my name is Eve Kerwin and what I'm about to share with you is unlike anything I ever imagined it all started on a quiet Sunday morning while I was praying in church I had no warning that my life would change forever suddenly my body collapsed and for 17 minutes I was clinically dead but during that time I experienced something extraordinary I was taken to a realm where Jesus revealed the truth about surviving the times to come in including how to live without the mark what I saw and heard has stayed with me ever since and
now I must share it with you it was a cold Serene morning and I had gone to church early to pray the pews were empty and the faint smell of old wood and candle wax filled the air I was deep in prayer pouring out my worries and seeking guidance when I felt a sudden jolt in my chest everything around me went dark I didn't realize I had died until I was no longer in my body instead I found myself in a radiant otherworldly realm time seemed to stand still and what followed was an experience that
changed the way I see life and faith forever the moment I left my body I found myself surrounded by an overwhelming sense of Peace the darkness lifted and I was engulfed in a radiant light unlike anything I had ever seen it wasn't harsh or blinding but warm comforting and alive I felt as though every fear doubt and worry had melted away in this realm time didn't exist as it does here on Earth it felt like eternity and an instant all at once suddenly I felt a presence approaching and as it came closer I knew immediately
who it was it was Jesus his appearance was magnificent beyond words and yet he radiated a Simplicity and humility that made me feel completely at ease he didn't look like the images I'd seen in paintings his face was glowing with love and understanding and his eyes held a depth of compassion that pierced my soul Eve he said and though it was only one word I understood more about love Grace and Truth in that moment than I had in my entire life his voice wasn't just heard it resonated within my very being I felt known in
a way I had never experienced before all my flaws mistakes and insecurities were laid bare yet there was no condemnation only love Jesus gently explained why I was there you have been brought here for a purpose he said there is much to show you and what you learn must be shared I nodded unable to speak overwhelmed by the gravity of what was happening he held out his hand and as I reached for it the light around us seemed to shift suddenly I was no longer in that radiant space instead I was standing in what looked
like a vast field this is the beginning he said and as he spoke images began to unfold before me it wasn't like watching a movie or a vision it felt like I was there living it I saw scenes of the future moments of great trial and Triumph and a deep understanding began to form within Me Jesus Stood Beside Me explaining everything as it unfolded one of the most profound things he revealed was the importance of faith and Reliance on God in the times ahead he explained that the world would face challenges like never before and
many would be tempted to stray from the truth but he also emphasized that his grace would be sufficient for those who sought him wholeheartedly throughout this encounter I felt a deep sense of urgency jesus' words were clear and direct leaving no room for misunderstanding he showed me how the faithful would endure through Divine provision and strength even when it seemed impossible remember he said you are never alone my people will be sustained not by Earth Earthly systems but by my power as the light around us began to shift again I felt a tug in my
soul pulling me back toward my body Jesus smiled and though he didn't say goodbye I knew this part of my journey was ending his final words to me echoed in my heart go and tell them what you have seen the time is near but my people will not be forsaken the next thing Jesus showed me was a world that seemed familiar but altered in terrifying ways people were living under a system where a mark determined their access to basic necessities without this Mark they couldn't buy food work or even enter certain places I could see
desperation on the faces of those who had refused to take it yet among them there was an undeniable sense of peace and strength Jesus explained that the mark represented a choice a final decision about Allegiance those who accepted it would secure temporary Comfort but at the cost of their souls this Mark he said is not just a symbol of control it is a spiritual agreement those who accept it align themselves with forces that oppose my kingdom what struck me most was the resilience of those who rejected the mark they lived in secret relying on each
other and on God's miraculous provision I saw communities where food appeared to multiply water sprang from unexpected places and illnesses were healed through prayer these Miracles weren't random they were answers to the unwavering faith of these people tell them this Jesus said faith will be their currency those who trust me will lack nothing even when the world says otherwise however he also warned about the dangers of fear and compromise many were tempted to take the mark not because they wanted to but because they were afraid of losing everything I saw families torn apart friends betraying
one another and people justifying their decisions to accept the mark by convincing themselves it was harmless do not fear Jesus said the enemy's greatest weapon is fear but my perfect love casts out all fear teach them to rely on me and I will carry them through one of the most beautiful and Powerful things Jesus showed me was the role of faithful communities during these trials in the vision I saw groups of Believers gathering in homes Fields And even hidden caves these weren't Grand churches with elaborate ceremonies they were humble intimate Gatherings where the focus was
on prayer scripture and mutual support Jesus explained that these communities would be lifelines for those who refused the mark they will carry each other's burdens he said where one is weak another will be strong through their love for one another they will reflect my presence in the darkest of times in these gatherings I saw people praying with an intensity I had never witnessed before their prayers weren't just words they were Declarations of faith that seemed to Ripple through the spiritual realm I could see their prayers creating Shields of light around their communities protecting them from
harm and spiritual attacks the support Within These groups wasn't just spiritual I saw people sharing what little they had food clothing and shelter ensuring that no one was left behind even in scarcity there was abundance because of their trust in God's provision it reminded me of the early Church in the book of Acts where Believers shared everything in common and no one was in need Jesus also showed me the challenges these communities would face they were often hunted and persecuted seen as outcasts or threats by the world around them but even in the face of
danger their faith never wavered the world will not understand their strength Jesus said but it comes from me and nothing can overcome it One Moment In The Vision brought me to tears I saw a small group gathered in a dark hidden room singing hymns softly to avoid detection their voices were quiet but the Joy on their faces was radiant in that moment I understood what it truly meant to live by faith they had nothing by the world's standards but they possessed everything because they had Jesus tell them this Jesus said my people will be known
by their love for one another in these times love will be their greatest testimony as Jesus continued to show me the future I witnessed something that filled me with both awe and hope despite the challenges faced by those who refused the Mark I saw how God provided for them in miraculous ways these Miracles weren't Grand spectacles but quiet deeply personal moments of divine intervention that sustained the faithful through impossible circumstances in One Vision I saw a family gathered around a nearly empty table they had no means of acquiring food yet they knelt and prayed with
unwavering trust as their prayer ended the food on their table seemed to multiply right before their eyes bread vegetables and other sustenance appeared and their tears of gratitude were overwhelming it was clear that their faith had opened the door to God's provision Jesus explained those who rely on me will lack nothing just as I provided Manor in the wilderness I will provide for my people in their time of need but they must trust me completely even when the world offers them easier paths another Vision showed a small community of believers who had been struggling to
find clean water they had been searching ing for days and were close to giving up one of them knelt down his hands trembling as he prayed for help suddenly a spring of fresh water bubbled up from the ground the group rejoiced not just because of the water but because it was a tangible sign of God's faithfulness these Miracles weren't limited to food and water I saw people being healed of illnesses that should have been fatal a woman who had been bedridden for years suddenly stood and walked after a prayer of faith children who had been
malnourished regained their strength overnight these acts of divine intervention were constant reminders that God had not abandoned his people however Jesus warned that these Miracles were not for personal gain or Comfort they are meant to glorify God and strengthen the faith of those who witness them he said said I saw some who tried to use these Miracles selfishly demanding signs without true Faith their requests went unanswered because their hearts were not aligned with God's will one of the most striking moments was when I saw a group of Believers surrounded by hostile forces they had been
discovered and were facing certain death yet as they prayed an unexplainable Shield of light in veloped them their enemies were confused unable to see or reach them and eventually gave up their Pursuit it was a vivid demonstration of how prayer and Faith could summon God's protection Jesus emphasized that these Miracles would not come to those who sought them out of fear or desperation instead they would manifest in the lives of those who truly trusted him even when everything seemed lost tell them this he said faith is the key to my provision it is not about
what they see with their eyes but what they believe in their hearts as I continued to witness the Visions Jesus showed me a chilling reality the rise of deception on a scale the world had never seen this deception was not blatant but subtle weaving its way into every aspect of life it was designed to appeal to the mind and emot emotions making it difficult for many to discern the truth in One Vision I saw leaders charismatic eloquent and seemingly virtuous promising solutions to the world's problems they spoke of Peace unity and progress and their words
captivated Millions yet beneath their polished exteriors lay a hidden agenda these leaders were not working for the good of humanity but for the forces of Darkness their goal was to lead people away from God under the guise of helping them Jesus explained the enemy's greatest weapon is deception he will disguise himself as an angel of Light offering solutions that seem good but ultimately lead to destruction I saw how this deception crept into the church as well some pastors and teachers motivated by fear or personal gain began to preach messages that strayed from the truth they
watered down scripture avoiding topics that might offend or challenge their congregations this deception wasn't limited to words I saw technology being used in ways that seemed miraculous but carried hidden dangers devices and systems were introduced that promised to make life easier but they required complete submission to the new Global order those who accepted these tools unknowingly aligned themselves with the Enemy it was heartbreaking to see how many people including Believers were LED astray because they failed to seek discernment what struck me most was how persuasive this deception was it appealed to people's desires for security
convenience and acceptance even those who had once been strong in their faith were tempted to compromise Jesus said only those who know my my word and walk closely with me will see through the lies discernment is a gift but it must be cultivated through prayer and study I also saw how those who resisted this deception were treated they were labeled as extremists troublemakers and even threats to society the media painted them in a negative light turning public opinion against them yet despite the ridicule and persecution these faithful Believers stood firm they refused to compromise even
when it cost them everything tell them this Jesus said the truth will not be popular but it will set them free they must cling to it even When The World Turns against them the final Vision Jesus shared with me was a powerful reminder of the importance of prayer in the times to come I was shown a battlefield but it was unlike any War I had ever ever imagined this was a spiritual battle with forces of light and darkness clashing Over The Souls of humanity in the vision I saw Believers on their knees praying with an
intensity that sent waves of light into the darkness their prayers weren't just words they were weapons cutting through the enemy's ranks and protecting those under attack Jesus explained prayer is not just communication with God it is a weapon a shield and a source of strength my people must learn to pray with authority and faith I watched as these prayers created barriers of light around families communities and even entire cities these barriers held back the forces of Darkness allowing the faithful to continue their work however I also saw what happened when prayer was neglected Darkness crept
in sewing confusion fear fear and division among Believers without prayer Jesus said my people are vulnerable they must stay connected to me through constant intercession one of the most powerful moments was when I saw a small group of Believers praying over someone who had been deceived by the enemy their prayers broke the chains of Darkness around the person freeing them to see the truth it was a vivid demonstration of how prayer could change Chang not only circumstances but also hearts and Minds Jesus also showed me the importance of praying together in the vision I saw
communities Gathering to intercede for one another their voices rising in unity the strength of their combined prayers was overwhelming creating a force that the enemy could not overcome where two or three are gathered in my name Jesus said there I am with them unity and prayer will be crucial in the days ahead finally Jesus emphasized the need for believers to understand their Authority in him they are not powerless he said through me they have the authority to resist the enemy and claim victory I saw how this Authority was exercised not through shouting or grand gestures
but through humble faith-filled prayers that aligned with God's will tell them this Jesus said prayer is their greatest weapon it will sustain them protect them and guide them through whatever lies ahead one of the most heartening Visions Jesus shared with me was the resilience and power of small faithful communities of Believers these groups weren't defined by size wealth or influence but by their unwavering commitment to God and each other they gathered in homes Barns and even Open Fields where wherever they could find a safe space to worship and support one another I saw these communities
functioning as lifelines during the darkest times members shared everything they had whether it was food shelter or knowledge ensuring no one was left to struggle alone even in the face of scarcity they trusted God to provide and their faith became the glue that held them together what struck me most was their simplicity there were no Grand sermons no elaborate rituals just genuine prayer deep study of scripture and an unshakable love for one another Jesus explained that these communities would be essential for those who refused the mark they will find strength in unity he said where
the World Turns its back on them they will reflect my light by standing together I saw children being cared for by those who had no families of their own elderly members treated with reverence and dignity and young people inspired to lead with courage and compassion what was most profound about these groups was their focus on prayer and spiritual warfare they understood that their battle was not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces in One Vision I saw a group gathered in a darkened room their hands clasped tightly as they prayed though the room was
dim I could see a radiant light emanating from them pushing back the darkness outside their faith was tangible and their prayers carried a power I could hardly comprehend these groups weren't without challenges they were hunted persecuted and labeled as outcasts yet instead of weakening their resolve this opposition only strengthened their faith persecution will refine them Jesus said through their suffering they will grow closer to me and to each other the most moving part of this Vision was seeing how these communities acted as beacons for others those who were lost broken or searching for truth found
their way to these groups drawn by the love and hope they radiated I realized that these small Gatherings weren't just surviving they were thriving in ways the world couldn't understand another vision Jesus showed me was the incredible endurance required of his followers in the end times this wasn't just a physical endurance but a spiritual one a deep unwavering commitment to stand firm in faith despite overwhelming challenges the pressures came from all sides societal rejection loss of resources and the constant temptation to compromise in one scene I saw a young man who had lost everything his
family his home home and even his health because he refused to take the mark he sat alone trembling but even in his Solitude he prayed fervently as his prayer continued a radiant light surrounded him and his fear gave way to a quiet strength endurance Jesus said is not about never feeling weak it's about choosing Faith over fear no matter the cost this endurance was often tested in the form of deception and Division the enemy used every tactic to wear down the faithful from spreading lies to sewing Discord within communities I saw how subtle these attacks
could be small disagreements blown out of proportion Whispers of Doubt planted in vulnerable Hearts yet for those who remained Vigilant in prayer and rooted in scripture these tactics failed Jesus showed me that this endurance wasn't something Believers could achieve on their own it required constant Reliance on him they will find their strength in me he said when they feel they cannot go on I will carry them I saw moments where this was literally true times when Believers felt crushed by the weight of their struggles only to feel a surge of peace and resolve that could
only come from God another powerful image was of a group of Believers standing together in prayer while facing a mob intent on harming them though their hands trembled and their voices shook they continued to pray their faith unwavering the mob seemed unable to touch them as if an invisible force held them back endurance is not about escaping trials Jesus said but about standing firm in the midst of them Jesus then revealed something deeply sobering about the mark itself he showed me how it wasn't merely a physical or economic tool but a spiritual trap a final
choice that would seal people's Destinies the Mark was presented as a solution to Global crisis offering safety and convenience in a chaotic world yet its true purpose was to separate people from God In One Vision I saw people lined up to receive the mark they were desperate some trembling with fear others arguing with with their families a mother begged her husband not to take it clutching their child to her chest but he ignored her please it's just a mark he said what harm could it do yet the moment he received it his demeanor changed his
eyes grew cold and he seemed distant as though a part of his soul had been extinguished Jesus explained the Mark is not just a symbol it's a covenant those who take it choose choose to align themselves with Darkness rejecting my grace and salvation it cannot be undone the weight of these words was overwhelming I understood that this decision would be final and many would make it out of fear not understanding the Eternal consequences I saw others who refused the mark living in hiding or On the Run they struggled but were filled with peace knowing they
had chosen obedience to God over the Comforts of this world their sacrifices were not in vain Jesus said those who endure without the Mark will find life eternal I will provide for them even When The World Turns against them the final Vision Jesus showed me was about the central role of faith in overcoming fear fear he explained was the enemy's most powerful weapon it caused people to doubt compromise and ultimately turn away from God but Faith Jesus said is the antidote it is The Shield that will protect my people in the times to come I
saw a woman hiding in a small room with her children trembling as soldiers search the building she held a Bible close to her chest and whispered prayers her voice steady despite her fear her faith seemed to create a barrier around her family and the soldiers pass by without noticing them J Jesus said faith will not always remove danger but it will sustain my people through it in another scene I saw a group of Believers standing before a tribunal accused of refusing the mark they were offered one last chance to comply but stood firm even as
the threat of punishment loomed their leader spoke boldly declaring their trust in God their courage inspired others in the crowd some of whom decided then and there to join them in faith Jesus emphasized that this kind of Faith wasn't something people could muster on their own it came from a deep relationship with him built through prayer scripture and Reliance on the Holy Spirit tell them he said faith is a gift but it must be nurtured those who draw near to me will find their fears replaced with my peace one of the most chilling Revelations Jesus
shared with me was the rise of a great deception an era when false peace would be celebrated worldwide I saw leaders of Nations coming together declaring a new age of unity and prosperity people rejoiced believing the worst was behind them but beneath the surface of this apparent peace was a Darkness so Insidious that only those with discernment could perceive it in the vision I saw massive Gatherings where people celebrated this newfound Global Harmony leaders promised an end to Wars poverty and suffering new policies were enacted and Advanced Technologies were introduced to ensure Universal equality many
were captivated believing this was the answer to Humanity's prayers yet Jesus revealed to me that this was not peace from God but a counterfeit orchestrated by forces of Darkness the enemy knows that Humanity Longs for peace Jesus said but this peace will not endure it is a trap designed to lure my people into complacency and away from the truth I saw churches embracing this movement their leaders proclaiming that God's kingdom had finally arrived on Earth these pastors and teachers were sincere but deceived their excitement clouding their ability to discern the truth the most heartbreaking part
was seeing believers who had once been strong in their faith begin to compromise they participated in this false peace rationalizing their actions by convincing themselves that Unity was more important than truth they abandoned teachings they once held dear trading them for doctrines that aligned with this new Global agenda even the elect may be deceived Jesus warned only those who remain rooted in my word will see through the lies however there were those who refused to be swayed I saw small groups of Believers gathering in secret praying fervently for discernment and strength they were ridiculed and
ostracized yet their faith never wavered these faithful ones clung to scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit refusing to compromise even when the world turned against them Jesus concluded this Vision with a solemn warning tell my people to stay vigilant the enemy will not come as a roaring lion but as a wolf in sheep's clothing they must rely on me to guide them through the deception Jesus then showed me a vision of the final test that Believers would face a period of unimaginable pressure to abandon their faith it was a time when every worldly
system seemed aligned against those who followed him God governments media and even family members became instruments of persecution yet it was also a time of unparalleled Spiritual Awakening for those who stood firm I saw Believers being brought before authorities and given a choice accept the Mark or face severe consequences some stood firm their faces glowing with a supernatural peace that could only come from God others hesitated torn between their faith and their fear of losing everything this is the test Jesus said it will separate the wheat from the chaff revealing who truly trusts in me
this test was not only external but deeply internal the enemy whispered lies into the hearts of Believers attempting to exploit their doubts and insecurities where is your God now the voice taunted yet for those who resisted I saw angels surrounding them strengthening their resolve their faith became unshakable like a tree planted by streams of living water in one scene I witnessed a young woman standing before a tribunal she had lost her home her family and everything she owned yet she refused to deny her faith her voice was Steady As She declared my hope is not
in this world but In Christ Alone her courage inspired others in the courtroom and some even chose to join her in faith despite the risks Jesus emphasized that this test was not meant to destroy his people but to refine them through this trial he said my followers will grow stronger their faith purified like gold in the fire tell them to endure for the reward is far greater than the cost the final Vision Jesus shared with me was one of of ultimate Triumph a glimpse into the victory awaiting those who remain faithful I saw a radiant
Heavenly scene filled with light music and Indescribable Joy those who had endured the trials of the end times were welcomed into this place their faces shining with a peace that surpassed all understanding in this Vision I saw Jesus standing at the Gates of Heaven his arms open wide well done good and faithful servant he said to each person who entered these weren't just words they were a declaration of their victory over the trials they had faced I felt an overwhelming sense of hope as I witnessed this scene it was a reminder that no matter how
dark the journey becomes the destination is worth every sacrifice Jesus showed me that this Victory wasn't just about entering Heaven it was about the restoration of all things I saw a new Earth free from pain pain suffering and sin