hey Jason Flavin here I got a video I just found in the archives I spoke at this event in Frankfurt had 3,000 some people on it got the standing ovation at the end so I think I did pretty good this is all about offers making offers so incredible only dumb people don't buy them and I break down my definition of an offer I break down technique after technique I stack them on top of each other if you are making any sort of offer this is gold this is the stuff that people pay me tremendous amount
of money to fly in front of audience and speak to this is what people will pay me tons of money to sit at the foot of you get this for free on YouTube put this to use I put my heart and soul into everything I do to help as many people be successful as possible and it starts with the offer a great offer makes up for everything else a terrible offer you have no hope you could do everything else right and you'll still lose so check this out drop your comment tell me what's most impactful
to you tell me if you like this if you want me to come speak at an event hey I'm open to have that conversation peace who was here in stugart 2019 anybody okay make some noise I can't see you okay that's pretty pathetic you're not representing well that's the first time and the only time until now that I was in Germany so I flew about 11 hours to be back here so I expect you to treat me kindly can you do that for me all right good you do that I will take you with me
as my traveling audience from here on out that's my offer no my offer is to show you how to make better offers today and I got about 30 minutes so we're going to go pretty fast and I speak in English broken English even though it's my only language so try to keep up here we go 9.8 million in 8 days this is what I did in 2015 we were an affiliate meaning we weren't selling our own product we were selling somebody else's product and this taught me more about marketing than any other experience that I'd
ever had previous and to this very day hundreds of millions of dollars later I still use some of these secrets now I'm going to give you some teaser up front we sold 1,700 units of this product is about $5,000 but 200 people bought this product again even though it was a digital product it's not like buying two cars it's like buying one car twice how did I do that you're going to discover that by the end of this presentation we had other Affiliates trying to outsell us they lost by $8 million that was second place
by the way not bad um we got a lot of affiliate so to promote us as an affiliate versus promote the offer itself how did we do that well you're going to discover that as well this was the fifth time we had won this contest of this product that launched every six months like clockwork we were number oneon-one we were number one on two three four and five by the time we got to six they didn't even allow us to compete we got took off the leaderboard they said you're too good we'll retire you we'll
give you the cash prize we'll give you the accolades and we said cool and we promoted it anyway and we still made millions and millions of dollars all from the secrets that I'm going to attempt to teach you today as the last speaker of the day so all of you are already brained dead as it is but I'm going to try to get in there and jam something in your brain you up for [Music] it woo let's go baby you might be thinking well Jason that's only for affiliate offers though that can only work under
that one very specific narrow window of un opportunity right not exactly last year we messed around we screwed up and we did $57 million in 6 months 226 Days of our own product we had other people promoting us I spent $ Zer doar in advertising so we got other Affiliates to promote this product because I go both sides I understand both very well and we said huh this same stuff works selling coaching it works selling services it works selling other people's offers it works selling stuff that you give away for free some of the best
stuff I've ever made money on with stuff that I gave away for free we'll talk about that in a bit you might have heard this in the intro though not bad for a rapping Harry christna monk not bad huh my mama always told me one day I might amount to something and she didn't have that in mind she had this in mind so let's Jam okay I'm talking about offers the most well-known offer teacher in the world is a guy named Alex Heros he wrote the bestselling book called $ 100 million offers he knows a
lot this is what Alex has to say about me he says I just stumbled upon your webinar course it is the single best course I've seen to date on offer creation and persuasion so when the president of the United States says this guy's my guy that's kind of like that so that's what uh that's what Alex said not bad huh earlier this year you I remember Alex sold 100,000 books in 20 minutes using a webinar he didn't call it that but it was definitely a webinar if it quacks walks and talks like a duck and
you call it a moose spoiler alert it's still a duck right what you might not have known is prior to that launch he paid me $25,000 to consult with him on that launch and what ended up being was not what was originally proposed and so this works for coaching it works for Consulting it works pretty much anywhere there's money to be made bottom line is I'm kind of a big deal kind of and that's how I want to frame this to you today for what I speak upon this is where it comes from okay offer
over everything the offer is so important it can't be overstated you nail the offer you win you miss the offer you lose so what is an offer most people don't even know what it is and they're out there trying to make money money and do business and save the world and cure cancer and all that kind of stuff right so here's the definition of an offer it's perceive value exchange for time money and energy there's not an ounce of fat on that definition so write that one down I will visit it over and over again
perceived value exchange for time money and energy if you truly understand that sentence you will make more money than you deserve every offer has two parts two people two parties they have a buyer they have a seller now here's what each one wants buyer or the seller wants to offer the most perceived value for the least amount of time money and energy they want to sell you something for a million dollars that took them one second and zero dollar to create that's what every seller wants every buyer wants the world for a nickel the buyer
wants to get the most perceived value for the least time money and energy these are like diametrically opposing forces so we have to work them through so both both parties can get what they want now first part of the definition was why perceive value not actual value there's a huge difference between the two question to you who should you fear the mosquito or the shark well this is kind of funny because sharks kill less than 10 people a year and I think those 10 people probably deserve it I mean come on 10 people how does
that happen now humans by the way you might not know this but they to kill over a hundred million sharks a year so him or her who's keeping who awake at night who should fear who now the human is the second deadliest creature on this planet the deadliest one though is the mosquito the mosquito kills more than any other creature on the world but that's actual the perceived is there's no mosquito week on Discovery but there is a shark week so what should you never judge a book by it's cover okay we'll try this one
again and what do you judge a book by God Is this gerity where we at here what should you judge a book by oh my God I used to be a rapper remember this I used to divide this side of the audience and that side and I'd say who can bring it more and I get him to compete with each other and then I'd be like look at how much everybody cheers and loves me okay there's a there's a party after this they're kicking me off the stage and if you guys show up with that
energy there I don't know so we judge books by our covers whether we're supposed to or not actual value is important but it's only known after the purchase you buy it and then you say great that was awesome or I don't know about that so actual value is important because it increases perceived value for the next thing you sell some and that's why actual value is good only because it enhances perceived value isn't that wonderful so when I came out here you were probably thinking some of the following you're thinking handsome yeah guilty charismatic of
course come on right smart that's a given yeah yeah yeah yeah you might have marketing God even that's what you were thinking and then I opened my mouth and it just got better wow see the thing about an offer is this great stuff isn't good enough it's not good enough to have the very best thing mediocre is eating your eating your lunch in the marketplace this don't hit the same the Mona Lisa with duct tape around her for a frame it just doesn't work as well so you need the best stuff with the best perception
so perceive value but that's only a small part of the equation we got to do it for exchanged time money and energy now these are the three elements money time and energy what is the order of importance what should we focus on first second and third now here's what most people think they think money we start with the money that's most important then we'll go to time then we'll talk about energy here's the actual reality of it though the energy is the most important thing time is SEC at most barely making the cut barely of
importance is the money easy to prove okay let's say your friend John is a barista at the Exotic Starbucks and John can find the solution to his problem without paying you anything he can go on the internet and spend 10 hours and lo and behold he can have the answer to what ails him and his cost is actually $150 because it's 15 15 bucks at Starbucks I think I don't know uh and it's 10 hours so 10 times 15 you get the ma right or he can buy your product for n bucks which is a
better deal free is more expensive than paid in so many scenarios think of all this stuff right now that you're not selling to your audience and you're forcing them to do it for free they're getting the worst end of the deal because you are not allowing them to pay you money that is a tragedy we will fix that so money is the least important thing it's obvious which is better paying money and saving time is better than not paying any money but it gets even more interesting than that we got John over here he wants
a whiter Brighter Smile so he's more attractive and maybe he can make some more money that way because better teeth better paycheck it works like that but then we have Jane over there she can't sleep at night because the pain of the toothache is so great so who's more likely to spend money first and spend more of it John or Jane it's Jane and what is that pain and what is pain is an energetic Force so the energetic Force that's at work here pain before a gain so let me ask you a question if you
knew you could not fail and it was worth doing and you wanted to do it more than anything how easy would it be to take action you could do it almost effortlessly couldn't you because the energetic fear of failure has been removed by the way this was me in stugart 2019 I want to get a better picture today okay so you owe that to me right but taking action is easy isn't it if you knew you couldn't fail you would do whatever you wanted so then why do people have a procrastination problem they have a
constipation of the Mind problem it's because of this here's why you hesitate because there's a real chance you could lose and that is scary fear is energy fear is the strongest energetic force that there is so even if it was free and even if it didn't take any time most of the things you should be doing you will not do and that's because you might look stupid you could be laughed at you could even let loved ones down that's what's really at stake so when I'm thinking offer way down on the list is money this
is what's on my mind these are the energetic forces that oppose the purchasing of the the product so we got to go to war at it okay if it was hard but you knew you could do it that's easy but if it was easy and you weren't sure you could do it that's hard fascinating isn't it we have like a complete reverso Bizarro Twilight Zone world where people thinks easy stuff's hard and they think the hard stuff is easy so it's your job and you get paid very well if you do this well to help
people understand what's at stake so let's talk about money I'm going to give you a money reframe that will make you more money if you truly embrace I didn't understand it once I got this I got rich you want to know it yeah all right we're waking up I like this as a seller here is the number one thought that should occupy your crazy mind on a daily basis how can I sell at the highest price possible yet still have the best deal everybody's got it twisted they say best deal means I lower the price
I'm at the speaker dinner the other night it was pretty cool and we were talking about they said Jason what do you think about Black Friday I said I like it and then they said we're thinking about a discount I said how about this and we showed them how maybe the discount ain't the play but maybe adding more for free is a better deal and we'll talk about that if I could cut the time in half and cut the risk in half I could double the price and I would double the conversion by doubling the
price when you raise a price one of three things happen conversion goes down conversion stays the same conversion goes up two out of those three things are in your favor and even if conversion goes down you can still make more money if you increase your prices by 10% you could lose 40% of your customers and still net profit the same amount of money so I'm like that sounds like a good deal how do we cut people's time in half how do we cut their risk in half then we can double the price double the conversion
we will have a better deal you follow me so how can we sell at the highest price ever in the market and still have the very best deal you'll have customers thanking you if you do that for them offer has two parts it has the core in the bonuses some people don't even realize the bonuses are the most important part of the offer so they don't even have any bonus shame on them everything you should offer with very rare exception should have a bonus so let's define these things the core is what you pay for
the bonuses are what you get for free it's as simple as that everybody's out there thinking about I'm selling this thing I'm selling this thing so I got to focus on this thing this thing this thing that's the core and so they waste all their time on that and then they think about the bonuses maybe as an afterthought which is sad because free has the most perceived value of all free does okay before Twitter went public they were in pre-revenue and because they were in pre-revenue AKA they hadn't made a dollar yet nobody could valuate
them they couldn't take a math formula and apply it to zero so they could only value them based on what they thought they were worth in a vacuum and that's what bonuses are the value then becomes based on the story you can tell and the understanding of what it can do for your audience that's why bonuses are so powerful let me just prove it to you here's a simple way it's normally 2,000 you can get it today for a th000 that's cool it's normally 2,000 you can get it today for free huh I wonder which
one wins he said well Jason my stuff's a th000 and if I discount it to 500 that's good I like it or, to free free is better okay but here's the tricky one 500 to 200 ah it's more than 50% off 500 to zero free wins every single time okay a good deal is great something for nothing is greater you should always have your audience feel like I'm getting something for nothing I can't believe it what a miracle I'm going to show you how to do that here in a second but first I got bad
news your brain is full of bugs but not like creepy crawlies I'm talking like computer style virus bugs that don't make sense but if you're aware of them you can better communicate to the audience and you can better make decisions in your business the first one is what I call the pain gain bug so say you find $10 or Euros whatever you prefer on the ground one day and boom you're happy goes up 50 points You're Now 50 points happier than you were and then two or three days later go by and you misplace that
$10 or that 10 Eur and now your happy points go down by a 100 now your net worth is exactly the same you found money and you lost it it wasn't yours to begin with good philosophy by the way it's not your money it's just your turn to handle it the money was here before you it'll be here after you okay so be a conduent of money but that's a different conversation so let's run the math you started at even Even Steven then you went up 50 points in happiness when you found the $10 then
you lost it and now you're at negative 50 happy points even though you're worth the same amount of money so we value more what we could lose or what we've already lost by a significant margin versus what we could gain so when you're creating any offer keep that in mind there's also this number versus percentage bug so say you want a new pair of kicks and there's one down the street 210 bucks and then the salesperson Whispers In Your Ear dude don't buy it because if you go across town you can get the same pair
of kicks for10 so you rush across town to save $200 that's like 90 plus% off sounds good and then about a year later after hearing my speech you put to work the principles that I teach today and you make so much money you go and buy a Lambo okay bad investment but whatever you got the money spend it however you want $1,200 that's what it cost and then the salesp person says I can't sell this to you in good faith I got to disclose to you the following you could go across town and you can
get it for just $1 million and you say you idiot I want to buy it from you I'm not going to waste my time now if you run the numbers whether it's a 95% discount or a 0.1% discount it's still the same $200 you follow me but people think 95% off run across town people think 0.001% off not worth my time so we have to help people knowing that they make de ision poorly when it comes to things like this with price and that's why I love the something for nothing bug you ever have a
wife or a husband but usually a wife ladies I'm not picking on you here but you come home from a sale and you say look at what I got what a great deal and then your husband turns to you says were you going to buy that and you say well no I wasn't going to buy that but it was too good to pass up what a great deal hint if you weren't going to buy it it's not worth it at any price but you won't listen to me because you'll think Jason what a great deal
that's the something for nothing bug so when I sell things I want something that I can offer that says you can't buy this but you can get it for free you can't write me a check for it you can't stuff cash into my pockets I will not take your money ever for this thing but I will give it to you for free it is the greatest thing of all psychologically cuz what do we want most what we can't have that's what we want most which is kind of ironic because as marketers we're trying to stuff
our things down everybody's throats but people want most what they can have okay so your goal is to offer a temporary opportunity to get bonuses for free that soon they can't get at any price anywhere on the market so for your most important offers find ways to create these temporary bonuses these exclusive bonuses and the most valuable thing you can do to make something more valuable is to make it scarce scarcity will increase value more than anything and let me prove it to you in a very fun and interesting way I'm GNA tell you about
two baseball Brothers there's Cal Ripken Jr and then there's Little Billy Ripken here now Cal Ripken Jr you probably don't follow American baseball it's pretty boring but this guy was a 19 time Allstar pretty incredible holds the record for most consecutive games played 2,000 plus games without missing a day what a stud he was elected to the Hall of Fame in his first year of Eligibility eligibility and they don't do that they usually wait then there's Little Billy here he spent most of his time injured so why his brother never missed a game he was
missing games left and right he appeared on a cover of a magazine as a symbol for his team's failure and perhaps worst of all against him he wasn't named after his dad Tale of Two Brothers right but there's this one baseball card I had as a kid that is now worth $1,500 same year same set Cal's worth a quarter billies worth $1,000 why I'll tell you why if you look really close and you squint on the bottom of his Bat there is something written on it and they didn't catch it until a bunch of people
complained I'll give you a hint it rhymes with duck face oops oops can you imagine little Timmy comes home opens up the package mom I got this card in it she looks at it oh my God pull it off the shelf and that's why it's worth $1,500 while his brother who's a million times better is worth a quarter scarcity so bonus scarcity is you can't buy it you can get it for free but only through this offer that's how I got 200 people to Reby the same product again just for the free bonuses let me
talk about the power of relative comparison this creates value like you wouldn't believe so there was a scientific study on a traction done one day and I my ears perk up I'm like Okay let's listen to that let's pretend you're an objective five out of 10 on the hot scale or from Los Angeles we'd call you a two okay but we'll give you a Frankfurt five objectively scientifically speaking okay you just so happen to have a friend that kind of sort of looks like you but uglier than you now if we take a group of
random people and say rate these two people on a scale of 1 to 10 your hotness goes up 10% you're now way hotter just because you have somebody that looks kind of like you but uglier standing next to you I'm not kidding these are bugs in our brains this is how we make decisions okay so the best way for your customers to know if it's a good deal is to see other people pay more for it they're like oh wow what a good deal that idiot paid more than I did so this is how we
did that in our million million million plus dollar launch $57 million in 226 days okay I go to my audience one day and I said I need players with money to run an experiment an experiment that sounds interesting Jason I said yeah it's 10,000 up front we'll do one-on-one with you I don't know if it will work so every marketing's like it will work it's the greatest ever I'm like it's an experiment are you willing to risk $10,000 for it immediately a bunch of people said I will but I tell the rest of the audience
on the off chance that this might kind of sort of maybe work then I'll sell it to the rest of you in the long distant future what do people want most what they can't have so they're like damn I want that thing but I'm not a player with money so now we have a price anchor best way to sell something is to create an anchor of value that's up here so then the price is way less than that price anchor okay so we go out there we prove it works we optimize the process we document
the results we share the results with the masses and we sell the product for $2,500 and they think what a good deal who wouldn't want to pay for something for 1/4 the price that's twice as good everybody would they're like what a great deal but here's where it gets really interesting the people who bought originally thought that was a great deal and the people who bought later thought that was a great deal how is that possible so here's a writer Downer different market segments have different values trash or treasure depends on who the person is
so to a millionaire $10,000 1% of their net worth to an average earner $2500 is 4% of their n worth same price four times the impact okay what do you think's more scarce to a millionaire times more scarce to a thousandaire money is more scarce so to our players with money waiting would cost them far more than paying 4X just to get it sooner ever will so we can make them happy in fact we can make everybody happy they're happy CU they got it for 10K early the other side's happy cuz they got it at
a discount later and I'm happy because I just made $57 million they say it can't buy you happiness but it makes a really good down payment which leads me to True Crime True Crime yep true crime the most popular podcast at least in the United States I don't know if Germany is like this probably is true crime and that's because people love drama they love it okay I'm staying with the Kansas City chief cheerleader uh I'm at the hotel and all the cheerleaders are there right now cuz there's a football game like I try to
get out of America and it follows me and this follows me I don't care I bring up the Chiefs because Taylor Swift is dating one of them and everybody's talking about it and I don't even want to know about it but now here I am thinking about it cuz it's drama I'm like is she going to show up is she coming to is she following me to Frankfurt too I don't know drama a great offer has drama so Alex's offer earlier this year when he just broke the internet had the drama he did this big
stack of bonuses interesting isn't that I wonder who he learned that from he actually had more bonuses I told him to take it away because sometimes too much of a good thing is too much but he stacked them up he stacked them up he stacked them up and then the big reveal is free it crazy wasn't it short circuited everybody's mind just crushed it now he's making an investment in the future he's worth 100 million plus he can do that he doesn't have to make money today or tomorrow or next year or next decade you
got to make money though I'm assuming you got to make money is that a fair assumption to make you want to make money right okay good so what is this anybody know what this is some of you know what it is and you don't want to say it this is Viagra okay Viagra was not originally intended for the purpose that it's now known for it was for like high blood pressure and then they say well it didn't help my blood pressure but it helped something else and it made a billion dollars okay so some of
the best accident the best insights are discovered by accidents and one of mine was 13 years ago on the internet that's when dinosaurs roam the Internet by the way 13 years ago at that same speaker dinner some guy said to me Jason when did you start doing webinars I said 2007 he goes cool I was nine in 2007 and I thought well that's awesome made my night right now I love it I've been around the block and I was making an offer on a webinar one day I said it's 97 one pay or it's three
installments of 97 go buy it now and everybody's going to buy it and then somebody points it out to me Jason you set up the payment wrong you said three pay but it's only two and I go uhoh because I really did screw it up so you know what I did I said you know what until I end this webinar I will honor that price and that day was the highest converting webinar at that time that I ever did because people wanted to take advantage of my mistake drama oh he screwed up I can't believe
it I better get it now before he comes to his senses so if I was unethical I would intentionally engineer oops I didn't mean to do that right I I always think of like the woman that's like oops my robe fell open how did that happen but you know we'll keep it Fiji right but that's the drama and the best way to use drama is dramatic relative comparison youve versus the ugly friend so we used to offer a software 47 bucks for one license 77 for 10 license 97 for 25 licenses so this is the
hot you this is your uglier friend that looks kind of like you and then this is the wilder beast I mean and I'd say listen we're running a special promotion if you get in before the next 72 hours I'll double your licenses o double that's awesome remember percentage versus numbers and I'll say I'll tell you what if you buy before the end of this webinar are I'll give you a hundred of them and they said oh my God so that's the drama the drama was 25 and then 50 and then a 100 for less than
a dollar per license this makes a really killer offer I like to think of these things like this they see the offer but this isn't my final form just when they thought it was good it gets even better price is just one way to do drama uh once upon a time we were hired to do marketing for Ezra Firestone is one of the finest human beings that I've ever met and this is how a normal pitch goes it was from a stage similar to this and you do content for 45 and then you do offer
for 15 so I let Ezra do content for 45 and then when he gets to the pitch I run up on stage right from over there and I said what are you doing I go you don't get to sell at my event and then I turn to the audience an audience similar to this one and I said I get to sell at my event and everybody started clapping and I thought oh my God I'm going to make some money today cuz I've never gotten a Applause like please sell me something but then when I put
the drama in you don't get a sell at my event I I was told I could no no no no you don't I get to sell at my event they're like yeah and I said everybody stand up right now if you know you needed this for more than 3 months and I say stay standing if you know you need it for six and I say stay standing only if you know you need it for 12 months or more but haven't done it yet that's the risk right and I said I don't know if the rest
of you should buy this but those of you standing go to the back of the room right now and sign up and they did crazy huh I only got like a a couple minutes left so I'm going to make the rest of this brief for the rest of the audience I say who here after I did the year close I said what's stopping you and somebody says money and then some other smart ass in the front row says to me Jason I spent all my money with you already and they laugh I didn't laugh I
said' that's not true said' you bought an airplane ticket to be here you're in the hotel so don't tell me it's about the money I said what is it really about it's about the time speaking of time regretfully I don't have much left with you here today so I will end you with a final thought of offer perceive value we talked about that it's not good enough to be good enough have the very best thing possible it ain't about the money it's about how the money is compared to the value the time what's the time
that's involved in order to get what you're selling and most importantly what's the energetic force that opposes it is it fear is it I don't think I'm enough is it what will happen to me if I'm successful not just if I fail so what are the things that you can do and of those the most important thing that I'll leave you with is this risk if you can eliminate the risk that somebody has to take to do business with you then every single customer that you'd ever want to have will be yours so when I'm
thinking about offer I'm thinking how can I take the risk on for them and if you do that and you show up you can sell 9 million in 8 days you can sell 57 million in 226 days hell you can be like Alex and stand on my shoulders and you can sell more than I've ever sold and I hope that happens and when that does happen you come to me one day and you tell me Jason it was because of what I heard from you today that made that happen and then I will know that
I've offered the best thing I can offer to you today which is my heart and soul that's what I've offered you today thank you very much