50 Bible Questions - Life Of Jesus | Test Your Bible Knowledge | The Bible Quiz

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The Bible Quiz
How much do you know about The Bible? Test your biblical knowledge in this quiz of biblical question...
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welcome to the Bible quiz when discussing the Bible one cannot Overlook the pivotal role of Jesus his life stands as a brilliant Exemplar spanning across Generations from his miraculous birth to his profound teachings and selfless sacrifice let us now delve into the remarkable journey of the Son of God we've carefully selected 50 thought-provoking questions to test your knowledge of Jesus's life and teachings are you ready to dive into this extraordinary Journey Through the gospels but before we begin don't forget to hit that subscribe button and give this video a thumbs up your support helps us
spread the message of Christ to a wider audience after the quiz share your results in the comments below we're excited to hear about your insights and experiences as we journey together through the life of Jesus let's get started question one how old was Jesus when he was baptized in the Jordan River a 30 years B 33 years c 25 years D 12 years you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a 30 years Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River at about the age of 30 as recorded in Luke 3:23 this event marked the beginning of Jesus's
public Ministry signaling his Readiness to fulfill his Divine mission on Earth it also emphasizes the significance of baptism as a pivotal moment in Jesus's life life and Ministry question two how many Temptations did Jesus face from Satan a one times B three times C five times D seven times you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B three times Jesus confronted three Temptations from Satan during his 40 days of fasting in the wilderness as recounted in Matthew chapter 4: 1-1 and Luke 4: 1-13 these Temptations tested various aspects of Jesus's identity and Mission highlighting his steadfastness and
resistance to Temptation question three which ruler census prompted Joseph and Mary's journey to Bethlehem a Herod B Caesar Augustus C King Fara D Pontius pilot you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B Caesar Augustus Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem due to a census ordered by Caesar Augustus as mentioned in Luke 2: 1 to5 this census required everyone to return to their ancestral hometowns fulfilling the prophecy that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem the city of David question four how many loaves and fish did Jesus use to feed 5,000 people a two loaves of bread and
five fish B three loaves of bread and two fish C 10 loaves of bread and five fish D five loaves of bread and two fish you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D five loaves of bread and two fish Jesus performed the miracle of feeding the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish as described in Matthew 14: 13- 21 this miraculous event demonstrates Jesus's power and compassion showcasing his ability to provide abundantly with seemingly limited resources question five where and by whom was Jesus baptized a in the Red Sea by himself B in
the River Nile by John the Baptist C in the River Jordan by John the Baptist D in The River Jordan by an angel of God you get 10 [Music] seconds that's sea in the River Jordan by John the Baptist Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River as recorded in Matthew CH 3: 13-1 17 this baptism marked the beginning of Jesus's public Ministry and symbolized his identification with Humanity as well as his anointing by the Holy Spirit esteemed pal stay in the know and never miss a quiz again hit subscribe and be
the first to catch all the excitement question six how old was Jesus when he began teaching in the temple [Music] a 12 years old B 13 years old C 14 years old D 15 years old you get 10 seconds that's a 12 years old Jesus began teaching in the temple at the age of 12 as described in Luke 2: 41-52 this event showcases Jesus's wisdom and understanding of scripture as well as his early recognition of his Divine Purpose it also highlights the importance of spiritual growth and learning from a young age question seven who anoints
Ed Jesus's feet with expensive perfume and then dried his feet with her hair a Martha the sister of Mary B Esther the sister of gifty C Elizabeth the sister of Hannah D Mary the sister of Martha you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D Mary the sister of Martha Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus's feet with expensive perfume and then wiped his feet with her hair as described in Luke 7: 36 to 50 this act of devotion and love symbolizes her deep reverence for Jesus and for Shadows his impending death and burial question 8 where did Joseph and
Mary live a Israel B Jerusalem C Nazareth D Bethlehem you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C Nazareth Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth as mentioned in Luke 1: 26- 27 Nazareth was their Hometown where Jesus spent much of his childhood and early years before beginning his ministry question nine Jesus went missing at what age when attending a religious ceremony with his family a 12 B 10 c 7 D6 you get 10 [Music] seconds that's a 12 Jesus went missing when he was 12 years old when he and his family went to Jerusalem for Passover as
described in Luke 2: 41-52 this event is called the temple search and highlights Jesus's early wisdom and understanding of his Divine Mission question 10 how many disciples follow Jesus a 10 B 12 12 C 14 D 22 you get 10 [Music] seconds that's B2 Jesus had 12 disciples who followed him throughout his ministry as many mentioned in multiple passages in the New Testament including Matthew 10: 1- 4 these disciples were chosen by Jesus to accompany him learn from him and spread his teachings to others question 11 what was Jesus's first recorded Miracle a walked on
the sea B made the walk C made the blind man c d turn the water into wine you get 10 [Music] seconds that's D turn the water into wine Jesus's first recorded Miracle is documented in John 2: 1 1 to 11 where he transformed water into wine at a wedding in Kaa this miraculous event demonstrated Jesus's divine power and inaugurated his public Ministry revealing his ability to bring joy and abundance question 12 who climbed a tree to see Jesus a Judas B Nathaniel c zakus d D Lazarus you get 10 [Music] seconds that's c zakus
zakus a tax collector climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus passing through Jericho as recounted in Luke 19: 1 to 10 this encounter led to Jesus's visit to zaki's house resulting in zaki's Repentance and salvation highlighting Jesus's mission to seek and save the lost question 13 who said to Jesus you are Christ son of the Living God a John B James C Andrew D Peter you get 10 seconds that's D Peter Peter made this confession of faith in Jesus as the Messiah the Son of God as recorded in Matthew 16: 16 this declaration signifies people
Peter's recognition of Jesus's Divine identity and role in God's Plan of Salvation question 14 what was Jesus doing when the disciples became afraid during the storm at sea a eating B sleeping C praying D preaching you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B sleeping during the storm at sea while the disciples became afraid Jesus was peacefully sleeping in the boat as described in Matthew chap 8: 23 to 27 this event demonstrates Jesus's calmness and authority over over nature even in the midst of chaos question 15 how many people did Jesus raise from the dead a 3
B 4 c 7 D 13 you get 10 seconds [Music] that's A3 Jesus raised three people from the dead during his ministry Lazarus and John 11 veres 1-44 the daughter of gyrus in Mark 5: 21- 24 and verses 35 to 43 and the son of the Widow at Naim in Luke 7: 11 to 17 these Miracles showcase Jesus's power over death and foreshadow his own Resurrection question 16 which disciple opposed Jesus washing his feet a Jacob B Judas C Peter D Thomas you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C Peter Peter initially opposed Jesus washing his
feet as recorded in John 13: 6 to8 he felt unworthy to have Jesus perform such a humble Act of service for him however Jesus explained the deeper significance of the act and Peter pet eventually relented question 17 how many days did Lazarus die before Jesus restored him to life a one day B two days c 3 days D 4 days you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D four days Lazarus had been dead for 4 days when Jesus arrived and raised him from the dead as stated in John 11:1 17 this emphasizes the miraculous nature of
Jesus's power over death as the Jews believe that the soul departed after 3 days question 18 where did Jesus Drive the legions of demons a hell B swine C the sea D roosters you get 10 seconds that's B swines Jesus drove the legions of demons out of a possessed man and into a herd of pigs as recounted in Matthew 8: 28-34 Mark 5: 1-20 in Luke 8: 26-39 the pigs then rushed into the sea and drowned demonstrating Jesus's authority over demonic forces question 19 to which disciple did Jesus say get behind me Satan a Peter
B John C Thomas D Michael you get 10 seconds that's a Peter Jesus said this to Peter when he rebuked Jesus for talking about his impending death it's recorded in Matthew 16: 23 this moment illustrates Peter's misund understanding of Jesus's mission and the spiritual battle at hand question 20 in whose new Tomb is Jesus laid to rest a Jacob B Judas C Abraham D Joseph of ARA you get 10 [Music] seconds that's D Joseph of ARA Joseph of arthea a wealthy disciple of Jesus provided his own new Tomb for Jesus's burial as mentioned in Matthew
27: 57-60 this act fulfilled the prophecy that Jesus would be buried in a rich man's tomb question 21 in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins how many foolish virgins were there a 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 you get 10 [Music] seconds that's C five in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins Jesus spoke of 10 virgins five of whom were wise and prepared with oil for their lamps while the other five were foolish and unprepared as recounted in Matthew 25: 1-13 this Parable emphasizes the importance of Readiness and watchfulness for
the return of Christ question 22 whom did Jesus command to come out of the Tomb a Martha B Lazarus C Susanna D cleopas you get 10 seconds that's B Lazarus Jesus called out to Lazarus who had been dead for 4 days to come out of the Tomb as described in John 11:43 this miraculous event demonstrated Jesus's power over death and foreshadowed his own Resurrection question 23 who told Joseph to name the baby that Mary was carrying a an angel B God C Mary D the wise men you get 10 seconds that's a an angel an
angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and instructed him to name the baby Jesus as stated in Matthew 1: 20- 21 this name means the Lord saves and emphasizes Jesus mission to save Humanity from sin question 24 what did Jesus use to calm the storm while on a boat with his disciples a a net b a lantern c a blanket D his voice you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D his voice when faced with a raging Storm while on a boat with his disciples Jesus demonstrated his Divine Authority by calming The Tempest
with just his voice as recounted in Matthew 8: 23-2 7 this extraordinary event showcases Jesus's Mastery over nature highlighting his power and the disciples a inspiring Faith question 25 what was the name of the day Jesus was arrested a Easter B Pentecost C Monday Thursday D Palm Sunday you get 10 [Music] seconds that's C Monday Thursday Jesus was arrested on the evening of Holy Thursday the day before Good Friday as recounted in the gospels particularly in Matthew 26: 47 to 56 this event marks the beginning of The Passion of Christ question 26 who talked to
Jesus during the Transfiguration a Abraham and Moses B Elijah and David C Aaron and Moses D Moses and Elijah you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D Moses and Elijah during the Transfiguration Moses and Elijah appear and conversed with Jesus on the Mountaintop as described in Matthew 17: 1-8 this event affirmed Jesus's identity as the Fulfillment of the law and the prophets question 27 who showed Jesus to the people and said behold the man a pilate B David C John the Baptist D an angel of God you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a pilot Pontius Pilate
the Roman governor of Judea presented Jesus to the crowd and declared ex a homo behold the man as recorded in John 19:5 this occurred during Jesus's trial before his crucifixion highlighting Pilot's attempt to appease the crowd while washing his hands of responsibility question 28 who betrayed Jesus a John B Judas C James D Thomas you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B Judas Judas Iscariot one of Jesus's disciples betrayed him to the religious authorities for 30 pieces of silver as recounted in Mark 14: 10- 11 this act led to Jesus's arrest and eventual crucifixion question 29
who cut off the ears of the servant of the high priest when they came to arrest Jesus a James B John C Peter D Andrew you get 10 seconds that's C Peter Peter one of Jesus's disciples cut off the ear of the high priest's servant with a sword when they came to arrest Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane as described in John 18:10 this impulsive act demonstrated Peter's loyalty to Jesus but also his misunderstanding of Jesus's mission question 30 what gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus a Bible myrr and shoes B camels goats
and cows C diapers stroller and blankets d gold frankincense and myrrh you get 10 [Music] seconds that's d gold frankincense and myrr the wise men also known as the Magi or the three kings brought gifts of gold frankincense and myrr to Jesus as recorded in Matthew 2:1 these gifts symbolized Jesus's kingship gold his Priestly role frankincense and his sacrificial death myrr if you find this no more useful please support the Bible quiz team by subscribing to the channel question 31 what words were written on the cross of Jesus a Jesus of Nazareth King of the
Jews B Jesus is the son of God C King of Kings D Jesus is Lord you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews the inscription on Jesus's cross written in Hebrew Latin and Greek was intended to mock him it proclaimed his kingship while also serving as a means of public humiliation this inscription mentioned in mark 15: 26 holds deep theological significance affirming Jesus's identity as the Messiah question 32 who is the first person to see Jesus after the resurrection a John B Mary Magdalene C Phillip D Peter you get
10 seconds [Music] that's B Mary Magdalene Mary magdalin was the first to witness the Risen Jesus as described in John 20: 11 to18 her encounter with the resurrected Christ highlights the importance of her role as a faithful follower and serves as a powerful testimony to the reality of Jesus's resurrection question 33 where did Joseph hide with Mary and Jesus when King Herod ordered the killing of newborn babies a Arabia B Libya C Egypt D Lebanon you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C Egypt when King Herod ordered the massacre of newborn babies in Bethlehem Joseph Mary
and Jesus fled to Egypt to escape the threat as narrated in Matthew 2: 13-15 this event fulfilled the prophecy out of Egypt I called my son Hosea 11:1 underscoring Jesus's identification with the Israelites and his role as the Fulfillment of Old Testament promises question 34 how did Jesus often address God a the king B friend C Brother D father you get 10 [Music] seconds that's D father Jesus frequently referred to God as father emphasizing the intimate relationship he had with the Divine as well as his role as the son of God this address reflects Jesus's
teaching on the concept of God as a loving and caring father as seen in passages such as Matthew 6:9 question 35 how many days did Jesus fast a 40 B 30 c 7 D3 you get 10 seconds [Music] that's A40 Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness as recounted in Matthew 4: 1-1 this period of fasting and Temptation prepared him for his public Ministry and demonstrated his obedience to God God's will question 36 what does the name Jesus mean a leader B salvation c Christian D God is good you get 10
seconds [Music] that's B salvation the name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew name Yeshua which means Yahweh is salvation or God Saves this name reflects Jesus's mission to bring Salvation to humanity through his life death and Resurrection as stated in Matthew chapter 1: 21 she will give birth to a son and you shall name him Jesus for he will save his people from their sins question 37 what prayer did Jesus teach his disciples a Hail Mary B the Benedictus C Our Father D the Apostles Creed you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C our father Jesus
taught his disciples the Lord's Prayer also known as The Lord's Prayer as recorded in Matthew 6: 9-13 this prayer serves as a model for Christian prayer emphasizing the themes of God's holiness provision forgiveness and deliverance question 38 what did Jesus say to the adulterous woman whom the Pharisees brought before him a you are forgiven B you are condemned C you must pay for your sins D go and sin no more you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D go and sin no more when the Pharisees brought an adulterous woman before Jesus he responded with compassion and
wisdom saying go and sin no more this account found in John 8: 1 to 11 illustrates Jesus's mercy and his emphasis on repentance and forgiveness rather than condemnation question 39 who is responsible for burying Jesus's body a John the Baptist B Judas es scariot C Joseph of arthea D Mary Magdalene you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C Joseph of arthea Joseph of arthea a wealthy descendant of Jesus received pilate's permission to take Jesus's body down from the cross and bury it in his own new Tomb as described in Matthew chap 27: 57-60 Nicodemus another prominent
figure all also assisted in the burial by bringing spices and assisting in the burial process question 40 where was Jesus crucified a Israel b golgatha c Hades D Jerusalem you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B golgatha Jesus was crucified outside the walls of Jerusalem at a place called golgatha which means the place of the skull in Aramaic this significant location is mentioned in Matthew 27 verse 33 signifying the Fulfillment of prophecies regarding the messiah's suffering and death question 41 how many wise men were Guided by the star to visit the baby Jesus a 3 B
4 C 5 D unknown you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D unknown although tradition often depicts three wise men based on the three gifts presented gold frankincense and myrr the Bible does not specify their number Matthew's gospel simply refers to them as wise men from the east in Matthew 2:1 who followed a star to find the newborn King of the Jews question 42 what is the meaning of Bethlehem a House of Bread B his place of birth C the anointed Place D the dwelling space you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a House of Bread Bethlehem
a town in Judea holds deep significance in Christian tradition as the birthplace of Jesus its name Bethlehem Bethlehem means House of Bread in Hebrew this name carries symbolic meaning as Jesus the bread of life was born there according to the the gospel accounts question 43 what commandment did Jesus declare to be the greatest a Thou shalt not kill B honor thy father and mother C Thou shalt not commit adultery D Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind you get 10 seconds [Music]
that's D Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind when asked about the greatest commandment Jesus responded by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5 affirming the importance of loving God with all one's heart soul and mind he added that the second greatest commandment is to love one's neighbor as oneself in Matthew 22: 34-40 question 44 at what age did Jesus begin his ministry a 15 B 20 C 30 D 40 you get 10 seconds that's C30 Jesus began his ministry at approximately 30 years old as
stated in Luke 3: 23 this marked the start of his public preaching teaching and Performing Miracles fulfilling his Divine Purpose as the Messiah question 45 how long was Jesus's Earthly Ministry a 2 5 years B 3 years C 5 D 10 you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B 3 years Jesus's Earthly Ministry lasted approximately 3 years it began around the age of 30 when he was baptized by John the Baptist in Luke 3: 23 and concluded with his crucifixion and Resurrection throughout this period Jesus traveled throughout Judea Galilee and Samaria preaching the kingdom of God
performing Miracles and teaching his disciples question 46 what did Jesus serve his disciples at the Last Supper a Bread and Wine B rice and fish C bread and fish D meat and wine you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a bread and wine at the Last Supper Jesus instituted the sacrament of holy communion by serving bread symbolizing his body and wine symbolizing his blood to his disciples as described in Matthew 26: 26- 29 question 47 why did Judas betray Jesus a 35 pieces of gold B 20 pieces of gold C 100 pieces of silver D 30
pieces of silver you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D 30 pieces of silver Judas iscariot's betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver fulfilled a prophecy from Zechariah 11: 12 to13 this betrayal as recorded in Matthew 26: 14-6 illustrates the Fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and the tragic role played by Judas in Jesus's arrest and crucifixion question 48 how many times did Jesus teach us to forgive a once B three times C 70 * 7 D seven times you get 10 [Music] seconds that's C 70 * 7 Jesus's teachings on forgiveness as conveyed in Matthew
18: 21 to 22 emphasize the importance of infinite forgiveness by inspiring ing his followers to forgive not just 70 times 7 Jesus emphasized the radical nature of forgiveness and the need for compassion and Reconciliation in human relationships people together question 49 how many lepers did Jesus heal a 3 B 10 C 12 D 15 you get 10 [Music] seconds that's B 10 Jesus's healing of 10 lepers described in Luke 17: 11 to9 highlights the transforming power of faith and gratitude although all 10 were healed only one Samaritan returned to express his gratitude to Jesus this
story serves as a reminder of the importance of gratitude and faith in strengthening God's blessings in our lives question 50 what work did Joseph Jesus's Earthly father do a he was a Carpenter B he was a farmer C he was a pastor D he was a fisherman you get 10 [Music] seconds that's a he was a carpenter Joseph the Earthly father of Jesus is described in the gospel of Matthew 13 ver 55 as a Carpenter in addition St Joseph played an important role in providing for and protecting Jesus and Mary thus fulfilling his responsibility as
the head of the Holy Family this demonstrated his commitment to taking care of his family and ensuring their well-being within the cultural and social context of the time om my what a remarkable journey into the life and teachings of Jesus how did you work whether whether you Ace a test or gain new insights remember that God's word is an ever-flowing source of wisdom waiting to be discovered if you found this quiz enlightening please show your support by liking the video and sharing it with your friends and family let us invite them to join us on
this fascinating Journey Through the life of Jesus and don't forget to hit the Subscribe button for more quizzes and profound Revelations from the Bible your feedback is invaluable so please share your scores questions or ideas for future quizzes in the comments section thank you for accompanying us today and may the teachings of Jesus Enlighten your path until our next adventure goodbye and see you in the next [Music] video
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