imagine this circle is your mind and these are the different thoughts that come into your mind throughout the day when suddenly you're faced with a big decision like what career to choose who to marry or where to live some of the thoughts in your mind want you to say no to one decision while the others want you to say yes but how do you know which thoughts are telling you to make the right choice and which thoughts are leading you to make a choice you'll regret later not knowing can be so frustrating and can even
paralyze you from making important decisions at all but what if I told you that the Bible has laid out a formula that anyone can use to figure out exactly which thoughts are from God the truth is the mind isn't just this one big circle it has three layers the first layer is called your stream of Consciousness and thoughts travel in and out of here pretty quickly but you don't always have control over what comes in you might see something on Instagram watch something on TV or read a text message from a friend these thoughts are
called outside influences but there was another type of thought that entered my stream of Consciousness status pleasure and wealth the crazy thing is the Bible says that every human on earth regardless of age is striving for these same three things too these thoughts are called lusts unfortunately it's your environment that controls most of the thoughts that enter this first layer but only you decide what moves on to layer number two this layer is called Deep think and it holds all of the thoughts you choose to meditate on now the deepest layer is what I call
the command center once a thought makes it past the stream of Consciousness into deep think you then have the choice to bring it into your command center when you do this your thought turns into a decision to actually do something but there's another type of thought that was very difficult to get rid of one of the first times I encountered it was at a Sunday morning church service as a teenager the pastor would preach a sermon and I could usually block out about 99% of it but not the end going to have all these kicks
and all these Pleasures but it doesn't satisfy something deep down inside is crying for something more Jesus Christ to die on the cross and shed his blood so that our sins could be forgiven this thought was different it was uncomfortable and worst of all it was hard to get rid of because any thought I tried to use to replace it would just get exposed it was like light in a dark room except that dark room was my mind fast forward a few years and I was faced with two new decisions big ones the first was
what career to choose and the second was if I should marry my new girlfriend it felt like my entire life's future was resting on these two big decisions and I didn't want to screw them up I'm going to share exactly how this new thought affected my decision and how you can detect this type of thought in your own life in just a moment because it's absolutely critical to your spiritual health but as Christians not only should we be concerned about our spiritual health but we also need to take care of the physical health that God
has given us too this is why I want to tell you about the sponsor of today's video ag1 I've been taking ag1 for some time now because as a father of two little ones I want to make sure my health is at its absolute best and ag1 is helping me accomplish this for me it's essential because it gives me peace of mind knowing that I'm giving my body vitamins and nutrients every morning to support my overall health so I can continue to do what God has called me to do be the best dad for my
kids you can use the link in my description or scan the QR code to get $20 off your subscription to ag1 and start making your health a priority too in order for you to understand how I made these big decisions you first need to know that my mind had gone through a massive change remember that uncomfortable thought that had come into my mind when I was at church well instead of pushing it out of my mind this time I went home opened up my Bible and added more more of these same bright thoughts many of
my old thoughts and lust started slowly filtering out as I let in some of the new thoughts into the deep think layer until a miracle happened I finally let God into my command center suddenly everything changed my mind was full of light and I could see what was really going on in my mind but most importantly God was now permanently in my command center the the Bible says that when we let Christ into our heart he makes his home inside of us now whatever decision came up what friends I should have who I should date
how I should spend my time the spirit of God would identify which thoughts were of him and pull them into the command center when it was time to make a choice that is until these two decisions had to be made for some reason it didn't feel like God was helping me make either of these choices even though every other choice now seems so obvious for example there was a time when what I saw on Instagram was letting in a lot of lustful thoughts I remember reading in the Bible that God did not want me doing
things that would cause me to even think about sinning this Bible verse created a thought in my mind to delete my Instagram entirely and replace that time with reading more of the Bible not only did this new thought expose a lot of the lustful thoughts that I had let in but the spirit of God identified this thought as from him and immediately pulled it into my command center when that happened Instagram was gone but these new decisions seemed much less obvious when it came to my career I thought maybe I should major in business because
I thought I might be good at it and then I could use the money that I made from this career to support missionaries but then I thought what if God wants me to become a missionary both options seem like they were from God maybe you felt the same way reading about the incredible lives of guys like Abraham and David and Peter in the Bible causes you to take a look at your own life and ask God what's your will for me likewise when it came to marrying my girlfriend I also had conflicting thoughts on one
side she was an extremely godly woman who I believe made me a better man but on the flip side I thought what if these are just my own thoughts thinking that she's from God but in reality God actually wants me to marry somebody completely different I prayed and prayed but no answer came until I read this verse be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your request be made known to God and the peace of God will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus the peace of God that's
what I was missing I was actually outside of God's will not because I was about to make the wrong decision but because I was anxious when the Bible clearly stated that I shouldn't be anxious about anything I knew that this girl loved God just as much as I did because she had proven it over the years I had known her we loved each other and both wanted to get married but instead of having Joy over this gift that God had given me I allowed anxiety to Blind me to God's will once I got rid of
the anxiety you can probably guess what happen next however choosing my future career was a little more complicated than just getting rid of some anxiety this decision was different from all the others because it felt like there wasn't just one option that was from God and none of my friends or mentors could make this decision for me it was totally between me and God I remember trying to read my Bible and find just one verse that I could somehow decode and extract an answer from which which is a really bad way to interpret the Bible
by the way but then it hit me Abraham had no idea where he was going when God called him Joseph never expected to become the commander of a foreign Nation after becoming their slave he just continued to do what was right in God's sight David was just a faithful Shepherd until Goliath came along Peter probably thought he'd be a fisherman his whole life until Jesus changed his path and on and on it went pet people who God used in incredible ways were given little to no Direction about their future in fact each of them seemed
more concerned about living a god-honoring life than trying to crack the code on God's plan for their life take a look at this verse from The Book of Romans and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God this verse is saying that if you are actively pushing bad thoughts out of your mind and bringing God's word into your mind the natural result will be God's perfect will in your life this meant that I
no longer had to stress about the decisions I had to make all I had to do was guard my mind from worldly and deceptive thoughts and continue to put more God thoughts into my mind this means even controlling what comes into your stream of Consciousness by choosing to put yourself in environments that result in good thoughts coming into your mind the Bible calls this walking in the spirit when your mind is filled with God and His word there is no decision that you can make that God can't help you course correct along the way so
by faith I chose to go to business school the funny part is after changing my major twice and working multiple jobs I now make YouTube videos full-time which would have never even entered my mind 10 years ago most of us Focus on the decisions but God is clearly more concerned about what thoughts we put into our mind that will have a vote on every decision we make but to be honest none of this even matters if you don't have the spirit of God living in you for years I thought I did but I was actually
a fake Christian if you want to be 100% sure that you are a real Christian then check out this video right here