[Applause] [Music] a thousand Generations Falling Down and Worship to sing the song of Ages to the land and all who've gone before us and all who will believe will sing the song of Ages to the lamb your name is the highest your name is the greatest your name stands above them all all through thres and dominions all powers and positions your name stands above them all and the angels cry ohy all creation Christ holy you are lifted High holy holy forever if you've been forgiven and if you've been redeemed sing the song forever to the
lamb if you walk in Freedom and if you bear his name sing the song forever to the lamb we'll sing the song forever and amen and the angels cry ohy all creation Christ holy you are lifted high oh holy holy forever here your people sing Holy to the King of Kings holy you will always be holy holy forever ever your name is the highest your name is the greatest your name stands above them all all Thrones and dominions all powers and positions your name stands above the all your name is the highest your name is
the greatest your name stand above them all all Thrones and dominions all power and positions your name stands above them all and the Angels Cry holy all creation Christ holy you are lifted High holyy holy forever hear your people s oh holy to the King of Kings holy you will always be holy holy forever you will always be holy holy oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord I come I confess bowing here I find my rest without you I fall apart you're the one that guides My Heart Lord I need you oh I need you you
every [Music] hour I need you my one defense my righteousness oh God how I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] need we s runs deep Your Grace is more where Grace is found is where you are and where you are Lord I free Holiness is Christ in [Music] me Lord I need you oh I need you every hour I need you my Wonder My righteousness oh God how I need so teach my song to rise to you when tempt comes my way and when I can I stand I'll fall on you Jesus You're My Hope instead
Lord I need you oh I need every [Music] hour I need my one defense my righteousness so God you're my one defense my righteousness so God how I need you my one defense my rightousness oh God how I [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music]