WARNING - DON'T DO THIS - Scary Truth About Kundalini Yoga

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quick file information from the runway show this is our highlights Channel TRS Clips subscribe and enjoy the video you'll have to explain what Kundalini is so Kundalini is basically a hidden Divine very simply put a Divine energy that is there to a degree in every individual who's born but for 99.99 of people it remains in a sleeping State as long as it is sleeping you are functioning as a well integrated individual so how do we Define an integrated individuals so you have friends family Etc you're speaking your rational everybody likes you all that that is
a well integrated individual okay the spiritual practice whatever practice you do whether you do yogas kriya yoga this that or even tantric upasana devathas it's trying to awaken this Force but not consciously and there is a catch and this is a very complicated topic actually once this awakens it will start making a journey within you that power will start Awakening and Rising within you uh through the deepest Channel this is a subtle channel it's not a physical Channel mind you it's a subtle channel it's a part of your astral body exactly it's called the sushum
nanadi it will pass Nadi means a channel it will pass to that and as it goes it will pass to various Realms one after the other one after the other two parts which are all within you as we speak but also outside see this is important to understand not everything inside and outs it's like just like a computer Sports okay so just like that your body has each of these so-called chakras which do not have any physical Presence by the way so these are Confluence of various multiple nadis at specific points in the body and
um they are points through which you can access various realms okay now as Shakti arises inside you it opens up this opens up this opens up this once it opens up you are able to communicate or whatever integrate with that but there is a and that is where this becomes risky because as I said the astral world is all types of things so there once it opens up opens up is good but what do you do after that and that is where you will need solid guidance because otherwise there are more people who fall down
with these kind of experiences than people who integrate them properly in their life and after this little bit of the kundalinity movement when it starts your normal life is going for a toss first of all your perspective of everything is going to change that's like you can't deny many you you would not be able to deny the reality you are in the same room with the same set of friends but what you are seeing what you are experiencing what you are hearing your Pancho indri or five sense organs uh they have the inputs that they
get are slightly different from the inputs that other people are getting at the same space because of this and I'm just dumbing it down very much to explain it to you because there are many complications in this but more or less as you go higher as this Kundalini awakens your access to these astral planes become stronger okay this is a great uh point you've mentioned so basically it's like a brain has filters which filters out a lot of stuff because if we were able to see that stuff we have lost our minds absolutely and it's
around us now as we speak yes but your gross body consciously blocks it out because maybe your soul is not ready to experience those experiences right now if you also begin to spiritually advance and you chase this process of making your Kundalini rise those filters get removed from your brain yes and then you're able to start seeing things but you need to be mentally spiritually ready to be able to see those things and experience those things otherwise you'll lose your mind so here uh just small interjection because a lot of viewers will be seeing this
so the conscious aim is not in my opinion the conscious sin should not be too I have to awaken the Kundalini because that is disastrous it's it's a power you cannot describe it it only once it hits somebody you'll realize it it's got money it's it's tremendously powerful it's like an atom bomb inside sort of and it moves at the speed of your thought okay this is faster than the speed of light if you ask me speed of thought is faster than your speed of light speed of light is the physical phenomena and the physics
and all that is there in thought right at this moment you can reach the sun whereas light takes eight minutes to reach from Sun [Music] okay it moves at the speed of your thought and the other thing is yeah so conscious aim is not to awaken the Kundalini conscious aim has to be to reach the higher Realms of divinity where you come to the devatha who is all powerful who knows who's the ishwara Okay you mean connecting with God yes connecting with God but I prefer to use the term devatha only reason is because in
our culture we look at it that way so I I may be connecting to Shiva you may be connecting to Krishna somebody all of them are Gods by the way when we use the term only God there is one singular no there are each of these are equally Gods okay there's no difference about any of them only the part may be slightly different so Shiva you have to offer the bail bhatra and to Krishna you offered the Tulsi leave okay that's about it but Kundalini is like a power that accelerates your path and safely handling
for individual is impossible you'll need the grace of a very powerful Guru to handle this um Buddha mahavir Guru nanak Dev ji did these people also have a risen Kundalini because they're also human beings to begin with and then they became evolved over the course of the lithium or they were born as already evolved beings so was there Kundalini also risen according to you so so two parts in this question as I see one is that did they have an awakened Kundalini absolutely it doesn't matter what you call it it is going to happen okay
whatever name you want to put to it you may also not want to acknowledge it consciously that is fine because it's possible that some of the Masters may not want because if their their Divine mission was to spread uh the Dharma two various or say the Ordinary People I want to inspire them to a specific kind of worship you cannot introduce terms like Kundalini so easily there because it's fraught with danger so if I if I want to tell them that you do this particular text say in the uh you know in Maharashtra for example
Maharashtra you have this great workari Saints um great Saints are there so they introduced the ganeshwari guitar are two ordinary people who you know have with the initiation with devotion they chanted Etc so in that if you were to introduce too much of there is some reference to this in this text but if you were to introduce too much esoteric processes it's difficult for people to get so you do something you say that okay let's not think about Kundalini let's think about the devada let's think about Devotion to the deity let's think about how do
I uh get closer to the deity bhakti bhakti it through it Kundalini will awaken also it will happen in the background process bhakti's Blind Faith towards Humanity yes and you don't have to and you purification of bhakti is important initial stages bhakti will not be perfect so you do processes that is where the sadhana comes in okay so that your bhakti becomes more pure and purer and as bhakti becomes purer that will trigger these things so in one set question uh if you ask that did these people have kundalin experiences all of them Tantra says
that there's nobody no spiritual progress is possible without a Kundalini experience whether you call it that or any other the name you call it is going to happen Okay but a Kundalini is also there are many nuances in this okay and the other part of the question that you had did where they evolved so there is some um some Fitness of things by the way that is there for very high grade of spiritual Evolution if a person has to have then he or she must have had gone through lifetimes of tremendous preparation practice something like
that so those signs will already be manifesting from a young age it is let's put it this way it takes lifetimes of effort so um so for somebody who's very perceptive if they see a child like that or something like that uh they will figure out that this is in fact uh bothas vajrayana Buddhists have this system where the llamas when they reach a very high state so that they can continue their upasana they ensure a specific kind of rebirth they have the capability of doing that and before death they'll mention Clues okay that I
may be born here and this and that signs will be there and then there are occult processes uh occult twins um through oracular processes and other things they find out that who is this incarnated llama what was he doing in his past life and then from a very young age they will take him into the monastery and start training him back into the practices which he was doing okay so that it kind of saves time and they're very good at this they have been doing this for centuries Etc so in a way yes some Fitness
is there it may not be that you are born with a Kundalini awakened some Fitness is there you still have to go through the process you have to do nothing is going no one is going to serve you a full plate of food and just eat no so you have to still struggle and that's uh specifically for those great Saints who are who come for what in Sanskrit we call as local which is helping the masses so they have to show that how they have had to struggle for this it's not that I was born
with it so then people will say you were born with it what will I I'm not born with it why should I do it it won't happen for me but they say no it has happened through practice through the process through following this path so if it has happened for one it may happen for you also so you do that let's also talk about the downside uh to having a Kundalini that rises too early before you're ready for it I've heard all sorts of stories but what's the spiritual truth about this do you actually lose
your mind can you get some sort of a brain stroke I've read things like this yes and it can be very very dangerous and in fact there is a term that is used sometimes to refer to this it's like the lightning creeper it's like a lightning as fast as it rises it can make you fall that fast into a condition worse than that when you started if it happens unrestricted unrestricted means out of the blue it kind of happens sometimes once in a while there may be cases somebody have had an accident or something and
suddenly that it gets triggered obviously if a triggering happens to an accident that means that some lifetime they must have practiced it without practice is not going to happen an accident means what I have seen cases like this just like that in accident that that see uh what is the Kundalini you have to understand a little bit more which is basically it remains for average human being it's sleeping it's completely sleeping but suddenly when it awakens it requires a triggering state it's not going to happen if your comfortable lifestyle is going on that trigger may
be through stress through pain through something like that through intense spiritual practices or if you are Arjuna in the battlefield suddenly the realization comes to you that you are going to kill your relatives you can't do that so you are running away so that's a stressful condition of the mind okay so you have to get out of the normal Zone normal comfort zone has to be lost so sometimes it may happen in the case of just a sudden accident or something has happened in in that state it got triggered automatically once in a while okay
I'm not saying it's very common but happens so there it will be very difficult to integrate because you don't know what to do with it afterwards it's very difficult it's like suddenly photos may open up and suddenly even start seeing things Etc most people will put you straight into mental Asylum doctors will put you into medicines you will not know what to do and on top of that if a belief system does not support this then you are even more screwed there's nothing no help so you think there are people currently in mental asylums who
have an awakened Kundalini uh and I can't say but possibility is there one I mean I'm not saying that every person who is uh in a mental assistant but there's a possibility that if you take thousand one thousand people like that from Intel slms who are completely raving man it's possible that a few of them actually have had a Kundalini disaster and you're saying once it rises it stays low to make it stay to make it rise safely smoothly that's where all the sadhana processes come in okay so all these people who get it done
by accident but they are not spiritually ready what does the actual reality become what do they see uh that you cannot put a single definition to it it depends on the individual that's why I say that Kundalini is one term out of an umbrella the the way it arises in an individual is not going to be the same for everybody there will be subtle differences for some people it may start they may start your indrias which is the five senses through which you operate in this world may suddenly become very sharp one or two of
them so you may start hearing things you may start seeing things you may start smelling things and that's very common by the way I don't know if you have recently there was a film that uh kind of became very popular in kannada which is the kanthara that we have seen like very much liked it there are certain scenes they were showing in their film where the protagonist of the of the movie he hears certain things okay and there's a the approach of the deity when it comes he hears certain like the sound of jewelry etc
etc so those are all typical signs of when the kundalin is awakened to the higher planes etc etc so these are okay experiences in the negative side it may suddenly open you up to astral planes where there are all sorts of dangerous entities and you will get scared you'll lose your sleep you'll lose your mind if you enjoyed this video here's a playlist full of videos kind related to the one that you just saw enjoy [Music]
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