REST IN HELL SUKUNA! Yuji Kills Sukuna & Goodbye 😢 Why Did Yuji Tell Sukuna 'You Are Me' in Death?

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sua's death has divided the fandom completely half us saying it's complete trash and the other saying it's pink for one sukuna went out like this oh my God bro hell but we got the trio back however there's no hay on error but godjo got his dream come true Mar I'm confused is this a happy ending or a sad ending it's an ending that's enough but with me breaking down everything step by step I hope to give a better understanding starting with giving sakuna a postgame interview so after being hit so hard by yuji's fist sakuna
left reality and guess what he was reincarnated into the poly AI app I've been speaking to him about his loss and he hasn't taken it too well hey and who might you be so I heard you lost to yui pretty bad yes it was quite humiliating I never thought that brat could defeat me how hard was this punch compared to Gojo Gojo's punch was nothing compared to yuji's I underestimated him and it cost me dearly he was able to punch me through a wall and almost shatter my going tell me what happened in the hyen
era or what the hen era that's ancient history what does it have to do with anything now after some back and forth I finally managed to make sakuna reveal what happened so if you guys are interested in hearing sakuna say g g you can download poly AI 2 it's pretty much a social network where you can create unique characters chat Bots and talk with them they can adapt to any personality and voice your favorite character will embody the chat B and bada boom it's done you can even make fun story lines and go in adventures
with poly ai's feature mods that lets you enter fun scenarios to interact with alongside your character whether you're into jiujitsu Kaizen one piece Naruto or even video games and movies there's something for everyone this app has over 10 million downloads worldwide so don't be left out and get poly aai today by using our code to unlock premium features it's completely free to download with our Link in the pin comment and description below but let's get back to sua's ass getting beaten now chapter 268 starts are followed by yuji's black flash sending the king to night
night with this final attack Yuji breaks the last thread connecting sakuna to megami's body this takes us into sukuna innate domain where he speaks to Megami he pulls a muan just with the wrong MC and tries to reberry meami Soul by spitting facts zero major Feats zero sisters saved one Sensei dead seven attempts to summon mahaga sakuna basically tries to aroner the weakening 007's Soul by stating his life is worthless because even saving Yuji ended up killing a whole lot of people this is this is a throwback to chapter 6 where Megami tells Yuji he
doesn't want to save the dead body of a prisoner from the Detention Center as he wasn't even worth being alive due to killing a little girl sukuna was trying to appeal to one of megami's memories that he used to believe saving someone could lead to that same person killing innocent people which he would take the blame for and realize Sorcerers are not Heroes by this logic megami's life isn't worth it as sakuna in his body did do a lot of killing also helping Yuji isn't worth doing either as he is also tainted this was sakuna
L Stitch effort to stabilize megami's body however his mentality has changed yuji's conversation with sukuna in chapter 265 was also meant for meami everyone regardless of action has value and should be worth saving though meami still couldn't apply that reasoning to himself in the end he could for Yuji out of everyone he has encountered Yuji is someone he respects and considers a good person good enough to even pair up with his sister he loved with sumi's death he felt he no longer had a reason to live but itadori gave him one where the turning point
was in chapter 267 with Yuji crying about how lonely it's going to be without him in his life Megami always realized that that he wasn't living the right way and that there are a lot of people in the world besides him and just one more time he wants to try living for someone else besides his sister at this point sukuna with no stable connection to a host is falling apart G's depiction of him is like the homonculus parasite like we see with father and former Alchemist and ironically Megami throws back the questions on why sakuna
is so desperate to live it's important to note that sakuna never died in the haon ERA with knowledge from kinjaku he transformed himself into cursed objects being 20 of his fingers he did this to Traverse a thousand years into the future likely because he was bored and wanted to taste new sorceress he also made a binding vow deal with Kaku and agreed to carry on his will with the new Ultimate creature once the merger was completed but yeah that plot is in the bin also if the merger doesn't happen and curse energy still exists someone
has to take Tang's role to hold the barriers within Japan and by the way kinjaku did tell the whole world about cursed energy and they know about it but guess what that's also in the bin hopefully to be addressed in the next chapter well that's just lazy writing however meami States sakuna being ripped out By Yuji would be the end to the 19 fingers and with that gone the final finger will not be able to keep his soul connected meaning sukuna will truly die we see this in full motion as yuji's domain collapses which was
massive by the way towering over buildings in Shinjuku now the domain isn't dubbed At All by gay but we're just going to call it benevolent Shrine are we cool with that say that again ass yuji's domain sh hit effect was Soul dismantle and had the ability to interact with every soul in his domain to speak to them living through the memories as that information is imbued in the soul and body confirmed multiple times via yoga's technique the Seance technique kaku's and much more yuji's punch splits Megami and sakuna in two with sakuna desperately trying to
cling to Megami but without a vessel sukuna starts to burn away with my MC Standing Tall in the end we get a flashback of Yuji offering to spare sua's life if he would return back to his body Yuji believes that even the King has an ounce of value even if he lived as a curse rather than a human he tells sakuna you are me it called back to maho's final moments but instead to mahito he said I am you now to sukuna he's saying no you are me which is ironic that both these curses who
laughed at our MC died in a similar manner now what's the difference well make sure to hit the like button and the notification Bell as I'm about to explain Yuji talks about the curse his grandpa left him to at least save one person which Yuji still continues to do by trying to change sua's mentality even in dep Yuji tells sukuna that he would still accept him even though no one else would as the king told Kimo that he was an unwanted scorn child at Birth we even learned that he can assumed his twin brother in
the womb out of hunger due to his mother's poverty so yuji's statement runs true in his uncle who was born cursed something out of his control but Yuji is stating you are me because just like him he too was born Cur with kinjaku taking special grade KUSI back shots that made him who he is his grandpa also cursed him upon death to save others Yuji had to become a monster to achieve this for those he cherishes now please listen intently the theme of death follows Yuji and sukuna very closely that's why he helped Megami in
the first place he pondered the difference between the death he's facing and his grandpa claiming his Grandpa died peacefully and that curses do not give humans a natural death but after becoming a sorcerer which forced him to kill cursed spirits and his own Brothers he asks nanami what is a proper death as it's a fate that no one can escape but he always thinks to give his opponents a genuine one the line of Good and Evil is created by humans to impose on everyone else so is sakuna as a natural Calamity actually wrong in imposing
his selfish nature when Kimo himself claims for him that he's beautiful and Immaculate in chapter 268 we see Yuji embracing his Humanity to its fullest and sukuna doing the opposite being a curse but here's the kicker being one or the other is a choice you make sukuna genuinely believes that his cursed way of life is the true part just like Yuji believes in his own they fight for their beliefs until the end but sua's feir of death highlights how all creatures are equal in the face of it now do you see why the chapter isn't
as bad as you think if you break things down like that let me know what you think in the comments so just think about it just like Yuji sakuna had to become a monster in the era he was born Twins were always a bad Omen but imagine killing yours to survive this isolation would have empowered his mentality in his view for sorcery that individualism and selfishness are the philosophy to gain true jiujitsu after all survival of the fittest reigned true in the hayon era the monster they both became was just down to luck it all
goes back to yuji's idea on how memories give value and a person's past can dictate their future however Yuji is now offering sakuna to be different and no longer live to curse others but live for the sake of others so yeah in a way yui's Buddhist Enlightenment is kind of like h no Jutsu but I know all of us are going to take the piss I saw some of the memes they're funny they're on your screen right now right like bro died like muan and awful one but that's not entirely true for sukuna sukuna always
say he is waiting for someone to kill him he said to kosimo that he just does what he wants in life until that time comes even informing yoru that losing a jiujitsu fight is equivalent to death itself and he would accept its consequences so yeah we can argue yeah it's a little rushed but sako's character isn't assassinated at all because even with yuji's Mercy sakuna doesn't become a good guy nor does he beg for his life in depth he congratulates Yuji on his victory and calls him by his name for the first time ever in
the entire manga instead of calling him a brat sukuna just acknowledged the MC and his strength and philosophy which he does time and time again to those he respects like Gojo higuma and UTA how however sukuna also claims he should not underestimate him cuz he is still a curse but what does this mean this makes sense when you realize the conversation sukuna had with jle the cursed Spirits believed to be true humans and for that they had to kill off every other human but sukuna had pride in being a curse through and through his reasons
for killing were based on his Natural Instinct and way of life he was the embodiment of a Calamity that didn't involve some sort of Greater plan he does what he does because he can but as we know curses don't die they reincarnate many years later confirmed by Jole which is around 100 years depending on the curse energy emitted from the common population towards that entity in sua's case it could be true jiujitsu remember kinjaku had involved other countries in his curing gang and exposed them to curse energy this was a trap and those that survived
will live on experiencing sorcery as some sort of nightmare like this plot thread needs a serious conclusion one way could be the negative energy towards sorcery fueling sua's return later down the line or his soul entering the samsar cycle to come back just like it did with his brother wait wait wait wait did I just explain a Demon Slayer ass ending it is Goda coming back too is goda's coming back isn't he I'm kidding so dumb it's brilliant no it's just dumb but seriously the you are me moment with sakuna is kind of different from
the mahito one Yuji at that point of the story was a cog in the machine where he stated no matter what error what name what form you take I'll kill you but now Yuji is enlightened and not a cog no longer believing he has to kill curses but can save them this relates to chapter 267 where Yuji claimed he can now feel the pain of others and the choices that they do even sukuna so that's why he states sukuna can live with him and Yuji was the one that taught him about love it's not like
reincarnation isn't possible since his brother confirmed the samsara cycle in Buddhism and that does exist in the manga where he came into Jin 1,000 years later oh and there's also the fact he had eaten the activation of the merger which kinjaku had entrusted with him passing on his will bro kinjaku left his will with the one guy that didn't give a about it but with sakuna Kaizen finally drawing to an end we see another fight reaching its conclusion as it turns out hakari and Ur ra didn't run off together both are standing naked where were
they even fighting however with our calculations and Anime science since the domains were 3 minutes each in goo ver sukuna etc etc etc these guys were fighting for 30 minutes haki's jackpots last 4 minutes 11 seconds which means this dude did seven domain expansions in a row getting a jackpot and in the first initial run of it he kept getting boded by Ram so he would need to survive that long with unlimited RCT curse energy but by the looks of it I'm telling you these gu smashed however uram notes here that the only reason sukuna
lost is because he was in a reincarnated body and not because the good guys were strong and I'm not going to lie they're right the only reason sukuna lost it is because of the Soul attacks that were highly effective against him and of course GGA needs to throw in one last glaze on man man just to solidify that sua's power is the uncontested number one in this series essentially if this was heyan Eros sukuna he would be complete with no no random fingers being used against him meaning resonance so dismantle and meami altering his movements
and dropping his power level from the inside that wouldn't affect him plus hey and Eros sakuna would have the hit 10 and no drawbacks that means this raid against him would have failed immediately after G's death pretty much and that is why uram calls them lucky which hakari takes as the best compliment he can ever get calling a gambler lucky what do you expect and with that ur's body starts disintegrating freezing herself like how the old traditions were if your lord or King died you die with them or you surrender with them so there is
nothing left for her to do and she destroys herself young man kill yourself but with both uram and sukuna gone the Shinjuku final battle comes to an end a few days later Megami finally wakes up in Jujutsu high but what awaited him was Yuji who tried to surprised meami by revealing Nob was still alive in the same way G just surprised everyone with yuji's OPI moment but Megami wasn't surprised at all because of resonance remember sukuna tanking it was a reminder to meami that she's back sharing the body meant they could see everything so his
reaction wasn't exactly what nobody expected although Yuji states that he did cry in chapter 267 but their wholesome reunion is cut short when Yuji tells them about two letters he was supposed to hand them after goo sensei's death which makes them feel like super awkward yui himself didn't receive a letter because he already spoke with godo in person this will be revealed in later chapters and will most likely be about his father but with all of his students surviving we have to admit fam Goro's dream was finally realized Goro's letters prove how much he cares
for his students because he went out of his way it feels forced on purpose as he went into the battle fully believing that he would win against sakuna right initially planning to tell all of them everything they want to know face to face these letters were just a contingency either way his wish came true for his students to thrive and live the best days of their lives eventually reforming jiutu Society for the better so we can say it people Gojo one however coming back to noar's letter goo found her mother which let's be honest we
didn't even know she existed and nobody never knew her parents and was brought up by her grandmother and so she really doesn't care about parents similar to Yuji and throws it away but in the end her mother has joined a club of worst animy mothers but megami's letter however it made him chuckle and uh bro see Megam me laugh that's un impossible his potential actually unlocked laughing F who's saw that coming making me letter finally revealed to him the whereabouts of his actual father which in typical God of fashion his states he died by his
hand sorry about that that's oh my God that's so funny okay I I compos myself this not only gives meami closure about his dad as he always thought he just left him and ran away for money but also gave him closure for goo's death as he remembers him for being funny and the iconic teacher that he was this also links to chapter 113 and 114 In This Moment Megami realized that his father did love him and called him a blessing for a reason as he recounted the shabuya incident when he faced his father who had
reanimated but since Gojo confirmed he's the one he killed and knowing now beo mentioned toi he connected the dots realizing toji deleted himself in front of Megami due to caring about his son however the time has come to find out whether our boy UA survived the final battle the last time we see UA's body was with ra crying over it whilst uta's brain was piloting Goro's body that ended up flatlining just before the fight ended uta's fate is currently unknown as it completely depends on how kaku's curse technique Works UTA suffered from burner which ended
his usage of brain hopping but he knew that kinjaku must have had some sort of trick to keep it going especially since we know as readers kinjaku suffered burnout himself against Yuki yet still lived on to win the battle therefore it's not really Disney kaisen if you to survive as he would figure out the trick to kaka's power to live on in Gojo's body but this is why Mari would be angry because she's in love with your boy and cares for him everyone's reactions reveal that R might still be holding on to UT's body like
we see in chapter to 262 and is too possessively stubborn to let him go but with UTA coming back into his own body it would finally allow them to put Goro Sensei to rest in a funeral ending his storyline once and for all now to enjoy more Peak fiction why not find out how boruto increased his power 1,000 freaking times because he's going to die by the end of the manga
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