O CAIBALION, cap. 8 - Os planos de Correspondência - Lúcia Helena Galvão

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Video Transcript:
Good evening everyone, welcome. Today we are following our reading group of the book Kybalion, it seems to me just a little, this little book here. I remind you that the reading group, we have already made other books, we will probably make others in the future, the idea is to do a lecture per chapter. Remembering the people who are coming for the first time, that this is not a big problem, because the chapters have a certain autonomy, it is perfectly possible to follow and you can also recapitulate what you have learned. You have already learned by
looking at the lectures on YouTube, which tend to come out all, today number 3 has already come out, the third chapter. Here we are today entering chapter 8. So just giving that little initial recap for us to situate ourselves, we are inside a book that was written in 1908, it is not a book, let's say, ancient, but it is based on the Egyptian tradition, it is based on what remained of Hermetism, the work of Hermes Trismegistus. And one of the fundamental things that is said of this Egyptian sage is that he said, thank you, he
said that the universe is based on seven great laws. The universe, not just talking about its physical dimension, because Egypt never talked only about matter, they had a very spiritualistic tone and always started from the subtle to the material. So they said that the spiritual world, the mental world and the material world, which were the three worlds in the way they were considered, all of them were structured around seven great laws. These seven great cosmic laws were ready to be understood to some extent by all beings who have some level of reflective consciousness by the
rational being in evolution. And the understanding of these laws allowed you to enter in progressive harmony with nature. And by harmonizing with nature you had a much simpler trajectory, could walk with much less comfort, understand that the earth was not just a blurry machine. if we could walk with much less resistance, if we have a lot of resistance, because we are fighting nature. And this is what happens constantly. So this book from 1908, of anonymous authorship, what he does is comment on these seven laws, trying to bring us some understanding. I repeat to you that
it is not something that can be chewed, a knowledge of this type, the level of understanding that we will have of it is very corresponding to the level of maturity that you have in your life. That sentence, half without head and feet, that I always repeat to you, the more inside, the more outside, the more knowledge of yourself, the more capacity for understanding the mysteries of the universe around you. So the same book, this is a typical book, read in a phase of life, read ten years later, if there was a shift of consciousness, if
there was growth, it will look like another book. Because it will open keys that at that first moment you did not have the opportunity to open, you still had no access, you did not have the maturity of soul for that. So it's good to keep the same book, otherwise you have the impression that it is another edition and they have changed. I myself have done a lot of this, Bhagavad Gita, which is a sensational book, which is of the same type, of the same type, very symbolic. To discuss with myself, no, it was not this
book that I read. I just believed in it. I just believed that it was all marked, underlined, it was not this one. Because there were things that I definitely, as it is said popularly, I passed by, I had not seen, because I had no internal access yet. So I had not conquered external access. I always start with this verse, remember, which is a verse that is part of a much larger poem, from an English writer, which was not chosen by me, it was put there in the preface of the Kybalion himself, it is chosen by
the anonymous author of the book. Because it has more or less the essence of what the book wants to suggest. Acquire knowledge and move on. Have responsibility for the future, they are your heirs. Acquire knowledge, because that is what corresponds to you as a human being, and teach to live the next generations. Because the best legacy you can leave is the best inheritance. Sometimes we have the impression, well, but this thing is already written, the citizen arrives at the bookstore, buys the Kybalion, reads. Look, if it were so, never any teacher would have been necessary
in history, only the first one who lived the experience. In fact, when you add your experience to something, you update that something for your time and space. Proof for people in your context that it is possible to experience Kybalion, I don't know, four thousand years after it has been written, somewhere. In other words, if we live in the present day, the other has no excuse, a sign that this is also possible, and it is not a mass in people's heads. This is outdated. We have a book mentality, of information technology. Information technology must be the
most volatile area of ​​the universe. I don't know if there is another one more than this one. I don't know. Because a book, at two years old, is already outdated. Seriously, who is from this area? At two years old, it's no longer worth anything. Then you come to a person and say, I'm reading a book that is 4,600 years old. Ah, you're crazy! Imagine, this is completely outdated. No, philosophy is not AI, it is not software manufacturing. It is something much more complex. This wisdom, this art of living, is something that a human being who
had, can transmit while humanity existed. Professor Jorge Angelo Livraga, who founded Nova Acrópole, gives a very simple example, which I find very interesting. The person who walked on a bike in Rome, and the person who rides a jet plane today, what has progressed was the vehicle. Not necessarily the driver. You can't know if the citizen there had balance, had emotional dominance. It may be that he had more than us, that we were sorry for that, we were beaten with that. It may be that he had more fraternity. That is, the machine has evolved, not necessarily
the man. And as I always tell you, if the machine evolves and the man doesn't, you're getting there faster where? Maybe in the abyss, isn't that it? The video disappeared. Do you understand this idea? Whoever goes to the abyss is better off on a bicycle than on a Porsche. Because the slower you get, the more time you have to rethink. That is, the Porsche is more evolved between the two than the bicycle, it depends. It depends on the ends, it is a good means. But what are your ends? To the abyss it is better to
go slowly. Do we need help here? Problems of IT. It was just to speak badly of her that ... There was no other. There was no other. Short cycle karma. Do not let the flame go out. Maintained from century to century in this dark cave, in this sacred temple, supported by pure ministers of love. Do not let this divine flame go out. That is, do not let knowledge get lost. Because you lose knowledge about what a human being is, what human life is. It is complicated. You need to incarnate another person who knows. This, in
general, in history, there were few. Do you know the sacrifice of keeping this knowledge alive over the centuries? It cost the lives of many people, it cost the efforts of many people. Keep it alive. Pass the baton to the next generation. This poem, whoever is interested, it is there, you are not seeing it, but it is a little esoteric. This poem belongs to an English poet named Edward Carpenter. So I like to put it almost as if to create a climate. Responsibility with knowledge. Was? It's there. Beautiful, wonderful. Let's go on. Thank you very much.
Kybalion, I don't need to ... I've already shown you the cover. This is the book. It's a small book. But so dense that it is able to read a 500-page book and not finish Kybalion. So it's a small and dense book. Each chapter is an adventure. This one today is particularly complex. But let's go there. Today we are on the 8th theme. This book talks about the study of Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece. He didn't die yet. Then came medieval alchemy, then the Renaissance. Several people throughout history dedicated themselves to this knowledge and
interpreted what they could from it. It's almost like you wanted to say, do you want to know the level of philosophers at one time? Send them to study Kybalion and see what they say. Depending on what they say, you can see their level. So you had brilliant comments about Kybalion in the Renaissance, in the Platonic Academy of Charedi, with Marsilio Fittino, with that group that gathered at the House of the Medici. It's a sign that they were very good. Fittino was the first to translate this work into Latin. And today we are trying to understand
it once again, as we will probably do throughout history. Imagine what it is to leave a trace of at least 4,000 years. You shouldn't have been anyone. It must have been someone who is a giant to leave a footprint of this size. It seems that time challenges. And we have the impression that nothing challenges time. Some seem to have challenged. We are today, then, at the beginning of correspondence. Chapter 8. Some will say, it was not to be further ahead. But it is because several chapters before he makes comments and does not advance in the
principles. Today we are in chapter 8, at the beginning of correspondence. Which basically says the following. The correspondence plans. What is above is like what is below. And what is below is like what is above. There is a correspondence, it is not identical, but it is related, equivalent. It is the same law adapted to different plans. And this knowing how to recognize that, despite the circumstances seeming different, it is the same law that is acting, it is a fundamental learning for you to learn to read your life. Remember that example that I usually give, many
times, silly, but it works. So I'll give the silly example again. I say to you, imagine that I want to tell you something. And I'm still in the time of the post office. It's almost prehistory. The Jurassic. So I send you a letter. A yellow, long letter, with a message inside. You look, you don't like yellow, tear it, throw it away. And I write again. A square envelope, green. You say, no, I don't like green either. It's too natural for my taste. Tear it, throw it away. I write another, blue. I'm writing and you look,
the appearances are different, the envelopes are different, shape, color. But the message inside is the same. While you don't open it and read, and assimilate what I want to tell you, I won't stop writing. Nature does this to us. Life, more specifically, does this to us. We came to the world to acquire a level of consciousness, which is human consciousness. And it's sending you messages. It's what you need to learn now. And we sometimes get caught up with the same message. And we don't recognize that it's the same message that we are gaining throughout life.
It's the same message, apparently different, but with the same symbolic content. Because we are very superficial, very materialistic nowadays. So we only see the appearance, the appearance is different. Now, what is curious and a little cruel, is that we tend to see this better in the life of the other. Isn't that so? So you look at the neighbor, a person who works with you, people are getting the same thing all their lives and they are not seeing it. Probably you too. I remember in my student times, I never stopped being, in a way, but in
my academic times, I had a colleague who had a radar to get involved with people of a somewhat dubious character. And she lived victimizing herself because of that. But you looked at her profile, her way, it's as if she had an outdoor in her head, flashing, so bright. Bandit, I'm here. Because in a way she was receptive, she was attractive to that. And everyone saw it. And she didn't. And she thought she was a victim of hidden forces, Janquadros syndrome, right? Hidden forces are against me. And she had a predisposition to repetitive experiences. I saw
that in her perfectly, but I didn't see it in me, at all. I usually joke with her, I joke with my students, because even the doorman of our building must know what we are getting out of life. Then one day one of my students came to me and said, I'm going to disguise myself and talk to the doorman of my building. And I'm going to ask for my respect. I found the idea interesting. Because we really get things symbolically identical, although with different appearances. So we don't know the principle of correspondence. Mental disorder, the lack
of concentration must be present in time, in space, in the closet, everywhere there must be disorder, in the drawer. And you look at a point and say, no, I'm just disorganized in this drawer. Disorder is in all planes and the drawer is a symbol. And if we learn to read these symbols, we realize what are the elements that are locking us up. And in general we are vital illiterates. We have difficulties in symbolic reading, in communicating with life. Very superficial. So the principle of correspondence, works exactly with this idea. But it goes further in this
chapter. Because there is this correspondence between your lack of concentration and your messy closet. Between the way you drive your personality and the way you drive your car, which is a vehicle too. There is this correspondence in these practical levels of life. But here he will play very high. He will talk about the great levels, according to Egyptian tradition, of the manifest world. Here I put a parenthesis, which I will say now and repeat in half an hour, because I know you will forget and this is important. Because he will base himself a lot, when
he will talk about these manifested planes, on Egyptian philosophy, on Egyptian theology, on the set of values that Egypt took as true. Is this an absolute law? Am I telling you that this is absolute truth? No! Even because I don't have this wisdom to check if this is true or not. But a philosopher takes it as a possibility, takes it into consideration. And tests in his life. He is not afraid of the new. So I'm not telling you that this, that he will put as an example, which was the set of values and beliefs that
Egypt cultivated, are absolute truths, because the philosopher has no absolute truths. I just know that I don't know anything, said Socrates. But it is something to be taken into consideration. If you had four hypotheses about the world, now you will have five. Will it be a little freer? Will there be another angle to consider life? Well, considering that Egypt, is a civilization that has a certain historical repercussion, for having done many great and good things, they deserve to be heard at least. Let's see what it is about. But at no time am I telling you,
believe in it because it is true. I'm not a theologian, I'm not a doctrinalist of any kind of value, I'm just a philosopher. So he will talk about three worlds, which is the spiritual world, the mental world, and the material world. He says that the manifested universe is composed of these three dimensions. That they are not one there, another there and another there. They are intertwined. Only intertwined, but vibrating, at denser and more subtle levels. It's like you get a wire, that passes electricity inside it. A wire and electricity are passing in the same physical
place. But they have a very different vibration gradient. The physical matter and the electricity that is passing inside. That is, the same physical place does not mean the same vibratory place. Do you understand that? For Egypt, you want to know the location of something, you have to know the level of vibration of something. Which is the principle of vibration that we will review later. So he will start talking a little about this. Three planes, intertwined, in such a way that all beings, and when he is talking about all beings, you have no idea what he
considers all beings. For Egypt, a stone is a being in evolution. A mineral realm is a living realm in evolution, like anything else. So three planes, that all beings participate in the three. But your conscience reached, to perceive up to a certain level of these three planes. Understand, silly examples. Silly examples are excellent for memorization. For understanding and for memorization. You are in the supermarket, hungry, and you have money in your pocket. But you don't know you have that money in your pocket. The validity of this resource is none, because it doesn't serve you. You
are conscious. Things work when you are aware of them. So it's no use having money if I don't know that. I'm still hungry. So it's no use having a physical plane, mental plane and spiritual plane, if my conscience has only reached the physical. Or was it just a mental level? In other words, what I am, is what I can tell consciously. My identity has to do with where my conscience is vibrating. So it's not that some being is destitute of spirit, for example. Everyone has. He says he even has the stone. Everyone has. But the
conscience is far from having come to realize this dimension. So for it, for practical purposes, the spirit does not exist. Just as for us, the money in our pocket, for practical purposes, does not exist, although I have. So the whole universe is composed of three planes. As I told you, physical, mental and spiritual, according to the Egyptians. Remember, if you didn't like it, www.hermestrismegistus.com So physical, mental and spiritual. He says there are ascending degrees of consciousness passing through these three planes. And the vibration would be like a fourth dimension. So you have forward, backward, to
one side, to the other, up and down. There would be another vibration, which is not the point, the coordinate in which you are, but how much you are vibrating. You can have a thousand beings at the same physical point, but each one vibrating in a very different way. You can have several people sitting next to each other. They are physically next to each other. But their vibration of consciousness is in other completely different places. It has never happened to you, suddenly, I don't know, to have a friend, that you did by correspondence, or that you
met and then you moved to the other side of the world, and this person, although he is on the other side of the world, is closer to you than your neighbor from Porta? This is common, right? So we know that one thing is physical space, another thing is vibrational space. They are very different things. So the evolutionary level of beings is up to where your consciousness has already reached, up to where it has already seen of itself, the level of vibration that it has already conquered. That's why I told you, when we saw chapter 2,
the importance that Plato gave in music, music in education in the state, because he says that music was an invitation to raise the vibration of consciousness, or to lower it. Depending on the level of music, and how much the identity of beings has to do with this internal name, the point where consciousness is vibrating. This is fundamental within the Kybalion. Who are you? The level of vibration you have. And you go up this ladder, you leave a purely physical consciousness for a mental consciousness, one day it will reach spiritual consciousness, one day it exceeds and
reaches the consciousness of unity, and the evolutionary process is over. It is what the Kabbalah calls the Jacob's ladder. It is the fourth dimension. It is the vibrational level. Well, then, understand. For the Kybalion, it seems so obvious, but it is not. In our historical moment, nothing is obvious. All beings came to the world to evolve. To be what? To fully conquer your identity. If you are a mineral, you will be a mineral with a more perfect molecular organization. If you are a vegetable, too. A possibility of greater life expansion. If you are an animal,
too. If you are a human, too. Whatever you are, everything has an ideal. And you are walking towards it. There is an ideal of this moment. And we are trying to reach it. I'm trying to be clear, and you're trying to understand me. When we get this fusion, this link, we are living the ideal of this moment. All things have an ideal. A form closer to the classic, closer to the perfect. So all beings came to the universe to seek this ideal that they correspond to. Arrived there, it goes to an even greater challenge. The
universe would be entirely in evolution. A great ladder. Then he will say, these three planes, repeating, physical plane, mental plane and spiritual plane, just to complicate our lives a little, because we didn't even understand them very well yet, each of them is divided into seven subplanes. For Hermetism, matter and energy in a lower degree of vibration. So, even in our historical moment, for, let's say, conventional science, matter is one thing, that which is endowed with volume, mass, energy is another, that which modifies matter. For Hermetism, no. Energy and matter are one thing. Matter would be
energy at a higher vibration level. And energy would be matter at a higher vibration level. In fact, if you accelerate, you leave matter, enter the mind, enter the spirit, and God arrives. Because it's all a matter of how fast you accelerate. So you sublimate this vibration. And then you change the identity of beings. And you remember, that we saw this very much in the second chapter, we will see again, that the principle of polarity will teach exactly how to raise your vibration. That this for them is to evolve. To transform one thing into another, at
the same quality, but at a higher vibration level. In the same nature, but at a higher degree. So, when we talk about the mineral kingdom, he will put energy in there. Just a detail, before entering, because he will put a table, for those who read the book, because I will not even ask, because I'm sure you all read it. For those who read this chapter 8, he puts a table there, which is something crazy. So I thought, how am I going to pass this table? And I came to the conclusion that it is better to
explain two or three things to you before entering the table. Which is the table of the seven levels of matter, of the seven levels of matter, and, of course, the seven levels of the spirit. Because if not, there are things there that we will say, what is this? One thing we will see at the mental level, he will talk about the mineral kingdom, vegetable, animal and human. As evolutionary levels. The beings would begin to evolve in the most material plane, which is the mineral kingdom, then in the vegetable kingdom, then in the animal kingdom, and
then in the human kingdom. I'll explain that in more detail. But in the middle of the way, between the mineral and the vegetable, he puts a first elemental kingdom. Between the vegetable and the animal, second elemental kingdom. What is the elemental kingdom? What is this? We all know that when a baby is forming in the womb or the mother, there are countless elements within the human body that contribute, work, for the creation of this being. And they work very intelligently. We know that the functioning of a cell is also of a fantastic intelligence. Now, the
Egyptian tradition, and not only it, some other traditions of the past, said that there are these little brains, these beings, that do not have a dense body, that is, they would have a subtle body, and that have a kind of mechanical intelligence, as if they were little robots, kind of mechanized, that perform functions within nature. These beings evolve in parallel. With the human line. And help the development of this human line. Now, the thing got complicated. Imagine that a being that is living in the mineral kingdom, vegetable, animal, from the beginning, he is already predestined
to one day reach the human condition. He already has a dense, visible body. Now, it seems that there is another life line, which is the Devic line, that evolves intertwined with this. Which are support beings. Who work helping to build, for example, the mimeticism in the insect. If you observe the level of perception, the level of cognition of an insect, he would not have how to develop it himself. Ah, evolution is natural selection. But look, there must have been a lot of intelligence to make an insect look so similar to a tree, or with the
grass, or with the straw, whatever. Where does this intelligence come from? It comes from these brains, which are like little beings, like these enzymes that work inside our body to be able to carry out a lot of processes. Which help in the composition of the beings of this human line. They are called elementary. They live in the elements, in the four elements. In the earth, water, air and fire. Detail, another parenthesis. This chapter is a lot of things, that we have to open some parentheses and explain, kind of forced and accelerated. When you go to
study a little more difficult, to study a little more of ancient philosophy, oriental philosophy, you will see that this is one of the things that we explain. Earth, water, air and fire, it's not just this earth that we step on, this air that hits our face, the water that comes out of the tap. It was a nomenclature that was used in ancient civilizations, and that medieval alchemy also used, symbolically to express the physical plane, this concrete, the energetic plane, which was represented as water, the physical as earth, the energetic plane, life, energy, electricity, magnetism, all
forms of energy that circulate in the universe, they called water, symbolically. The emotional plane, with this tendency to make whirlpools, circular emotions, and sometimes a soft and delicate breeze that lands on our face, the emotional for them was air. And the creative, transmutating, illuminating mind was fire. So when they are talking about four elements, they are not talking exactly about the physical elements, but about the alchemical elements, the symbolic elements. So these elements, each at a slightly different level from the other, are groups of beings that work in a custodial way, helping the development of
the beings of the human line. So you will have elements, for example, of a first level, which would help in the elaboration of the mineral kingdom, of a second level, which would help in the elaboration of the plant kingdom, of a third level, which would help in the manas, in the animals, in the mimetics of insects. That is, custodial beings, who work intertwined, it's like that one from the Mercury's seal, two intertwined snakes, they work supporting the human line. Well, that's what I'm putting for you, it's what was thought in Egypt, it's what is thought
in various traditions. I'm not putting this as absolute truth. I just find it very curious, because when you see the representation of these elements throughout history, for everything that is singing, they are similar, it seems that someone saw something, because they don't have a physical body, but it seems that in certain special conditions, especially children, they can observe them. So I lived in the Amazon, and I had the opportunity to see the work of a fantastic person, who lived with tribes of Indians, and drew the things they were narrating and having seen. And when you
compared, it seemed that they had read Homer's Odyssey or the Aelita, which is very similar to those elements that are so present in the Greek tradition, of ondinas, of fairies, of elves, very similar physically. I think it's unlikely that an Amazonian indigenous has read Aelita and Odyssey. So it seems that there must have been something there, I can't say for sure, but the fact is that there is a lot of coincidence, the Scandinavian mythologies draw their mountains. The Scandinavian epics have mountains, and also in Egypt it was very common to talk about them. In India,
it is not even spoken. So there are many people who take this into consideration. I put a little text here for you, one of the people who speaks the most, exactly Paracelsus, who had an encyclopedic knowledge, and describes, speaks about their need, in the same way that they would exist within the human body, they would exist within the body of nature, helping to structure matter in their directions. And they have different evolutionary levels. So, hypothesis. People take it as seriously as they want. But it is important for us to know that this exists for the
Egyptian tradition, otherwise we will not understand the table. So you will have the mineral kingdom, and soon after an elemental kingdom, which helps to develop the molecular organization of minerals, to reach a diamond. Then you will have the vegetable kingdom, soon after an elemental kingdom, which helps to organize the vegetables until they reach a dicotiledone. Animal kingdom soon after, an elemental kingdom, which helps animals to develop, I don't know, to the level of a mammal. And so it goes. Until the human species arrives, which, as it has free will, has to make its own choices,
no elemental can give more palpitation. Development is already individual, and by individual merit. So, for us to understand, this is the first thing I wanted to clarify for you. Another important thing I wanted to clarify for you, is what he understands as evolution. We don't even believe that we evolve, we believe. It seems like a funny thing. I've already told you this example, it's very beaten. I love the most beaten ones, I always go back to them. On one occasion I gave a class, I have been teaching philosophy for several years, and I was talking
about a classic of the Indian tradition, which is the Bhagavad Gita, which narrates the inner war of man against his defects. And a student of mine, very young, came to me and said, why? I said, why what? Why am I going to fight against my defects? I'm very satisfied with the way I am. And that made me perplexed, because I hadn't stopped to think about this possibility. At the time, a kind of bizarre idea occurred to me. I told him, imagine you want to buy a sound device. I tell you, I have a great one,
there's just one problem, the radio doesn't get all the stations, the CD player is kind of crooked, and I don't know, I don't know if there's anything else, it doesn't adapt to pendrive, that is, apart from that, it's very good. Apart from that, what's left? It's a little vase holder, right? Of course, within the amount of money you have, you won't want my sound device, you'll want the closest to the ideal. From the car, you'll want the closest to the ideal, from the clothes, the closest to the ideal. Is anything good for you? Do you
think nature will also demand that you progress towards the ideal? Do we think that everything has to be served if we don't put it in the trash? Aren't we going to stop in the cosmic trash too? Shouldn't there be a similar logic there? It's interesting, because even evolution has become a complex thing for us to discuss today. Everyone thinks it's good the way it is. Everyone, I don't say, has praiseable exceptions, but it's a little strange idea today. So I quickly put this myth of Isis, Osiris and Horus for you, I'm not going to tell
the whole story, but this, for Egypt, was a sacred story, and more or less unanimous in all cities. You know that Egypt never had a complete religious unity. Each city had its official god, had a whole profile, although they understood each other perfectly. But this myth was unanimous. Osiris, who was a great god of fertile land, of life, one day, let's say, he fell into the brother's trap, of the brother, who was very envious, Seth, and the brother shatters his body and throws it into the Nile River. I cut a lot of history. Then his
wife, Isis, goes there with great difficulty, she goes hunting, the 14 pieces of him were scattered throughout the Nile River, she joins the whole body and unites, in the form of a bird, she unites to this body, gives life to it, unites to it and generates a child, which is Horus. Which has traces of the father, Osiris, and traces of the mother, Isis. Just this little piece of the story I wanted to tell. Imagine a universal element, most traditions have this symbolism, is the union of the father spirit with the mother matter. And the birth
of man, which has traces of the father, the father's affection when you are fair, when you are good, when you are honest, the mother's affection when you are beautiful, when you are harmonious, when you are organized. In other words, we have traces of the father and mother. And what is the great task to perform in the world? To go out through the Nile River, picking up the pieces of the father, to unify him. Where are these pieces? Everywhere. If you don't find, if there is one thing we can't see, no teaching, nothing deeper, it means
a piece of Osiris's body that I didn't find. A piece of puzzle that I didn't find, and when I assemble it, it will be missing. In other words, to take Osiris's pieces, in all corners of the Nile River, to unite him, means in good Portuguese, to see God in all things. This is the psychological meaning, let's say, moral, a sweet. It's a story you can't erase. Now imagine that this spiritual being, which is Osiris, when he breaks down, there is a little piece inside each being in the universe. That is, there is a piece of
Osiris inside us. All external vehicles are packaging, they will die. Who am I really? Taking the Egyptian tradition, I am immortal and I will overcome time. Always evolving, becoming more and more aware of me. I am a cell of Osiris's body. This some traditions called the monad, the divine essence. We are a piece of God's body, a cell, a divine essence. And this essence seems to have fallen into the material world, to become more and more aware of itself. Now it's complicated. But I already gave this example to you. You don't remember, but I've already
given it a thousand times. This is the example of the pen. I always use the pen to see if you decorate it easier. It ends black here and starts white. Then I am aware of both. If the universe were entirely black, entirely white, I would not be aware of either. Isn't it in duality, in the contrast that consciousness is produced? Between silence and sound. Then you realize, if you had a musical note playing all the time, we would not notice. It's the music of the spheres, from Pythagoras. He says we don't hear it because it
doesn't stop. There is no silence interval for us to have contrast. Between one color and another, between silence and sound, between something we have and something we lose, we perceive the value of things in contrast. Consciousness needs contrast. So it seems that this cell of the divine has come down to matter, to increasingly have greater awareness of itself. It goes down to the densest levels of matter. And then it goes up, as it does the homework well done. Then I also brought you one of the most silly examples I've ever given, but also pedagogical, which
is the example of Jacques Cousteau's boat. Do you know Jacques Cousteau? It's been 20 years since he died. Even in the Amazon he had to do submarine prospection. He went down there, in the bottom of a river, from the ocean, even in fossils, and took pictures, collected elements, he did a beautiful job. It's been 20 years since he died. He always walked with this blessed boat, which is the Calypso. Which has now been rebuilt in honor of him. And a movie about his life will come out, by the way. I think Cousteau is very interesting.
Now, at the end of Cousteau's life, he no longer sent this capsule with a diver down there, neither did he go nor did he send anyone. Because when he worked with the ocean, ocean forces, the level of pressure is absurd, it blows the person. It is very difficult to create a pressurized chamber, which supports this external pressure of water at very low levels. So he didn't send anyone down there anymore. What did Cousteau do? He sent a chamber, protected in the way it was possible, but a chamber that went down there at the bottom of
the ocean. Do you know what this is? An eye? Use a little of your imagination, this is an eye. The chamber went down there, and sent images to Cousteau, who was inside the ship. Ah, I saw this depth. Let's say this is a depth of 2,000 meters. I've seen, I've filmed, I've photographed. The camera goes up. 1,500 meters. I saw, I photographed. The camera goes up, 1,000 meters. When this camera arrives again on the ship, it practically mapped all these planes, all these levels of depth of the ocean. Do you understand? Did you understand the
story of Jacques Cousteau? You don't know what I'm talking about, but you will know now. Imagine that this little piece of the body of Osiris, that we are, which is what is called monad, your essence, is Jacques Cousteau. He never left the boat, he never left the spiritual plane. What did he send down here? His eye, which is consciousness. Evolution is nothing more than the evolution of consciousness. What we are, we always were, we will always be, is a cell of the body of Osiris. A monad, we will never stop being, we were never anything
else, but consciousness came down here, sent her eye down here. I saw this level. This level here is what? The mineral kingdom. I spent a long time in the mineral kingdom. I saw everything there. Ah, it's registered, I've already sent it to the boat up there. It's what Plato called reminiscence. These memories that make you master a plane. I understood, I assimilated, the next plane. It went to the vegetal level. I saw how things work, I sent it up. I went to the animal level. I saw how it works, each one has its own logic.
Then I reached the human level. That is, what goes down in the denser levels of matter and goes up, and goes evolving, would be the eye of our spiritual essence, would be consciousness. One of the most difficult things to define that there is. So in the mineral kingdom, I learned something about the physical plane, dense. Because the mineral kingdom deals with that, with resistance. In the vegetal realm, I would have learned something about energy. Because in the vegetal realm, it works with that. It is the base of the food chain. It generates energy for the
entire chain on the planet. It knows how to deal with energies. In the animal realm, I would have dealt with emotions. The more evolved the animal, the greater the capacity to relinquish in dealing with emotions. When I get to the human realm, I'm dealing with the mind. Which is the experience we are living in at this moment. But we, in essence, throughout this whole story, according to Egypt, remembering well, we would be what? A cell of the body of Osiris. We would never have been anything else. And consciousness is evolving. And it says it will
pass through the human experience. It will see more things ahead. So we live in a physical realm, we are in a mental realm, and one day we will arrive in a spiritual experience. But nothing more than consciousness passing through these planes. Because Osiris is already there on his boat, quiet, relaxed. Consciousness is living. What we are has never changed. It never stopped being, nor can it stop being. Otherwise it would never have been. This is the fundamental law of the Egyptian structure. What is, cannot stop being. As Parmenides also said in Greece. What we are
has not changed anything. But consciousness has been taking more and more information. Okay, so far? Are we all well? Normal conditions, temperature and pressure? Quiet? We can continue. You are very understanding, because I would be scared to hear something like this. Then come the tables of the book. It starts then by the mineral realm. Material plane, sorry. And then, what I told you. In the material plane he puts matter and energy. For Egypt it is one thing. For Egypt it is one thing. So it goes from the densest, which is matter A. Which is solids,
liquids and gases. Matter B, more subtle forms, which he calls radiant matter. Which is not yet recognized by the present man. That is, already at level B we do not recognize. Imagine. And we are only in the material plane. Matter C, which is the most subtle and tenuous matter. Not recognized also, to vary. Then you enter something that is a bridge between matter and energy. Which is called ether. A sub-stance ethereal. A tenuous and elastic substance that penetrates the universe. A mediator of waves and energies. Then you will say, it seems like dark matter, dark
energy. It may be, I do not know. I do not guess on things I do not understand. I do not know what dark matter is, nor dark energy. I know that ether is something that would make a bridge, according to the Egyptians. In fact, no one knows. Who knows nowadays what that is? We still do not know, nor are we sure if it really exists. But parallels are always possible. So this ether makes a bridge between matter and energy. Then comes energy A. The more, let's say, denser. Which are all these forms of energy that
we know. So, he is from the city. Electricity, light, heat, magnetism, gravitation, cohesion, chemical affinity. All forms of energy known by man today are energy A, the densest. Energy B, which are more subtle forces that act on mental phenomena. So when you say, which I will not bet on it either, because it is a mere speculation, conjecture, of people who can produce phenomena through the mind, it would be an energy of this plane there. Own of the mental plane. Energy C, which is a type of energy much more spiritualized and organized. Which serves life. Which
is used by entities of the spiritual plane. So this one, much less, we will know. If not even matter B, we do not know what will say energy C. So, they are all the seven levels of the material plane. Remember that he is putting this table to say that in all of them, equivalent laws apply. This is the principle of correspondence. What works there in the densest matter, that's why I tell you, the organized closet gives you clues even from the psychological level, from the mental level. They are more or less equivalent laws. It may
seem bizarre, but observe yourselves. Look at the tracks you leave in the world and then make parallels. And see if it is or not. You will not serve two gentlemen at the same time. I do not know a person with great mental lucidity, who also does not have a good organization in the physical plane. Both in time and space. And then he will move on to the mental plane. Remember, there are beings evolving there. That is, we have a physical body, but our consciousness is already vibrating there in the mental plane. There are beings whose
consciousness is still vibrating in the material plane. In the energetic plane. So he will talk about the mental plane, which goes from the densest, which is the mineral mind. Where did you see this? Mineral with mind? He says, all processes of dilatation, concentration, affinity, of chemical combinations, all this for him has to do with the mineral mind. It has its processes, its possibilities of combination. That is, it has an intelligence at a certain level within the mineral realm. It is a realm in evolution too. Progressing to increasingly organized forms. You will see that for Egypt,
for example, it was not ethical to interfere in nature, but to help it evolve. That is why the alchemists in the Middle Ages wanted to turn everything into gold. To help metals evolve. Not to have gold and put it in your pocket. They were not utilitarian. They wanted to help the universe evolve. To learn how to do it yourself. Then comes the first elemental mind. Which would be this set of beings, let's say, of subtle bodies, who work in the organization of the mineral plane. It is between the mineral realm and the vegetal realm. Invisible
to the senses, with development between mineral and vegetal. He will say, they are like white and black keys on the piano. The beings of the human plane and the beings of the elemental plane work together. Their energies help in the development of what we see. There are invisible energies behind what we see. Intelligence, coordination, the process of rekindling matter, behind it has elemental intelligence. Then comes the vegetal mind. Which causes vital and mental phenomena. It is interesting that he makes a placement. All these kingdoms lean forward. What does that mean? A highly evolved mineral works
with a physical plane. The next step is energetic. Isn't that right? But a highly evolved mineral, at least that's what they say, tends to capture energies. So much so that there are people who fill the house with crystals because of the energies. Some precious stones that are said to channel types of energy. Well, the noblest minerals are already leaning to channel energies. But the energy of the plant plane itself is. But the most evolved lean towards the future. Then the most evolved vegetables. Vegetable is an energetic realm. Works with energy. It wasn't to have anything
to do with emotions. Do you realize that the most evolved vegetables are sensitive to those who like them? You must have heard of the story of the green finger. That person who puts everything in her house, it's green, beautiful. I've seen it happen. It's curious. There are people who have a way with plants. Put your violet in her house, you say, this will never return to bloom. And it comes back. It seems that he has such a great affinity with plants. He likes it so much that in one way or another the little animal realizes.
In fact, I saw a report, which I don't know if it's real, but I found it very interesting that plants vines they put different levels of vibratoires. Music! You've already heard me say. That there is a development with different speeds depending on the musical pattern that is put there. And he came to the conclusion that plants like Bach. I too. I think I'm a plant. They specifically like baroque music. Curious, right? Then comes to mind. Then comes the elemental mind that deals with the plant kingdom. That these elements are the most in the universal folklore.
Then come the elves, the gnomes, the fairies, etc. In general, they are custodians of trees, plants, plant beings. They are custodians of something that works there in the plant kingdom. They are a little more evolved than them. They are the most spoken. And we can imagine if they decided to deceive us. It was a very universal complot. Because everywhere these beings are spoken of. The Middle Ages is very rich in the so-called fairy tales. Very rich. And speaks too much of these beings. Then comes the elemental mind B. Invisible to the senses with development between
plant and animal. Then comes the animal mind. Obviously working, according to the Egyptian tradition, the so-called animal kingdom works according to two great goals. Survival and perpetuation of the species. They develop a whole requinte to guarantee these two goals. Realize that humanity often lives only for the same thing. Not with more requinte, but the same thing. Survive and procreate. With more comfort, more high-tech. But in the end, it's the same thing. This is the goal of animal life. So then it would be the animal mind. Another step, the fifth step. The elemental mind that takes
care of animals. That is, the elemental mind C. Invisible to the senses with development between animal and human. Once again, rich presence of them in folklore. In herds, taking care of animals. Very common in universal folklore. And finally, the human mind. Seven levels within the human mind. Just a curiosity. Does not everyone include themselves forward? That is, the most evolved animals do not include themselves forward? They are inclined to have ... It seems that you think, you just need to talk. You do not talk about that? About your puppy, your kitten? The most evolved vegetarians
are inclined to feel emotions. The most evolved minerals are inclined to perceive energy. Perhaps the most evolved human beings are inclined to something that comes next. Hence the fact that these great masters, these great sages of history, are so virtuous, so moral, so ethical in everything they do, so aesthetic in their actions. It seems that they are inclined to some step that comes after the human condition. Everyone, in order to have a reference, is inclined to the top step. And it is natural that the human being also seeks this. Something very beautiful, very noble. Wisdom
as an archetype. So it says that the human mind, within each of these steps, not only in the human mind, but in the three worlds, in the physical world, in the mental world and in the spiritual world, within each step there is still another septenary division. And it says that the man, at the moment, most are there in the fourth step of the human mind. Fourth to fifth step. But there are people who accelerated, because the human being evolved individually, with individual merit. Therefore, there is a possibility of beings to disappear ahead. There are beings
who already have a level of seventh degree of human mind. Wise, there have been wise people in the history of humanity. And who generally do this? Exactly to help those who come after. They do it for fraternity. It will be difficult for you to see a wise man in the story selfish. They evolve exactly to be a lighthouse at the end of the road. Help the people who come after. Because human evolution consists exactly in progressive perception of the unity that is God. So you can't get any closer to unity, it's divided. So it is
measured a lot by the level of fraternity. I think there have been beings, much ahead, in the domain of the human mind. And then comes a plan that is totally unknown to us. Which is the level of spiritual vibration. Which are those beings who have already surpassed the human condition. For example, a master, a perfect sage. Who has already completed everything that the human condition could teach him. It is a first level spiritual. Can you imagine something like that? You are in Egypt. For them, the most precious thing in the world was Hermes Trismegistus. But
if you asked, where is Hermes Trismegistus? He was just there. First spiritual step. Masters and followers. There were a lot of people in front of him. A lot of beings in front of him. This is interesting, isn't it? The mentality. Hermes Trismegistus is brilliant. But where is he? Just there. First spiritual step. There is still a lot to walk, the poor Hermes Trismegistus. A lot to go on. So this first spiritual level would be exactly these beings who have surpassed the human condition, for how much wisdom they had, for how much fraternity they had. That
they call masters and followers. Then comes what is called the great hierarchy of angelic hosts. Even purer and more spiritual beings. All these beings committed to those who come after them. This is a characteristic of those who evolve. Think as a whole. Think of the ladder as a whole and not just on your step. Win the selfishness, win the separatism. Because it is getting closer to the Uno. So you have to win the separatism more and more. After the being, everything is very similar. It's all gods. He just puts an explanation there. That this spiritual
being, these gods have unimaginable attributes. Interested in the evolution of beings. Their occasional intervention created legends, beliefs, traditions and religious parables. That is, when they intervene in the human world, trying, in some way, to be referential to push men up. This was immortalized as great feats of history. As great moments. They are remembered in human memory. The interference of these beings. And we can't even imagine what they are. Because even a master of wisdom is already difficult to imagine. It is already far above the average condition of the human being. And then comes spiritual D.
Spiritual E, E, F, G. Now, something interesting that he will say. That I put the D side. All of them, despite being very evolved beings, are still illusions within the mind of the whole. All this is still happening within the stage of the mind of the whole. They are not real beings. They are illusory beings. They are moments. We will go through these moments and go away. As I told you about the student of the middle level. He is not a middle-level student. He is. One day he went from primary school. One day he will
be in graduation. Maybe in postgraduate. Because he is a stage of evolution. The human stage is a moment. Of a monad. Of a cell in the body of Osiris. She was already less. She will be further on. It is what we are in essence. The nature we have at this moment is an episode. We are passing through the human condition. We are like on a long journey. One day we will pass through the divine condition. On all these steps. And he says that even these beings, who have already reached the level of wisdom, which would
be a spiritual G. They remain to help those who come after them. They no longer stay because the physical world has a lot to offer to them. But for an act of mercy. To enlighten those who come after. Because who evolves, evolves for fraternity. Not for selfishness. If you only thought about your skin, you would not get there. Evolution is a symptom of that you think more and more like the whole. Because he is walking towards the whole. Therefore, it has to be more and more similar to him. He is walking towards the one. It
has to be more and more unity. And that would basically be history. Do we all survive? And in all these plans, there would be the laws. All of them. The seven laws. Principle of Mentalism, Vibration, Polarity. All the laws are manifested in all these plans in a similar way. None of these plans has a law that only works here. Exclusive, no. In all three worlds and in its seven subplans. They are the same seven laws that work. And if you understand them, they will be useful to you, no matter what level you are. Because they
work everywhere. They are universal. Well, he will say that spiritual power has always been a knowledge reserved for few. Because there is, this story that he also says is complicated, delicate, there is the possibility of misuse. It's a logical thing as reasoning. But hard to understand in practice. Let's say a being that is evolving ahead. At the level of a Master of Wisdom. For him to evolve, he will not have to go through tests yet? If you give him everything for free, he has no merit. Isn't that it? The overcoming of difficulties is what generates
you merit. This is obvious. For you to have any merit in your choice, you must have had the possibility of making a mistake. Isn't that it? There are ten alternatives. You chose the right one, congratulations. There was only one alternative. You chose the right one, what merit does it have? So, at all levels, there are tests. There are difficulties to be overcome. And if there are tests and there are difficulties to be overcome, there is the possibility of not overcoming them. There is the possibility of problems at all levels. And it says that the more
knowledge a man has, when he at a certain moment does not pass the tests and opts for selfishness, he can use this knowledge for selfish purposes. Knowledge can become a means for selfish purposes. And the more the person knows, the more dangerous it gets. So, at all levels there is risk. If there was no risk, there would be no risk. There would be merit. He will talk about how complicated this is and how much this is recorded in various myths throughout history. The being who can lose the way at any time. And the more knowledge
he has, the more complicated it gets. Because he has more power. Knowledge gives power. So, the path always requires merit. And there is always a possibility of error. It is delicate to imagine a being losing his way at a high spiritual level. But he says it is possible. So, I tend to take it as a possibility. Although I can't imagine. And finally, to close this chapter of ours today, well above the hour, Swiss punctuality, the seven hermetic principles operate in all three planes and their seven degrees. I already told you. So it's not just correspondence.
All seven principles, mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect and gender, are applicable in the three worlds and in their seven subplanes. That is, the law goes beyond, goes through all levels of manifestation and comes from the other side, taking beings to unity. Laws are always laws. They are above circumstances. And they pass through them taking appropriate colors for each circumstance. But without being the law. And if you are able to see more deeply than the superficial colors of things, you will find the laws in all corners of the universe. Including within you. And
that's why we're here. Trying to find these laws in our lives. And seeing where we are infringing and where we are harmonizing with them. And that's it for today. Next week we will have chapter 9, which is the principle of vibration. I hope you are reading because it will get more and more complicated. Slightly. Today it was just a little bit. And it really helps a lot if you come with this chapter. And if you have any questions, feel free to send them in the comments below. I will see you next week. Bye.
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