How To Speak Like You Think (5 Steps)

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Joseph Tsar
Have you ever struggled to express your thoughts and ideas clearly, or felt like you're not being un...
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today I want to talk about how you can better formulate your thoughts into words if you're like me you've had moments where you feel like what you say does not sufficiently represent what is in your mind it's almost as if your mind is a prison for your intellect and no amount of thought in the moment can seem to access this buried wealth of knowledge of wisdom of information that you know is trapped in your mind I want to share with you a few practices that I focused on following that has made a discernible difference in
my ability to achieve what is often called The Flow State where you feel as if there are no barriers between what you're thinking and what you're saying it's as if there has been a funnel that has been widened in some way of a valve that has been loosened and the floodgates of your imagination and creativity are able to be unconstrained in their delivery I want to be clear I'm not a master at this I still Crusade on a daily basis to have my words accurately represent what is in my mind but I have made Monumental
progress in specifically the last year and I've stumbled upon a few actions in particular that are responsible for this transformation and I want to share these with you there are five of them I might go on a few tangents as I address points that I feel are relevant to understand and prerequisites for understanding the broader idea of each of these points I want to start with number one and this is a mindset this was an epiphany moment a light bulb that went on in my mind when I was fully able to understand this concept and
I do want to briefly mention there is a difference this applies not just to this first point but to every point that we're going to bring to the surface in this video there's a difference between understanding something intellectually and nodding your head and saying yes that makes sense I know that to be true and then internalizing it which is embracing it and letting that characterize some new performance or behavior in your speech there is a difference between these two the Delta that Gap is made up by volume of practice by implementing these by realizing that
I fully don't understand this how this makes a difference in my a difference in my speech but I'm going to stick with it even though there's sort of this dullness and this dryness and and you feeling like it doesn't have value or it it's not the the factor that is going to make a night or day difference in your speaking behaviors I promise you that it will this is true with anything that we pursue there's this this period that we have to go through where it becomes a mundane and you realize that I I might
know this to be the right answer but it just doesn't feel like the right answer and that feeling will eventually arrive so that first thing I want to bring up is what are what it often called the three M's of communication and this is what separates the beginner the Palm sweating heart pounding knee-shaking amateur Communicator from someone who's able to command a conversation with power poise and presence the three M's are me message and messenger let me briefly describe these and then we'll break them down in a bit more detail me is where you're focused
on yourself most of your thoughts they don't even have to be your conscious thoughts it's just the the the subconscious Focus what's often called the subtext of the communication is focused on yourself and when I say communication this can be in conversation this can be in presentation but you are focused on yourself is I think the the best way I could describe it and there you feel as if there is this undercurrent of anxiety in what you are the situation that you're involved in and there's almost this performance to be perfect your expectation is on
yourself to perform to your best capacity because you feel as if you're being judged by what you say how your body language is commanded we have to get away and break away from this focus on yourself you have to disband this idea that it's about you it's about me that's the first M the second m is message and this is kind of halfway between the beginner and the expert this is sort of the intermediate stage where you realize that what you say can have a huge impact in how you're received and your ability to pursue
opportunities and be seen as someone who is smart and capable when I say message I mean the word choice me is kind of turned introspectively where you're focused on yourself you're not so much focused on your words it's all about surviving the social situation whereas message is focused on your words you realize that there's a particular arrangement of words that can communicate this idea better but you're still kind of focused on yourself you're focused more on your words but that's not where your focus should be it's not just on the message this is where the
third stage comes into play messenger messenger is where you realize that you are a vessel a receptacle in a mouthpiece for your beliefs it's not so much about focusing on the perfect word choice as often is the the disposition of the speaker when they're they're focused on message they're thinking about what's the perfect way that I can communicate this idea and there's a lot of editing going on in their mind versus messenger you are comfortable with saying things imperfectly but there is enough care in passion and belief behind what you say that that is going
to allow you often more clarity of thought and a more seamless and frictionless delivery of your ideas than if you spent all of that energy focused on trying to arrange your words in the perfect way possible this is where most people are able to achieve the Flow State the flow state is often a term you perhaps have heard described before and it is this uninterrupted stream of inspiration and and Consciousness where you are in tune with your thoughts and you're speaking masterfully that is what a messenger is and I also feel like it's worth mentioning
you especially when you're focused on the me stage in the messenger stage your anxiety mutes your intellect the anxiety that you have you can't help if you're focused on yourself you have some anxiety it doesn't have to be crippling or paralyzing or you might not even describe yourself as someone who is socially anxious but your your subconscious is focused on yourself and when you are inside your own head and you're not focused on just delivering what you feel that is what mutes your mind one other thing I want to mention and I wrote this down
as your mind is often in a dull freeze that only allows you to access autopilot sentences that is what happens when you're in this me stage you feel like you don't have access to your mind because you don't anxiety and nervousness is is a barrier between your mouth and your mind and this usually happens when your subconscious is focused on yourself and you're often thinking about the worst case scenario which could range from what happens when I run out of things to say and silence is now the challenge I have to face to perhaps something
far more extreme what if I say the wrong things and it end up getting fired because I wasn't too careful with my word choice there's a gradient there a spectrum a shade of worst case scenarios that if those are at the Forefront of your mind or even in the back of your mind and there's too much focus on those worst case scenarios it does limit the flow of thought to words so to summarize this first point I feel like this video is going to be an hour long at this pace this first point the three
M's of communication me Message In messenger your goal is to have a mindset shift and we'll talk a little bit about this later in this video but you have to get over this me stage message is better but it's not ideal ideally you want to be at this messenger stage where you are this mouthpiece in this loudspeaker this amplification for what you believe and this is why it's important to speak the truth because you care about the truth you care about what you believe it doesn't necessarily have to be right or correct but if it
is the foundation upon what you're building your opinions and building yourself that is the platform that you should be speaking from that is the launch pad to be able to access the intellect that you have the second point I want to bring up is what I wrote down as being present in the moment if you're like me and you've struggled with either social anxiety or nervousness in conversation conversation a lot of the time becomes about survival it's about having enough things to say in order to get through the interaction and this is where you often
say things that are already have you say things already have neural Pathways established for them meaning you are simply saying often the most basic banal reply to something that someone says for example you might know a lot of words that are better than good but if people say how are you you simply sort of reply on autopilot your default response is I'm good and you think I just simply wanted to respond with something and even though there were far better replies you fall back on this default response that is locked in your mind or not
locked in your mind but is is what you often revert to being present in the moment what this has meant to me is checking all worries anxieties frustrations at the door that are outside of my control and do not matter in this environment there's no easy way to do this I don't have a framework or a checklist or a a process that I I step through I'm still working through this as I mentioned earlier but being present in the moment is really genuinely trying to listen to what the person is saying when you focus on
their words and oftent at times it helps to picture the actual physical text representation of the word that they're saying in your mind helps you to be more involved in the moment when you're focused on what they're saying you don't have time to think about your worries or your anxieties or what they think about you that's what being present is that's how you achieve not just survival and conversation but going beyond that thrival you want to be able to thrive in these social interactions and conversation and presentation and being present in the moment is one
of the characteristics that has been associated with people like Steve Jobs if you watch his interviews he treats the questions as silly and often as simple as they are he treats the questions as if it is the most important question in the world and you can see that he does give thought and intention to the answers that he presents Muhammad Ali the the boxer would was also talked about largely is always being present in the moment he treated this moment as if it were the most important moment in the world and that is something that
I tell you has made a big difference is when all of my focus is not on trying to survive the conversation but just being there and listening to what another person is saying really intently bending my ear to every word and if there's something that I feel like I have a thought on or I can comment on speaking my mind and of course easier said than done and I'll give you a few techniques for speaking your mind a little bit later but that's the second thing that is equally as important as the three M's once
you understand that you're a mouthpiece for your beliefs it's equally as important to be present in the moment and be there for whoever you're speaking to the Third thing that is important is expanding your vocabulary I want to read something here that I wrote that I feel like I could read far better than excuse me I might be able to communicate words are symbols that represent ideas our language is a funnel and a filter for Gigantic amounts of information that is scrambled in our mind our thoughts are not just words words in the traditional sense
of language as in the or a preposition word are our thoughts are a mixture of images models feelings patterns memories Prejudice and Concepts we're talking about pet we're talking about petabytes of information here and when we speak we try to put all of this information in its Dynamic complexity into an understandable rational string of words and the way that we do this is through vocabulary it's like organizing in a garage we are trying to condense this entire mess into really what our kilobytes of information and what is important to take away for that the reason
why I read that out is because I want it to be absolutely crystal clear that you are not going to be able to achieve complete accuracy and satisfaction by putting your thoughts to words because you're dealing with a different language a different world we oftentimes visualize what we have to say with words but there is so much emotion Prejudice ideas feelings that that underwrite that thought or that word that the word itself is not going to do that thought Justice now you can get pretty close and there are Epiphany moments that we often have where
we realize that someone was finally able to put in the words a deep-seated feeling that we always have sort of subconsciously known but have never been able to materialize with language and one of the best analogies that I came up with several months ago was this is why kind of going back to this point here this is why expanding your vocabulary is so important is your thoughts are almost you'll think of it like a painting that is painted with all of these different shades of color say a hundred different colors red blue green purple turquoise
teal and if your vocabulary is only 10 colors maybe it's a small 10 pack of a of Crayola crayons there you can understand how there is a there's a there's a disparity there's a Delta between what can only be satisfactorily described with with 100 colors you only have 10 and so you're trying to almost filter this complexity through the strainer that doesn't allow you to fully understand what you're saying and and those that that box of cran so to speaks are those are words that is knowledge those are ideas that allow you to be able
to more accurately represent what is in your mind and every one of us has a mental lexicon a lexicon is is a just a fancy word for saying the the the the vocabulary that you have in your mind we all have a recognition vocabulary of tens of thousands of words you have what's called your surface lexicon which is usually about 1500 to 2000 words that you draw upon on a daily basis words like good though the these are the words that are basically on autopilot you don't have to think about the words as you're saying
them and then you have what's called your deep lexicon your deep lexicon is about 99 of all the words that you know and these are words that you have in your mind but you're not able to draw upon and the goal is to be able to move these deep lexicon words to your surface lexicon so that you're able to speak articulately and sophisticated sophisticatedly and scholarly uh without thinking too much now the the more that you think this is why pausing is often important and we'll talk about this in the next point but the more
time that you often spend on the thought the more you're able to index that deep lexicon of words and that's why we're often able to assemble more descriptive and expressive thoughts the longer we're able to think about a particular topic but when it comes to word retrieval and expressing our ideas you want to get to the point where you're not thinking too much about the word but in order to get to that point you have to use more words more and this is why expanding your vocabulary is incredibly important learning new words gives you new
colors new tools that you can now fashion your thoughts with and better into in and give you the a better chance of being able to describe them more effectively the fourth thing I want to share is kind of what I hinted at before and that is that good articulation of ideas requires forethought which is just a fancy way of saying you need to pause more if you watch people like Steve Jobs or Obama or any expert communicators you will notice that there is a significant stretch of time between thought and the expression of that thought
I watched an interview of Steve Jobs a few months ago and I timed one of his longest pauses it was two minutes and 15 seconds the interview asked the interviewer asked him a question and he stood there stood there thinking for 2 minutes and 15 seconds and then he gave a 30 second answer the answer was unbelievably precise profound and Powerful that thought was necessary more thought more thinking time than speaking time was necessary to produce an answer of that eloquence my recommendation to you is to ponder a question Ponder thought before answering take time
to formulate your answer don't worry about holding your place in conversation or feeling like you have to give a quick answer the key to articulation and being able to speak like you think is to first order your thoughts rather than feeling like you have to say what pops into your mind immediately you can do that and some of that is necessary this is part of what being a messenger is is not feeling like you have to answer perfectly but if you don't have anything to say give yourself some time to think what most of us
do and what I did in conversation is I would commit to a word commit to a sentence before I had fully thought it through I would say something like this black binder here is a and I hadn't really fully thought about what I wanted to say about the black binder I just saw something I said something and I had not thought through the idea I wanted to communicate and I'm talking about this this black folder this this black binder here think of the thought you don't have to think about the exact phraseology or the parlance
of your words the the combination of words in the sentence you don't have to think about everything but what is the idea perhaps in reference to the binder I might want to say something like and I don't have a thought right now this is this is me thinking through this in real time I might want to say something about the utility that it has in my life how it's where I store my my bills that I have to sort through and then I might craft a few sentences out of that but I have the idea
I have the abstract Concept in my mind I don't have the exact formula of words but giving myself forethought allows me to achieve better articulation and better Bridge of the mind and mouth the fifth and final idea is a very simple one and that is to read books out loud it may come as no surprise to you that we are much more efficient and articulate in our minds than when we speak and hear our vocal identity our voice our voice box and our larynx activating and using our speaking apparatus our mouth to express I uh
to express sound waves that others can understand when you read a book out loud you are familiar you are you are familiarizing yourself with the structure of sentences the way that word sound and it will make them more easy to be more easier um more uh easily absorbed into your own speaking and speech behaviors just by hearing them out loud it is often a bit more strenuous and mentally taxing to try to digest the information while also saying it at the same time but getting used to that like Bridging the the best of both of
those worlds reading and hearing yourself but also understanding information is what you are doing with your speech and reading books out loud gets you familiar with sentence structure you start to build those neural Pathways in your mind and then you easily default to those when you're speaking apologies there's a truck passing by that's why reading books out loud is advantageous it's not just about digesting the information it's about getting your muscles your your mind muscles but also your your speaking muscles comfortable with saying those words so that you're not only stumbling and stuttering and piecing
together what you think is the rough approximation of a word that you try to use to sound smart but you're also getting yourself familiar with how these words are used in context to the ideas that they're they're being used to describe reading books out loud good articulation requires forethought spanning your vocabulary being present in the moment and keeping in mind the three M's of communication me message and Messenger will help you achieve better Clarity with your thought I am not perfect I want to be very clear about that this video is Testament to the fact
that I am not able to speak with perfect clarity perfect still is a word that I get hung up on I'm not trying to achieve Perfection I've just been trying to actually shift away from using that word because as I mentioned Messengers are willing to embrace imperfection but I hope these ideas have been able to piece together any uh any any unsolved puzzles in your mind and color in some gray areas that perhaps needed some some clarity and uh a light shed on thanks for watching this video let me know if I can clarify anything
down below and if there's anything that you feel like has massively helped you in improving your speaking and communication put it down below so that others can learn from it thanks for watching
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