Before You Take The Next Step PRAY FIRST | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
hold on to God's word there will be certain things that you will see in this world things that will cont interrupt the spirit of fear things that may possibly discourage you but do not let these things overpower your faith hold on to God's word and I want you to only focus on Jesus Christ only focus on him because pastors can fall from grace and some will fall because they're people and the Bible clearly says in Romans 310 there is none righteous no not one and then if you read Romans 3:23 the Bible goes on to
say for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God what I'm trying to tell you is that the best role model you can follow is Jesus Christ the best example we have is that of Jesus Christ in the Bible so don't look to another man or woman look to Jesus don't look to the pastor to the bishop to the Evangelist or anyone else look only to Jesus because pastors will be caught up in scandals people will be caught up in Scandal and they will disappoint you but Jesus Christ will never disappoint you
you may have heard of the saying life is a roller coaster it may sound a little cliche but there is truth to this phrase life is made up of good times and hard times we all experience Nostalgia from time to time we've all taken out old photos reminiscing about the good old days as so many of us would say but when does reminiscing become unhealthy where's the line between a appreciating our past and longing for something we can never get back in Genesis we see the perfect yet tragic example of someone who crossed that line
Genesis 19:1 17 says and as they brought them out one said Escape for your life do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley EX escape to the hills lest you be swept away in this scene God was about to destroy the land of Sodom and gomorah due to the wickedness of its residence two angels of the Lord commanded lot and his family to flee and unfortunately many of us know how this story ends as they are fleeing lot Lot's wife looks back and immediately she is turned into a pillar of salt at first
this seems like a harsh punishment but Lot's wife was not punished for merely turning her head she was punished for failing to trust God she was punished for longing and holding on to a sinful past God had provided a place of Refuge for her along with a new life but she was too busy lining the loss of the life she was leaving behind this story shows us that if we are to follow God we must keep our eyes on him never looking back Luke 9:62 says Jesus said to him no one who puts his hand
to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God we can never make progress when we're constantly looking behind us we cannot move forward in our walk with God while our head is turned and our gaze is fixated on the things of this world we cannot Advance toward the Kingdom of Heaven while we're still flirting with the sin we've left behind and the Bible is is clear about this issue of longing for the past as Ecclesiastes 7: 10 reads say not why were the former days better than these for it is not
from wisdom that you ask this sometimes we tend to romanticize the Past even if the past had many flaws we tend to overemphasize the good memories and convince ourselves that we were happier back then as a result we become discontent with our current situation we become unable to fully enjoy the blessings God has given us right here and now Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers I do not consider that I have made it my own but one thing I do for getting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead forgetting the past can be a scary
thought but we take comfort in knowing there is something better ahead move forward press on don't return to your sinful ways which destroy your mind body and soul instead put all of your energy into running this new race that God has set before you if your past has been marked by shame and Brokenness you can trust that God will redeem it all he is always doing something new in your life he is always making a way for us so let us not be enslaved to memories of the past but rejoice in the Glorious future Christ
has prepared for us let us pray father God thank you for your faithfulness throughout every part of my life through the seasons change people change relationships come and go but you King Jesus you remain the same there has never been a day when you did not know me and love me and work all things for my good your word in Isaiah 43: 18 to 19 remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make it away
in the wilderness and rivers in the desert Lord do a new thing in my life do a new thing in our lives as your children you are a God who can make rivers in the desert and so you can speak life into any situation and father I thank you for bringing me out of my sinful past and giving me a better future thank you for helping me to move forward past every struggle and mountain in my way thank you for all the Miracles you have performed to get me to where I am today Lord I'm
so grateful for all you've done in my past thank you for keeping me for protecting me even before I knew you thank you for loving me forgive me if I ever have longed for the past in my heart give me the wisdom to know that these thoughts are not from you Lord you have broken sin's curse on me not so that I can go back to the way I was before but so that I can now walk in Freedom I pray Lord that whenever my mind wanders to remin about a past where I was living
in sin give me the strength to run from such thoughts give me the courage to walk away from the things that try to entice me may I never turn back like Lot's wife did but keep pressing on with my eyes and desires fixed on Jesus Lord give me the grace I need to move forward in my walk with you and to step into the calling you've placed on my life all my efforts used to be in vain but now you have equipped me for every good work and for amazing things in your kingdom Jesus may
your precious blood destroy any remaining ties I have with my former life sever every cord of sin let not even a memory of those days remain in my mind instead help me to strive for Holiness help me to strive for continual growth help me to become more like you enduring all things for the joy that is set before me Lord I cannot comprehend all that you've done from beginning to end but already I can see the progress you've made in my life and I am excited for all that you'll continue to do father give me
the freedom to develop and grow as a follower of Christ help me to run the race that is set before me keeping my eyes on the prize I ask these things in jesus' name amen Brothers I do not consider that I have made it my own but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies [Music] ahead remember not the former things nor consider the things of old behold I am doing a new thing now it Springs forth do you not perceive it I will make it away in the wilderness
and rivers in the [Music] desert but the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him on those whose hope is in his unfailing love to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine we wait in Hope for the Lord he is our help and our shield in him our hearts Rejoice for We Trust In His holy name may your unfailing love be with us Lord even as we put our hope in you
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