Keynote Address by President Camille N. Johnson | BYU Women's Conference, 2024

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“Friends, it is a glorious time to be a woman, a covenant woman, in The Church of Jesus Christ of La...
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[Music] this message was given at the 2024 BYU Women's Conference it is a glorious time to be a woman a covenant woman in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints from what or from whom is my optimism derived well let me start with my testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by a mighty prophet of God president Russell M Nelson who is the Lord's mouthpiece on the Earth today not only for members of the church but for the whole world why do I feel comfort Ed inspired hopeful and loved
when I hear president Nelson speak and when I study his words because he speaks for the Savior whose church he leads president Nelson's words are his words spoken as a prophet to prompt us to change and draw closer to Jesus Christ I feel immeasurably blessed to serve during this season president Nelson is uniquely sensitive to us the sisters of the church he is the father of nine daughters he understands US president Nelson loves you dear sisters he is concerned for our health physical emotional and spiritual he wants us to be happy he is pointing us
to the Savior Who is the source of our relief Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of my optimism I have made a personal study of the words of President Nelson and I listened to one of his talks every morning when I'm getting ready for the day his reassuring hopeful loving prophetic messages always steal me for the challenges of the day and I always hear something new and find myself marking and noting an Insight I hadn't had before sisters the prophet has answered my questions or given me confidence in a place of not knowing an answer
just yet I think he has answered many of your questions too but I fear that sometimes we all look for answers from unrel reliable sources or fail to draw from the best sources the prophet the scriptures and the spirit we are accustomed to Google search answers quick and concise we ask our question and get a prompt response and if we don't like the answer we can scroll for an answer that suits us contrast that with what the prophet has invited us to do to let God Prevail by living worthy of and learning how to recognize
promptings and answers from the Holy Ghost which requires effort president Nelson has said in coming days it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding directing comforting and constant influence of the Holy Ghost maintaining the presence of the Spirit requires effort energy prayer scripture study study of the words of living prophets preparation for partaking of the sacrament repentance and personal acts of daily devotion that sisters is how we will get our answers perhaps you believe you don't have time for all of that maybe you are pursuing your education bearing children nurturing and caring
for children earning a Liv living serving in the church or caring for your parents maybe you were doing many of those things at the same time I did I hope you can learn from my experience what I have discovered in juggling my responsibilities is that establishing priorities is critical to success and happiness love of God and love of his children first and second my professional life as a lawyer was never in the top two my work was a means to an end in blessing my family when we prioritize the first and second great Commandments we
are letting God Prevail when we prioritize love of God and love of our neighbor and family then the things that don't have eternal significance drop off the list when I was busy raising three young Sons trying to be a devoted wife maintaining a law practice and serving in my church callings there were times when my scripture study was inconsistent and mostly done in preparation for filling my Sunday calling but what I learned is that I'm far more efficient and effective when I include scripture study in my daily routine I get more done when I do
the things that matter most first when we prioritize daily acts of Devotion to Heavenly Father and the Savior including prayer and study of the scriptures and the words of living prophets we invite the spirit to be our constant companion then we will receive answers and direction for our lives and Clarity of thought please please take note I am not saying that letting God Prevail and having the companionship of the spirit will make your path one of ease we are ascending it is an uphill climb there will be stretching moments or stretching days months and years
this isn't about Comfort it's about growth change embracing our divine nature and becoming like the Savior sisters I invite you to cultivate your testimony of foundational truth yes it requires effort but as we understand and embrace foundational truth our desire to let God Prevail in our lives will increase we will invite Jesus Christ to be the author and finisher of our faith and of our stories we will want to give Our Lives over to him drawing strength and power from our covenant connection with him I invite you to stay at the trunk of the tree
spend your precious time striving to understand foundational points of doctrine that nourish the roots of the tree for example the nature of my Covenant relationship with God the Savior and his atonement how to exercise faith in him the Glorious plan of Happiness then when you have a leaf question consider how it connects back to the branch and then to the trunk or core fundamental doctrine of the gospel for example when I am firmly rooted in the truth that God loves us and directs his work through living prophets when I know that trunk do I can
be content in not knowing the answer to a leaf question we need to pay the price to know that God's prophets are his mouthpiece that Jesus Christ is actively leading his church and that we can trust him with complete certainty even when we don't understand completely then the leaves draw context and spiritual Insight from the trunk of the tree I had a woman asked me recently paraphrasing sister Johnson you are so sure about the prophet you keep quoting president Nelson with such conviction how do I get my own testimony of him in a 15 Prophet
Sears in revelators I said to my new friend and I say to all of you you experiment upon their words desire to believe that this is Jesus Christ's restored church because it has been organized just the way the Savior organized his church when he was here on Earth with 12 Apostles exercising Faith plant the words of President Russell M Nelson in Your Heart by prayerfully studying his messages they are a good seed and will enlarge your soul they will Enlighten your understanding keep nourishing that seedling as it begins to grow by applying the Council of
President Nelson sisters I promise your seed will grow with faith and diligent diligence and the reward will be delicious fruit for me the the delicious fruit is optimism in the face of uncertainty it is confidence in not having an answer to every question it is joy and grief happening at the same time it is trusting Jesus Christ to be the author and finisher of my story president Nelson recently referred to two Valiant women Eve the mother of all living and Mary the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ they are stunning examples of turning things completely
over to the Lord and trusting him entirely they exemplify letting God Prevail consider Eve she was in the Garden of Eden life was good no Thorns or thistles plenty to eat everything peaceful and Eve the mother of all living exercise that Divine gift of agency and en courage and wisdom she partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil her choice to leave the comfort of the garden for the Troubles of this world allowed me and you to make the choice to come to this earth and be tested will I exercise
the Divine gift of agency to let let God Prevail in my life as Eve did President Nelson explained it was our glorious mother Eve with her far-reaching vision of our Heavenly father's plan who initiated what we call the fall her wise and courageous choice and Adam's supporting decision moved God's plan of Happiness forward they made it possible for each of us to come to Earth receive a body and prove that we would choose to stand up for Jesus Christ now just as we did portally Eve's Choice was not a fall down but a fall forward
a fall upward because she let God Prevail I think that few of us would write into the stories of Our Lives the trials that refine us we would stay in the garden crafting our own narrative but don't we love the Glorious culmination of a story we read when the protagonist overcomes the struggle trials those times that stretch us are the elements of the plot that make our stories compelling Timeless Faith promoting and worthy of telling Eve's story is worth telling because she chose to leave the comfort of the garden there would have been no story
to tell if she had stayed Valiant wise courageous these are the words prophets have used to describe Eve's decision were it not for their choice Even Adam never would have had seed and never would have known good and evil and the joy of their Redemption and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient consider Mary the mother of Jesus Christ Christ equally Valiant wise and courageous she was chosen to be the mother of the savior of the world president Nelson said of her Mary Mother of Our Redeemer was the perfect example of complete
submission to the will of God she kept confidence in faith she endured grief and when Father in Heaven withdrew his spirit so that Jesus Christ could fulfill his atoning sacrifice Mary remained with her son recall her response to the angel who reminded her of an assignment she had accepted in the premortal world behold the handmade of the Lord be unto me according to Thy word paraphrased let God prevail sisters these and other scriptural heroins confirm that women who are willing to let God Prevail are integral even essential to God's plan of happiness for his children
as we commemorate Mother's Day let us celebrate the contributions of these two Noble courageous mothers who literally changed the world in a plea to us the Covenant women of God president Nelson said we need your strength your conversion your conviction your ability to lead your wisdom and your voices the kingdom of God is Not and cannot be complete without women who make sacred covenants and then keep them women who can speak with the power and authority of God we need women who have the courage and vision of our mother Eve in March 2024 president Nelson
reiterated that plea sisters we need your voices teaching the doctrine of Christ we need your ability as women to detect deception and to articulate truth we need your inspired wisdom in your family Ward and state councils as well as in other places of influence throughout the world your your family the church and the world need you sisters no one can do everything nor should you try however I know how crucial your part is in building up the kingdom of God and ever gracious and always loving president Nelson blessed us to accomplish our purpose he said
I bless you to realize that your Divine gifts as a daughter of God give you the power not only to change lives but to change the world oh sisters how I hope the Holy Ghost is teaching you how vital you are in preparing the world for the second coming of Our Savior by Divine invitation we can prepare future generations of the Lord's Church and the world for that glorious day if we are willing to let God Prevail Jesus Christ stands ready to use us as Divine instruments sharpened pencils in his hand to write a masterpiece
he is mercifully willing to use me a scrawny pencil as an instrument in his hands if I have the faith to let him if I will let him author my story sisters you were hearing Echoes of a talk I gave in General Conference in October of 2021 called invite Christ to author your story my personal story my own wrestle is in that address in 2016 in the midst of three decades of marriage caring and nurturing and loving our Three Sons practicing lawful time serving in church callings and attending to the needs of our extended family
my husband Doug and I were called to serve as Mission leaders in aripa Peru we left just after our first grandson was born and I thought at the time that I knew just what it meant to let the Savior author my story Doug and I were giving three years over to him because we had covenanted in the house of the Lord to sacrifice and consecrate our talents and time and energy to build up his kingdom we returned home in 2019 to two new granddaughters and I settled into my new roles our two oldest Sons were
married and the youngest was in love and soon to be married I wouldn't have children living living under my roof anymore I returned to practicing law and my favorite calling was his mom and Grammy and then the call came to serve as the primary General president the comfortable narrative I had written for myself was spending time with my family another decade practicing law to ensure Financial Security and serving in my water in the temple I testify to you that in keep keeping the covenants we have made we open the line of communication to receive Revelation
through the Holy Ghost and it is through the manifestations of the spirit that I have felt the Master's hand writing my story with me what could I do with more faith in Jesus Christ and the capacity enhancing strength and power that comes with Covenant keep keeping I could accept the next call from president Nelson to serve as the Relief Society General president sisters what if I had stuck with my comfortable narrative I would have enjoyed spending more time with my grandchilden and I could have been assured the Financial Security I don't presently enjoy and I
would have missed a soul searching stretching and Faith Build building experience uphill yes worth it oh yes I offer my witness that because the Savior knows our potential perfectly he will take us to places we never imagined ourselves I am confident he will take you to places you never imagined and that your service will be Soul stretching let God guide you to walk beside you to someone who needs you you may find yourself teaching an adult woman to read or perhaps serving immigrant children maybe you will lead a community group keeping Parks safe for families
when we let God Prevail he will take us just where he needs us and to places we never imagined president Nelson declared that we receive more faith by doing something that requires more faith I know that is true because in letting God Prevail in my life in letting him author my story my faith in Jesus Christ has increased how then will you let him Prevail what does that look like to a young woman who is pursuing an education and wants to marry and have a family president Delan H Oaks has explained that the choice is
not between family or education or career he said timing is what we have to choose and we seek the inspiration of the Lord and the teachings of his servants in doing that in addressing this topic I wish to be sensitive to those who have a sincere and abiding desire to marry and have children in this life and who are single I recognize many sisters are parenting alone because of death or divorce I know of countless sisters who are married and desire children and are suffering with infertility and miscarriage sisters thank you for holding fast to
your faith in Christ and walking your path with him I know you have made righteous choices and have righteous desires I know you are suffering you want the timing to change this isn't the narrative you have written for yourself my heart aches for you I pursued an education both undergraduate and a law degree I was married Midway through my legal education I had my first son the year after I passed the bar exam I had babies and my husband and I loved and nurtured them while we were both working it was busy sometimes hectic we
were stretched and sometimes tired I supported him and he supported me family was and still is our top priority my husband and I sought inspiration in these choices and in the timing it was what we felt impressed to do we were trying to let him Prevail from a Financial and Professional perspective it would have made sense to put off having children until I was more established in my career but sisters in letting him author our stories we sometimes do things that the world cannot not make sense of I juggled pregnancy birthing babies nurturing children carpool
Little League Church responsibilities being a supportive spous spouse and my professional Pursuits and it was a joyful juggle I wouldn't change we felt confident in our course because we were letting God Prevail now sisters please don't misunderstand I am not suggesting you should follow my course your story and my story are not the same I share mine because it's what I know what we share is our motivation letting God Prevail being a mother is my highest priority it is my ultimate Joy God blessed our first parents and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply and
replenish the Earth the first commandment given to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for Parenthood my primary identities are daughter of God Covenant woman and disciple of Jesus Christ and my primary orientation that is my focus my passion and calling as a woman is toward motherhood that is our primary orientation as our sacred calling as Daughters of heavenly parents the orientation and focus I feel toward motherhood is consistent with my diligent pursuit of an education we are commanded to seek learning some of which comes in our Pursuit Of Education and much of it comes
in our orientation as Daughters of God toward motherhood where we learn to become Godlike as we cultivate attributes Utes of love compassion and patience letting God Prevail does include inviting him to be involved in the timing of our choices I am eternally grateful to have received inspiration from the Lord and direction from prophets to help us in the timing of our choice to invite children into our family when we did I am also grateful I acted on the promptings and did not let worldly influences convenience honor or money get in the way of the choice
to fulfill my Divine potential in bearing and rearing children if women cease to Bear a nurtured children this Mortal experience ends it is vitally important then that women and men neither neglect nor dismiss the sacred responsibility of Parenthood an abundance of social science data demonstrates the decisive negative impact to Nations and civilizations that stop having children in many parts of the world the average number of live births per woman is fewer than two that means we're not replacing ourselves as leaders of the church we are concerned conned about recent Trends in marriage and child birth
in the United States over the last 30 years we have seen an 8 to9 percentage Point drop in those citizens who have ever been married these figures represent a worldwide problem when people do not marry fewer children are born the United States recently crossed a threshold where of adults aged 18 to 55 there is now a greater share of single adults with no children than there are married adults with children children are vital to maintaining civilization they are vital to the Glorious plan of Happiness the Commandment for us to multiply and replenish the Earth remains
in force my dear sisters I I know the sincere desire of your hearts may be to marry and bear children yet many of you are single or suffering with infertility my fondest friend who has never married and had children of her own has loved and cared for mine it's not a substitute for children of her own it is evidence that her orientation remains toward motherhood my son and daughter-in-law are presently working through the challenge of repeating reped miscarriages their desire is righteous they are seeking to let God Prevail in their lives and for now another
full-term pregnancy has eluded them remember when we ask in faith to let Jesus Christ be the author and finisher of our story we must be prepared to play out an uncomfortable narrative in the hope of one that is while painful ultimately grander and more Celestial than we can imagine among my dear friends is a childless couple who married later in life and suffered with infertility they asked in faith whether they should adopt children they were willing to accept the answer even though the narrative they had written for themselves included a miraculous birth rather than a
baby they felt impressed to adopt Four Sisters ages 5 to 17 absolutely positively not the narrative they had written for themselves but oh how magnificent a story he has pinned with them president Nelson has taught to help another human being reach one's Celestial potential is part of the Divine mission of woman as mother teacher or nurturing Saint she molds living clay to the shape of her hopes in partnership with God her Divine mission is to help Spirits live and souls be lifted this is the measure of her creation it is en nobling edifying and exalting
whatever our personal circumstances we are all part of the family of God members of an Earthly family and preparing to be Eternal parents the blessings of exaltation made available to us through the Savior Jesus Christ include posterity and so whether we are sealed and bear children in this life or the next our object is exaltation which can be ours if we make and keep Covenants when we enter a covenant relationship with God we are bound vertically to him and we are never alone we are blessed with an extra measure of his love and mercy president
Nelson has taught making a covenant with God changes our relationship with him forever it blesses us with an extra measure of love and mercy it affects who we are and how God will help us become what we can become those who make sacred covenants and keep them are promised eternal life and exaltation the greatest of all the gifts of God Jesus Christ is the guarantor of those covenants Covenant Keepers who love God and allow him to Prevail over all other things in their lives make him the most powerful influence in their lives as Covenant women
we plan and prepare for marriage and the bearing of and the nurture of children what a sacred and holy calling we love and lead and Minister and mother to show our love for God and his children because we want him to Prevail in our lives friends it is a glorious time to be a woman a covenant woman in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints understanding our role purpose and responsibility in the plan of happiness is ennobling reassuring and joyful knowing that we have a living profit preparing us for what lies ahead brings me
peace and even optimism amid uncertainty my Covenant relationship with God gives me confidence my Covenant confidence is in Jesus Christ I testify that he lives that his love for us is Manifest in his willingness to offer his life and atonement for each of us he is the author and finisher of my faith and of my story in the name of Jesus Christ amen [Music] amen this message was given at the 2024 BYU Women's Conference [Music]
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