my head it's like I'm going to win the show or I'm going to die bodybuilding could be a very ugly world that people aren't aware of you know that goes on to think that he's in this soil right now is making me a little emotional there's a rising crisis going on in modern bodybuilding I got list of 50 and there 50 Pros that I know about what about amateurs the glamorized industry has a dark side that some organizations and coaches would rather keep hidden becoming a ticking time one over top of the iceberg the risks
of elite bodybuilding are clear steroids will kill you but when we go deeper we see a lot more going on and the consequences are becoming increasingly fatal more bad news from the bodybuilding World unfortunately sha the dinosaur Davis Joe Lindner Sean rhen Gustavo Bedell Ilia golum edric McMillan let these people know really what's going on ladies and gentlemen AR this was my introduction to bodybuilding so how did it turn into this so many of those guys have their St like sticking out it used to be that you should have a b-shaped body now kind of
like a bottle people do not come to a show to see bellies and if they want to do that they go to maternity W or something like that this look is known as palumboism coined after the bodybuilder Dave Palumbo is likely due to aggressive peed use helping bodybuilders get bigger and leaner than ever each generation of bodybuilders are pushing the chemical envelope a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more Arnold often calls out winners with bubble guts getting them to hit old school poses that accentuate the modern flaw let's see one
more double bicep shot with a great vacuum show them now how to do that watch this guys what this what this look at that show your vacuum it's a vacuum posst watch this guys see that's what I'm talking about look at this vacuum look at this fans were quick to suggest that Arnold knew exactly what he was doing here you're ripped you're huge no stomach no nothing no problems perhaps I like how a joke but a warning for the more Insidious issues going on in bodybuilding that whole bodybuilding world is so strange because it literally
is impossible to compete without steroids it's no secret that they work this is a natural bodybuilder holding up a photo of her son Boston Lloyd he went on to become an enhanced bodybuilder achieving this transformation in just a year this look like he just came at the Hop balling Time Chamber in 2020 he was diagnosed with Stage 5 kidney failure after injecting himself with large doses of a peptide that causes weight loss in monkeys his desperate mother tried to seek out help from Dr Phil but by 29 years old it was too late Boston Lloyd
has passed the autopsy revealed an atic dissection along with a severely thickened heart muscle and liver likely caused by peeds as the cause of death a similar thing happened to Dallas maaa a few years after collapsing on stage he passed away his heart almost three times larger than average a study found heart attacks to be one of the leading causes of deaths in bodybuilders you see Peds can result in the heart growing larger often increasing bad cholesterol which clogs the arteries meanwhile damaging the liver Dallas's liver was over three times larger than the average person's
perhaps more disturbing is sludge blood PS can make blood thicker these clots can block blood flow to vital organs so some bodybuilders sprin their blood you could pour it upside down and the blood was solid that's how thick it was side effects are becoming increasingly common as bodybuilders are pushed to take more potent enhancements which is why experienced Pros are concerned the internet is a source of information which information is good but you got a lot of information this is information that allows bodybuilders to experiment research chemicals and advanced pharmacology to push to new limits
what I'm told by people they're just taking it recreationally they're taking uh I'm said mate you're taking more than I talk for Mr Olympus many already have predispositions that these substances exacerbate substances which can have worrying effects on your brain every day that I'm on high doses I wake up in the morning afraid of the the rest of my day this is kind of how I felt as a teenager when it was- 5 outside and I had rugby first lesson at school aside from trying to bulk up I used to use the gym to dstress
so when I picked up a big injury of lock down on top I was without my coping mechanism which is why I'm proud to announce that today's video is sponsored by headspace I only started using headspace in my first year of University initially viewing mental health as weakness but I've now been using headspace for over 4 years and I couldn't recommend it enough it has semi or fully guided meditations for any level of expertise from courses teaching the fundamentals to more specific guidance for those looking to level up it turns out that many Elite athletes
use meditation and mindfulness as part of their overall fitness regimen training your body and mind really does go hand in hand it's helped me massively reduce my stress and improve my sleep which is massively underrated for Fitness progress across the board I like to listen to these before anything stressful while walking or just before bed when I start feeling negative or stressed listening to a semi-guided meditation is the most practical thing I can do it really helped me get through a tough time during lockdown not to mention my neighbor's method to cope with lockdown was
to blast drum and bass music late at night so the sleep sounds which come on heads space really help to drown this out they also have a good catalog of focus music which I like to listen to while scripting videos like this it's a good way to stay consistent of an area of Health I find mucho easy to neglect if you want to see how headp space could be helpful to you you can get your first two months completely free all you need to do is use my link in the description or scan the QR
code on screen these videos take a lot of time to make but it's thanks to you for watching and sponsors like headspace that allow me to keep creating steroids didn't make me more jacked I would still take them just cuz of how it affects me mentally testosterone will change 90% of men's lives for the better B is in today's more honest social media landscape love to talk about how steroids make them feel today we're going to be talking about what it feels like to be on Trend when it'sing time to go it'sing time to go
mentally you become the main character but there's growing evidence to suggest that not all of these effects are positive it's going to make your temper very short intrusive thoughts I think about violence all the time irritable angry anxious night sweats like I got the most side effects from Trend in all these drugs yeah the temptation to use steroids is a running joke in the fitness industry it's easy to forget that the mental consequences for bodybuilders can be fatal I want to be brave I'm going to make the move up into open body building love you
all and uh keep following guys that was Neil Curry's last YouTube video before tragically passing away after becoming very isolated and depressed his parents stating the chemicals had negatively affected his mental health we can't claim causation here but steroids alter your hormonal levels and how you think so Elite bodybuilding dosages come with significant psychological risks this is something bodybuilders only often notice when coming off of PEDs and I did the mpia gear free guys I'm sitting there it's like a mind F and I'm learning like why the heck am I not crazy why am I
not feeling way worse than I normally should I was like oh my God I'm not doing steroids I'm not doing steroids but the cognitive effects can go far beyond a more unstable mental state another one is a marked approximate reduction of IQ I'm on a considerable dose of anabolics and I can feel it it's this fog but it's not just a heavy required pharmacology that's contributing to the early bodybuilder deaths but the psychological pressures of a sport in the fitness industry is the only place that you get rewarded for having a drug problem and an
eating disorder if you combine the two you get a proc card clip that as a result of this muscle dysmorphia is right with a new popular term being used I would definitely say a biger exia because Never Satisfied simply Never Satisfied in 1985 The People's magazine coin the term bigorexia a psychological condition marked by a negative body image and an obsessive desire to have a muscular physique I've met many of the most massive bodybuilders around the world and I have met a number of them that do not understand how large they are extreme Sports attracts
extreme people and I would always feel insecure like back then the way I picked out all of my clothes was what made me look biggest but there's a reason you hear about more bodybuilders dying young than cage fighters it's not bigorexia or the pressure that kills bodybuilders it's what they do in response to it you know how many drug addicts are in bodybuilding a tremendous amount because they're chasing something but they're not winning something as unrelatable as it may be when your family your finances and your reputation are all dependent on you out competing hundreds
of other bodybuilders dangerous extremes become inevitable before I could comprehend the deeper parts of this Iceberg I needed to understand the psychological side and the pressures that bodybuilders can endure for many bodybuilders this alone can lead to their downfall but it's often the result of an undetected condition that's one of the most overlooked silent killers of muscular guys imagine having the following symptoms yet no doctor can tell you what's going on and the first time I got some sort of claric ation was when I went to see a psychiatrist with extreme depression and anxiety it's
believed up to 80% of people who suffer with this are undiagnosed I stop breathing between 30 to 50 times per hour I was getting around 30 minutes of restful sleep per night How can any person survive on that the root cause obstructive sleep hnea people can die yeah you can't get into deep R because you wake up every 2 minutes like choking you're basically restricting oxygen and killing yourself slowly every single night a serious condition that commonly affects overweight individual previous coach of mine Mike Jenkins he passed away in 2013 because of sleep apnea the
solution my bang mask this is a cot machine a necessary device for many bodybuilders to breathe while sleeping I was told by my sleep specialist he said if I didn't get a cpat machine when I did I would have had a stroke by the time I was 30 there's a reason you don't see many 300b 70y olds walking around but while it seems like bodybuilders are most at risk at their Peak size it's often the run up to competition that proves the most fatal with many reaching into the dangerous world of diuretics this is footage
of 26-year-old Antonio Souza you can see something looks off shortly after he passed away with diuretics the cause of death some guys and girls use diuretics to lose body water and you lose a lot of electrolytes electrolytes regulate a heartbeat so if they get really out of whack these have claimed the lives of many other bodybuilders trying to achieve a dry look on stage back in the '90s there was a guy called Andy homie 20 early 20s he died backstage or something I think uh because of the dehydration that's that's diuretic use yeah diuretics are
real danger and it can be deaths left and right and they're increasingly being misused because man that's heart that's that's blood pressure meds man like what are you doing jod angle won a pro card in 2020 but was later hospitalized with rapto mysis acute kidney injury and cellulitis linked to diuretic overuse and now needs to take a concoction of medications for the rest of her life stating she would give her procard back in an instant just for one day to live in her old body that are very dangerous so they will kill you despite this
the abuse of diuretics and experimental compounds is on the rise with some placing the blame on the coaches providing them CU I'm telling you some of if not the most famous coaches in the entire world couldn't give two shits about your health and why do I know this because I've been sent their plans yeah he was working with Dallas McCarver when he started working with Dallas McCarver I said Dallas had 6 months to live he died eight months later that was Shawn Ray calling out a prominent bodybuilding coach Chad's got blood all over his hands
man there's at least five deaths Don Young Blood Nassar elmat Dallas mcarver uh and a few other people that he's had his of relationships with as a bodybuilding coach that are dead and in the ground and he hadn't gone to one funeral the role of an elite bodybuilding coach is often to help the bodybuilders tread the thin line between life and death leading up to a show it's a gray area doctors wouldn't even touch uh a lot of these bodybuilders because there just there's no evidence on like you're not going to advise somebody on taking
trem balone that's only used in Veterinary scenarios like that's you'd lose your license and it's completely unethical so coaches often provide elicit substances and dosages without formal training or medical licenses it's fine if everything goes right and it works because you're what happens when it doesn't go right or do your body reacts slightly differently bodybuilders die with coaches facing criticism such as the so-called Guru of death this guy they're saying he killed five people he's telling me no I only killed two people so I was like what kind of what kind of person says that
no bro it's two people not five get it right like but as bodybuilder Luke Sando stated shortly before passing way we play with fire in this game sometimes things get burned as stated a medical disclaimers when working with bodybuilding coaches it's the clients who are ultimately responsible for their health he doesn't seem to be an evil guy I don't get that impression I get them is I never once saw him as an evil guy even when I read that insane diuretic protocol that I I own it I laughed at it and said if this doesn't
kill me I'll be shocked perhaps most coaches are mitigating the damage bodybuilders due to them eles you'd like to think so but it's a dangerous game literally they really really walk that fine line between life and death and they know they're push in the envelope and they do it anyway because they Accolade the possible potential accolades and the money and the new clients that they might Garner from from this uh notoriety and and you guys know exactly who you are but many are concerned with the false security that seemingly knowledgeable coaches provide I can see
why somebody might just blindly follow a plan because that's what's been encouraged in this industry unfortunately and with Peds and all that stuff like you have to be very very careful because people have died so why despite all of these recent deaths the bodybuilders continue to use experimental compounds often mixed in recreational drugs and risky medications some coaches argue that a lot of these poor decisions are the result of a psychological phenomenon known as Summit fever and what happens in mountain climbing when you get to within a mile of the summit of the mountain you
get what's called Summit fever and what that does is it makes you set aside every safety rule everything that can keep you healthy everything that you know might kill you because all you see is that Summit that goal and it happens within the last mile of a mountain clim and it's a huge phenomenon the the top mile of uh any huge mountain is is littered with corpses and now so is bodybuilding for the same reason Elite bodybuilders at their own healthiest point when they step up on stage for people that don't know when you see
a bodybuilder on stage and they're fully shredded and ripped and flexing they are so dehydrated they're like ready to black out but this is a time to push things to the Limit are you truly doing whatever it takes to reach your goals the opportunity to make all of their hard work and sacrifice worth something meanwhile the trainers are looking to make a name for themselves they have Summit fever sometimes it's as the competitors do a mixture of all of these factors has people very concerned about the future of bodybuilding the sad state of bodybuilding unpopular
opinion someone is literally going to have to die on stage before something changes in bodybuilding AR going to change people want to see these monsters and so they will continue to produce monsters they're going to continue to reward that and the stakes are going to get higher and therefore the usage is going to get higher despite his appeal bodybuilding has a dark side that that federations coaches and Brands often prefer to hide many fans believe more should be done to protect competitors Health perhaps by drawing inspiration from the sports early days because look at the
old days when Steve Reeves won when Steve Reeves won he you saw him on the beach you said to yourself I would love to have this guy's body but that's not what you can say about those guys the day they win those competitions this is why Arnold once the classic physique to be as big as the open and the natural bodybuilding Community is growing with bodybuilders warning of the risks go get yourself checked out get everything checked because I didn't realize what was going on inside me to they actually went in and look all these
mother got health problem all of them bro why do you think I haven't competed in several years now me personally my advice to you unless you're competing don't take any steroids this is why raising awareness of the darker side is crucial especially for younger people who are often only shown the glamor aspects bodybuilding got me interested in Fitness but it darker side is what got me interested in health for many bodybuilders is a passion Worth Dying For and many more will die incredibly young as people remark at least they died doing what they loved but
perhaps the best way to honor late bodybuilders is to avoid making the same mistakes for sure who I am is not a bodybuilder there's more to me than that I'll be happy without it and uh this sport is not worth dying for no there's much more to life than work working out we're talking about business success education you know bettering yourself in every way willing to do whatever it takes I've talked to a lot of bodybuilders and I've explained that if we were able to take what we learn from bodybuilding and all the effort and
energy put into say preparing for a contest and we could take that and put that into something else it would be amazing the results [Music]