most people don't think about their kidneys until something goes wrong kidney disease is quietly becoming one of the most rapidly increasing causes of death around the globe and shockingly 90% of those affected have no idea the kidneys are remarkable organs that work silently in the background filtering waste from our blood managing our blood pressure and even helping produce blood cells but like a reliable car that eventually starts making strange noises our kidneys give us warning signs when they're struggling in this video I'll reval seven strange signs that could suggest trouble with your kidneys the number
six is the strangest one stick around until the end where I'll also share a few easy but powerful tips on how to keep your kidneys healthy before we begin if you're new to the Channel show your support by clicking the like button and don't forget to subscribe and activate the notification Bell to stay updated with our latest videos do you or someone you know have any kidney issues what part of the world are you from after you've watched the video drop a comment below so we can get to know each other better one foamy or
bloody urine the most reliable indicator of kidney problems shows up in the bathroom changes in urination patterns or appearance are like check engine lights for your kidneys if you getting up multiple times at night to urinate or if your urine looks foamy like beaten egg whites that's worth paying attention to the foam isn't just an odd curiosity it's often the sign that protein is leaking into your urine something healthy kidneys prevent blood and urine is another clue clear warning sign though people often find creative ways to explain it away women might attribute it to their
menstrual cycle men to a hard workout but unless you've recently run a marathon or suffered an injury blood in urine usually means something's wrong it could be kidney stones an infection or something more serious two fatigue then there's fatigue probably the sneakiest Sy symptom because it's so easy to attribute to Modern Life everyone's tired right but kidney related fatigue is different when your kidneys aren't working properly they don't produce enough urethr potin a hormone that tells your body to make red blood cells fewer red blood cells means less oxygen getting to where it needs to
go this isn't the kind of tiredness that goes away after a good night's sleep it's a bone deep exhaustion that makes even simple tasks feel overwhelming three swelling ankles and feet reduced kidney function can cause your body to retain sodium which may result in swelling in your feet and ankles additionally swelling in the lower legs can indicate heart disease liver disease or ongoing issues with leg veins four short of breath most people associate breathing problems with the heart or lungs but failing kidneys can cause fluid to build up in your lungs this can make you
feel like you're drowning especially when lying down it's a frightening experience that often sends people to the emergency room where they're surprised to learn their kidneys are the culprit five itchy skin skin problems are another unexpected kidney signal the skin is essentially a billboard advertising what's happening inside your body when kidneys aren't properly filtering waste from your blood it can cause persistent itching and color changes itchy skin can occur when your kidneys are unable to effectively remove toxins leading to their accumulation in your bloodstream this buildup can result in a rash or widespread itching additionally
if your kidneys struggle to maintain the balance of minerals and nutrients in your body over time it may lead to Mineral and bone disease which can cause your skin to become dry and itchy before we continue I've got some exciting news to share if you want to get more engaged I'm excited to inform you that we now offer Channel membership as a member you'll pay a small monthly fee and unlock some amazing perks like Early Access to new videos priority replies to your comments membersonly shorts polls quizzes and special emojis and loyalty badges just for
you it's a fantastic way to support the channel and connect with us even more just click the join button and let's make this experience Even Better Together six metallic taste in mouth and bad breath perhaps the strangest symptom is a metallic taste in your mouth and bad breath that won't go away no matter how much you brush this happens because failing kidneys allow waste products to build up in your blood when waste accumulates in the blood it's known as ureia this can change the way food tastes and even lead to bad breath seven dizziness and
difficulty concentrating anemia caused by kidney failure means that your brain isn't receiving enough oxygen which can result in memory issues difficulty concentrating and dizziness please consult your doctor to ensure that your dizziness isn't connected to any kidney issues you're currently being treated for if your dizziness and imbalance symptoms aren't improving with standard treatment it's a good idea to seek further evaluation from your healthc care provider to better understand the potential problem and find suitable therapies the scariest thing about kidney problems is their connection to other common health issues if you have high blood pressure or
diabetes you're playing with loaded dice about 40% of kidney failure cases start with high blood pressure and one in three diabetics develops kidney damage these conditions damage the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys like thousands of small cuts that eventually add up to a major wound the good news is that kidney damage isn't inevitable like many health problems the key is catching it early but here's the Trap most people wait until they feel really sick before seeing a doctor with kidneys that's like waiting until your car's engine is smoking before getting it serviced by then
the damage is usually extensive and expensive to fix what are some ways to combat kidney diseases and maintain healthy kidneys the solution is surprisingly simple pay attention to the warning signs and get regular checkups if you're at risk drinking water helps too it's like oil for your kidney engine drinking warm or hot water can be even more helpful in a study kidney patients who drank a liter of hot water in just 30 minutes saw their creatinine levels drop by 20% and Ura levels decrease by 40% speaking of kidney-friendly drinks on our Instagram we have a
post about a quick easyto follow recipe for a smoothie that supports Kidney Health so make sure you check that out too be sure to follow us on Instagram for exclusive health tips and extra content you also need to be careful with common medications some over-the-counter pain relievers can harm your kidneys if you take too many it's like putting the wrong fuel in your car it might run fine for a while but eventually you'll have problems this is especially true for antibiotics which can be hard on your kidneys if you have any kidy kid issues make
sure your doctor knows before prescribing antibiotics exercise helps too though that probably isn't surprising what's interesting is why regular exercise helps maintain healthy blood pressure and blood pressure is crucial For Kidney Health you don't need to become a marathon runner even regular walking makes a difference a study from 2011 found that healthy adults usually take between 4,000 and 18,000 steps each day and aiming for 10,000 steps daily is a good goal for staying healthy the human body is remarkably good at compensating for failing organs and the kidneys are no exception they can lose most of
their function before obvious problems appear this is both good and bad good because it means we can survive with reduced kidney function but bad because it makes kidney problems easy to ignore until they're severe the worst thing you can do is ignore these signs or try to tough it out your kidneys don't care how Brave you are they're like any other machine if something's wrong it needs to be fixed the sooner you address the problem the better your chances of preventing serious damage so pay attention to these warning signs they might seem strange or unrelated
but they're your body's way of telling you something's wrong and when it comes to kidneys early warning is often the difference between a minor adjustment and a major problem have you heard about these unusual signs of kidney problems if you found this video helpful please type yes in the comments below also don't forget to like subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you won't miss our next videos have an awesome day and take care of your kidneys