Concord Has Gifted Us One Last Reminder of Our Grim Future

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Sony has deleted Concord from everyone's PlayStations. Channel art by @PaintraSeaPea
Video Transcript:
another video on Concord one more I guess I I didn't think we would get any more until the game cropped back up again in whatever form it's going to take and whenever it comes back up but uh it seem seems we got one more little one here it's funny though I had to I had to download the the May state of play for at least the third time I might I might have had to redownload it for every video I just keep underestimating how many videos I need to make on this topic and this is
the only footage I care to throw in here let me check and see if it's done yep it's done downloading all right I'm going to drag it into the thing now um so the the situation overall I'd say has uh certainly an element of humor to it you know I admit I'm being a little a little petty with all of this talk around the game but there's like there's a certain level of um satisfaction to it and uh and and before I go any further like it goes without saying that this is awful for the
devs themselves like don't get me wrong here like if the people who actually worked on this game spent that much of their lives on it just to have it all taken away like no that's awful especially anyone who worked on it and really did put a lot of passion into it you know games they're made by by so many people so many people doing their jobs really really well things that they're they're really passionate about and so like no it's it's not fun at all and you know I I certainly don't blame them whatsoever if
there's anything entertaining about this it's purely from the higher level executive kind of point of view you know it's it's just the idea of these companies banking on these live service multiplayer games again and again and again and just taking these wild swings and spending so much money on them when it's already an overcrowded market and they're giving us these prodct products that just seem so generic like they bring nothing to the table and it's just like of course we're not interested of course we're not we could have told you at any point in this
whole process so like yeah I know and I know it's a whole deeper discussion I know firewalk um Sony didn't own them until somewhat recently so I don't know what their relationship was um you know if it if Sony was involved at all uh how much of it was Sony's doing how much of it was just fir and then Sony took all that on when they bought them I really don't know but like it's a huge misfire it's a big misstep it's just it's another example of just trying to feed us another one of these
games and not giving it anything that sets it apart expecting us to just eat it up and buy all the battle passes and microtransactions and just Fork over billions of dollars for them and it's just it's it's it keeps happening and so like that's that's the level where it's sort of entertaining it's it's in a petty sort of way I'll admit it's kind of like I told you so you know it's it's just kind of like how many times do we have to go through this in that way it's a little funny that they they
had to take down the game so quickly that you two weeks after lunch stopped selling it in stores issued refunds to everybody refunds to everybody who bought the game digitally shut down the servers just took the whole thing down and and you know it was kind of kind of unprecedented it really does seem that way I I've I've been reading up on other like big notable live service flops and I don't I don't think anything has been removed so quickly as this game was you know there's other stuff that's it's kind of fizzled out before
it even really launched but like this is a big AAA first party Sony thing and for it to get yanked so quickly and to sell so few copies the the the estimate is still looking at 25,000 which I I just just can't even believe but one one little thing has uh cropped up in the last few days uh related to Concord that is a little less funny quote unquote funny a little less entertaining you know what I mean physical copies of the game that are out there in the wild obviously don't work anymore they can't
connect to any kind of server or anything you have the physical disc but you put it in and it just like brings you to the title screen and like that's it and and yeah that makes sense but it seems that Sony has been deleting digital versions of the game outright and and not just removing it from the store but like if you downloaded the game if you're one of those few thousand people who downloaded the game on your system on your PlayStation Sony is going in and deleting that not just remove removing access from the
shop not just making it so you can't redownload it no deleting it from your console and if you happen to not have your console hooked to the internet I I don't know who that would be but if you happen to be that person then there's no way for them to uh remove it but you know if if it's hooked up to the Internet and you like you you walk away you know your your PlayStation notices that you're not in the room anymore Sony's little fingers they crawl in there just remove it just delete it from
your hard drive and it's it's really just kind of reopened up this whole discussion like we all know that owning something digitally is like like not really owning it like we all know in theory that all of this stuff is completely intangible we're actually just buying access to like the licensing rights and they can technically take it away at any time but they don't though they really haven't yet because like it would be a really bad look you know what I mean like technically they could do it maybe they will down the line but for
the most part they'll remove things for sale but if you have them you can keep them usually you can even redownload them even if they're not for sale anymore usually you can redownload them but even if they were to remove that at the very least if you had it on your console then you would have it because like yeah I I buy a lot of digital I do and I recognize that it's a lot worse for preservation and all that I don't like the idea that someday these libraries may be rendered useless um I think
I just try not to worry about it too much because the benefits kind of kind of outweigh the downsides for me the the ease and the convenience and I don't want to worry too much about like what might happen really far in the future I just kind of want to this it's a me thing you know like I I don't fault anybody for going either way full digital full physical like whatever this is just kind of me I just I just want to play the games in whatever way is like convenient and I mostly get
stuff on sale anyway so I'm not I'm never paying that much much for these games but yeah like I get it we get it technically yeah you don't own anything digitally and yet it's it's not fun to be reminded it's not fun to be reminded that technically if you've got your system hooked up to the Internet they could come in at any time and delete it off of there you don't even get the option to remove the data yourself they just do it for you they can technically manipulate your system in any way that they
want and if you want to go even deeper with it they can monitor anything you do on the system like it's it's this whole thing is just it's kind of brought something up that we we try not to look at you know we we try we try to pretend it isn't a problem and maybe it isn't you know because again they don't want to take this stuff from you is Sony going to like go under tomorrow and remove everybody's Library like no it's probably not going to happen even when businesses do go out of business
they don't like they don't usually just wipe stuff from your system it it's not it's not coming up a lot at least for now but then it happens in this case and it gets you thinking about it it gets you thinking about the future it gets you thinking about what if that does happen though everything that has ever happened there was once a time where it hadn't happened yet you know and at that time people might have been like yeah but that's never happened and then it happened and once it's happened you're like well now
it's happened but until then so and then that's why that's why this the this little example it's that little crack that little thing the the the the crack in the confidence of this whole system and it makes you really think wow they really can just take this stuff away I mean obviously everyone got refunds they all got refund funds and and and they took the game offline you couldn't play the game anyway that's not the point it it sort of makes sense for Sony but the point is you get the point it's just a little
spooky that they they could have just shut down the game they could have just rendered it impossible to use by shutting down the servers but going that extra step and snaking their little grabby fingers into your console and removing that data themselves it's spooky it's downright spooky and watching Concord Crash and Burn has been satisfying in its own way again in a very kind of surface level Petty sort of way to say nothing of all of the actual like real serious problems plaguing the industry and all the people who worked on the game and people
who might get fired because of the just like I get it like you know that that's totally awful but in that way that this has been sort of entertaining this this last little bit less fun yeah a lot a lot a lot less fun being reminded of uh what like the future of games might look like the amount of control that these companies may choose to employ in the future when it serves them Less Fun significantly Less Fun
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