✨Chosen Ones✨ You're a GENIUS Beyond Their Understanding. This Is What They’re Afraid Of!

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Kingdom Calls
✨Chosen Ones✨ You're a GENIUS Beyond Their Understanding. This Is What They’re Afraid Of! Join "Cho...
Video Transcript:
beloved chosen ones as you stand on the brink of transformation take a moment to Center yourself the truth I'm about to share is for those who are ready to rise above the ordinary if your spirit is nudged by these words it means you're destined for something profound Embrace this moment for it holds the keys to unlocking your Highest Potential today we're diving into the essence of your Genius a Brilliance that has always set you AP apart from those around you from a young age you felt different and that's because you are what you possess is
beyond the ordinary a level of intelligence that others simply don't understand this isn't about academic intelligence it's something much deeper a Divine wisdom that God placed within you and for some that genius you carry intimidates them they don't know how to handle it what they don't understand they fear but this isn't a burden for you to carry it's a gift to be nurtured in this message we're going to explore why your Genius makes others uncomfortable and how you can fully embrace it without fear chosen one if you've been guided here it's no accident make sure
to subscribe and turn on notifications to be part of the Kingdom calls family so you never miss the Divine wisdom that is meant to uplift and guide you on your sacred path as a a Chosen One the sense that you're different has likely been with you for as long as you can remember but this difference goes beyond simple quirks or unique personality traits it is a sign of the Divine intelligence within you a genius that is beyond the understanding of those around you this genius isn't about knowing facts or Figures it's about a deep spiritual
wisdom that allows you to see things in ways others cannot from a young age this genius was present guiding you shaping the way you perceive the world but as you've grown you may have noticed something not everyone responds to your intelligence with admiration in fact some seem to be afraid of it you've likely experienced moments when your insights ideas or ways of understanding the world were met with resistance maybe you offered a solution that seemed so clear to you but was dismissed by others or perhaps you've shared a perspective that came from a deep intuitive
Place only to misunderstood or even mocked this isn't because you're wrong or off track it's because the Brilliance you carry is beyond the comprehension of many people and here's the truth what people don't understand they fear they fear it because it challenges the way they see the world it shakes the foundations of what they've always known and this can make them uncomfortable even defensive but why is this why would something as positive as genius Insight or wisdom cause fear in others the answer lies in the fact that your Genius Your Divine intelligence shines a light
on truths that many aren't ready to see for some this light is overwhelming it forces them to confront their own limitations their own areas of growth and not everyone is ready or willing to face that so instead of embracing your wisdom they reject it they may even distance themselves from you or try to diminish your Brilliance because it feels threatening to the identity they've built for themselves but here's what you must understand their reaction has nothing to do with your worth it's not about you being too much or too intense it's about them not being
ready to receive what you have to offer your intelligence is not something to be dimmed just because it makes others uncomfortable in fact that very discomfort is a sign that you're on the right path it means you're tapping into something powerful something that has the potential to change the way people see the world even if they're not ready to acknowledge it yet being a genius in this way often means walking a path of solitude at least for a time you may feel isolated or misunderstood and that can be painful but remember this you are never
alone God gave you this Divine intelligence for a reason it's part of your calling part of the reason you are here it may not always be easy to carry this gift especially when it seems to put a wedge between you and others but rest assured there are those who will recognize and appreciate your wisdom when the time is right You Are Meant To Shine Your Light even if it means standing apart for a season one of the challenges you may face as you embrace your Genius is the temptation to downplay it you may find yourself
shrinking in certain environments withholding your insights or ideas because you don't want to stand out too much you might feel that it's easier to blend in to avoid the conf ICT or the discomfort that often comes with being someone who sees the world differently but this is not what you are called to do God did not give you this gift so that it could be hidden your Genius is meant to be shared to be a light that shines in the darkness it's also important to understand that not everyone will reject your wisdom there are those
who will be drawn to it who will recognize the value in what you have to offer these are the people who are meant to walk alongside you on your Journey the ones who will support and uplift you as you continue to grow in your calling but before you can attract those people you must fully embrace your own Brilliance you must stop doubting yourself stop shrinking and step fully into the genius that God has given you there's a spiritual aspect to this that cannot be overlooked your intelligence is not just a human trait it's a Divine
gift it's part of the way God communicates through you the way way he Reveals His truth to the world when you speak when you share your insights you are doing more than just expressing your thoughts you are channeling something higher something sacred and this is why your Genius can be so intimidating to others it carries a power that goes beyond the natural a power that challenges the status quo and invites people to see things from a higher perspective but here's the most important part you must never apologize for this gift you must never feel guilty
for seeing the world the way you do for understanding things that others might not yet grasp this is your calling this is part of what makes you a chosen one God has set you apart for a reason and your intelligence is a key part of that reason you are here to bring light to offer wisdom and to help others see the truth even when they resist it as you move forward on your journey remember that your Genius is not something to be hidden or feared it is a gift a Divine tool that has the power
to transform not only your life but the lives of those around you embrace it fully without hesitation or fear trust that God has given you this gift for a reason and that in time those who are meant to understand will come to see the Brilliance you've always carried you've come to understand that your Genius is a Divine gift something that set sets you apart from the rest but now it's time to explore the deeper spiritual insights that come with embracing this gift fully genius in the way you carry it is not about proving yourself or
showing the world how much you know it's about being a vessel for divine wisdom this kind of intelligence isn't about ego or Pride it's about humility knowing that what you possess comes from a higher source it's not just your mind that holds this Brilliance it's your spirit connected directly to the Divine as a chosen one this level of understanding isn't something that just happens to you it's something that has been cultivated within you since the very beginning from the moment you were born God has been shaping you guiding you and preparing you for the unique
purpose that only you can fulfill this genius you carry isn't random or accidental it's part of a much larger plan one that deeply tied to your spiritual path but here's the challenge walking with this kind of intelligence can feel like a lonely Journey when you see things that others don't when you understand truths that remain hidden to most it can be isolating you might feel as though you're walking through life with a perspective that no one else seems to share this can lead to feelings of frustration and you might even question whether your insights are
valid because so few seem to recognize them but this is where faith comes in faith in yourself faith in the gifts God has given you and faith in the path you're walking remember the world isn't always ready for the truths you carry that doesn't mean you're wrong or that your insights aren't valuable it simply means that your time to be fully understood and appreciated hasn't come yet but that time will come God never places a gift within someone without a plan for how it will be used the insights the Brilliance the genius that you carry
are all part of the divine plan for your life and when the time is right the world will begin to see you for who you truly are but there's something important you must understand as you prepare to fully embrace your Genius this gift isn't just about intellectual understanding it's about spiritual Clarity the things you see and know aren't just reflections of intelligence they are reflections of divine truth this is why Others May react so strongly to your insights it's not just that they don't understand it's that they Sense on a deep spiritual level that you
are tapping into something much greater than yourself and for many this can be intimidating but here's where you need to be careful with great wisdom comes great responsibility your Genius isn't just a gift for you it's a tool to help others but not everyone will be ready to receive it you must learn to discern when to share your insights and when to hold back not out of fear or doubt but out of wisdom God will guide you in this he will show you when the time is right to speak and when it's better to remain
silent this kind of discernment is crucial because as you've likely already experienced sharing your brilliance too soon can lead to rejection or misunderstanding but when you wait on God's timing when you trust in his plan your words will land exactly where they need to and they will have the impact they are meant to have this doesn't mean you should ever hide your intelligence but it does mean that you must be wise in how and when you reveal it there's also an emotional aspect to carrying this gift it's not easy to feel misunderstood or to have
people react negatively to something that comes so naturally to you you might feel like you need to defend yourself or prove your worth but that's not necessary you don't need to prove your intelligence to anyone the only validation you need comes from God he sees you he knows the gifts he's placed within you and he is the one guiding your path the opinions of others whether they understand your Genius or not are Irrelevant in the grand scheme of your journey this is where your faith must be strongest trust that even when others don't see your
Brilliance God does trust that your insights your wisdom and your unique way of seeing the world are all part of his plan you are not here to fit in with the crowd you are here to lead to guide and to shine a light on truths that others may not be ready to see this requires courage and it requires you to stand firm in your identity as a chosen one but remember being a chosen one doesn't mean you are better than anyone else it simply means you have been called to a specific purpose your Genius is
not something to be used to elevate yourself above others it's something to be used in service to others when you align your intelligence with God's will you become a powerful force for good in the world your insights can bring healing Clarity and understanding to those who need it most so as you move forward prepare yourself spiritually spend time in prayer asking God to guide you in how to use your gifts seek his wisdom in how to navigate the challenges that come with being someone who sees the world differently and most importantly trust that the genius
you carry is part of the divine plan for your life you were given this gift for a reason and that reason will become clearer as you continue to walk in faith you've begun to understand that your Genius the Divine wisdom you carry sets you apart in ways that others may not always understand you've seen how this gift gift can cause confusion or even fear in those who aren't ready to receive what you have to offer but there's something more profound at play here something that goes beyond the surface level of intellect or understanding and as
you continue on this path you may find yourself asking what does this truly mean for my journey how do I navigate a world where my gifts seem to be misunderstood or even rejected this is where the tension builds you've likely faced situ ations where your intelligence was either dismissed or challenged perhaps you shared an idea that seemed radical or too advanced for those around you to comprehend maybe you've experienced moments where your insights were met with blank stairs or defensive attitudes these experiences can be frustrating even disheartening but here's the deeper truth this resistance isn't
a reflection of your worth or your abilities it's a sign that what you carry is beyond the current level of understanding of those around you you may wonder why people react this way why would someone feel threatened by your intelligence why does your ability to see things others can't stir fear or discomfort the answer lies in the fact that your Genius is more than just intellect it's a reflection of divine truth when you speak or share your insights you are shining a light on things that others may not be ready to confront this light exposes
limitations challenges long-held beliefs and invites people to see the world from a higher perspective for some this can be overwhelming it forces them to face aspects of themselves or the world that they've been avoiding and that's where the fear comes in but here's the thing Their Fear is not your burden to carry it's not your job to make people comfortable with your Brilliance your calling is not to shrink yourself to fit into their limited understanding it's to embrace the full of who you are even if that means standing apart from the crowd this is where
the anticipation builds because you know deep down that there's something more to this journey you can feel that there's a revelation coming a moment where everything will make sense but before that Revelation can come you must first confront the tension of being misunderstood there's a spiritual aspect to this that cannot be ignored your Genius is not just about intelligence it's about seeing the world through the lens of divine wisdom this is why your insights often go beyond what others can comprehend you are tapping into something higher something sacred and that makes others uncomfortable because it
forces them to step outside of their comfort zones to question their reality and to confront truths they may not be ready to face but here's where the real challenge lies you must continue to share your gift even when it's met with with resistance you must continue to shine your light even when others try to dim it the world needs what you have to offer even if it doesn't always recognize it and this is where the anticipation for the main message builds because you know that there's a deeper purpose to your Genius a reason why God
placed this Brilliance within you but what is that purpose how are you meant to use this gift to fulfill Your Divine calling these are the questions that linger creating a sense of tension a feeling that something big is just around the corner perhaps you've already begun to see glimpses of this purpose maybe there have been moments where your insights have helped others where your wisdom has brought Clarity to a situation that seemed hopeless or maybe you've noticed that people are drawn to you seeking your guidance even if they don't fully understand why these are the
first signs the early indicators that your gift is beginning to fulfill its purpose but there's still more to uncover as you continue to reflect on the role your Genius plays in your life you may feel a sense of isolation it's not easy to walk a path that others don't understand it can be lonely at times and you might wonder if you're truly on the right path but this is where your faith must be strongest God gave you this gift for a reason and even when it feels like the world doesn't see or appreciate it you
must trust that he is guiding you you towards something greater but here's where the tension reaches its peak you can feel that the Revelation is close that the deeper meaning behind your Genius is about to be revealed but what is it what is the true purpose of the Divine wisdom you carry how can you fully Embrace this gift and use it in a way that aligns with God's plan for your life these are the questions that build anticipation the ones that keep you searching waiting for the Moment of clarity that will t everything together you
may have noticed that the more you embrace your Genius the more the world seems to push back this isn't a coincidence the closer you get to Stepping fully into your calling the more resistance you may face but this resistance is not a sign that you're on the wrong path it's a sign that you're on the verge of something great the world doesn't push back against things that don't matter the resistance you feel is evidence that your gift is powerful that it has the potential to make a real impact so as you stand in this place
of anticipation know that the tension you feel is part of the process it's preparing you for the Revelation that is about to come the moment when everything will become clear your Genius is not just a gift for you it's a gift for the world and soon you will understand how to use it in a way that fulfills your Divine Purpose looking back at everything we've explored it's clear that your Genius is not just a trait or a skill it's a Divine gift that sets you apart from others we've talked about how this gift can be
misunderstood how it can make others uncomfortable and how it often leads to feelings of isolation but now we're arriving at the moment of Revelation the point where the deeper meaning behind your Genius is fully revealed everything we've discussed up until now has been leading to this the realization that your divine intelligence is not just something you carry it's something you are called to use in service to others and in alignment with God's greater plan so what is the true purpose of the Divine wisdom you carry why has God given you this gift and how are
you meant to use it to fulfill your calling the answer lies in one profound truth your Genius is not just about seeing things differently it's about seeing things clearly it's it's about being able to discern truth in a world that is often clouded by confusion and deception this is the real power of your gift you are able to see through the Illusions to cut through the noise and to bring Clarity where there is chaos think about it how many times have you been in a situation where others were lost confused or unsure of what to
do and you are able to offer a solution that seem so simple so OB obvious how many times have you seen a situation for what it truly is While others were caught up in their own limited perspectives this is no accident God has given you the ability to see things from a higher perspective to tap into Divine wisdom that goes beyond the surface level of understanding but here's where it gets even deeper your ability to see clearly is not just for your own benefit it's meant to be shared you are here to be a light
for others to help them see the truth in their own lives this is where your Genius becomes a tool for healing for guidance and for transformation you are being called to use your gift to bring Clarity to situations that seem impossible to offer wisdom in moments of confusion and to help others see the path forward when they can't see it for themselves this is the true purpose of your Genius it's not just about being intelligent or insightful it's about being a vessel for divine truth God has placed this gift within you because he knows that
the world needs what you have to offer there are people out there who are lost who are searching for answers and you have the ability to guide them you have the ability to see the bigger picture to understand the deeper truths That Others May Miss and to offer solutions that bring peace and Clarity but with this gift comes responsibility you are not just called to use your Genius for Purp personal gain you are called to use it in service to others this doesn't mean you have to solve everyone's problems or take on the weight of
the world but it does mean that you must be open to sharing your insights when the time is right you must be willing to offer your wisdom even when it's met with resistance because you never know when your words might be the key that unlocks someone else's breakthrough and here's where the Revelation becomes even more powerful your Genius is not just about seeing things clearly it's about helping others See Clearly as well when you share your insights when you offer your wisdom you are not just giving people answers you're giving them the tools to find
their own answers you are helping them develop the ability to see the truth for themselves this is the ultimate purpose of your gift to empower others to step into their own Brilliance to help them unlock the Divine wisdom that resides Within them but here's where the challenge lies not everyone will be ready to receive what you have to offer there will be those who reject your insights who push back against the truths you reveal this can be frustrating especially when you know that what your offering could help them but you must remember that your job
is not to force anyone to see the truth your job is simply to offer it to shine your light and to trust that those who are meant to receive it will the this is where discernment becomes crucial you must learn to recognize when someone is ready to receive your wisdom and when they are not not everyone will be on the same level of understanding as you and that's okay some people will need time to grow and evolve before they can fully appreciate what you have to offer but when you trust in God's timing when you
align yourself with his plan you will find that your insights land exactly where they are meant to and they will have the impact they are meant to have as you continue to walk this path there will be moments when your Genius is celebrated and there will be moments when it is rejected but in both cases you must remain rooted in your purpose you must remember that your gift is not something to be hidden or downplayed it's something to be embraced fully without hesitation or fear the world needs what you have to offer even if it
doesn't always recognize it right away so how do you move forward with this understanding how do you fully step into your Genius and use it in a way that aligns with God's plan the answer is simple you keep shining your light you keep offering your insights your wisdom and your Brilliance trusting that God will guide you to the right people the right situations and the right moments you don't need to force anything you don't need to prove yourself to anyone you simply need to be who you are a vessel for divine truth as you you
continue on this journey trust that God is with you every step of the way he has given you this gift for a reason and he will provide you with the opportunities to use it in ways that make a real difference your Genius is not a burden it's a blessing it's a tool for transformation for healing and for guidance and as you embrace it fully you will begin to see the impact it has not only on your own life but on the lives of those around you you are a chosen one and your Divine intelligence is
a key part of your calling trust in the gifts God has given you and know that the world is waiting for the Brilliance you carry this is your time to step fully into your Genius to embrace the wisdom that sets you apart and to use it in service to others the Revelation has come your Genius is not just a gift it's your purpose now that you've come to understand the true purpose of your Divine intelligence the path forward becomes clear your Genius is not something something that you need to hide or suppress it is a
sacred gift that is meant to be used it's time to step into this gift with full confidence knowing that it has been placed within you for a reason the question is no longer about whether others will understand or appreciate your Brilliance it's about how you will use this gift to fulfill your purpose and align with the divine plan that God has laid out for you moving forward the key is to stay Al aligned with God's guidance your intelligence isn't just about solving problems or offering insights it's about using your wisdom in a way that serves
others and honors God's will this means that your Genius isn't just for your own benefit it's meant to be a light that guides others that brings Clarity and understanding to those who are lost or struggling but in order to do this you must stay connected to the source of your wisdom spend time in prayer and reflection asking God to reveal to you the ways in which you can best use your gift the more you align yourself with his plan the more clearly you'll see the path forward as you continue on this journey there are a
few important things to keep in mind first not everyone will be ready to receive the wisdom you offer this is something we've touched on before but it's crucial to remember as you move forward there will be moments when your insights are met with resistance or misunderstanding and that can be frustrating but you must trust that God's timing is perfect the people who are meant to receive your wisdom will come into your life at the right moment your job is not to convince anyone of your intelligence your job is to offer it freely with love and
compassion and to trust that it will land where it needs to Second it's important to continue growing in your gift just because you have been given Divine intelligence doesn't mean that your journey of learning and growth is over in fact it's just beginning God is always revealing new layers of Truth and understanding to those who are open to receiving it stay humble in your pursuit of wisdom continue to seek out new insights continue to question continue to grow the more you open yourself up to learning the more God will reveal to you and the more
powerful your gift will become but along with this growth comes a responsibility to protect your energy as someone who carries a Divine gift you may find that others are drawn to you for guidance for answers for help and while it's a beautiful thing to be able to offer wisdom and Clarity it's also important to make sure you are not overextending yourself you cannot pour from an empty cup make time for rest for Solitude for reconnecting with God your Genius is not a resource that is meant to be drained it's a gift that flows from a
place of spiritual abundance in order to keep that flow going you must take care of yourself spiritually emotionally and physically one of the most powerful ways you can protect your energy is by setting boundaries this doesn't mean shutting people out or refusing to help it means being Discerning about where and how you offer your wisdom not everyone who seeks your guidance will be ready to receive it and it's okay to say no when you feel that your energy is being drained God will give you the discernment to know when to step in and when to
step back trust that he is guiding you and don't feel guilty for protecting the sacred gift that you carry as you continue on your path you will also notice that the more you embrace your Genius the more aligned you will feel with your purpose the things that once felt confused in or difficult will start to make sense opportunities will begin to open up and the people who are meant to walk alongside you will begin to appear this is the beauty of stepping fully Into Your Divine gift when you are aligned with God's will everything else
begins to fall into place you no longer have to chase after success recognition or validation these things will come to you naturally as you walk in alignment with your purpose but with this align ment comes another important responsibility the responsibility to uplift others your Genius is not just for your own benefit it's a tool to help Elevate those around you this means that you must be intentional about how you use your gift look for ways to bring light into the lives of others to offer wisdom in moments of confusion to bring Clarity to situations that
seem hopeless your insights have the power to transform not only your own life but the lives of those around you this is the ultimate purpose of your gift to serve to guide and to uplift as you walk this path keep your focus on God remember that your intelligence your wisdom and your ability to see things clearly are all gifts that have been given to you for a reason you are here to fulfill a Divine Purpose and that purpose is unfolding every day trust that God is guiding your steps and know that as as long as
you stay aligned with him you are exactly where you need to be the path forward may not always be easy but it is filled with purpose and meaning there will be challenges along the way moments of doubt and times when you may feel isolated but these challenges are not roadblocks they are opportunities for growth every obstacle you face is shaping you refining your gift and preparing you for the next step on your journey so as you move forward embrace your genius fully don't shrink back don't hide your light and don't let the misunderstandings of others
cause you to doubt the Brilliance that God has placed within you you are a chosen one and your intelligence is part of the divine plan for your life walk boldly in that truth knowing that you are exactly where you need to be and that The Best is Yet to Come As you move forward from this message remember that your Genius is not something to hide or downplay it is a Divine gift a key part of your calling as a chosen one you have been set apart for a reason and your intelligence is a tool that
God has given you to bring light Clarity and wisdom into the world now is the time to step fully into that gift to embrace the Brilliance that you carry and to trust that God will guide you every step of the way if this message resonated with you make sure to subscribe and become part of the chosen ones Community by joining the kingdom calls family you'll stay connected to the Divine wisdom and guidance that can help you continue growing on your path share this message with others who need to hear it because there are many out
there just like you who are ready to step into their calling but need that extra encouragement to embrace the gifts God has given them chosen one this is just the beginning together we are walking a sacred Journey supported by Divine wisdom and Faith subscribe share and engage with our community as we continue to uplift each other and walk boldly in our purpose if this message touched your heart and you'd like to support the chosen ones Community consider donating to our patreon your contribution helps us continue to create spiritually enriching content for you and others on
the sacred path every donation no matter the amount strengthens our ability to share messages of faith hope and Divine Purpose with those who need it most your support allows us to grow this community bringing more light and guidance to chosen ones all over the world thank you for walking this journey with us and thank you for your generosity
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