The DOOM Timeline | COMPLETE DOOM Story & Lore

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The Doom timeline is long and complicated. This story takes place over multiple versions of Earth as...
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this video is a complete chronological timeline of Doom how the games interact with each other and with it will contain spoilers for every game in the series as of 2023 in the beginning there was only a void it was still and empty that was until the first primeval Godlike being appeared davo was the first of all kind and as he wandered the void the First Dimension and World blossomed around him jacard as time passed davo experimented with the space around him and he discovered what his powers were actually capable of in his Workshop he created
the first people he wanted only the best for them so he gifted them with burning ambition he suppressed restraint and he watched in Pride as they cultivated the land around them they lacked indecisiveness and as the years passed the people of jakad built the first city a mora this was a civilization of great minds and together they created a paradise for their perfect Society this was everything davo had wanted and he truly loved his Creations however he noticed that the longer each person lived in jakad the bodies grew old and passed away the God had
created undying Souls but their mortal flesh could not contain them a dark cloud soon formed over this paradise as davo felt the pain of each of the deaths of his people he was a being of unimaginable power but even he could not find a way to save them he found their morality to be a curse and wish that he could give them the immortality he had although Davos had failed in his search he did have another idea he withdrew from the dimension of jacard and re-entered the void and here he created another dimension this realm
was designed to exist in an anchor State always connected to jakad both of these also existed outside of time and space with these two Dimensions there was also plenty of room for several Dimensions to exist between them ER blossomed around davo as he walked amongst the clouds and to live here he created the maker species in their Mak language erak was translated to Paradise or heaven and this place truly was davo designed this species to function in a hierarchal structure a KH at the top to lead them seraps to research and build angels to wander
the Realms support creation and speak for for the KH and there were also maker drones almost the children of the realm unable to leave until they grew older the maker species were all connected through a neural Matrix a hive mind that allowed them to work like a machine to search discover build and learn everything they could about the universe and all existence it was through this design that davo hoped they would discover a cure for the curse of mortality the maker were also designed to have a much longer lifespan than those that inhabited jakad they
were not Immortal by any means but this extension of Life offered them the ability to work for much longer on their task the population of erdu could physically not defy an order of their KH and under her rule they learned everything they could of the rules of the void and everything within they built incredible Technologies from Weaponry to teleportation to the understanding of life itself to travel to Amora the Gate of Dum was created a gate that required a lot of power to function but this power was nothing to a God davo had created the
maker species to solve his problem and as they did he worked on New Realms and dimensions between erak and jakad everything appeared to be going going well however from eruk the maker looked down at jakad and feared that the continued loss of his people would push davo to Fall From Grace it had been ages since davo had created the maker species he had seen how they had transformed a plain realm into a technological Wonder with a transportation across the Realms but they still had not completed the task he had created them for he feared that
without this cure he would eventually end up alone the Golden Age of jakad had come to an end and in his desperation he grew cruel and bitter the paradise became a dictatorship he ordered everyone that could to search for a cure and he punished those who did not in erak the maker did discover a way to extend life but as they continued to observe dav's actions and treatments of the population he claimed to love they feared that this information would be too dangerous to hand over the infinite conscious Matrix of the maker God mind also
allowed them to predict every variable of every possible future timeline and as they glimpsed what was to come the maker saw just how terrible dav's acquisition of this knowledge could be he would become a risk to all life across all Realms and they decided that they had to stop him over their time the maker had developed extremely advanced technology and weaponry even more powerful than davo they had to protect the innocent lives of the Earthly Dimensions between U and jakad and to do this they formed a seal around jakad this trapped davo and the population
inside and as a result all life outside of jakad was saved from a potential apocalypse the sacrifice of The Mortals of jakad to davo search for the Cure was worthy in the eyes of the maker inside jakad davo grew enraged the God had been betrayed by the very species he had created to solve his problem anger and hate consumed davo as he transformed into the dark lord waves of evil flowed from him as everything outside of the city of Amora fested the jardians inside were safe but they watched as the clear watered pleasure lak spoiled
into the blood swamps the Palace of groans grew over the ardite gardens and the denisons outside of Amora once full of burning ambition Twisted into demonic Abominations the maker watched from erdu as jakad fell into darkness they believed that they had done the right thing but it had come at the cost of many innocent Souls while they attempted to continue on davo the dark lord refused to accept this situation as he banged against the walls of his dimensional prison with all of his power and rage then cracks began to form the maker once again feared
for the lives of Innocents they hoped that their seal was strong enough but the cracks continued to form and these turned into gateways into the Mortal worlds jakad was no longer a paradise it was a hellish realm of pain and torture from here the Demonic entities flooded in waves onto the world they could as they brought torment and suffering to those they encountered this Agony of innocent Souls became a new energy source hell Essence and with it davo sustain the lives of the population of Amora and the tormented Hollow husks of the imps zombies lost
souls and the various other Demons of his realm the maker knew that they had to step in once again to clean up the problem they had essentially created they also had a plan in their search to harness the terrible energies of life itself the serf had discovered a way to hold the memories in intelligence will and essential nature of a being's Consciousness within what they called a LIF spere this was the perfect weapon against an entity that was extremely powerful and as they entered hell they looked around and saw just how far this realm had
fallen the details of this first war between Angels and Demons has been lost to history what is known however is that towards the end of this battle the dark dark lord fought against several maker on top of the Pyramid of the Lost in his hand he held a crucible a powerful blade powered by the awful energies of Hell despite his Almighty power one of the maker lunged at his creator and pulled out everything that he was into a LIF sphere at this moment the lifeless corpse of davo the dark lord fell to the bottom of
the pyramid davo found himself imprisoned in this sphere and as the maker that had performed this heroic action looked down at what was left of his creator the essence and power of davo flowed into the maker and he became a god elevated into a new position of power and From This Moment he became the father at the side of the father was a serap suama maker he had seen all the chaos that davo had inflicted on the Realms he begged the father to shatter the life spere of his creator so that this war would never
happen again but the father could not bring himself to destroy his creator instead he traveled to the blood swamps and climbed Ingo sanctum this place was unique it was a fragment of erdu that have fallen to Hell on top of this makeshift Mountain the father constructed the tomb of Souls and it it was here that he placed the life sphere of davo in order to protect The Mortals of every Dimension and stop davo demons from retrieving his life spere the father used his new powers to form a holy seal the population of erok could not
enter hell and the demons could not enter erdu this also meant ingos sanctum as it existed as a part of erak in Hell having restored order the father turned to erdo in his new form and became the leader of the maker as for davo he waited in the Tomb of souls alone the denisons of hell did attempt to reach him but every attempt failed although he was restricted to an existence of a lives sphere davo still had some power his mind exploded the dimensions and sought out those susceptible to corruption and manipulation ation a new
age swept across erdo under the new leadership of the father hell was sealed away and The Mortals of the Earthly Realms were safe in erdu The Maker rewrote the records of the true nature of the father and hid the truth he was now the first God and he had sealed away davo a being of his creation after he had fallen to corruption the maker thrive d as the Sara worked with the father to design new worlds assisted in his research and constructed Advanced Technologies erdu may have been the Heavenly realm but they still found themselves
in battles on one occasion during the Battle of Eisen cast the serap acted in a way that the father disapproved of and in response he stripped them of their wings in atonement the sarap constructed the luminarium this became one of the most advanced powerful and important buildings in eruk the luminarium was built on the oldest silver of the dimension and inside machines were constructed that contained and manipulated the terrible energies of the very essence of life the sarap were the brightest minds of all maker and in order to keep them grounded the father ordered that
they serve any who entered the luminarium they would treat all who who arrived equally and favor none the maker had been created by davo and were mortal creatures their lifespans were long but not forever as a maker reached the end of their natural lifespan they suffered from mental and biological degradation it was an awful way to go but it was how they had been designed however their exploration into the energies of Life had allowed them to have made this to a degree with their technology and some power from the father when the symptoms did appear
they chose to participate in the Transfiguration the details of this ancient process are still unknown but what we do know is that each maker voluntarily died and was resurrected in the case of the KH maker these leaders were formed from an event called The Singularity this involved the fusion of several lesser maker the power of the father and the conscious Soul data of every major maker that had ever lived or died all of these factors were merged together into a con this was selective Evolution and as a KH was designed to rule over the maker
for a maximum of 10,000 years each time this process occurred the maker species essentially improved during the reign of the first car maker in the siege of kazador the KH fell on the battlefield and her life sphere was carried to the luminarium inside the seraphs used the quantum engines of creation vast interdimensional structures that Span in and out of existence to release incredible energies with this they restored the KH maker back into a physical form upon her return the KH commanded an army of maker and their enemies fled from from the fight the sarap were
proud of the luminarium its power stretched out into the void and they essentially manipulated the very nature of creation Natural Energy and life no living being could draw blood in the luminarium and if they were to do so they would lose all access to the power of Resurrection it was a holy place for some time the father worked with the saraph as whole new New Dimensions were created to watch over them new Primal beings were also crafted the power of a god being was so immense that only one could exist within a dimension as new
ones were created the father watched over them and hoped that they would govern their Realms properly while the car maker and her Angels explored these Earthly Realms with the aim to guide the species they encountered this was the blessing age of the Angelic species of erdu the creative Endeavors of the father and most importantly the containment of the destructive Twisted entities of hell as the years and ages passed the father continued his work but he soon became frustrated with many of his Divine errors the new Realms he had created had failed after their gods had
not beh paved properly for each failure the life spheres of these Fallen gods were added to a collection in the Tomb of souls the father wished for good but he underestimated the power of davo although trapped in his own life spere his mind wandered the Realms and he whispered dark truths as he pushed them to commit awful acts some say that the failure of each of these Fallen gods made davo stronger as he obser absorbed their power the father just had to work harder to make them Incorruptible yet more of his Gods Fell From Grace
the father had lived through millions of years the birth and death of many KS and as a result of his constant failures he believed it was time to retire to achieve this he turned to his most faithful serap Sama maker and he asked him to transform him into a life Fe Sama would never refuse the orders of the father so he took him to the luminarium to perform the conversion for the many years to come the maker traveled to the luminarium to pray and offered their respects to the father although he had transformed into a
new state his power still allowed life to continue as normal in erdu the singularity still used his power to occur every 10,000 years to create a new on and the Transfiguration process also allowed the maker to be reborn life went on as normal between the Heavenly realm of erdu and the Twisted realm of Hell existed the Earthly Realms home to many universes parallel universes planets and early life one of these planets was Argent denur and one day a giant spear that had traveled through space for countless years h the planet and became stuck at first
it was believed that this was a simple meteor that had struck the planet by chance but upon impact a species launched into the skies in waves as historians looked back they believed that the elemental wraith species had lived within the court of arent denur and this spear had released them however inside of the spear it was clear that the spear itself was in fact an extremely Advanced spaceship and the thousands of wraith inside were its passengers from the later named umbrell Plains to the swamps of iron Fang this was once a dead Planet but the
elemental wraith brought with them power and Magic from the spear emitted The Wraith call and as The Wraith flew across the skies of their new home this power burst out of them and revitalized the land new plants flourished the air became breathable and with it came New Life having completed their task The Wraith returned to the world spear The ancestral were enormous creatures invigorated by the magic of The Wraith as the first on this land they were also extremely territorial in which they came to blows with the other life that sprouted on Argent denur in
these early years then came the arenta a humanoid species as they evolved they quickly learned just how dangerous The ancestral were to avoid them they lived in tribes in the shadows over the years they learned the secrets of the sword in the mountain forges how to beat steel that could sever flesh and then they discovered the elemental wraith The Wraith had watched from their spear as the ancestral had destroyed parts of the land they had given life to the agenta was smart and The Wraith believed that they would look after this world to do this
they blessed the agenta with their magic and with it the fiercest Warriors of the agenta waged war against the ancestral they had their swords Shields and most importantly wraith Essence to enhance their power this was not a fast War but it was a successful one and and as it came to an end the arenta claimed dominion over Argent denur as the ancestral were pushed back into the Bleak valleys this was the time of man the elemental wraith had allowed the agenta to claim arent denur for themselves in return they offered their worship the agenta made
use of the fertile land they raised beast of burden and constructed towering cities this was the start of the Argentine civilization and to guide them they crowned their first king king Amero on the obsidian throne in the hallowed Palace the Cathedral of reflection was built to worship the first ones and to guide their religion the order of dig was established in this order three priests were elected to pay tribute to The Wraith the agenta had transformed this hostile planet into a grand civilization but even though they had been handed incredible tools of Power by The
Wraith they worshiped they still suffered with other issues storms and earthquakes killed many and destroyed their constructions there were also tribes and barbarians outside of the city and Village walls that did not subscribe to the worship of The Wraith and they took every opportunity they could to attack the vulnerable for food gold and possessions The Wraith call had invigorated the land but the weakest of the population also grew mad to its power the strongest of which however saw these as trials and they Rose above the fire the bodies and souls tempered and their unbreakable will
was shaped in battle these became the hearts of Argent denur the strongest Warriors and with them formed the order of the night Sentinel skilled Warriors that defended the population of Argent denur and served the elemental Wraith in these times of desperate need Sentinel shamans approached the world spear on pilgrimages upon their arrival in the nether Lake that surrounded the spear they were met with The Gatekeepers silent Guardian spirits of elemental power that guarded the entrance to the spear these Gatekeepers judge the soul of the shaman for those deemed worth worthy they were offered a Shard
of the spear A Shard of immense power but if they were deemed unworthy they were swiftly cut down with Divine strength interestingly enough the agenta chose not to jail their own kind they instead forced them to participate in the arena to fight for their honor if they died they died but if they succeeded they were granted a place in the front lines of the Sentinel Army to die in service of arent denur the agenta had accepted the elemental wraith wanted to keep their distance and not interfere with Mortal matters so they worked through the natural
disasters that came their way yet many still suffered as king rrex sat on the obsidian throne in the time of grief the agenta first met the maker species as they came down from the clouds to the maker this was still an early civilization and they wanted to help at first the argentin and night Sentinel feared them they were beings unlike anything they had ever seen before no sword or Shield held any weight against them and their ethereal flesh appear to be Unbound by mortality these Angelic white porcelain beings offered the argentines great knowledge and safety
throughout this world and the next if their mortal shells passed their undying Souls were granted Eternal peace with their loved ones in the Heavenly realm of erdu all the maker wanted in return was their worship the agenta did worship the elemental wraith but many felt abandoned there had been many tough years and King rrex truly believed that the maker would help his people so he accepted the Maker's offer this was a new age for the agenta having adopted the holy doctrine of the maker the order of dig adapted their religious practices to include the maker
as promised the agenta were gifted over the years the agentin Empire expanded the holy and capital city of tarus nabad formed into the crown jewel of Argent denur it served as the spiritual head of the Argentine society as the home of the Royal Family and center of political power monuments for the gods and Kings were erected and new temples were constructed solely to worship the maker with new maker technology and enchantments more cities were built to house the growing population as the greatest scientific minds work directly with the maker angels to extend their knowledge of
how the universe worked during the reign of King danak spaceships were developed and built this was a huge leap for the agenta as they took to the skies and explored the universe settled on new planets and most importantly spread the word of the maker one of these fleets were the bethan clansmen they were believed to have traveled the furthest into the universe and on their expedition they came across the Milky Way galaxy this galaxy had a lot of Promise so the leaders of the group decided to colonize the fourth planet away from the Sun Mars
This was yet another extremely important moment in argentin history a new civilization grew on Mars with new cities as the local planets were explored a settlement was even constructed on a third planet away from the sun earth at this time the planet was populated by powerful beasts as the first to discover these the Martian argentines called these a on a name they had taken from a Mythic cyclopian giant from arent DA's past it would have taken a long time to travel between Mars and arent denur by ship to combat this the new Martian scientists worked
on something in their port city of herth slipgate Technology a way for them to instantaneously travel throughout the many planets of the Argentine Empire it appeared that under under the worship of the maker the agenta would have continued to thrive in their multiplanetary occupation but there were many other devious forces at play many many years later planet Earth became host to life the Martian civilization had fallen many years before and it is likely that cut off from their species they or their DNA formed human ity by the 21st or the 22nd century Humanity had boomed
and they reached for the stars the union Aerospace Corporation had led this charge and in their exploration of the Milky Way they had set up several bases of notes they looked to the Dead Planet of Mars and its Two Moons Phobos and deos the UAC wanted to push what they knew about the universe and how it was worked but Earth had strict guidelines on how unregulated scientific Endeavors could be explored to get around this red tape the UAC told Earth that deos and Phobos were designated radioactive waste facilities when in reality research bases were set
up Earth's militaries funded this in secret so they could access new forms of Weaponry in one of the many wars of Earth a marine was dishonorably d charged after he refused to fire upon a crowd of unarmed civilians what made this worse was that he assaulted his commanding officer who had given him the order as a punishment the Marine was relocated to the UAC Mars base to work security as a Space Marine while his former commanding officer was shipped to Pearl Harbor in a body cast It is believed that this man came from a long
line of war heroes those of which included be blaskovic and Commander Keane for the next 3 years the Marine was bored he spent his days simply watching restricted flicks in the recck room what he did not know however was that the UAC had successfully developed interdimensional space travel through teleportation technology on the moons of Phobos and deos this was an incredible breakthrough for them on Phobos they threw objects into their teleporter and they landed in instantly on deos through a portal constructed there the testing quickly moved to human trials but this did not go as
well as they had hoped in most cases of human testing the volunteers arrived at the opposite moon with sudden insanity and aggression in others they did not arrive at all unknown to the scientists they had created a connection to Hell through these portals something that population inside had waited for for aons and to make the most of this opportunity the spider Mastermind formed a plan on a regular day of security the M station received an urgent request for military support from the Phobos base they claimed that something evil had come out of the gateways they
had constructed the computer systems had gone berserk and short shortly after deos completely disappeared out of the sky as the marine and his team made their way to the fobo base they attempted to regain contact with both moons but there was only silence on their arrival on the moon the Marine was ordered to secure the perimeter of the base as the rest of the team went inside with all of their equipment and weaponry for the hours to come the Doom marinees radio picked up the sounds of guns firing orders being yelled screams bones cracking and
then silence the Marine had no way to leave the moon on his own and with only a pistol to defend himself he decided to enter the Phobos facility to save who he could and search for a way home the facility had an eerie atmosphere animal growls echoed from the corridors and the bodies of the men he had served with was scattered across the floor the Space Marine was well trained and he ventured further into the base and then he discovered what had happened to them many had been transformed into demonic entities that only wanted to
kill they looked just like the men he had served with but they were no longer in control they were zombies of their former selves One By One The Marine fought with and put them out of their misery until he discovered a Gateway guarded by two Barons of Hell upon their destruction at his hands the Marine hoped that this Gateway would take him home but it took him somewhere new as he looked around the Marine found himself within the missing Deo base he picked up new Weaponry as he fought against the corrupted entities that had taken
over this place imps lost souls pinkies and specters attempted to take take him down but this Marine was resilient he ripped and tore his way through these entities that wanted to only inflict pain until he reached the Cyber demon in the Tower of Babble a tower built on the deos Base by the Cyber demon Lord's minions despite the almighty power of this Lord the Doom guy's desire to survive was much stronger and he took down the demon the Marine had fought so hard up until this point and it was only as he looked over the
edge of the Moon that he realized where he was deos have been stolen by hell's forces and it floated above the Twisted Lands of this Dark Realm to continue his journey the Doom guy decided to repel his way down to the surface in order to stop what was clear at this point an attempt at a demonic Invasion the Marine fought through the hell keep the city of pandemonium and eventually he reached the spider Mastermind the creature that had orchestrated this assault having collected an entire arsenal of Weaponry through his traversal of hell and encountered so
many different types of demons that had enhanced his combat style the Doom guy fought against this demon with everything he had to save Earth from an invasion with one final bullet the spider Mastermind fell and behind it a hidden doorway opened he hoped that the death of The Mastermind had stopped The Invasion and as he entered the doorway he found himself on Earth in a green field but something awful had happened in his absence before their fight the spider Mastermind had managed to open a gateway to Earth hordes of demons had flooded through the the
Doom guy fought through these on his way to find his family but he was too late his pet rabbit Daisy and some believe his wife and child were massacred in this demonic assault although he had destroyed every demon in his path there were always so many more that continued to arrive on Earth everything the Doom guy had fought for had been for nothing planet Earth had been invaded by the Demonic entities of hell all they wanted was to inflict pain and suffering Earth's cities burned as demons swarm the streets many of the population did attempt
to fight back but the overwhelming force and sheer number of demons made this an impossible fight however a hero emerged from the Flames there are conflicting reports of who this was many believe this was the hero of the Phobos Invasion While others believe this was an entirely new Marine as his backstory in some sources is different regardless it is widely believed and agreed upon that the hero of Phobos continued to fight on Earth to save what was left of the human population after the demons claimed millions of souls for their realm Earth's nations came together
and decided it would be best to leave the planet Planet an issue quickly arose when the demons came together and sealed off a Spaceport with their power the Doom guy bitter and Furious at the loss of everything that had meant anything to him gave into his rage and he tore through every demon he saw in his path he destroyed the evil forces that held the Last Remnant of humanity at Bay and allowed them to evacuate the planet the Marine had saved his species and as the last human on earth with nothing else to live for
he lay back and waited for death yet his mission was not over as he lay there the Doom guy received a message from Earth control their senses had located the source of the Demonic Invasion to the Doom guy's home City Earth control believed that if he could somehow block the entry point from hell to Earth Humanity could return to their planet and rebuilt with a new Mission the Marine traveled to his home City and discovered the portal there that had Unleashed all of this chaos after the death of countless demonkind he entered the portal and
once again found himself in hell with only rage the Doom guy traversed the corrupt realm as the demons fell at his hands until he arrived within the Chamber of the icon of sin this giant creature with the head of a goat was a Marvel to look at the Abomination also resembled what Humanity believed a demon to look like in scripture this was the most powerful demon the Doom guy had encountered so far it had the ability to manipulate tears between dimensions and had taken advantage of the spider Mastermind initial Invasion his power had kept open
the connection between Earth and hell as the Doom guy had wiped out a large portion of his army the iccon of sin teleported reinforcements into the chamber in the most stressful fight of his life the Doom guy evaded the strikes of the countless demons that appeared within the chamber and he took advantage of a short window of weakness in which he launched a rocket into what appeared to be a vulnerable spot in the icon of sin's brain instantly the Titan shriveled up and thrashed its limbs for the Miles and Miles underneath this chamber into the
deepest regions of Hell Caverns collapsed and killed many demons the death of the icon of sin freed Earth from hell and upon the return of the doomed guy he signaled to Earth control that Humanity was safe to return home the United Aerospace Corporation had learned their lesson the manipulation of dimensional teleportation was a dangerous field to explore without protection but they still wanted to advance their understanding of it in order to protect Humanity the UAC decided to move the experiments to a moon of Jupiter along with a whole group of Space Marines as security to
watch over these marines the Doom guy was promoted as their Commander he had fought this threat before and he knew better than anyone how dangerous hell was as the experiments began anytime a demonic entity attempted to pass through the Gateway the Space Marines annihilated them and for the next year this plan worked perfectly and the uac's understanding of this Gateway technology expanded immensely however the higher demons were much smarter than the UAC believed they were and in secret they constructed a spa ship built from steel stone flesh bone and Corruption once a year the UAC
of this moon base received a supply drop that gave them what they needed to continue to function one day their radar picked up a ship within close proximity this ship was larger than normal and it was early it was not until the team were able to get a look at the ship that they realized it was not from Earth the forces of hell had somehow pushed this out of their Dimension into the Earthly Dimension and on board was an enormous Hellgate that when opened Unleashed a torrent of demonic entities in the base the Space Marines
had been trained to guard the Gateway in the base and they had been able to do this successfully but the Hellgate on the hellip had released a wave of demons over the following minutes the UAC base was quickly overrun with the IC entities and the transformed zombies of the former UAC personnel and Marines the Doom Marine had taken a walk just before the invasion had begun and as a result he had avoided this massacre upon his return the commander was attacked by a demonic imp and he knew that something bad had happened he swore revenge
for his fallen troops and just like he had done several times before the Doom guy fought through the uac's experimental Labs military base and eventually reentered hell the Doom guy had killed so many demons and zombified Marines in his traversal through the facility but he knew that something had orchestrated this Invasion he searched hell for a being that had the power to open up portals between dimensions and then he finally came across another Titan the demon spitter the Titan itself would have been easy to defeat but the creatures it teleported into this region to help
it push the Marine to rip and tear them to pieces in another limited window of time the Marine launched a rocket at the Titan suddenly all was silent and from one horizon to another the agonizing echo of Hell faded away in the distance the marinees saw a blue light begin to Glow inside of the ruined skull of the demon spitter but for now he believed he had won as the corpses of the monsters around him evaporated the global government of Earth decided that it was up to them to stop the possibility of future invasions hell
was a NeverEnding source of chaos and they wanted to be prepared if this Dimension attempted to conquer Earth again the death of many of the core members of the UAC and a new direction for the company essentially had it refounded Under New Management Earth needed tools to prevent a demonic Invasion and the new UAC was perfect to explore this as time passed the team developed a Quantum accelerator device that they believed could close interdimensional Gates on command and Hal any Invasion before it could begin this was a great idea in theory and they also had
Marine station to protect the Personnel if anything were to go wrong at one point a gate opened in the heart of the UAC complex and abhorrent creatures from Hell began to flood out with their preparation the scientists quickly closed the gate with the quantum accelerator and the Marines killed every demon this proved that their device worked yet the Lords of hell were determined to claim uh on the next day seven Gates opened across the facility the quantum accelerators were able to close Six of these but the seventh gate would not close the Titan known as
the gatekeeper stood guard and kept it open the Marines kept the demons at bay for as long as they could but there were always more to come after an hour of Defense the complex was overrun unable to hold off this force and and just like the last few UAC facilities it became home to zombies and demons the government were quickly alerted of This Disaster they knew how powerful the quantum accelerators were they had the ability to manipulate portals if the demons were to use them surely they would be able to find a way to Earth
to combat this they ordered that all Marines within the region reclaim the sight the Doom Marine was closest to this site and he arrived there first he knew what he had to do find the demon responsible for this Invasion and kill it to close the connection between Dimensions by the time he reached the base it had fallen into chaos every Marine had become a zombie or died on his traversal through yet another Fallen UAC facility the Marine took down a cyber demon that had got its hand on the quantum accelerator but as he looked around
he could not see the Prototype something he had also been asked to procure on this Mission so he moved on to find it the might of Hell's forces could not stop the Doom guy on his mission and after he discovered the Prototype accelerator he set his sight on the creature responsible for this the gatekeeper was yet another Titan of magnificent power but at this point so was the Doom Marine after another carefully aimed rocket the Marine destroyed the Titan and saved earth once again from the forces of [Music] evil the consistent interaction with the forces
of Hell had hailed the Doom Marine as a savior of mankind but this label did not protect him from constant nightmares of demons and death military doctors tested him and measured his fatigue but he still suffered with rage the Marine had put in his time and it was believed that the war with hell was over within an abandoned UAC base something stirred in the darkness a single entity that had been masked by the extremely high levels of radiation in the facility and avoided detection just its presence had altered the corrupted tissue of the dead and
brought it back these reanimated demons were much stronger than they were before and the mother of all demons wanted a war Earth soon received a signal from this base and the government feared it could lead to another Invasion the Doom Marine had shown the consistent ability to destroy every demon he encountered and with Humanity at risk once again he was recommissioned and tasked to end this battle once and for all the demons felt the anger of the Marine as he massed them one by one countless zombies imps lost souls hell Knights Barons of Hell amongst
many other different types of this Twisted population all fell at his hands until he reached the mother of demons in hell she was powerful and Almighty yet the Doom Marine was stronger and just like so many other demons she was taken out out by the Marine this was a very familiar situation for the Doom guy this cycle have repeated several times at this point defeat the demons kill the leader and return to Earth only for the demons to return stronger the next time so with hell at its weakest point the Marine decided to stay there
and fight the demons for as long as he could he was Stronger Faster and more ambitious understand other men he also had nothing to return to on Earth for countless years the Marine traveled across hell and slaughtered every demon in his path he ripped and tore his way through them time flowed differently in hell for years Millennia aons he was feared by demonkind despite this there was one demon that wanted her own Revenge the resurrector was the sister of the mother of all demons this human had killed her sister and she wanted to restore balance
to her Dimension with her power she launched the Marine Out of Hell back onto Earth where he could no longer inflict pain and suffering on her kind the Marine found himself within a UAC facility and it appeared that his work in Hell had protected them from an invasion so far but with him had come demons that the resurrector hoped would exterminate him the Marine had one mission on his mind to return and continue his tour of hell and so he did he annihilated every demon in his path and entered a portal back the resurrector knew
how powerful and determined this human was he would never give up as they came face to face they fought but just like his interaction with her sister she fell in battle Yeah yet she had one final trick up her sleeve with the power she held in her final moments the resurrector once again launched the Marine this time not to Earth but across worlds in space onto a path of Perpetual torment a path through Doom way back into the first age of hell he was in a completely new place now and he would never return to
the Earth he had known forced to fight in hell for many years to come the home Earth of the Doom Marine have been plagued for years by the Demonic entities of Hell however this was not the only Earth in existence there were several parallel Earths in parallel universes while different they did have many similarities on one of these in 2015 the union Aerospace Corporation was founded by Thomas kaher just like the other uac's on the other Earths they sought to explore the stars and they set of bases across several planets in the Milky Way galaxy
the UAC had almost unlimited funds and they used these to engage in research outside of moral and legal obligations at first they focused on weapon and defense contracts and later they expanded into biological research and further space exploration to name a few by 2095 the UAC had begun to set up their base on Mars by 2104 they discovered Caverns that Unearthed ancient artifacts most importantly one called The Soul Cube along with stone tablets written by an ancient civilization by 215 the UAC truly believed they had discovered the ruins of an ancient Martian civilization that had
mysteriously Fallen possibly thousands or millions of years before but what had happened to them it is very likely that this was the very same bethan Clansman tribe that had formed into a martian civilization the name panthor was also used while the slipgate technology that had allowed them to Traverse across the Argentine Empire had worked correctly in one Universe in this one the gate way connected to Hell instead almost instantly the monsters within flowed out and slaughtered every living entity they saw the Martians did everything they could to defend themselves but this was a new threat
they had never encountered before as the war progressed the brightest Minds came together and developed a weapon the Soul Cube a device that grew stronger through the destruction of evil the issue was that in order to forge the weapon they had to sacrifice many of their own in a ritual to power it the Martians also became aware of a powerful hell artifact the heart of Hell an object designed by hell to open up gateways into the human Dimension during the war the Martians managed to steal this artifact from their Invaders and head it away in
a secret chamber in a final stand a hero charged towards the Gateway with the Soul Cube intoing this he sealed the connection between the dimensions but he did not survive this assault interestingly enough in this universe the hero looked just like the Doom Marine that had fought on Phobos in another this was not that version of him as he still fought in Hell alive after his conflict with the resurrector despite their Victory the Martians buried their dead the Soul Cube and their hero sworn any of the dangers of slip Gates technology they wrote warnings on
stone tablets then they disappeared cut off from their civilization many believe they became the ancestors of humanity the union Aerospace Corporation were completely unaware of the horrors that had occurred on this planet but they wanted to learn with their technology they began to terraform Mars as they explored the dig site over the years Mars City developed into one of the fastest growing hubs of scientific Endeavor in the universe with the brightest Minds one of these was Dr Malcolm betruger at first this opportunity was the dream job but he soon grew frustrated with the board of
the UAC they appeared to care only about money and not the knowledge or scientific advancement they could learn from this ancient civilization he wanted more stuff and a bigger budget so that they could continue on with their research and experiments but he was denied as the UAC exploded deeper into the ruins they discovered the ancient slipgate technology that the Martians had used this was an incredible opportunity and betruger led the charge in an attempt to reinvent the technology by his side was Ian McCormick a research specialist over the next year a team led by Dr
PS Rogers attempted to decode the ancient tablets in doing so they learned about the ancient martians and the teleportation they had invented alongside this the tablets also explained how this technology worked and with this blueprint betruger had slipgates constructed in the UAC facility in Delta Labs the development of this new line of Technology moved quickly and with Ian mccomic at his side Malcolm betruger began testing this equipment for around their first 12 teleportation experiments the team sent through various objects and watched as they appeared in the desired exit location upon further observation they learned that
this technology essentially broke down an object at a Quantum level transported it and then reassembled it as the experiment continued Ian noticed something odd in the Des sign of this equipment the teleportation of an object should have been instant but there was always a delay before the object came back to investigate this a video drone was subjected to this procedure so that the scientists could see exactly what happened to an object in that delay betruger and mccomic watched the footage as the Drone teleported from location a to location B however in the middle were frames
of of a completely different location and within it several sets of eyes looked at the camera this was a different realm with living breathing creatures the UAC of this universe could have simply stopped that experimentation with teleportation technology and avoided this realm alt together but it appeared that this company was destined to always unleash hell regardless of the universe Dr betruger was fascinated with what he had discovered and he called for volunteers to enter this new place and bring back the creatures he had seen for study to expedite this process he even had Ian mccomic
dock the test results to suggest that there were no side effects on living tissue from using the teleporter having been approved to do this UAC security Marines was sent through the portal into the dimension some never came back and for those who did they were irritable and unstable they were monitored by doctors and their behavior only became worse over time they attempted to attack anyone around them and if they could not they chewed off their own flesh despite these issues betruger ordered for more of these units to enter the realm every 2 days many of
the creatures within were captured but the team spoke of their experiences and sightings in the night realm mccomic and another scientist on the team Dr Jonathan ishy became worried that this was no normal Dimension it was hell and the creatures they had captured were demons his research into hell had led the painful deaths of many marines but betruger did not care by 2144 the United States government turned to the UAC to provide resources and a military advice anage on an unstable economic Earth in which the development of new weapons was pursued one of which was
The BFG 9000 as 2145 arrived Dr Malcolm betruger had fallen deep into his obsession with teleportation technology and hell he was also extremely frustrated with the UAC board who were they to question his decisions or the status of the missing Personnel that a particip I ated in his experiments all he cared about was his research and in this weakened state betruger was contacted by a demonic presence within hell this unknown entity offered the scientist power knowledge and immortality in return for an artifact that the UAC had discovered years before it leaned into his corruption and
told him what the Soul Cube was and how the ancient martians had used it to seal away their realm within excavation site 3 Dr Pi Rogers and his team decoded more of these ancient tablets and also discovered the tragic fate of the Martians he also found the warning they had left for anyone that discovered their ruins the exploration of teleportation had led to their fall but betruger and his team had already worked on this technology for a while the team also noticed that betruger had not been himself lately something was wrong with him betruger research
director Dr Elizabeth mcneel was worried about the consistent accidents psychological issues and Supernatural occurrences around m city she and her team felt unsafe and they believed betruger research to be responsible for all of these issues they wanted this project terminated and to do this mcne reported all of this to the UAC board to assess this situation the union Aerospace Corporation decided to send their company lawyer councelor Elliot Swan with a bodyguard Jack Campbell to Mars City on Monday the 15th of November 21:45 the Phantom drop ship Darkstar arrived in Mars city where the several passengers
two of which were Elliot's Swan and his bodyguard the final was a marine this Marine had been sent to replace Corporal Allan who had suffered psychological issues as a result of his participation in the Delta Labs experiments the background of this Marine is pretty much unknown he was a simple Space Marine a member of the uac's private Army Mars City had come a long way over the years but betruger was to all of this councelor Elliot Swan grilled the scientist about the issues that have been reported yet betruger appeared be more frustrated with this Interruption
to his work he claimed that the board did not care about science they only wanted to make money Swan was not satisfied with puga's answers he warned him that there would be no new funding until his report was complete having given up with this entire situation betruger warn Swan that amazing things will happen here soon you just wait the UAC had pushed Dr Malcolm betruger to make his decision on whether or not he wanted to work with hell having been disrespected the scientist stole the Soul Cube and made his way to Delta Labs the Marine
that had arrived with Swan was given his first mission by his Commander Master Sergeant Thomas Kelly a scientist had gone missing and it was the Marine's mission to track him down Dr Jonathan ishy had last been seen in the old communication facility and after the Marine was given armor weaponry and ammunition he made his way there Jonathan ishy had worked closely with Ian mccomic Piers Rogers and Malcolm betruger he knew the true nature of the Demonic realm and he had also seen how far betruger had fallen he worried what this could mean for Mars City
and Earth in the old Communications facility the Marine tracked him down as he attempted to send a direct warning to Earth however as he did this within hell betruger handed over the Soul Cube and offered hell access to Mars before Dr ishy could complete his transmission the portal in Delta Labs opened and a wave of Hell energy flowed out along with many demons the Marine watched in horror as a lost soul transformed Dr ishi into a zombie hell had begun an invasion the Marine had been spared of this fate and after he defended himself against
the zombified scientist he returned to Marine HQ for further orders deeper in the complex Pier Rogers locked himself inside of his office as he continued to study the four ancient Martian tablets the Soul Cube had been a mystery to the team but he learned that it was actually a weapon a weapon someone could use to stop this Invasion he just needed someone to retrieve it and use it the Marine was smart and used his training well to survive the creatures that had taken over Mars City but he was still alone Sergeant Kelly ordered him to
link up with the last active Marine Squad bravo team so that they could send out a distress call to Earth for reinforcements bravo team were on their way to alpal labs and it was up to the Marine to catch up Malcolm betruger had been responsible for the death and mutilation of the majority of the population of Mars yet councelor Swan still attempted to get him to cooperate to stop the invasion betruger was connected to a much stronger force and he had another plan in mind for the this Invasion to be successful he needed to bring
it to Earth on the other side of this Swan wanted to lock down the entire facility to contain the issue and to do this he ordered his bodyguard to exterminate all forms of communication between Mars and Earth this was not something they could do through a computer terminal this was a manual task they had to perform so Swan and Campbell traveled across Ms City and for fought with the demons in their path 6 hours after the invasion had begun Bravo Team arrived in the emperor facility but they were massacred by imps and wraiths many of
them were killed instantly while the rest were left mortally wounded and waited for death there was however One Survivor this Bravo Marine was contacted by a scientist Dr Richard mayor he had worked on an experimental teleportation array in exis labs and feared that the Demonic horde would use it to travel to earth and he asked this Lone Survivor to destroy it the Bravo Marine managed to activate the exus lab's teleportation system and he traveled into hell although it was a tough battle in this awful realm the Bravo Marine Tracked Down the teleportation array and destroyed
it having saved Earth from an invasion he was quickly teleported back to Mars by Richard mayor by the time Sergeant K's Marine arrived at the emperor plant he found the Bravo Team wiped out this situation kept getting worse and as his mission had changed Sergeant Kelly ordered the Marine to instead send out a distress signal to Earth for reinforcements this order put him directly against the goal of Swan and Campbell yet as a good soldier the Marine made his way to the communication facility upon his arrival there he discovered that the communication console had been
destroyed by Swan and Campbell so Sergeant Cali ordered him to travel to an isolated satellite tower instead within the tower the Marine received a video call from Swan the councelor asked him not to send out the emergency message as it would risk the quarantine he had set up on Mars if reinforcements were was sent to this facility the demons would use the ships to travel to earth ultimately this Choice was useless as betruger took it upon himself to send out a distress call to continue this Invasion the scientist had also noticed this Marine the man
had fought through countless demons and survived this person was a Potential Threat to this Invasion and he took his opportunity to take him out in the waste recycling Center betruger introduced himself as the person responsible for the invasion that a distress call had been sent out that demons would roam the Earth and that the Marine would not be alive to see it happen to finish off the Marine betruger released a toxic gas into the recycling center but he underestimated just how resilient the soldier was the marine fought his way through the center and traveled towards
Delta Labs it was here that he received a recorded message from Sergeant Kelly to meet him in the security service tunnel one however after the Marine arrived there Sergeant Cali was nowhere to be seen the Marine also came across Ian McCormick the research specialist explained that to stop this Invasion someone had to retrieve the Soul Cube from hell and use it to close the connection between Dimensions the Marine appeared to be immune to the dangerous effects of hell and he was the perfect candidate to travel within and survive the realm after the deaths of countless
zombies and demonic entities the Marine reached the portal room in Delta Labs but he was not alone from above betruger mocked his actions anything this Soldier attempted to do was futile in another attempt to kill the Marine betruger summoned two hell knights from the portal it was clear at this point that the Marine was much stronger and more determined to survive than IR regular person and after the destruction of the hites betruger saw no other option to be rid of this nuisance as he activated a portal and pulled the Marine into hell do Malcolm betruger
was desperate for this Invasion to be successful he had been promised so much by the entities of hell and now it was up to them to defeat the Marine as he waited on Mars for the reinforcements to arrive within hell the Marine discovered that most of his weapons had been taken from him in the teleportation this did not stop his drive to complete his task as he moved deeper into this realm in search of the Soul Cube to his luck the Marine picked up his weapons that had SC scattered across the corrupted hallways of this
land and he was attacked by the guardian of hell this should have been the end of the Marine but as he fought with the demon he heard Whispers these voices called out the weaknesses of the guardian and as the Marine followed the advice of these Whispers The Guardian fell and the Soul Cube revealed itself it appeared to be sentient and offered itself in servitude to the Marine the Marine discovered a portal back to Mars and with this powerful artifact in his possession he used it to seal the connection between Mars and Hell Malcolm betruger was
infuriated by the meddling of the Marine but he too was persistent within the ancient Caverns below Mars city betruger opened up a hell hole he just needed it to stay open until the rescue Fleet arrived in the Marine's absence Sergeant Kelly had been captured and brutally transformed into a demon the Sabbath the former sergeant had attacked councelor Swan and mostly wounded Jack Campbell on the Marine's way to the caverns he discovered the injured counselor Swan and was told of what had happened as he continued on he found Campbell just before the soldier fell to his
wounds in the CPU Banks the Marine eventually came face to face with Sergeant Kelly this was not the man that had given him orders this was a monster that needed to be put out of its misery the Marine once again fought against a powerful Foe and survived he was also in a Race Against Time he had no time to mourn and continued deeper into the facility within the caverns in site three he met Dr PS Rogers and eventually discovered the hell hold that betruger had formed the issue was that a cyber demon had been charged
to protect it this was his final battle he gave everything he had to survive the strikes of the demon and the many minions that followed it however on his side the Soul Cube mased many of these creatures until eventually it helped take down the Cyber demon and then launched itself into the hell hole this action closed the portal and saved Mars City from further corruption this Marine had saved Earth and for the next 5 days he waited for the reinforcements to arrive from their reports he was the only Survivor in the whole facility everyone that
had helped the Marine had fallen to the Demonic Invasion and Dr Malcolm puga was nowhere to be seen he had traveled into hell just before the port had closed this was his new home the UAC decided to cover up the hell Massacre of Mars City and they chose not to return the Marine had survived Dr Malcolm betruger attempted Invasion and after he recovered in 2195 he was sent to another facility the Mars Outpost to help the scientists there survive another invasion attempt upon his arrival he met several scientists he learned that two scientists had been
fired recently Kronos and Dr Jensen Kronos had been fired for his experimentation with teleportation technology and Dr Jensen had been fired after he had failed a security audit to stop this Invasion the Marine was Guided by Dr Gad and given access to locked off regions further in the Marine came across Dr Nadira in what he claimed to be a security check he ordered for the Marine to hand over his weapons in compliance he did but instantly Nadira revealed himself to be partly behind this Invasion and he summoned hellhounds to take out the Marine this was
an easy fight and having understood partly what had happened here the Marine discovered Jensen incarcerated he told the Marine that Nadira and Gad had worked together they just had to stop them from opening a portal to hell in the reactor sector on their way there the marine and Jensen caught up with gard and Nadira to save himself Gad summoned demons to attack not only the Marine but also Nadira the sacrifice of Nadira was worth this despite his efforts the Marine tuck down the demons and continued on towards the reactor sector unfortunately Jensen did not survive
on the way within the reactor sector Gad revealed that he was actually Kronos and had used the name of Dr Gad to complete his mission to invade Mars he had also opened the portal to hell in the time that the Marine had taken to get there in a last ditch attempt to keep the portal open Kronos trans transformed himself into a demon the Marine had massed many demons in his time and he killed Kronos and closed the portal to Hell however after all of this his battle was still not over a cyber demon had passed
through into the Outpost and with everything he had the Marine killed it and saved what was left of the Mars Outpost just like the last Invasion the UAC covered this up several of the UAC facilities across the Galaxy were aware of the mysterious occurrences that had happened on other planets they knew of the classified Mars incidents but any information about them was covered up months later the UAC Luna outpost on Earth's Moon sent out many distress calls and to investigate this two Space Marines major Kira Morgan and Stan blaskovich along with a scientist Riley ok'
Conor was sent there as soon as they arrived at the station the trao were attacked by a demonic imp to their luck calex appeared just in time as he slashed it in half with a chainsaw the UAC employee explained that an invasion had begun in the base and they needed help the trio of course did everything in their power to help as they worked their way through the pyer base they met Sal an AI designed by the UAC to help run the facility further in they met another AI the virtual icon of sin this entity
had so much power a power that allowed it to pull its prey into a virtual space the creature was hostile and treated the trio as toys things to entertain it Sal warned the trio not to trust Vios and after a brief fight they escaped the virtual space on a path and portals through hell Earth and back to Hell the trio learned what had happened a scientist here Dr Xanax had worked with the late Dr Gad and used their research to study hell and the creatures within from Xanax his continuation of the work a cult had
formed of scientists that actively aided the virtual icon of sin a virtual creature with the brain of a real icon con of sin Xanax did attempt to murder those who have been sent to rescue the personnel with a spider Mastermind a cyber demon and many other of demon kind but his attempts failed eventually with the help of a BFG to wipe out the Lesser demons on their path the leader of this Rescue Team came across the physical icon of sin that controlled the facility with one perfect strike with a rocket the icon of sin turned
into rubble and dust although the evil presence had dissipated the hero of this story still sensed that somewhere other battles raged on with the forces of hell as of now the fate of major Kira Morgan major Stan blaskovich Riley OK Conor and Dr Xanax are unknown although Dr Malcolm betruger had failed in his attempt to invade Mars and Earth he was still rewarded by hell he had claimed them thousands of human souls and in return he was transformed into something new he became the maledict a large skeletal wyvn all that remained of puga's original form
was his head that resided within the mouth of the creature by March 2147 the UAC offered Dr Elizabeth mcneel the opportunity to lead a new Expedition to Mars after a faint unidentified signal had been detected from the site one complex of Mars City almost a year before McNeil herself had survived the original Mars Invasion after she had transferred from Mars due to betruger behavior in Hell betruger LED armies in his new realm as one of the strongest of demon kind but he still held a hatred for his home Realm by March 17th Dr McNeil's team
red team was trained and arrived at the ruins of Mars City their mission was clear to investigate the signal their satellite had picked up in the ruins deep below the arabus labs complex red team discovered a secret chamber that had been locked away Millennia before by the ancient martians inside they found the heart of Hell the artifact that the Martians had stolen from hell and sealed away this was a lost sacred object of Hell an object they wanted back as red team traveled into this secret chamber their combat engineer touched the heart instantly a wave
of energy erupted from it and killed his whole team the energy also reopened the Gateway between Mars and hell that the ancient martians had fought so hard to close in this moment betruger the maledict felt that a connection had opened between the Realms once again he had promised that this would happen and that he would lead them to Victory as he rallied his demons together he planned to retrieve the heart of hell and with it Earth would be easy to conquer the maledict had underestimated the Space Marines once before and he would not again so
he ordered three hell Hunters to track down the heart as a new hell invasion began on Mars as the sole survivor of red team the combat engineer Marine was ordered by mcneel to bring the artifact to her in Phobos Labs on his way he picked up an ionized plasma levitator also dubbed the Grabber however the engineer Marine was stopped by one of the maledict hell Hunters the hell time Hunter with the Grabber the Marine avoided its strikes and killed it the death of the hell time Hunter had an interesting effect on the heart of hell
it absorbed the power of the hunter as it acquired the ability to slow down time to power this ability and the Heart The Marine learned that the artifact had to absorb human Souls Mars City had become a shell of what it was originally planned to be it was a dangerous place yet the engineer Marine made use of the weapons that were scattered around as he fired at forgotten ones zombies and vulgar with his pistol returned projectiles at his foes with the Grabber and destroyed them in one shot with a double barrel shotgun on his path
the Marine was also attacked by the second hell Hunter the berserk Hunter and just like he had done before he took the monster down this once again offered him a new ability the power to kill any demon with his fists once again powered by human Souls the Marine eventually arrived within Phobos labs and met with Elizabeth mcneel she told him what the artifact actually was and that from the stone tablets she and her team had learned that it could only be destroyed by bringing it to its source in the next World the Marine needed to
reach Delta labs to access hell but Delta Labs have been sealed off 2 years before to get there mcneel guided the Marine to an old teleporter in fobo labs to power this teleporter he traveled across the region and shut down the four core systems of Mars on the search for the heart of Hell the final hell Hunter ambushed him the death of the invulnerability hunter at the hand of the Marine once again offered him a new ability through the artifact in vulnerability these three enhancements gave him the power he needed to fight through Phobos labs
and activate the teleporter the Delta Labs was in a state of constant dimensional flux it shifted between a fallen Mass facility to a region of chaos frequently the combat Marine had a mission and fought past the overwhelming swarms of Forgotten ones zombies and revenants to name just a few then he reached the original Gateway that betruger had opened years before this combat engineer was a part of a sele group that were immune to Hell's mutilation he evaded fiery pits of lava watched the souls were moved around and eliminated this final wave of the maledict army
as he reached the creatures Lair the Mortal had come to betruger and he wanted the heart of Hell to help him and the rest of Hell's armies break through into the Mortal realm in a devastating fight the maledict launched waves of fire at the Marine as he flew around the Marine used every ability the heart of Hell gave him he slowed down time and injured betruger he evaded his horrendous strikes and eventually he attempted to launch a rocket at the creature however this missile missed and the maledict instead dropped to the ground and lunged at
the Marine with its mouth in this uncontrollable situation the combat engineer Marine was la uned with Force at the ground and he passed out when he woke up betruger face hung in front of him he demanded that the Marine return what was theirs with the last of his strength the Marine shoved the heart of Hell into the mouth of betruger and down his throat overpowered and connected to a source of its own world the heart of Hell exploded within the maledict and as a result the creature disintegrated Ed into nothing all that remained was the
skull of the once human Dr Malcolm betruger once again a nameless Marine had stopped the invasion of Hell his fate after this is unknown he heard the voice of Dr Elizabeth mcneel marine marine welcome home whether they met back at Mars or in a better place is up to speculation the sense that other battles raged on with the forces of hell was true the Doom Marine's home Universe had stopped their battle with hell but ruger's Universe had also ceased for now yet there was another universe that had a huge battle to come in Hell the
Doom Marine had fought for so long after his confrontation with the resurrector and he would simply continue to do so he had gone back in time and during this period the agenta still thrived under the leadership of the maker the bethan clansmen and the City of HTH also fell in this universe the details of this fall however are unknown the father was Almighty and powerful and he had seen how many universes had battled with the rising powers of hell he feared that as each deity fell the dark lord grew stronger to protect protect himself his
maker and The Mortals he watched over the father asked his most faithful seraphim Sama maker to take his lifes sphere to a place that would be safe during the age of nuia s agreed to this request and in doing so he shattered the Kadin Veil and stole the father's life spere to keep him safe he placed the sphere in the Tomb of souls from here he could keep a close eye on davo as he whispered to the easily corruptible population of the Earthly Realms The Disappearance of the father spread fear and panic across the whole
of erdu he was their leader and ruler yet it was his power that allowed their realm to function as it did he was required for the creation of a new car maker and the extension of the lives of the maker the ruling KH maker had to find a way to save her species as they searched for the father a new power source and the culprit that had taken him their natural lifespans were much longer than The Mortals they watched over but after many years the KH began to worry a KH was designed to exist only
for a maximum of 10,000 years and without the father to allow the creation of a new one she stayed in power the following years were tough for the maker as they contined to to guide the Argentine civilization and the other sentient species that existed Across the Universe the KH out lived her natural life cycle and Corruption set in she liked this power way at the top and believed that she had to do anything she could to save the maker the Lesser Mortals were nothing in comparison to her they were lucky to worship them then she
heard The Whispers of a dark force she heard The Whispers of davo there was a prophecy of the Unholy one that would threaten her Rule and species this prophecy made the con maker paranoid who was this chosen one in the time of King Rowan's rule of the agenta the KH maker approached him she had helped them expand far and wide and their War fleets explored the Galaxy she explained that she had foreseen a Schism in the blood of the genter and that a test was required to identify who this was under her instructions maker scholaris
was tasked to construct a device for this test unknown to the KH she was Guided by the Dark Lord's corrupt Whispers this Divinity machine would test anyone she requested to power it the KH was guided into the mountains of Enron to recover an element of the dark lord a piece of him that have been Pres preserved by the father of course the car maker was not aware that these thoughts were not her own and within the chapel of Purity in tarus nabad the construction of the Divinity machine was completed for generations to come the chosen
agenta were told that the Divinity machine would cleanse them of all impurities and with full faith in the maker the agenta did not even question this those who stepped into the machine were driven insane and their souls destroyed by the time of the reign of King novic this holy RIT had killed many agenta but it had become a standard way of life the Doom Marine had fought in hell for countless years the trauma of everything he had encountered had driven him mad all he wanted was to rip and tear to kill every demon then he
was not in hell he was somewhere new just outside of the castle Wars of Sentinel Prime Sentinel soldiers discovered him bloodied covered in scratches and on the verge of death this Outlander was not from their world but he spoke of many however they could not understand his human tongue the Sentinels brought the Marine to the reigning Sentinel priests de ruk de nilo and de grav before for them the Doom guy spoke of guts huge guts and that he needed to kill them all despite his injuries they admired the fight he still possessed and in argentin
Tradition they sent him to the Coliseum to fight although heavily injured the human Marine fought with everything he had he was noted to be crude and brutal in his technique his determination and charge echoed that of any trueborn Sentinel his war cry echoed throughout the arena with his Fury as he screamed rip and tear the spectators did not understand his human tongue but they cheered it back the arrival of an Outlander interested the con maker she had no idea where he had come from and ordered that his language was learned so that she could understand
him the prisoners he fought against had no chance against his rage and following his major success he was offered a place in the front lines of the argentin army by dig grav the Marines still mumbled of demons everywhere that he had to kill them all the carmaker interrupted this interaction and asked that The Outlanders wounds be dressed and that he be brought to her so that she could learn of the others that he spoke of The Outlander spoke of lands unseen and creatures born of fire it appeared that the true history of the father davo
and even the existence of Hell had also been hidden from her although the place The Outlander spoke of sounded horrendous the Khan believed it could be a place of power to help her species the Doom Marine had survived against the odds against worlds and space yet on the eve of the Black Star the dark ones discovered Argent Deno out of swirling fiery Gates came horned beasts from the Timeless realm in their hordes they swelled the obsidian Forest of the Argentine Overland the urum Clans from the eastern mountains fell and the City of torum collapsed under
their swarm the Knight Sentinels and those charged to fight for the maker were dispatched instantly to fight off these interdimensional Invaders and protect the cities this was the start of the Unholy Wars blood covered the battlefields as The Outlander raced straight the front lines to wipe out the demons he seemed to enjoy it and outlived many of the other Warriors at first the night Sentinels the Doom marine and the other Warriors fought back this first wave of demonic Invaders the car maker and her priests then approached the king they wanted to understand this land that
the Invaders had come from and pushed that the Warriors t took the fight into the other dimension through their fiery Gates The Sentinel God did appear to admire the human Outlander some believed he had some sort of Allegiance with the demons While others saw it was evident he hated the creatures to strengthen his army King novic deemed him worthy of selection to fight as one of the night Sentinels and not of the common Rubble this decision broke Artin and Sentinel hisory history as no Arena born prisoner had ever fought for the night Sentinel yet his
ability to Massacre demons was needed to win this war as he trained the hall Masters deemed him an undying unrelenting compatriot he rose each time he was thrown into the dirt Circle no matter how battered or bruised he was he still fought with a grim determination as his training continued he was taught the order of the knights sentinel's history their ancient lessons of battle Brotherhood and he wore their armor he was no longer a marine he became a night Sentinel as the war continued he decimated swarms on arent denur and he even traveled three times
into hell on Expeditions each time he appeared stronger and a looked after those he fought with he was forged into a brother in arms an ally and a a weapon despite their strength and power of the elemental wraith the order's numbers started to drop they fought well but when one demon fell another always replaced it the car maker and her Angels noticed that their Weaponry was not conjured from machine steel it came from the essence of their very being a dark magic she wished to understand to investigate this the car maker asked her genten priests
to capture and study the creatures that attacked them they learned that the Demons of the Dark Realm were powered by a sort of Life Essence created through the torture and torment of souls the car maker was desperate for her species survival and asked that they explore hell Essence more the priests determined that if hell Essence was combined with wraith energy that had sustained the agenta so far they could use it to heal their soldiers avoid sickness and effectively make them Immortal it also had the power to sustain erdu and the maker species it just came
at the cost of the torture of souls this need to survive at the cost of innocent Souls corrupted the K maker even more and while at first this infusion of the combination of wraith Essence and Hell Essence called Argent energy helped the night Sentinel fight back against the hordes of hell hell she found that there was only a limited supply of Hell Essence she could procure in this easily corruptable States a lord of Hell contacted the KH maker it offered her the opportunity to construct a factory in the Dark Realm and produce her own Argent
energy all she needed to do was provide as many Souls as she could to her luck many warriors and night Sentinels were slain daily in the war the car maker could not enter hell herself due to the holy seal that the father had formed years before so she ordered her priests to capture slaves transport them to hell and build factories for her the horrific city of necal was built in hell it was of both maker and Sentinel design and it became the main location where the souls of the Fallen were Twisted tortured and broken down
into hell Essence the soulless husks that remained were then sent back to arent denur to fight for hell having been combined with rith Essence to create Argent energy Soul spes were then used to transmit this energy source to eru and Argent denur the arrival of Argent energy revitalized the night Sentinel and under the leadership of Commander Valen they fought well this sweet Elixir offered them immeasurable capacity and empowered them to reach far into the Dark Realm there were some within the ranks that had a bad feeling about this new energy source they did not trust
this gift unknown to them the KH maker her speakers and the arenton priests had signed a pact with hell at the cost of the lives of The Mortals they looked down on and thus their corruption continued under her leadership Sama maker worked as the Khan's assistant but he did not trust her motives and then he too heard The Whispers of the dark lord the KH maker will lead us to ruin King novic sat on his throne as the Black Star reached its Zenith and just beyond the Mountain rise to the east a howling Darkness assembled
this was yet another wave in this NeverEnding War and this time the demons walked with a monstrous Titan the dreadn the night Sentinel had been able to fight off the constant hordes and floods of demonic entities so far but this one was different a being of this size had never entered this realm before to anyone's knowledge as it walked closer to tarus nabad it destroyed everything in its path the night Sentinels over these years of war had been aware of the coming and goings of the Demonic floods and they could not understand how they had
not seen this coming it is likely that the car maker and her agent and priests had Unleashed this Fury in order to collect more souls regardless the Sentinels scramble together in order to save this holy city the demons appeared from everywhere outside and within the city and it was clear that the night Sentinel would not save them this time many of the population fled as the demons ransacked the temples and palaces as they burned their towers and feasted on The Souls of the population even in the face of certain death the night Sentinel still fought
the Outlander roared out rip and tear as he wiped out waves of the creatures as his brothers in arms witnessed the Beast inside of him the issue they had however was that the dreadnut was far too large and Powerful for them to conquer the Outlander fought his hardest but even he struggled to match the power of the Titan from afar Sama maker watched as the demons desecrated this holy city and then he heard a voice a whisper The Outlander could free them from this pain he just had to act the hours continued to pass as
bodies of the night Sentinel and victims caught in the crossfire fire piled up in the City guided by the Invisible Hand of the dark lord s approached the Outlander brought him to the Chapel of Purity and asked him to enter the Divinity machine this device had destroyed countless souls in the car maker search for The Chosen One S instead reversed the polarity of the machine if it could destroy a soul surely it could Empower one as s activated the machine the Doom guy absorbed an incredible amount of power the power of a god from the
essence of the Dark Lord that powered the machine what Rose from the Divinity machine was not a mere human it was a being powered by maker and God magic fueled by The Rage he felt for his enemies he was enhanced with power speed resilience and healing the sarapin believed he had committed this act to save his species when in reality he had been Guided by the Dark Lord this entity of Pure Evil had manipulated those on the Earthly Realms to create his weapon a weapon to destroy the very species that had betrayed him davo just
had to wait a little longer to see his plan play out the Doom guy had entered the chapel of Purity as Immortal filled with rage and he left as the Doom Slayer in in his hand he held a crucible powered by Argent energy and as he re-entered the battle this Unchained Predator Unleashed all of his rage on the dreadnut he was faster stronger and more resilient to its blows until eventually he plunged the blade of his Crucible into the Titan the Dooms slayer's actions had saved what was left of this holy city he became a
hero amongst the arenta but regardless of this Victory this was just one battle in a larger War the continued use of argent's energy changed the car maker and her priests their corruption to this sour slowly adapted their appearance the car maker hid behind her armor while the priests kept their distance from the public they also did not consider themselves Sentinel priests anymore they had fallen to The Lure of the dark realm's magic and as a result they became the hell priests despite having saved her species from mental and physical degradation the caram maker was still
not happy Sama maker had used the Divinity machine without her permission he had empowered The Outlander with abilities that matched the demon she hoped would Harvest her Souls the seraphim had also disappeared shortly after within hell in the Tomb of souls the father sensed great evil he was all powerful and he knew that Earth one of his favorite planets would soon discover Argent energy in at least two other timelines Earth's interaction with hell had always ended in death and destruction but this time if he and S could guide Humanity then maybe they could survive this
having fled the Wrath of the KH maker s once again accepted this Mission from the father in the Tomb of Souls outside of erak or hell he was easy to track so the father asked s to change him once again with maker technology and as a seraphim that had likely helped design it s adapted the father's life sphere he essentially removed the father's mind and left everything else inside it the sphere became just a shell of power safely stored in the Tomb of Souls then they left for Earth the Dooms Slayer and night Sentinel did
their best to defend arent andur against the constant waves of demons and they decided to once again take the fight to Hell on one of their expeditions they discovered the city of nekroval the Warriors watched in horror as they saw the Fallen Souls of those they had fought with tortured in this Factory of Argent energy as they looked around they saw the familiar architecture of maker and Sentinel it was clear they had been betrayed by the very gods they had worshiped upon their return to arent denur the night Sentinel called out the maker The Souls
of the Fallen agenta had been used as fuel to power erak this war and the angels this accusation triggered a civil war on one side those who disavowed the maker and the awful acts they had committed against the agenta and on the other those who either did not believe their gods could commit such evil acts and those who simply did not care the maker had helped this planet Thrive and Argent energy had offered them incredible benefits a longer life no disease and a place in erac on their deaths to the indoctrinated masses this was simply
a test of their faith four years the Civil War raged on along with a war against hell Knight Sentinels on either side fought against their brothers those corrupted by argent's energy became new demonic entities dubbed Marauders while those that refused argent's energy fought with wraith magic blue against red good versus evil the death toll continued to climb but there was no time to mourn command Amanda valon's son even fell on the battlefield and subsequently he was plagued with dreams of the torture of his son in Hell the night Sentinel were desperate for an end to
both Wars to at least stop their conflict with the maker and those loyal to them they came up with a plan with two main objectives the first was to take down the soul spes in nekravol that transported argent's energy to erdu the second was to wake up The Wraith if the maker lost their connection to power surely The Wraith and night Sentinel Army would be able to take them out this was a solid plan but the hell priests were smarter even at this point the night Sentinel had no idea that these priests had betrayed their
own kind dig grav approached commander valin and told him that the nightmares of the torture of his son were real grav had the power to resurrect vion's son in return all he wanted was the keys to the sepula of elements The Vault of the sleeping wraith Commander Valen was desperate and in this moment of weakness he betrayed the Warriors he commanded and the old gods he had sworn to protect as he handed over the keys in order to reach Neal again the hell priests offered the night Sentinels direct access to the hell City through one
of their portals unaware of a Sinister plan at play the night Sentinel accepted this offer and they entered One By One The Night Sentinel found themselves separated and scattered all across the Twisted landscape of this Dark Realm the car maker was pleased with the success of the order of D's manipulation and with a night Sentinel having been dealt with the elemental wraith were taken from their slumber enchained in hell and their wraith Essence was absorbed dig grab still held his agreement with Commander Valen but not in the way he anticipated the heart of valon's son
was retrieved and with it a ritual was performed to reanimate an ancient powerful demon the icon of sin as for the rest of arent Deno without an army to protect it huge chunks of the land were absorb absorbed by hell and the planet itself was left under the control of the hell priests the arena that had once held so much honor in Argentine culture was transformed into a blood sport with demons for the lucky few who had evaded the demons hell priests and maker they moved out into remote locations to start a new life in
the hopes that someone would come one day and restore order scattered all across hell the night Sentinel fought as hard as they could against the constant hordes of demons that came for them they crushed countless of the creatures and skewed the Titans they all knew what had happened the arenton priests had tricked them and led them here to die these Warriors fought with honor but their power was not enough to save them trapped in this realm only who survived this fate the doomslayer and the man that had betrayed them Commander Valen Valen knew that he
was responsible for this entire situation his grief had been manipulated but still it was his actions that had led to this very moment he refused to return to arent denur until he had made up for his betrayal so valon banished himself to live out the rest of his Days in Hell tempered by the fires of Hell the doomslayer walked alone and he destroyed every demon that came across his path this was the path of Perpetual torment foreseen by the resurrector he had escaped hell and started a new life only to have landed back in Hell
the Slayer wore the crown of the night Sentinel as he used his incredible powers to crush the obsidian pillars of the blood temples he waged War war against the Nine Circles of this realm he was unbreakable Incorruptible and unyielding from the first age he etched Terror into the hearts of the Demons Titans fell at his feet and in this terrible Place Between Worlds and time the Slayer encountered something or someone called the wretch even now the identity of this being is unknown the wretch adorned the Dooms Slayer with new armor the prer suit wrought in
the forges of hell it was just like him impenetrable and unyielding with this upgrade the Dooms Slayer continued his Crusade against hell there was so much anger so much rage so much had been taken from him he had hallucinations of his pet rabbit Daisy and this only continue to fuel his Fury the demon etched markings of the Unchained predator on the very Foundation of hell as he conquered their greatest beasts they feared him and came up with a plan to stop his endless Rampage within the sprawling network of tunnels and catacombs of kadena sanctum the
hell priests lured the Dooms Slayer inside only then did they pull down the temple above him in this rare weakened State the forces of Hell came together and placed him inside of a sarcophagus with the magic of the Dark Realm he was placed in stasis and the sarcophagus sealed having completed this task the mark of the Dooms Slayer was burned onto his Crypt a warning to all of hell that the terror inside must never be freed in the Milky Way galaxy Sama maker was completely unaware of what had happened to arent denur in in his
absence the seraphim had arrived on Earth but he could not wander around in his maker form to blend in he set up a secret base and constructed a human form then he waited as planet Earth entered the 21st century Humanity began to look to the Stars they discovered that Mars had once had water but in this Century they did not see any benefit in the colonization of the red planets this was what the father had for seen and it was s's time to begin his mission the seraphim transferred his mind into the human body he
had created and he constructed an entire backstory he was Samuel Hayden born in approximately 2018 to the wealthy Hayden family of New York City to the world he was a prodigy he mastered several fields of science thermodynamics electromagnetic Theory and the nuclear Sciences he even received a masters in theoretical physics these incredible accomplishments had him quickly scouted by the Global Science Council in which he became the general director alongside this Hayden also founded the Samuel Hayden Foundation an institution that promoted and sponsored young scientific talents during this period of time Samuel discovered Dr Olivia Pierce
she was an incredibly Bright Young mind and he saw how much potential she had with his funding Olivia finished her studies and was later offered a position at the Global Science Council alongside the best and brightest Minds Humanity had to offer Humanity had come so far over its time on this planet but they soon encountered issues they began to suffer with power outages and were forced to look for alternative sour ources of energy just like the other two Earths the union Aerospace Corporation went out into the Galaxy in search of a solution and just like
their variants they decided that Mars would be one of the many perfect planets to colonize and explore top secret research Dr Samuel Hayden was one of the smartest men on Earth and soon after he was approached by the UAC this was exactly where Sam needed to be to help guide Humanity as the UAC began their terraformation of Mars they set up several settlements across the planet in 2095 as a part of a UAC Geological Survey Mission Frontier the SS amundson came across something interesting as it searched for liquid water Springs this survey bot discovered a
narrow trench and from it appeared to emit a sub subance that at first the UAC believed to be an electrical gas cloud an analysis of the substance showed that this was an entirely new form of matter with a Quantum signature that had never been recorded when a two Mega Kelvin cutting laser was fired at the substance it absorbed the heat with ease and remained self-contained this was a promising lead for a new energy source and after a second expedition was sent to explore the trench the UAC believed that they had found a way to help
Earth their reserves of plutonium and uranium had depleted and they were desperate just months after the discovery of the trench Dr Samuel Hayden took over the leadership of the UAC and under his command he guided his team into the exploration of what he called the arent fracture and the energy source inside Argent plasma he knew that this was a connection to hell and he recognized the Argent energy that had corrupted the K maker to help Earth the UAC needed to refine this plasma into energy package it and send it to Earth to do this Sam
had an idea the construction of the Argent energy Tower began shortly after the scope of this Venture and the terror formation of Mars was huge every day the Argent facility expands Ed and it was clear that a system was needed that could help the tens of thousands of scientists that had joined the team it was here that Samuel Hayden introduced Vega he claimed that this was the first truly autonomous artificial intelligence entity when in reality Vega was the father Vega did not know who or what he originally was his mind had been separated from his
Essence and in order for him to exist he relied on a computer system to function Samuel still feared that davo and his forces would detect the father and so he had his memories removed the mission to guide Humanity was far too important to be interrupted to see whether or not this AI was capable of running an entire facility on Mars the UAC had Vega subjected to several tests the teing test was used to ex examine a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent Behavior equivalent to or indistinguishable from a human in a blind case study conducted with
computer science students they were instructed to ask a series of questions to both Vega and a mathematics professor from MIT after they received their answers they were then asked which was the computer 92% of the students believed that both of the people they had spoken to were human while the other 8% believed that Vega was the computer as it turned out Vega played the part of both Vega and the professor the introduction of Vega grabbed the attention of the Global Science Council they asked Samuel how he had created Vega all he told them was that
Vega was selftaught the AI required a lot of power to function and run the Argent facility on Mars look Ally Mars was home to a wealth of energy with the power of unrefined Argent plasma UAC technology maker technology and secret Arcane rooms Vegas home was constructed to ensure the safety of the population of Mars Vega central processing a massive supercult structure with miles of circuitry and millions of processing centers was built miles away from the arent facility on a pole core Vega was powerful but his protoplasmic circuitry exceeded 1.2 Meg Kelvin much hotter than the
Earth's sun this location allowed him to function well kept him cooled and the Argent facility safe the UAC wanted to understand the Argent fracture more and as they studied it they learned that it was actually connected to another dimension hell Samuel of course knew this but he could not enter the dimension as a result of the seal the father had formed years before although he could not enter it artifacts were discovered around it and later Expeditions were sent in to explore it one of the artifacts discovered was the Helix Stone the Helix Stone had markings
and symbols that could help the UAC understand this realm and the energy source better to lead this task Sam reached out to his old protoe Olivia Pierce at first pierce stated she had no interest in the energy business Hayden knew Olivia extremely well and showed her the Helix Stone this artifact was enough to change her mind and as a result she moved 140 million miles away to begin her New Life on Mars the UAC functioned extremely L well on Mars the Personnel was split up into different branches of research and Vaga help to them he
gathered data from all the UAC subsystems ran the facility and proposed more effective methods to process the Argent plasma into Argent energy he suggested better analysis theorems and he even designed a new Argent compression schema to house the energy in her lab Olivia played a key part in the decryption of the healing Stone and the other artifacts procured from the Argent fracture however just months after her arrival on Mars her interaction with these hell artifacts led to a diagnosis of idiopathic scoliosis alongside this due to his consistent proximity to the arent tower Samuel Hayden was
diagnosed with stage four inoperable brain cancer and he was given just 6 months to live by Nature he was was a seraphim and he spent these months in search of a way to survive this Dr Samuel Hayden designed a new body for himself and gave the plants to his team to prepare for when his time ran out in this design he ordered that his human brain be upgraded to a biomechanical form his frontal and temporal loes remain intact and the function of his parietal and occipital loes to be bypassed and instead net twed into a
plasmatron core in essence his personality memories reasoning and comprehension would be carried over into his new body and his perception and calculation would be supercharged powered by argent's energy to make him much smarter than he was before this process also created a loophole in the father's seal of hell he would become an Android with adapted Parts in this new form he could enter hell for the little organic matter he kept stem cells and neural conditioning agents were also introduced to keep them fresh just as he had planned after Samuel's human form died the procedure was
performed and he woke up in his new cyborg body this was yet another incredible feat from the perspective of the Global Science Council and the union Aerospace Corporation but they found it bizarre that a cyborg was the one to lead the most powerful Corporation in the solar system so he was demoted to the Project Director of the Argent facility instead Olivia Pierce's symptoms had restricted her to a wheelchair but Argent technology allowed new areas of Medical Science to be explored Olivia was offered an experimental surgery that if successful would give her back the ability to
walk this this essentially consisted of a titanium exoskeleton surgically grafted onto her body this operation was a success she walked and moved as she pleased but it also caused her a tremendous amount of pain Dr Pierce was offered pain medication to help with this but she rejected it out of fear that it would cloud her mind in 2122 a statue of a prosit was excavated and in 2124 two ancient Sentinel statues were discovered in 2127 the construction of the Argent energy Tower was complete and on a live stream to Earth Dr Samuel Hayden in full
view as a cyborg pulled a massive 12T power lever as he dispatched the first Argent energy package to Earth by 2136 the construction of the advanced research complex was was complete and it was here that the state-ofthe-art research design and production of Technology boomed from robotics to teleportation to Weaponry to Subspace communication systems this is also where Olivia Pier spent most of her time in her lab as she continued to decode and study the hell artifacts as the head of the highly secretive Lazarus Project Olivia and her team uncovered the my Mysteries Behind These cross-dimensional
anomalies and artifacts the Expeditions recovered as Mars entered 2143 the first teleporter experiments allowed the expeditions to actually enter and explore the dimension and from this they received korax tablets something new for Olivia to decode these Expeditions also brought these members face to face with the demons that wandered the realm Sam had strict guidelines on how to interact with hell its artifacts and the creatures but he underestimated just how manipulative and smart these demonic forces were Olivia Pierce had worked for the union Aerospace Corporation for years she also lived in agonizing pain the Helix Stone
she spent so much time with also had a corruptive influence on her an influence that the hell priests through their con ction to the dark magic of Hell caught onto Earth was full of souls that could be harvested for more power and within the order of dig dig ruk was responsible for the invasion of new planets as Olivia worked D ranik reached out to her and presented himself as a dark lord of the dimension she studied he offered her wealth power and everlasting life if she worked with him he wanted Earth and she he was
very much in the thr of the Helix Stone susceptible to this malicious corruption in this state Dr Olivia Pierce accepted dig ruk's offer to fulfill her offer of this bargain Olivia had to open a Hellgate and trigger an invasion of the Argent facility from this they could travel to earth in order to complete her task a I spoke to those around her that she believed could also be corrupted she offered them power and a place in the new world when the plan had come to fruition and slowly her hell cult grew in 2145 the first
project Lazarus Mann expedition was sent to hell this was groundbreaking for the UAC as Samuel Hayden LED it in his powerful cyborg form however an issue quickly arose for Olivia da ranak explained that there was something in kadinger sanctum that he did not want this expedition to discover but Sam Hayden had already set his sights on this region and there was nothing she could do to stop this Mission within hell Sam and his team moved closer to Kinga sanctum although trained the team on the Expedition fell to the Swarms of the Demonic entities except for
for one Sam it was here that he discovered a sealed tomb and sarcophagy within the walls were covered in protective runes and imprisonment incantations one revealed many artifacts one of which was the prer suit and in the center was an enormous sarcophagus bound to the center bedrock with thick iron bands the UAC had developed tethering technology and with it the Lone Survivor of this Expedition pulled himself the artifacts and the sealed sarcophagus back to Mars dig ruk was Furious Olivia had failed him because of her the UAC had access to a weapon he and the
forces of Hell had worked so hard to seal away when Samuel and the UAC scientists examined the sarcophagus they discovered that the body inside had not been petrified or decomposed it was a human that appeared to be asleep on a bed that was clearly at least a millennia old the team attempted to wake the man but an Argent barrier around his body kept him safe from harm stuck in stasis this was a confusing Discovery for everyone here except for some he recognized the God he had created in the chapel of Purity the scientists called this
man the Doom marine and after more of the hell texts were decoded they learned more about him he was a being that had spread fear into the hearts of the Demons but no matter what they did his suit would not activate and he would not wake up Sam knew how to bypass this but he would only wake the Slayer if he was needed over this time Dr Hayden had noticed changes in Olivia she avoided work events no longer participated in meetings and became a recluse it appeared that all she cared about was her work he
also feared that she may have fallen under the influence of the hell artifacts he had pushed her to study to protect his weapon against hell Sam moved the body and the pror suit of the Slayer into a secret location of the Argent facility in 2146 the UAC conducted additional experiments into hell in which they used their tethering technology to transport demonic entities into Lazarus labs for study and experimentation this was an extremely dangerous project and to protect the Personnel of Mars the elite security were implanted with cybernetic augmentations to make them faster stronger and more
resilient to injury these augmentations came from Olivia and her team's exploration in into hell science while these Elite guards did instill a sense of safety Sam and Olivia still feared that they could rise up and take the facility to avoid this kill chips were implanted into their brains from one hit of a button they could be neutralized if needed for the next few years to come Olivia continued to explore the Health Sciences increased the numbers of her Cults fell further into corruption and adapted the creatures that were brought to her lab she added cybernetic augmentations
to the demons to make them stronger so that when The Invasion did hit Mars she would have a better chance of fulfilling her end of The Pact these experiments also resulted in the inhumane treatment of some of the members of her cult they were put through procedures and augmented some were subjected to Lazarus waves in which they mutated into revenants and rocket launchers and flamethrowers were installed onto the mancubus these years of hard work had pushed Olivia's cult to become stronger and ready to invade Sam watched from a distance and prepared he had the doomslayer
on his side in 2149 Dr Olivia Pierce decided it was finally time to act from Lazarus Labs the scientist reled released a hell wave across the entire Argent facility this wave activated the kill chips of the elite guards that the facility required to protect them it transformed the majority of the population into demonic entities and on top of this Olivia released the hundreds of captive demons within Lazarus Labs out into the Argent facility Samuel Hayden survived the first wave of this Invasion as his cybor form was immune to the energy that had mutated his workers
this must have been what the father had foreseen and after he locked himself in his secure office in the advanced research complex Hayden remotely woke up the Doom Slayer from the perspective of the Slayer he had spent aons fighting demons on his path of Perpetual torment and then he was here on Mars this was not his Mars but then again he was no longer the same Doom Marine that have fought so hard to get back to his family he was Stronger Faster and held a rage deep inside the Slayer recovered his prayor suit and was
contacted by Samuel Hayden he was told that the UAC facility had been invaded by the forces of hell and that's the person responsible for it Dr Olivia Pierce planned to open up a Hellgate the Slayer did not recognize Sama maker in this new form and the maker did not offer this information to him to stop this Invasion Hayden gave the Marine objectives as Vega provided information about the facility the Doom Marine did what he did best he ripped tore massacred and destroyed the demons in his path on the way to Olivia he stabilized the core
of The Foundry to stop it from a meltdown and then he was guided to the Argent Tower Olivia Pius planned to tear a permanent portal into hell with the giant device to stop this Hayden asked the Slayer to carefully dismantle the Argent energy Supply cases it used although this renewable energy source powered the solar system the Dooms Slayer only saw it for what it was an energy source formed from the torture of souls instead he smashed every filter he saw this did not stop Olivia's plan she did have another the corrupted scientist grabbed an Argent
energy accumulator full of power and made her way to the top of the Argent Tower although the Slayer attempted to stop her she jumped into the stream of energy and the accumulator exploded this desperate action on her side ripped open a temporary portal in doing so it pulled her and the Dooms Slayer into hell in this awful realm Olivia appear found herself within the well the location that the Argent Tower absorbed its energy from it was here that the hell priests had enchained the elemental wraiths to absorb their power so that it could be combined
with hell Essence this place had sustained the maker for a long time the Dooms Slayer landed in kadinger sanctum and as he ventured through he discovered where he had been held in stasis by the demons to his look the teleportation technology was still active in this tomb and he used it to return to Mars it was time for Sam and The Slayer to meet in person as they did Hayden connected a tether device to the Marine they needed to undo the damage Olivia's explosion had created her research spoke of the well a power source that
connected Mars to hell it also spoke of an ancient weapon The Crucible that would be able to close this connection with a plan in place the Dooms Slayer traveled to Lazarus labs and discovered a cyber demon powered by an arent accumulator clearly an entity created by Pierce this was nothing in comparison to the almighty Rage of the Slayer and upon its defeat the energy within the accumulator pulled the Slayer back to Hell through the onslaught of many demons the Slayer found himself in the necropolis and it was here that he encountered a hell guard this
guard watched over a crucible a crucible that the Slayer needed once again this Unchained Predator Unleashed his rage on the guard and retrieved the weapon having completed the first part of this task Sam pulled the Slayer back to Mars with the tether he had attached to him to destroy the well the Slayer had to enter that region of heav the issue was getting there a large amount of Argent energy was required for this teleportation after the destruction of the Argent Tower and the accumulators they had to get creative Vega was powered by Argent energy if
his system were to go unstable it would trigger an explosion that could send the Slayer to hell this was a worthy sacrifice to save humanity and under the guidance of both Sam Hayden and Vega the Slayer traveled to Vega central processing just like the rest of the facility this region was overrun by demonic entities still they were just a small issue for the Marine at Vega central control the AI explained to the human how to destroy his core he removed his energy source and In This Moment also created a backup of Vega the core subsequently
became un stable and the release of this mass amount of energy once again pulled the Slayer back to hell this region was familiar it had all the Hallmarks of the Dark Realm it was corrupt Bleak and full of chaos but it had large argentin statues this was a region of Argent daur that had been absorbed by hell and it was fitting that this was where the elemental wraith had been contained as he explored the Slayer discovered three Elemental wraiths Chained and tortured with his Crucible he released them from the torment and in doing so destroyed
the well that relied on them to power it having closed this connection between Realms the Slayer noticed the souls of some of the Fallen night Sentinels and they guided him to a hole he had served with them and he trusted them the Dooms slay dropped into to this hole and discovered Dr Olivia Pierce she had failed and dig ruk was not pleased she pleaded that they had promised her so much but she should have known better than to have formed a pact with hell in Olivia's anguish ranak struck her with a beam of energy this
transformed Olivia Pierce into something horrendous her soul merged with an ancient evil once vanquished by the Dooms Slayer she became the spider Mastermind this Mastermind was much stronger faster and smarter than the spider Mastermind he had fought before but so was he with a final strike of his BFG the spider Mastermind fell and with it so too did Olivia having completed his mission Samuel Hayden pulled the Slayer back to Mars with the tether however the Marine found that he could not move Hayden explained that the cruci ball had absorbed the power of The Wraith this
blade held the last Argent energy in the solar system he believed that he could still help Earth with it regardless of Samuel's good intentions the Slayer felt rage the power was created from Evil Hayden knew that the Slayer would attempt to stop him but he could not kill him so Sam decided Ed to store him somewhere say the invasion of the Argent facility had led to the deaths of the 60,000 Personnel that had worked and lived on the red planet Sam Hayden and the Dooms Slayer had done everything in their power to stop this Invasion
but the hell priests were always one step ahead the kmaker watched as her power source stopped the well had been destroyed and her people want once again were vulnerable de granik explained that Olivia Pierce had failed her Mission and that the Dooms Slayer had returned with a Vengeance and destroyed the well to get her renge on the Marine who appeared to always ruin her plans the carmaker made it her mission to take the souls of Earth as a replacement power source this was not the Doom slayer's original Earth but it was good enough with their
Aran Magics and the dark powers of Hell the hell priests came together and formed a blood ritual this ritual created a super Gore nest in Central Europe at first the human population noted that they produced atmospheric toxins and a multitude of environmental hazards But as time passed they resonated powerful electromagnetic frequencies that ripped open Gates between dimensions and from them came swarms of demons the priests lives were bound to this Invasion as long as they lived the consumption of Earth continued D nilo was charged by the Cal maker to ensure this Invasion succeeded likely after
the failure of D ranak with Olivia ranak also moved to Earth and performed experiments on Ancient Earth creatures and they grav remained on Argent andur and watched over the corrupt Arena the majority of the Earth's population was massacred in the first month of of the invasion as a result of their loss of almost every man-made system that required an energy source to operate the maker had lost argent's energy and so too had Earth Earth's militaries attempted to fortify safe locations but they were useless against the forces of Hell in these desperate times Earth managed to
cryogenically freeze and send out a couple hundred thousand of the population on lifeboats into space their odds of survival however were still low large portions of the Earth's surface slowly became uninhabitable due to the toxins from the hell growths some of the remaining population began to believe that this was an event of biblical nature they deserved this and this was a Divine punishment in 2150 Samuel Hayden return to Earth he had lost contact with the planet and had no idea what had happened as he arrived he stood before the Allied Nations Council and explained what
had happened on Mars He adjusted some details of the story but Olivia pier and her attempt to invade Mars was kept the same in his hand he held The Crucible mankind salvation as one of the highest ranking members of the UAC he had access to vast amounts of technology that The Crucible could power off Earth the UAC still continue to function as they expanded their mining base on Phobos it was here that they designed an extremely powerful weapon The BFG 10,000 an upgrade from The BFG 9000 that the Dooms Slayer had used on Mars to
help defend Earth Samuel designed a way to synthetically replicate argent's energy with a high yield capability The Crucible essentially became an Argent conductor and from it the Allied nations were able to create a manmade Argent energy source to take on Hell's forces the armored response Coalition was established and Hayden was appointed as the lead director under his rule Hayden repurposed UAC facilities across the planet with automated security these became essential bases for the arc as they produced their own Argent based weapons to fight against the demons having done this the tide of the war changed
Arc soldiers tuck down large swarms of the Demons but the hell priests always had more gates to open from a mobile command carrier The Arc launched long range strike operations in which they located and destroyed hell growths these connected Earth to hell and as each one fell their effects on the world subsided in an attempt to eliminate at the super go nest in Central Europe the source of this infestation The Arc saw the annihilation of three NATO shock troop battalions 18,000 Coalition special force units and 32 vessels despite all of their efforts over these years
the arc still found that they were on the losing side of this battle in what he hoped could once again change the tide of the war Hayden char charged ahead in operation hellbreaker a powerful Counterattack but he fell too by the time his team reached him all that remained was his head robotic torso and parts of his arms to protect what was left of their leader The Arc scientists returned his body to a secure location but due to his alien makeup they could not figure out how to fix him the Dooms Slayer had been trapped
in a location by Samuel Hayden and it appears that after the deactivation of the cyborg the Slayer was set free as of now no one knows where he was but he returned with a Vengeance in 2163 14 years after he had disappeared the Slayer had not returned alone he had managed to acquire The Fortress of Doom a ship similar to the design of those once used by the agenta to help him save Earth he also installed Vega into the ship's system with Vaga as a guide the Dooms Slayer learned what had happened to Earth the
car maker and her hell priests had orchestrated this massacre and to stop it he had to kill the priests their lives were connected to the blood pact the issue he had was that each of them had performed a spell with powerful coins to protect their soul SS in essence they had become a mortal each Soul was protected by a monstrous Guardian but this did not deter the Slayer On A New Path of Vengeance the Slayer hunted down the location of dig nilo's guardan killed it and retrieved the coin to finish the job the Slayer Tracked
Down NS on a hell barge on Earth nilo looked completely different to how the Slayer remembered him the constant use of Hell Essence had corrupted him Neo warned the Slayer that his soul was guarded he was Immortal however his confidence quickly turned to Terror as the Slayer revealed his coin in a quick move the Marine ripped the head off of the Dig's body nello had betrayed his entire species in his Greed for power as his soul traveled to hell he became a part of the process he had worked hard to crat tortured and tormented for
energy the death of onethird of the blood paack also heavily weakened hell's access to Earth the Slayer just had to find the other two Vega informed the Slayer that the other two day grav and ranak had come together for a meeting in a facility close to him in what they believed to be a safe space the meeting was interrupted as the Slayer launched the head of their brother at them before the Marine could at least injure them the car maker intervened and teleported the priests to safety she saw this being for what he was he
was the chosen one spoken of in her tainted prophecy the queen maker told him that he could not intervene it was Humanity's time to repent to give service to the maker and that not even he could resist the will of the K maker the Slayer did not care for her words and continued on with his mission reports spread of the death of a hell priest do Elena Richardson studied a blood analysis of the Slayer that had been taken from the Mars base she saw that he was human with AB positive blood he was male but
he also had enhanced speed strength and athleticism she noticed that there were foreign bodies present in his blood of an unknown origin with all of these factors Elena and what remained of the scientific Community believed him to be a god an avenging Angel the right hand of Doom come to save Humanity from its sins one hell priest was dead and there were two to find Vega told the Slayer that he needed a functioning Celestial locator to track them down but the one on board the ship was missing a component to restore it Vega created a
portal to the city of exal on arent denur this city just like many others of arent denur had once gleamed constructed in honor of their own power and resilience yet this city had fallen just like the rest demons still wandered this Eerie place as they searched for more souls to harvest the Slayer progressed towards the throne room to acquire the celestial casing within he was greeted by the ghost of King novic he warned the Slayer that he could not kill the priests despite their transgressions they were still of Sentinel blood regardless of any respect the
Slayer may have had for the king at one point he ignored novik's warnings removed the celestial casing and followed Vega's directions into a portal to Hell within he was guided to a place he could power the celestial locator the home of the betrayer Commander valon had set up this base with automated turrets to keep him safe from harm despite their differences the Slayer needed something from him and handed over the empty Celestial casing Valen restored power to it and then asked a favor of his old Soldier he had betrayed his own to save the soul
of his son but his son's Soul had not been saved it had been corrupted by dark magic and transformed Med into the icon of sin Valen asked the Slayer to finally put his son out of his misery if he had the opportunity as he handed him a dagger the Slayer accepted the dagger and in turn the request and returned to the Fortress of Doom with a fully functional Celestial locator Vega narrowed down the location of D ruk this priest had taken refuge in a facility in the northern Arctic region of Earth to get there Vega
set up a portal and The Slayer fought past the protective Demons of this cultist base until he reached the guardian of the priest just like he had done to Nello's Guardian he ripped it apart and with the guardian dead he tracked down ranak and cut off his head the death of two of her helpr slowed down the invasion immensely the KH maker feared that the Dooms Slayer would stop this Invasion and with her power she projected herself onto the Fortress of Doom she was angry that a human would defy her orders and to protect her
work she moved her final priest to a more discreet location to be done with this planet the KH also accelerated the process Vaga notified the Slayer that there was a 41.3% increase in demonic activity at the Nexus of the initial Invasion the super Gore nest without a lead on where the final priest was the Slayer returned to Earth and completed the mission Samuel Hayden and the arc had failed he overloaded a power generator and destroyed the nest the destruction of the nest once again slowed down the invasion but it did not help them discover the
location of the final priest Vega suggested that maybe Dr Samuel Hayden would know of a way to find him once again the slay traveled through a portal and arrived just outside of the arc's headquarters this place was swarmed by demonic activity this was one of the last standing strongholds of the resistance of humanity having fought his way through the Swarm the Slayer was greeted only by one member of the Personnel the rest were terrified of him this one scientist was excited to meet the Slayer of Legend on their way to Dr Hayden Remains The Slayer
retrieved The Crucible that had been stolen from him and eventually they reached the Cyborg's broken body the team here had no idea how to reactivate Dr Samuel Hayden Vega explained that although his life signal was barely readable he was still alive having acquired both Sam and The Crucible the Slayer turned to leave however he was interrupted by the arrival of a corrupted night Sentinel a Marauder this man was a dangerous foe but just like the other demonic entities the Slayer had encountered he ripped him apart and returned to the Fortress of Doom the slayer's actions
had destroyed 68% of Hell's occupying force on Earth but there was more work to do to find the final hell priest Dr Samuel Hayden's mind was transferred into the ship's main frame and almost instantly Hayden revealed that the final priest da grav was hidden in the Argentine city of SEL Prime the city that the Dooms Slayer had been found outside of to protect her asset the KH maker locked down all access to this city the only way to get there was through an ancient slip gate created by the bethan tribe in the lost city of
herth the problem was that over Millennia of abandonment this city had sunk into Mars there was no clear way to reach her Beth but the Dooms Slayer had an idea he knew that the UAC had developed the BFG 10,000 and surely this amount of energy could give him access to the city under Mars but Hayden warned him you can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars the Dooms Slayer did not follow orders and not only did he shoot a hole into the surface of Mars but he also launched himself into it with an
escape pot shortly after he fought his way to the slip gate and reached Sentinel Prime upon his arrival the Slayer was greeted by several night Sentinel uncorrupted along with a maker Angel as he continued into the city they warned the priest that the Slayer was near the car maker needed the Slayer to stop his end Crusade she was desperate to save her kind and she offered him something interesting this Archangel told the slave that she knew what he had left behind and in return she would give him back what the demons had taken from him
so long ago the Unchained Predator had nothing to return to his rabbit and family had died on a different Earth he could not save them on that one but he could save those who were left on this one so he continued on he returned to the arena that had started his journey as a warrior for arent D know this was not the same place the priests had removed every element of what this place once was in the center stood dig grav the priest mocked the Slayer he warned him that if Holy Blood was spilt on
arent land he would lose all sovereignty this warning did not heard the Marine he was focused and after the priest summoned his Guardian the Gladiator the slay ripped away its shield and smashed in its head with its own weapon without the soul of dag grav protected the Dooms Slayer fired one final shot at the head of the priest this action did lose him his sovereignty but it saved Earth from The Invasion the k maker truly believed her life the lives of the maker and the realm of erach were more important than the souls of the
Lesser creatures she and her species had once guided in a desperate move to restore the flow of Argent energy again the con maker remotely shut down the Fortress of Doom and planned to reawaken the icon of sin this icon was much more powerful than the one that the Dooms Slayer had fought aons before it had been reborn from the tortured Spirit of Commander valon's son the Slayer placed his Crucible into a power dispenser in the Fortress of Doom and restored power to the ship and he was told that if the icon of sin were to
awaken and arrive on Earth its very presence would warp reality until it formed a black hole that would pull the whole of the Earthly Dimension into hell to take down a Titan a crucible was needed his Crucible powered the ship he needed to travel across the universe so the Slayer returned to tarus nabad to retrieve The Crucible he had used in his battle against the dreadnots just like Sentinel Prime tarus nabad had fallen so far and on his progression through the city the Slayer massed every demon in his way the dreadnut lay exactly where he
had left it all of those years before and in order not to awaken it the Slayer snapped the Heth of the blade further into the city he then restored power to The Crucible from an ancient Argent forge on the Fortress of Doom Samuel Hayden informed the Slayer that the car maker plan to perform the ritual to awaken the icon of sin in erak a place no human had ever set foot in to get there he was told that he would have to travel through Necro and use the energy stream there to cross through the void
into the Heavenly realm the Slayer would not be able to complete this task alone Sam explained that he would need to take Vega on a separate Drive of arenton and make a design to open an exit portal once this mission was complete the Slayer followed Hayden's suggestions detached vager from the ship traveled through necal and jumped into the energy stream at the top of of the Soul Spire this was the first time a human had stepped foot in erdu however the Slayer did not have time to appreciate how different this realm was the ritual had
begun and The Slayer had to stop it within the ritual chamber the car maker and her drones raced against time to awaken the icon the KH was once again angered by the doomslayer as he entered the chamber she told him that he was too late but he had another way to stop the ritual she needed the heart to complete it and with the dagger that Commander valon had given him the Dooms Slayer sank it into the heart of his old commanders tortured son instantly the icon of sin activated and absorbed several of the maker drones
in the area the heart had been used by the KH to control the creature and without it the icon was in control of its own actions a creature of Hell had awakened in erock as a result the holy seal that the father had formed after his battle with davo shattered in this chaos the kmaker flew away to safety the icon of sin turned around and entered a portal to Earth and the Demons of Hell entered erock for the first time this plan had not gone as expected and to save Earth the Slayer sought a way
to travel there erdu was connected to every realm through Celestial ring slipgate technology to control this the Slayer inserted Vaga into U's systems inside Vega set a course for the Earth Dimension but then he saw everything his eyes opened to the history of erock its systems cultures and religion then he asked Samuel Hayden am I the father as Vega Dove deeper into U's systems to learn more about himself the Slayer fought through maker angels and Demon alike in his attempt to realign the celestial Rings The Slayer eventually reigned all three rings and the portal to
Earth was ready however on his way to enter it the K maker ambushed him this chosen one had destroyed everything she had worked so hard hard to create who was he a human once Immortal to defy her Traditions to take out this threat the K maker used everything in her power she fired pure energy at him summoned maker to Aid her and flew around to evade his strikes but she could not match his Rage with a final blow the car maker fell from the skies and landed hard on the ground she shouted at the Slayer
he had destroyed all that she was meant to rule and all just to protect them mere servants to her beliefs in her final moments the life sphere of the K maker launched into the sky and exploded as the Dooms Slayer jumped into the energy stream of the slipgate davo the dark lord watched the fall of erach from his life sphere his corruption and manipulation had finally worked as planned he had turned the KH maker into a paranoid mess with the prophecy of the chosen one and had pushed Sama maker to create the weapon that had
destroyed her and her species erdu had fallen and as it became overwhelmed by demonic entities Vega stayed there and learned as much as he could about himself meanwhile on Earth the Dooms Slayer raced across rooftops towards the icon of sin the longer it was on Earth Earth the stronger it became he eventually caught its attention and this human Marine infused with the power of a god fought against another Titan of hell though the icon was larger and stronger the Slayer was faster and smarter he avoided the demons that the creature summoned from hell and after
he had destroyed the armor the maker had crafted onto it the Slayer pulled out his Crucible and drove his blade into the the head of the Titan the Doom Slayer had saved humanity and he became a legend he had stopped the hell Invasion but there was still work to do the survivors of this massacre came together and fought off what remained of the Demonic population as they sent out emergency radio broadcasts to alert everyone that the war was over however the demons had corrupted erac a place with extremely advanced technology and access to all of
the Earthly Realms Samuel Hayden suggested that they needed assistance that someone called the seraphim could help seal off erak from Hell once again Sam's body had been destroyed by the demons in operation hellbreaker he simply existed as a voice at this point he wanted his old form back under the guidance of Samuel Hayden and with the command center of the armored response Coalition the Slayer was teleported to the UAC Atlantica facility deep under the waves was a secret base home to the body of the seraphim it was here that Sam had transferred his mind into
a human with the slayer's help Samuel Hayden was plugged into the device that held the seraphim's body and upon its activation the transference began the slay was confused but Sama explained everything he was both Sama maker and Samuel Hayden they were the same person just in different bodies he had gifted the Slayer with his abilities and it was his turn to repay the debt on the command center the scientists explained this alien body Sama had returned to his original form but without the presence of the father he had entered the early stages of the Transfiguration
process to restore power to erak and save himself s instructed the Slayer to recover the father's life sphere from Ingo sanum in the blood swamps of hell with it he could combine the sphere with Vaga and restore the father to his former glory as the Slayer left he was told be grateful despite your transgressions you are given the honor to serve the gods yet again this angered the Slayer he did not ask to serve anyone or be put into this situation his life had only been War Sama teleported to ingore sanctum but he was forbidden
from removing the father's fear from the tomb of souls so he waited for the Slayer Down Below in the blood swamps the Marine completed the trials of malog and was lifted to the tomb s watched in desperation as the slay entered this ancient holy place the Marine did not want to follow the orders of a God and His years in Hell had taught him a lot about how the Twisted Realm functioned by hell's law if the dark lord was defeated in ritual combat any demon outside his realm would be destroyed the dark lord was responsible
for the death of the family he had once had and he wanted to take up this issue with him to s's horror he watched as a Slayer picked up the father's fear and shattered it this action instantly accelerated his natural degradation and he watched in pain as the Slayer left the tomb of souls with the Dark Lord's fear instead most of the crew of The Command Center evacuated as soon as the Slayer stepped on board with the life spere of the dark lord except for one he was happy to help the dark lord needed to
be restored and to do this the Slayer had to reach the luminarium in erac with a plan in mind the Marine entered a portal erdu had fallen so far since his last trip it was infested by demons and maker both without a leader on his way through the equestrian halt once a peaceful luscious Forest fallen into chaos Vega spoke to him as the father he was completely aware of who he was at this point but he lacked the control to resal the void between Dimensions without a physical form he was merely a presence the father
believed that his Essence from this fear could restore him completely unaware that his life spere with all of his Essence and power had been shattered upon his arrival in the luminarium the Slayer was confronted by samama he saw this human's Quest as a reckless Mission desperate to stop him he gave in to his degradation and it transformed him into a broken mutated demon-like creature even in this form the sarim was no match to the God he had created samama maker the seraphim had lost everything and he was about to lose his life yet the father
still cared for him he explained to the Slayer that s was a mere servant that only followed his commands his death was not required the father had no physical power but he did control erac systems and with them he teleported Sama away to safety without any more obstacles in his way the Slayer stood before the entrance to the luminarium his mission was now his own the Sara who served in the luminarium were unable to refuse a life sphere regardless of whether they would deemed good or bad as the Slayer entered he handed over the life
spere of the dark lord and they took it from him the ritual began and the engines of creation Span in and out of existence as the LIF spere transformed into the dark lord the Slayer of course attempted to kill him as soon as he formed but the Lumin Arium was a powerful place and no blood could be spilled there instead davo welcomed him to fight in the city of aora the Slayer had taken away the father's ability to restore his power but he still decided to help him to reach Amora the first and capital city
of Hell the human God would have to pass through the gate of Dum this Gateway had closed many years before and a power source was required to reactivate it a crystal of the elemental wraith would be more than enough and to acquire this the Slayer returned to Argent denur despite the Demonic corruption that this planet had seen the power of the world spear still emanated life this was a region that still felt safe to the population that had escaped the cities they had created a new life out here away from maker and demonic Detective through
his traversal towards the world spear the Slayer was attacked by waves of demons this was something he had got used to everywhere he went demons came for him he had also grown stronger and smarter over these years and decimated them one by one on his path he also encountered a hologram of Commander Valen from his base in Hell the Slayer had saved his son from the curse of the icon of sin and in return he passed through a deadly axe to help on the rest of his journey the hellbreaker to get closer to the spear
the Slayer approached the torch of Kings guarded by two Sentinels they were still loyal to The Wraith and The Slayer wanted to help they watched as the Slayer relit the torch that had gone out so long before before the planet had fallen this action had a huge impact for the Slayer the fire attracted a windin that flew him to the nether Lakes the region of the world Spear and for the rest of those who could see the fire it told them that someone had come to help Commander Valen took it upon himself to recruit as
many of these as he could to start a new Army in the almost certain War to come the Slayer would need backup as he moved closer to the world spear the Slayer walked the path that the ancient Argentine shamans had walked in their desperation to help their tribes Once Upon a Time these wraith crystals had helped arent AER flourish and he hoped they would help again the Guardians of the world spear looked down on the Slayer to determine whether he was worthy or not however the father appeared to override them he told them he is
worthy few had entered the world spear the intern was amazed by the readings that this ship gave off not even erac gave readings like this along the walls thousands of wraith slept and in the center Holograms of SAR floated around an Elemental Crystal the Sara were the most trusted of the father and it is likely that he had created The Wraith to be just as important as the maker he knew knew of the true purpose of the world spear the power that was inside and the saraph who watched over those who slept the Slayer had
acquired the crystal he just had to reach the gate a gate that existed on Earth in the last stretch of his fight the Slayer fought through the demons on a now reclaimed Earth as he was guided through an underground region taken over by the UAC with the crystal the Slayer placed it into a machine and the Gateway opened davo had waited for this moment for a long time he had chosen this human after he had survived so many impossible interactions with demons on his original Earth the perfect weapon that had taken out the priests maker
and the Father the Slayer had arrived in his domain once again and he locked down with his army on the walls of aora his soldiers had also waited a long time for this moment the return of their God these walls had protected Amora from the fall of jakad and this city appeared to have thrived in technology and weaponry over the years behind the Slayer appeared several portals and out of them stepped the Army Commander Valen had formed they had come to fight by the side of the Doom Slayer as this war for all life began
the Dooms Slayer raced through the valley towards Amora and took out every demon that came upon his path even the elite armies within aora were no match for his rage eventually the Doom Marine entered a portal and arrived in dav's Throne Room the Doom Slayer had brought violence and War to dav's Dark Realm but conflict was born in hell it was inevitable armored with a mech suit with a crucible the dark lord prepared to fight it appeared that even though he had returned to his full physical form his Essence his power had not completely returned
with him he fought like a mortal during this fight the dark lord told his story that he was the creator of all and that his Creations have betrayed him and stolen his power he deserved to be angry to be filled with rage everything bad that had ever happened was because of the Maker's betrayal the Slayer did not care for his reasoning even when the father confirmed it the dark lord and his actions had inflicted pain and misery to countless mortal Souls across so many Earths despite dav's power combat technique and even the ability to teleport
their fight across space the Dooms Slayer was able to evade his attacks as he landed blow after blow with the hellbreaker the dark lord wanted his Vengeance as all things were made by his hand so too would they be unmade the Slayer fought with all of his rage and with a final ferocious blow he knocked down davo one last time the dark lord asked the Slayer do you have nothing to say to your creator before you strike him down and as the Slayer stabbed davo with with his doomblade he spoke for the first time in
many years no the death of davo the Dark Lord let out a wave of energy into the sky as it was decreed every demon outside of Hell's borders were destroyed only those within the realm of Hell survived this Mass Purge and now they could never leave the dimension they were created in finally the life sphere of d left his body and exploded but then the Dooms Slayer felt weak and he fell unconscious the Dooms slayer's power had been created from an extract of dav's essence in the Divinity machine he was connected to the dark lord
his power was dav's power davo had created the Dooms Slayer and by his hand he had destroyed what he had created unable to protect himself in this rare weakened State the Doom guy was placed into another sarcophagus by the saraf that had watched over him in the world spear the marking of his and davo symbol was infused on the sarcophagus and was left in the Tomb of souls the Doom Slayer had become another deity trapped in the Tomb of souls alongside the father's failed experiments as the sarap left him they hoped that the blood on
his sword never dried and that they would never need him again the Doom Slayer had fought through several versions of Earth across time to stop the Demonic forces of Hell only to have been sealed away after aons of fighting the death of his rabbit Daisy and a family he may have had literally left him even now too angry to die as for erock once again free from demonkind the few maker that remained were for the first time in their history without a leader a position that the father even in his limited form could take over
Earth would rebuild and so would arent denur as for hell no demon could leave this realm and it once again became the place bad people went when they died the entire Doom series series is made up of so many different types of media this timeline focused mostly on the games but I cannot end it without at least mentioning what else was created prior to writing this timeline I had only watched the first Doom movie it was an experience for the timeline I thought that maybe the sequel would be better or would add anything of note
to this timeline none of them did the 2005 Doom movie is basically a Resident Evil film with the Doom name the only similarity between the movie and the game is that the UAC exists and they have a base on Mars Doom Annihilation is the second movie and it came out in 2019 it is a reboot this one is more faithful to the game series it appears to be a blend of the stories of Doom 1 and Doom 3 betruger is the villain and he leads the charge in the exploration of teleportation technology the UAC find
ancient Gates but they lead to hell it also ends on a cliffhanger so maybe there is another movie coming out I haven't gone into depth with these because they add nothing at all to the timeline now that is over the Doom World Comic is absolutely worth a read distributed in may of 1996 it follows the events of the Phobos disaster with more of a comical twist as the Marine massacr a ton of demons there have also been two lots of novels the first came out in 1995 and 1996 kneee in the dead hell on Earth
infernal sky and endgame they follow a Space Marine called Flynn tager and he has a very similar story to our Doom guy a lot of fans have wanted to call the Doom guy from Doom Flyn Target but the developers have actively gone out of their way to keep him nameless a way for the player to put themselves in his position for emotion finally Doom 3 had two novels and a third was cancelled worlds on fire and mestrom this follows private Kane and his journey through a demonic infestation of Mars City I may explore these deeper
in the future and I did take parts from the Doom 3 novels to expand the background of that section but I did want to focus only on the games in this timeline this is the hardest video I have ever made but it seems to have come together pretty well this is the most complicated timeline in any game series I have ever played and there is so much information that contradicts other pieces of information I know that there will be some that will disagree with my order of events but that is okay I have done my
best to put the games and events into the best order the issue I have is the community is kind of split on which games are connected to which timeline with hours and hours of research it just made the most sense for Doom 3 its expansions and the RPGs to be its own thing but still takes place in the Doom Multiverse some also believe Doom 3 to be a prequel to Doom one I disagree with that this video is so long already so maybe in the future I can do a more detailed video about why Doom
3 just would not work as a prequel I wanted this timeline to be as Cannon as possible so I have not included games that I wanted to there was Doom Resurrection which is classed as lost media its storyline was reused for the Doom 3 DLC lost mission there is also sigil and sigil 2 I wanted to include them but ultimately they are not a part of the official Doom series now at Olivia Pierce's desk we see the mention of a 45th parallel we know that there are alternate Earths and with at least 45 different ways
the story could have gone maybe sigil and the many other amazing mods created for the Doom series are canon in the Multiverse Quake Arena and Quake Champions also made use of this Multiverse in which they pitted the Dooms Slayer against other heroes and villains of other series such as quake and Wolfenstein sadly in the Multiverse those awful Doom movies fit in there somewhere too the Doom series is still very much alive and with some luck we may receive a new Doom game at some point there are a ton of questions to be answered who were
the serap that locked the Doom Slayer away were they under the orders of the father or a God that existed before davo where did The Wraith come from and did Daisy the rabbit suffer these were just a few of my questions and this video could go on forever with theories specul ation and questions if you have made it this far thank you so much for watching I do appreciate it this was um a long project I think that was everything I wanted to say please share it please like it subscribe if you are interested in
deeper dives into specific topics which I also cover on the channel and finally I'd like to thank my gold tier patrons and channel members Jonas Louis Queen Arby fluffy the dragon Chicken Guy 791 ruber Mendoza Duke toad nut or an X ASU Katana AJ Verona comfy BG games aivis arest Blaze of Glory Cole Sherman Yi Rodriguez I hope I said that right and Noba if you want to help support the channel then there is a link in the description to become a patron where I do my best to post behind the scenes content Early Access
to videos and many other great features and as always thank you so much for the continued support what did you think of this timeline what is your favorite game in the series and which game would you like me to cover in my next timeline let me know in the comments below this is where our story ends check back next week for a new one
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