How to Make Women Respect You

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Alice by the Palm
I have a feeling...disagreements will flood over the comment section. My 2nd channel: @alicebythep...
Video Transcript:
a lot of married men like complain if they're honest that their wife doesn't want to have sex with them right so I'll tell you why because she doesn't respect you and if a woman doesn't respect this man she's not turn on by him so it's kind of different right men can have sex with woman they despise and I'm not like you know Andre Tay I'm not like you know like dating coach to teach you a little technique teach you manipulations teach you how to basically fool a woman uh to fake an image of alpha male
um and you know to get her into bed any of that no what I'm going to uh talk about today will be focused on actually building your character so you need to become that person because the true daughter of God can see through BS um so what happened is that you're going to fool some insecure woman number one I want to say this is a what inspire me to record this video is to be disagreeable Yes you heard me right you heard me right be disagreeable so what that mean is not to be argumentive you
know you don't just everything she brings up you just disagree with her that's just going to make you annoying so what that mean is to stand firm to your ground so if you know the truth you know the principle and she's trying to get her way don't give in don't let her get away okay it doesn't matter what manipulative skill she use she can cry she can complain um she can throw attention I mean I'm not saying you should give her any coold violence uh we're going to talk about how to you know uh address
that situation I know most guys uh doesn't want trouble right you just want to uh whatever you just want peace you're not going to have peace and you will she will lose respect for you if you always let her get her away if she is um throwing her anger frustration at you because something happened to her it's not okay you need to stay firm to your ground and let her know that what she's doing is unacceptable so when I was in uh elementary school right my I have a teacher uh and she's always giving us
some assignment that just doesn't make sense she's always letting us to just hand write uh the the paragraph in a texbook just copy it handwriting copy it if you know what I'm saying it's just stupid it's meaningless it doesn't spark your critical thinking it it didn't help you you know to understand what that paragraph mean so and it takes a long time like I spent 3 hours uh um I think I just don't want to do this homework I was like just miserable I was about like eight years old seven no probably seven six years
old at most 7 so I don't want to do this homework and my teacher should make a big deal out of this tiny little thing oh how dare you you know to disobey me that kind of drama so she invite my dad to her office and you wanted to want my dad to discipline me and make sure that I submit my homework on time you know and what my dad told her was you got to know this so before I tell you what my dad how my dad talked with her you got to know this
that in a lot of Asian country especially in China teacher are on the padestal so a lot of parents don't dare to confront her teachers don't dare to call her out call them out you know they're like Authority um and if teacher you know call your parent that's like a huge thing you will get you will get bitten by your parent a lot of times you'll be punished it's a huge thing so what happened is that my teacher called my dad over to her office and complain that I didn't submit my homework and well my
dad D said was my daughter knew what she was doing why don't you show me the homework you want her to do that she didn't submit it and so I don't know exactly what happened until there's one day my mom uh went to this parents meeting and she talked with this teacher and this teacher start complimenting my dad profusely it's crazy it's like uh he is is her Idol now and then she told my mom oh your husband is so uh handsome like yeah that's literally the word she use in in Chinese and my mom
was surprised like you only met her once mean what happened my dad said well I just disagree with her I just tell her what is the right way how to teach a kid and so you see that this one of the example that when a woman is doing something you know that's clearly BS call her out you know you can tell her gent so what my dad did with my teacher is like he just talked with her he's like he explained to her this is not helpful and why but also respect her as a teacher
so what you're going to do is that you're not going to agree with her and everything so a lot of male feminists I don't even know why this kind of type of people exist but a lot of male feminist they think if they agree with woman if they get woman power women will love them it's totally the opposite women love men who hold Fern to their ground even if you offend them at that moment you offend her later on she will respect you okay so this is point number one and it's the most important thing
now point number two is to hold on to your words so it's very simple just be a man of your word like God okay hold on to your word and when you tell somebody you have my word you need to fulfill it so when it is said it is already done you're going to be like G this is a Godly character um so what happen if you do this is that every everything you said she knew it's going to happen and when it happened trust me you're going to be a hero okay uh whether that
that is about you know your your goal your addiction or something you promis her that you're going to do for her and if you actually make it happen that's the moment you become her hero so um to ex you know expand a little bit on this topic is that as a man um don't talk too much and I'm not saying if you are a good speaker because leaders need to talk um that's how they lead they need to motivate people they need to bring people together and is how they lead right so I'm not saying
you should be an introvert um as a man and be as quiet as possible not at all what I'm saying is like don't talk you know something Patty gossiping um some don't give so much uh details um like woman like how woman talk right women talk with each other about tons of Patty things oh this morning I I go to the the shopping mall and I saw this hats it was like fluffy and um but the color I don't really like it and I saw another um I don't like the shape things like that okay
because you all words is what build your reputation is that when you are a man of your word so when you talk you know people know you have something important to say and when you say it it will happen so this is why God is God okay and you are his son You Are Made In His Image this is one of the most important thing to be respected not just by a woman but by other men as well okay so let's move on um Point number three is to get things done get it down before
you tell her so what I'm saying is that I'm not saying you can't you know bring up your plan to your wife and envision something and then you you know build a future together of course that's awesome but there is something like say uh little trouble here and there uh say you you guys have a conflict with your neighbor and your wife is frustrated about it you go to your neighbor without her knowing and talk with your neighbor confront your neighbor directly and handle this issue and then when it's done go back and tell her
the result and if she didn't ask you don't even need to tell her if you get things done before you tell her the effect is going to be in her mind she's going to think okay then this guy probably have accomplished so much more than what I know and that will make her look up to you so number four is to take initiative uh by taking initiative what that means in everything so when there's confrontation you addressed it okay you're not going to be those weird people uh that hand your neighbor a lawsuit you just
go there and talk with your neighbor okay do it in a classic way if your neighbor's dog poop on your lawn you don't have to hand him a lawsuit another thing take initiative in making peace so Jesus said that blast is The Peacemaker for for theirs are the for they are the sons of God right and you you know when people have argument here this even if you believe she did wrong you need to take initiative to bring this argument to the table so what I'm saying is not you know Point number one I always
is St stand firm to your ground if she did wrong she did wrong she have to admit that uh you don't give in just because you don't want conflict so then how can you take initiative at the same time time so this is what you're going to do you're going to bring this issue to the table and and let her realize that she did wrong so she is still going to be the one who apologize but you're going to bring you're going to be the one to initiate it if that makes sense okay Point number
five uh this is crucial is to be good at your work not just good be excellent so for men the most important thing is your work so before God created Eve he gave adam work to do he gave adam purpose is to govern you know dominate the Earth and you know rule over all creations so before woman men already have work so work is going to be your most important thing I'm not saying your family are not important I'm just saying um a man is not going to be happy when he doesn't have a purpose
a woman is like he could be she could be happy uh if she just you know be a housewife and take care of her family she could she could be happy just like that but man uh even if he has a happy family if you know have a shipwreck in his career that's going to really damage his confidence and his masculinity so um what I'm I'm saying is that be one of the best in your field be ambitious and the most important thing is to have a vision for your future is that you know where
you want it to be so this is extremely important for guys who are not married so if you're not married and you have no vision for your future what is going to happen is that you don't know who to take with you so you're going to have a vision and you're going to know know where to go and then you will know what kind of woman you want to marry and you are not going to change your vision for that woman I mean you can adjust it you guys need to work together right you're going
to find a woman who is willing to follow you so like Jacob and not Jacob Isaac and Rebecca so if you remember um uh Abraham sent his servant to find Isaac sick uh a wife right and Rebecca is the woman who fits all thetion right and the most important thing is that she is willing to go to a land that she never been to to marry a man she never met so you need to have your vision and this woman will align with your vision and she will follow you so that's very important if you
don't have that um there's no such thing called respect not only your woman won't respect you um you guys just going to be frustrated together be stuck somewhere and you don't even know why your relationship is so miserable because you don't have a direction Point number six risk-taking adventurous ambitious so what do what do I mean by taking risk I'm not saying to do stupid thing by risk-taking I mean to take necessary risk in order to get a desired result it's like um start a business invest in something relocate to another place um after you
know thorough consideration and research of course what I'm saying is that you need to be able to take risk you might bring something up and your wife might freak out because she is in her comfort zone and most women want stability right she she's going to freak out at the beginning but remember you take the lead you take the will and let her help you because you might get the direction right but how to get there there's a lot of details there and you need need a helper you need a woman to help you and
to make it happen so you will need to convince her and now the whole point is you need to have have the ability and the courage to take risk because there's no good thing in this life that you can get without risk taking especially if you're a Son of God because a lot of things that God wants you to do is totally out of your mind it's crazy to everyone else nobody's going to understand you okay if if it's understandable then it's probably your human reasoning a lot of the time God would tell you to
do something that is just risky okay so Point number seven this is also very important it is something that a lot of you will be interested so Point number seven is to lead other men when I say lead out of men I mean raise up raise them up serve them um help out of Brothers build your Brotherhood bu your tribes so this one I wanted give you an example you know learn from Jesus Jesus is from Nazareth that's like a ghetto in Israel and this man has nothing and he build so many followers and 12
of them follow him to the end right I mean Judas betray him but you know men sometimes judge how desirable woman is by how many men desire her right and woman likewise judge how respective and how much they will respect this man by how other men respect him like you need Brothers to do to do this Christian Life it you can't do it alone and you can't do it just by the help of your woman you need other men um other Godly men especially when you you know you guys going to face lust right you
need other men to help you conquer lust you need other men who are down with this pornography fornication masturbation thing you guys need to stand together and if you didn't find an existing Community uh a brother who does likeminded guys to join build your own build your own tribe so don't complain I don't like the guys in my church you can build your own online offline depends on you you need to build your own tribe okay so Point number eight is be forgiving but has boundary so what I'm saying here I mean being forgiving is
you know God's commandment we need to forgive others no matter what they do because if only we forgive them Our Father in heaven will forgive us but remember this um forgiving is not reconciliation it's like you're still holding on to that thing uh and people can see it people can see that bitterness that Grudge you are holding so this is my you know a special note to brother who you know is in the rapel community or was in the rapal community uh don't be those bitter beta male okay move on forgive the woman who hurt
you in the past if you don't forgive them God is not going to give you his daughter you know that you know that scripture is like if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give you so if an Earthly father a biological father is so protected of his daughter imagine how much more protected God is to his own daughter so if you can't move on you know you're too small that you are holding on to this Grudge this past hurt um you will miss
God's plan for you you will miss the promise he has for you point number nine self-control discipline especially especially your self-control in your sex drive so um I actually should probably made a video about it but I just want to briefly uh bring this up so every man I say most men most men struggle with lust I don't care if you're married and if you're not and brothers listen there's a reason that God didn't take this thing away from you there is a reason and also for sister um especially if you're married um you can
forgive your husband for watching pornography and he he told you and you shame him you berated him now just hear me out God didn't take this away from man because the sex drive is not for you to sin it's not for you to squander it's for you to control and put it put that energy uh into your purpose in Proverbs 31 at the beginning I think that is the mother teaching to his son who is a king and she said that don't give your strength to strange woman what does that mean strength so your sex
energy is your strength do you remember Samson ssum I don't know if I pronounce it right samsum the the man who got he his most expensive haircut by Delilah right so Sansom is a guy who didn't conquer his lost at all for all his life and he lose his strength and his strength is his biggest power he can fight a lion barehanded so you know the whole Bible is telling you strength that if a man is indulged in lust you're not going very far in life okay you're not going to go very far in life
if you cannot conquer this thing so self-control discipline um is what make a woman respect you because from my own observation most women uh are not very disciplined so that's why women respect men who are disciplined who when they set their mind to do something they do it they stick to their schedule uh you know they go to a gym every day even when they don't want it when they don't feel like it they show up so that is what make a woman truly respect you it's not manipulative skill it's not faking a a a
Persona you have to be that person because you can only fool foolish woman you can only fool insecure woman and those women will give you a lot of trouble if you do end up with her [Music] number 10 now this one is interesting is to be privileged I know right I'm not saying to have a sense of privilege I'm saying to be privileged I'll give you an example Jesus Christ do you guys remember um before he he entered Jerusalem right he told his disciple to bring the to go to this this town and and take
the donkey and and just tell the donkey owner the Lord has needs of it I love that did you realize what he's doing he just walk around and know that he own he own everything because God owns everything so he got this privilege you know if you're a businessman you know what I'm talking about okay never take the first offer so let's say um I'll give you an example a lot of gym you know have this Initiation fee it's annual fee is all kinds of BS on top of the first month uh membership fee right
and there are also a lot of plays that you know your landlord is going to charge you one month deposit two month deposit something like that and there are all kinds of those bureaucratic stuff those rules those fees that if you know how to negotiate you don't have to pay it you heard me right you need you know why people just accept every terms and conditions that other people bring it to them okay I need to pay this fee this fee this fee and you know in your mind all of those are BS but you
just pay it why because it's convenient because you don't want to confront them you don't want uh to bring this up you don't want to negotiate with those people it makes you uncomfortable it's out of your comfort zone you you know what I'm saying so you need to bring it up it's not like everything people throw at you you're going to take it you need to negotiate if you know this is BS negotiate your way out so this is what will you know make a woman respect you and this is not something you can fake
you have to have this ability you have to build it you have to train so may maybe today you're going to negotiate uh not to pay your Jin Initiation fee not to pay the deposit and in the future you're going to negotiate about you know the down payment of a property and or you're going to negotiate with your business investor so it's a skill to build and so nothing I'm saying it's it's like all those dating coach taught you or you can immediately apply you need to be that person point number 11 is to have
high self-esteem again this is not something okay I write it down tomorrow I'm going to pretend to have high self-esteem Yukon High self-esteem comes from you are secure in your identity you know who you are and it's not attached to your achievement is not attached to your performance so I just post um a an article on my substack newsletter make sure you check it out and the name is a wife is a crown not a trophy so in that article I talk about you know achieve from your identity achieve from who you are don't achieve
to prove who you are so I don't care what is your background you can't be worse than Jesus Christ he is the Son of God but on the earth nobody know he's the son of God people just see him from a ghetto a preacher a poor preacher from a ghetto but because he is so secure in his true identity of the Son of God people follow him okay I think the last few points I'm just going to bring it together uh number one is to embrace isolation so as a man if you cannot be comfortable
in your um Solitude in your isolation uh you're in big trouble you need to embrace isolation you need to be able to be alone you need to be able to face who you are right and another point is that if you want a woman to respect you respect her so respect her doesn't mean to let her get away each time it's actually the contrary because you let her get away uh you don't really doing her any good she needs to know the truth she needs to you know become a better person by respecting her I
mean you need to help her become a better woman and that could mean you might offend her you might have to disagree with her uh you might have to face you know some conflict okay so that is respect her um and also very importantly respect her in the PO don't FLIR with the other woman and when you guys are in public make sure when she need to speak with you you listen to her instead of you know busy uh making Impressions on the strangers um I think this is my last point is very simple being
protective don't let her do something that will damage her femininity what would damage a woman's uh femininity um to handle a conflict that is in public let's say you guys are eating out in a restaurant and she has a problem with her dish you're going to be the one to call the waiter over and communicate about the issues you're not going to let her throw her frustration at a waiter but you're going to handle this thing gracefully for her uh you're going to be the one to you know not not just to pay the bill
for the for the dinner but also so be the one to communicate with the waiter more and the last thing I want to bring up this is a little bonus um is to make eye contact so make eye contact this is probably the only thing you can take away today that you can apply it right away is to be firm in your eye contact and if you want to know how to do it uh go watch The Godfather and watch Michael coloni how he look at everybody so don't go to that extreme but I just
it will give you a good idea about making eye contact and command respect from other people so this is my uh video today I inclined to make the video on YouTube more entertaining so don't forget to like this video share and subscri subscribe to my channel I hope you guys have a wonderful week until next time God bless you peace
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