Bullied & Weak Boy With No Hope Becomes The Lord Of Deception

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Name : God of Deception #animerecap #anime
Video Transcript:
Wu Mingo Earth's Best 16-year-old Troublemaker crashes through his school's glass windows to escape the Furious students he just scammed earlier that day a green-haired guy with a gadget that looks like a Geer counter recorded Woo's latest win leaving him at 99% power for an upgrade he hopes his next Target Woo is a decent person little does the idiot know what he has in store for him woo finally breaks free from his angry classmates taunting them to eat his dust the next time they play so he can annoy them again and take their money as they
chase him boiling with rage woo mases a cheeky grin and wishes them luck catching him however Woo's Joy is cut short when his Home Room teacher catches him outside and drags him to the office for a lecture in the office the teacher talks about the importance of morality but as expected Woo's mind is elsewhere although dubious most times Woo is a brilliant student with grades that would make anyone jealous it's just a shame he uses his smarts for Mischief after another Stern warning the teacher throws the morally drenched out of the office unfazed woo gets
up and struts down the corridor like a final boss in those Annoying video games mads after school woo heads to his night job where he manages to irritate a few customers but somehow completes his shift without any serious incidents once done he finally enjoys some time to himself on his way home he passes by the Platinum Tower where all the VIPs dine and dreamily vows to live there before he turns 30 most people would scoff at such a dream given his attitude but with plot armor and guts of Steel anything is possible in this story
while lost in his thoughts woo continues his walk home unaware of the googly-eyed monsters drawn to his Wicked eny energy suddenly he hears someone call him the wicked one but when he looks back no one is there bro turns around only to face the ugliest monster imaginable a creature with a hookworm head and parasite likee limbs armed with Organic blades hungry for woo just as the monster attacks the green-haired guy from earlier appears and rescues woo in the nick of time the fight is so fast and intense that woo initially thinks the green-haired guy is
an enemy but after showing off some impressive moves and energy blasts the green-haired guy defeats the monster he introduces himself as Leon n an ombudsman tasked with correcting Woo's life Leon n hands woo the guer counter- likee device explaining it measures his wickedness as woo struggles to understand the gadget more monsters begin to flood the area before fighting the monsters lean n explains that the device measures the wickedness of anyone who touches it green for normal humans yellow for callous ones and red for the truly Wicked the monsters attacking woo are called karma monsters feeding
on Wicked people to cleanse the city the system of Good and Evil has already judged woo recognizing him as a talented but misguided individual to correct his life before it's too late they sent Leon in woo bewildered by the absurdity of the situation listens as Lon warns him to keep his wickedness in the green or yellow range anything beyond that will result in dire consequences after Lyon defeats the monsters woo thanks him and walks away as if nothing happened Lyon exasperated chases after him to discuss more he finally catches up to woo and pins him
down in an abandoned warehouse as they stir up the local sewer rats Lyon gets attacked while woo manages to escape to his dorm room there he counts his money and stashes it in his piggy bank reveling in his hidden Fortune but just as things seem to be going his way Woo is attacked by another Wicked monster after his money in a desperate move to save himself in his stash woo jumps out of his eighth floor window Landing in a dumpster Leon nearby and enjoying the show watches as the monster Corners woo he makes sure that
woo loses his precious piggy bank forcing him to face the consequences of his actions when things get too real for woo he chokes on his pride and begs Lyon for help before stepping in Leon makes sure woo admits his wrongdoings after watching The Proud fraudster call himself an ad leyon finally decides to help he quickly dispels the karma monsters and then faces their boss this monster is stronger than ever and Lyon warns woo to brace himself as this fight will be terrifying woo for once thinks about others and suggests they move the battle to a
non-residential area to avoid harming innocent people woo leads Leon to an abandoned building ensuring the monsters follow once there woo points out the building's weak spots that can be attacked in a specific order to bring it down quickly Lyon takes note and sets the plan in motion handing his guer counter to woo woo speeds around marking the weak spots and planting bombs while placing the last bomb in a sewer the building starts to collapse woo narrowly escapes managing to prevent the entire building from falling on him and Lyon sensing the danger Lon rushes to find
woo but he's already gone as Lyon searches for him the building begins to collapse trapped under debris and construction site waste leyon struggles to free himself meanwhile a psychotic figure in strange clothes watches from just outside the city hearing the explosion he calls his equally bizarre friends and urges them to follow him into the city as the Smoke Clears out woo emerges unscathed and mocks Lon for being trapped in the debris just when he thinks things couldn't get any worse Lon pops out of the rubble shouting angrily woo showing No Remorse tells Lyon he doesn't
care about the damage as long as he's having fun to get back at him Lyon brings out his Correctional puppet cursing woo with a Pinocchio like spell he tricks woo into believing that his schlong will grow longer every every time he lies in a panic woo lies in front of Lon causing not only his schlong but also his silvery white hair to grow longer Leon laughs hardly enjoying his revenge desperate woo asks how to stop the curse Lyon tells him he must get forgiveness from everyone he has wronged that night woo has nightmares about his
situation but wakes up the next morning as if nothing happened on the balcony he finds Leon preparing breakfast confused woo asks why he's there Lon explains he must stay within 100 met of woo at all times he also shows woo his precious piggy bank which woo grabs and hugs without thanking Lon ignoring Lyon's warning about the distance limit woo runs out of the house to get to school Karma hits hard as woo quickly learns the importance of listening to an ombudsman eventually he returns home and begs leyon to accompany him to school realizing he can't
escape the consequences of his actions at school woo endures a tedious history lesson from their meaty teacher who lectures about dinosaurs in their 12s scale cities before warning about an upcoming test and dismissing the class once class is over woo faces the toughest part of his day seeking forgiveness from everyone he's wronged he starts by helping carry items for people who usually avoid him along the way he spots Leon standing near a window mocking him annoyed woo asks what Lyon is doing there only to be trolled once more Lyon reveals that everyone will forget about
him once Woo's Correctional education is complete leaving woo shocked at the thought of forgetting Lyon the realization that he will forget leyon after his behavior is corrected makes woo for a moment feel a twinge of sympathy Leon amused by Woo's reaction laughs and brings woo back to his usual self Leon then accompanies woo to apologize to the first set of people he's wronged after pacifying their anger woo and Leon move on to the next group in the corridor they bump into the school supervisor a strict woman seeing woo she questions his recent strange behavior and
demands an explanation Lyon makes snide remarks causing woo to curse at him forgetting that Lyon is invisible to others the supervisor thinking Woo is cursing at her asks uncomfortable questions leading woo to lie which makes his hair and schlong grow longer don't ask what schlong is embarrassed woo runs away trying to avoid becoming the new school clown that night Lyon spends some time fighting more monsters on the way home leyon talks to woo about the strongest Karma monsters mentioning that some appear human but are different inside he warns that an ombudsman who fights one of
these strong monsters is likely to die and be forgotten as a hero woo finds this hard to believe until Lyon checks a wound he sustained earlier realizing it's far from healed elsewhere the psycho scene earlier approaches one of the city Gates kills the security guard and breaks into the city to wreak havoc meanwhile woo finds a coin lying in the snow and picks it up sharing his unrealistic dream of getting into the Platinum Tower with Lon Leon frowns telling him that the tower never allows people like him unfazed woo returns home sips some water and
goes to sleep before drifting off Leon P why the system considers woo a criminal in just a few days woo has apologized to most of the people he's wronged and even made a place in his heart for Lon to live and troll him suddenly Leon receives a notification on his counter a high-ranking Karma monster has invaded the city reports indicate the monster is destroying all the McDonald shops it can find supervisors are ordered to terminate any clients who haven't completed their Correctional programs so they can focus on eradicating the monster as supervisors begin terminating their
clients without hesitation Lyon gears up troubled by the thought of ending the life of the only client he's come to care for woo had captured Lyon's heart when he stitched a tear in his clothes earlier Leon reflects on his mentor's teachings and decides he can't kill woo yet woo wakes up to find Leon holding a sword and breathing heavily above him thankfully Lyon has more pressing matters before he is forced to do the unthinkable Lyon drags wo to the doorstep of his former Home Room teacher the last person he needs to apologize to in order
to reduce his wickedness to the green zone Leon tells woo to work on pacifying his four-eyed teacher while he waits outside once woo manages to get his wickedness into the green zone the 100 meter limit between him and Lon is lifted allowing Lon to escape for now still bewildered woo knocks on teacher W's door teacher w known for his tough demeanor listens to Woo's plea and takes advantage of the situation by making woo write a 5,000-word essay on how he plans to live a saintly life from now on while Woo is busy with the essay
leyon lounges in the snow talking to himself and playing with Little Snowmen he made out of boredom just as everything seems to be going smoothly the psycho shows up ready to battle Leon woo finishes his essay on time but teacher Wen tortures him further by demanding he rewrite it before accepting his apology meanwhile leyon is increasingly frustrated by the psychos an eventually Lyon's temper snaps leading to an allout fight as the battle progresses Leon realizes the psycho is far more formidable than he initially thought after exchanging a few hits and Jabs Lon comes to a
shocking realization nothing seems to work against this laughing Maniac who's clearly just toying with him after writing endless essays woo hears a commotion outside and goes to investigate he finds leyon taking a severe beating from the psycho desperate woo pleads with teacher when to show mercy and save Lyon's life however the teacher ever selfish rants about how woo has ruined his life refusing to help frustrated by the teacher's indifference woo finally snaps and knocks him out cold woo then rushes downstairs to find Lyon buried in the snow barely alive in a fit of rage woo
stabs the psycho in the belly the psycho enraged by the attack tosses Leon aside like a ragd doll and turns his attention to woo ready for a new challenge the psycho prepares to face his latest foe at checkpoint 7 a group of men in blue arrives late at a warehouse to investigate a crime scene they're baffled by the level of Destruction and wonder how how such chaos was allowed in one of their key facilities upon entering the warehouse they're horrified by the sight of rotting bodies and pools of blood realizing the severity of the situation
they prepare to report it to the marshals however before they can act three clowns in grotesque priest-like costumes appear using their powers of compulsion they forced the helpless cops to lie to their superiors about the incident ensuring the cover up remains intact meanwhile back with woo he's frantic after seeing Lyon's severe condition ignoring the annoying yapper woo checks Leon chest wound relieved to find no slimy substances however Woo is puzzled by Lyon's lack of breathing the yapper approaches and explains Lyon's true nature he's not an ordinary human but a puppet with a control system a
glowing box the yapper holds this box houses and controls Lyon's Consciousness without it Lyon is essentially a lifeless doll despite the yapper detailed explanation woo struggles to grasp the concept all he knows is that the yapper is responsible for his friend's condition and he's determined to get revenge he demands the yapper hand over the cube surprisingly the yapper complies handing woo the corrosive Cube as woo holds the burning hot substance the yapper continues to taunt him marveling at how woo endures the Searing pain as the yapper chatter reaches a rapid Pace woo exasperated slaps him
until he gains some clarity the yapper now reflecting on his life turns his back momentarily when he looks again he finds both woo and Lyon have vanished assuming it's a game of hideand-seek he summons his bizarre spider companion and starts searching the city for them woo meanwhile hides and uses a fragment of the karma monster to create a diversion successfully throwing the yapper off track as the yapper search seems to be winding down woo leaps over a bridge and lands on a moving Van's container effectively escaping both the yapper and his spider the yapper lands
in the middle of the road causing a traffic accident woo seizes the opportunity to carry Lon to an empty room only to realize he's been careless leaving a trail of blood that could lead the yapper back to them true to his fears the yapper soon returns and resumes the chase in the meantime lon's other conscious awakens in a limbo likee black world as woo hides on the rooftop with Lyon the yapper catches up and uses one of his mandibles to wound Woo's shoulder during the commotion the yapper gazes longingly at the Platinum Tower dreaming of
reaching it before he can act lean's other Consciousness revealed to be a very eccentric woman takes over his body she introduces herself as the last monitor of lean's body and readies herself for Action once a powerful being Mai was betrayed and suppressed by her superiors to make room for lean's control system now that the yapper has helped her remove lean's control system ma is ready for her dramatic return to repay the yapper she deceives him into believing she wants to help him reach the Platinum Tower the yapper swayed by her apparent sincerity and her rejection
of his previous arrogance lowers his guard unbeknownst to the yapper Mai is a master deceiver with no qualms about morality when he least expects it she slices off his right arm revealing her true malevolent nature Mai proceeds to beat the yapper mercilessly pushing him to unleash his true self and engage seriously with his formidable opponent mean meanwhile the three clowns from earlier having noticed the commotion on the rooftop rushed to prevent further chaos as Mai presses the yapper she urges him to remember who she really is struggling to recall the yapper eventually remembers Mai from
his past a figure who used to scold him for his selfishness and toy theft realizing who he's up against the yapper fights with renewed determination attempting to overcome Ma's Relentless assault during the chaos leyon manages to escape with woo leaving the yapper to face the Wrath of the clowns in their Priestly Garb the clowns attempt to seal the yapper in a protective enclosure but he evolves in response summoning a Karma monster to rescue him his partner appears unexpectedly joining the fry and fighting alongside him after several minutes of intense running Mia finally finds a secure
spot for them to regroup woo ever the clueless Optimist asks her why she's being so harsh only for Mia to reveal that the clowns and priest costumes are powerless against the yapper the situation is still dire and the monster's threat remains as Mia attends to Lyon's wounded body the control system's insertion starts reac in to the situation woo seizes the opportunity to compliment Mia trying to make her blush by calling her cute Mia however brushes off his flattery focusing on the task at hand she quickly reinserts the control system into Lyon's chest ensuring he can
reclaim his body and return to his normal life before disappearing back into the spirit world Mia gives woo a final piece of advice continue being good to make lon's life easier she then dives into the spirit world where she finds the yapper spirit and escorts him to his final resting place a few days later a wealthy and Sinister man who has come across a photo of woo and the karma monster is amused he instructs his Butler to track down woo for a meeting hinting at more trouble ahead for our protagonist while Leon lies unconscious in
the hospital at District 3 woo spends his days keeping watch over him as woo reflects on the chaotic events from a few nights ago he's shocked to realize that no one else seems to know about them a couple of days later the grows increasingly anxious leyon is still in a coma and Woo's bank account is rapidly draining from the hospital bills in a fit of frustration woo scares a mother and her child on the street before he pulls himself together and plots to make Lon pay him back for every penny he spent just as he's
about to return to lon's room a black limo pulls up and before woo knows it he's whisked away and shoved into the back seat inside woo finds himself bound and surrounded by two Burly bodyguards despite his predicament he tries to stay calm and negotiate his way out one of the bodyguards threatens him with a gun instructing him to stay quiet and listen to their boss the boss turns out to be the butler of the wealthy man who had previously wanted to speak with woo woo is initially confused but things start to make sense when the
butler explains the role of Ombudsman and their peculiarities woo starts to wonder if Lyon is nearby given the guer counter and the 100 meter rule the butler reassures woo that he will be kept safe but doesn't provide many details left puzzled Woo is told to be patient and wait for further instructions after a few more minutes of driving the limo pulls up to a massive Mansion bro is stunned by the sheer opulence of the place he asks the butler what's going on and the butler explains that Woo is here to meet the mansion's owner for
an important discussion trusting the butler woo follows him inside at the mansion's entrance Woo is greeted by a group of glamorous Maids who are more than eager to cater to his every need forgetting about Lyon for a moment woo decides to indulge himself and enjoy the luxury meanwhile Lyon's Consciousness jolts awake haunted by memories of the brutal moment when yapper stabbed his chest realizing woo has broken their 100 meter rule Lyon is furious and quickly gets out of bed to track down woo and confront him back at the Mansion woo finally meets the owner after
a feast the the owner a cheerful but clueless man who's clearly inherited his wealth introduces himself as azi the vice president of AI Enterprise AI reveals that woo looks exactly like his missing nephew and proposes a deal woo unfamiliar with air Enterprise is baffled he admits he doesn't even own a TV so he's never heard of a or his company o choking on his tea in Surprise asks if Woo is serious woo casually replies that it makes sense he doesn't know a if he hasn't seen any media about him a gets straight to the point
and tells woo that he wants to pretend to be his missing nephew so they can both inherit the AI family's Fortune This Way the wealth won't end up being donated to the public woo considers the offer but rejects it saying it would be the biggest scam he's ever been part of a annoyed by Woo's refusal points out the millions woo could make if he just played along it's clear Al has done his homework on Woo which infuriates him woo stands up and leaves warning Al never to pry into his private life again annoyed by Woo's
irritating attitude a orders his maids to handle him woo who thought the maids were just pretty l is shocked when they reveal their heavy duty weapons after a failed attempt with a bazooka the maids Chase woo through the Mansion they Corner him and prepare to finish him off with another rocket just as the rocket is about to hit Lyon bursts in and saves woo after fending off the maids Lyon asks woo where his Geer counter is woo sheepishly admits he lost it frustrated Lon chases woo in circles until the maids catch up and beat them
both woo faints briefly and leyon drags him to a hiding spot the maids armed with their bizarre weapons search every corner of the room during their hiding woo and Lon argue about violence one of the maids finally tells Lyon that as an ombudsman he shouldn't hurt humans like them however Leon realizes he can make an exception if he's helping a friend after some awkward questions about their friendship Leon is relieved when woo calls him a friend with that settled Leon prepares to face the maids while woo makes another attempt to escape lean still in puppet
form endures a barrage of attacks from the five maids in their heavy duty outfits the maids challenge him to kill them if he dares threatening him with the full force of the law despite his own Reckless dis regard for his life leyon prepares to strike determined to help woo just in time woo arrives and stops Lyon from making a grave mistake as the maids continue their assault woo and leyon manage to dodge the attacks meanwhile one of the maids reports back to azi about Lyon's interference AI enraged orders her to ensure both woo and Lyon
are killed far away on a mountain a cowboy Ombudsman is assigned a new Mission his Target Lon and his client woo who have broken the rules and damaged their measurer the cowboy Ombudsman a zombie like figure hardened by his past kills accepts the mission without hesitation woo and Lyon are locked in a desperate battle against the maid mercenaries with at least one door being smashed every minute they have little choice but to stand their ground and fight armed with M4 carbines and RPGs the maids are Relentless in a bid to buy themselves some time woo
and leyon blow up a section of the ceiling creating a makeshift barricade between them and their pursuers as they regroup in their temporary safe spot woo and Lyon trade insults leyon mocks woo for being naive enough to trust a just then they hear A's smug voice over the phone peering through a pigeon hole they see a live feet of a gloating about their Inevitable Defeat and urging them to surrender leyon fed up with A's arrogance threatens him with the name of a feared Ombudsman Evan the terrible the number 11's strongest Ombudsman Evan is notorious for
his ruthlessness and can destroy anyone with a valid reason meanwhile the cowboy Ombudsman traveling to the city encounters a pride of fierce Lions curious he bends down to admire The Lion King main the king eager to assert his dominance challenges the cowboy the battle is Swift and brutal the cowboy kicks The Lion King into the air leaving him humiliated and subdued to his surprise the cowboy inadvertently wins over the female lions while embarrassing the defeated King the once proud Lion now barks like a dog thoroughly defeated eventually the cowboy arrives at A's Mansion he quickly
overpowers the mansion's pathetic security detail using his electrocuting Powers knocking them out one by one breaking into the mansion He sets his sites on finding Lyon and woo as the last line of defense Falls one of the survivors rushes to inform a of the cowboy intrusion a is initially baffled wondering which army would dare attack his home his confusion turns to shock when he learns that their attacker is just one person at that moment the cowboy now dressed in full Warrior gear blows a massive hole in the Mansion to access the inner building the entire
structure shakes from the force of his weapon and Lyon is terrified it turns out the cowboy is none other than Evan the terrible a figure leyon fears deep l in a desperate move Leon and woo decide to propose a ceasefire with the Bazooka wielding maids to face this common threat the maid Squad led by Aruba is baffled by Lyon's sudden shift Lyon convinces them that Evan poses a greater threat and that once he's done with a they too will be in danger Aruba reflecting on Lyon's words realizes he's right Leon connects with Aruba and her
team on a personal level sharing how tough a mercenary's life can be Aruba reveals that she and her team were once destitute and that A's brother had given them a chance at a better life moved by this the maids apologize and agree to join forces with Leon and woo heading to the exit to regroup as they make their escape Aruba and her team encounter a lounging comfortably in his chair he inquires about their departure but Aruba now Resolute announces that they're leaving for better opportunities a tries to Blackmail them using a contract drawn up by
his brother a but Aruba is done with his arrogance she delivers a harsh insult and lands a punch on his cheek before shooting the carpet and storming out at the same time the butler finally fed up with A's Reign resigns with tears streaming down his face he acknowledges the end of the aosi Empire and bids farewell before allowing Evan to deal with a Evan however leaves O's fate to the cleanup crew who erase his memories and reduce him to a shell of his former self outside Lon and woo hide from the sensors who are busy
cleaning up the mess the sensors are Mindless humans tasked with erasing all traces of a crime scene One sensor spots woo and begins to erase his memory just in time Leon inter be and saves woo Evan arrives shortly after and tells the sensor to leave the matter to him woo nervously trying to speak with the infamous Evan finds that Evan is more interested in reprimanding leyon for his behavior after a thorough beating Evan finally listens to Woo's plea impressed by Woo's determination Evan agrees to forgive them however before leyon can regain his status as a
monitor he must serve under Evan and stay under his watch constantly wo decides to stick with Leon and Evan who welcome him back to the team the trio receives their next mission and Evan leads them to the site task is to deal with a gang causing chaos in the city Evan finds them lounging and drinking in an abandoned building instead of diving straight into action Evan tries a different approach he speaks to them politely and urges them to turn their lives around as expected the thugs don't take him seriously and only respond to violence Evan
shifts into action mode delivering a serious Beatdown to the gang woo watching from a distance worries about the thugs but Leon reassures him that this is just how these guys learn once Evan finishes his work he becomes the gang's new leader and they vow to improve under his rule by evening Evan leaves with his new loyal followers leaving woo slightly uncomfortable seeing a bunch of Burly men fawning over a slender Cowboy after their mission Evan leads them to their next job on the way he shows them an electronic pamphlet introducing their new client a kid
named Ki Leon grumbles about the new assignment but Evan warns him to be cautious he reveals that Ki is under the watch of two notorious twin monitors known as life and death meanwhile the two twin monitors an eerie psychotic woman and her mute brother received the same pamphlet and realized they're on the same Mission woo dreams about their next client a boy named Ki in a bizarre scientific facility just as he's about to pass out in the dream woo calls out ki's name and wakes up moments later meanwhile on the city streets young Ki is
running around desperately shouting for his parents he's convinced they're finally coming home after being missing for 3 years a belief that's never been true that night as rain pours heavily Ki sits outside a crepe shop crying and questioning why his parents haven't returned he's been told that if someone lies enough eventually the LIE becomes true Ki has been lying so much that the system now sees him as a chronic liar and villain Lyon arrives to help Kik he uses his mysterious toy to blow some calming smoke at the distressed boy which helps Kiki relax enough
to share his story Kiki explains that the last time he saw his parents it was a normal night they were heading out for some business and promised to return soon unfortunately they never came back Kiki recounts his painful experiences of being bullied and mocked by local kids for being abandoned his resentment towards his parents grows but he still clings to the hope that they will one day return after hearing Kiki's story Evan and his team understand the situation better however Kiki isn't pleased with them being there and demands they leave fortunately his Guardian who comes
up to the attic finds them and invites them to dinner over the meal she shares details about Ki and his parents Evan and his team pretend to be ki's friends which makes the guardian happy as she never thought Ki would have any friends woo asks about ki's parents and the guardian's face Falls with sadness meanwhile in a high-rise Hospital building the head of a rogue research facility meets with life and death the infamous terrible twins he's surprised to learn that ki's parents whom he had experimented on 3 years ago had a child he hires the
twins to find Ki and bring him to them with orders to eliminate anyone who stands in their way the next morning woo K Leon and Evan head to a large hospital where ki's parents used to work hoping to find them leyon reflects on their recent clients and believes Ki and woo both labeled as criminals are victims of circumstances Evan questions Leon's thoughts and Leon speculates that they might be being distracted from a more significant threat they set aside the discussion and enter the hospital where Evan splits the team to search for the director separately woo
pairs up with K while Evan and leyon search together during their search woo and Ki meet a janitor who recognizes K the janitor reminisces about old times and recalls that ki's parents had left something for him he goes back to his office to retrieve it meanwhile Leon and Evan encounter one of the terrible twins Yuri in the hospital Lon recognizes her but chooses to stay silent they follow her into a room only to find themselves trapped with her and her twin brother Evan gets injured in the ensuing confrontation and demands to know why Yuri is
in the building with her brother Yuri calmly tells them to abandon their mission but that's not an option for Evan and leyon she lifts her skirt to release clitoris bubbles which she then enlarges and uses to trap them while this is happening the janitor who had earlier spoken with woo and Ki leads them to a bizarre building there he ambushes them as woo and Ki are caught off guard the battle between Evan Lon and the terrible twins rages on the twins take their time between attacks causing frustration during the fight Leon pauses and asks Yuri
why she's aiding the villains Yuri laughs softly and explains that they work with correcting murderers and have grown to despise humans after seeing their darkest sides they've become accustomed to human cruelty and have devised a plan to provoke humans into more violence when the meter indicates a human's inevitable Doom they Revel in the Betrayal on their faces Yuri reveals that their current Target is the hospital director a notorious serial killer and their intent on watching him die she warns and Evan not to interfere but lean sees through her and demands she open the door despite
his insistence Yuri remains Resolute healing herself and continuing to fight a few meters away from the locked room woo stops the janitor from attacking Ki with a massive Axe by tasing him to the ground woo quickly realizes the janitor is possessed by some mysterious force and has been acting under its control as more monsters start coming after them woo Dodges and fights his way through hiding from the creatures in the alleys during a brief pause woo notices surveillance cameras and realizes he's been detected the fool then rushes to a blind spot to avoid being seen
safe for the moment woo asks Ki if he's ready to find the control room Ki visibly terrified asks if woo thinks his parents could be like the monsters woo reassures him that his parents are fine Ki then asks woo if he has parents who cook for him and woo sadly replies that he only has a younger brother left before they can continue a monster catches up to woo and knocks him out when woo wakes up he finds himself face to face with the hospital director and his bizarre octopus parasite Kik desperate to see his parents
rushes to hug them only to realize too late that they've been transformed into monsters tragically Kiki is stabbed in the chest and left to Die the director with the parasite still on his head explains to woo that he's been living in the director's body for years after woo had supposedly killed him he mocks humans and supervisors for not knowing about him revealing that he's built a massive Army of parasites ready to take over the city the director tries to win woo over by complimenting his unique smell but woo now hardened by the situ ation throws
a knife at the parasite's head causing it to bleed green blood after getting stabbed in the head the pink octopus parasite crawls down the director's bald head and pins woo to the ground it starts slapping woo swearing to make his face look more ugly than his using its control over K's parents the parasite forces them to hold woo down while it continues to beat him mercilessly meanwhile Evan Leon and the twins take a break from their fight when Evan is infected by Kara's virus causing a strange lump to appear on his cheek Leon checks on
him and Evan says he's fine however Yuri reveals that there's no vaccine for the virus and insists they surrender so she can heal Evan but Evan sticking to his non-negotiation policy changes his strategy and blasts carara to Pieces shocked Yuri searches for her brother but is met with Evan's plasma rays which destroy her upper body Yuri quickly revives but Evan keeps shooting her to ensure she doesn't fully recover as the fight intensifies Evan fires his final blast and carara showing up at the last minute takes the hit for his sister and dies back to woo
the Little Octopus tortures him trying to force some strange equipment into his mouth woo recalling advice he once gave his elder brother activates his inner strength and frees himself with a hidden knife he turns the fight against the Cowardly octopus who in a panic sends minions to attack woo the battle continues as woo fights for his survival after taking the hit for his sister kurara transforms into a small protective animal infuriated by Evan's earlier mockery Yuri merges with her twin brother combining their Powers With Yuri controlling the motor limbs they launch a coordinated attack against
Evan despite Evan's Relentless plasma bullets Yuri continuously revives and keeps attacking leyon feeling useless and overwhelmed is haunted by Mia's harsh words about his weakness compared to Evan as he struggles with his self-doubt Evan pulls him back to reality and helps him escape the crumbling building once outside Evan returns to confront Yuri and her brother giving Yuri a Stern reminder of her mistakes Yuri with a swollen head realizes that the director is being controlled by parasites and feels guilty for her previous failures determined to redeem her stupid self Yuri helps Evan and leyon by destroying
the virus inside them allowing them to fight again once her brother is back to full strength Yuri asks Evan for the plan Evan explains that they need to lure all the parasites into a hidden location and eliminate them all at once they also need to deal with the giant with the green aura that is causing chaos around the hospital Yuri and kurara head off to handle their part of the mission leaving Evan and Lon behind Evan tries to contact woo but finds that the building signal is blocked leaving them unable to reach him inside the
building woo discovers the signal blockage and doesn't let it get him down instead he throws his knife at the parasite irritating it so much that it merges with the dead director and transforms into a terrifying monster as the number of parasites grows Evan and his team including Yuri and her brother struggle to keep up Evan frustrated with the situation Dawn his full battle gear and joins the fight Leon Yuri and kurara all get into the action with kurara summoning a colossal monster to Aid them mean while woo evades the Monstrous parasite while waiting for the
right moment to strike when he finally finds an opening he traps the parasite with his light Powers effectively destroying it from the inside out with the parasite defeated the other parasites attacking Evan and Leon are also eliminated afterward kurara and Yuri part ways while Evan goes to investigate the parasite Source Lyon wants to join him but is told to find woo first remembering his negative thoughts from earlier Lyon shakes off the doubts and heads off just as leyon is about to search for woo carara and Yuri return eager to fight him now that Evan is
gone Leon warns them of Evan's wrath but they ignore him and prepare for battle just when things look Grim a mysterious figure appears and stabs the twins changing the course of the fight before Lyon resumes his battle he reflects on just how arrogant and rebellious Yuri and her brother are fueled by his hatred for them he's determined to rid the world of people like them as he watches the siblings get their chests pierced he searches for the mysterious Intruder and discovers it's a colossal giant meanwhile woo awakens in the wreckage of the corridor still disord
oriented he notices a small movement on his right lap and finds a tiny version of the vile spawn he fought earlier this spawn now a harmless little Pooky with no limbs is a result of woo absorbing its powers pooki seeing woo as a giant tries to flee but woo captures it and traps it in a jar perplexed by his new Sinister pet without a weapon pooki tries to manipulate woo by claiming that the Matrix it once controlled will elect a new king one much stronger than it was who could potentially defeat other supervisors as Pooky
talks Lyon is outside Facing the Giant the newly elected King of the vile spawns the Monstrous figure oblivious to Leon's presence taunts him and incites him to anger acting on his emotions lean launches A desperate attack on the giant pushing himself to his limits woo hears the commotion and rushes to help his friend outside lean's efforts lead to his sacred orb breaking and he's left vulnerable the fat pig picks him up effortlessly and waits for any sign of resistance despite being belittled Lyon manages to stab the Giant's eyes and escapes its grasp determined to fight
on just as the giant monster is about to retaliate Yuri reappears with a Vengeance twisting his neck until it's completely turned around despite this the Red Beast miraculously survives baffled by how Yuri and her brother managed to come back after finishing off the monster Yuri thanks Leon for buying them the time they needed to revive the monster now with its head back in place prepares for round two against Yuri kurara and leyon meanwhile woo exhausted but determined rushes toward the fight scene Yuri kurara and Leon summon their Correctional toys and launch an assault on the
giant red Beast while the others engage in battle leyon feels sidelined watching the powerful heroes in action he becomes envious of Yuri's strength and Perfection questioning the fairness of their powers Mia's dark voice reappears criticizing Leon for feeling like a mere tool for Yuri overwhelmed Leon almost succumbs to Mia's negativity but decides to fight the demons to buy time for his allies woo reaches the roof of a nearby building for a better view there pooki the tiny monster boasts about the New King's immense regenerative Powers claiming he's nearly Invincible unfazed woo puts pooki down and
dismisses his threats pooki frightened manages to escape the jar while Woo's back is turned meanwhile Yuri completes extracting Venom from her brother's body and plans to inject it into the giant monster hoping to slow down its regeneration and give them a Fighting Chance when Yuri is ready she signals Lyon who injects the giant syringe of Venom into the new King's shoulder to ensure the Venom takes effect Yuri makes Lyon's puppet hug the monster and explode despite their efforts the Beast doesn't fall just in time Evan arrives and finishes off the monster with a well-placed shot
the battle is soon over and Yuri gets most of the credit leaving Lyon feeling both sad and frustrated Evan ignoring the children heads to a secluded alley for a private meeting with his superiors he updates them on the recent Mission and discusses the parasitic spawns that caused Havoc Lon now back with woo reports that he's normal but expresses his concerns about Woo's special powers the superiors remind Evan of his mission and one tries to call him by his real name but Evan scorns them declaring he'll handle woo himself if he finds out any connection to
Mia meanwhile Yuri uses her powers to help Kiki meet his parents one last time in the afterlife in his vision Kiki enjoys a crepe breakfast with his parents who apologize for not being there for him Ki tearfully apologizes for being a difficult child as his parents say their final goodbyes and Fade Away Ki vows to grow into someone they would be proud of with ki's soul at peace Evan continues his investigation before he leaves woo asks if his villain status can be lifted Evan responds that someone will handle it for him in the dark of
the city a llama and a human are scoping out a recent crime scene after a sneeze from one of them sends germs flying they dive into their work later that night pooki finally arrives at his master's Lair his master is furious with him for being Reckless and exposing their existence to humans and supervisors the plan was to stay hidden in the shadows but pooki's blunder has ruined everything as punishment the master decides that Pooky will be devoured by the other fearsome parasitic monster moners 2 weeks after the chaos at the hospital fth city is busy
repairing and rebuilding despite the large number of people in the city only a small fraction about 372 are missing a tiny percentage of the overall population that night as Wu minglu heads back to his dorm he stumbles upon the llama and his human partner who are sprawled out in front of his room the human is collapsed on the floor begging for health points to avoid an embarrassing end woo not in the mood to deal with this rushes past them and opens his door inside he finds leyon holding a to get and scolding him to come
inside and get comfortable woo however has brought a guest Canon a blonde supervisor who leyon finds particularly annoying Canon known as cowardice introduces himself and explains his mission Canon the number 13 Supervisor has a knack for dealing with spineless people tonight he's here to help Paladin coward a man who Canon believes is the greatest coward ever earlier Canon had tracked his client who was being bullied by a trio of thugs with noses like hockey pucks Canon had made a dramatic entrance berading the bullies for their cowardice and for existing in the first place he then
turned to Paladin and promised to help him build the courage he needed to stand up for himself in the future coward still confused asks Canon to explain who he is and where he comes from Canon making a dramatic entrance tells him he's a number 13 supervisor here to help him build courage he then uses powerful magic to boost coward's bravery and strength with a flash of Paparazzi style golden lighting despite this coward's newfound courage quickly Fades as one of the bullies knocks him out with a stick leaving him lying on the ground Canon watches in
frustration as the bullies continue to Pummel coward after the bullies leave Canon reveals coward's Secrets including his embarrassing habit of stalking a crush at the 10th Academy coward humiliated and scared asks how Canon knows Canon summons his sacred animal a Lama to demonstrate his knowledge before taking his dramatic leave Canon advises coward to never give up on his dreams unfortunately his heroic exit is cut short when he gets hit by a truck the story of Canon the great ends with him begging Leon to help him get revenge on the bullies who mistreated him and his
client woo recognizes Canon as the person Evan mentioned who would help correct his villain status when woo asks Canon how he plans to do this Canon pulls out a photo of himself with long Pinocchio like hair and says he'll help woo fix coward's cowardice woo and lean laugh nervously finding it hard to believe woo ever had long hair lean remembers a scenario where woo had grown out his hair after telling a lie in front of everyone in a flashback Woo is seen rushing through the corridor frantically trying to get his hair back to normal after
angering Leon along the way he passes coward who mistakenly thinks Woo is a girl and makes a fuss about it it turns out the girl coward has been obsessively stalking was actually woo a few weeks ago realizing the mistake woo asks Canon how he can make things right Canon with a Sinister smile suggests woo must dress up as a girl again and help coward find his courage woo not thrilled with the idea rejects the offer Canon knowing Woo's weakness bribes him with a stack of 100 W notes seeing the money woo eagerly agrees and starts
preparing for his unusual task after getting new clothes woo dresses up as a cute girl and practices to stay in character for the next day the following day woo meets coward at his usual spot coward is stunned his brain momentarily short circuits as he regains his composure everything seems to go smoothly Canon and Lon hiding nearby watch the scene unfold while leyon is disgusted by the plan Canon remains hopeful the bullies soon arrive expecting to humiliate coward in front of his girlfriend Canon steps out and makes Lyon invisible he lets coward talk tough to the
bullies and when the moment is Right Lon jumps in to defeat them after the bullies are dealt with coward and his girlfriend woo go to a nearby cafe for coffee and a chat Leon and Canon stay close by to ensure no surprises at the cafe coward struggles to find words but eventually thanks woo for being there for him making him feel seen and valued woo gives coward a pep talk encouraging him to be a good person and pursue meaningful goals after saying their goodbyes woo and leyon head back home as woo and Leon head home
woo asks why Canon unlike most supervisors didn't have to stick to the 100 me rule Leon explains that level four supervisors like Canon have special privileges and powers that let them bypass certain rules plus Evan Canon's partner has had to put up with Canon's quirks for a while they laugh about it until monitor Chen Ru Woo's least favorite school character shows up seeing woo and his girls's outfit Chen Ru quickly turns away throwing one of her Flyers at him later that night back home wo vents his frustration to Canon about the embarrassing encounter Canon just
laughs and advises woo not to worry about others opinions as a parting gesture Canon gives woo some of of the money he owes him woo turns his back but Canon then notices one of Chen ru's posters and reads about thugs with alatri ophy causing trouble Leon and woo puzzled by the term thugs with a lopy from Chen Ru ask Canon to explain Canon begins his history lesson about fith City he explains that fth City wasn't built in a day it started as a Barren land after a disaster and survivors faced terrible famine for decades people
starved and some even resorted to eating human flesh to survive this dark practice continued for 30 years until the city began to take shape and food storage improved however some people who had developed a taste for human flesh couldn't stop these individuals known as those with a low triphasia syndrome would sneak out at night to prey on Strays and anyone they could catch the last known case ended when a policeman killed a patient who tried to eat his visiting daughter since then the city has been peaceful until now Chen ru's posters suggest these dangerous individuals
might be active again woo teases Canon about his age and Canon laughs saying he'll always be 18 at heart they all share a laugh before heading to bed in a dim sewer tunnel two Shady guys find their way to an underground hideout they're looking for their boss whom they'd paid earlier for protection the thugs at the base tell them the boss isn't around frustrated The Men start complaining until a half balled man with a strange tattoo punches them warning them to keep quiet or face worse after dealing with them he heads to his basement to
enjoy some human flesh before retreating to his dark Lair grumbling about how much he hates the city and his desire to destroy it the next morning Canon wakes Leon and takes him to a spot where where they can watch coward's school they witnessed the same bullies they dealt with the previous day breaking into coward's classroom roughing up the teacher and searching for coward despite the chaos coward's classmates and teacher urge him to stay and wait for security but coward decides to face the bullies and their boss directly thinking he can handle them he steps outside
and finds himself surrounded by five bullies undeterred he raises his fist ready to fight them coward's bravery turns out to be not enough as he's beaten mercilessly and tossed around like a rag doll from their hiding spot Le and feels sorry for him but Canon insists they let coward fight his own battle this time coward's Moment of Truth is now he must face his fears and stand up for himself as he lies on the ground he recalls everything he's learned about courage from Canon and woo determined not to give up he defiantly tells the bullies
he will never surrender annoyed the bullies hit him harder but thankfully they don't kill him and eventually leave Canon and Leon come out of hiding to check on coward only to see a biker approaching with chains the biker wraps the chains around coward's neck and drags him away Canon and Le immediately spring into action chasing the biker through the city Canon manages to intercept the biker knocking him off his bike before he can cause more harm the biker reveals himself as the same person who'd been ranting about the city earlier and then flees into an
alley with coward's life hanging by a thread Canon and Lee and Rush him to the hospital as coward fights for his life in the Intensive Care Unit Canon feels a deep sense of guilt to make amends he decides to use his abilities to heal coward quickly by overdrawing on coward's future life after healing coward Canon takes to the skies and soon tracks down the biker who tried to kill him the biker like every other useless Thug claims he wanted to teach coward a permanent lesson to prevent him from being a hero in the future the
biker then transforms into a gigantic monster abandoning his Humanity to fight Canon Canon unfazed hurls insults at the monster and slices open its chest he then uses a demonic hand to hold the beast in place and interrogates it about its boss with the information in hand Canon calls Evan to report on Dam the Biker's boss who is Immortal and can spread a lot TR of to his followers Evan thanks Canon and Promises to send inspectors to deal with Dam when Canon inquires about Mia Evan mentions he's investigating someone else which Canon deduces is woo meanwhile
Chen Ru and a few bystanders watch the police sirens blare on the street Chen Ru is too focused on pting her awareness posters to notice much else woo catching her off guard admits he's been dressing up in zesty clothing and begs her to keep it a secret in exchange he offers to teach her how to avoid surveillance cameras chenu agrees and punches woo out of reflex but they're soon interrupted by a scream they follow the sound and discover a monster feasting on a freshly dead body when the monster is discovered it lashes out and pulls
both Chen Ru and woo underground with it
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