Mother-in-Law Sent Me to the Basement for Being "Too Poor"—She Had No Idea What Was Coming

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Revenge Realm
Mother-in-Law Sent Me to the Basement for Being "Too Poor"—She Had No Idea What Was Coming https://w...
Video Transcript:
I stared at the musty basement cot trying to maintain my composure as Margaret my mother-in-law stood at the top of the stairs with that insufferable smile plastered across her face the sheets are clean enough she said wrinkling her nose though I suppose you're used to less being a public school teacher and all my name is Elena chin and for the past 3 years I'd endured Margaret Winston's not so sub digs about my profession my background and what she called my unfortunate lack of proper breeding but this relegating me to the basement while the rest of the family enjoyed the luxurious guest rooms upstairs this was a new low mom my husband Thomas said weakly from behind her maybe we could Thomas darling she cut him off we've discuss this the caracals are coming tomorrow and you know how particular they are we can't have them knowing that their potential business partner son married oh well she gestured vaguely in my direction I bit back a laugh if only she knew the Mansion we were staying in for Thanksgiving weekend all 12,000 ft of it belonged to me or more specifically to the private investment firm I built from scratch over the last decade the teaching job that was my passion project something I did because I loved it not because I needed it but Margaret didn't know that neither did Thomas when I met Thomas 3 years ago I was already worth north of $50 million but I kept that quiet I'd seen too many relationships destroyed by money watched too many people change when they realized what I had so I lived simply drove a modest car and let everyone assume me obvious about a 29-year-old high school math teacher Thomas had been different or so I thought he defended me against his family's elitism insisted that money didn't matter at least until recently the bathrooms down the hall Margaret continued pointing to a door that looked like it hadn't been opened since the Administration do try not to wander upstairs during the night the floors Creek something awful and we wouldn't want to disturb anyone important I nodded politely setting my overnight bag on the cck thank you for your hospitality Margaret she pred at my submission probably mistaking it for the desperation of a social climber trying to fit in Thomas shuffled his feet looking everywhere but at me well then Margaret said already turning to leave Thomas darling come help me with a seating arrangements for tomorrow we need to make sure Elina is appropriately placed as they disappeared upstairs I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to my assistant Maya everything ready for tomorrow her response came immediately all set transfer papers prepared staff briefed should I warn the current housekeepers they'll be unemployed by breakfast I smiled typing back no me Margaret gave them the day off didn't want them disturbing the ambience during her perfect Thanksgiving I could almost hear Maya's laugh through her reply their loss our team is ready to take over at 7 a. m. sharp want me to order champagne for the big reveal better make it the 82 cook I wrote Margaret considers anything else pedestrian I put my thumb away and sat on a cop wincing at the Springs digging into my thighs upstairs I could hear Margaret's voice carrying through the vents orchestrating her perfect Thanksgiving dinner completely unaware that she was about to lose her perfect Holiday Mansion the property had come up for sale 3 months ago the Winston family had been renting it for their social Gatherings for years using it to impress potential business partners and maintain their illusion of old money success but the truth was they were hemorrhaging cash Thomas's father's company was on the verge of collapse and this Mansion was far beyond their means so when my investment firm had the opportunity to buy it I couldn't resist I kept my name off the paperwork using one of my shell companies instead let them have one last holiday here I thought one last chance to show their true colors a floorboard creaked above me followed by Thomas's voice mom maybe we should at least bring her dinner don't be ridiculous Margaret snapped she can eat in the kitchen with the help tomorrow really Thomas I don't know what's gotten into you lately first that embarrassing teaching job of hers and now you're suggesting we treat her like an equal I just think no he don't think that's always been your problem thank goodness you have me to manage these things now about the caracals there our last chance to save the company and I won't have your little experiment in charitable dating ruin this for us I listened as their voices faded feeling a familiar ache in my chest I'd really thought Thomas was different even after learning about his family's financial troubles I considered helping them but the past few months had shown me who he really was a man too weak to stand up to his mother too concerned with appearances to defend his own wife well tomorrow would change everything I pulled out my laptop checking the final details for the morning the new staff would arrive at 7 a sharp bearing their uniforms with my company's logo the property transfer papers would be delivered during breakfast right when Margaret was usually at her most imperious and the movers I'd hired would show up at 9:00 a.
m. ready to clear out the Winston family's belongings was it Petty perhaps but after 3 years of condescension after watching Thomas slowly transform from the man I loved into a pale imitation of his mother's values I was done playing nice a text from Maya lit up my phone cars ready for tomorrow driver will be there at 6:30 a. m to take you to get changed sure you don't want to sleep somewhere else tonight I looked around the basement at the water stains on the ceiling and a mysterious stains on the carpet No I typed back I want to remember every detail of this it don't make tomorrow that much sweeter as I settled onto the lumpy cot I could hear Margaret's voice drifting down again planning tomorrow's festivities in excruciating detail she had no idea that her perfect Thanksgiving was about to become anything but a smiled in the darkness setting my alarm for 6: a.
m. in just a few hours everyone in this house would learn exactly who Alina Chen really was the basement was silent except for the gentle hum of my alarm at 6:00 a. m.
I woke instantly years of early morning meetings having trained my body to snap to attention upstairs the house was still quiet the Winston weren't early risers especially not Margaret who considered anything before 9:00 a. m. uncivilized perfect I changed quickly into the clothes I carefully hidden at the bottom of my overnight bag a tailored Channel suit in charcoal gray luin heels and my grandmother's Jade pendant the transformation from Humble teacher to CEO was subtle but unmistakable the town car was waiting at the end of the long driveway when I slipped out Maya standing by the door with a coffee in hand you look like Kell she said handing me the cup was the basement that bad worse I replied sliding into the back seat but it'll be worth it everyone here she nodded checking her tablet security team's in position new household staff is waiting for my signal and the property transfer papers are ready for delivery at 8:30 M sharp we drove to my office where I showered and finished preparing for the day ahead by 7:45 a.
m. we were heading back to the mansion through the car window I could see the first signs of activity Margaret's imported Italian coffee maker would be working overtime by now and the kitchen would be buzzing with last minute Thanksgiving preparations ready Maya asked as we pulled up to the front door I touched my grandmother's pendant for luck let's do this the new security team wearing uniforms with my company's logo opened the door for us inside I could hear Margaret's voice rising in confusion and anger from the kitchen what do you mean you work for Chen Industries I didn't hire you where are my regul staff I rounded the corner just as one of the new housekeepers was calmly explaining that Chen Industries had taken ownership of the property and all previous staff contracts have been terminated Margaret's face already flushed with anger went pale when she saw me gone was the meek daughter-in-law in sensible teaching clothes in her place stood someone she'd never truly seen before what is the meaning of this she demanded though her voice quivered slightly good morning Margaret I said pleasantly sleep well Elena Thomas appeared in the doorway staring at me like he'd never seen me before what's going on why are you dressed like that like what Thomas like someone who belongs upstairs instead of in the basement Margaret's eyes narrowed if this is some kind of joke oh it's not a joke I assured her accepting another coffee from one of my staff chin Industries my company purchased this property 3 months ago we've been very patient letting you finish out your rental agreement but as of 7: a. m.
this morning we've taken possession the silence that followed was deafening Thomas kept looking between me and his mother his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water Margaret gripped the kitchen counter her Knuckles white that's impossible she finally managed you're a teacher I am a teacher I agreed I'm also the CEO of one of the largest private investment firms on the East Coast the teaching job that's because I love it unlike some people I don't measure success solely by my bank account Maya chose that moment to walk in carrying the property transfer documents the movers will be here at 9:00 a. m. she announced barely concealing her Glee should I have them start with the basement or would you prefer they begin with Mr Winston's rooms Margaret's face turned an interesting shade of purple you can't do this we have guests coming the carmical ah yes the Carles I interrupted Your Last Hope for saving Winston Industries funny thing about that they're actually one of my clients I've been for years in fact they're the ones who told me this property was coming up for sale Thomas finally found his voice voice Elena why didn't you tell me I turned to him feeling the weight of 3 years of Silent compliance lift from my shoulders tell you what Thomas that your wife the one you let your mother banish to the basement could have bought and sold your family's company 10 times over would it have made a difference he flinched and I knew the answer it wouldn't have changed anything except how they treated me they would have hidden their true nature better played nice for the sake of access to my money just like they were doing with the karma unles the movers will be here soon I continued checking my watch I suggest you start packing the new owners meaning me would like to renovate before the holidays but but where are we supposed to go Margaret sputtered what about Thanksgiving I smiled remembering all the times she'd made similar dismissive comments about my humble background I'm sure you'll figure something out after all isn't that what you told me last night about knowing my place the door bell rang right on schedule Maya went to answer it returning with a distinguished looking couple in their 60s Mrand Mr caracal I greeted them warmly thank you for coming early Margaret's eyes widened in horror as the comical embraced me like an old friend Elena Dear Mr caracle said we wouldn't miss this for the world though I must say when you told us about your little experiment with teaching we thought you were mad sometimes the best way to understand people is to let them show you who they really are I replied watching as Margaret sank into a kitchen chair her perfect Thanksgiving crumbling around her the morning was about to get much more interesting the next hour unfolded like a carefully orchestrated Symphony the movers arrived precisely at 9:00 a.
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