Rings of Power Season 2 FLOPS - Amazon's Hilarious DISASTER

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The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 4 - It gets WORSE Amazon has created a repurposed Lord of the Ri...
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[Music] conflicted get me the meat go back to the book go back to the book go back to the [Music] book I could peel the legs in the throat you know it seal a Wes up in a spider cave and has to fight Shob in the first sequence so what am I to call you I am your partner a Sher of gifts nero.com greetings you over one million Helens and the 40% who haven't subscribed yet ladies and gentlemen it's been a bad couple of weeks for the message but a great couple of weeks for Humanity
for example the game Concord from Sony with characters like this positively oozing with Dei that was in production for eight years and cost over $100 million to make was canceled within 2 weeks of its release and right around the same time in their Infinite Wisdom Disney and Ubisoft decided to release Star Wars Outlaws with ma' solo and this will come as a shock to no one it's a massive disappointment speaking of disappointments people are still upset about the cancellation of the acolyte including YouTube channels that decided to Hitch their wagon to one franchise Disney Star
Wars and somehow they're trying to make it ourf fall that's the Royal hour by the way and despite Disney saying that they canceled the acolyte due to low ratings let me be very clear ladies I'm with you # renew the acolyte let's go girls and last and very least for now anyway this brings us to the rings of power which apparently lost surprisingly enough well over 50% of its audience from season 1 and I can hear you now wasn't it reported that the rings of power lost 63% of Their audience here in the states over
the course of the Season yes while s TV's ratings don't cover everything a show is viewed on the percentages remain the same the rings of power season 1 episode was watched by 1.8 million people over 4 days averaging 450,000 viewers a day the rings of power season 2 premier episode was watched by 92,000 people over 5 days averaging 18,400 a day take away that extra day and it was watched by 7216 people which unfortunately for Amazon is a loss of 60% so let's talk about the rings of power season 2 the good news is we're
halfway through the season the bad news is we're only halfway through the season previously on the rims of power the eastar to me because if he doesn't I will Slaughter the halflings he calls friends sounds good to me dark nearly complete Lord father must we go to war again we'll never truly be safe until we've made certain on his looks like meet's back on the menu boys since the wearing of this ring I have perceived glimpses of the Unseen World what a plead with you to make rings for men rings for men okay everyone let's
get started yes beautiful feeling it let's get some Smiles it's all in here that's it yes let's let the inside out okay you're an animal yes there we go you're a tiger I'm might be shooting you it's crazy and I'm spent worry not my brother for I am a master of [Music] disguises elon's task is not to join your company but to lead it down with the patriarchy that's that's the message after discovering that the most important messages sent in Middle Earth and over half a millennia haven't made it warning grandma bmore that Saron is
on his way back to regon to forge more Rings our letters to Kell BMB have all gone an answered I fear Sauron may be in Aion the high King has consented to send me and a small party there to ensure Kell bbor and his City are safe after being talked into it by gadriel high district manager Gil galled finally decides to do something about it by demoting her and promoting Doogie elron we fixed the glitch who immediately asks for help we shall need an Archer two swordsman I trust you can recommend the set now you'd
think after they pretty much confirm Sauron is returning to Aon there would be some sort of sense of urgency but no guy l Adriel still needs to pick a team yes I can recommend an Archer and two swordsman now this is a pretty important Mission you'd think she'd at least pick 100 of the best and brightest 50 wouldn't be so bad 25 would be really pushing it nope just four and after a transition all scene in a show that's already ripped off dialogue and scenes from Peter Jackson's The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings why
not rip off a [Music] shot and later on we find out Guy ladel picked four of the best archers and Swordsmen from your local Starbucks props to x-ray girl for making the team and they're off to Aron until they come up on a bridge that detective DOI elron thinks is destroyed by lightning lightning you are so dumb you are really dumb for real but left tenant gadriel quickly smizes it's saon and then her ringy sens is tingling and not to worry despite being handed some humiliation and a very temporary demotion making you think that they
might be steering gadriel back into her graceful Lady of Light form insufferable girl boss guy ladel makes her triumphant return this episode this company will not take counsel from that trinket if you cannot abide by those terms you will leave now and return to Lindon I should like to because I do not wish to see any of this company SL including you ah yes gadriel and elron bickering for an entire episode so tol kinian it reminds me of that deleted scene from Lord of the Rings you are a real hooker and I'm going to slap
you in public you have man boobs I'm going to punch you in the ovary that's what I'm going to do a straight shot o right to the baby maker and just when you thought this show couldn't sink any lower it's time for some more creatively bankrupt repurposing within creatively bankrupt repurposing despite showrunners JD pay and Patrick pay saying that they're going to make the tolking novel that he never wrote These creative Geniuses are just going to copy and paste events from the books in the third age and force them into this fanfic fever dream but
there's a Twist they're going to do what Peter Jackson didn't do I would argue they've already done that Peter Jackson made a good Lord of the Rings adaptation and JD Payne and Patrick McKay made the worst adaptation of all time and these outright thieves get right to work this brings us to Tom Bombadil and the barel whites characters and events from the books that were famously left out of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings let's start with the Mery fellow Tom Bombadil master of woodwater and Hill and quite possibly one of the first beings to
Rome Middle Earth in his summer home in run he runs into Dan gal and just in case Peter Jackson was feeling left out don't worry mate be prepared for some Whiplash because this is repurposing squared Peter Jackson repurposed events featuring Tom Bombadil from the books for tree beard in the two towers the rings of power repurposed those same events featuring Tom Bombadil from the books and put them in the second age what's happening [Music] he copy my whole flow word for word bar for bar and then the rings of power repurpose shots from Peter Jackson's
The Lord of the Rings who was repurposing events featuring Tom Bombadil in the books you should not be working you should not be waking eat Earth eat Earth dig de dig de drink water H drink water go to sleep go to sleep he copy my whole flow I know subtle I don't know why the very litigious Warner Brothers isn't suing someone at this point and I can hear the rings of power stands now it's totally different from the books it's not old man Willow it's old man Ironwood even your tree out there old man Ironwood
great maybe next episode Tom Bombadil will introduce us to another tree old man Morningwood unfortunately the character assassination doesn't end there old Tom Bombadil from the books is so aloof the Council of Elon considered giving him the one ring but decided against it cuz he'd forget about it the rings of power Tom Bombadil who we will now call Tom gradil is a slightly more predatorial Yoda and it sounds like Old Dan gal wants to learn a little bit more than magic might you teach me how to wield a stop clean your hands wash your face
then come join me by the fire I was never meant to find a staff under the St I was meant to find you wasn't I you're not the first eastar who's eaten Honey by my fire years ago there was another the dark Wizard and you heard that right the other e star that ate Honey by Tom bombadil's fire went to the dark side he lost a Padawan who just so happens to be the dark wizard that's totally not supposed to remind us of soromon this brings us to the next series of third age events repurpose
from the books and yes I'm fully aware that I'm saying the word repurposed a lot because they're doing it a lot the Barrow downs and the barow whites now in Professor tolk's masterful work Tom Bombadil saves froto Sam Mary and Pippen who succumb to the barrel whites and quite frankly this is something I wish Peter Jackson put in his Lord of the Rings in the rings of power we have the Elvin Baristas Doogie elron and Warrior gadriel fighting them because we need a battle scene but I have to admit that it's an interesting choice that
for the second season in a row they put the elf of color in Chains Don't Let Go the black guy always dies first after losing an Elven red shirt we find out it was the barrel whites that killed the guy who had the most important message in middlee in half a millennia telling Kell bmore that Sauron is back the king sent a dispatch to warn kellmore this dispatch now the show would like you to believe that ending up in the Barrow Downs is all Doogie elon's fault for not listening to guy lel's ringy sense we
won't reach anywhere at speed if we walk into a trap we go south Commander I must protest your opinion on the matter has been heard opinion heard liutenant when in truth it's guria's fault because she didn't tell anybody when she had a chance that Sauron was back anyway Tom Bombadil wasn't hanging around in Rune training Wizards in Magic and losing a Padawan to the dark side no one knew what the aari or Wizards were in the second age dandal wasn't in the second age how in the hell would gadriel know who the bar whites are
what are they bar whites because they didn't arrive until the third age like Gandalf but I don't even know why I bother speaking of things that don't belong in this show let's go to female Sam and female froo who we last saw getting sucked up by a Dirt Devil and unfortunately they survived they run into what Amazon contraction cannot call Hobbits these are the STS the ancestors of froto including this guy butwhat yeah buckwheat which interestingly enough would probably work as a hobbit name takes female Sam and female Frodo to their local Village and when
Amazon's given an opportunity to correctly portray the diversity that tolken accounted for in his books no we get Multicultural stools I'm sorry stores who like the harfoot are a bunch of little who eventually show them that there's a shy prophecy but we did get one step closer to figuring out the big mystery over a season and a half what's Dan gal's name but first I have to acknowledge that I missed a hint in the three episode premiere lose control again those a Gand so we find a Gand there's PL sticks all over the place okay
so not Frodo has just indirectly confirmed that not gandal is in fact gandf well done on Johnny law for catching that and sorry no I don't speak fluent stage Irish as Johnny correctly points out in his video Gandalf is derived from Norse mythology the word Gand or Gander means essentially magic staff mixed with elf Gandalf but if that wasn't on the nose for you enough well there's this this friend of yours who is he anyways he's a giant what like an elf bigger than that oh so he's a great big Grand Elf now what I
mean now what I mean nud nud maybe by the end of the season we'll find out Dan gal's name and then the next mystery will be who's the dark wizard yes there is another story line in this SLO that's barely worth mentioning girl Sor and Don Lemonis who are in search of Theo you remember Theo the son of bronwin the middle-ear dispensary owner who died he and the other wild men were captured by The Ant and put in tree cages and despite the giant gaping holes nobody bothers to escape now some other stuff happened but
it's not worth talking about because in truth this scene only exists to do this remember the Fellowship of the Rings what was that there are nameless things in the Deep places of this world they are older and fer things than Orcs in the Deep places of the world there is another reason these scenes exist so we can get more more shipping hooking up estd the completely madeup character by Amazon and a Sor how do I know this well it comes directly from the ex Twitter account of Amazon's the rings of power um I acrimoniously loathe
shipping in all its manifestations and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence anywh who they eventually catch up to the ants and free Theo now prepare yourselves I'm about to give the rings of power a compliment the ants look pretty good especially in the scene where the ant husband gets cucked by Don Lemon lless that Shi is it true what they say about the way you people are gifted now back to the Elven away team with Doogie elron and gadriel who can apparently Force heal elves now that's
not how the ring works and it was Noble of gadriel to give up the ring to doie elron and send the elves away so she could have a solo female empowerment moment and we also got an inversion of this scene I am not alone I Stand Alone this is the moment you've all been waiting for Galadriel as she's described in the books tall grave and beautiful she was clad holy and white with hair of deep gold and no sign of age was upon her unless it were the depths of her eyes for these were keen's
Lancers in the Starlight and yet profound with the wells of deep memory came to kick some ass [Music] [Music] I really like how she discovered Napal Powers by shooting two arrows through a campfire and a couple of lanterns think about all the orc fathers who aren't coming home tonight unfortunately our girl boss Warrior guy ladri gets caught by AAR but lives to repurpose more Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings in future episodes as many have said before the rings of power is a pointless fan fiction following uninteresting characters mostly made up by Amazon through a
series of events to get to the next member berries and it's a damn shame we live in a timeline where more care is given to the unfinished works of George R Martin whose latest excuse for not finishing the wins a winner is the rise of fascism then the works of the great Professor tolken who actually fought in a war and wrote Lord of the Rings during World War II but it's a surprise to absolutely no one that so far season 2 has been a massive flop and I don't expect those ratings to go up anytime
soon or ever and despite all the spin you're going to hear years down the road when this all dies down the only thing that will be remembered about the rings of power is it was the biggest most expensive bust of all time and it has everything to do with incompetence creative bankruptcy ego hubris and messing with the wrong fandom D ero.com if you like what you heard please like share and subscribe if you didn't like what you heard I thank you for listening this long I will see you in the next video cast it into
the fire destroy it
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