The Future Of Work Is Play (How To Create A Digital Career)

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Dan Koe
One-Person Business Foundations (free): Generate Infinite Creativ...
Video Transcript:
Obsession Obsession Obsession Obsession is your Key to Greatness expose yourself to more experience not distraction and let curiosity pull you down a rabbit hole of Discovery once you find the thing you can't pull yourself away from work to make it a sustainable part of your life this is a lesson that I discovered in my childhood I was always obsessed with finding a better way of living everywhere I went I paid close attention to people's actions and this wasn't meant to be in a judgmental way even though when I was a teenager or a child I'm
sure that there was some judgment involved we all judge people it's okay but I want to shift that from judgment to discernment right I wanted to observe people's actions and see where it led them in Life or observe people's actions now so that I could discern okay if I do these things will it lead to the life they have now and do I want that or do I not want that do they look like they have the life that I want to live and with enough data from observation and seeing what they do seeing what
they put in their grocery baskets or seeing what they do just on a daily basis they go to work they go home they watch Netflix they fall asleep they repeat They Don't Really push into the unknown do I want that or do I not want that I often found myself questioning what how and why what were they pursuing if every action is toward a conscious or unconscious goal it seemed like everyone was eager to be overweight unhealthy overworked and broke they didn't have self-generated goals that shaped their decision-making how did that person get to where
they are why did they look that way was it because they picked up a 1,000 calorie dessert drink for breakfast with a sandwich that leaked grease from its wrapper why did they go to the same job that clearly caused them immense suffering how did they not see the opportunity all around them the digital world unfolding right before their eyes a world of information and technology that they can use used to learn and build in record time due to my questioning and observation I had conditioned myself to believe that getting a 9 to-5 job was the
bane of my existence I believe that it was honestly the worst outcome that could happen in my life because it seemed like once people accepted a job offer when they were just exiting college or when they're entering their 20s or even in their late 20s when they start their career it seemed like they were just doomed to a life of comfort a majority of the time obviously not all of the time but 95% plus of the time that's what it seems like if you just observe Society they would fill their plate with never-ending responsibilities a
mortgage spouse and kids before they had the financial capability to truly dedicate their time and energy to those things it looked like they were quick to become an adult but were never able to reap the rewards of being one they chained themselves to a paycheck because they never made the choices or decisions that led to more money and time the danger of employment goes far beyond this as we will discuss but before we dive in cortex the second brain software that I've been building for quite a long time now is nearing completion but we are
not launching version zero to the public we're launching it to students inside cortex University we currently have 40 people in there and that will continue to grow but we limit cohorts we limit the number of people within a cohort to make sure it's impactful and if you want Early Access or lifetime access to C I would consider joining cortex University it's a very expensive program it's a new University I just want to make that clear here that you are going to see the price and you are going to be shocked and the price is not
on the landing page so it's up to you to actually read the landing page and see if it's worth your money and time we're using this as an opportunity to build the best program that the internet has ever seen and hopefully down the road a year or two years from now actually compete with college level programs and help people create create their own career rather than be ass signed one and doing so as a synthesizer in the Creator economy so the link to that is in the description but we need to talk about the psychology
and danger of employment so here is a graphic that I've made before and this aligns if you've seen my graphic on flow I took that and I repurposed it to this the psychology of employment where you can see the white line solid white line that is employment when you first start out you are increasing your skill you're increasing the challenge that you take on and life is fairly meaningful it feels good to have pursued something more and take on further Challenge and you're branching into the unknown you're learning new things you're at your Edge where
meaning and fulfillment are but with the longer you stay in a job or employment without pursuing a further challenge or increasing your skill set you eventually just go into the Eternal known life becomes boring you start chasing cheap dopamine you're in this endless cycle of comfort now the dotted line entrepreneurship is the complete opposite it's the natural progression and you can see that white circle where they intersect that is a great time to actually switch to entrepreneurship and that's what I did is I got a job at a web design agency while I was trying
to freelance with web design so that I could learn the skills that would allow me to do it myself and Entrepreneurship flows in alignment with nature it helps you it helps your psyche encounter more meaningful and fulfilling events in life because it's not just a static like very boring and comfortable day day after day after day there's highs there's lows you're going to have high Revenue you're going to have low Revenue you're going to have high growth you're going to have low growth you're going to be forced to evolve in this everchanging Marketplace and a
job with just set tasks isn't going to help you do that I see 9 to five jobs as a stepping stone my problem with them is that they breed complacency and are dangerous for your psyche challenge is what makes life fun and interesting if you halt your personal evolution by never pursuing something more you lose purpose and fulfillment entrepreneurship is the only logical option for long-term thinkers entrepreneurship is the path of uncertainty like slashing your way through the jungle you are required to learn skills that aren't taught in schools you are required to be okay
with failure rejection and slow progress you are required to learn from your mistakes show up again tomorrow and push until you strike gold your psyche is wired to hunt and the physical world has changed much faster than our mind can adapt we still have the same neurobiological processes as our ancestors if you stay in a 9o5 job for too long you become a monkey in a cubicle and I'm talking like metaphorically obviously here I'm not calling you a monkey in a cubicle I'm saying you are like a monkey in a cubicle you are like a
monkey who lives in the jungle that is trapped in a fluorescent lit box is that healthy for the monkey when you get stuck in a 9 to-5 or a new 9 to5 like an agency or freelancing you live in the Eternal known you can't make new discoveries in the known you get bored depressed and see life as meaningless because the only dopamine you get is from superficial sources you never take risks push into the unknown and discover new knowledge tools and potentials that raise dopamine levels in the brain as an entrepreneur you hunt for your
Survival by gathering knowledge creating a valuable product and putting it in front of people who could benefit from it I actually wrote a tweet yesterday day that lines up with this pretty well so I'm going to go look it up and I'm going to read it to you if you aren't selling your product you are selling someone else's everyone is selling something and people see this as a bad thing rather than a necessity for Modern Survival selling equals survival do it daily or you'll get stuck selling something you hate for someone you hate one thing
that people don't realize here is that when I'm talking about a product I'm talking about anything that you communicate or exchange with someone else when you're having a conversation with someone your ideas are the product you're selling them no matter whether you think it's selling or not don't interpret the word selling literally here you are reproducing the contents of your mind because animals survive the content in their genes and humans survive the content in their Consciousness you are replicating your identity that is how you create a self when you have a child you are giving
them the information they are learning you are teaching them the information that shapes who they are just because you had a child doesn't mean they're going to grow up and become the person they were they have all of this these billions of bits of information shaping their self that's what I mean by human survival is conceptual or mental so that's what I mean when I say selling equals survival is that we're in a competition there's competition there's collaboration there's a bunch of different perspectives to go along with this but you're in competition with other people
to survive and people that get stuck in these draining jobs and don't realize that they are selling a product you're selling the product of your boss and then they don't realize that oh my boss is selling a product he is surviving he is competing well in this game of life why don't I go sell a product because everyone has to people see this as a bad thing or they comment under like Chris Williamson's post about his new productivity drink and it's like everyone's seems like everyone's selling a product nowadays yeah you have to just like
try not selling try not selling anyone's product even your bosses just sit inside don't do anything ego death whatever you want to call it that's fine but try not selling try not surviving you're not going to survive it's as simple as that so the thing here is is that we don't have to hunt for food anymore but we have to hunt for the resources that allow us to actually get food and everything else that we need to survive Aristotle condemned manual labor as harmful to the body and soul the ancient Greeks saw work as a
necessary part of life but only as a means to Leisure creativity and contemplation as they consider them the keys to happiness without work Leisure loses its meaning and vice versa like if you were go if you're to go on vacation for 2 weeks towards the end of that towards week three you're going to be thinking oh like I kind of want to get back to work I want to get back home I want to get back into my regular routine there has to be that Push Pull like retirement is such a silly concept to me
of just not working anymore like maybe working on the something you want to work on but work and rest are but work and rest are both necessary parts of life if your Eternal rest mean it loses its meaning without work you need the balance you need the push the pull manual work isn't always bad but completing mindless tasks for the sake of survival or status makes you no different than a robot or animal so now the title of this video is the future of work is play so let's talk about that there are almost 7
billion people on this planet someday I hope there will be almost 7 billion companies that is a quote that has lived in my head rentree by noval bravant because I see this unfolding in the Creator economy if you've watched my other videos you understand my worldview on the future of work and just the decentralization of work and individuals technology allowing individuals to create their own careers and create self-sufficient communities in the Creator economy like someone selling clothing others selling knowledge other selling planners other selling home-cooked meals that are delivered to someone when I was reading
the anthology of Balaji earlier this week it said something along the lines of first physical then digital than native digital so if it can be done on the internet right now it will be done on the internet in the future and another Insight this isn't a direct quote I believe but another Insight that I pulled from the book is that money is a tool for building what you want but doesn't yet exist so money to me now and My Philosophy around it has been forming away from the materialistic pursuit of cars houses Etc like I
feel that hasn't been that for a long time but I feel like a lot of people get introduced to the space via that shallow Pursuit and so I'd be lying if I said that like I wasn't interested in those things before and that I am still not interested in them but the thing there is is like I've gone down that path and I've also realize that it's not a completely materialistic or superficial Pursuit the pursuit of let's say a car or a house is just like a superficial goal that takes you down a deeply spiritual
path of highs and lows and failures and learning how to master your mind and become an actual entrepreneur and solve creative problems in your life technology and the internet are how you build a solution that leads to personal and Collective progress evolution is about solving problems with technology that's what we do as humans that is our Edge that is what sets you apart from other beings and has led to the complex world we live in filled with skyscrapers libraries Sports and the infinite internet we build create and solve our own problems with a plan focus
and creativity this is arguably the meaning of human existence is to create humans have the innate drive to survive the information in their genes and Consciousness we have built technology since the dawn of time for the sake of life extension and youth extension the drive to preserve our physical bodies is natural but it's not for the reason that most people think humans survive on the concept ual level we attempt to reproduce the contents of our minds the ideas beliefs and values that make us who we are as I discussed earlier with a child not only
being a physical body a child a self a self is a web and system of ideas for us to become immortal the drive to survive our physical form and extend our youth is necessary to increase the time in which we can spread our ideas to Ripple throughout Consciousness and hopefully win the Battle of good against evil the biosphere or biology must remain intact for the new sphere or mind to expand and transcend to whatever is next in this sense it makes sense why we do what we do authors become immortal by passing down their ideas
to live in the heads and shape the selves and the self being a system or web of ideas that those ideas come from somewhere they come from the authors the the thought leaders the parents the teachers Etc so authors are becoming Immortal by impregnating the minds of other people people by through their books through their writing through their articles through these videos etc etc this entire human existence is just a game of selling better ideas that lead to Collective progress and Transcendence and evolution and it feels good to do so it feels good to reproduce
it feels good to reproduce on the conceptual or mental level by writing and passing along and improving people's lives not making them worse good versus evil and you contributing to to good authors and creators have had more children than genas Khan we read books and adopt ideas that align with our goals as a part of our identity and since most people have the goals of society assigned to them they are perceiving and storing information that reinforces their identity the masses are the children of society I talk about goals and systems in the last video you
won't be the same person in 6 months but we have to understand here that Society is a behavior system and they are reaching children early through just their parents not questioning anything and their parents teaching what they learned from their parents and schools and Etc so society as a collective ego or Collective self or just the identity of humanity in a sense that's what it is it's an identity it reaches children early and shapes more selves or has more children than like it has all the children has 95% of children unless they question their identity
and create themselves through the information that that they gather through curiosity which is we're going what we're going to talk about in the next video this all points a finger at the future of work through Evolution and Technology we have been removing labor work from our eyes to me this seems like the human drive to pursue creative work further to advance the expansion and unity of mind and Consciousness we want to do what we want when we want in a positive direction by pursuing our interests solving our problems and Building Solutions that create heaven on
Earth never has this been more of an option for the majority of the population we have the technology available to us to create our ideal lives with the internet so now let's discuss just the concept of the digital Renaissance which I've talked about many times before but the future of work in my eyes belongs to the creative the writers the designers the speakers the builders the creators the synthesizers the highest paid individuals are and will be those who use the creative ability of their mind to solve problems that prevent progress in humanity and this is
what we're teaching teaching in cortex University on becoming a synthesizer in 90 days a synthesizer of experience so you can create your own career ideas are the building blocks of the creative worker ideas are the building blocks of a better future ideas are also the primary pursuit of the creative worker because they need to channel ideas towards goals or they just need to have the idea of a goal in the first place to start to channel more towards it and build it what people don't realize is that there is a way to achieve impossible ideas
you just need to create a path that allows you to actualize that reality Elon Musk wanted to land on Mars a few years ago this was impossible but it is becoming more and more possible by the day he didn't start with SpaceX he made smart choices among many dumb ones you can't skip making mistakes to the point of having companies capital and a path to land on Mars most people try to make the impossible possible but fail because they skipped building the ideas that must come before the plow came before the tractor the filing cabinet
came before the second brain The horong Carriage came before the car and most of the time people didn't know that the car could have existed had they not built the other solutions that made it a possibility that's the thing here another practical use case for this is that you don't know what you want in your life because you just haven't pursued anything you haven't exposed yourself to actually be able to discover what you want in your life you can't just sit around and think of it you can't just sit around and do what Society has
been telling you to do and get trapped in this narrow path of like 0 1% of the information that you can find in reality you have to explore your curiosity to be able to actually figure out what you want and it's going to take time you can't experience like 100% of real one that's impossible two you can't experience let's say 50% of reality in like your entire lifetime so you better start exploring now so you actually have a chance cuz most people many people one aren't going to pursue it in the first place two they
aren't going to give themselves enough time to potentially find the thing that they want in life and a lot of people won't just by the nature of the game we are going through what seems to be a second Renaissance a digital one an eternal one as we expand to new planets and the human race hits trillions in numbers there will be thousands of Einstein and niches we are back in a time where artists thinkers and creatives are rewarded for their risk this is not a time for Specialists nor is it a time for generalists we
live in a time of specialized generalism you must laser in on a specific vision for the future and acquire the general skill and knowledge that will actualize each ascending goal that creates that Vision success is not as simple as learning one skill and as we will find self-education and skill acquisition for life is a necessity for creating a life of sovereignty so now let's discuss the new economy what the new economy is the universe divides and reunites like the ocean evaporates and condenses back down into rain we will call this a cycle of centralization and
decentralization social media has caused a shift from centralized media to decentralized Media synthesizers or creators are decentralized media companies they compose the new public school system that is available to anyone with an internet connection individuals are creating new jobs teaching new information and creating new paths that schools and governments can't keep up with few people recognize the importance of social media as the new Digital Society most people still see it as a place to entertain themselves or just like a place to complete a few tasks at work in reality media shapes culture society and the
economy media is how we learn media is how we get new information media is how we communicate the value of our businesses media consumes a large portion of Our Lives it creates a social fabric that people rely on for civilization to operate as it does social media is the collective Consciousness that spreads ideas that people can adopt as their identity so in my eyes social media is just like Society in that it creates the most children or selves in the world at this point but the creators the creators are what compose social media right now
and that isn't centralized like government and Society are creators value creators synthesizers have the opportunity to actually change the direction of human evolution a Creator can send out a message to millions of people in the blink of an eye imagine trying to send a message to a million people 50 years ago it would have taken months if not longer social media changes how we spend our money because it changes what message is adopted and spread by creators there are synthesizers who pursue their goals collect ideas to creatively achieve them and distribute a valuable message to
their readers then there are the general influencers who attract the masses with looks rather than depth for the sake of reinforcing their ego they may be unconsciously leading Society toward a dead end the world needs more synthesizers I honestly see it as one of the main career path in the future like big picture synthesizer there's many career paths that fall under that but just having your own distribution being your own Media Company attracting attention to your work and being able to sell that as an individual again this is why we're starting cortex University to hopefully
be ahead of things and actually provide the best education and establish ourselves as the best option for the future of work with Automation and AI it only makes sense that people will start to lean towards actual people more for their media fix for their learning the innate drive to learn I'm not talking about entertainment or just getting a quick dopamine hit here I'm talking about something that is actually necessary for human existence and evolution personal Brands creators synthesizers the same thing but different nuance and impact people who educate entertain and Inspire according to their interest
unless we rewrite the collective psyche which hasn't changed much in a few hundred years then this is inevitable people are attracted to people not robots robots have their place in decreasing labor and increasing human creativity though if you want to understand more of my business philosophy go check out the oneperson business playlist or the digital writer playlist or what this is going to create is the synthesizer playlist so watch any of those and just binge watch the episodes because you're only getting 1% of the information within this video there's a lot more to it also
a note there don't try to just you have to learn about things like consistently a lot so go learn now let's talk about how to create your own career so here's a graphic where I see this as the future of work or really the main just big picture career path where there's you then you pursue your Curiosities then you go in the content or code route or both as we'll discuss then you either become an employee or you become an entrepreneur straight out of the gate but you can also become an employee to help you
gain the skills to become an entrepreneur and you can use your money that comes from being an employee to fuel whatever it is you're doing as an entrepreneur and then once you have a product which you're also selling as an employee but once you have a product then you find distribution you are the distribution with code and content and that equals really as much money as you want so that's that's just big picture overview but let's actually dive into it curiosity leads to learning learning leads to Obsession Obsession leads to a life that you never
thought was possible a life filled with enjoyment winning and an impact on those who see the value in the path you've carved out of reality with the rapidly evolving technology available to use we no longer have to remain a puppet of society we can make the conscious personal choice to use the tools that have been built for us in the new economy we have the chance to create a career not be assigned one this is the career path of the future and the direction you take with it is your choice the first and foundational step
is just self-education ation not formal education even though that can be useful self-education above all a synthesizer is a digital renissance man they are constant self- Educators they acquire the knowledge and skill to actualize their goals they let the goals they create not the on society assigned to them be their interest Compass the future of work is based on creativity not productivity creativity is using your diverse knowledge and interest to help you achieve a goal or whatever it is you are building if you haven't learned anything outside of what you've been told to learn you
aren't an actual creative you aren't solving creative problems it's impossible to be an entrepreneur or at least an entrepreneur in the future if you're going to the same schools that teach the same thing to every single person that's not creativity that I mean it's it can be creativity but you don't have the creative Firepower that is unique interest and Knowledge and Skills to actually create combine those into something new you can but you are when you're when you only know what's taught in schools you're only giving yourself potentials or options to create the same thing
that may have already been created you can't create something rare or unknown without going down a rare or unknown path and this is less about becoming an expert in certain skills or interests this is more about having a constant influx of information to help Fuel and apply to the goals that you're achieving and the things that you're building if you haven't started yet you must start with the foundation Mind Body Spirit and business educate yourself on how to solve the most burning profitable problems in your own life and others if you want to make money
reasonably fast you must solve your superficial problems and help others solve theirs do your part in raising the collective Consciousness by helping others transcend the problems that keep them in a lower State of Consciousness learn build and sell a product around Fitness relationships mental health or Financial Freedom by pursuing these goals your path will be unique it's obvious that nobody's path is is the same the knowledge you acquire by achieving these goals is unique to you everybody's Niche is self-actualization but the the reason this isn't just like common knowledge is because before the internet people
would self-actualize in public through business the ones that are building Rockets like musks and Bezos are in the self-actualization niche they are taking Humanity to Mars so we can expand they are helping the self or Collective or ego or identity of humanity expand they're much further beyond the personal lowlevel problems that they started out with now we have to talk about the meta skills which are code and content so code and content umbrella every other skill that you need to learn in order to actually make it in this world going digital and if everything that
can be done on the internet will be done on the internet then learning these skills is not optional so under that are what I call results oriented skills I talk about everything I'm going to talk about right now in the million dooll skill Stack video you don't need to learn to code but you need technical knoow you need to understand the tools you can use to build a better life email marketing graphic design video editing website and funnel building Etc these are all technical tools to help you establish your foothold as a personal brand in
the Digital Society code in this sense is digital real estate if you don't plan on being a programmer learn everything you can to build more digital real estate in the Creator economy this is landing pages products lead magnets uh whatever host content videos like you have to get on certain social medias you have to put things out there then next is the Evergreen skills code is the vessel for content and content is the only way to actually get in front of people's eyes because there's the structure which is code code is structure content is content
structure in this case is like the landing page the email the video whatever it may be the content is what people are actually seeing within that and what is catching their attention what is persuading them what is making them change their behavior writing speaking marketing and sales are these skills that provide the impactful message for your results oriented skills you can't just write a Social post and expect it to do well you need to understand mechanics and psychology marketing and sales are applied mechanics and psychology so learn them and then the fourth piece is just
personal interests because right now you're learning a vast array of skills that allow you to build a business you have to realize this is the one downside of actually doing this thing is that you have to learn everything I mean most business owners have to do that anyways but you have to learn everything you can't just study one skill you can't just study one interest you have to understand everything that goes into building a profitable business and when you are the business as a Creator in the Creator economy that's what I mean your personal brand
or your creator brand is your personal resume it's your digital resume you've learned to write speak market and sell through your emails content and web p pages that plus actually posting things is how you start to build an audience but your personal interests are what set you apart and determine what you sell any of the above relating to business can be considered personal interests but so can anything you've learned studying the Mind Body or Spirit your job is to use your skills to monetize the interests that make you unique so now you understand the skills
of making money but then you have to have what to make money with and that's your personal interest if your personal interest is Fitness or philosophy or spirituality or business it can be anything you pick one or multiple and you monetize it with the skills you've learned and if you don't know how to monetize it then you haven't learned the skills well enough or practice them so now let's talk about the dynamic between employees and entrepreneurs most people dream of being the CEO of a billion- dooll company but can't even be the CEO of their
own life the employee mindset is extremely difficult to break and that's why I say you need to get out of it sooner rather than later so you weren't further conditioned and programmed into this mind making even harder to get out of you don't pursue anything other than what you know you don't continue developing your skill set beyond the work that is assigned to you you wait to be told what to do in your work and life you don't make the decision yourself your parents are still your bosses even when you've moved out the programming still
tugs at your mind and influences your choices entrepreneurs have a distinct set of traits that align with our ancestors and nature they push into the unknown and create new paths they build solutions to create a problems that advance Humanity they never stop acquiring knowledge and applying it in reality you can take either path in the new economy employers hire based on your social media creators higher based on your social media Brands higher based on your social media clients higher based on your social media customers buy based on your social media you can be an employee
but understand that entrepreneurship is an eventual step you will have to take if you want full control over your life and income so what I'm saying here is that you can work for other creators to get into this creater economy rather than working a traditional job that has that doesn't live up to its Promises of security you can create your own security by working for a Creator learning the skills that allows you to be an Irreplaceable asset in any Creator business and then end up creating your own anyways so that you're in full control of
your direction now assigned versus created products we talked about this before when I brought up the example of someone commenting everyone is selling a product nowadays under one of Chris Williamson post about his new productivity drink and the commenter said this as a negative thing you could just tell as if they aren't working for someone who is selling a product as if they aren't selling that person's product for them in some direct or indirect way yes everyone has a product nowadays because it is a requirement if you don't want to be assigned a product to
sell and then people say I don't want to sell it's sleazy then you don't understand sales you are selling me your ideas right now to reproduce and survive your narrow identity by doing nothing you will allow people less conscious and intelligent than you to have more attention impact and money than you by doing nothing you become a puppet to society and are assigned an unconscious Life to Live of selling others products and never realizing it create a product that you would buy use and benefit from that is the only shortcut in business you belong to
a niche you have purchased products from that Niche and if you understand anything about business You Should Skip 50% of the trial and error and sell what you've bought but better now we have skills we have traffic with an audience because we built it as a Creator we have a product we skipped the trial and error so that uh we actually know that it sells but we use our personal experience and interest as the way to set it apart now we need to talk about Distributing that product and leverage build distribution then build whatever you
want that's a quote again that's lived in my head for like two to 3 years now rentree by Jack butcher how to start a billion doll company don't start as one person leverage the technology Available to You deploy digital real estate until you have ample distribution of your products and services write posts every single day that live on your profile network with people to get them shared so you can grow without the algorithm I talk about this in how to grow a audience with zero followers something get on podcast to build your Authority plug your
newsletter so you own your audience give away small free products to build your newsletter more sell a low ticket product to have more people dedicated to your brand with an audience of 10,000 newsletter of 1,000 and network of 100 you can do anything you want you have the resources to make a full-time income at this point that takes a year if you do things actually correct you take a few courses that's possible in a year most people just one they buy the courses don't actually do anything two they can't stay consistent with writing content that's
the big problem that I talk about with anyone in the space they always come to me and they're like yeah the biggest problem with my clients is that they just don't right content they just don't stick to it that's literally all you have to do to stand out but beyond that once you're at this point you can funnel extra cash into building whatever it is you actually want like if you wanted to achieve the impossible now you're that much closer to it if you had this Grand idea of building a billion billion dollar company now
you have the ever increasing cash flow because leverage digital world if you have 10,000 followers and make $3,000 a month then you know you can get to $100,000 and make $30,000 a month and if you get to 1 million or higher or you just optimize your offer stack and value ladder you could get to$ 100,000 and make $100,000 a month or if you know what you're doing you can have 5,000 followers and make $100,000 a month I see people do it all the time so this video was for Big Picture understanding there was like a
little bit of technical details in here a little bit of like step-by-step action plans kind of big picture matters above all of those things because the prescriptions the do this this this and this is not going to help you it may help you with Clarity in taking action but never are you going to be able to actually attribute your results to a simple string of steps it's all experience it's all trial and error use what I told you here and use it as a Rough Guide but if you want practical steps then go watch any
of the onep person business videos or check out my courses or cortex University within the links in the bio with that I truly appreciate you watching thank you so much like subscribe do whatever you got to do have a good one peace so
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Don't Find A Niche. Become The Niche.
Dan Koe
How To Build A Business That Works | Brian Tracy #GENIUS
How To Build A Business That Works | Brian...
Joe Polish
How to Find Your True Path in Life (ft. Robert Greene)
How to Find Your True Path in Life (ft. Ro...
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast
The Most Important Skill To Learn In The Next 10 Years With Devon Eriksen
The Most Important Skill To Learn In The N...
Dan Koe
Minimalist Productivity: Work Less, Do More
Minimalist Productivity: Work Less, Do More
Dan Koe
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