No ONE Is Ready For What's Coming And It's All Been Planned

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Lion of Judah
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with only 45 days until the election between Donald Trump and kamla Harris the whole world and especially the media is fixated on the outcome there are countdown shows constant updates and endless discussions about who will take the seat of power yet while the world is so focused on this political moment I want to direct your attention beyond what happens on Election Day what is to come in the future Beyond Trump and Harris is far more significant there are greater spiritual realities at play ones that will shape our world and our faith in profound ways throughout
history and scripture a profound truth emerges about the forces driving Humanity's Relentless pursuit of a one world system this isn't just a recent phenomenon it's an ancient desire fued by an invisible hand a malevolent spirit that seeks to unite the world under a single Authority apart from God one of the earliest and most notable examples of Humanity's attempt at centralized control is found in the story of the Tower of Babel detailed in Genesis 11: 1-9 this passage tells us that all of humanity speaking a single language gathered in the land of Shar which is ancient
Mesopotamia modern day Iraq their intention was to build a city and a tower that reaches to the heavens the goal was clear they sought to make a name for themselves and avoid being scattered across the Earth but this ambition directly opposed God's command to Noah and his descendants to fill the Earth this effort was Far More Than Just constructing a city and a tower it symbolized Humanity's Rebellion a unified front against God seeking to assert Independence and establish a centralized authority over all people the phrase make a name for ourselves reveals their desire for power
Fame and self-sufficiency completely apart from God in essence they were saying we don't need God we can do this on our own God seeing their unified defiance intervened he confused their language making it impossible for them to communicate effectively this confusion led to their scattering across the Earth which thwarted their plan for a unified centralized human government this divine intervention serves as a powerful reminder that human efforts to unite under a single Godless Authority will always be met with resistance from God yet the spirit behind this ambition did not die with the Tower of Babel
it persisted and found new expressions throughout history another significant attempt at a one world government is seen in the reign of Nebuchadnezzar the king of babyon who ruled from 605 to 562 BC Nebuchadnezzar's Empire was one of the greatest in the ancient world he is depicted in the Bible as a powerful ruler who sought to establish absolute authority over the Nations he conquered in the Book of Daniel we see Nebuchadnezzar erecting a golden statue demanding that all people in his kingdom Bow Down and Worship it this act was not just about idolatry it was an
attempt to unify his empire under a single religious and political system consolidating his power as a Godlike figure Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon was more than just a kingdom it was a symbol of human Pride arrogance and the desire for global domination it foreshadowed the final attempt at World control prophesied in the Book of Revelation where global system will rise demanding Allegiance and worship much like Nebuchadnezzar's statue this foreshadowing points to the reality that the spirit of Babylon is not just a thing of the past it is an ongoing attempt by the forces of Darkness to establish a
one world government that defies God when we examine history it becomes apparent that there has been an invisible hand pushing the world toward this one world system of control this is not just a series of coincidental events it is a coordinated effort by spiritual forces to shape the course of human history empires have risen and Fallen each with leaders who sought to expand their influence and authority over the entire Known World from Alexander the Great who wept because there were no more worlds to conquer to the Roman Empire which sought to unify the world under
its rule the ambition for a single centralized Authority has been a recurring theme in each of these Empires we see the same pattern a leader or a group of leaders driven by an insatiable desire for power wealth and control often at the expense of individual freedoms and National sovereignty this pursuit of domination has not been limited to military conquest it is also manifested in political manipulation economic control and ideological persuasion each of these efforts represents the spirit of the Antichrist working behind the scenes subtly guiding the actions of rulers and nations in more recent history
we see this desire manifest in different forms the rise of colonial empires totalitarian regimes and even ideological movements all Echo this ancient ambition whether through military conquest political manipulation or ideological persuasion the goal has been the same to bring the world under one Dominion the 20th century alone witnessed two world wars both of which were driven by the Ambitions of leaders seeking Global dominance the aftermath of these wars saw the formation of international bodies like the League of Nations and later the United Nations organizations that were intended to promote peace but also have the potential
to consolidate Global power the Cold War era was another Battleground for ideological control with the world split between two superpowers each seeking to impose its own vision of Global Order in our current ERA the concept of globalization has further Advanced the agenda of one world control through economic interdependence global trade agreements and mult multinational corporations the world is more connected than ever before however this interconnectedness also makes it easier for centralized control to be implemented policies and decisions made in one part of the world can have immediate and far-reaching effects on the rest of the
globe the drive toward a cashless Society digital identification systems and Global Health initiatives are all signs of the increasing push toward a unified system that could easily be co-opted for the purposes of control this invisible hand is not just a metaphor it is the spirit of the Antichrist at work in the world the Bible tells us that the spirit of the Antichrist is already present and it seeks to prepare the way for the ultimate manifestation of the Antichrist a figure who will attempt to rule the world demanding Allegiance and worship from all people in 1
John 4 3 we read but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world today we are witnessing this push toward One World control like never before in our generation technological advancements Global Communication and interconnected economies have made the idea of a unified World more feasible than ever the Advent of the internet social media and artificial intelligence has created a global village where information travels instantly and decisions can be coordinated on a global
scale what was once a slow March towards centralized control has now become a Sprint moreover we are seeing an unprecedented push for digital identities cashless transactions and the centralization of financial Systems cryptocurrency and blockchain Technology while Innovative also have the potential to be used for tracking and controlling individuals Financial activities the concept of a universal basic income tied to digital currencies is being discussed as a way to provide economic stability however it also opens the door to control over how and where money is spent imagine a scenario where your ability to buy or sell could
be restricted based on your compliance with certain societal Norms or government mandates this is not far-fetched it is a direct Pathway to the reality described in Revelation 13 we see these Trends converging in ways that align with the Prophecies of Revelation 13 where a global government will emerge demanding Allegiance and worship from all people Revelation 13: 7 to8 warns us of a beast that will have authority over every tribe people language and nation and that all inhabitants of the earth will worship it this Beast will control buying and selling dictating who can participate in the
Economy based on their allegiance to the system these developments are not happening in a vacuum they are part of a larger spiritual battle that is unfolding before our eyes the spirit of the Antichrist is working over time to prepare the way for the ultimate deception and we must be vigilant as Believers we must recognize the signs of the times and understand that these moves toward One World control are not merely political or economic they are deeply spiritual the ancient Spirit pushing the world toward One World control is the spirit of the Antichrist this Spirit opposes
everything of God seeking to replace God's order with its own counterfeit the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 2 7 for the secret power of lawlessness is already at work but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way this power of lawlessness is the driving force behind the moves we see towards Global governance and control the spirit of the Antichrist operates through deception manipulation and control it is subtle often appearing as an angel of Light offering solutions to the world's problems that seem reasonable
and beneficial on the surface however these Solutions come with strings attached strings that lead to Greater control loss of freedom and ultimately allegiance to A system that stands in direct opposition to God this spirit is not just confined to political or economic Realms it permeates every aspect of society it influences media entertainment education and even religious institutions we see its fingerprints in the push for moral relativism where truth is subjective and can be molded to fit the desires of the individual rather than conforming to the absolute truth of God's word we see it in the
erosion of Traditional Values and the redefinition of family and morality all of these shifts are part of a broader strategy to undermine the foundations of God's order and replace it with a human- centered Godless system the Antichrist agenda is ultimately about worship it is not enough for him to control economies governments and Society he seeks the hearts and minds of people Revelation 13 tells us that the Beast will demand worship from all who dwell on the earth this is the ultimate Act of rebellion against God Humanity worshiping the creation rather than the Creator the Antichrist
will present himself as the savior of the world offering peace prosperity and security but it will come at the cost of complete submission to his authority nothing just happens by chance the global events you are witnessing the decisions being made by world leaders and the shifts in societal Norms are not random they are influenced by Spiritual Beings principalities and powers that are orchestrating a grand design to bring the world under a unified Godless system this is why the Bible tells us in Ephesians 612 that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers
authorities the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly Realms we are in the midst of a spiritual battle that is intensifying as as we approach the End of the Age the enemy knows that his time is short and he is pulling out all the stops to deceive divide and Destroy This is not a time for complacency it is a time for Spiritual alertness we must be aware of the enemy's schemes and stand firm in the truth of God's word as followers of Christ Our response to this reality must
be rooted in faith discernment and vigilance we are called to be aware of the times we are living in and to understand that the enemy is actively working to establish his kingdom om on Earth but we must also remember that our hope is not in this world or its systems our hope is in the kingdom of God which is eternal and unshakable in Matthew 24: 4 to5 Jesus warned his disciples watch out that no one deceives you for many will come in my name claiming I am the Messiah and will deceive many deception is one
of the key tactics of the spirit of the Antichrist this is why it is so important for us to be grounded in the truth of God's word word to be led by the Holy Spirit and to have a strong relationship with Jesus Christ only then can we stand firm against the schemes of the enemy standing firm in Christ means more than just resisting the external pressures of the world it means fortifying our inner lives with the truth of God's word we must be diligent in our study of scripture not just as a religious duty but
as a Lifeline to Divine wisdom and guidance the Bible is our sword in spiritual warfare and we must wield its skill skillfully against the lies and deceptions of the enemy in a world where truth is often distorted God's word Remains the unchanging standard by which we can discern right from wrong in conclusion the ancient demon behind One World control is not a new force it is the same spirit that has been at work since the beginning of time seeking to unite Humanity under a Godless Authority from the Tower of Babel to Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon and throughout
history this Spirit has sought to bring the world World under its control today we are witnessing the acceleration of this agenda as the world moves closer to the Fulfillment of Revelation 13 but we must remember that God is still in control he has a plan and a purpose for his people and he has given us the tools we need to stand firm in these times as we see the signs of the times unfolding let us be vigilant prayerful and committed to following Christ let us not be swayed by the pressures of the world but stand
firm in the truth truth knowing that our God is with us and he will never leave us nor forsake us
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