Jim Rohn - Discipline is Everything - Best Motivational Speech Video

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#jimrohn #jimrohnmotivation #personaldevelopment #BestMotivationalSpeech 🔔 Video : Jim Rohn - Disc...
Video Transcript:
here's how to really cash in on this year get serious life is serious we're here to instruct we're here to grow we're here to learn we're here to get the best we possibly can serious life is serious the future is serious how come such a difference from those who can reach such incredible Heights and those who haven't yet found the answers for their life and their health and their future we just have to ponder that and let that give us a note of seriousness a note of seriousness it's serious what whether you win or lose
it's serious whether you succeed or fail it's serious whether you've got a good future carved out for yourself or you do not have and I'm asking you to take it serious take your own future serious what you can do for your family take it serious this is serious business so that's the first thing I want to bring to you to have the best year ever this year get serious you know study learn grow change develop never let it be said you didn't learn right if you want to solve your problems you got to learn if
you want to take advantage of an opportunity you got to learn we can't come here and just give you the marketing plan give you the product send you home we got to stay for a while learn stay for a while put on those cassettes and stay for a while learn from your own experience right so the call didn't go well all the stuff guess what they did when they finished that call they made another call what else could we do to make it better how could we possibly improve this is called the possibility for life
change starts with education don't be lazy in learning don't be lazy in picking up the ideas don't be lazy in learning from your own experience that's why you've heard from some people that have shared their testimonial here and given you some of their ideas Ways and Means learning is the beginning of wealth learning is the beginning of Life change do some learning take it back home to have your best year ever make your dreams come true get smart a few simple disciplines practice every day and you've started a whole new process called a whole new
life and if you keep up that process not only with your health habits but with your money habits and with your communication habits with your sales habits and management habits and every other habit that you've got if you'll start that process eliminate the errors and replace it with disciplines practiced I'm telling you you can start this process of life change immediately after today you don't ever have to be the same again only by choice errors and judgment do few simple disciplines Wealth Beyond imagination let the miracle of everything that's available work for you and start
working on the inside work on your philosophy work on your attitude work on your personality work on your language work on the gift of communication work on all of your abilities and if you'll start making those personal changes I'm telling you everything will change for you work on yourself then you bring more value to the partnership to the marriage to the franchise to the corporation to the Enterprise to the community to the nation self development personal development the best contribution you can make to someone else is self-development not Hasty if it isn't required but don't
lose much time here's the time to act when the idea is hot and the emotion is strong that's the time to act don't use the excuses they use it's called the language of the poor switch gears switch language switch ideas switch strategy start with the simplest of disciplines and don't be mean any of these disciplines the smallest of disciplines starts the process of life change and if you'll invest in this thing called discipline you can have whatever you wish it's called the beginning of a miracle if you will get better everything will get better for
you what a clear message that was for me he said if you'll change your philosophy if you'll change your habits if you'll refine your thinking if you'll change and accept some new disciplines if you'll turn the corner where you've been in the past go for a new life for the future he said all kinds of remarkable things will happen for you if you will change here's what we must learn to do I didn't go to work to try to change circumstances I went to work to try to change myself and I picked up that promise
my teacher shared with me that if I would change my income would change if I would change my bank account would change if I would change my future would change and sure enough his promise came true for me you know the companies were about the same what they paid was the same same circumstances around me were the same you know my negative relatives were the same but I was not the same that's how my life changed things started working for me changing my life all those years ago we don't have to change what's going on
out there that's the wind that's blowing all we have to do is change what's going on in here and now there's several ways to do that the first subject he called personal development we must learn from personal experience pretty simple learn from what happens to you take a look back over the last few months did you make some mistakes how could you correct those for the future take a look back over the last year have you done it right or done it wrong let's correct it for the next year Mr scha asked me when I
first met him he said mrr R how are you doing you've been out there now 6 years and I said I'm not doing very well he said I suggest you not do that anymore what a simple Swift an Anis to my situation he said if you keep doing it the next 6 years will be like the last six you don't want that to happen let's make the changes so learn from your personal experience second other people's experiences that's me other people that's your teacher that's your friends and colleagues the people you meet that can pass
along to you their experiences what's happened to them the mistakes they made how they corrected them how they changed their health and changed their bank account and change their income and change their future other people now there's two kinds of people to learn from one is failures it's too bad failures don't give seminars right that would be valuable have them tell you how they lost it all and threw it all away threw their health away and threw their friendships away and things didn't work out well that would be valuable but now then we must also
learn from positive people that have done well they've got the health and so we asked them how did you become so healthy they've got the skills so we ask them how did you become this skillful they've got the income so we ask them how did you get here in such a short period of time so now here's what's important in personal development in learning from other people we learn number one by observation we learn what we see we watch people that are successful in what they do in sports we watch their disciplines in business we
watch their disciplines second we learn by what we hear learn by listening and then listen to the sermon on Sunday morning listen to the lectures listen to the teacher listen to someone who's got something good to say and then number three is vitally important on personal development and that is read all the books all the books you can possibly read in your lifetime Mr scha got me started on my library I've got one of the better libraries and then I started keeping a journal one of the major things my teacher taught me was to keep
a journal he said said don't trust your memory if you hear something good just make a little note and write it down so I would suggest you do the same things that impress you a poem that impresses you when you attend a class some of the ideas that impress you jot them down you read something in a magazine right some ideas take those out put them in your Journal keep a good journal the rest of your life this will serve you well so I want the same thing to happen to you value captured that you
can resort to later go back back over it and review it and let it become valuable to you work harder on yourself than you do on your job develop the skills learn the lessons take the classes absorb all that is being taught to you these days and then later on of course you can sort it out what's valuable to you and how to refine it for your business and for your life and for your future but the main thing is to get it and start this process of personal change now let's cover the second setting
goals we need to take a look into the future there are four things to consider in terms of attitude one is how you feel about the past best advice I can give you on that is treat the past as a school let it teach you the mistakes you've made the things that went wrong the things that didn't work don't use the past as a burden to carry and don't use the past as a club to beat yourself to death past losses past failures past mistakes but let the past be a school tough school maybe we've
all been through some tough stuff so if you feel good about the past draw from it for experience and let it teach you then next is how you feel about the future we've got to have the future welld designed the future is called The Promise the promise of the future can be an awesome Force designing the future there's two ways to face the future one is with apprehension and the other is with anticipation I promise you in my travels around the world most people face the future with apprehension and here's why they don't have it
welld designed they've sort of left that up to someone else to fix but here's the best way to face the future with anticipation you can face the future with anticipation if the future is clear if the future is well designed in setting goals it's very simple number one decide what you want you just take a little time you sit down and say what do I want what kind of skills do I want want what kind of income do I want for the future where would I like to go places I'd like to visit habits I'd
like to acquire skills I'd like to have economics friendships people you'd like to meet when you've thought about what you want for the future make a list if the future gets clear the price gets easier because you got to remember for every promise there's a price to pay everybody's got to pay the price everybody's got to do the deal everybody's got to do the disciplines but here's what I've discovered if the promise is clear and Powerful the price is easy to pay the price is some classes the price is a few books the price is
a few disciplines the price is finding something that'll make your life better make you grow make you change make you develop so the first part of the key is to design the promise then what is the price to pay I'm telling you the price will be easy if you'll make the promise of the future clear for yourself all of the values of life that you could possibly want and be serious about it I promise you it's an easy price to pay anybody can pay it and the best advice I can give you is if I
can do it you can do it start setting your goals and see if you can't get a better excitement going for the things you want to accomplish for the future one of the major reasons for setting goals is for what they make of you in achieving it my teacher advised me when I first got started at age 25 he said Jim why don't you set a goal to become a millionaire I'm here to help you and he said here's why for what it will make of you to achieve it set the kind of goals that
will make something of you to achieve it so part of the key here is to set the kind of goals that will make something of you don't set them too low so that you don't have to grow grow and you don't have to read and you don't have to try and you don't have to stretch don't set them too low and then don't sell out don't go for something that's going to cost you your virtue or cost you your values or sell out your principles there's a good Middle Road here to follow goals that will
inspire goals that will help you grow change develop and become better than you so if you want something to pull you through all kinds of challenges all kinds of difficulties and things that come at you you got to have something on out there Beyond Today Beyond next week Beyond next month Beyond this year that pulls you into the future and the clearer it is the stronger it pulls the more Dynamic it is the more it affects your life your spirit your heart your soul it also creates imagination it gets your mind working on how to
achieve that purpose and if your mind will work and if your heart works and if your spirit works and if you have good input like good ideas I'm telling you there isn't anything you can't accomplish ideas gather dust you know they don't produce at all by themselves it's like philosophy is not the end philosophy is the beginning philosophy must be invested when I talked about philosophy attitude and disciplines they must be invested and if you invest philosophy and attitude in disciplines then they produce results here's a good phrase wisdom uninvested in labor is wasted attitude
even the highest of attitude which is faith faith uninvested is wasted produces nothing so the name of the game is not Faith the name of the game is not philosophy the name of the game is to put Faith and philosophy into activity so that it starts making progress turning nothing into something let me give you that formula while I'm on it here turning nothing into something how do you do that how do you turn nothing into something here's how you start there's three steps to it number one imagination and try to imagine yourself in those
new worthwhile unique positions so imagination starts to change everything now imagination is not tangible but it is almost real almost real it's not real but it's almost real but it's hard to say that imagination is nothing but it's nothing in terms of tangible it's not it's not tangible yet and you always have to say yet imagination is not tangible yet but it is the beginning of turning nothing into something it's the beginning of turning nothing into reality imagination imagination is the ability to see things that don't yet [Music] exist imagination is real in the sense
that it affects it'll affect your behavior it'll affect your enthusiasm it'll affect your emotions it's real in that sense but it's not real in the tangible sense next is Faith to believe that what you imagine is possible how would we start to strengthen our belief in that what we imagine is possible to turn it into reality and there's two or three ways one is to believe your own testimony if you've done it before why couldn't you do it again if you've done it once couldn't you do it the second time why not believe in your
own testimonial if I did it before I can do it again and that's what's important about personal development you can lose the money but not the skill so who cares about the money it's like sales a skill is more valuable than a sale someone sometimes a salesp person says I need a sale said no you need a skill sales are temporary skills are permanent Now we move to Faith to believe that what we imagine is possible so we study our own testimonial if we' done it before we can do it again here's what else we
study other testimonials of somebody who did it somebody that built a hotel said yes I started with some plans and finally believed it was possible and here it is say well if it's possible possible for one it's possible for another in fact sometimes when we hear the testimonial here's how they finish if I can do it you can do it see That's a classic testimonial that gives us now what we call Faith and one of the ancient wise writers said faith is generated by what we hear the vocabulary of what we hear the vocabulary of
what we read that generates Faith to believe that it's possible now Faith is not reality you can't say faith is nothing because it affects it's like radiation to us it's nothing because it can't be seen right you can't see it but it has an incredible effect and that's true of faith faith can't be seen right with the natural eye it can't be seen but it has an incredible effect on your attitude on your behavior on your discipline on your work for the day and all the rest here's what one writer described faith faith is a
substance a substance of Hope now it's it's it's not a substance like a brick being a piece of the hotel but it's almost it's so close it's substance and it the writer also said it's so close it's evidence now not evidence you can see but tangible evidence that's just as real as all of our human experiences that can't be touched can't be seen it's called the Unseen magic language is the Unseen magic it can't be seen the words can't be seen as they're transmitted from the speaker to the one who listens but it can have
a profound effect that means it's more than nothing language is more than nothing but to create something out of nothing we start with ination then we move to Faith which believes it's possible which is almost real but now here's what we do with faith and Imagination we deposit it in disciplines and activity because faith without the activity serves no useful purpose imagination without the activity to translate it into reality serves no purpose but wisdom and Faith deposited in activity creates reality the reality of a career the reality of a hotel that wasn't there now here's
all you got to do is to turn that around a few simple disciplines practiced every day a few simple disciplines practiced every day starts to create success not at the end of the first day the first day is the end of a new beginning every new discipline affects the rest every new discipline makes a difference that's why action is so important the smallest action the least action the action that you won't think will matter it all matters take it because when you start accomplishing and the value starts to return you'll find inspiration to do the
next one and the next one and the next one but for this whole process to work for us we must first Master the art of discipline self-discipline consistent self-discipline it doesn't really matter how smart you are or how much you know if you don't use it it doesn't really matter that you graduated Magnum Ludi if you're stuck in a low-paying job it doesn't really matter if you attended every seminar that comes to town if you don't apply what you've learned better than knowledge is applied knowledge and once we've appli applied our knowledge we must study
the results of that process apply our knowledge study the results refine our approach finally by trying and observing and refining and trying again our knowledge will inevitably produce worthy results admirable results and with the joy and results of our efforts we continue to apply to learn to observe to fuel our ambition with the positive reinforcement of continued progress pretty soon we'll find that we're swept into a spiral of achievement a vertical rise to success it takes consistent self-discipline to master the art of setting goals to master the art of time management to master the art
of leadership to master the art of parenting and relationships if we don't make consistent self-discipline part of our daily lives the results we seek will be sporadic and Elusive it takes a consistent effort to truly manage our valuable time or we'll be consistently frustrated our time will be eaten up by others whose demands are stronger than our own it takes discipline to conquer the nagging voices in our minds the fear of failure the fear of success the fear of poverty the fear of a broken heart it takes discipline to keep trying when that nagging voice
within us brings up the possibility of failure it takes discipline to admit our errors and recognize our limitations the voice of the human ego speaks to all of us sometimes the voice of ego says that we should magnify our value beyond our results it leads us to exaggerate to not be totally honest it takes discipline to be totally honest both with ourselves and with others it takes discipline to change a habit because habits are formed a little bit each day every day every day once habits are formed they act like a giant cable they act
like a nearly unbreakable Instinct that only long-term disciplined activity can change you just got to go home and make a list after today and here's the question to ask as you make this personal list what am I not doing that would be easy to do that could greatly change my health my wealth what am I not doing I'm neglecting that would be easy to do just go home and answer that question personally you don't have to put the answers on a public bulletin board this is just all personal stuff but here's how you get a
miracle going for your life number one do what you can get a list of the stuff you could do and you haven't done postponed and start cleaning that up you can't start at a better place for personal change that'll affect your bank account affect your future affect your income affect everything you can't start a better life change process than cleaning up what you should be doing the man says well my mother lives down in Florida should have written her 6 months ago I just can't seem to get that letter written I'm asking you to get
that letter written clean that up and don't walk like other people walk don't postpone like other people postpone you say well is it as simple as writing a letter and the answer is yes where else would you start for life life change personal change now here's the second part of the miracle number one is do what you can here's number two do the best you can if that's not your philosophy I would ask you to amend it let me give you the best of ancient script here's what it says whatever your hands find to do
do it with all your might do it with all your strength and do it with all your power what a good philosophy that kind of philosophy revolutionize your life if you haven't picked it up lately guy slips in late Coman do doesn't seem to mind slips out early first one in the parking lot heading for happy hour stretches his break comes early for lunch late back from lunch company doesn't seem to notice guy says best as I can calculate I'm putting in about a half a day's work and I'm collecting a full day's pay little
does he know the seeds of his own disaster are already being swn by the weakness of his own personal philosophy it's not the economy that's going to determine your next 6 years it's your philosophy about Labor and about activity and about miracle and soil and seed and sunshine and rain and the economy and the banks and the money and the companies and the schools and what's going on it's your philosophy and your attitude and then your ability to take action all of that we call the process of life change Miracle working consistent self-discipline set up
a discipline when the emotions are high and the idea is strong and clear and Powerful that's the time to set up the discipline somebody talks about good health and you're stirred right I need to get a book on nutrition get the book before the idea passes and before before the emotion gets cold go for the book start the library start the process fall on the floor do some push-ups action got to take action otherwise the wisdom is wasted otherwise the emotion soon passes unless you put it into a disciplined activity capture it disciplines is called
how to capture the emotion and how to capture the wisdom and translate into Equity disciplines you start walking around the block it'll inspire you to get an Apple get an Apple it'll inspire you to get a book get a book it'll inspire you to get a journal get a journal it'll inspire you to grow develop some skills all disciplines affect each other every lack affects the rest every new affects the rest the key is to diminish the back and set up the new and You' started a whole new life process also one more thought on
discipline here's the greatest value of discipline self-worth self-esteem people are teaching self-esteem these days but they don't connect it to disciplines the least lack of discipline and it starts to erode our psyche one of the greatest Temptations is to just ease up a little bit right the the the slightest lack of doing your best starts to erode the psyche instead of doing your best doing just a little less than your best sure enough you say well it's just going to affect my sales no it's going to affect your Consciousness it's going to affect your philosophy
now you've begun in the slightest way to affect your own philosophy here's the problem with the least neglect neglect starts as an infection and if you don't take care of it it becomes a disease and one neglect leads to another and the worst of all when neglect starts it diminishes our self-worth our self-confidence our self value you say well how can I get back my self-respect I'm telling you you don't have to go to 29 classes all you have to do is start the smallest discipline that now corresponds to your own philosophy like I should
and I could and I I will no longer will I let neglect stack up on me so that I will have the sorry scenario 6 years from now giving some excuse instead of celebrating my progress that's the key to discipline okay let's get kids involved in the least of disciplines one more and then one more and then another one and then another one and then some more and the first thing you know you're starting to weave the tapestry of a disciplined life into which you can pour more wisdom and more attitude and more strong feeling
more faith and more courage now you've got something a vessel in which to put it and now the equity start to flow and the early return I'm telling you if you'll start this process the early return will have you so excited you'll commit yourself to this strategy for the rest of your life you'll never go back to the old ways join a new crowd join a new group The disciplines to do it take action now here's the other side of discipline if there's considerable time that passes between the moment of a awareness and the time
of our implementation then that is called procrastination procrastination doing it tomorrow instead of today procrastination an almost exact opposite of discipline the voice within us says get it done discipline then says do it now do it to the best of your ability today tomorrow and always until finally the worthy deed becomes instinctive procrastination says later tomorrow whenever I get a chance procrastination also says do what is necessary to get by or to impress others do what you can but not what you must in every circumstance we Face we are constantly presented with these two choices
do it now or do it later discipline and procrastination a choice between a disciplined existence bearing the fruit of achievement and contentment or procrastination the easy life for which the future will bear no fruit only the bare branches of mediocrity the rewards of a disciplined life are great but they're often delayed until sometime in the future the rewards for the lack of discipline are immediate but they are minor in comparison to the immeasurable rewards of con consistent self-discipline an immediate reward for lack of discipline is a fun day at the beach a future reward of
discipline is owning the beach for most we choose today's pleasure rather than tomorrow's Fortune so how can you get rid of the easy distractions how can you keep your mind on what you're trying to do how can you keep an attitude of doing it all and doing it now how can you make the choice of discipline over procrastination how can you stay focused on your Ambitions how can you avoid conversations at the water cooler you can keep your focus on your work you can get it done today instead of tomorrow you've got to really work
on your consistent self-discipline on a daily basis or you'll find yourself distracted distracted by negative thoughts distracted by negative people distracted by water cooler chatter and pretty soon depending on the type of people you've associated with distracted by your doubts within yourself never underestimate the power of influence and associations and never underestimate the power of your own consistent self-discipline now let's take a closer look at discipline at the three steps to becoming disciplined first true discipline discipline is not the easiest option most people would rather sleep until 10:00 than get up at 600 it's easier
to go to bed late sleep late show up late leave early it's easier not to read it's easier to turn on the television than to open a book it's easier to do just enough than to do it all waiting is always easier than acting trying is always easier than doing imagine what life would be like if we didn't have to make our bed in the morning or keep our garage clean or pay our taxes or show up for work tomorrow wouldn't it be fascinating if we didn't have to do these things wouldn't it be fascinating
what do you suppose would become of us you're right not much for whatever the reason the system we live in and contribute to is designed to make the easiest things in life the most unprofitable profitable seems to be the most difficult our world is and always will be a constant battle between the life of ease and its momentary rewards and a life of discipline and its far more significant rewards each has its own price the price of discipline or the price of regret the second lesson of discipline is that it's a full-time activity and we've
said that the best form of discipline is consistent self- discipline you see the discipline that it takes to make your bed every day is the same discipline necessary for success in the world of business the discipline to organize your garage is the same discipline to organize your business all disciplines carry through to affect all parts of our Lives if we're disciplined in just one area and lazy in another guess what pretty soon the lazy side will creep in and destroy the discipline side the bad habits in one area of our life will eventually destroy our
self-discipline in the areas we've been working on consistency cannot be inconsistent discipline is the mind being trained to control Our Lives discipline is a set of Standards which we've selected as a personal code of conduct discipline is imposing on ourselves the requirements for honoring these standards once we've adopted these standards of behavior and conduct we're committed to honor them and if we don't then there can be no disciplined activity here's the third step to becoming consistently self-disciplined number one is realizing that discipline isn't the easiest option number two discipline is a full-time activity day by
day every day and the third step to becoming self-disciplined is really a philosophy that holds one of life's unique promises number three simply says for every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward that's one of life's great Arrangements life is full of laws that both govern and explain behaviors but this may well be the major law we need to understand for every disciplined effort a multi mple reward for every disciplined effort a multiple reward what a concept if you render unique service your reward will be multiplied if you're fair and honest and patient with others
your reward will be multiplied if you give more than you expect to receive your reward is more than you expect but remember the key word here as you might well imagine is discipline everything of value requires care and attention everything of value requires discipline children require discipline they must have a structure built for them they must have boundaries to work within so they feel secure and comfortable to explore and grow they must learn to recognize what's right and what's wrong what's acceptable behavior what's not acceptable children require unwavering discipline consistent discipline or they'll be confused
as to how they're supposed to behave the most valuable form of discipline is the one that you impose on yourself don't wait for things to deteriorate so drastically that someone else must impose discipline into your life wouldn't that be tragic how could you possibly explain the fact that someone else thought more of you than you thought of yourself that they forced you to get up early and get out into the marketplace when you would have been content to let success go to someone else who cared more about themselves your life my life the life of
each one of us is going to serve as either a warning or an example in the end it is your own discipline that acts as the magic Catalyst to give substance and depth to your ambition to achieve your own plans and dreams to have what you want to have and to become what you want to become your consistent self-discipline is the magic Catalyst humans also need words words nourish the Mind words give life words create Insight because there's more than one way to see if we see with our eyes we call that sight but there's
another way to see called Insight that's why we come gather for a couple of days attend the classes go to the training read the books do all the stuff is to develop more insight letting our mind be nourished to think Ponder and wonder and conceive ideas projects purpose give structure to something for the future whether it's better health or better career better future next the Mind needs to be exercised and we talked a bit about that earlier exercise by debate exercise by reading both sides of the debate both sides of the question major life issues
major political issues don't leave yourself out of the great debate one the Mind needs to be nourished by ideas second it needs to be refined and stimulated and exercised by debate we need both sides of the human drama represented the reason why the Bible is such a classic book in studying all kinds of stories is because the Bible is full of Stories on both sides the evil side and the good side the Bible said Old Testament said this King came to power and he was a good King he ruled for 18 years then it says
the next king came to power and he was a bad King and he put up Idols he became the bad King so the it reads good King bad King showing both sides of the human spectrum and drama some stories that we read in the Bible of people to admire others are people to despise in your library you need a book on Gandhi and you need a book on Hitler one book to show you how Noble someone's aspirations can be and the other book to show you how Despicable and how evil someone's goals can be both
sides we study good and evil one we love and one we hate we study illness we study Health someone says well you can't study the negative things you have to study the negative things you have to give voice to and mind to and time to both sides of the issue so that you can strengthen your side of the argument then our personal philosophy needs to be developed so we can see the opportunities on the other side so we can maximize those and for the balance of your life that's going to be the twin challenge in
developing ideas and philosophy and strengthening all of it so that you can avoid the dangers maximize the opportunities because the dangers never go away the dangers to our ship of State called the country the danger to the Enterprise the danger to the corporation dangers always lurk both inside and out dangers lurk on the inside of our own mind the battle of the mind is significant for us every day what to think what not to think my mentor Mr cha said stand guard at the door of your mind and you decide what enters you decide what
to fill up your mind with because it becomes the material with which you build your future so engaging the mind to make rational decisions about life Beware of the thief on the street that's after your purse but also Beware of the thief in your mind that's after your promise thief in your mind that says you're too short you're too tall you've never done it before what makes you think you can do it now it's not going to work for you someone else can find the Book You'll Never Find the book If you found the book
you wouldn't read it if you did read it you wouldn't understand it that's stuff that goes on in our mind so jot down this key phrase that's one of the best for the day whatever you do don't become a victim of yourself as you engage in this debate what to eat what not to eat where to go where not to to go what to say what not to say what to do what not to do make sure that you strengthen the positive side of this argument with yourself so that day by day you become healthier
day by day you become stronger day by day you become wiser day by day you build a better Shield an immunity an inside immunity to ward off disease but an outside immunity to ward off all the negative and all the trash and all the stuff that would not enhance your personal development your promise for the future so this is so important in understanding the Mind feed it we call it food for thought that's what a big share of this whole seminar is all about these three days is providing food to think about thoughts to think
about and then ideas to debate and it's not necessarily what's right or what's wrong but what's better what's best this is okay but this would be better with this yes you can manage but with this you can flourish with this you can exist with this you can live a fantastic life so exercising the mind now to develop the mind you need a good Library let me give you three parts to your library number one is your visual Library Zig and I and others have put things on video so you can see it we ask you
to come here today and see what's going on so part of it comes by visual come and see and then if it's on video you can see it again and again and again key phrase repetition is the mother of learning repetition is where if we hear it again we see something we didn't see when we heard it the first time we see something different that we didn't see the first time next is your Listening Library Zig Ziggler's right turn your car into a mobile classroom you can have a university education in a fairly short period
of time just using the traveling time to listen key phrase is to listen to voices of value discriminate in your listening time listening to someone of reputation someone who has good ideas someone that's been recommended that has some value don't waste your time listening to things that don't count much hey there's some things that are not worth spending the time you know they create more poison than they do benefit so be careful if somebody says to me these eggs are rotten I'm not going to make an omelet and try it I'm going to take their
word for it so feed the Mind exercise the mind and build your library make this note you cannot live on mental candy just like you can't feed your children ice cream all the time and hope that they will be healthy so you cannot live on mental candy someone says well I just read the positive stuff that's not enough and the reason is because you need to know both sides of the issue so start your library like I did age 25 I mentioned in another seminar haven't read everything in my library but I feel smarter just
walking in it right smart enough to buy it now I got to be smart enough to read it all then I got to be smart enough to sort through and decide what's valuable so make that the next part now in part of personal development for the mind you got to sort through what you read what you see and what you hear and decide which of all of that is valuable for you to try and do and master this is where being a student comes in not a follower but a student you read one book on
good health and it says do what this book says you'll live forever you read the next book on health and nutrition it says if you do what that first book says you'll die young so someone says to me Mr R which of these books should I follow jot this down neither one don't be a follower read both books and make up your own mind here's what's important in the final analysis one of the best phrases for the day I make sure what you finally do is the product of your own conclusion make sure what you
finally do is the product of your own conclusion meaning you don't don't just follow but you listen to both sides of the argument you listen to the controversy you try to master the points on both sides or three sides or whatever then you start charting your own course it doesn't make you doesn't say you'll make always the right decision on what course to take or what to do you can refine as you go but make sure that what you do is the product of your own conclusions conclusions from the debate conclusion from what makes the
best sense to you to try now jot this down also give yourself a chance to change some things I held on to that I thought this was it this was it I'm telling you after a while I gave it up found out it wasn't it so give yourself a chance to change refine your philosophy refine your direction if you'll give yourself a chance to do that here's what will happen down the roadways a new door will open that you you haven't discovered before give yourself a chance to change re-evaluate so let your library be a
testimonial of your dedicated interest in accelerated personal development that you will read whatever you have to read you will hear whatever you must hear and you will watch and see whatever you must see in order to make your life refined and worthwhile and achieve all of your purposes it takes a lot of effort to learn takes a lot of effort to grow it takes a lot of effort to decide and debate but jot this down it's all worth the price now it's also very important intellectually to know whether or not you're headed this way or
this way and once you decide 10 years from now I think that the Gathering of my intellectual and personal and spiritual and moral and economic treasure may not be that great the key is to start right now making these changes to walk this new Road but here's what's exciting to me just a few daily disciplines makes a great deal of difference in one year 3 years 5 years just a few daily disciplines and that's what I'd like to talk about in this series just these few daily disciplines that make the difference whether you wind up
here or here good question 10 years from now you will surely arrive the question is where we don't want to kid ourselves about where we don't want to kid ourselves about the road we're walking I had a day shortly after I met Mr scha called do not Kid myself anymore day I don't want to go disillusioned anymore you I was using the cross finger Theory back when I was 25 24 23 I finally decided that the cross finger theory was not going to get me what I wanted that isn't where the treasure lies that I'm
going to have to make sure which of these ways I'm hidden but a few reading disciplines and a few disciplines of mind and a few disciplines of activity and you can make all the difference in the world whether you wind up here or whether you wind up here but just a few changes sometimes we get the idea that we're doing about 10% and there's about 90% more that we need in order to make the difference for our fortune and probably the opposite is true right we're doing enough things to have arrived here today we're doing
enough things to have bought and shared in The Good Life so far and maybe all you needs that extra 5% 10% of intellectual change activity change a refinement of discipline a refinement of thought and all we need is the ideas to make those simple changes and the equity starts gathering in 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years I have a good comment for your notes Now's the Time to fix the next 10 years Now's the Time to fix it now sometimes you have to come to grips with reality and with truth that's what was
good for me when I met Mr scha I was 25 years old he was 44 years old and he brought me a wealth of experience and he started asking me the tough questions big question he said are you reading the books that's going to take you where you want to go in the next 5 years excellent question so you want to make sure I would assume for all of you to get where you want to be in the next 5 years you're either reading the right books or you're not that's kind of a brilliant statement
right you're either engaged in the disciplines or you're not but here's what we don't want to engage in disillusion right hoping without acting you know wishing without doing so the key is to take a look and say Where am I what could I do to make make the changes to make sure that I can take more certain daily steps toward the treasure I want the mental treasure the personal treasure the spiritual treasure the financial treasure I don't want to make any errors Now's the Time to adjust my daily program to take me where I want
to go a good note for you to take we could all use a little coaching when you're playing the game it's sometimes hard to see it all and if you just take a breather take a little time out is what we're doing here in this lecture series take a little time out listen to someone's experience es which is what I want to share with you my experiences my ideas and see if it might cause for you a little moment of Correction so that you can make some changes that'll add up to some extra worth in
the next 1 year 3 years 5 years so ideas I hope you'll find here during this series all kinds of ideas Health ideas Enterprise ideas living the better life ideas and primarily for this series skills of leadership ideas the next key word is inspiration inspiration is a mystery why some people are inspired and some are not who knows what that mystery is some people have this incredible zest for life and an appetite for living well and doing well and others seem to take the hoam attitude let it slide and hopefully it'll work out anyway I
don't know what the difference of that is but it is exciting to watch people who are inspired but I think the key to it all is self motivation self motivation the guy says boy if somebody just come by and turn me on hey what if they don't show up you got to have a better plan for your life personal inspiration drawing emotional Vitality from life and the challenge going for it we all admire that I think my personal advice to you would be unreach down inside of you and come up with some more of those
remarkable human gifts they're there waiting to be utilized and then change anything for you you want to change and I challenge you to do that because you can change let other people lead small lives but not you let everybody else cry over small hurts but not you let everybody else argue over non-essentials but not you deal in things that matter make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion don't just learn how to earn learn how to live and that's what lifestyle is all about learning how to live here's one of the
great challenges of life being happy with what you have while in pursuit of what you want so develop your lifestyle a little more your style of seeing giving sharing enjoying it's not the amount that counts but the experience of choosing to live with style I remember saying to Mr scha one time if I had more money I would be happy and he gave me some of the better words of wisdom when he said to me Mr ran the key to happiness is not more happiness is an art to be studied in practice he said more
money will only make you more of what you already are more will only more quickly send you on to your destination he said if you're inclined to be unhappy if you get a lot of money you will be miserable more money will only make you more more money will only amplify if you're inclined to be mean and you get a lot of money you will be a terror if you are inclined to drink a little too much when you get a lot of money you can now become a drunk so style is not more style
is an art a genius a design lifestyle is reserved for those who are willing to study and practice the higher Arts of life lifestyle is culture music dance art sculpture literature plays concerts lifestyle is a taste of the fine the better the best Mortimer Adler the philosopher says if we don't go for the higher tastes we will settle for the lower ones so develop an appreciation for the fine that is a worthy purpose developing an appetite for the unique things in life study the art and reach for the best to have the best in the
time we have available to us that is the quest remember it's not the amount it's the imagination be somebody that's a good challenge be somebody be somebody wise be somebody strong strength is attractive be somebody kind now consider this some people have plenty of beautiful things filling their days but they get little happiness from them some people have money but they have trouble finding joy in their lives imagine a father wads up a $5 bill and throws it at his son saying here if you need the darn stuff that bad take it same money poor
style and remember it's not the amount that counts it's the style that counts Mr scha taught me lifestyle in those early days starting with small amounts he said imagine that you're getting your shoe shined and and the Sho shine boy has done a fabulous job you have one of the world's alltime great shines so you pay him for the shine now you consider from the change in your hand what kind of tip to give him and the question pops into your mind shall I give him one quarter or two quarters for my neat shine Mr
schul said if two amounts for a tip ever come to your mind always go for the higher amount he said become a two quter person I said what difference would that make one quarter or two quarters he said all the difference in the world if you said well I'll just give him one quarter that will affect you for the rest of the day you will start feeling bad sure enough in the middle of the day you will look down at your great shoe shine and say I've got to be cheap one lousy quarter that will
affect you however if you go for two quarters CH said you can't believe the feeling you can buy for another quarter that's lifestyle becoming a two quter person and learning to get joy from the greater person you are becoming just two modest examples of how easy it is to put style in your life make sure you don't miss out don't miss anything you can enjoy be sure you live your life in style now let me give you a part of life the pull is in the opposite direction and it always is here's what success is
success is learning to move in the opposite direction of the normal negative pull success is just overcoming the normal negative downward Trend cuz I guess that's what life was meant to be overcoming the normal negative downward pull success is moving in the opposite direction life that Springs from the seed really is moving in the opposite direction gravity wants to pull the seed down but sure enough the seed being pulled down by the soil takes root comes to life right comes to life takes root starts to grow and which way does it grow up right it
gets the roots and the nourishment but it grows up it pushes its way Against Gravity it moves up and that's what success is that's what life is of movement in the opposite direction here's something else to think about did you ever hear where the the expression tip came from as in tipping the waiter or waitress in a restaurant Mr schau taught me that it began as a symbol for the phrase to ensure promptness now scha said if a tip is to ensure promptness when should you give it answer upfront see I didn't know that I
said no you have lunch and if you get good service you leave a good tip if you get lousy service no tip and he said to me no no Mr Rome sophisticated people don't take a chance on good service they ensure good service by giving the money upfront I said wow what a way to live I had never thought of that so the next time you have someone special to take to lunch call the waitress over arm around the shoulders and say here's $5 would you take good care of me and my friend cha said
you won't believe what happens they do what's known as hover they hover around your table one last major Point life in style is also Life In Balance make sure you pay attention to all the values and dimensions of your life one is family if you have someone you care about there is no value to match that one person caring for another is life in the best of style and value protect it with a Vengeance if a chair gets in the way I suggest you destroy the chair it was wisely said so long ago but is
still true for today there are many Treasures but the greatest of these is love better to live in a tent on the beach and have a love affair than to live in a mansion by yourself ask me I know family must be cultivated like an Enterprise like a garden time and effort in imagination creativity and genius must be summoned constantly to keep it flourishing and growing next is friendship a Priceless value friendship friends are those incredible people who know all about you and still like you friends are those people who are coming in when everyone
else is leaving and as someone once suggested be sure to make the kind of friends on your way up who will take you in on your way down down life is a bit of both up and down but with true friends friends who care regardless of your circumstances the UPS are more automatic and the Downs less devastating I do have one very special friend though if I was stuck in a Mexican jail and accused unduly I would call this friend guess why I'd call this friend he would come and get me now that is a
friend someone who would come and get you you guess how much you would spend to get me right as much as it would take guess how long you would try to get me out you're right as long as it would take that is a friend someone who would come and get you now I also have some casual friends who would probably say call me when you get back I guess we all have some of those friends but friendship is so vitally important to those in search of the good life make sure your friendships get the
attention and the effort they deserve properly nourished they will give back to you that Priceless Treasure of both pleasure and satisfaction called the good life and remember the good life is not an amount the good life is an attitude an act an idea a discovery a search The Good Life comes from lifestyle that is fully developed regardless of your bank account so that it provides you with a constant sense of joy and living and fuels the fires of commitment to all of the disciplines and fundamentals that make life worthwhile the first thing you start changing
is what your philosophy you start changing your mind you start changing how you think you start picking up new ideas and information gather new knowledge make better decisions about what's valuable and I'm telling you if you'll do that your whole life will change your health will change your relationship with your family will change your ability to cope with challenges and problems will change I'm telling you income promotions all of it will change if you will change it'll all change if you won't change it isn't going to change you can keep your fingers crossed if you
want to and hope they'll straighten it out you can wish for the wind not to blow quite as severe but I'm telling you wishing for the wind to change in your favor we call naive at best don't do this any longer wish for a better wind the key is to wish for the wisdom to set a better sail utilize whatever wind that blows to take you wherever you want to go that is the philosophy I picked up at age 25 and it revolutionized my whole life and here's what I found I found it was easy
I got rich by the time I was 31 and it was easy now here's my definition of easy got to jum this down my definition of easy meaning something I could do I figure if it's something you can do it's easy now here's a parenthesis parenthesis I worked hard at it I found something I could do which was easy but I worked hard at it I got up early and stayed up late worked hard that six years but what I did was easy meaning it was something I could do you say Well Mr R if
it was so easy how come everybody else around you during that six years how come they didn't get rich here's why it's easy not to how else would you describe it that's it you say no no for all of the rest of them it was hard for them and it was easy for you that's not true you couldn't debate me on that in front of this intelligent audience but here's the challenge let me give it to you in a philosophical phrase I tend to be a little philosophical here it is the things that are easy
to do are also easy not not to do that's the difference between success and failure I did not neglect to do the easy things I could do every day for six years underline I did not neglect that's the key I found something easy I could do that led to Fortune and I did not neglect to do it and here's the problem with neglect it starts as an infection and if you don't take care of it it becomes a disease and here's what else is the problem one neglect leads to another neglect to do wise things
with your money you probably neglect to do wise things with your time neglect to do wise things with your time you'll probably neglect to do wise things with your business one leads to another leads to another pretty soon neglect has you by the throat emptying your purse emptying your heart emptying all of your chances for equities and power and all the good things what if you should be walking around the block every day for your good health and you don't I'm telling you you're on the wrong track you should do it you could do it
you don't don't do it that's called formula for disaster all you've got to do is let that and a few other things accumulate for 6 years and now you're driving what you don't want to drive wearing what you don't want to wear living where you don't want to live doing what you don't want to do maybe having become what you really didn't want to become I'm telling you that's it just neglect along drift along and it's got you by the throat it'll take all your values leave you with just a little bit of dust in
a Summer Wind and it'll soon be gone that's it it's where I found myself at age of 25 and until my teacher came along and said Mr R up until now you've messed up let's see if we can't clean that up change it all I did changed my life not just the money all the rest of the values that came pouring in when I understood that it was me it was me we intend to when the idea strikes us we intend to when the emotion is high but now if you don't translate that into action
fairly soon now the intent starts to diminish diminish diminish and a month from now it's cold year from now can't be found so ask set up a discipline when the emotions are high and the ideas strong and clear and Powerful that's the time to set up the discipline somebody talks about good health and you're stirred right I need to get a book on nutrition get the book before the idea passes and before the emotion gets cold go for the book start the library start the process fall on the floor do some push-ups action got to
take action now here's what's important about disciplines all disciplines affect each other in fact here's a good philosophical phrase everything affects everything else nothing stands alone don't be naive and saying well this doesn't matter I'm telling you everything matters there are some things that matter more than others but there isn't anything that doesn't matter that's why action is so important the least action the smallest action take it because when you start accomplishing and the value starts to return from that one action it'll inspire you to do the next one and the next one and the
next one you start walking around the block it'll inspire you to get an Apple get an Apple it'll inspire you to get a book get a book it'll inspire you to get a journal get a journal it'll inspire you to grow develop some skills all disciplines affect each other every lack affects the rest every new affects the rest the key is to diminish the lack and set up the new and you started a whole new life process also one more thought on discipline here's the greatest value of discipline self-worth self-esteem people are teaching self-esteem these
days but they don't connect it to discipline the least lack of discipline and it starts to erode our psyche one of the greatest Temptations is to just ease up a little bit the slightest lack of doing your best starts to erode the pyc instead of doing your best doing just a little less than your best sure enough you say well it's just going to affect my sales no it's going to affect your Consciousness it's going to affect your philosophy now you've begun in the slightest way to affect your own philosophy I got better day by
day and week by week and month by month and I'm asking you to do the same thing until you can develop a long arm and a Long Reach until you can develop influence that won't quit touch people next year you couldn't touch this year touch people now you couldn't touch before conduct a meeting now you couldn't conduct before heart and soul now mixed in there that wasn't their missing before I'm asking all of you to get better in spite of the winters in spite of the downturn the money downturn the social downturn the personal downturn
whatever it is one constant just get stronger with your control the power to create your best self welcome to today's Journey we are embar on the part of self-discovery and personal transformation today we are diing deep into the art of creating your best self a journey that brings within hey there beautiful Souls today we are unlocking the secret to unleashing the best version of yourself it's time to break free from self-d limitations and sets into the extraordinary life within for you the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be
Ral Alo immerson if life does not get better by chance it gets better by chance [Music] Jim you joury start with a decision a decision to make take control of your life your choice and your destiny creating your best self is not about perfection it's about progress embrace the journey learn from the setbacks and celebrate your victories no matter how small one of the way ingredients in this transformative process is goal settings what do you want to achieve what do you want to become set clear realistic goals and watch as the Propel you forward your
mind is full of powerful tools cultivate positive a positive mindset believe in your abilities and let go of self-limiting beliefs that hold you back you are capable of more than you can imagine just like a seed transforms into a beautiful flower your potential is Limitless natural your growth invest in selfcare and surround yourself with positivity gratitude is the fuel that propels your journey forward take a moment each day to appreciate th small blessings Express kindness and watch as your life transform as we warp up today's Journey remember this creating your best self is a continuous
process a the challenges celebrate the victories and never stop evolving the power to shape your destiny lies with continue thank you for joining thank you for joining us on this empowering Adventure now go out there and create the masterpieces that is your life
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