out of everything Jay previewed was highlighted by music that amongst everything else addressed everything about the whole Super Bowl controversy and debacle Jay has been caught in with Lil Wayne and even bigger than that straightup called out and dist Drake and while none of this is confirmed yet I do think that we are going to see something from Jay-Z coming soon not too far in the near future and that this is going to be some of the most
pivotal music he releases in a very long time but now before we go any further into this be sure to leave a like And subscribe it helps me out a ton and so now with Jay-Z and everything that's about to go down between him and Drake and with all of this new music over everything the main reason why he is about to come back out in a way that we have never seen is because when we look at the state of where JayZ is at right now there has not been a more important time for
him to speak up in years and at this point in Jay's career he has shown us that he is never going to be releasing music without some sort of a greater purpose as from 2017 with 444 to all of his features onward from this very moment hope has shown that his new standard isn't to just rap to collect a bag or to boost his streaming numbers but it's to speak on something that's very important to the current state of his life or career whether that was his personal failures as a man on 444 or whether
it was clearing up the air around where he and Kanye stood on tracks like 2018s what's free and even later on in 2021 with da itself and now currently in Jay-Z's career despite him still being a very active presence in the culture behind the scenes there is just too much going on for him to stay in the shadows as his name has just been mentioned too much for him to stay silent for this long without damaging or hurting his reputation because first off with the entire Super Bowl situation this is a moment that has put
Jay-Z at the helm of two major conflicts with two of the other biggest rappers on the planet in both Drake and Lil Wayne and now while Lil Wayne is only ranted about his frustration about the decision for Kendrick Lamar to be picked over him in his hometown of New Orleans for the biggest show he could ever perform to this point yet on the other side of this Drake has been sneak dissing Jay-Z for months through his social media posts and has been hitting pretty below the belt as he has done things like post a picture
of Beyonce's sister Solange which we all know Jay had some issues with when she called him out back in the 2010s for the way he treated Beyonce and obviously with Drake posting on his story and knowing the fact that Drake puts more effort into what he posts on social media than he does with most of his actual lyrics that this was obviously very intentional and was supposed to send a message to Jay from these to then Drake making some other Petty posts that have been targeted at both Jay and Kendrick about the Super Bowl as
a whole as Drake has expressed his desire to seemingly crash the Super Bowl and make an appearance like Bane Did in the Dark Knight Rises between every time Drake has seemingly tried to step on the fact that Kendrick Lamar is playing the Super Bowl to now knowing that more Drake music is actually on the horizon as he has an entire collab album with party next door on the radar that's supposed to be released before the end of the year it's safe to say that with everything going on with with Drake that no matter what pag
we see him in musically in terms of what he drops next that he is going to be throwing some shade at Jay-Z for giving Kendrick a platform to perform a diss track that has ruined his entire reputation on the biggest stage any artist can have in the world and in addition to this Beyond just Drake being mad at Jay for giving the moment to Kendrick Drake's also mad that Jay took this moment away from Lil Wayne and maybe him as a result because despite some vake comments Drake has never been officially asked to perform at
the Super Bowl which is something Jay-Z has controlled for a good amount of time at this point and whether intentional or not Jay has now picked multiple artists who Drake is in direct competition with to perform at the event both in people like the weekend and now Kendrick Lamar so with all of this just from the situation alone we see that Jay-Z has more to answer to than he has had in a very long time and on top of this in a time where rappers who he has competed alongside for decades like Nas and Eminem
have also been way more active than he is and have been putting out music that has made a lot of noise because of where the these two are at in terms of their prevalence within the culture and even with the quality of what they are releasing alone and even on top of this someone like Eminem specifically taking a dig at Jay-Z on his track Toby where he said that he watched Jay-Z when they were on the same track Renegade back when the blueprint dropped so because Eminem outperformed him when they were toe-to-toe Jay could never
be ranked higher than him from the actual beef Jay has with Drake to his race to have the greatest Legacy against people like Nas and Eminem to all of the other drama and controversy surrounding Jay right now as well well Jay-Z has a lot to answer to and if he is still the same Jay-Z who he has Pride at everything he has ever built his name on since the 1990s the only way to move through this situation is going to be to release music and answer to all of the noise and Chaos surrounding his name
and brand right now so when we look at these reports and then look around and see the moment and time we both in in hip-hop and in culture as a whole Jay-Z really needs to release another album because the stakes have almost never been higher which is obviously saying a lot and now when it comes to Jay-Z and everything he needs to address obviously with all of this on this project we are bound to see Jay dis Drake on a track here in some capacity because with the way Drake has been acting and I am
sure with the way he is only going to take things further and further because we know Drake never stops sending Petty Jabs people's way their Feud is going to reach the highest point it ever has been and the way it has always been heading for years as these two have really had bad tensions for years where quietly they have made constant moves against one another as back in the mid-2010s from Drake telling Jay-Z that he was going to join his own music streaming service title and then him popping out and signing a deal with Apple
music out of nowhere to Jay surprise right after to Drake making Jay record a whole verse on his track Pop Style on his remix with yay and then only including one line from Jay's entire verse to pretty much try and embarrass and diminish his presence to then Jay-Z sneak dissing Drake on nearly every single collab they have ever done which in of itself Jay has only even appeared on these Drake albums to assert his dominance as an MC over him every time he can so then Drake hopping in the studio with Beyonce and Jay when
she was working on her dance album Renaissance and after hearing what that album sounded like and getting all The Insider info going out and releasing his own dance album right before hers and honestly never mind which ultimately caused people to think that Beyonce stole Drake's idea meanwhile it was the other way around all in all even before the Super Bowl this rival between Drake and Jay-Z had been building for so long that something eventually was going to happen like this but now with this moment being the biggest and most important Clash the two have ever
had it makes sense that on this new Jay-Z album that he is going to address Drake in a fashion like we have never seen and now with this while I'm sure Jay is going to throw some heavy lyrical Jabs Drake's way I don't think this is going to be anything like Kendrick's dis tracks which were these loud and in-your-face moments that got the attention of the entire culture nor are they going to be like Jay's dist tracks in the past like takeover and instead they will be cold and chilling moments where we are going to
hear Jay-Z sound equally livid as he does wise this will create an atmosphere that really no other MC can right now and overall the goal with these will be to intimidate Drake and make him just stop acting the way he does and while it seems like we will be getting a song like this very soon when it comes to the timeline of all of this because of the fact that when we look at the Grand picture of this all Jay-Z is someone who has actually too many powerful connections and brands that he works with to
get into a gritty rap beef where he can potentially lose everything he has built over the years this track is definitely going to have a Prestige to it that most diss tracks just never do and because of all of this it will be coded with subliminal disses that will humiliate Drake but that not everybody will realize unless they're really paying attention and now in addition to this what's also just as important to how Jay-Z actually calls out Drake on this album is when he ends up putting this project out and going through with all of
this and now when we look at when this could happen as Drake still hasn't laid out all of his cards on the table in terms of saying everything he wants to Jay and also knowing that the Super Bowl is not until February and this is of course when Kendrick Lamar is going to be performing and as a result of this he is going to humiliate Drake like we have never seen before there is no way we see Jay-Z do anything before the Super Bowl and in addition to this as the Grammys are also right around
this time and they have another chance to not give the album of the year to Beyonce which is another major issue Jay-Z has been living about recently as he feels that the Grammys are rigged as they have never respected someone even of Beyonce's stature with the biggest award they give out in the album of the Year this could be another thing that Jay-Z adds to his list of what he wants to address on this project so overall knowing all of this and having all the proper context well there is definitely going to be a lot
that will happen in this time between now and when we actually hear this new album from Jay-Z and who knows where Drake takes things with him and even how Lil Wayne May address all of this entire situation when the Super Bowl actually happens all in all it's clear that this has been the most important time for Jay-Z to release an album since 444 and in order for him to keep his rap Legacy in the place that so many have had it for years he is due to give us a new record and address everything going
on around him which from what we have seen and what everything is building to so far a lot of this is going to be about where everything's been headed with Drake and maybe even Lil Wayne and no matter what direction Jake goes in here I'm sure that this is going to be another moment that is just going to be so revealing about how Drake has been perceived by his peers for years maybe even how Lil Wayne has protected him from the scrutiny by having such a good reputation which he has now thrown out the window
which that would just be another insane Rabbit Hole to say and beyond all of this at this point it would really show us what's really been going on in and around the rap world as a whole so with all of this while so much is in the air it's clear that whatever happens this is going to be another moment that is going to shake hip hop to its very core and so now with all that said let me know what do you think's about to happen with Jay-Z and Drake how do you think this Situation's
going to end and depending on how the Super Bowl and all of that goes do you think this situation could escalate into something much bigger perhaps between Jay and Kendrick against Lil Wayne and Drake which if we ever really got to that point it would just be the most insane and large scale competitive event hip-hop has ever seen now I can't wait to hear what you have to say about all this and if you've made it this far be sure to leave a like And subscribe it helps me out a ton and now if you
want to see how while Jay-Z is about to diss Drake another legend in Hip Hop in farel Williams just humiliated him worse than ever check out the suggested video [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
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