have you ever been in a place where you thought there was no way forward you applied for the job but you weren't qualified you needed money but there was no Source you prayed for an answer and suddenly an opportunity appeared something you never expected something you never planned that my friends is not a coincidence that is the hand of almighty God at work when God is helping you he makes a way where there is no away the Bible says behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it
I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert Isaiah 43: 19 God doesn't need logic he doesn't need human reasoning he moves beyond what our minds can comprehend think about the times when you didn't see a solution but out of nowhere a door opened maybe you met someone who introduced you to the right person maybe an opportunity landed in your lap that you never pursued that wasn't chance that wasn't just good luck that was God orchestrating events in your favor and here's the thing when God opens a door no man
can shut it no critic no enemy no situation can stop what God has set in motion the world may try to hold you back people may doubt you but when it's God's time to bless you nothing and no one can stand in his way if doors are opening for you even when they don't make sense that's a sign that's God moving in your life and when he does walk through that door with faith knowing that he who opened it will see you through to the other side life is full of storms there are moments when
everything around you is falling apart trouble in your family financial struggles health issues people turning against you the natural reaction is to panic to feel afraid to lose hope but then something unusual happens in the middle of the storm you feel a deep peace a peace that doesn't make sense a peace that the world can't give and the world can't take away that my friends is the presence of God when God is helping you he doesn't always take away the storm instead he gives you peace in the middle of it think about about Jesus and
his disciples in the boat the winds were howling the waves were crashing the disciples were terrified but Jesus he was asleep he wasn't worried he wasn't panicking why because he knew who was in control and when the disciples woke him up he spoke just three words peace be still Mark 4:39 and the storm obeyed him that's the kind of Peace God gives you when he's working in your life the kind of peace that lets you stand stand strong when everything else is shaking it doesn't mean your problems disappear overnight but it means you are no
longer controlled by fear you don't break down like you used to you don't lose your mind like others expect you to people look at you and wonder how are they still standing how are they still smiling and the answer is simple because God is with you if you are facing a storm right now but deep down you feel a peace that doesn't make sense that is a sign God is holding you he is covering you he is reminding you that no matter how bad the storm Gets You are not alone and when the time is
right he will either calm the storm or he will calm you in the storm either way his help is already with you have you ever been at a point in life where you felt lost unsure of what to do next and then out of nowhere the right person appeared someone who gave you the advice the encouragement or the support you needed maybe it was a mentor a friend a stranger or even a sermon that spoke directly to your heart that wasn't an accident that was God placing the right people in your life at the right
time when God is helping you he sends people to guide you to strengthen you to push you forward the Bible says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord Psalm 37:23 that means the People You Meet aren't just coincidences they are part of God's divine plan think about Ruth and Boaz she was a poor Widow picking up leftovers in the field but God led her to the right man at the right time and that one connection changed her life forever think about Joseph forgotten in prison betrayed by his own Brothers but God
put him in front of Pharaoh at just the right time and in one day he went from prisoner to prime minister that's how God works he places people in your life when you need them most maybe it's a friend who encourages you when you're about to give up maybe it's a boss who sees potential in you that no one else saw maybe it's a stranger who speaks a word that confirms what God has already put in your heart but here's something important sometimes God also removes people not everyone is meant to go where he's taking
you if someone walked out of your life don't chase them if a friendship ended unexpectedly trust that God knows what he's doing some people are seasonal but God will always send the right ones when you need them if you've been meeting the right people if doors have opened through unexpected connections that's a sign God is working behind the scenes putting the right people in place to help you walk into your destiny don't take it lightly don't ignore it recognize it as God's hand leading you exactly where you need to be there are moments in life
when you feel like you have nothing left to give the burden is too heavy the pain Too Deep the obstacles too overwhelming you reach a point where you think I can't do this anymore but somehow ye keep going somehow you wake up the next day and face the battle again that somehow is not your own strength it is God holding you up when you can't stand on your own when God is helping you he gives you strength that is beyond your natural ability the Bible says but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their
strength they shall Mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint Isaiah 40:31 this means that when your strength Runs Out God's strength takes over look at David just a Shepherd boy standing before a Giant Warrior he had no armor no military training nothing in the natural that gave him an advantage but he had something greater God's strength and that strength turned a Shepherd into a giant slayer think about Paul who went through beatings shipwrecks and prison yet yet he still preached with fire he
said when I am weak then I am strong 2 Corinthians 12:10 why because God's power was working through him maybe you've been through something that should have broken you but it didn't maybe life threw things at you that should have destroyed you but you're still standing that's a sign that's proof that God is strengthening you people may look at you and wonder how you're still moving forward how you didn't give up how you didn't lose your mind but you know the truth it's not you it's not your willpower it's not your strength it's God carrying
you and as long as he is with you no trial no setback no hardship can take you down you will overcome not because of who you are but because of who he is have you ever had a moment where disaster was about to strike but somehow you were spared maybe you narrowly avoided an accident maybe you were about to make a bad decision but something stopped you maybe harm was planned against you but it never reached you that wasn't luck that wasn't just a coincidence that was God's hand of protection over your life when God
is helping you he Shields you from dangers you don't even see the Bible says no weapon formed against you shall prosper Isaiah 54:17 it doesn't say weapons won't form it says they won't Prosper the enemy may try to attack you but God stands as your Defender think about Daniel in the Lion's Den the king had no power to save him the law was against him the lions were real but Daniel had something greater God's Divine protection the Lions couldn't touch him because God had already shut their mouths look at the three Hebrew boys in the
fiery furnace they were thrown into the fire but the fire couldn't burn them why because there was a fourth man in the fire with them God himself was their protector how many times have you been in situations that could have destroyed you but they didn't you might not even know all the times God protected you maybe he delayed you from leaving the house only for you to later realize he saved you from an accident maybe he removed certain people from your life and later you saw their true colors if you've ever walked away from something
that should have harmed you if you've ever escaped a situation you shouldn't have that's a sign God's angels are watching over you his presence is surrounding you no harm can touch you unless he allows it and if he allows it it's only because he's preparing a greater Victory on the other side so don't live in fear don't worry about what the enemy is planning if God is for you who can be against you walk in confidence knowing that his divine protection is always around you have you ever been in a place where you didn't know
how you were going to make it the bills were stacking up the resources were running low and you had no idea where the help would come from but then just in time a financial breakthrough a helping hand an unexpected opportunity that wasn't luck that was God providing for you in your time of need when God is helping you he makes sure you have exact L what you need exactly when you need it the Bible says but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus notice it doesn't say
he will supply some of your needs it doesn't say he will supply them sometimes it says all your needs that means whatever you lack God already has a plan to provide look at the Widow in the time of Elijah she only had a little flour and oil just enough to make one last meal before she and her son starved but God had other plans he sent his prophet and through an act of Faith the little she had never ran out she poured and God kept refilling she gave and God kept multiplying that's how he works
think about the Israelites in the wilderness no stores no Farms no food but every single day God rained down Mana from Heaven he made water flow from from a rock he provided when there was no human way for provision to come maybe right now you're wondering how you're going to make it maybe the situation looks impossible but if God has provided before he will do it again he doesn't need a paycheck to bless you he doesn't need a human source to open doors for you he is your Source if you've seen provision in your life
that came at the perfect time that's a sign if you've received unexp expected help when you needed it most that's God reminding you that he is your provider trust him even when you can't see the way he already has a plan the same God who fed the thousands with Five Loaves and two fish is still working today and he will take care of you one of the greatest signs that God is helping you is when you start to change from the inside out maybe you used to be angry all the time but now you find
yourself letting things go maybe you used to be filled with out but now you're starting to trust God more maybe you used to hold on to past pain but now you feel the strength to forgive this kind of transformation doesn't come from Human effort alone it's God working in your heart when God is helping you he doesn't just change your circumstances he changes you the Bible says I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you Ezekiel 36:26 that means the old you the one who was bitter fearful broken is being
made new by the power of God look at Paul he went from being a persecutor of Christians to becoming one of the greatest preachers of all time that didn't happen because he just decided to change it happened because God changed his heart look at Peter he went from denying Jesus out of Fear To Boldly standing before thousands declaring the gospel that's what happens when God works in you maybe you're noticing that the things that used to tempt you don't have the same hold anymore maybe your desires are shifting you long for God more than you
used to that's a sign that's proof that he is working inside of you and here's the best part this transformation is not something you have to force you don't have to try to fix yourself when God starts something in you he is the one who finishes it being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ Philippians 1:6 if you see yourself becoming a different person if you notice that your heart is softer your faith is stronger your spirit is lighter
that's God helping you he's shaping you molding you preparing you for greater things keep walking with him and he will complete the Beautiful F work he has started in your life have you ever prayed for something and expected God to answer one way but instead he answered in a way you never imagined maybe you asked for a specific job but he led you to a completely different career that turned out to be even better maybe you prayed for healing and instead of an instant Miracle he took you on a journey that deepened your faith maybe
you wanted a relationship to work out but he removed that person to make space for someone better when God is helping you he always answers prayers but not always in the way you expect the Bible says for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways sayeth the Lord Isaiah 558 that means God sees what you cannot see he knows what is truly best for you think about Joseph he dreamed of greatness but instead of being promoted instantly he was sold into slavery thrown into prison and forgotten I'm sure he prayed for
deliverance many times but God had a different plan every setback was actually leading him to his Destiny in the end Joseph was placed in a position of power that saved an entire nation look at Paul he prayed three times for God to remove his Thorn In the Flesh but God didn't take it away instead he told Paul my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness sometimes God doesn't remove the struggle but he gives you the strength to endure it if you've prayed and things didn't go the way you expected
don't be discouraged that doesn't mean God isn't answering it means he's answering his way which is always better if a door closed trust that he is protecting you if things didn't happen on your timeline trust that his timing is perfect if you didn't get what you wanted trust that he has something even greater in store if you look back and realize that God's answers were better than your own plans that's a sign he's been guiding you all along keep praying keep trusting and watch as he continues to move in ways beyond what you could ever
imagine no one likes trials no one enjoys suffering when we go through hardships our first instinct is to ask why God why is this happening to me but what if I told you that your trial is actually a sign that God is helping you what if the very thing you're struggling with right now is part of his plan to strengthen you to grow you to prepare you for something greater when God is helping you he doesn't always make life easy sometimes he allows trials to refine you Bible says my brethren count it all joy when
you fall into diverse Temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience James 1:2 through3 that means your pain is not pointless your suffering is not wasted God is using it to build you into the person he has called you to be look at job he lost everything his family his health his wealth he went through more suffering than most of us could imagine imine but in the end God restored him double for everything he lost the trial wasn't the end of job's story it was the setup for his greatest blessing think about
Jesus disciples they faced persecution imprisonment and hardships but those trials only made them stronger in faith Paul was beaten and Shipwrecked yet he declared we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience hope in other words trials make us better not bitter if we allow God to work through them maybe you're in a tough season right now maybe you're facing rejection loss or difficulty but instead of asking why is this happening to me ask what is God trying to teach me if you find yourself growing stronger becoming more patient learning to
trust God more that's a sign he is helping you he is molding you he is preparing you for something greater the trial is not the end it's the process and when you come out of it you will be wiser stronger and more equipped for what God has in store for you so don't give up your trial is proof that God is working have you ever experienced something in your life that you knew was beyond your own effort maybe you applied for a job you weren't fully qualified for but somehow you got got it maybe an
opportunity came out of nowhere one that you never expected maybe you were in a difficult situation with no way out and suddenly things shifted in your favor that wasn't luck that wasn't your own strength that was God opening doors that no man can shut when God is helping you he makes a way where there is no way the Bible says I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it Revelation 3:8 that means when God decides to open a door in your life no rejection no opposition no human limitation can stop
it look at Moses and the Israelites they stood before the Red Sea trapped between the water and the Egyptian Army there was no natural Escape but God opened a door a door through the sea itself he made a way where there was no way think about Esther she was an orphan an outsider someone who should have never been in a position of power but God opened a door and made her a queen positioning her to save an entire nation maybe you've been knocking on doors that refuse to open maybe you've face rejections setbacks and disappointments
but here's the truth when the right door is meant for you it will open without you having to force it you won't have to beg manipulate or stress over it the opport Unity will come at the right time and when it does you'll know that it was nothing but God if you've seen unexpected opportunities if doors have opened that you know you didn't open yourself that's a sign God is working in your life he is making a way for you keep trusting him because when he opens the right door no one not even the enemy
himself can close it have you ever been in a situation where everything seemed to fall into place for you even though you didn't deserve it maybe you got a promotion at work that you weren't expecting or someone extended kindness to you when you least expected it maybe you've experienced favor in the form of Grace protection or opportunities and you couldn't explain why things were going so well that's God's favor at work in your life when God is helping you he pours out favor on you in ways that others can't explain the Bible says for thou
Lord wil bless the right ious with favor wilt thou Compass him as with a shield Psalm 512 that means god surrounds you with favor protecting and guiding you even when you don't deserve it it's unearned it's unexplainable but it's real think about Noah God found favor in him when the entire world was corrupt while everyone else perished in the flood Noah and his family were saved the favor of God was on his life and it changed the course of history look at Daniel he was a captive in a foreign land yet God gave him favor
with the King despite being in a difficult situation God caused him to rise to a position of influence and honor have you ever received something you didn't work for didn't plan for or didn't deserve maybe you've been in a season where it seems like the odds were stacked against you but doors kept opening people kept showing up to help and opportunities kept coming your way that's a sign that God is extending his favor to you God's favor is not something we can earn by our own efforts but it's something he gives freely to those who
are in his will if you are experiencing unexplainable kindness opportunities or protection don't take it for granted recognize that God is with you opening doors making things happen and surrounding you with favor in ways that only he can favor is not something that can be explained by human logic but it's a powerful evidence of God's hand at work in your life so keep trusting him because when his favor is on you it will carry you to places and blessings you could never imagine have you ever experienced a moment of perfect peace even when everything around
you was falling apart maybe you were going through a difficult trial whether it was a loss A Health crisis or or a financial struggle but somehow in the middle of it all you felt a calmness that didn't make sense you should have been anxious worried or overwhelmed but instead there was a deep peace in your heart that peace is a powerful sign that God is helping you when God is helping you he gives you peace that surpasses understanding the Bible says and the peace of God which passees all understanding shall keep your hearts and Minds
through Christ Jesus Philippians 4:7 this peace doesn't come from the absence of problems it doesn't come because the situation is perfect it comes directly from God think about Jesus in the storm while his disciples were panicking Jesus was asleep in the boat the storm was fierce but his peace was Stronger when they woke him up he calmed the storm but more importantly he calmed their hearts peace be still he said and the storm obeyed Jesus didn't just calm the external storm he gave them an inner peace that carried them through look at the Apostle Paul
he faced beatings imprisonments and shipwrecks yet in the middle of it all he could write with joy and contentment he knew the peace of God in Philippians 411 he says not that I speak in respect of want for I have learned in whatsoever State I am therewith to be content Paul's peace wasn't dependent on his circumstances it was anchored in his relationship with God maybe you've experienced this peace yourself in the midst of Your Darkest Hours when the world was telling you to panic you found yourself in a place of calm maybe others around you
were frantic but you felt God's peace guarding your heart that's a sign of his presence his help and his comfort in your life if you're going through a difficult time right now and yet you sense an unexplainable peace know this God is with you he is helping you even in the chaos his peace isn't just a temporary escape from problems it's a lasting anchor that keeps you steady through the storms of life when God is helping you he will fill your heart with peace that the world can't give and the world can't take away way
have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were moved to help someone else even when you didn't have much to give maybe you saw a person in need and something in your heart just couldn't let you walk away without offering a helping hand maybe you felt compassion for someone who was struggling and found yourself doing something whether big or small to make their burden lighter that desire to help others is a clear sign that God is working in your life and helping you when God is helping you he places within you a heart
of compassion for others the Bible says but who so hath this world's good and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of God in him 1 John 3:17 God's love in your heart compels you to look Beyond yourself and meet the needs of those around you think of about the Good Samaritan he wasn't the one who is supposed to help he wasn't the one who had the obligation or even the relationship to the person in need yet he saw a man beaten and left for
dead and something within him stirred he didn't just passed by he stopped he helped and he showed Mercy Jesus used this story to illustrate how God's love should flow through us to others even when they are different from us or when helping cost us something look at the early Church in Acts they were known for their generosity for selling their possessions and sharing with anyone who had need their hearts were so filled with God's love that they couldn't help but give to others and the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of
one Soul neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own but they had all things common acts 4:32 their desire to help one another was a direct reflection of God's love at work in them if you find yourself moved to show kindness to give to help or to serve others in a way that surprises you that's a sign that God is helping you his love is flowing through you and his spirit is prompting you to be his hands and feet in the world maybe you've helped someone without expecting
anything in return or maybe you've sacrificed in ways you never thought possible that's God working through you when God helps you he doesn't just pour blessings into your life he also fills you with a heart of generosity of compassion and of service if you're actively looking for ways to bless others that's evidence that God is living and moving in your heart so keep serving keep loving and keep helping because God is using you to impact lives and spread his love to the world have you ever gone through a situation and in the midst of it
something changed in your heart or mind mind you looked at things differently saw the bigger picture or felt a shift in your understanding maybe something that once frustrated you or seemed like a setback now appears as an opportunity for growth or perhaps you've found that the way you approach problems has changed and you now see them as temporary challenges instead of overwhelming obstacles this shift in perspective is a powerful sign that God is helping you when God is helping you he transforms the way you see the world the Bible says be not conformed to this
world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 1202 God doesn't just change your circumstances he changes the way you perceive them he gives you a new mindset one that aligns with his truth his promises and his plans for your life think about the story of Joseph when he was sold into slavery and later thrown into prison it would have been easy for him to view everything as a curse as a personal betrayal but as Joseph looked back at those trials he understood that they were part of God's plan to save not
only him but also an entire nation his perspective shifted from one of resentment to one of faith in God's sovereignty you meant evil against me but God meant it for good look at Paul he spent years in prison but instead of letting that time be wasted in bitterness he used it to write letters of encouragement to the early churches his circumstances didn't change his mission he saw his situation as an opportunity to spread the gospel in ways he couldn't have otherwise his perspective was transformed maybe you've been through something that seemed unfair something that knocked
you down or discouraged you but then as you sought God something shifted in your heart maybe what once felt like a failure now looks like a stepping stone maybe what once seemed like a defeat now feels like an opportunity for God to reveal his glory if you've experienced a shift in perspective where you've begun to see things with more hope faith or understanding that's a sign that God is helping you he is Renewing Your Mind replacing fear with faith doubt with trust and confusion with Clarity keep seeking his wisdom and watch as he continues to
transform the way you see the world and your circumstances with God's help your perspective can turn every trial into a testimony and every obstacle into an opportunity for growth have you ever noticed that your faith has grown stronger after overcoming a challenge or going through a difficult time perhaps you started out uncertain doubting whether things would work out but but through the process you found yourself trusting God more deeply relying on his promises more confidently and believing that he will always come through for you this deepening of your faith is one of the clearest signs
that God is helping you when God is helping you your faith isn't static it grows it strengthens the Bible says the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my deliverer my God Is My Rock in whom I take refuge Psalm 18 to God becomes not just someone you pray to but the very Foundation of your life your source of strength and security as you walk with him your confidence in his ability to help you increases as look at the disciples in the beginning they were full of fear when the storm hit while they were in
the boat with Jesus they were terrified but as they saw Jesus performed Miracles and as they witnessed his power their faith began to grow even eventually after the resurrection they became bold Witnesses of his gospel unwavering in their faith even in the face of persecution think about Abraham he started with little faith questioning whether God's promises would come true but after years of waiting of trusting and seeing God's faithfulness his faith grew stronger in Romans 4:20 it says he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to
God God maybe you're at a point in your life where you can look back and see how much your faith has grown perhaps it was a trial you faced a situation that once seemed impossible that has led you to trust God more than ever before maybe you used to doubt God's ability to provide but now you see his provision everywhere you turn maybe you used to Fear the Future but now you're confident that he holds your tomorrow if you've seen your faith grow through life life's trials and victories that's a clear sign that God is
helping you he is strengthening you preparing you for even greater things keep holding on to him because with each step your faith will continue to grow and you will become more and more confident in his power and faithfulness have you ever had moments where you feel a deeper connection with God moments where you sense his presence in a way you hadn't before perhaps you were in prayer or maybe you were simply going through your day and it felt like God was right there beside you guiding you comforting you or speaking to your heart this sense
of closeness is a powerful sign that God is helping you drawing you near to him and revealing himself in more intimate ways when God is helping you he doesn't just work in your life from a distance he draws near to you the Bible says draw nigh to God and and He will draw nigh to you James 4:8 as you seek God he responds with greater intimacy bringing you into a deeper relationship with him his presence becomes more tangible and your connection with him more real think about Moses he spent time on the mountain with God
and as a result his face Shone with Glory reflecting God's presence Moses didn't just follow God from afar he sought a deep personal connection his relationship with God was so close that he spoke to him face to face Exodus 33:1 look at David he wrote countless Psalms filled with expressions of God's closeness and his intimate relationship with the Creator he was called a man after God's Own Heart because of his desire for a personal connection with God David knew that the key to his strength was his relationship with God and he sought that closeness at
all costs maybe you've experienced a deeper sense of God's presence during a difficult time maybe in your moments of doubt you felt his comfort more than ever before maybe you've sensed his guidance in ways you can't explain but you know deep down that he is leading you that closeness is a sign that God is helping you if you're feeling a stronger sense of intimacy with God if your prayer life is becoming more alive and meaningful or if you're sensing his guidance in a deeper way it's because he is Drawing Near to you this deeper connection
isn't just a fleeting moment it's a sign of his ongoing help and his desire to be in a personal relationship with you Embrace this deeper connection with God continue to seek him with all your heart and you'll find that The Closer you draw to him the more his presence will fill your life in powerful and transformative ways God is Not distant he is near and he is helping you every step of the way have you ever found yourself feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude even for the simple things maybe it's the beauty of a sunrise
the laughter of a loved one or the provision of your daily needs you might even look at your life and be filled with thankfulness for how far you've come for the blessing you've received or for the way God has sustained you through difficult times this deep sense of gratitude is a powerful sign that God is helping you when God is helping you he opens your eyes to see his hand in every part of your life the Bible encourages us to give thanks in all circumstances 1 Thessalonians 5:18 because even in the toughest times we can
recognize that God is with us working in our lives and providing for us gratitude becomes the natural response to his goodness and faithfulness think about the story of the 10 lepers in Luke 171 11-19 Jesus healed all 10 but only one returned to thank him this one leper understood the importance of expressing gratitude for the miracle that had taken place Jesus asked were not 10 cleansed where are the other nine Luke 17:17 The Grateful leper was not only physically healed but his act of gratitude demonstrated a deeper spiritual healing look at Paul and Silas when
they were in prison rather than complaining or focusing on their dire circumstances they prayed and sang hymns to God acts 16:25 their hearts were filled with gratitude even in the darkest of times and God responded by sending an earthquake to free them their gratitude opened the door for God's power to move perhaps you've been through difficult seasons in your life but as you reflect on them you can see God's hand of provision protection and guidance maybe you're going through a season of abundance and your heart is full of thankfulness for the blessings you've received or
maybe you've simply learned to appreciate the small moments those Quiet Moments Of Peace the love of family or the beauty of nature that remind you of God's presence in your life if you've noticed an increase sense of gratitude that's a sign that God is helping you gratitude comes when we recognize his faithfulness his goodness and his ongoing provision in our lives keep cultivating this attitude of thankfulness because as you do you'll find your heart growing more in tune with God's work in your life and you'll begin to see his blessings in even the smallest details
gratitude isn't just a feeling it's a lifestyle that opens your eyes to see how much God has done for you and how much he continues to do when you Embrace gratitude you invite God's presence to fill every area of your life and you reflect his love and goodness to the world around you have you ever faced a hardship that seemed insurmountable yet somehow you found the strength to press on maybe you faced a personal loss A Health crisis or a financial struggle and at first you felt completely overwhelmed but as time passed you found yourself
getting back on your feet slowly but surely you didn't give up you kept going even when it seemed like there was no way forward this resilience is a powerful sign that God is helping you when God is helping you he equips you with a strength that doesn't come from your own abilities the bible promises I can do all things through Christ which strength strengtheneth me Philippians 4:13 this resilience comes from his strength not from your own God doesn't promise that life will be easy but he promises that he will help you stand firm in the
midst of Trials and he will equip you to endure think about job he faced the loss of his wealth his health and his family he was in deep grief yet he refused to curse God despite his pain job declared though he slay me yet will I trust in him job 13113 job's resilience wasn't based on his circumstances it was rooted in his faith and trust in God's sovereignty look at the Apostle Paul he endured countless hardships beatings imprisonments shipwrecks and constant threats to his life yet in 2 Corinthians 4 8-9 he writes we are troubled
on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed his resilience came from knowing that God was with him and he could persevere no matter the difficulty maybe you've gone through something difficult and at one point you felt like you couldn't go on but somehow you found the strength to keep going maybe it was a prayer a word of encouragement or a sense of God's presence that gave you the resilience to carry on you didn't give up and you didn't break down you found
strength in God's grace and that resilience is a sign that he is helping you if you're finding greater resilience in your life if you're able to bounce back more quickly after setbacks or if you're able to endure hardships with a sense of peace and confidence that's a sign that God's strength is at work in you he is helping you to persevere to stand firm and to keep moving forward no matter of the difficulty resilience doesn't mean that you're never discouraged but it means that no matter how hard things get you won't be defeated God's power
is made perfect in your weakness and his strength gives you the ability to keep going when you feel like you can't so when you face trials remember that God is helping you to rise above them with his help you will not just survive you will overcome have you ever experienced a deep sense of joy that didn't seemed to make sense perhaps you were going through a challenging time yet there was an undeniable peace and joy in your heart you couldn't explain why you felt so content so full of life even when your circumstances didn't match
the happiness you felt this unexplainable Joy is a powerful sign that God is helping you when God is helping you he gives you a joy that surpasses your circumstances the Bible tells us the joy of the Lord is your strength Nehemiah 8:10 this Joy is not based on external factors like success possessions or circumstances it's a deep internal joy that comes from knowing God's presence love and faithfulness in your life think about the Apostle Paul and Silas who were imprison for preaching the gospel instead of being discouraged or defeated by their circumstances they sang hymns
and praise God God in the middle of their prison cell acts 16:25 their Joy wasn't based on their freedom or their situation it was rooted in their relationship with God and their trust in his power to work even in the darkest moments look at the disciples after Jesus death they were grieving confused and afraid but after the resurrection their sorrow turned to Joy they experienced the unexplainable Joy of knowing that Jesus had conquered death and that he was alive this Joy filled their hearts and they could not contain it even when facing persecution they rejoiced
in the opportunity to suffer for his name perhaps you've experienced this joy in your own life maybe you faced a difficult trial or loss and yet somehow you still felt a deep unshakable Joy maybe you've gone through a season of uncertainty but there was a quiet joy in knowing that God was with you guiding you and strengthening you if you've experienced joy that doesn't make sense in the natural that's a sign that God is helping you it's the joy of knowing his presence his promises and his faithfulness it's a joy that cannot be taken away
because it is rooted in something Eternal This Joy isn't the same as fleeting happiness it's a deep inner contentment that comes from knowing that God is working in your life that he has a purpose for you and that he will never leave you so when you experience unexplainable Joy even in difficult times recognize it as a sign that God is helping you filling your heart with the joy that only he can give and as you continue to trust him that Joy will continue to overflow in every area of your life have you ever felt a
growing desire within you to live a life that is pure righteous and pleasing to God maybe you've begun to see sin in a new light recognizing its destructive nature and you found yourself longing to live in a way that honors God or perhaps as you spend more time with God you're developing a deeper hunger for righteousness Desiring to be more like Christ this desire for Holiness is a clear sign that God is helping you when God is helping you he places within you a hunger and thirst for righteousness the Bible says blessed are those who
hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled Matthew 5:6 this longing for Holiness isn't something that comes naturally to us it's a work of God's spirit within us as he helps you he gives you a greater awareness of his Holiness and this awareness stirs a desire to live in a way that reflects his goodness and Purity think about David despite his flaws and sins David had a heart that longed after God he prayed create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right Spirit Within Me Psalm 51:10 he was deeply aware
of his need for God's holiness and forgiveness and he sought after it with all his heart look at the Apostle Paul he was once a zealous persecutor of Christians but after encountering Christ he became passionate about living a life that reflected Christ's righteousness he said in Philippians 3:1 12-14 not that I have already obtained all this or have already arrived at my goal but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus Took hold of me Paul recognized that the pursuit of Holiness was a lifelong journey but he was determined to keep
pressing forward in it maybe you've noticed a growing awareness of the things in your life that don't honor God whether it's a change in your behavior your speech or your desires perhaps you become more sensitive to sin feeling convicted when you do something that Grieves the Holy Spirit or maybe you've experienced a deep longing to grow in your relationship with God to be more like him in your thoughts actions and attitudes if you have a desire for Holiness that's a sign that God is helping you it means he's working in your heart transforming you to
be more like Christ this longing for Purity is not something you can create on your own it's a sign of God's work within you drawing you closer to his Holiness and calling you to reflect his character in every area of your life so when you feel the desire for Holiness growing within you recognize it as a sign of God's help and presence in your life keep pursuing righteousness keep seeking to live according to his will and trust that he is with you every step of the way helping you to become the person he created you
to be God doesn't just leave us to face the challenges of life on our own he walks beside us strengthens us and guides us every step of the way and when we see these signs of his help we're reminded that he is always at work even when we can't see it his love mercy and grace are evident in every moment and he is continually sh shaping us into the people he has called us to be if you're experiencing any of these signs be encouraged it's God's way of showing you that he is with you that
he is helping you and that he is leading you toward greater things keep trusting in his faithfulness keep seeking his presence and keep walking in the assurance that he is always there to help you God's help is not just a one-time thing it's a constant ongoing work in your life so as you continue to move forward remember that you are never alone he is helping you and with him you can overcome any challenge experience a deeper connection with him and live a life filled with purpose joy and his unending love God bless you all