Ideas Are The New Oil (How More People Get Rich In The Digital Age)

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Dan Koe
Most new wealth is being generated in the digital space. Why? Because it's accessible. It doesn't co...
Video Transcript:
okay in this video I want to talk about why investing is a stupid decision for most people Why Real Estate won't make you rich how ideas are the new oil that anyone can tap how digital real estate will be referenced 20 years from now as the method this generation used to generate wealth why the Creator economy is the new economy and will probably be the path you go down if you want to generate new riches and exactly what kind of digital real estate to build how to build it and in what order I have been
dedicated to entrepreneurship for most of my life because it wasn't that hard to see that business was an infinite game that if I continued to iterate I would eventually see some form of success if other people were doing it and new people were making money in some way I could do it too I understood from an early age that business and not making money was a skill issue and that if I just practiced and built my skills eventually I could make some money even if it wasn't that much I'd be happy with that what I
wasn't okay with is easily observable within Society I don't know how more people don't see this I know a lot of people do and a lot of people forget about it by the time they actually get into it but when you watch TV as a kid or when you watch a movie you can see the repetitive life that people go through like the movie wall- where people are in the lounge chairs just being drip-fed soda and watching TV all day I don't know how much of an impression that left on me as a kid but
it wasn't difficult to see that that's not a life I want to live and I could look around and make connections where I see people in the grocery store I see people at their job I see people doing things that they don't want to do they just went about life and rolled around like a tumble weed into this career and relationship and lifestyle in general that they don't really care about so I saw that and I'm like that why would I want to do that at all and because of that literally the only other option
was to become an entrepreneur and start some form of business no matter how much I failed at least there would be some form of meaning in that failure and in that lifestyle it would at least not be boring but with starting a business just like everyone else who starts a business I had no idea where to start and the only options that I knew of were the options that my parents told me to do but when I was starting a business or thinking about starting a business I had no idea where to start like most
people and the only options that I knew about were the options that my parents told me about or just the opt that were accessible accessible to the general public the first was investing my mom was always adamant about starting investing early so that I could have a retirement fund that I pull money out of she always encouraged me to invest a few dollars here and there and Tred to enforce this good habit in me but I just never saw how it was a good thing I always saw it as like a scarce thing a thing
that me investing the few dollars I have was like living living in a mindset that I didn't bet on myself to make more than that sooner I didn't bet on myself to make my retirement funds worth of money what that would be early on in life why would I live in a scarcity mindset investing the last of my hard-earned money just to make a few Million by the time my life is nearly over when I can start my own business for close to Zar thanks to the internet and make a few million in profit as
one person over the course of 2 to 4 years then once I had more than enough money to invest I could turn that into 10 million in the stock Market or with crypto then the second option was real estate this was always on my parents mind of like oh you have to get into real estate because that's what all the rich people do and I've been seeing a lot of videos online where this kid this Tik tocker or YouTube shorter goes around and he asks people how did you get rich he sees someone driving like
a Mercedes and is like how do you get rich and when they post these videos like a lot of people have been seeing they post compilations of these shorts or reals or Tik toks and the caption is they're all saying the same thing so you watch it thinking oh I'm going to figure out the key to getting rich and it's no secret all of them say real estate now I don't deny that real estate is a great option for people to go down if they have money to invest in real estate but most people don't
they can't do a rental property sure there might be some way around that they can do fixer uppers I don't know I don't know that space all I know is that physical space is becoming more of a premium than digital space because digital space is more affordable easily created Etc physical space is very scarce so I have the philosophy of building the digital invest in the physical so for the absolute beginners that are still indoctrinated with their parents ideology of investing a few dollars here and there in the stock market hoping that they'll make a
million dollars by the time they turn 40 you don't have the money to invest in real estate and you probably shouldn't be investing in the stock market anyways you should be investing in your skill acquisition and education that allows you to make millions that you can then invest in real estate and the stock market my point is this most people don't know what to do to generate New Wealth but I would argue that you do know because you're looking at it right now but you still have the consume and save mindset that limits how you
perceive the Gold Rush that is happening right in front of you all new fortunes are being built in the digital space now before we begin mental monetization has recently launched just last week this is my new product on how to monetize your creative work so if you want to learn how to create a digital product which is the highest form of Leverage and allows you to either get out of client work or avoid client work altogether because when I started freelancing I didn't realize that I was going from one boss to 10 bosses and a
lot of creatives have no idea how to monetize some don't even know how to monetize with freelancing so check it out Link in the description if you want to grab that let's transition and let's talk about how ideas are the new oil and how to play the infinite digital game get paid for your ideas not your looks get paid for your mind not your time get paid for the infinite not the finite we're at a critical moment in history the impact of artificial intelligence is threatening the livelihood of specialists in the animal kingdom the main
cause of Extinction is over specialization so think of a long beaked bird that mates itself into its own demise because it needs the long beak in order to find food but then only the long beaks survive so they mate together and then only longer and longer beaks are created and so they can't fly because the beaks too heavy and then the young can't get food because their beak isn't long enough yet they over specialize and they die because they are restricted to a specific environment so the same holds true for people that have over speci
specialized for such a long time and their Extinction has finally come I can make other connections and examples related to over specialization but in short humans are supposed to be generalists we are the beings that build tools so that we can be generalists like if we can't hunt for food then we build a tool that allows us to hunt for food so the time has come where work has centralized and is now decentralizing because that's just a pattern in nature things centralize and they decentralize it's a cycle it's a wave it happened throughout Evolution computers
and Technology are hypers Specialists they are the things that solve specific problems and perform a repeatable set of tasks so people are afraid that they're going to lose their jobs and massive layoffs are happening here and there wherever at certain companies and people aren't fulfill filled in the jobs anyway which seeps into other areas of their lives which affects their motivation to do anything about it young people don't know what path to take that will generate wealth when the physical routes of oil and real estate are being exhausted and require vast resources to get into
in the first place in short the one thing that's on people's minds are the resources for survival in today's world that means money and wealth generation so I want you to understand this next statement as it's nothing new what made the last generation Rich won't make you rich New Wealth is being generated in the digital space the idea space the new Rich aren't extracting finite physical resources they're synthesizing the infinite resource called ideas the physical world has its limits it's costly it takes a lot of time for houses to be built products to be shipped
and communication to be spread why are good ideas so important because execution is more accessible than ever there are a lot of people in the older generation especially startup people that say how much more important execution is than the idea where everyone can have an idea but if they can't execute on it then they don't generate wealth well execution is readily accessible today ideas are also readily accessible today but it's not about the quantity of ideas it's about the quality of ideas and being able to expand your mind develop yourself and solve an actual problem
with your execution so we live in a world where the quality of ideas distribution of ideas and iteration on ideas lead to a rich life the digital world has no limits especially as we continue to Outsource specialized tasks to AI you can become top 10% in any skill or interest with focused study on the internet you can build a one person business as a Creator which we often forget that this wasn't a possibility just a few years ago now almost anyone can do it if they can't skill issue I haven't heard this as much as
I thought I would because I feel like it's actually pretty understandable and possible but an objection that I think people could have around this is but Dan not everyone can be a Creator but if if you zoom out and think about it yes they can and they are your ancestors were creators or entrepreneurs they served a specific role within the tribe that they were in and now that the tribe has expanded to be digital and Global and the way we communicate and the way we interact is social media so social media is less about being
an app on your phone and more about being a large tribe or Community or just finding your tribe or Community within the global social media and it being easier to find that tribe and more profitable to find that tribe because you can fulfill a specific need with the product or service that you create and attract people to the ideas that you distribute you don't need a million followers you need 500 maybe a thousand a thousand true fans that entire concept the other objection there is like oh what about Mega corporations and being employed I don't
see employment going away but I do see work decentralizing a bit more than it already is and when corporate companies are having their Executives and their leaders and their employees start posting on social media become creators to add to the authority of the company you can see where I'm going here where creators that grow larger and larger will have creators under them as contractors working for them and corporations are also hiring more contractors work is just going more remote more contract based and it just makes sense that this is where work is going when Ai
and Technology are making it more resourceful for large companies to do this and for indiv idual to do this idea workers thrive in the digital age digital real estate can be built at zero cost digital products can be built in distributed at low marginal cost digital communication can reach anyone with an internet connection the Digital Society also called The Creator economy at times is where new fortunes are being created so let's talk about how to actually navigate this digital Gold Rush now there's a common piece of advice that goes around online especially in the business
space that I think is quite narrow and dumb build something offline then start online in other words people don't realize that social media is a perfectly viable way to start a business in today's world and I would argue that it is the best way for beginners to start because one you don't need experience two you learn skills along the way what people don't realize with this whole one person business thing or Creator thing you literally just build a profile and the success of your profile is dependent on you learning the really the only business skills
that you need to know in order to see success you need to learn some form of design you need to learn writing you need to learn marketing you need to learn sales you need to learn branding you need to learn product you need to learn distribution and you learn these things along the way it's like you start with writing on social media to build your audience so you get traffic or an audience then you build a product then you learn promotions you learn copywriting you learn sales page you learn how to build a web page
etc etc becoming a Creator is like guiding your learning in the most effective way possible towards the skills that are going to make you the most money and I don't think it's wise to go through the pain and suffering of building like a brick and mortar business or even an e-commerce business in today's world when you can just build the personal brand and have the highest form of Leverage there is out there right now and then use your audience and the cash flow you're generating to start whatever business you want whether that be physical e-commerce
software whatever it may be by not starting your personal brand and writing online you're shooting yourself in the foot going into the future and the thing with that is the advice where it's like build offline then go online then start on social media the businesses that you start offline should probably be on social media either way so why not just do it under a personal brand and then your personal brand becomes business agnostic you can launch different Services different products you can launch whatever you want under your own name as businesses of their own now
of course I recommend thinking for yourself not taking my advice as law trying things out for yourself failing I'm just presenting an argument here that probably makes sense to to you and if it doesn't make sense to you good go do what you were going to do and I'm sure you'll do great with it what I don't recommend doing is accepting someone's outdated business ideology as law and thinking that that's the best way of going about things in other words I recommend choosing the problem you want to solve and the solution you want to provide
I don't even recommend starting a business I recommend treating any skill you learn any problem you solve and any solution you create as value that can be given to other people as your life's work what I'm talking about is improving yourself improving your personal and professional development or however you would phrase that and you being online and documenting that journey is a quote unquote business just because you're pursuing a good life and you're talking about it and that's how you earn an income so let's break down the Digital Society first because you need to understand
the society before you can build the real estate it's difficult to argue against creating content no matter your beliefs about the future creators are the Forefront of large company reputations Founders and execu have personal Brands like Elon creators get first pick at good jobs because they prove their value in content creators work for other creators to gain experience and leverage creators are the first people companies come to as sponsors to spread their product to Niche markets creators are the only accounts consumers actively follow for human connection not memes or company updates think about that the
only accounts you really follow where you're learning something or you're improving yourself not just distracting yourself or hurting your life even more are creators that theme page or that company page are practically useless distractions online unless you're following them for like updates or just a laugh here and there but you have to understand the purpose behind that account and it's not value being a Creator is not some fancy internet job it's a new way of life and I only see it becoming more and more relevant in actuality I highly recommend against becoming a quote unquote
Creator I just recommend attracting a community improving yourself acquiring new skills and distributing value you know the things that are already keys to the good life in the physical world but are Amplified to Infinity with the digital world a oneperson Creator business is just an ideological way to bring Clarity to your efforts an easier way of saying that is it's just a way for you to make better decisions and learn how to do these things it's a way to guide your skill acquisition learning and building so the first step here is to become a niche
of one or to create your personal Monopoly traditional education and hypers specialization is a way to make people subservient to the dominant Paradigm SL system study the generalized principles of nature and become a deep specialist That's a quote from Daniel schmachtenberger and we've already discussed this in my video the age of the generalist and the most profitable Niche is you and the anti- niche and all of those Niche down videos niching down is terrible advice all those videos is where I talk about not over specializing because niching down is a great way to increase competition
not decrease it it's also a great way to be a slave to your client or someone that you don't like working with and it's also great at not being able to adapt to technology as it continues to evolve so let me try to make my philosophy simple when I say don't Niche down I'm saying don't Niche down in the traditional sense where people are like choose a skill and just go as far down as you can go and Target this audience like 40-year-old soccer moms that love to drink Kool-Aid on the side of the game
while their children are playing and then they drive them Min van home like I understand the value in that maybe for paid ads where you can literally type that demographic in and Target them but on social media where spreading your cont content is random that's only going to shoot yourself in the foot and you're going to be angry when you can't get any reach you can't attract people in that Niche and you're going to be forced to broaden up anyways so first thing to do is think about what you are trying to achieve in your
life second thing is write down the interest and skills you've learned to help you get there third is attract others who are trying to achieve the same goal in their life fourth is use your combination of interest and skills as a way to make yourself unique this is the definition of a generalist a person who pursues a goal and learns multiple interests or skills in order to achieve it in other words what are you trying to do with your life what are you learning along the way and how can you pass down what you learn
to other people that's literally your Niche go and look at most big creators and actually quite a few small creators that are still making good money that's what they're doing now most people want the same thing out of life they want more money less insecurity more sex less loneliness more purpose less chaos and so on we're all heading towards the same end goal so it's obvious what your Niche is your Niche is self-actualization ding ding ding oh my God we found the answer everyone's Niche is self-actualization and that's actually the case if you are a
value Creator not an influencer or a theme page or a company account or whatever it may be if you are a person that is trying to pursue their life's work your Niche is self-actualization what makes you unique are the Curiosities the interests and the skills that you learn along the way and the experience you gain along the way that you can pass down to other people because that's unique to every because we're all already pursuing the same thing you're going to be like Dan well what if everyone goes down the same path that's not how
it is you're already going down that path I'm trying to achieve Financial Freedom you're trying to achieve Financial Freedom you're trying to achieve Health he's trying to achieve Health if they aren't they're distracted and they have someone else's goals imp planted in their minds because your nature doesn't want to destroy itself you the true you doesn't want to destroy itself if you aren't actively pursuing health wealth relationships happiness then you are distracted Ed by a line of code that someone else put in your mind so if we're all pursuing the same thing if I'm pursuing
Financial Freedom I Can Go The Creator route or the Creator is more of a meta thing right because Creator is just like a way of being rather than a specific job title because you create your own job title under it so writing is my way of achieving Financial Freedom yours could be budgeting and you doing that as a Creator is perfectly reasonable other people could do an e-commerce business other people could do whatever I chose writing for health I like training every single day other people they make an income selling a bunch of different programs
and nutrition advice and whatever it may be Elon Musk is building Rockets to expand Humanity to Mars so we can actualize as a species when you really dig into it every single business or brand that is actually providing some form of value because True Value equals transformation and problem solving their Niche is self-actualization so if we both pursue Financial Freedom which we are the 50,000 tweets that we write or the 1,000 videos that we create are going to be different just because we're different people you are an experience vessel you become a niche of one
when you pass down that experience for others to utilize okay we got that out of the way let's talk about your digital real estate portfolio how many people occupi the digital real estate you build determines your success in the new Gold Rush now there are two types of digital real estate here first is free which is a way to attract and build an audience with content a newsletter and free products the second is paid so how to monetize the free real estate you've built with digital products so let's walk through what you should be building
why it matters and the progression to do so first thing to do is write daily content on social media the biggest problem that I see in general is that people are focusing on the wrong things if you haven't already watched my video called change your life in 365 hours I would highly recommend doing that because I break down the three forms of Leverage the problem is that most people don't focus on high leverage tasks they don't focus on the things that are going to get the most results so in that video I talk about using
1 hour of your day because most people don't have 8 to 12 hours a day to change their life they have 1 hour so I teach them how to focus on the thing that is the highest leverage and I talk about audience and products related to social media so people do the wrong things when they're supposed to find customers they build a website when they're supposed to attract an audience they build a product when they're supposed to be doing literally anything else they're filing for an LLC and creating a logo this lack of prioritization Screams
that you have no idea what you're doing and by that I don't mean that you don't know what an LLC is or you don't know how to do taxes like those are just confus us I get that what I'm saying is you don't understand how to make money you don't understand that in order to make money an LLC isn't going to help you like thinking about your tax isn't isn't going to help you building a product or service and getting people to buy that product or service by writing content or building an audience those are
what you're supposed to be doing then once you make 50,000 think about starting an LLC so the first piece of the puzzle is people who want to pay you you need those people you need customers AKA an audience why an audience because I'm assuming you're like me and want leverage you don't want to create a second 9 to-5 with client work that's freelancing or agency work you want to create whatever you want you want to control the time in your day you want to make sales while you sleep the most accessible way to do this
in today's world is by building an audience on social media that's where the attention is that's new media decentralized media not everyone could have their own Radio Show in the past not everyone could have their own TV channel that like I was actually thinking about this a lot today is how many channels do people have on their TV or did they have on their TV it's like 300 right it's insane how information was so narrow and how almost every single person at least in the US probably way more than that only had access to 300
channels of information that they watch for hours per day that shapes their identity and what they see as a potential for their future and what they can do with their lives so yes this is why I'm passionate about the crater economy as a way to actually change society because there are thousands upon thousands of creators and it's a good thing if that is happening because it allows people to choose what they learn how they learn it and it creates a more optimal environment for everyone in terms of just the value that people can provide through
these different media channels so to start you want to create content on one platform until you've got the hang of growth down so here are your first content ideas tell your story and the transformation you've made break down any of your skills and interests teach people how to do them talk about problems people face when pursuing their goals and how to solve them document lessons you've learned while pursuing your goals and share ideas you've come across and want to make your own from books conversations or podcasts start there or just do it like most people
do it is look at you you change your mindset from consumer to creator hey I want to become a Creator okay study the 10 accounts that you follow and enjoy and want to become life and become an amalgamation of all of them take little pieces from them all study okay why did this piece of content do well why does this product sell why is this profile picture so good-look what are their best ideas and how can I write my own version of them because if those ones went viral and I take that and put my
own spin on it then that goes viral and I grow TAA another thing is that the 10 accounts that you choose you have to study what they were doing at the beginning you need to go back into their archives and figure out okay were they writing these single sentences that get so much engagement now or were they giving actual value and doing things differently in the past because a lot of people copy what big creators are doing now but they don't see what actually got them to that spot because they don't take the time to
do that social media is a skill not random luck people always think it's about luck or magic when they haven't spent even 1 hour studying the skill now time for a Shameless plug my exact system that I use to write newsletters write threads write content and disperse it across all platforms is called toour writer it's a course I sell it's 150 bucks buy it or don't it's in the description step number two is to deplatform your audience with a newsletter because one I've been saying that social media is decentralized media and it is to an
extent these things come in degrees right there's radio which is like a few channels there's mass media there's the news that's very centralized social media yes it's owned by larger companies and the narrative is controlled to an extent but if you follow certain people you usually see their content so it's more decentralized because you're following different channels of information but if you want full control over your audience then you need to provide value on a newsletter and get them onto your newsletter because you can download the email list at any time and take it anywhere
with you so most social media content is Broad beginner level content that attracts people to who you are what you do and it's usually aspirational valuable on a to a beginner level and then your newsletter is a bit more advanced than that so if you understand the five levels of awareness and marketing you understand that level zero is not aware then problem aware then solution aware then product aware then most aware you're usually targeting level 0 through three on social media and then let's say 2 through five on the newsletter because you still have to
cater to some kind of a beginner level think of it as a funnel of beginner to advance your newsletter is where you give away deeper ins sites and monetize by promoting your products because you're providing more value there and it makes sense to provide or promote a product or service when you are doing that step number three is to build a free product to establish Authority so far we've created free social media content which is little let's say plants like digital real estate occasionally building those newsletters are bigger and those can be uh repurposed into
YouTube videos this video right now is a newsletter that I wrote last week they can be repurposed into threads or podcasts or whatever it is my videos get uploaded to a podcast platform so people can watch if they don't want I mean people can listen if they don't want to watch so we're building digital real estate to build an audience now is time to build Authority and then build a revenue stream so you're probably wondering if you have studied business at all how do I make money if I don't Niche down think of your social
media as the first layer of your business like a funnel like we just talked about you attract a broad audience around a desirable goal then build Authority with a free product that gives away valuable advice for a specific skill or interest from there you can lead them into a product around that same topic so broad content then more specific free product to establish Authority then paid digital product then create more free products to keep things fresh and keep sales flowing the free product is a lead magnet people who download it are added to your email
list and your lead magnet serves a few more purposes the first is customer creation your job is to educate your audience to the point of becoming customers for your other products this one goes over most people's heads and they don't understand it this isn't direct response marketing this isn't paid ads this is social media your content and your free products are literally educating your customers to become customers they're educating your audience to become customers I teach writing that means on social media I need to talk about the importance of writing talk about the mindset of
changing your life talk about how to just improve your life in general and then I present writing as a way to do that and people like it because it takes all the boxes in terms of benefits for their life the second thing is writing what you want when you have a lead magnet all of your authoritative information on one subject is in one place you don't have to worry about writing about it so much on the timeline you must plug your lead magnet often in your content so that you maintain that Authority if I create
a lead magnet on writing I have one on the one person business you can download it I also have a planner for productivity but if I create one on writing then I can talk about meditation I can be like meditation is such a great thing or in my next video I'm going to talk about the power of long walks and I can introduce writing and be like oh if you want to use your walks as a way to generate ideas for your writing I teach writing download my free product and then that educates people on
the free product your lead magnets are a more Niche audience and the more you create the more Niche audiences you create within your own audience so social media first layer free products second layer of more Niche audience a es and then your products and the customers of those are more that's another Niche list of people who have bought that product so on social media you may not have a specific Niche you are the niche on the timeline but your free products and your paid products have audiences within themselves of the customer list of that that
are more Niche the thing here is that when you create multiple free products you substantially increase your Authority you teach people on a deeper level they like you more they engage with you more they start conversations in your DMs they feel like you contributing more value than others in other words your engagement probably sucks because you've never taken your audience deeper than social media Mark Manson and James Clear don't need to worry about optimizing their content because so many people have bought and read their books people have spent hours with their ideas so if you
don't have a newsletter you don't have a lead magnet you don't have a product you probably don't have that much Authority and you're going to become this like high engagement account with little to show for it so if you don't know what to create just study what other people have cre Creed create templates checklists swipe files or the rest but I personally like creating free products that help your audience achieve one small desirable goal with a mini course or ebook step number four is to monetize with a portfolio of digital products because you've already built
ample digital real estate and you could technically monetize your social media already that's one important thing about building an audience is that you're almost guaranteed to make money in one way or another you can accept sponsorships you can have like YouTube ad revenue or whatever it is you can start a paid newsletter you can start a paid tier of your content but most of those aren't optimal or even profitable ways of going about it when people do that that's when you hear stories of people that have millions of followers but only make like $110,000 a
month as an example I actually talk about this in the mental monetization course that just went live is that when I monetized with reals on Instagram I had viral animations that's what built my entire audience I made like 400 bucks in a month same same with X monetization Twitter monetization they just rolled that out everyone's freaking out over it it's like dude like with a huge audience I make like 400 bucks a month on YouTube I make a bit more it's like I don't think I'm allowed to say it it's a lot more than that
with digital products I've made upwards of 6 million now in the few years that I've been doing this and 4 million of those happened last year in just this path month it's like 300,000 so in terms of scale digital product build one if you want to control your own income but I'm not a fan of building one to two digital products and just calling it a day because I'm a fan of iteration and evolution and if you only create one and that product sucks and it's not your full potential then you're just going to be
okay with however much you make from that one product I am a fan of making success and income almost guaranteed by continuously launching improving and iterating until you have the perfect combination of digital products that create a high base income then you can monetize with micro products like workshops or events where you charge a low price for 1 to two calls and launch every 1 to two months to see predictable spikes in revenue on top of your base income of course I teach that all in mental monetization last time I'll pitch it step five is
to diversify platforms and focus on audience because we have social media content going we have newsletter content going the audience is growing we're building authority with the free products all of these being digital real estate we build the digital product we iterate on them we have a good base Revenue base income you've probably replaced your income by now now when we diversify platforms and focus on building an audience what we're trying to do is we're trying to send more traffic to the digital products so that your income can just scale scale scale scale scale and
then all you have to do is focus on building the audience and doing what you enjoy and talking about what you enjoy on social media that's what I plan to do until the day I die just because I enjoy it when you've established your business in the digital space and are profitable now you can take all of your best content ideas and spread them to other platforms you can Kickstart those audience es on a podcast YouTube or Instagram by telling your current audience to follow you there and to share your content since you already have
an audience on the platform that you chose I recommend X or Twitter or LinkedIn or probably threads just because they're all writing based and that's much more accessible and easier to get into then once I build the audience I have a set of ideas that do really well this is exactly how I grew on Instagram I grew on Twitter and then I look back at my best ideas I maybe had 100 200 of them that's 200 posts I can post on Instagram and if I execute a growth strategy from there that I teach into our
writer or mental monetization either one then I grow that much faster because those ideas those pieces of content are the ones that brought in the most engagement and followers on Twitter so they're going to do the same on Instagram and I don't have to go through that same trial and error because if only 300 or 400 posts do really well out of the 40,000 that I wrote on Twitter then I'm going to want to transfer those over to Instagram as all of your platforms grow they download your free products they read your newsletters and purchase
your paid products this is is when exponential growth kicks in you can double triple or even quadruple your income in the span of a year that's how I went from $800,000 a year with a large x following to 4 million last year with a diversified audience that's it that's the big picture you have Direction now you know what to do don't ask me how to start we talked about how to start if I wasn't as detailed as you wanted me to be then you need to just go study this is a YouTube video go watch
more but either way on a positive note thank you for watching check out links in the description buy my book The Art of focus if you haven't ready like subscribe that's it just go look whatever yeah bye
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