Tips on how to date WOMEN

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Jinnytty 企鵝妹 윰찌
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welcome back ladies and gentlemen I am sure you're back because you needed to learn more about women I am Jimmy who's going to be your teacher teach you guys how to raise women or more like understand women if you understand them then it's done okay so here we go number one [ __ ] if you're texting someone and then she hasn't replied you for such a long time like 10 hours later and she said like oh my God so sorry I've been busy what does this mean guys oh my God so sorry I've been busy
she doesn't want you yes well you guys know she's not that into you you can keep trying but don't try to like spend so much time on her everyone is busy if you're adult everyone is busy but they have a little bit of bathroom break they have a little bit of time but if this pattern continues multiple times then that probably means she's not into you because everyone can make make a little bit of time for someone that they like simple number two if she likes your Instagram post or a story what do you think
this means she must love me yeah I've seen some guys keep saying like yeah man she liked my story she must be really into me yeah man like go for it this means nothing it depends though it depends probably around 80% so it means mostly nothing maybe 20% if they like every post I still think it doesn't mean that much maybe she thinks positive of you but definitely not like oh man I really like this guy doesn't really mean anything I like my friends post all the time be a dude or women I have a
question it depends on the photo she likes what kind of photo does she like what kind of photo do you post okay naked you can to post naked photos on Instagram let's say you post a lot of topless photo after working out you're like okay like I'm going to post topless photo and then she only likes your topless photo and then not other photos then maybe maybe maybe she might be a little horny for you but okay if she likes and I post everything everything everything try Instagram DM if she replies pretty fast and then
if she wants to continue the conversation maybe she's into you if she IG DMS you first then that's a good sign obviously she's interested but most of the time it doesn't mean [ __ ] that's two number three now this is a different situation where you're actually dating a girl and you wear something you wear some kind of like cloth which is like you like it a lot so you wear a lot and she says like wow you really like this cloth going you inst the sex what no if her tone is like wow you
really like the cloth don't you it means kind of like she doesn't like it but she doesn't want to be rude okay if she says it looks good on you then maybe it's different but if she doesn't say anything and then she's like you really like the clothes like you wear that a lot that could possibly mean she didn't technically compliment she's just asking why you wearing the clothes so much it doesn't look that good on you but she cannot really say that out loud what if she said no comment if you ask how do
I look and then she said no comment that means you like [ __ ] I think that's pretty straightforward hey how do you like my food no comment tastes like [ __ ] wow Jenny you really like your clothes you wear them a lot [ __ ] this is my pajama of course I like my pajama okay number four so I'm pretty sure you guys have a lot of girl who are your friends as well or if you already have girlfriend and then she's talking about something that upset her and then after talking she's like
anyway it doesn't matter I'm over it she's not over it she wants comforting from you true true I mean she's definitely not over she's still upset about it so you can comfort her be like you know what you can't keep talking about it it's okay and that you be a good listener and then understand her every moment sex makeup time no no sex it's a this has nothing to do with sex okay if someone that you like but just friends and then she says a lot of like stuff shares with you and then you be
a good listener then maybe she might be like oh maybe he's the one who knows this is number five right okay if women say oh my God shut up what does this mean it made show up no it mean she flirting with you this is the dumbest girl talk I've ever heard in my entire life these are all based on the research shers stop doubting the teacher it depends like for example if the woman say oh my shut up then that that actually means like she wants to shut up but if she's like oh my
God shut up that's flirting well that's easy to tell though right that's easy to tell this is a guy right and I'm like Oh my go shut up and then touch his arm a little bit like this then that mean she likes you that means she is into you so body language and then tone is very important okay number six I don't do selfies I don't know if it helps getting girls or women or whatever this is actually very hilarious between men and women if men says I don't do selfies that means they actually don't
do selfies they have zero selfies last than 10 less than 10 but like women if they say I don't do selfie it means they still have hundreds of selfies yeah I don't do selfie that much I feel like compared to other women I don't really take that much of a photos I try to take a lot more photos because of my Instagram and like Twitter and stuff but then even so I have so many [ __ ] selfies this phone I have 1,77 photos and I don't use that phone that much this phone 6,444 photos
in this phone this phone I have 14,022 photos and yeah I don't take that bunch of his selfies but still I have tons I don't do selfies guys number seven if she says I think this is pretty straightforward though absolutely sags this time no Jesus no sags hey we should hang out sometime that means she probably wants you to ask her out usually in a lot of situation women really don't want to ask a guy out first so she just says like hey we should hang out sometimes yeah but she just asked us out hang
out doesn't mean sex guys so what would women say when they want sex they wouldn't really say anything but if they touches you or your arm she's like giving some Inu window making multiple eye contacts that bar but like okay arm touch doesn't always mean sex okay I don't know I never did any gesture wanting to have sex so I don't know I am more professional in deep relationship not sexual stuff if you actually ask her out hey do you want to go movies you want to go to the bar on Saturday or something yeah
maybe maybe I'm not really sure I'll let you know what do you think this is it means she just wants to reject you but she wants to be nice so nicely reject yeah sure we should definitely hang out I'll let you know when I have time I have a l situation where guys are like do you want to like hang out and then not exactly going to date with me but kind of I can see intention I'm like yeah I'm kind of busy busy but like I'll let you know if I have time really not
that into the person but because if I was actually into the person and I would make time for the person no matter how busy I think that's most of the people she's probably trying to reject you nicely so you can kind of Take a Hint okay number nine this is for people who are already in relationship but if she says like my god oh this guy won't stop messaging me man oh that's so annoying no she doesn't want sex Jesus it's over she's trying to create competition yeah yeah yeah some you guys got it so
in short women lie A Lot K men lie a lot too okay everybody lies human lies man hey even though I'm in a relationship with you and then you might think like yeah I already have her she's already my girlfriend I don't want you to be super comfortable and then I want you to know that I'm still desirable there are a lot of guys who want me so just want to you know something like that sounds insecure dude A lot of people are insecure okay but then you know what funny is if guys say the
same thing it's like yeah this girl asked me out like outside wom would be like so mad they're like what the are you trying to say you I could get really jealous so what did you say why were you talking to this woman why are you in this situation where there were woman around you double standard dude there are a lot of double standards like for example if a woman makes joke about you a lot of guys just be like and just laughing like yeah that was funny dude whatever and then kind of like move
on if you make a joke about her she's going to be like so offended how could you okay number 10 we need a poll on how many people turned gay after this lesson guys it's not that difficult to understand a women why if she says excuse me so whenever you're having an argument with your girlfriend and then you say something even though it's a valid point and then she says excuse me that doesn't mean repeat what you just said that means she heard you just fine and she wants just trying to give you one more
chance to change what you said before she lose her [ __ ] you're like having an argument and then he was like yeah this situation you're completely wrong excuse me you're completely wrong and then it will escalate a like this [ __ ] I said what I said yeah that's what you should said guys [ __ ] I said what I said I'm not going to change it but yeah if you were afraid of escalating the situation that it means she's giving you one more chance to change what you said don't don't say are you
deaf did I stutter [ __ ] I said what I said unless you want to actually fight with her signs that she's into you for single single people out there take a note number one if she's making multiple eye content with you and then she avoids her eyes away but then you notice that she was staring at you like no it doesn't mean she farted she might be into you this is also not 100% but she might be into you this doesn't apply to me she might be kind of into you if she touches her
hair a lot I touch my hair a lot all in time it doesn't matter who I'm with like if touching like that then maybe she's kind of like self-conscious because she's around you so like you know you can take that as a hint as well number three whatever you say it just makes her laugh everything everything you say is funny yeah it's just it makes her so happy it means She's So Into You if she's like oh my God you're so funny and then maybe at the same time she touches your like arm oh my
God this is like green light oh my God you're so funny and she's into you okay okay I'm going to tell you guys something that a lot of men make a mistake about this is turnoff for women you're having a nice normal conversation and then she's like okay I'm going to go shower and then he says without me like what the is this this is terrible don't ever say this [ __ ] ever this is like definite turn off this is so creepy so weird it's terrible and then like this [ __ ] emote like
you guys are not actually in a relationship this is not a Reas this is turn off this is bad you know there's a stage right like flirty stage if you change things to sexual stuff all of a sudden then it's a turn off or like some other stuff like for example oh my my shoulder hurts I can give you massage some crazy people even say send pck now this is worst this is immediate no no be like F you I'm not going to send a picture weirdo that's terrible tips very important to understand women that
was hard that was ladies and gentlemen fre 102 class for today hope this helps class dismiss oh
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