The Story of Jesus | Stories of the Bible

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Saddleback Kids
See 35 Bible stories about Jesus! There are the stories that you will see - 00:00 - Jesus is Born ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] stories of the Bible Jesus is born this is Mary hi you see Mary was the mother of Jesus but before that happened she lived in the town of Nazareth and she was engaged to marry a man named Joseph hey hi Joseph Co got it Mary got pregnant by the power of God wait huh Joseph didn't understand all this at first but an angel came and told him to still take Mary as his wife yeah okay so he did as the angel [Music] said not long after that the ruler of the land Caesar Augustus wanted
to count how many people were in the land so Caesar Augustus ordered everyone in the land to travel back to their hometown so that they could be [Music] counted Joseph's Hometown was Bethlehem so Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth All the Way to Bethlehem when they arrived in Bethlehem they looked for a place to stay no sorry oh man but there was no room for them uh what about there um okay so they stay stayed in a barn and while they were there Mary gave birth to Jesus W she wrapped him snugly in the strips
of cloth eh now work and laid him in a Manger excuse me and so the Son of God the savior of the world was born in a barn in [Music] Bethlehem stories of the Bible Jesus and the Shepherds this is Jesus Jesus is the son of God who would grow up to do amazing things his parents on Earth were Mary hi and Joseph hey Jesus was born in a barn because there was no room for him anywhere else in [Music] Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born there were some shepherds in the field keeping watch
over their sheep suddenly an angel appeared before them uh oh and a bright light Shone all around them the Shepherds were so scared but the angel said don't be afraid ah okay I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people the Savior yes the Messiah the Lord has been born today in Bethlehem the city of David whoa what the angel told the Shepherds that they would find Jesus in a barn wrapped in strips of cloth laying in a Manger okay then the angel was joined by many many other angels and all
of them sang glory to God in highest heaven and peace on Earth to those with whom God is pleased then the Angels returned to Heaven what just happen and the Shepherds said to each other let's go to Bethlehem yeah so they hurried to the Village you stay there and found the baby Jesus laying in the manger wow after seeing Jesus the Shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had told them about the baby Jesus everyone who heard the shepherd story were amazed Mary made sure she remembered all these things and thought about
them often H then the Shepherds went back to their sheep and praised God for all they had seen the baby was exactly who the angel had told them he was the savior of the world the Son of [Music] God stories of the Bible Jesus and the wise men this is Jesus Jesus is the son Son of God who would grow up to do amazing things his parents on Earth were Mary hi and Joseph Jesus was born in a barn because there was no room for him anywhere else in Bethlehem Bethlehem was part of Judea an
area that was ruled by a king named Herod King Herod was in Jerusalem when some wise men from Eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem asking excuse me where is the newborn king of the Jews we saw his Star as it Rose and we have come to worship him when Herod heard that there was another King born in Judea he was very upset as was everyone else in Jerusalem yeah not you so Herod called all the important priests and Jews together and asked them where this King was supposed to be born the Jews knew that their king
would eventually come and was always told to them that the king of the Jews the savior of the world would be born in Bethlehem so they told that to King Herod then King Herod thought of a way to trick the wise men ah so he called a private meeting with them and learned from them when the king of the Jews Star first appeared oh God and then King Herod told the wise men go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child and when you find him come back and tell me so that I can go
and worship him too eh okay hey on your way but secretly Herod wanted to know where the king of the Jews was so he could get rid of him so the wise men went on their way and the star they had seen in the East guided them to Bethlehem it went ahead of them and stopped over the place where Jesus was and the wise men were filled with joy woohoo they went into the house and saw Mary and Jesus hello oh look wow and they bowed down and worshiped Jesus wait they gave him special gifts
fit for the king that he was gold frankincense and myrr then God warned them in a dream to not go home through Jerusalem where King Herod was but God told them to go home a different way so they did and then an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and said get up the angel told Joseph to go to Egypt with Mary and Jesus because Herod was looking to kill Jesus that very night Joseph left for Egypt with Jesus and Mary they stayed in Egypt until Herod was gone and it was safe for them to
go home to Israel when they returned an angel warned them about the new ruler of Judea who was herod's son this way so Joseph and his family went to the region of Galilee and found found their new home in the town of Nazareth look good yep we'll take it where Jesus would grow up and eventually do all the amazing things God had planned for him to [Music] do stories of the Bible Jesus in the [Music] temple this is Jesus hey Jesus is the son of God and the savior of the world Jesus was born in
Bethlehem in a barn because there was no room in the in for [Music] him after Jesus was born his mother Mary hi and her husband Joseph hey took Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem there was a man named Simeon hey are you who loved God yeah that's who God has told Simeon that he would meet the Savior before he died that's who when Mary and Joseph arrived at the temple Simeon was there oh my when Simeon saw Jesus he took him in his arms and blessed him thank you he knew that this was the promised
child who would save them all it's true Mary and Joseph were amazed at his words there was also a woman named Anna in the Temple when she saw the baby that Simeon was holding and heard all that he had said wow she gave thanks to God and told everyone that the Savior had come yeah when everything had been done as God commanded Mary and Joseph went home to Nazareth Jesus grew up he became strong and filled with wisdom and the favor of God was upon him every year Jesus parent traveled to Jerusalem for a festival
when Jesus was 12 come on they went just like every other year when the festival was over and Mary and Joseph were traveling back home Jesus Jesus do you know nope uh-uh they realized that Jesus was not with them oh uhoh come on so they returned to Jerusalem to look for him this s his name is Jesus I haven't seen him they searched everywhere [Music] Jesus not Jesus Jesus Jesus after 3 days they found him in the temple Jesus was sitting among the religious teachers listening to them and asking them questions Jesus hey Mom when
Mary and Joseph found him they said said why have you done this we've been searching for you everywhere but Jesus said why did you look for me didn't you know I would be here in my father's house huh but his parents didn't understand what he meant so Jesus left with them see you later by Jesus and came back to Nazareth where he obeyed them hey here you go and he continued to grow in wisdom and favor with God and man [Music] stories of the Bible the baptism of Jesus this is Jesus heyo who's the son
of God and the savior of the world Jesus was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth where he grew in wisdom and favor with God and man oh I see [Music] this is John the Baptist hey John loved god with his whole heart hey are you and he told everyone that the savior of the world was coming soon wow come [Music] on John baptized people in the Jordan [Music] River wooo and one day Jesus went to this River to be baptized by John hold on but John tried to talk him out of it Jesus
said it should be done for we must carry out all that God requires okay so John baptized Jesus and as Jesus came out of the water the heavens opened and John saw the Holy Spirit coming down as a dove and resting on Jesus a voice from Heaven said this is my dearly loved Son who brings me great joy [Music] and John knew without any doubt that this was the one they had all been waiting for this was the chosen one of God who would take away the sin of the world stories of the Bible the
temptation of Jesus this is Jesus hey who is the Son of God and the savior of the world Jesus was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth where he grew in wisdom and favor with God and man oh I see Jesus was baptized by John and God showed John that Jesus was his chosen [Music] one then Jesus was was led by the spirit Into the Wilderness among the wild animals oh [Music] hey for 40 days and 40 nights Jesus didn't need anything so he was hungry Satan came to him and said hey if you
are the Son of God tell these stones to become bread Jesus knew God's word and so he answered no the word of God says people don't live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God and so Jesus passed the first test then Satan took him to Jerusalem and said if you are the Son of God jump off oh what for the word of God says he will order his angels to protect you and they will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on a
stone wait but Jesus said the word of God also says You must not Test the Lord your God now and so Jesus passed the second test so Satan took him to the peak of a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and all their Glory Satan said said I will give it all to you if you kneel down and worship me but Jesus said get out of here Satan for the word of God says You must Worship the Lord your God and serve only him then Satan went away and Angels came
and took care of Jesus and so Jesus passed the third and last test stories of the Bible Jesus calls Peter this is Jesus hey who is the Son of God and the savior of the world Jesus grew up in Nazareth here Jesus and was baptized by John in the Jordan River Jesus began teaching about God's love and healing people of their sickness one day John saw Jesus walking by and told the people around him that Jesus was the Lamb of God one of the people standing with him was Andrew whose brother was Simon who would
later be known as Peter Andrew went to find his brother and said we have found the Christ whoa ready come on Simon went with Andrew and met Jesus ahuh I'm Simon Jesus looked at Simon and said your name is Simon son of John yes it is but you will be called Peter okay on another day Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee and lots of people crowded around him to hear what he had to say oh hello well oh okay Jesus noticed two empty boats for Andrew and Peter had left them
and were washing their Nets Jesus stepped into one of the boats and asked Peter to take him out into the sea so he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there when he had finished speaking he said to Peter now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish but Peter said we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing but if you say so I'll let the Nets down again and this time their Nets were so full of fish they began to tear wow they
called to some other fisherman for help hey help and soon both Boats were filled with fish when Peter realized what happened he fell to his knees before Jesus and said oh Lord please leave me I'm such a sinful man Jesus replied to Peter Don't Be Afraid come follow me and I will show you how to fish for people really really and as soon as they landed they left their Nets and followed Jesus so Simon Peter became one of Jesus's 12 disciples and followed his friend Jesus throughout his time on Earth stories of the Bible Jesus
turns water into wine this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world Jesus was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth where he grew in wisdom and favor with god oh I see and man one day Jesus his disciples and his mother went to a wedding in canaa in the middle of the party the wine ran out uh-oh so Jesus's mother mother Mary told him they have no more wine a Jesus replied dear woman that's not our problem my time has not yet come excuse me but Mary
told the servants do whatever he tells you standing nearby were six Stone water jars the Jews used jars like these in their washing ceremony Jesus told the servants fill the jars with water hey okay when the jars had been filled he said now dip some out and take it to the Master of Ceremonies so the servants did what Jesus told them to when the Master of Ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine not knowing where it had come from though of course the servants knew he called the bridegroom over a host always serves the
best wine first then when everyone has had a lot to drink he brings out the less expensive wine but you have kept the best until now this miraculous sign in kaaa in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory and his disciples believed in [Music] him stories of the Bible Jesus and the woman at the well this is Jesus hey who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms
and even raised people from the dead wooo one day Jesus was on his way to Galilee and had to pass through Samaria Jes Jesus came to a Samaritan Village and stopped at the well to rest his disciples went to the Village to buy some food so Jesus was alone at about noon a Samaritan woman came to the well to get water Jesus said to her please give me a drink the woman was surprised because Jesus was a Jew and Jews refused to have anything to do with Samaritans she said you are a Jew and I'm
a Samaritan woman why are you asking me for a drink Jesus replied if you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to you would ask me and I would give you living water the woman was confused and asked where Jesus would get water like that when he didn't even have a bucket to pull water from the well Jesus said to her though those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again it becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them giving them eternal life the woman asked Jesus for
this water so she would never be thirsty again Jesus then showed the woman that he knew things about her that she never told him and the woman said you must be a prophet then she asked Jesus why Samaritans worshiped in one place while Jews worshiped in another place Jesus told her that there would be a Time coming when it wouldn't matter where people worshiped he said the time is coming indeed it's here now when true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and in truth the father is looking for those who will worship him that
way the woman said I know the Messiah is coming the one who is called Christ when he comes he will explain everything to us Jesus told her I am the Messiah just then jesus' disciples came back they were shocked to find him talking to a woman but they were too nervous to ask him why the woman ran back to the village and told everyone to come see Jesus she said he told me everything I ever did could he possibly be the Messiah many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because of what the woman had
said when they came out to see him They begged him to stay so he stayed for 2 days and many more heard what he had to say and believed in him they said to the woman now we believe not just because of what you told us but because we have heard him ourselves now we know that he is indeed the savior of the world [Music] stories of the Bible Jesus's disciples these are Jesus's disciples they were the 12 men who followed Jesus during his time on Earth some were fishermen like Peter Andrew James and John
some were Tax Collectors like Matthew me yeah you [Music] some were even Brothers like Peter and Andrew or James and John these 12 men saw Jesus do amazing things like calming storms turning water into [Music] wine healing people from sickness helping people who were blind see [Music] wow making people who couldn't walk walk and even raising people from the dead wooo they heard Jesus teach about God's love and tell stories that taught them and others about the Kingdom of Heaven hey Jesus Jesus would often turn to them and teach them what these stories meant of
the 12 disciples there were three that were closest to Jesus their names were Peter hey James and John hey these three got to see Jesus do Miracles that others did not oh hey everyone they even got to see him transformed on a mountain and saw Jesus's face shine with the glory of God the disciples were with Jesus before he was arrested and taken to the cross on that night one of the disciples named Judas betrayed Jesus by showing the men who came to arrest Jesus who he was the other disciples were afraid when Jesus was
taken and put to death on the cross they hid and didn't know what to do until they heard that Jesus was alive hey for 40 days Jesus appeared to the deciples Jesus showed them and others that he was truly alive he told his disciple Thomas that he could touch the marks from the cross on his hands and side so he would know that it was really Jesus Jesus Promised his disciples that he would send them the Holy Spirit to be their helper he told his disciples to go and make disciples of all Nations then Jesus
went to heaven the disciples waited just as Jesus told them for the Holy Spirit to come and the Holy Spirit did come and fill them with power they went to teach the new disciples to obey all the commands Jesus had given them and baptized them in the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit some wrote letters to the new churches to encourage them and teach them about God's commands some of the disciples like Matthew and John wrote down the stories of Jesus's time on Earth so that all who read the words would believe that
Jesus is the Messiah the Son of God the disciples went on to tell the good news of Jesus wherever they went and many of the people they shared with came to believe and follow Jesus the disciples started the church they were persecuted and treated badly because of their faith but they never stopped preaching about [Music] Jesus stories of the Bible Jesus heals a paralyzed man this is Jesus hey who is the Son of God and the savior of the world Jesus did many amazing amazing things he taught everyone about God's love healed people from their
[Music] sickness and even calmed storms the news of Jesus had spread all around and many people wanted to come and see what he was doing no matter where Jesus went great crowds of people would follow him Jesus went to his own town and news spread that he was back [Music] home soon the house where he was staying was packed so Jesus began to preach God's word to the [Music] people meanwhile some men heard that Jesus was in town so they decided to take their paralyzed friend to him to be healed for their their friend wasn't
able to walk hey excuse me huh but when they got to the house they couldn't reach Jesus because of the crowd oh well no so they went to the roof h what and dug a hole right above Jesus uh we I is then they lowered their friend down into the crowd right in front of Jesus hey everybody how's it going Jesus saw their faith so he said Son your sins are forgiven there were some Pharisees and teachers of religious law in the room though and they were horrified that Jesus would say such a thing they
said to themselves who does he think he is only God can forgive sins Jesus knew what they were thinking so he asked them why do you question this is it easier to say to the this man your sins are forgiven or stand up pick up your mat and walk uh what Jesus went on to say that he would prove to them that he was allowed to forgive sins yeah right and so Jesus said to the paralyzed man stand up pick up your mat and go home uh okay so the paralyzed man stood up and picked
up his mat the entire room was stunned as the man walked out through the [Applause] crowd all were amazed and praised God saying we've never seen anything like this before and they believed that God had sent Jesus with the authority to forgive sins and the ability to help the [Music] hurting stories of the Bible the faith of a Roman [Music] officer this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many
miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead [Music] wooo Jesus was in capernium when a Roman officer came to him and asked for his help the Roman officer's servant was paralyzed and was lying in bed with terrible pain Jesus said I will come and heal him but the Roman officer said that he wasn't worthy to have Jesus come to his house and knew that if Jesus just said the word from where he was that his servant would be healed when Jesus heard this he was amazed Jesus turned to his followers and said
I tell you the truth I haven't seen Faith like this in all Israel then Jesus said to the Roman officer go back home because you believed it has happened and the young servant was healed that same hour stories of the Bible Jesus and the sinful woman this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms sh and even raised people from the dead wooo there were a
group of Jewish leaders called the Pharisees who heard Jesus speak often one of the Pharisees named Simon asked Jesus to have dinner with him come on over oh okay sounds good so Jesus went over to his house and a certain sinful woman heard that he was eating there she went to the house and brought a jar filled with expensive perfume she kneeled at Jesus's feet and cried her tears fell on his feet and she wiped them with her hair she kissed his feet and put the perfume on them Simon saw this and said to himself
yeah if this man really were a prophet he'd know what kind of woman is touching him she's a SI sinner BL then Jesus said Simon I have something to say to you uh okay and he told him this story a man loaned money to two people 500 pieces of silver to one thank you and 50 pieces to the other yeah thanks [Music] [Music] oh hello again but neither of them could repay him sorry yeah sorry so we kindly forgave them both it's okay cancelling their debts who do you suppose loved him more after that Simon
said that the one who owed him more loved him more Jesus said yep that's right then he turned to the woman and said to Simon look at this woman kneeling here when I entered your home you didn't offer me water or wash the dust off my feet but she has washed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair I tell you her sins and there are many have been forgiven so she has shown me much love but a person who is Forgiven little shows only little love then Jesus said to the woman your
sins are forgiven the men at the table said said among themselves who is this man that he goes around forgiving sins and Jesus said to the woman your faith has saved you go in [Music] peace stories of the Bible Jesus calms the storm this is Jesus heyo who is the son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like walking on water oh hey go and even raised people from the dead wooo one day after
preaching to a crowd of people Jesus said to his disciples Let's cross to the other side of the lake you got it so they got into a boat and started out other boats followed him too and as they sailed across Jesus fell asleep uh-oh but soon a fierce storm came down on the lake the boat was filling with water and they were in real danger the disciples went and woke Jesus Jesus up shouting hey wake up save us we are going to drown don't you care if we drown Jesus responded why are you afraid you
have so little faith then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves saying silence be still suddenly the wind stopped and there was a great calm then he asked them where is your faith the disciples were terrified and amazed who is this man they asked each other when he gives a command even the wind and waves obey him stories of the Bible Jesus heals a sick woman this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed
people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead woo one day a crowd met Jesus as he was getting off a boat oh hey guys a Jewish leader came to Jesus and begged Jesus to help him Jesus went with the man and the crowd followed him a woman in the crowd had been sick for 12 years and spent all her money to pay doctors to help her but she had only gotten worse she heard about Jesus and she thought to herself if I can just touch his
Rob I will be healed so the woman came up behind Jesus and touched his robe immediately the woman was healed wow Jesus felt that healing power had gone out from him so he asked who touched my robe me everyone in the crowd said they didn't touch him and Peter told Jesus the whole crowd was touching him but Jesus kept looking because he knew someone touched him on purpose because he felt healing power go out from him so the woman realized she couldn't stay hidden and she fell on her knees before Jesus she explained why she
had touched Jesus and Jesus said to her daughter your faith has made you well go in peace your suffering is over Jesus went on his way to heal another and the woman was healed from her terrible sickness because of her [Music] faith stories of the Bible Jesus raises gyrus daughter this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo
one day a crowd met Jesus as he was getting off a boat oh hey guys a Jewish leader named gyrus came to Jesus and begged Jesus to come to his home because his 12-year-old daughter was [Music] dying as Jesus went with him a woman was healed of her sickness when she touched him as this was happening a messenger arrived from gyrus his house and told him his daughter was dead so there was no need to trouble Jesus anymore but when Jesus heard what happened he said to gyrus Don't Be Afraid just have faith and she
will be healed when they arrived at the house it was filled with people crying but Jesus said a stop the Weeping she isn't dead she's only asleep the crowd laughed at Jesus because they all knew she had died Jesus made them all leave except Peter James John and the girl's father and mother then Jesus Took The Girl by hand and said in a loud voice my child get up oh hey everyone and the little girl immediately stood up and started walking around then Jesus told them to give her something to eat her parents were amazed
but Jesus insisted that they not tell anyone what had happened but news still spread all throughout the region of the miracle Jesus had [Music] done stories of the Bible Jesus feeds the 5000 this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love he did many miracles and healed people of their sickness oh hey everyone a huge crowd kept following him wherever he went because they saw his miraculous signs as he healed the sick a crowd started to gather around
Jesus there were 5,000 men and many more women and children turning to Phillip he asked hey philli where can we buy bread to feed all these people you see Jesus was testing Phillip for he already knew what he was going to do um philli replied even if we worked for months we wouldn't have enough money to feed them hey I got an idea then Andrew spoke up there's a young boy here with five barley Loaves and two fish but what good is that with this huge crowd Jesus said tell everyone to sit down [Music] right
everyone sit down then Jesus Took the loaves gave thanks to God and gave them to the people here you go afterward he did the same with the fish and they all ate as much as they wanted what some more I'm all good thanks after everyone was full Jesus told his disciples now gather The Leftovers so that nothing is wasted you guys so they picked up the pieces and filled 12 baskets with scraps left by the people who had eaten from the five barley Loaves and two [Music] fish stories of the Bible Jesus walks on water
this is Jesus hey who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo great crowds followed Jesus wherever he went one day after Jesus had done a great miracle he sent the disciples in a boat across the lake while he stayed and sent the people home see you hey Jesus after sending them home Jesus went up into the hills by himself to
pray meanwhile the disciples were in trouble far away from land for a strong wind had risen and they were fighting heavy waves about 3:00 in the morning Jesus came toward them walking on water when the the disciples saw him walking on the water they were terrified In Their Fear they cried out it's a ghost hold on there but Jesus spoke to them at once don't be afraid he said take courage I am here H then Peter called to him Lord if it's really you tell me to come to you walking on the water so Jesus
said yes come so Peter went over the side of the boat WAOW this awesome and walked on the water toward Jesus but when he saw the strong wind in the waves he was terrified and began to sink bab help me save me Lord he shouted Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him Jesus said you have so little faith why did you doubt me when they climbed back into the boat the wind stopped then the disciples worshiped him and said you really are the Son of [Music] God stories of the Bible Jesus heals a man born
blind this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love he did many miracles and healed people of their sickness oh hey everyone one day Jesus was walking with his disciples and he saw a man who was born blind hey Jesus his disciples wondered whose fault it was that this man was blind Jesus told them it was not because anyone sinned but rather it was was because the power of God could be shown through this man's life then Jesus
spit on the ground and made mud he spread the mud over the Blind Man's eyes and told him go wash yourself in the pool of [Music] Siloam so the man went and did as Jesus said and he could see wow the man's neighbors and others who knew him as the blind man wondered if this was the same man he's that the same guy no way they said no he just looks like him it's right no care but the blind man kept saying yes it's me so the people asked who healed you what happened and the
man told them all that Jesus had done for him e have the people asked where is Jesus now but the man didn't know I'm out here so the people took the man to the Pharisees because it was the Sabbath the day of rest and they thought Jesus shouldn't have made mud and healed the man on the Sabbath the Pharisees asked the man so many questions what's going on and he answered them I was blind but now I can see the Pharisees kept asking more questions they even brought the Man's parents in to ask them questions
but they wouldn't answer because they were afraid of the Pharisees finally the man had enough and yelled what look I told you once why do you want to hear it again if this man were not from God he couldn't have made me see get out here don't come back the Pharisees were so mad at the man for saying this that they threw him out of the synagogue Jesus heard what happened hey there and he found the man and asked him do you believe in the son of man the man answered who is he sir I
want to believe in him you have seen him Jesus said and he is speaking to you wow yes Lord I believe and he worshiped Jesus [Music] stories of the Bible the Transfiguration this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo one day Jesus Took Peter James and John up a high mountain to pray as Jesus was praying he
was transformed so that his face shined like the sun and his clothes became White as light suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared and began talking with Jesus about how he would leave from this world Peter didn't know what to say and they were all afraid so he said um excuse me it's wonderful for us to be here let's make three shelters as memorials one for you one for Moses and one for Elijah but as Peter was speaking a bright Cloud came over them and a voice from the cloud said this is my dearly loved Son who
brings me great joy listen to him the disciples were terrified and fell face down on the ground Jesus came over and touched them he said get up don't be afraid and when the disciples looked up Moses and elijia were gone come on guys as they went back down the mountain Jesus told them not to tell anyone what they saw until they saw that he was raised from the dead Okay so they kept it to themselves eles but they often asked each other what he meant by rising from the dead stories of the Bible the thankful
leper this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world Jesus did many amazing things while he was on Earth it's true one day he was traveling to Jerusalem and was going through a village when 10 men who had leprosy came to him now in the time Jesus lived leprosy was a terrible sickness that could be caught very easily because of this people with Leprosy were sent outside of the places that they lived they were called unclean and no one wanted to be close to them ah gross but when
these men who had leprosy saw Jesus coming hey Jesus they called out to him and said Jesus have mercy on us and Jesus saw them and said go show yourself to the priests oh yeah we in that and as they went they were healed and had leprosy no more wao woohoo when one of the men saw that he was healed he came back to Jesus shouting praise God oh yeah praise God he thanked Jesus for what he had done ah H Jesus asked didn't I heal 10 men where are the other nine has no one
returned to give glory to God except this Samaritan look looker then Jesus said to the man stand up and go your faith has healed you you and so the man was healed because he had faith and he was thankful for what Jesus had done for him stories of the Bible Jesus and the children this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms [Music] [Applause] sh and
even raised people from the dead wooo one day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could bless them but the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him when Jesus saw what was happening he was angry with his disciples ah hold on there he said to them let the children come to me don't stop them for the king kingom of God belongs to those who are like these children I tell you the truth anyone who doesn't receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it then he took the children in his
arms and blessed [Music] them stories of the Bible zakus this is zakus hey there who was a tax collector and very rich Tax Collectors were hated because many people thought they were liars and cheaters zakus lived in Jericho and one day Jesus was passing through Jericho what's going on Jesus is here woohoo zakus wanted to see who Jesus was excuse me hey watch where you're going but he was too short to see above the crowd Ah that's it so he ran ahead to a place where he knew Jesus would come he climbed to a sycamore
tree so he could see Jesus when Jesus came to that place he looked up and saw zakus in the tree oh hey there friend who me yeah you he said to him zakus hurry and come down I must stay at your house today oh all right zakus came down quickly he was pleased to have Jesus in his house all the people saw this and began to complain look at the kind of man Jesus stays with zakus is a sinner but zakus said to Jesus I will give half my money to the poor if I have
cheated anyone I will pay that person back four times more Jesus said salvation has come to this house today what this man truly belongs to the family of Abraham the son of man came to find lost people and save [Music] them stories of the Bible Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love he did many miracles and healed people of their sickness Jesus had a friend named Lazarus who was very
sick he had two sisters named Mary that's okay and Martha here you go who sent a message to Jesus telling him Lord your dear friend is very sick so come on but when Jesus heard about it he said lazarus's sickness will not end in death no it happened for the glory of God oh what so although Jesus loved Martha Mary and Lazarus he stayed where he was for the next 2 days all right guys let go finally he said to his disciples let's go back to Judea uh are you sure but his disciples did not
think this was a good idea because the people in Judea had tried to kill Jesus but Jesus told them they were going anyway he said our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep but now I will go and wake him up okay the disciples thought Jesus meant Lazarus was simply sleeping so Jesus told them plainly Lazarus is dead what and for your sakes I'm glad I wasn't there for now you will really believe come let's go see him Thomas said to his fellow disciples let's go too and die with Jesus when Jesus arrived at Bethany he was
told that Lazarus had already been in his grave for 4 days many people had come to be with Mary and Martha because their brother had died when Martha got word that Jesus was coming she went to meet him Martha said to Jesus Lord if only you had been here my brother would not have died but even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask Jesus told her your brother will rise again yes Martha said he will rise when everyone else Rises at the last day Jesus told her I am the resurrection and
the life anyone who believes in me will live even after dying do you believe this Martha Yes Lord she told him I have always believed you are the Messiah the Son of God then she returned to Mary she told Mary the teacher is here and wants to see you so Mary immediately went to him when the people who were at the house consoling Mary saw her leave so hastily they assumed she was going to lazarus's grave to weep oh let's go too so they followed her there when Mary arrived and saw Jesus she said said
Lord if only you had been here my brother would not have died when Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her a deep anger welled up within him where have you put him he asked them they told him Lord come and see then Jesus wept the people who were standing nearby said see how much he loved him but some said this man healed a blind man couldn't he have kept Lazarus from dying Jesus was still angry and he arrived at the tomb roll the stone aside Jesus told them wait hold on
Jesus but Martha protested Lord he has been dead for 4 days the smell will be terrible Jesus said didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe go ahead so they rolled the stone aside then Jesus said father thank you for hearing me you always hear me but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here so they will believe you sent me then Jesus shouted Lazarus come out and Lazarus came out his hands feet and head wrapped in cloth oh hello Jesus told them unwrap him
and let him go wooo many of the Jews who were there believed in Jesus for he had raised Lazarus from the [Music] dead stories of the Bible Jesus is Anointed at Bethany this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo at this time the Jewish people were getting ready to celebrate a festival called Passover that had been
celebrated since the time of Moses when God brought his people out of Egypt 2 days before the Passover Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon hey hey hey come on in a man who had previously had leprosy while Jesus was eating a woman came in with a beautiful jar of expensive perfume she broke the jar open and poured perfume over Jesus's head Jesus's disciples were upset when they saw this oh they said what a waste it could have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor what' you do
that for so they scolded the woman ah hold on there but Jesus said leave her alone why criticize her for doing such a good thing to me you will always have the poor among you and you can help them whenever you want to but you will not always have me she has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial I tell you the truth wherever the good news is preached throughout the world This Woman's deed will be [Music] remembered stories of the Bible the triumphal entry this is Jesus heyo who is the
Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught every one about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming [Music] storms and even raised people from the dead wooo at this time the Jewish people were celebrating a festival called Passover that had been celebrated since the time of Moses when God brought his people out of Egypt so Jesus was going to Jerusalem to celebrate Jesus and his disciples stopped in a town coming and Jesus told two of his disciples to go on ahead
of them okay he told them to go into a village and that they would see a young donkey that no one had ever ridden R he told them to untie it and bring it to [Music] him if anyone asks what are you doing he told them to just say the Lord needs it and will return it soon yeah okay go ahead so the disciples did what Jesus said and brought him the donkey a long time ago before Jesus was even born God had said that the Savior the king of Israel would come to Israel in
this way and now Jesus was doing just as God had said the news that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem swept through the city many heard about all the amazing things he had done so they cut palm branches and ran to see him the Pharisees and religious rulers realized that there was nothing they could do for everyone was going to see Jesus Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem and the crowd spread their coats on the road ahead of him his followers began to shout and sing as they walked along praising God for all the wonderful
Miracles they had seen the Pharisees were upset hey Jesus and they told Jesus to stop the people from saying things like that but Jesus said if they keep quiet the stones along the road would burst into tears so the people kept on singing blessings on the king who comes in the name of the Lord praise God in highest Heaven the entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar as he entered asking who is this and the crowds replied it's Jesus and Jesus rode the donkey through the street of Jerusalem to the temple in a triumphal
entry just as God said he would many years [Music] before stories of the Bible the Widow's offering this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo one day Jesus was in the temple teaching people and answering questions he sat down near the collection box where people would bring their gifts to God he watched as the crowds dropped in
their money he saw rich people Dro in lots of money and then he saw a poor Widow come and drop in two small coins Jesus called his disciples to him and said I tell you the truth this poor poor Widow has given more than all the others really he said this was because the rich people gave a small part of the great amount they had but the Widow was very poor and she gave everything she had to live on stories of the Bible the Last Supper this this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of
God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo at this time the Jewish people people were celebrating a festival called Passover that had been celebrated since the time of Moses when God brought his people out of Egypt so Jesus was going to Jerusalem to celebrate the disciples asked Jesus where he wanted to eat the Passover meal that night Jesus said as you go into the city A
man carrying a picture of water will meet you hello follow him at the house he enters say to the owner uh hi the teacher asks where is the guest room where I can eat the Passover meal with my disciples he will take you upstairs to a large room that is already set up that is where you should prepare our meal the disciples found everything to be just as Jesus had said later that even evening Jesus arrived with the 12 disciples they sat down to eat and Jesus said that he was happy to be with everyone
as they were eating Jesus took some bread and blessed it he said take it for this is my body which is given for you Jesus told them to do this to help remember him then he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it and he said to his dis disciples this is my blood it is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many Jesus said one of you eating with me here will betray me he told them that things were supposed to happen this way but that great sadness
would await the one who betrays him the disciples were very upset and asked am I the one who is he talking about Judas asked Jesus am I the one and Jesus said you have said it one of the disciples asked Jesus Lord who is it Jesus said it was the one who he would give the bread to he gave the bread to Judas and Jesus said hurry and do what you're going to do none of the others at the table knew what Jesus meant so Judas left at once to betray Jesus then Jesus comforted and
encouraged the disciples he promised them that they would have a helper come when Jesus was gone they all sang a song to God [Music] together stories of the Bible Jesus washes his disciples [Music] feet this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love he healed many people from their sickness performed many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo at this time the Jewish people were celebrating a festival called past pass over that had
been celebrated since the time of Moses when God brought his people out of Egypt so Jesus and his disciples went to Jerusalem to celebrate Jesus had 12 men who followed him through his ministry they were called his [Music] disciples Jesus and his disciples gathered for one final meal together Jesus got up from the table took off his robe and began to wash his discip IPL feet Jesus loved his disciples and he knew the time was coming for him to leave them and return to heaven when Jesus came to Peter he said who whoa wait are
you going to wash my feet Jesus said you don't understand what I'm doing now but someday you will no Peter said you will never wash my feet but Jesus then then told him that unless he washed his feet he would not belong to him oh well then okay then Peter said then wash my hands and head as well not just my feet but Jesus told him that was not necessary he just needed to wash his feet for Peter to become clean so Jesus finished washing their feet and said that the disciples should do to others
as he had done for them he told them to follow the example that he had set for them to serve each other and not think of themselves as greater than any other then God would bless them for doing as Jesus had taught them to [Music] do stories of the Bible Jesus prays in Gethsemane this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people
from the dead wooo Jesus J was in Jerusalem with his disciples for the Passover Passover was a festival that the Jewish people had celebrated since the time of Moses when God brought his people out of Egypt Jesus knew the time had come for him to die as the scriptures had said long ago so he went with his disciples to an Olive Grove called Gethsemane and Jesus said sit here while I go to pray he took Peter James and John with him and he was very distressed and troubled he asked them to stay with him and
keep watch meaning he wanted them to stay awake with him got it he went a little farther on and prayed he cried out ABA father everything is possible for you please take this cup of suffering away from me yet I want your will to be done not not mine then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened Jesus then Jesus prayed even harder and was suffering greatly he went back to his disciples and they were all asleep oh H he said to Peter couldn't you watch with me even one hour keep watch and pray so that
you will not give in to Temptation and then Jesus left them again to pray the same as he did before he went back to the disciples after he had prayed and found them sleeping again a h the disciples didn't know what to say so Jesus went away a third time praying the same things again when he went back to his disciples he said go ahead and sleep but look the time has come for Judas the disciple who was betraying Jesus was coming with men to arrest Jesus Judas showed them who Jesus was and they arrested
him Jesus was taken and put to death on a cross to save us from our sins but 3 days later he rose from the grave huh hey he is alive he stayed with his disciples for 40 days and then went to heaven see you God then sent the Holy Spirit to be the helper as God's people go out and tell the good news of Jesus to all the people of the [Music] world stories of the Bible Jesus's [Music] sacrifice this is Jesus heyo Who is the the Son of God and the savior of the world
while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead [Music] wooo the Jewish leaders and teachers did not like what Jesus was doing or how he claimed to be the Son of God and so they made a plan to arrest him to get rid of him once and for all Judas one of Jesus's disciples agreed to betray Jesus come in come in and give him over to the religious leaders for some money Jesus was in
a garden praying and Judas showed the man who Jesus was Jesus was arrested and taken to the rulers of the land so that they could decide what to do with him Jesus was presented before the High Council and they asked him if he was the Messiah the savior of the Jews they asked him if he was claiming to be the Son of God you say that I am and the council was Furious and they shouted that Jesus was guilty and he deserves to die so they took Jesus before the Roman ruler pilate and he heard
the case against Jesus pilate didn't think that Jesus had done anything wrong H seemed okay to me they found him to be innocent so pilate said that he would punish Jesus and then release him what but the crowd kept screaming louder and louder crucify him we want him dead and because because of the pressure of the crowd pilate turned Jesus over to the Roman soldiers to be crucified Jesus was hurt and spit on his clothes were taken from him and a crown made out of thorns was put on his head he was beaten so badly
that he could barely stand on his own and then he was forced to carry his CR cross so far up a mountain that he needed help because he could not do it on his own once Jesus made it to the place where he would be crucified called the skull the soldiers around him nailed him to the cross and waited for him to die while Jesus was hanging on the cross many people shouted to him if you really are the Son of God save yourself from from the cross but Jesus knew he had to die to
forgive his people for their sins at noon Darkness fell across the whole land 3 hours later Jesus took his last breath and finally died at that very moment the curtain in the temple that separated the priests from God's holy Place tore in two a soldier watching the whole thing said this man truly was the son of God then a righteous man named Joseph came and placed Jesus's body in a tomb 3 days passed and it seemed that there was no [Music] hope but very early on Sunday morning the woman who cared for Jesus went to
go visit his body and found that his tomb was empty and that he was no longer [Music] there don't be afraid said an angel he is not here he is risen at this the woman remembered that Jesus had told them that he would rise again on the third day woo and ran to go tell the disciples what they had seen and heard huh heyo and then for the next 40 days Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others and showed them that he was alive and well he taught them that what he did was the
only way that they could be forgiven and be with God forever for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life [Applause] [Music] stories of the Bible the road to [Music] emus this is Jesus heyo who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo but
some people did not like what Jesus was doing and they put him to death he died on a cross and was buried in a tomb for 3 Days Jesus's body laid in that tomb and it seemed that there was no hope but very early on Sunday morning the woman who cared for Jesus went to go visit his body found that his tomb was empty and that he was no longer [Music] there for he was risen he was alive woohoo that same day two of Jesus's followers were walking to a village called emus and talking about
everything that had happened with Jesus as they were talking Jesus suddenly came and walked with them oh hello but God kept them from recognizing Jesus Jesus asked them what they were talking about the two men were very sad one of them whose name was Copus said you must be the only person in Jerusalem who hasn't heard about all the things that have happened there in the last few days uh Jesus asked what things the men replied the things that happened to Jesus and they began to tell Jesus about everything that had happened to him they
told him that some women had gone to his tomb and said that his body was missing and that others had gone to see if it was true and saw that his body really was gone then Jesus said to them you foolish people you find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the scriptures oh let me explain then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets explaining from all the scriptures the things concerning himself by this time they were nearing Aus Jesus acted as if he was continuing on
hey wait but the men begged him to stay the night with them because it was getting late come with us oh okay so Jesus went home with them and as they sat down to eat Jesus blessed the bread then he broke the bread and gave it to them suddenly their eyes were open and they recognized Jesus and at that moment he disappeared where'd he go the men said to each other didn't our hearts burn within us as he explained the scriptures to us come on and that hour they made their way back to Jerusalem they
found the 11 and the others who were with them and told them their story as they were telling their story Jesus was suddenly standing among them so that's how it happened yep everyone was frightened and thought he was a ghost okay come on guys but Jesus showed that it was really him he showed them his hands and feet and they all watched him in awe then Jesus asked for something to eat a got anything to eat and they gave him fish to eat oh that's good Jesus reminded them that everything happened as it was supposed
to and helped them understand the scriptures then he promised to send them the Holy Spirit and told them to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit would come and fill them with the power from [Music] Heaven stories of the Bible Jesus appears to Thomas this is Jesus hey who is the Son of God and the savior of the world while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love and healed people from their sickness he did many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo but some people did not like
what Jesus was doing and they put him to death he died on a cross and was buried in a tomb for 3 Days Jesus's body laid in that tomb and it seemed that there was no hope but very early on Sunday morning the woman who cared for Jesus went to go visit his body found that his tomb was empty and that he was no longer there for he was risen he was alive woohoo [Music] what hey Jesus appeared to his disciples to show them that he was alive one of the 12 disciples Thomas was not
with the others when Jesus came Hey Hey Thomas later the disciples told Thomas we have seen the Lord but Thomas said I won't believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands put my fingers into them and place my hand into the WB in his side 8 Days Later the disciples were together again and this time Thomas was with them the doors were locked but suddenly as before Jesus was standing among them oh hey guys peace be with you he said then Jesus said to Thomas put your finger here and look at my
hands put your hand into the wound in my side don't be faith aess any longer believe Thomas said my Lord and my God then Jesus told him you believe because you have seen me blessed are those who believe without seeing [Music] me stories of the Bible Jesus forgives Peter this is Peter heyo whoops Peter was a fisherman and a disciple of Jesus heyo before Jesus was taken to die on the cross Jesus told his disciples it was time for him to leave them huh Peter said that he would follow Jesus even to his death but
Jesus said before the rooster crows you will say three times that you don't know me what but Peter promised he would never say he didn't know Jesus as did the other disciples yeah later that night after Jesus was arrested Peter and another disciple followed Jesus and his captors to the house of the high priest two servant girls noticed Peter and both said that he was with Jesus both times Peter said he was not and even said I don't know the man then a man said you must have been with Jesus because you're from G no
no no but Peter said I don't know what you're talking about and at that very moment Peter heard the rooster crow Jesus turned and looked at Peter Peter remembered that Jesus had known this would happen and Peter left that place crying sometime later after Jesus had died and risen again Peter and some of the disciples were out fishing they didn't catch a single fish all all night early in the morning Jesus stood on the shore oh hey over here but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus he called out to them friends don't
you have any fish nope Jesus told them to throw their Nets to the right of the boat okay so they did and they couldn't bring in the net because there were too many fish in it then one of the disciples said it's the Lord so Peter jumped in the water and swam to Jesus when the disciples got to the shore Jesus said come and have breakfast got it when they were done eating Jesus asked Peter three times do you love me each time Peter said yes you know I love you and each time Jesus told
Peter to feed his lambs and take care of his sheep so Peter went went on to feed Jesus Sheep by helping to start the church and by writing letters that would become books of the Bible and even though he had denied knowing Jesus he was forgiven and many came to know the love and forgiveness of Jesus Through [Music] Peter stories of the Bible Jesus goes to heaven this is Jesus heyo Jesus is the savior of the world and the Son of God while Jesus was on Earth he taught everyone about God's love he healed many
people from their sickness performed many miracles like calming storms and even raised people from the dead wooo but some people did not like what Jesus was doing and they put him to death he died on a cross and was buried in a tomb for 3 Days Jesus's body laid in that tomb and it seemed that there was no hope but very early on Sunday morning the woman who cared for Jesus went to go visit his body found that his tomb was empty and that he was no longer there for he was risen he was alive
woohooo W huh hey and then for the next 40 days Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others and showed them that he was alive and well he taught them that what he did was the only way that they could be forgiven and be with God forever Jesus told his disciples that he did all the things that God had told everyone that he would do and the disciples understood OD what he was saying yep that makes sense he told them that he would send the Holy Spirit just as God had promised to be their helper
sounds good after Jesus had spent 40 days with the disciples and appeared to many people hey that's you he led the disciples to a place called Bethany Jesus blessed the disciples and told them to go out and tell the whole world about him and the good news of forgiveness and Make Disciples of them then he said be sure of this I am with you always even to the End of the Age then Jesus was taken into heaven to sit at the right hand of [Music] God not long after that the Holy Spirit did come to
the disciples to be their helper the disciples knew that God would truly be with them always and the Holy Spirit is still with us today for Jesus promised that he would be with us to the end of the age and he is
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