Step-by-Step: Build this (NO CODE) multiple AI Agent workflow with n8n

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in this step-by-step tutorial we're going to build an incredibly useful workflow in nadn that utilizes multiple AI agents to be able to automate a very tedious and repetitive process that currently exists in the market whether it's for small businesses for large businesses even for individual Brands and that is the need for whenever a client signs up or gets onboarded for them to be able to send an automatic welcome email and then also the other AI agent will be able to generate a new terms of service contract or some kind of a non-disclosure agreement that will
automatically send to our client via email so that way they can sign and get that back to us so that way we can start with our service iner agreement this is going to completely automate that process so you will see there's going to be a lot of use cases for this particular AI agent because you can tweak and add more nodes into this where you'll be able to tailor this to your own use case or for your own business need in this particular example we're going to utilize the client onboarding form through Ned n's native
form trigger but this could be switched with a Google form Survey Monkey uh type form or any kind of form that's out there in the market that you might be utilizing for your current business where we will gather the client onboarding information and then we'll submit this form where then we can utilize our two AI agents that will then send these automatic emails one for a warm welcome to your company or business and another one will be the term of service contract really formatt it in a contract form and again this could be a tweak
where now you can ATT attach this into a document and send it as an attachment to your email or you can just send this as an email directly with the content inside of it at the end of the video I'm also going to provide more use cases that you can utilize this particular workflow by adding a few more notes that I will showcase where then you can tweak this for other business cases that you can add to make this workflow even more useful I'm going to be providing this template on the template section of our
classroom and then also I will be adding this to the advanced and intermediate AI agent tutorial section but you can always find this in the All N it and template section where all you have to do is just basically now go to the top right hand corner and you can just import from file where then you'll be able to just download this and bring it over to your workflow and that way everything will be there so that way when you're building your own workflow automation you can have a reference here so that way it will
be a good guide for you when it comes to prompting and all these other uh notes that I created if you're new to Channel my name is z me my YouTube channel and my AI Workshop School Community is all about building incredible automations and AI agents with no code tools like nadn where we focus on real use cases for AI tools for businesses for personal Brands and we have great community members who are actively participating and collaborating on different projects utiliz into on their day-to-day businesses so I'm going to put my link School Link in
the description below feel free to join us with that being said let's get started all right so let's go ahead and start with our trigger now um actually before we do that let's go ahead and name our workflow I'm just going to say toss workflow and uh for those of you who don't know toss St for termo services okay and you know this could be for whatever this could be for a contract for an NDA and I'll explain those use cases um as we go along because you can really utilize this to make anything you
want so all right so for the first step we need to add our trigger so there are several triggers uh depending on what your use cases I know a lot of companies use Google form they use type form um they use Survey Monkey uh so depending on what your use case is whatever form you prefer it's going to work the same way because the idea is to grab um the information from client via some form some kind of a form so if you just go ahead and search form you will have several options that you
have here there's the n and form trigger form diio form stack Survey Monkey type form so there's lots of stuff that you can do uh but you know in our case for this demo this n8n form trigger is pretty good so we need to add um a few Fields here depending on what you want to achieve here there's um several things that you can add so you can customize this as much as you want uh as far as the HTTP so this is going to be the test URL I always uh suggest to change this
path because that way this won't beat some ugly long PAAD so let's go ahead and just change the form PAAD to toss so that way now you have this short little URL authentication will keep as none the form title you can just say client onboarding um or whatever you want to um name there uh form description we're just going to say please fill out the required field to get started with the onboarding process um and again this could be depending on your SK let's say you're going to build this agent for um sending out uh
NDA so NDA stands for non-disclosure agreement so let's say you want to have a conversation you're a small business or a big business I know this is a very common practice among the industries a lot of Industries where if you have sensitive information before you have a conversation with the client you want to be able to send them a non-disclosure agreement so that way they can sign that and then you'll be able to like to move forward and actually have those discussion with them about what kind of services you provide what are the software processes
that you have and that's why a lot of companies um send NDA right away via email um especially in the payment industry for example this is very common right because uh you don't want to disclose uh those sensitive information without the client sign some kind of a agreement so so it could be tweaked for that as well so the field label I'm going to fill a bunch of these field labels um instead of kind of going through one by one so you just basically add the field label this is going to be the label on
top of your um text box there you're going to feel uh select the field type it could be text date drop pop down list email whatever it may be and the placeholder this will just be something that you put for example John Doe or John do right so that way you can guide your client on what would be a good data source or what would be a good format of whatever you're asking for them to provide the requir field so if you toggle this this is going to make sure that the client fills that
information before they move on to this the next step or um if they before they submit the form and if you don't toggle this this just means that it'll be an optional so if they don't fill that part then uh they can still submit the form uh response when form submitted you can leave this as it is because we're going to utilize the data that's coming in as soon as somebody um submits this form so I'm going to go ahead and fill all this out and then provide additional field labels and then come back and
explain quickly okay so I completed the different labels uh same thing again the form path toss the form title I said client onboarding form and then I I put a bunch of these different labels and this is what it's going to look like so if I bring this oops if I bring this over here so this is what the our form is looking like right now and as you can see all of these fields are required um so I just put full name your email company name industry Services required so and then for the placeholder
I just said something like website development marketing strategy or whatever it may be right and then also this start date right because you want to grab date that the potential client is planning to start their services with you or even or or just start the conversation with you about the services that you're willing to provide so once you submit this form then the data gets process so I submitted this form right now and this is the data that um came through um and again I'm pinning this so the great way for NAD then is to
pin a data meaning that you don't have to go through and fill in this form every time you want to test this workflow right so all you have to do is come on the top hand right corner here and as you can see right or top left right here in the center and this says this data is pinned meaning that this data will always be now sent to our next node because uh we have this data that we provided once to this form now we don't have to worry about clicking on test step every time
and creating new data that comes in so this is just a good way for us to get started right okay so now that our form trigger is done the next thing we need to add is right now as you can see there's um some data that's coming in that we don't want to pass to our next node like for example we want the name email com all of that stuff but then there's this submitted at and then also the form mode so let's go ahead and clean this data because we want to be able to
filter that so in order to do that we're just going to add our plus sign and we're going to click our search for set and this says edit field so this is a great node that nadn has integration with where you can basically um edit the existing data that's coming in from a previous node so let's go ahead and now drag the data that we want to send to our next note so I'm going to go ahead and grab the full name uh the email company name industry that's good service required start date perfect and
you can always rename this so for example here it says uh the full name is coming in from here but let's say I want to change this to just say name and then here same thing with email I'm just going to change it to email instead of your email or client full name client name or full name or whatever it may be okay so now let's go ahead and test this step and make sure that all this data gets sent over to Nar next Ro if I click on test step and now as you can
see um all of that emailed all of the data that we grabed from this side um moved to Here Without these two um data fields that they didn't want to go through okay so you can check that inal view as well all right perfect so that's good to go so now let's go ahead and add our first AI agent which is going to generate a welcome email right so you want to be able to provide um attention to your clients that are subm submitting or submitting the form uh whether it's asking for some kind of
a service whether it's asking for information or they've already come on board and you're utilizing this form to onboard them by uh sending them additional documentation but you also want to send them an email first that welcomes them to your company or to your services so a good way to do that is to automate that process so that way you're not doing that manually so let's go ahead and add our first agent that's going to go ahead and send that warm welcome email to our clients with the information that we're getting from this form that's
being submitted so I'm going to click on the plus button go to Advanced Ai and click on AI agent so let's get out first of all and get rid of this chat click that get rid of this all right so let's go ahead and for our AI agent U for the chat model I'm just going to utilize the grock chat model because this is just going to Simply put together an email and grock is free so why not um the model you can select um I'm going to utilize let's see the Llama 370b that's good
to go all right perfect let's go ahead we don't need to attach any memory or tool but let's go ahead and add uh some prompt here because this is not going to be a tools agent this is going to be actually a conversation agent right because we're going we're going to give it a prompt to tell it to generate a warm welcome email to our customer so let's go ahead and change the agent from tools agent to conversation agent prompt instead of taking from previous node we're going to say Define below and this is where
we'll Define our prompt so let me go ahead and maximize this I'm actually going to use the Expression field actually instead of this fixed text because we need to grab the name and email and make this email personalized at each time somebody signs up and obviously if the data changes then you will you won't be able to have this agent grab the proper name and the proper email and send the proper response right so we're going to use the Expression I'm going to click on this so that way this gets maximized and I'm going to
go ahead and quickly type The Prompt okay so I said um write a personal W personaliz welcome email to the email from the AI Workshop right so and I'm grabbing the email from here so all you have to do is just basically grab an email as you can see this gets uh populated because this is a uh Json field that's coming in through and on the right hand side as you can see you will see the email that has been submitted by the client so this will always make sure that it's sending the email to
the proper uh person so let's go ahead and get her that because I don't want to all right so yeah so when you see these green curly brackets this just means that this is a Json um or a JavaScript code not necessarily code because all we were doing is just grab drag and dropping it but this is coming from our previous node and these are all the schemas that are there but anyway so I said write a personalized email to welcome them they are in the following industry and whatever industry they fill in on the
form uh and they need services for the services required and the services required right now this is that sample uh data that I filled in in my form that I said website development SEO optimization digital marketing strategy but whatever it may be whatever use case or business you're providing whatever service you're providing then you want to make sure that you grab that request and add it here so that me this email it's almost like a confirmation that hey these are the services that you're asking for so uh that way you kind of repeat that to
make sure that they didn't make a mistake when they're writing so that way they have a chance to um let say it's like oh wait a minute they made a mistake no no I don't want that service they can always resend that email or submit the form again right with the proper information but this is a good way for them uh to make sure that they're confirming exactly what they're looking for um and then same thing the service uh will start on the start date and whatever start date they fill in in that uh in
our form that we sent right because our form also grabs the start date from them that the client is going to choose themselves okay great so I said yeah the tone should be professional yet friendly include a mention that we're excited to work with them and then I also said that let them know that they will be receiving a separate email with the terms of services agreement that they need to sign or simply respond to the email and again you could tweak this prompt for whatever use case you have instead of the terms of service
agreement like I mentioned before if you are some company or a business or a person to be honest who needs uh to have some form of a legal agreement before you can even start a conversation with your client then this is a good way for you to utilize this to automate that process and a lot of times like honestly if you just send somebody like a quick um legal wording even if it's via email then you know they know that okay this is serious like I'm dealing with somebody who's serious they're a proper company they're
proper business or they're a proper personal brand right so this kind of gives you additional credibility just by utilizing this EI AI agents okay great so again depending on what your use case is please feel free to to to change the prompt here but for now this is good to go so I'm going to back out of this if you want to require a specific output format if you toggle this in the bottom as you can see an output parser shows up and if we back out from here you can let's say you want to
respond or you want to send this data um in a some kind of a Json structure you can always add a output parser but for now we have we're not going to do this because I'm actually going to add an open AI node that I'm going to tell the data that I'm receiving from this AI agent and format it in a specific way and I'm going to show that in a little bit okay so for this agent we're we're basically done all right actually you know what let me go ahead and actually rename these nodes
cuz I always like renaming my nodes because it makes things a lot easier so this is going to be our form so I'm just going to change to client onboarding form okay rename good edit Fields I'm just going to say clean data and change this to whatever you want based on your needs AI agent that's fine I don't rename that all right so let's go ahead and test this right now right let's go ahead and click on test to see what kind of an email this is generating if I click on test step I should
be getting an email okay let's see subject warm welcome to AI Workshop Dear John we're thrilled to welcome you to AI Workshop blah blah blah all right so it looks like we're generating a um an output but the problem is is you can see right now all of this the subject the body of the email it's all being spit out in in one um schema field which is just an output string right so what we want to do we want to be able to separate this and um have the data split out into subject and
then also the body of the email now I don't know if there's a better way to do this by just prompting this agent and if somebody has done that please let me know but uh the easiest way to do this in my opinion is just add a quick uh open AI note and that's going to do the work for and because I'm lazy I always like to utilize as much AI tools as possible just tell them what to do instead of me going through and changing things manually so you're going to go to Advanced Ai
and this time I'm just going to grab this open AI module and we're going to say message a model so if you come to the bottom here it says text action message model this is really cool tool that um naden has that you can basically use this for multiple different ways so credentials make sure you're connecting to your open account and if you don't know how how to do that watch my previous videos I I walk through step by step on how to add your account all right the resource we're going to keep as text
because that's the um resource that's coming into us right this output is all in text operation we're going to message the model and the model I'm just going to choose um gp4 mini because that's the cheapest one and for the text so now what we're going to do is this is coming into us as a um as Json so we need to say hey we need to parse this Json and separate the output into subject and the body of the email and it's very simple to do that all you have to do is just provide
a prompt that says parse the Json output and output the following parameter separately subject and body so what this is going to do is it's parsing this output right here and we're asking it to separate it into the parameters which is going to be the subject and then everything else dump it in the body so the rule this we're going to do uh a system because we need to add uh this data that's coming into us right so I'm going to go ahead and grab the output here I go to schema grab the text okay
perfect okay so that's good to go in the bottom simplify output and then also we want to be able to Output this content as Json right and if you kind of hover over here it says whether uh to attempt to return the response in Json format compatible with gp4 turbo and all the other gpts okay so that's good to go so now let's go ahead and test this to make sure that it's splitting this data that's coming in into a subject and a body if I click on test let's see what this does all right
perfect it looks like it worked if we go on Json here now as you can see it uh changed the content uh and separated into nice little subject and a body and the reason why I'm doing this is because this is going to be useful on our next Noe because we'll be able to grab the subject separately and the body separately for our Gmail node okay great so yeah this is what I was mentioning earlier if there's if you guys think there's a better way to do this uh using some some other note then feel
free to uh let me know but anyways for now this should be good to go all right so now uh let's go ahead and uh send an email because we got all the content that we need now we need to add a Gmail node and again this could be whatever your uh email preferences you can utilize that you can use outload but whatever it may be but I'm going to use Gmail and you can either send a message right directly to the client or you can just um grab create a draft and I'm just going
to use create a draft so that way I can show you exactly what this outcome or the output of this going to come so I'm just going to click on create a draft you're going to add your Gmail account again if you don't know how to do this watch my previous videos where I walk you through step by step the resource is going to be draft and this is where you can choose uh whether you're going to be messaging labeling or others but for now for us it's going to be creating a draft operation is
going to be create the subject and this is what I was talking about this is where the usefulness comes in right because now we can grab the subject separately and add it here email type is going to be text and the message now all we have to do is just grab the body here and perfect great and the great thing is it's we already told it to formatt it in a nice little way and as you can see the result it looks like really well formatted to our uh for our customer okay great so let's
go ahead and actually uh test this Stu out and see and make sure that we'll we're getting a good proper email so I'm going to click on test step and it looks like note got executed successfully so it looks like the email got sent let's go ahead and take a look at our drafts this was from previously let me get rid of these and as you saw we just received 11:09 a.m. this is our uh email that we received and as you can see oops that's too big warm welcome to yeah Workshop Dear John we're
thrilled to welcome you to AI Workshop we're excited to work with you in the technology industry and provide our expertise and website development SEO optimization digital marketing and again this is all coming in based on the information that the client submitted to us via the form so that's what kind of automates the entire process so for each individual client or whoever is interested in filling this form this is going to personalize that email and make sure it's providing the proper um industry whatever industry they're in and whatever um Services they're requesting for you and your
team to do and it say our team is looking forward to collaborating with you to achieve your goals will be commenting our commencing our service on this date and again November 1st this is the date the client chooses themselves and we're confident that our combined efforts will blah blah blah right so it says in the coming days you will receive a separate email with the terms of service please take a moment to review and sign the agreement or simply respond to the email to confirm your acceptance thank you for choosing your Workshop blah blah blah
so see how this really professionalizes this whole concept um and like I said you can tweak this however you want BAS based on your use case so now that that step is done now let's go ahead and create our second agent because we also want to be able to send them um a separate email right um and when it says that in the next coming days or in the next few hours that you'll be receiving a separate email with a terms of service agreement that also kind of makes you even bit more professional so um
so that's what the great thing about this is all right so now let's go ahead and add our second AI agent to be able to generate that terms of service contract for this client move this up here okay that's good to go and actually let's go ahead and rename this that way we don't have we don't get confused there so this is going to be welcome client right so this no is particularly for generating that or formatting that welcome client email same thing on the email is going to say welcome client email perfect it's good
to go all right so now let's work on our second AI agent and the data that's coming into us it's going to be same thing we're going to grab it from our client onboarding form but then obviously we have cleaned the data so I'm just going to kind of click on this and just drag it and when you do that it opens up again um this U what happens next tab where you can now choose another AI engine or you can honestly you can just copy this as well whatever you prefer a lot of times
I actually do that I just copy the node that exist there especially if it's going to be similar to the one that I already have so let's go ahead and add a chat model this time because I'm going to utilize uh I'm going to use term of services to or I'm going to use this agent to create a term of services so I'm going to use uh the open AI chat model but but depending on your preference you can play around with different models to see which one creates the proper response so I'm going to
select my gp4 mini okay that's good to go let's now go ahead and double click on this okay same thing this is going to be a conversational agent again and I'm going to prompt I'm going to Define below I'm going to switch to expression and click on this and let me go ahead and type this out all right so I said please generate in terms of service and contract document for oh it's missing a name let me grab the name quickly grab the name BR right there there you go all right so uh please generate
a terms of service and contract document for json. name and this is going to be the name that's coming in from our submitter in this case John do from AI Workshop right so this is where you will put your company uh so this is where you can tweak this prompt for whatever your need is uh but this just is a good example for you to see what you can do as far as providing this prompt so you utilize chat GPT to create good prompts and in my school Community you can go ahead and check out
if you're part of the school Community um I have really good prompt templates that you can utilize specifically for NM to be able to generate these um really cool prompts that's specific for these nodes but anyway so um at same thing the client operates in this industry and requires services such as the services required so again same thing you're kind of generating um the service service agreement or this non-disclosure agreement based on whatever service the client is requesting so as you can see this could be very very powerful because now the open a model is
going to tweak and this agent is going to uh create new contract um each time based on the service that the client uh has requested and this is where you can add actually examples of your existing contract right so going to go ahead and utilize a custom GPT that somebody in my school Community made um I believe let me see where it is yeah Yasmin made this so shout out to Yasmin it's called nadn sidekick if you if I'm just going to click on this go back there and here's my TPT all right great and
this is a great thing about our SCH Community we have members that create really uh great use cases for anent that I might not even know about or I might not even know how to create so that's kind of the big advantage of having a school Community where now you can utilize everybody's knowledge so now go ahead and uh generate a prompt so I can always say generate a prompt so I'm going to say something like generate a prompt for creating terms of service agreement for an N AI agent don't so let's see what it
does but you can play around uh depending like I said on whatever you're trying to achieve from here um you can utilize this uh you know chbt or uh in this case a custom GPT that's tailored to NN where you can generate your uh prompt and really great details and then add that to your um AI agent here but for for mind because again I want to keep this very simple I just kind of created this little prompt earlier that I used um to keep this very brief so that way it just says Hey introduction
outlining the purpose of the contract you use the scope of services payment terms and again this is just for example purposes obligations of both parties terms of condition and then a section for client signature so let's go ahead now get out of this required specific output form we don't have to worry about that let's go ahead and just test this step so now this should generate a uh term of services contract for us with this proper information that we got earlier and if I back out of this as you can see it is good to
go termal server contract yep there you go it generated a really great terminal service contract and at the bottom as you can see it also did a formatting um with the proper signature feels right there okay great so now same thing again as we did before here this is all being sent in one output so if you want to separate let's say I want to separate this into term of services contract document as a title and then the rest I want to put together all in one um body field or you can you can always
separate these right so let's say if you have a section that's for payment obligation and you want to utilize another node that you want to be able to separate those and add let's say the payment terms you can add an additional note so that's what the great thing about adding a separate note like this open AI model open AI chat node is that you can separate your data that you're receiving from this AI agent into um additional Fields where then you can do much more things with it so now I'm going to go ahead instead
of like um adding this new I'm just going to go ahead here and copy this or just say duplicate and I'm going to attach this to this we're going to double click on this that's good to go so now we need to change um the text here let's go ahead and change the name first I'm just going to say term of service contract rename good to go okay so uh we're going to actually this time get rid of this oops that's not what I meant to do [Music] get rid of this go back to fixed
so I said Parts the Json output and return the following so the output is this again and this is coming from our previous AI agent so I want to be able to separate the title as extract only title field and that should be this um initial term of service contract title that might be coming in from there and then I'm saying for the body combine all the other fields into a single text block and format it like an official contract right for example NDA or term of service so again same thing play around with the
prompt you can utilize um a custom GPT or a chat GPT to uh make sure that you're getting the proper result out of this if I don't do this let me go ahead and let me actually go ahead and test the stuff first uh we're going to use oh let me get rid of this so this is going to be a system message right that's going to be a system message and then the text this one is going to be this output all right great and this rule is going to be for user output contact
is going to keep as Json so if I don't do this let me go ahead and get rid of this first let me just show you what this might spit out if I test the step all right there you go so now if I if you don't put that um prop there to combine all these things together it's going to separate everything into different sections so it's going to have an introduction it's going to have a scope of services so this is good if you want to further now add additional roads to be able to
add other things to this contract so let's say you want to add um a payment term right so you can always just edit this oops let me just use this quickly so now with this edit field you can actually filter further data you can separate the terminal service that was generated by AI agent into something different because this is going to this payment term title this uh scope of services is always going to be there because of the fact that we defined it in our um um prompt here right because this is going to be
all of the sections that this AI agent is going to create so now we can always utilize um this toss contract open AI model to separate this into separate sections so that way we can send it further to our other models or other nodes that we can edit and do further things to it and that's what I was talking about in the beginning of the video that you really utilize and customize this workflow for whatever use case you have because you have these great ways to now um generate separate terms or separate sections of a
term of agreement that this AI agent is creating but for our purposes I'm just going to basically combine this into um just a a title and a body just for Simplicity right so I'm just going to go ahead and okay so for for this particular use case I said just combine all other fields into one single text block and F format it like an official cont contract right so let's go ahead and test this and now you'll see that all of these sections will disappear it will only be a title and a body I mean
hopefully if I did this correct so let's go ahead and test that step all right perfect see so now we changed it to title which is going to be ter of service contract for John do and the body is going to grab everything else and put it in the body as you can see here that's great right and the reason why I'm doing this is because I'm sending my terminal services via email so that's why I want to keep this as simple as possible okay so we're good to go there so now let's go ahead
same thing add let me move things around a little bit add a Gmail node so I'm just going to copy this same thing just duplicate this grab it here attach it go to Gmail so now let's go ahead and change the subject because this is going to give us error because this was coming in from the previous one so make sure you're grabbing the correct items because now you have access to different agents this this is where I was saying that it's good always good to um name your nodes so that way you don't get
confused so for the title we're just going to grab the title here the subject of the email we're just going to grab that title and for the text and we're going to keep it as body because again same thing this is coming in from here so let's go ahead and test the step let me make sure that I refresh this there's nothing here let's go ahead and test the step and now I should grab I should be receiving an email with the term of service so let's see refresh again and perfect if I click on
this there you go right now you can see that I have really nice contracts it says this contract is made and entered into a date signature by and between John Doe Hereafter referred to as client and AI Workshop here referred to a service provider so you can see it's very professional it's providing the service provider agrees to the priv following Services by the client website development it provides good details um and the client agrees to compensate and this is where you can enter your compensation if you want want and that's where you can add additional
loades to even further customize this and on the bottom by signing blow the client agrees to blah blah blah right that's perfect and again you can tweak this to just say hey you know what I don't want to uh have this section here or I don't want to have a signature section all I want to do is just tell client in this email that hey just respond uh to this email as yes or no or agreed and this contract will be binding so that way you can um basically completely automate this process great all right
so let's go back now we're good to go here let's see so that's done um that's done let me grab this so now we want to so once that these emails are done now uh actually let's change the name here this is going to be all right that's good to go that's good to go all right so now let's go ahead and grab um and send let's say I want to send once this term of service contract is sent to the customer I want to be able to also send a copy of this terminal services
to somebody internally on my on our company and I can add a slack message to do that right so I'm just going to say slack and you can always say let's see search for message delete the message send a message right and I'm going to use my slack account credential same thing watch my previous videos where I show you how to do add your slack credentials it's very very simple so the resource is going to be message operation send send to I'm going to use a channel and this will load off all the channels that
are existing on your slack so for example for me let me see here so I got these channels AI agents all SL customer feature requests customer feedback social all of that good stuff so I'm just going to grab um let's say I don't know for I'm just going to grab this AI agent message you can do simple text and this is where now you can grab a message right and I'm going to grab the term of service um and just I'm just going to grab the entire body actually just for um the purpose of this
example and if I go ahead and test this step click on test step I should be receiving a message and there you go and my AI agent oops as you can see this contract is made to enter between blah blah blah so now you can always receive and again you can always tweak this um if you don't want to for example receive the entire contract um you can you can tweak this however you want and you can also uh combine this email meaning that a copy of this welcome email that's going to your uh client
will also be sent to a particular slack message okay that's good to go so now let's go ahead and test this entire thing out really quickly to make sure that everything works properly because now you can actually automate this right uh go back to my thing there you go so let's go ahead and completely use a new form trigger so I'm just going to go ahead and double click on this unpin this so that we can provide new data new fresh data and if I click on delete button here workflow okay so Jack Smith Jack we can say industry Finance Services required uh invoice automation let's say payment reminders and late fees or whatever ever start date I'm going to use October 25th all right so now I should when I submit the form this should process everything at the same time let me make sure that we're good to go click on submit form and it's working there you go so it's going to generate that welcome email now now once that's done now it's going to create a term of service contract so this AI agent is working on that right now
and I should be receiving two drafts now right and then also a slack message with the new term of services so that went through properly all right everything looks like it worked out let's go ahead and check our email by refresh perfect there you go so warm welcome to Jack warm welcome to AI Workshop Jack dear Jack we are thrilled to welcome you to AI Workshop we're excited to start working on your Finance industry providing topnotch services for invo automation payment reminders and late fees and again this is getting this information from the form that
the client submits our collaboration would commence on the 25th of October that's great and we're confident that our solution will bring sa B to your business okay you will receive a separate email with the terms of service agreement which we kindly request you to sign and respond to your earliest convenience if you have any questions good to go all right and we also uh sent a separate email with the turbo Services if I click on this now you can see that we got this nice little and again you can tweak the prompt to make sure
that it's U formatting it correctly all right so that worked out well and then also we should be receiving this our slack message and and as you can see it sent another one is teral Services by Jack Smith there you go so everything looks like it worked out perfectly great well now you can utilize and add additional tools to this right so let's say you want to be able to um like I mentioned before you want to be able to add um a payment terms to this contract so you can get rid of this connection
here and now you can add for example additional notes to be able to transform the data you can filter the data right you can uh split out say just a payment and then add it back to the email later on um you can combine data that's coming in from different AI agents and uh you can do something by converting and uh converting your um term of services that you receive via email to some kind of a file um you can U change this to a PDF you can add it to a Google doc so you
can do all sorts of different things depending on what your use case is but you can see that this uh workflow with these multiple AI agents could be extremely powerful when when it comes to use cases that you can utilize for your brand or for uh your small business to make sure that um it further adds some credibility into your services that you're providing right all right well hopefully you found this helpful um make sure you subscribe and like the video because I have really great tutorials that are upcoming as well and for those of
you who are in my school Community I'm going to be providing this template on the template section of our classroom and then also I will be adding this to the advanced and uh intermediate AI agent tutorial section but you can always find this in uh the all n and template section where all you have to do is just basically now go to the top right hand corner and you can just import from file where then you'll be able to just download this and bring it over to your workflow and that way everything will be there
so that way when you're building your own workflow automation you can have a reference here so that way it will be a good guide for you when it comes to prompting and all these other notes that created all right well hopefully you found this helpful thanks for watching I'll see you on the next one
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