FOUR things FREEMASONS should do EVERY DAY (the last one will change your LIFE!)

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Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, SJ-USA
If you're a Mason, you know that our daily habits play a big role in our Masonic journey. In this vi...
Video Transcript:
you know at its core masonry is really about self-improvement but how do we as Masons actually go about improving ourselves I'm going to give you four things that all good Masons should do every [Music] [Applause] day welcome to the Scottish right of Freemasonry Channel I'm mayard Edwards 33rd Scottish right Mason in the Scottish right specifically we are taught that goodness being a good man being a good person that's not a place at which you arrive and there's some kind of Finish Line where I'm done I'm a good person that's the end of it being a
good person is a habit we are taught something that we do every day through our thoughts our words our actions our choices that is what being a good person is that is what being a good m is it's about making those good choices and it's obviously about doing that consistently so here are four things that all good Masons should be doing you're probably doing a few of these and I'll tell you the one at the end if you're not doing it can be pretty transformative so make sure you stick around to the end of the
video to catch number four the first one is going to be pretty obvious to most Masons and that is you should be saying your prayers every single day in a masonic lodge one of the very first things that we are taught right as we first enter the lodge is that no man should engage in anything great or important without invoking the blessing of God and since every single day provides us with the opportunity to do some great things in the morning when we wake up we should take just a couple of minutes and thank God
and ask God for his blessings for the day and then again at the end of the day we should thank God for the blessings that we have received thank him for getting us through another day now as Masons we don't tell you what God to pray to I'm a Christian I have Lodge brothers who are Muslim who are Jewish and each of them have their own way of praying and whether you're method of talking to God is very personal where it's just you and the almighty having little conversation or whether you're of a faith that
has a very specific prayer ritual whatever your faith is a good man and a good Mason should set aside a little time in the morning and a little time at the evening at the very least to say your prayers and just check in with God a little [Music] [Applause] bit the second habit that all good Masons should try and get into is is try and learn something new every single day when we come into the Masonic Lodge something we hear quite often is my son gather instruction from thy youth up it's a Bible verse and
this is an important instruction this tells us that every day we should be learning something new we should be trying to improve our intellect and whether it's something silly like learning a new card trick or it's something more profound like learning about the history of masonry maybe doing some research on your own family whatever it is as you do just try and learn something a little bit new every single day and that's going to improve you each and every day as a man and as a Mason and remember I've got four of these the last
one that's going to be the transformative one so make sure you stick around but I do want to ask you real quick click that subscribe button below subscribe it really does help us out give us a thumbs up and if you're a Mason make sure you comment on what your good habits are each and every day and give your Lodge or your Scottish TR Valley a shout out while you [Music] do number three is is kind of a big deal in my mind and it's something that I know I should do a better job at
and I I hope if you're watching Brethren you will try and do a better job at as well and that is check in with a brother give him a call send him a text message shoot him an email I'm not saying you need to stop what you're doing and Pen a five-page letter to every brother you know I'm not saying you need to spend two hours on the phone or make a long-distance call I mean do people even make longdistance calls anymore you don't need to do that but just send a brother once a day
a text message an email give him a quick call and say hey man haven't seen you in a little while just was saying hi I wanted to let you know you're important to me that sounds a little strange it's a little strange thing for for guys to do but if you just send him a text message says hey buddy was thinking about you wanted to say hi I promise you that he will appreciate it and also you will be absolutely amazed how often you send a message like that that the guy on the other end
of the phone says man you don't know how badly I needed to hear this call you don't know how badly I needed to get your text message today so take five seconds and send that text message to a lodge brother you haven't seen in a little while that means so much and it will connect you not only to that individual but it connects you to the fraternity as well because this is a Brotherhood just a quick reach out just a few seconds out of your day that is really going to make someone else's day so
why wouldn't you take just a few seconds and do that that's number three number four that's the one you're really going to want to wait for it's coming up [Music] so number one make sure you're giving thanks to God and saying your prayers every single day number two make sure you learn something new every single day it's only going to improve your life number three reach out to a brother say hello whether it's a guy you haven't seen in a month or a guy you saw just last night reach out and say hi to one
of your Lodge Brothers and number four and this is the one that's really going to be transformative for you at the end of every day take just a couple of minutes and think back over your day and think about what you did well and think about what you need to do better tomorrow no matter what it is whether you're working on a work project whether you were coaching kids soccer no matter what it is that you did that day take just a couple of minutes out of each day and give yourself a little pat on
the back for your successes no matter how small they were you should celebrate them they come come too rarely in life so just take a minute and appreciate yourself for the good things that you did that day but then also take a minute and think about the things that you need to do better tomorrow because that is how we improve we give ourselves a little credit we give ourselves a little praise for the work we did today but tomorrow we've got the opportunity to wake up again thank God for another day and do something even
better and that's really what the entire Masonic journey is about it's the rough ashler to the perfect ashler it's chipping away at your own rough edges a little at a time and these four habits that we talked about if you do them each and every day I promise you you will chip away at a few of those rough [Music] [Music] edges is this is this weird is me walking in the Woods kind of weird well there was another video guy and he he was walking in the woods and I thought looked kind of cool so
thought we could walk in the woods too Mason's walk in the woods right what was that thanks for watching I'm mayard Edwards 33rd degree uh we'll catch you next time here on the channel and uh don't forget if you are interested in becoming a Freemason click that video right there there if you'd like to help us preserve Masonic history click that link right there and if you want to watch some more cool Masonic videos make sure you click that link right there I'll see you next [Applause] time I got to go
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