From an Amateur Soldier, He Awakened GOD Power and Became the Strongest | Anime Recap

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at the beginning of the film we encounter a scene where a criminal group is on their way to collect white goods for a transaction with this fat client after traveling quite far the fat client asks to rest for a while but the drug dealers don't know that this client is actually a police informant the fat guy had sent his location to the police and they had instructed our main character laai to Target and aim at the suspects he had identified the position of the Allied informant and was ready to act but right after that the
criminal mastermind receives a call he realizes this isn't a real customer so he punches the informant and pulls out his gun to deal with him on the spot the police team immediately takes action not understanding how their informant was exposed while laai quickly shoots The Mastermind to save the informant he fires several more shots to take care of the henchmen one tries to hide behind a tree but but he shoots through it and kills him with only the Mastermind remaining he takes the police informant hostage and threatens them they then escape and the police's signal
suddenly disappears laai later arrives at the last location where the informant signal was detected and his team leader Captain Wang along with the entire team also arrives they notice that the informant had left a fan pointing in the direction where the criminals might have fled Captain Wang asks the forest guard if there's a possibility the criminals could be hiding under the water Pond but the likelihood is very low as almost every year dead bodies are retrieved from there local people and animals avoid this area with locals calling it the man eating Pond although they don't
really believe in these superstitions while they don't fully trust the forest guard's words they ask for his understanding as they need to approach the pond for their work they won't force him to follow so so he can leave knowing he can't persuade them further the old man leaves after Marching for a while laai suddenly sees a strange image in his mind when his teammates ask if he's okay he thinks something just got in his eye they later find a passage behind a waterfall and Captain Wang asks them to carry only the lightest equipment to proceed
going quite deep inside they discover a dried corpse by the path upon examination the Corp corps's hands are positioned as if in prayer but they can't find any other path suddenly laai removes his glasses and is surprised when the cave suddenly lights up and many face like shapes appear his eyes glow and the ground begins to crack a demonfest appears right in front of laai he approaches to touch it while everyone around still doesn't understand what's happening as soon as he puts his hand into the statue's eye he unexpectedly calls causes the entire cave to
shake but then a door opens inside is the criminals warehouse but when they check they're all surprised to find the boxes completely empty suddenly the informant runs out and tells them to flee because there's a monster inside the Mastermind also Runs Out throws away his weapon and begs them to arrest him as long as they get him out of there before they can understand what's happening the door suddenly closes the fat guy blames The Mastermind for choosing this cursed place to hide the goods Captain Wang asks him if there's another way out but he believes
they'll all die here because there's a fierce monster inside Captain Wang decides to go in to check the situation but the fat guy says he won't go back in there again however since he knows the situation inside better than anyone else Captain Wang needs him to come along besides this is their job so the fat guy shouldn't forget what his position is laai gives him a gun for self-defense they then proceed inside and reach the second exit The Mastermind opens the door for them and demands they try their best to get him out alive Captain
Wang asks them to stay alert while moving inside laai asks the fat guy why he wasn't afraid when he had a gun pointed at his head in the forest but is scared now to which he replies that you can't negotiate with monsters but you can with people two soldiers in the group are then caught and killed by the monster that rushes toward them the team unleashes all their fire power at the monster but when it shows no reaction Lazi and a teammate move forward to check the situation they find the soldiers bodies but no monster
it suddenly appears and swiftly moves across the cave Stone pillars laai is attacked but manages to throw both the monster and his gun away his teammate instead of running stands hopelessly shooting until the monster catches and devours him laai quickly retrieves his gun and Fires at the monster but it's unharmed he then aims for its head continuously firing at one spot until he finally creates a hole causing the monster to dissolve into small black beads just when everyone thinks it's over these beads unexpectedly roll in One Direction and suddenly dozens to hundreds more monsters appear
and Advance toward the team they block the cave entrance forcing the team to retreat while maintaining distance from the monster horde they run onto a wooden bridge and laai being last cleverly shoots one side of the bridge to collapse it and cut off the monsters however the creatures climb the walls to pursue them one crawls under the bridge and grabs the fat guy's leg but laai manages to hold him and shoot the monster down when monsters nearly catch laai Captain Wang provides covering fire from below laai decides to shoot down the entire bridge and throws
the fat guy to grab onto the bridge rope to slide down both slide down and just before hitting the Rocks loai catches and helps the fat guy descend safely but now the group is cornered by the monsters suddenly a tower in the distance lights up and from a door the forest guard appears he says he had warned them but they wouldn't listen The Mastermind recognizes him as the one who suggested hiding the goods here and who revealed that the fat guy was an informant he had originally planned to lead the drug dealers here for the
monsters to kill them considering it a way to eliminate harm to the people yet Captain Wang's team still stubbornly entered when Captain Wang asks who he is the old man says he doesn't remember anymore he then blows out smoke causing multiple smoke columns to rise around them he trans forms into his true form as a sorcerer saying no one who has seen his true form has survived He commands the monsters to attack but surprisingly laai slashes and defeats a monster in one strike lai's eyes glow again and he holds a strange knife without hesitation he
charges forward to eliminate monsters and protect the group The Monsters begin to fear Him and Retreat the sorcerer is shocked that laai is connected to wuan when laai says he doesn't know who wuan is the sorcerer explains that person is the owner of the knife laai is holding but it doesn't matter as no one will leave alive the sorcerer summons two water columns to drown them but suddenly his magic is instantly broken by a barrier a man then flies down from the cave ceiling the sorcerer is shocked to see its woo Mayan who notes the
old man's boldness in daring to speak his real name after landing wuan gives him two choices suicide or execution the sorcerer claims he's been practicing cultivation and summons Stone pillars The Mastermind Falls from height and dies while the fat guy and Captain Wang are being lifted up woo Mayan waves his hand making the stones vanish he approaches Dodges the sorcerer's attack in one step knocks away his staff and points a gun at his head the sorcerer begs for mercy admitting his past mistake of stealing Wu Mayan's Elixir but wuo Mayan holds grudges so the sorcerer
offers another condition he had shared half of Wu Mayan's elixir with someone else and if he dies Wu Mayan won't know who it is wuan gives him one chance to reveal his accomplice the sorcerer reveals it was his nephew Wu Mayan then tells laai to take his gun and kill the sorcerer the sorcerer accuses wuan of breaking his word word but Wu Mayan clarifies he only said he wouldn't kill him not that he wouldn't let someone else do it he immediately rushed to grab loi's knife and slashed Captain Wang's leg then used him to threaten
wuan however wuan asked if he remembered whose knife he was holding he was then thrown off and the gun was handed to laai to finish the job while laai hesitated the man tried to fight back forcing him to shoot woo then approached and used the knife to destroy the tower that the sorcerer had built after the tower collapsed surprisingly wo Mayan held a golden skull in his hand the evil energy from the sorcerer suddenly flew into lai's body causing him to lose Consciousness he hazily saw a plane coming to pick them up and later saw
the fat guy carrying him out of the cave in his dream laai saw something about him being sealed in the past when he woke woke up he found himself in a hospital bed seeing a knife nearby he grabbed it while walking around he discovered someone nearby and approached with the knife but it was just the fat guy looking for something he wanted laai to calm down and revealed that he had been unconscious for 3 days when laai tried to open the door the fat guy mentioned he had been trying to open it for 3 days
without success suddenly someone opened the door so both of them hid and laai attacked the person entering however this girl managed to take his knife and counterattacked when laai grabbed a curtain to block her vision she cut it in half commenting that for a special forces Soldier like laai he couldn't even hold a knife properly a man approached and asked the girl named byou not to be so agitated and to return the sword this man was W Ming when Ming explained they were being held for health checks since there were no issues the fat guy
wanted to leave but Bao stated that the M Dio Bureau wasn't a place they could come and go as they pleased when Ming asked them to follow him as the bureau chief was waiting on the way when Ming explained that the mindo bureau was responsible for handling cases that Ordinary People couldn't solve such as their recent incident at the lake when Ming then took them to a villa on the mountain upon entering he immediately LED them to the bureau chief room the fat guy thought the bureau chief must be impressive to have his own chef
but when Ming corrected him explaining that this was gaang their bureau chief the chief invited both of them to eat and informed them that they would become investigation officers of the M Dio Bureau when Ming wanted the chief to assign them to his Department one as Department 2 had always taken the good staff but the chief questioned why he was rushing when they hadn't even signed contracts yet the fat guy refused saying he had no talent for this work and laai felt he was better suited for military service the chief didn't want to force them
saying the job needed mutual agreement but they couldn't return to their original units as they had already signed military transfer papers although they hadn't personally signed these papers the fat guy told blai that the chief had blocked their Retreat from the beginning with no other options except becoming police officers or security guards they might as well take this job when the fat guy asked about the job's difficulty the chief mentioned that while challenging the benefits were 10 times better than their previous jobs hearing this both accepted when Ming then LED them to his Department according
to the contract this would be a lifetime job with no end date he then took them below the Villa to a massive base and their workplace upon entering the they met pu Jun who was fixing a toilet and known for breaking things in the room when when Ming asked about the others he learned they had all been Borrowed by Department 2 when Ming was angry that the other department head had taken his people without permission shortly after Bao came to tell when Ming to get the new staff their equipment before closing time she led them
to meet her department head Mr U who gave them each a bracelet these bracelets served as access pack passes to the bureau communication devices and locators more importantly they could sense the wearer's life status allowing the bureau to know if they were in trouble Bao then brought equipment for both of them which included a gun and a baton they would have a 3-month probation period before taking the assessment to become official employees she would be the supervisor for both of them meanwhile the bureau chief had met with Wu Mayan again he had kept laws eye
for him when wuan asked why he also kept the fat guy the chief said he had his own eye for talent he mentioned that laai had absorbed the old Wizard's power so there might be issues in the future but Wu Mayan was confident he could handle any problems that might arise Wu Mayan brought back images of two totems he found for the bureau chief these totems were quite similar and belonged to two kingdoms that had disappeared in a desert at this time Bao had taken the fat guy and laai to the library and asked them
to read as many books as possible because there would be a test the fat guy wanted laai to read for him and let him copy during the test but laai hadn't even finished school before joining the Army so he might not understand any of it Bao advised both to read extensively as it would help them adapt faster to their work here there were a total of six investigation departments here their Department one was for General investigation and used to be the largest until a Traer appeared and caused Department 1's authority to decline now department 2
was the core of the bureau only department heads were allowed to know about the trader incident Department 3 worked overseas year round so they were rarely at the bureau Department 4 specialized in survey work her Department 5 was responsible for gathering information and providing equipment Department 6 handled tasks that department 5 couldn't do but she specifically warned them not to offend the head of Department 6 she then LED them inside where they saw a group of people passing by this group was from Department 2 and the person in the middle was Department 2 head named
K bilow director K and when Ming wondered why the other party was here Bou explained that for this case the bureau chief wanted departments one and two to work together but both department heads disliked working with each other director K thought it was normal for him to arbitrarily borrow people from W Ming since Department 1 hadn't solved many cases in the past year with the previous betrayal incident Department 1 had lost even more influence director KIU also advised when Ming to resign soon Department 2 was now rising to the top of the bureau due to
their higher case solving rate and people were saying that if the bureau chief retired director KIU would take over the fat guy wanted to skip this case but when Ming made him go to avoid rumors that he couldn't control his staff as a boss when departing the bureau chief informed that their mission this time was to investigate an ancient ruin Under the Desert previous investigation showed this ruin was related to a legendary ancient country a 5ers archaeological team had entered the ruin but never returned a rescue team had also gone in but hadn't come out
yet so their mindo Bureau was deployed to handle it since their priority mission was to rescue the people trapped under the ruin they needed to act quickly before those below ran out of supplies when Ming warned director K beforehand not to think about ordering his people around laai and the fat guy asked puan about why the two department heads hated each other but he was too afraid of heights to answer shortly after they arrived D at the location after landing director Q had people line up neatly to move when meeting the person in charge there
director KIU requested them to keep people away to avoid interference when Ming true to his name went forward to shake hands and greet Wu Mayan was also nearby observing the situation after examining the information left by the archaological team they had a general understanding of the ruin structure director KIU then wanted wanted BYO to control people up here and not let anyone go down to interfere with him if by tomorrow morning he hadn't LED people back when Ming would command the remaining people when Ming then also called byou to arrange signal coverage so director Q
wouldn't be buried down there that night the fat guy wondered to laai why there was still no news from Department 2's people laai believed that the department head wasn't someone without capability so it coward like him shouldn't worry too much the fat guy mentioned that they had both been through life and death situations before however he wondered if they would really have to live like this from now on but thinking too much was pointless so both went to sleep early at midnight laai suddenly saw a herd of goats passing by nearby he followed one goat
and the fat guy discovering lai's midnight departure grabbed his coat and followed Bou also noticed both leaving their tents the fat guy caught up to laai and asked what he was doing out here at midnight when laai mentioned the goat the fat guy didn't believe him since there shouldn't be goats in the desert laai then couldn't see the goat anymore and thought maybe he was seeing things as they were about to leave they suddenly fell through quicksand laai tried to grab protruding rocks but they crumbled causing him to fall below laai luckily dodged a fall
Falling Rock and discovered a goat skeleton nearby he then ran to the fat guy to wake him up when calling didn't work laai slapped him hard to wake him the fat guy asked if laai could climb up but laai was helpless as the place was too weathered and the Rocks were too loose to bear weight the fat guy tried to call for help but there was no signal so they had to give up laai Suddenly saw a creature standing on the fat guy's head and pointed his gun at it asking him to stay still the
fat guy couldn't see this creature so asked Lazi not to shoot but the creature lunged forward climbed onto laai and bit his hand it then took the gun and pointed it at both of them laai signaled and hid with a fat guy behind a rock but the creature didn't know how to use the gun suddenly a stick flew down causing it to drop the gun the gun fired a few shots while the creature escaped through a nearby small tunnel Bou then appeared and said she had been assigned to watch over them she wanted to see
where this small tunnel LED so she crawled in to check while crawling Bou realized the stone pillars here weren't normal she recognized them as dowy that a king had offered to this country but the king of this country worshiped an evil religion and caused a taboo that led to Divine punishment burying the entire country in sand this must be the location of that country Bao then created a 3D model to observe but the fat guy wanted them to find a way out first laai wanteded him not to rush as when Ming would surely send people
to find them suddenly Bao discovered something and told the fat guy not to touch anything but he had already activated a button on a pillar the ceiling began to shake and was about to collapse forcing laai to rush and push both of them away the next morning when when Ming came to the tent looking for laai both were gone Bou was also missing so when Ming had to have people investigate the surroundings meanwhile lai's group was still safe under the ruins but baou didn't understand why the bureau chief let both participate in this case when
neither had reached the level of a regular investigator she called them troublemakers with a very annoyed attitude however laai then realized if they stayed here waiting they would run out of oxygen to breathe so he asked the fat guy to help move these Stone pillars although he was still afraid of meddling again they would die if they didn't act so both pushed a stone pillar away revealing a pole cord underneath lazzi took a risk and pulled it opening a passage in the floor laai then noticed this place was about to collapse so he told both
to jump down first while he held the cord to keep the door open he waited for both to go first before jumping down the slide himself laai saw the creature from last night but it disappeared when they exited the slide the three Then followed a path that led straight to what appeared to be the king's tomb after looking around Bou asked laai and the fat guy to pry open that coffin they tried but couldn't so Bou came to check and saw this coffin was made of bronze people of that time believed that if buried in
a bronze coffin the soul couldn't transcend so it seemed this King was framed by someone and trapped here she then suggested they needed specialized tools to open the coffin but laai took out his knife wanting to try prying it open with it Bou wasn't very confident but still let him try and lassai actually managed to pry the coffin lid open they discovered inside was a wrapped corpse and when Bao looked at it she realized this wasn't the king because the facial features didn't match those of people from this buried country the fat guy then fumbled
around in the coffin and suddenly fell straight down through a hole when both asked him about it he said it was quite dark down there and there were some paintings Bou also decided to go down to check while that creature continued observing the group's movements when Ming was very worried at this point so he called by's Section 5 Chief to report that there was still no news from director K and lassai group of three had gone missing Wu Mayan sitting nearby overheard this and when the section five Chief said he would report to the bureau
chief Wu Mayan begin to take action meanwhile lai's group had actually reached the king's tomb the paintings there told a story the king of this country had a daughter whom he deeply cherished the princess fell in love with a young man from a neighboring country so the king reluctantly married her off however not long after the princess died at the hand of her husband's family who then LED an army to attack her home country the king had to use forbidden magic to create a black tornado and perish together with his enemies so it seemed this
coffin belonged to the king while the coffin above was for the person who killed the princess the king hating that person buried them in a bronze coffin they then noticed that the king in the paintings always had a blue face except in the painting where he was holding a lamp and bowing where there was no blue color the king's blue color must have been caused by the evil religion he believed in suddenly they discovered a lamp appearing on the king's coffin that wasn't there before and in the recent painting the lamp in the king's hand
had disappeared as laai was about to act he suddenly fainted he then discovered the lamp releasing blue smoke and that smoke suddenly transformed into the king he wanted revenge for his daughter laai and the f guy fired their guns but it had no effect so Bao rushed forward and used his baton to strike him away just when they thought it was over the king suddenly stabbed byou the king then slashed at the Fat Guy's neck and continued fighting with laai laai held his knife and dodged the king's attacks to circle behind and attack him but
all his strikes were useless meanwhile baou and the fat guy were safe Wu Mayan had found them and informed them that laai was experiencing highlevel hallucinations he had been unconscious for nearly an hour and BYU then told the fat guy that wuan was actually section six chief he informed them that although laai was experiencing hallucinations all injuries received were real wuan then decided to enter the hallucination himself to help laai he walked into the hallucination and appeared before laai throwing the king aside and telling la to quickly extinguish the candle when the king flew around
to attack wuman he was caught by him laai then knocked away the lamp and woke up laai later met with the fat guy and learned about Chief wo the chief criticized lai's poor skills while laai remembered a way they could escape from there meanwhile pujan had informed the bureau chief that when Ming had also gone down to the Relic and they had temporarily obtained a map of the Underground Relic from signals that Bou had fortunately sent back the bureau chief ordered pujan to have people cordon off the area based on the map and begin excavation
shortly after someone came to inform pu Jan about receiving signals that might be from Wen Ming and the signal location was in the Central Area laai then told the group about the hidden passage he saw when the king turned to smoke and escaped they later opened a hidden door but inside was another formation Bao suspected that the earlier hallucination deliberately revealed information to laai to lure everyone into this second formation wuan revealed this was the nine deaths One Life formation where among all paths only one led to survival while the other nine led to death
and looking at it there seemed to be no pattern so perhaps even the person who set up the formation didn't know which was the correct path wuan said they had no way to solve the formation so he told the fat guy to just choose a path randomly the fat guy hesitated to choose so wuan still insisted he pick one so he chose the middle path to go as they walked a distance the path behind them started crumbling the fat guy got scared and said if they died don't blame him but blame Wu Mayan for making
him choose that path but the path they were on remained safe and nothing happened after a while their path sudden suddenly crumbled as well causing them all to fall down however they ended up falling into a forest and everyone was safe woo Mayan was also amazed that someone could create a three- layer hallucination like this they then discovered director q and when Ming were underwater so they swam down to rescue them but when they pulled them up the fat guy got tangled in some algae underwater and was pulled back down laai swam down to cut
the algae and rescue the fat guy when they got back to shore they were able to revive when Ming the fat guy asked how the two ended up there and when Ming said he went to look for the three of them and unexpectedly came across director Q in the water so he went to save him but got tangled in the algae and pulled down suddenly director KIU woke up and came at w Ming with a sword the fat guy thought director KIU wanted to settle the score with when Ming there so laai went to block
his attack but was knocked back he suspected director Q was affected by the hallucination the two then had to restrain director K while wuan just threw something into the water the water then burst into intense flames and he said the water was the agent causing the hallucination here director Q snapped out of it woo Mayan said the lamp in the Tomb came from this water suddenly the creature that had attacked laai appeared in the tree branches the group shot at it but it moved too fast so wuan threw fire to knock it away he then
let it come at him and Unleashed a dragon fire to defeat it the group then escaped the hallucination the fat guy thought Wu Mayan should have intervened earlier but wuman said if they let the fat guy do everything what would they do with their salaries they later found the missing people and it seemed they were in a death feain state from having their Kai channels blocked PU had also dug away down so they took the injured people out first the fat guy noticed some valuables and wanted to take a few and he found a necklace
and asked if it was lai's but laai just thought it was someone else's so he would return it Wu Mayan recognized the symbol on the necklace as familiar the team then headed back after completing the rescue mission the fat guy accidentally discovered some jade stones in his clothes when Ming decided to divide them evenly and Wu Mayan also took one telling laai to come see him at a certain address after this case and not tell anyone else Bou then came in and demanded to know what they were hiding and forced them to hand it over
not long after back at the office when Ming invited the fat guy and laai for drinks after completing the mission as they had made significant contributions to help boost the reputation of section one the section 5 Chief also came came to drink with them saying they should drink by the bottle not cups when Ming quickly downed a whole bottle and started getting drunk saying the two new employees were the real stars so he gave a bottle to the fat guy who also drank it all and passed out from low alcohol tolerance laai tried to leave
but was held back and forced to drink the next morning laai realized he had training so he woke up the fat guy but found him unexpectedly turned blue liai had to take him to the medical department but on the way they ran into Bao she examined the situation and took the fat guy to her Section Chief who said it was likely from drinking the water in the Tomb and they just need to do an MRI to remove the discoloration while they were there the chief also checked laai but told him there was nothing wrong and
let him go a spy of director Q's had reported lai's condition to the chief making him wonder how gyang could let this thing be in the organization at this time the fat guy has returned to normal now he doubts that laai has an acquaintance with wuan because laai has encountered accidents twice and wuan has come to rescue him not to mention that the old taist priests said earlier that lai's knife also belonged to wuman laai did not believe it much but suddenly both of them were arrested by director K's people during this time the head
of Department 5 had gone to meet the director and Wu Mayan to report the research results and warn that laai would soon be eroded by the old toist priest's dark magic Bao suddenly came to report that director KIU had captured laai and the fat guy and was now fighting with W Ming when Ming came to demand the release of the people but director Q believed that laai had the potential to become a rebel like the one when Ming had recruited before however the director personally came here and asked director Q to release the people as
he knew well what was inside laai so he had the head of Department 5 closely monitor lai's condition but director K still believed that they had not seen the coffin and shed tears so the situation would happen again as before however the director dared to ensure that if anything happened he would take responsibility himself but director k had a condition that he would be the supervisor for the entry test into the organization in 2 months Bao decided that from now on she must train both of them carefully if they do not want to be under
director K's sword in the morning they started by jogging then training chemical synthesis then gun shooting wrestling martial arts and many other things they had to train from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. every day and then they could rest a month passed and one day baou took both of them to go shopping she noticed that the fat guy was best to lose weight because he had been training hard for a whole month but still didn't lose any fat as for laai he was carrying a bunch of things that Bou bought she then reminded both of
them to try their best for the exam next month because director K would certainly not let them be at ease if they failed they would have to leave here but if laai left the organization the thing in IDE him would erode him to death so he was forced to try his best to stay in the organization a month later the exam was held director K said that their mission was to capture a person who was said to have eaten the poultry of the village in recent times and he was currently hiding in this house they
had 30 minutes to bring the person back alive it sounded easy but they still needed to be careful after the two of them entered the house they smelled a pungent stench after checking the house and finding no one they heard a sound behind the house so they ran out to see the target eating raw chicken laai realized he was possessed so he quickly ran away the two chased after him and he kicked the roof tile down to make the fat guy fall behind and find another way to go laai kept chasing and threw a stick
to make him fall but he pushed laai back and ran away but laai still caught his leg and when he tried to run run the fat guy jumped down from the roof and pinned him down the mission was completed and the fat guy was taken away but laai was called to stay behind to clean up thinking it was just cleaning up the scene but director K said that laai was the one who needed to be cleaned up the reason he brought him here was to easily hide the body but when Ming and baou came to
rescue laai and the director also received a message from the director requiring him to release the person a few days later lassai group set out for a city to carry out a mission as soon as they landed in the city the whole group met a policeman named Yong Zia who helped them with the transportation work as for director q and Wen Ming they were now allowed to go on a trip to erase their grudges the two were exiled to an island for a week as punishment and Bou also gave laai a drug to suppress the
thing inside him the fat guy also asked yangong Zio about the mission they needed to do now they needed to investigate the mysterious phenomenon of people suddenly falling into a vegetative state while walking on the street and being sent to the hospital initially they thought this was just a simple case but then similar incidents kept occurring every few days so they had to pay attention to this case laai suddenly felt hot in his body so they suspected it was a side effect of the medicine and took him to the hospital for examin ation when they
arrived y Zio informed them that unconscious patients were all taken to the hospital basement to avoid excessive media attention there both of them met director lamb who was from room four and had arrived before them but also encountered troubles so all three were needed for support according to director lamb all victims had the same mark on their bodies Yong Zio would later arrange accommodation for lai's group so they could begin investig ation in the following days that night while laai was discussing with fat guy about whether this medicine really worked laai received news that director
lamb had an incident they later rushed to the hospital and met byou who informed them that director lamb was found unconscious on a chair and was hospitalized they met Yong Z who was bringing food to his wife according to the nurse Yong Z's wife had an accident a year ago their child died and his wife was paralyzed from the waist down his wife had attempted Su multiple times but was prevented by Yang Z only to remain in a coma all this time y Zio had also incurred a large debt from caring for his wife lai's
group then went to director Lamb's place and encountered wuan who was already there he informed them that director lamb had been possessed by an energy force similar to the one inside laai but he had easily removed it and asked them to find something to contain this energy fat guy found a water pot and asked wuan if he could extract the thing inside laai but he couldn't handle this case that night laai woke up Suddenly from a nightmare wuan had extracted his Consciousness to create an avatar so his body could rest while his mind could still
work he took LA's eye Into Fat Guy's Consciousness to see when they entered it was a magnificent scenic spot but going deeper he discovered fat guy winning against all versions of himself in different types of chess games Wan brought laai out and separated Fat Guy's Consciousness too he admitted the bureau chief was right that fat guy wasn't ordinary Wu Mayan asked fat guy to release that energy force which wuan then grabbed and squeezed it split into two and flew in different directions wuan wanted both of them to search one path while he would handle the
other they later chased the black shadow to the hospital's equipment room it hid inside so laai went in while fat guy guarded the door suddenly the door closed and the shadow attacked laai fat guy pushed the door open and came in then laai told him to call wuan using the red string Wu Mayan had given them however the shadow knocked the string into a water tank forcing fat guy to run to retrieve it while la laai was controlled by the shadow it wanted to take the old Wizard's power inside laai since he was trying to
escape from it anyway he might as well let it have it but Wu Mayan then arrived and began dealing with this Shadow he knocked the shadow away only to realize it was just a puppet fat guy was startled because laai had died but since this was just an avatar there was no need to worry laai in bed later woke up and knew that the shadow was just a puppet so the controller must be nearby meanwhile on a rooftop several suspicious figures appeared and called the puppet controller master and this master turned out to be none
other than yangong Zio during this time laai reviewed the marks on the victim's bodies and found them familiar suddenly they discovered insects crawling out from the marks these were poisonous insects and if they carelessly removed them they would die and release toxins into the victim's bodies what laai wanted to say was that this Mark was similar to the symbol on a ring that wuan had taken from the tomb last time meanwhile the people who came to find y z were there to request his return to them as he had been wandering for too long but
Yang Z needed more time these three believed Yang Z was still attached to his dying wife but he believed there was still a way to bring her back the leader Lun said he would let Yong Zio do as as he pleased but first needed to hand over the location of this City's sacred artifact however he didn't know where the sacred artifact was because this city had changed greatly over the past 100 years but Luan claimed he wasn't easily fooled and would try to find it to show Yong Zio Yong Zio then went to find lakai's
group Bou had given him the investigation files so he asked laai to come to the station with him to handle some procedures as soon as they left the hospital Lu Yan pursued them by car from behind meanwhile baou and fat guy decided to sneak into yangong Z's wife's room to see if she could be treated with the bureau's technology however fat guy then discovered some green jade pieces under the bed these were the ones he had picked up from the buried Kingdom Yang Zio must have been there and since laai saw the symbol on the
victim's bodies matching the one on the necklace from that Kingdom everything must be connected baou then called the director to inquire and he cross-referenced information to discover Yang Zio was the leader of an evil cult however they couldn't make any sudden moves for now yet when hearing that laai had gone with Yang Zio the director became worried because the bureau chief had already handled all the procedures so there was no need for anything else fat guy then called laai who heard the news but didn't rush to act only asking Yong Zio to take him back
to the hospital but yangong Zio knew the truth and told laai to stop pretending he then threw laai out and revealed he was one of the group laai had rescued from the tomb before laai asked what he needed the old Wizard's resentful energy for and Yong Zio revealed he needed it to save his wife though he would only know if it worked by trying laai was then knocked down and was about to have his negative energy extracted when Wan texted laai to steal a car and Escape he was later blocked by Yang Zio so he
drove into a cliff wall to cause rocks to fall and Crush Yang Z while he escaped he called fat guy and reported the location Wan had sent him which coincidentally was where director lamb said he had been attacked so both sides decided to meet at that location fat guys group took a taxi to the meeting point but the driver advised them against going there as it was an unlucky Place 20 years ago a construction accident had killed three workers there and after the building was completed accidents kept happening to Residence so it had been abandoned
for many years laai had arrived and was about to enter when he suddenly heard someone following so he drew his gun but it was fat guy and baou both had been kicked out by the taxi driver upon arrival meanwhile Yong Zio had escaped from the rubble and met met Lu Yan again who said he had found the sacred artifacts location and would no longer bother young Zio but upon leaving he sent people to the hospital lassai group had entered the Unlucky highrise as soon as laai stepped into the elevator he saw crying visions of people
who had died from elevator Falls the group then went upstairs to investigate while climbing the stairs Bao suddenly heard something so the group went up together upon on rushing up the entire floor was empty but suddenly crazed figures emerged from the darkness not knowing if they were human or ghost they had to run but running upstairs they were blocked by others they soon surrounded all three so baou attacked first when they realized these were puppets fat guy and laai Drew their guns and shot but as soon as they dealt with them they returned to normal
suddenly Wu Mayan flew up and used magic to eliminate all the puppets he told them to go to the basement not upstairs once in the basement there was a jade piece and woo Mayan asked all three to help him clean around it at this time Yong Zio was very angry because Lu Yun had used his wife as a hostage to force him to take the sacred object from Wu Mayan and everyone knew about Wu Mayan's power Yang Zio then returned home for a visit to reminisce about memories with his wife Luan later called to announce
that if he didn't have the sacred object by tomorrow evening Yang Z would never see his wife again the next morning lai's group went to Yang Z's wife's hospital room but they were one step too late Wu Mayan had given the bag to laai and informed them that the sacred object was inside and yangong Zio had learned about this so he waited outside the hospital to follow laai after baou left first Yong Zio immediately approached and rammed into leai to steal the bag Yong Z managed to escape and even shook off laai but he was
caught by wuan Yong Z believed this thing originally belonged to him so he was just taking it back but wuan also wanted to reclaim what belonged to him y z knew he was referring to the half pill that the old sorcerer had stolen from Wan Yong Zio didn't keep that half the old man had just used Yong Zio as a shield when Yong Zio wanted to leave he was blocked by laai and the fat guy but Yong Zio still maintained that the case of people continuously falling into Comas in this city had nothing to do
with him he then injected a needle into his arm to draw blood and teleported away wuan let Yong Zio go because that spell cost half of one's vital energy it seemed yangong Z wasn't The Mastermind in this case there was someone else Yang Z then went to l L Yan's place to demand his wife back but Lu Yun wanted Yong Zio to hand over the item first if he wouldn't hand it over neither would Luan because he knew Yong Zio was the one under time pressure after Yong Zio handed over the sacred object Luan betrayed
him and ordered his men to deal with Yong Zio he tried to resist but trading half his vital energy to escape earlier had come at a great cost Yong Zio went to his wife's location but Lu Yan approached and struck him with a blow revealing that his wife had died when he brought her there while Yong Zio was devastated by his wife's death Lu Yan further revealed that his wife's accident was also his doing which enraged Yang Zio to fight back he claimed that a sect leader like Yong Zio abandoned his sect for a woman
so he had to eliminate what made Yong Zio weak y z was pinned to the ground and was about to join his wife in the other world when lai's group and Wu Mayan arrived Wu Mayan wanted both staff members to handle Lu Yan's subordinates while he checked on Yong Z's wife's condition Yong Zio wanted wuan to stay away from his wife but Wu Mayan suggested Yong Z should worry about himself first wuan then took out y Z's wife's soul and let her flow along the river y z admitted he had made a mistake in accepting
Lu Yan into the sect but Luan un claimed yangong Z's mistake was leaving the sect to follow a woman both had been seriously wounded by each other so yangong Zio threw needles to make the iron container on the ceiling fall when on the ground Yong Zio was about to finish off Luan but lai's group stopped him because if Lu Yan died the people in the hospital would die too yangong Zio didn't care but Lu Yun still gloated that if there were people Paving his way his death would be worth it by IU called to report
that people in the hospital had started to act like zombies so wuan told them both to return while he would handle things here Lexi's group returned to baou to prevent the people inside from escaping the hospital meanwhile Wu Mayan gave Luan a beating and then put a centipede in his mouth saying he didn't like conditions and wasn't patient either Luan would remove the poison worms or he would make him suffer worse than death while lai's group was Str struggling with the patience suddenly the poison worms were removed but Bou still wanted them to capture and
deal with all the poison worms before they escaped outside although the poison worms were eliminated Wu Mayan didn't immediately let Lu Yan go but would take him back to the Bureau for investigation he then asked Yong Zio what he planned to do now since he still had a way to help yangong Z meet his wife again but before he could ask wuan knocked him unconscious when he woke up Yong Z was in the hospital and received a letter that Wu Mayan had left for him after reading it Yong Zio was shocked and then heard a
child's voice this child was The Reincarnation of Yong Z's wife so now he could start over with her but it would be after almost 20 years the next day lass's group returned to headquarters and the fat guy asked baou about whether they get vacation time from work she explained that after each Mission they are given a certain number of days off based on the difficulty level of the completed Mission the highest is z-l missions after which they can take as many days off as they want they had completed two b-level missions so they would get
six days off they then surprisingly heard news that a new employee had been recruited to Wu Mayan's room 6 the fat guy was surprised because Wu Mayan had never recruited anyone before he went to check and was shocked to find that the employee was Yang Zio he would now be their colleague and laai pulled the fat guy away saying they couldn't understand woo Mayan's wishes meanwhile at a Mountain Temple monks were hurriedly preparing the temple for a wedding the Abbott believed that if foreign priests could do this Buddhist monks certainly could too the Abbott demanded
his disciples fix everything according to his wishes suddenly a disciple burst into flames after touching a broken incense stick so he quickly threw him into a water vat to extinguish the fire he then discovered someone outside the Temple Gates he recognized this person so that night he called the bureau chief to report that someone they thought was dead was actually still alive the next morning laai went to visit his old comrade's grave and met Captain Wang there he wanted laai to never forget his duties as a soldier right after Captain Wong left Bao suddenly came
to find laai and asked him to stop his vacation for an urgent Mission the fat guy was now driving Yang Zio to do the mission together they both picked up laai and baou and together went to the Mountain Temple laai saw the temple had become a wedding venue and knew the old Abbot was up to something he not only knew this place but had lived there since childhood Bao then knocked on the door to call someone to open it and this person accidentally recognized IED that laai had returned meanwhile the person the bureau chief was
worried about was now at the base and began investigating lassai group he knew the whole group had gone to the temple and knew the bureau chief had indeed acted very quickly he then went to the experimental samples he created to activate them he wanted to see how gaang would continue being bureau chief when each staff member was lost he had waited a long time for this moment and was determined to carry it out the monk then told laai that the Abbott regretted losing a talent like him laai thought he regretted not torturing him for a
few more days they then met the Abbot who was very happy that laai had returned he had been intentionally strict years ago hoping laai would one day join the M Dio Bureau to work but now laai didn't want to accept him as his teacher making him feel laai was still the same as before he then invited the others to stay overnight but the bureau Chiefs said they were here to take the Abbot away because it wasn't safe here anymore however the Abbott felt he didn't want to trouble the Mind Dio Bureau so he would still
choose to stay meanwhile M Dio Bureau staff were suddenly attacked by a group of monsters room five's head discovered staff were dying one by one and reported to the bureau chief asking him to come quickly the bureau chief discovered their system had been hacked exposing all staff director Q called but he ignored it and issued a warning requiring all staff to discard their identity bracelets lai's group had just discarded their bracelets when they discovered the Mountain Temple was under attack so laai wanted to go back to check but they were attacked by a monster charging
from the front the fat guy reversed the car to avoid the attack but after backing up for a while another monster appeared behind them so he steered to turn the car far around and charged forward the group was then chased by a horde of monsters they kept pouring down from the mountain and even broke rocks to block the group's path even though laai had drawn his gun to shoot back they were still too numerous forcing him to give up Suddenly a monster jumped down from the mountain and crushed the engine at the front of the
car leaving the group now surrounded the red eye in front appeared to be the leader of this pack it then let its minions charge forward to attack lai's group the group was forced to exit the car to fight while the red-eyed creature jumped straight up the mountain while lai's group was struggling to deal with the monsters yangong Zio was distressed because the phone containing his wife's photos was damaged he then summoned a needle and controlled it to eliminate all the surrounding minions afterward he destroyed the car and created dozens of other needles to launch everywhere
to clear out the monsters yangong Zio originally didn't want to help but now it had become a personal Vendetta so he took action he wanted the group to quickly head up the mountain to deal with the red-eyed creature while he would handle these monsters baou believed yangong Zio would be fine so he told laai to quickly get moving on their way the group noticed that the city was also under attack the bureau chief called W Ming director K and department head Lynn to help mobilize their subordinates to rescue people in the city department head no
five thought that the traitor could be among them and the enemy must want the bureau chief to divide his staff to make them easier to deal with but if he didn't help save people now then who would director q and when Ming both wanted each other to be careful and not die so they could still have someone to argue with later it could be said that although they openly despise each other in dangerous moments both were very concerned for their rival meanwhile L's group had returned to the temple and split up to search for the
Abbott they later discovered the monk laai knew was unconscious over there but couldn't get close due to the debris Bou had found the Abbot who was being attacked and thrown away by that monster laai had quickly rushed over to stop the monster and asked the fat guy and by Lou to take the Abbott to safety once stable the fat guy immediately returned to support laai the Abbot also wanted baou to help the other two because he had once abandoned his teammates for the mission which led to the current situation the monster then charged at the
fat guy forcing laai to step in to block the attack and push it back he knocked off its glasses causing it to lose direction and get caught in a headlock by baou the fat guy shot it so baou could get away and help laai rush in to behead it but when they went out outside they discovered the Abbot had disappeared he had been captured by The Mastermind up there who also released a pack of monsters to attack them baou recognized that person as Sanda who used to be a colleague of the bureau chief and the
Abbott but he was supposed to have died long ago he believed that he had been betrayed by the bureau chief and the Abbott back then but fortunately didn't die so now he had the chance to return for Revenge the Abbott advised sand to let go of his hatred but he had come this far and couldn't just give up he felt that he had been abandoned by both of them that year only to become a creature that he himself despised the pain of being burned had followed him for these 30 years Sanda then noticed laai and
revealed a secret to him that he would die sooner or later but what's more frightening is that he wouldn't die but would become something neither human nor ghost like himself the reason gaang kep him and let him join the mindo bureau was because he was a dangerous element that needed to be eliminated he kept him to exploit his labor so that if he died there would be no loss but trust him that one day the mindo bureau would turn against him just as they're turning against him now so he might as well follow him and
he would teach him how to use the power within him as laai began to hesitate the Abbott rushed to grab Sanda but he knocked the Abbot down and started creating a fire Bridge surrounding L's group to gradually drain their oxygen he knew the Abbott wasn't afraid of death but feared involving others so now he just needed the Abbott to reveal where the map he needed was because it wasn't by chance that the Abbot built the temple right on the mountain where the map was found he could wait for the Abbott to speak up but he
feared lassai group couldn't the Abbot finally compromised so sandoff spared lai's group he led sand to the Buddha statue and the Abbot had to use his face to unlock and reveal a tunnel beneath the temple Sanda promised that after finishing his business he would send gaang down with the Abbot laai then tried to follow despite the Abbott's attempts to stop him meanwhile mind Dio bureau's people had started fighting back against the monster horde but Department headlin unexpectedly discovered director K in a small alley with a Blood Stained sword back at the temple as Bao tried
to run to help the Abbot Yong Zio arrived he asked where laai was and was told he had gone down below and that lai's condition might not last long laai had now confronted Senda who revealed that the map was originally his but was stolen by gaang he was simply reclaiming what belonged to him he also offered laai a chance to join his side and utilize the power within him but la I refused to follow a murderous arsonist seeing that he was thoughtless the old man decided to try stealing the power within him but Yong Zio
arrived just in time to help he noticed that Yong Zio seemed to have also been brought to mindo Bureau by gyang but yangong Zio clarified that he joined voluntarily Sanda didn't care and attacked yangong XO anyway when Yang Zio launched his needles they were all burned up sand landed at hit on yangong Zio but he used puppets to dodge he then sent multiple clones to attack Sanda who destroyed them all and even blocked y Z's sneak attack from behind but seeing the fat guy running away with the map he targeted him forcing Yang Zio to
block the attack unexpectedly laai rushed in only to be burned by sandai and the dark power of the old sorcerer within lotai suddenly awakened the old man suggested that he should accept this power rather than reject it laai lost control and frantically attacked Sanda sand asked laai how it felt to become a monster like him but laai had lost his rationality to respond s could only focus on laai while continuously dodging and blocking his attacks but laai used his knife to launch an attack that blew sand off the mountain and straight into the river laai
then turned to attack the fat guy yangong Zio stepped in to block but was thrown aside just as laai slashed at the map he surprisingly unlocked some power that allowed him to regain his rationality and realize what he had done the department heads were now overwhelmed by the numerous monsters showing no signs of decreasing unexpectedly Wu Mayan created a formation covering the entire city and eliminated all the monsters but sandas suddenly Rose from the lake with a giant body emanating extreme heat his Flames burned everything nearby but when the Flames reached Wen Ming's group laai
rushed in to block the flames and charged forward he swept past wuman and headed straight for S laai tried to get close to punch Sanda but was knocked Far Away by his punch laai then created many water tornadoes to submerge Sanda but the Abbott knew that wasn't enough Sanda reached out to grab eye and told him his flames never extinguish and he seemed intrigued by the power within him he began absorbing the power from laai which was exactly what Wu Mayan wanted as soon as sand started absorbing Wu Mayan rushed in to grab Sand's head
and pulled him out of that giant body he revealed that he could have dealt with sand long ago but deliberately waited to use him to extract all the evil Kai from laai the old man still tried to attack w wuan with that giant body but wuan blocked it with just one hand and gave sand a Bullet to the Head laai then fell into the water and in his mind wuan told laai to choose one side of a coin and gave him a choice many days later laai suddenly left mindo Bureau while the bureau chief and
the Abbott wanted laai to walk his own path they later decided to have a drink together after many years apart as for laza he now possessed new power his hair had turned white and both his eyes glowed the film will continue in the future so we'll wait to see how powerful loy's new abilities will be for now goodbye
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