The Dark World of VRChat (ft. iamLucid)

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Visual Venture
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yeah no I mean I pay well like people that are with me they're happy like always one girl who quit her day job because it you know pays it pays really well so you like this job that's all I do is make the Airship it's becoming so hyper realistic to a point where people are making mods and little additions that they can add to their avatars that gives them fully working private parts so I got something in the mail this is honestly unreal I'm like super thankful for each and every one of you guys because
without you guys this would not happen so thank you so in this video my friend and YouTuber I am Lucid talked about his true thoughts on VR chat and the things he says are pretty shocking VR chat is one of the biggest virtual reality Games out there with over 20 000 people playing the game every single day it's practically the home of the VR Community people can escape into new exciting and sometimes strange worlds and be whoever they want I like to say it's like dreaming with your eyes open but what happens when virtual reality
becomes your actual reality for those of you who are unhappy with your lives VR becomes your happiness in your way of coping and that's when addiction takes root I'm hooked I have people on my friends list every time I log on they're online every single time like whether it be two in the morning or two in the afternoon they're always online they literally live inside a VR chat Omega recovery a mental health service released an article explaining some of the symptoms of VR Gaming addiction and it's bad people would stop doing things as simple as
cleaning or eating when researching we even found some people who put off sleeping to stay in the game they would isolate themselves from their friends and family only wanting to talk with people in VR and lastly people experience serious issues like depression anxiety and increased aggression the way that people can get addicted to VR chat and games alike is when they're lacking of something that is necessary in their real life and then they use VR chat as an escape from those problems a YouTuber called Mr Drew came forward with his own story after he was
introduced to VR by a friend Drew got himself an Oculus Rift and started playing free demos and once he finished those he discovered a new game VR chat I soon found myself spending hours upon hours of vrchat making friends singing karaoke watching movies exploring worlds playing games sadly it wasn't long before these sessions would spiral out of control and before Drew knew it he was hooked I bought index controllers and Vibe trackers allowing my fingers and entire body to be tracked while in BR this only fed into my addiction making it harder and harder to
leave this weird world I felt pulled into soon Drew started to experience some of the symptoms we talked about I started to sleep while in VR only removing the headset to go to work it was as if the virtual world was my primary reality as if I was living in this metaverse and only leaving it to keep the body I was plagued with the IRL alive but after two months of recovery Drew was able to heal and is now able to enjoy VR chat in a healthier way but there are so many people like Drew
who get dangerously hooked on this game on vrchat the servers you join are called worlds and some of these worlds can be gateways to even bigger vices because there's a darker side to VR chat one that includes staying out late and partying right inside your headset the VR chat nightlife The Nightlife is the term used for activities available for people at night this can mean things like bars nightclubs and casinos and can also mean darker things like substance issues and other activities not safe for work but what if I told you that these things happen
on VR chat too the buried underneath this game filled with silly avatars is a disgusting nightlife well it does and it's thriving every Friday and Saturday night VR chat worlds like the void Club were filled with hundreds of users the void Club is a nightclub with DJs a dance floor and other concerning features there's like back rooms there's like secret rooms you can lock the actual doors on sometimes people can you know go into a door or into like a room and get freaky with each other inside of the Void club and while everyone in
the VR chat Community has different opinions about the place there's one thing that seems dangerously common people drink in the void clubs and I don't mean virtual drinks people will drink massive amounts in real life while playing VR chat people just obviously just get drunk there a lot they dance there a lot but you can kind of expect that of like a regular Club but inside of VR chat and instead of human beings it's anime boys and this may not sound like a problem but it might when you realize that VR chat's age rating is
13 and up not only do young people feel pressured to join but it can leave them vulnerable to these party animals and sometimes to preds in an interview done by Brandon FM the person he interviewed revealed a group of men who would look for vulnerable girls on VR chats in a really awesome age they are once they had a group of girls they would start a drinking game with them one guy would stand in the middle of the group and play a song throughout the song he would raise his hand and whenever his hand was
raised the girls would have to drink and this game would go on for a long time because they prepared a list of songs to keep the girls playing some stuff they basically have their picking up drunk girls sure this may not be in real life and they can't do anything physical to them but they could still easily influence them and sadly this isn't the only group like this on VR chat there are dangerous groups that seek to cause damage The Gangs of VR chat before we talk about these Insidious gangs I want to tell you
about today's sponsor incogni so I'm especially passionate about incogni because my goal for this channel is to help you guys stay safe online chances are your personal information is floating all over the internet if you try typing your name or your parents name online you'd probably find information that you thought was Private your email phone number or your home address when I searched up my own name my information was everywhere thousands of companies are collecting and selling your personal data without you even knowing it and you have the right to request that your personal information
is deleted but the problem is I tried doing this myself manually and it took forever Incognito takes care of this autumn automatically they reach out to data Brokers for you after one week my information was removed from 31 different sites to get started with incogni click the link in the description or go to visual Venture the first 100 people to use the code visual Venture will get 20 off okay honestly if you guys are serious about keeping your personal information safe online incogni will help personally for me I'm going to use them probably as
long as I live click the link in the description and use the code visual venture to protect yourself right now like all online games there's a toxic side to their communities but most games don't come close to VR chat valerant has salty players Warzone has kids yelling slurs but VR chat as gangs and as silly as that sounds they can be pretty serious I'm Lucid gave us an inside look into the minds of these gangs what if yurche game pretty much is is a group of people that meet online usually they have issues with their
own family in real life as far as I can tell so they feel like they have to get that Family Protection feeling that all us humans innately need and want so they meet these gangs online in VR chat and they feel like okay I'm part of this like bigger group I feel like I have purpose in this life because of my you know call to that I am currently in what these gangs do is take advantage of VR chat's vulnerable systems to crash people's games remotely I put something into the gun so it would shoot
out particles it crashed the entire world except everybody but you would just delete these gangs believed that they would gain clout for crashing people but they also did it to silence people who knew about their illegal operations it turns out that these gangs actually stole people's custom-made avatars and would resell them for an insane amount of money like ripping avatars and like reselling them and things like that or thousands of dollars easily I would say at least ten thousand and I'm Lucid talked about the consequences of messing with these gangs they all have like a
mob mentality group motive where if they don't like somebody or a person doesn't fit into their like beliefs for an example go put on something called the Kos list if they see a user on the Kos list or on site list they go after them with everything they've got these gang members would have apps on their PCS to scan thousands of VR chat worlds to see who's in them sometimes they would even try to get rid of them permanently through something called a GPU Crasher with a GPU being one of the main components of your
PC you'd be lucky to play Minecraft at 12 FPS without it this is how it's done on an avatar there would be some sort of particle effect or like a mesh Crasher and it would have so many particles in it and it would just keep instead of closing the game like it would do now it would leave it open so if you left your game open it would spin your fan and spin your fan faster and faster and faster until the VR chat developers eventually stepped in and introduced safety settings in an attempt to stop
the GPU Crashers but the problem still happens today currently the gangs have seemingly gone underground and no one has heard of them since their peak in 2020 but some still say they stock the servers searching for new victims role play Erp role play is exactly what you think it is for the sake of YouTube I'm going to be referring to this as role play or RP while it's nothing new it's been in online games for decades and it's one of the main parts of VR chat in some VR chat worlds there are private booths people
can go to fully equipped with beds soundproof walls and a lock system to keep people from seeing what goes on behind closed doors people even use full body tracking specifically for this purpose it's becoming so hyper realistic to a point where people are making mods and little additions that they can add to their avatars that gives them fully working private parts but what makes this especially bad is once again the young people playing a study from 2019 shows that 51 of 11 to 13 year olds have seen content of that nature online but VR chat
takes it to another level not only are there VR chat Worlds made for this but also avatars designed with RP in mind these kinds of avatars are not allowed on public servers like the void Club but yet so many of your our chat worlds have it to show you just how much inappropriateness there is we sent our scriptwriter CJ into VR chat and these were his findings there's some worlds we found that were so graphic we can't show them to you guys one world was centered around a certain Niche when you answered it stated that
you had to be 18 or older on the surface the world seemed pretty normal it had chairs a couch and a TV screen but there were four private rooms each room had a restraining device in the middle of it and on the table beside it were different tools what disturbed us the most was that these restraints came in different sizes and not all of them were adult size so I'm lucid and myself included believed that this role-playing epidemic could be the future and there's a huge problem that comes with that they get this hyper realistic
expectation of their partner looking a certain way acting a certain way and especially in VR chat when you have a full working body identical to real life nobody in real life can mimic that exact visual appearance that the VR chat anime girl that was made in blender and unity will ever come close to a real human being and while we can't stop the creators of these RP games we can do our part and encourage our friends not to join in story of tech gangster there are so many preds on VR chat but there's one who
was so Infamous that his name alone would make people Furious I know Tech gangster is a very well known file around these parts at least literally no 30 women who had encountered with this one guy the clip you just saw came from the YouTuber quits quit's brother was harassed by Tech gangster so quits went on a mission to find Tech himself he went to different VR chat worlds to ask people about tech and clearly they don't like him too much but who is this guy and what did he do Tech's real name is actually Brent
and he took advantage of countless women across VR chat quits interviewed two key people from Brett's life his former friend and his ex-girlfriend during the interview with his former friend who we'll call Megan quits found some sickening details about how he played VR chat his surroundings he always had little children around him he would be such a bad influence on them Brent would also let his anger get in the way and would verbally lash out at Megan the next interview with Brent's ex-girlfriend revealed the dark truth about living with him in real life she said
that he would do things like dump her food throw stuff pour liquid on her couch and much more that we can't talk about over here thankfully she's safe from him now and I hope she's doing okay as for Brent no one truly knows what happened to him some say he still visits vrchat but I just hope people know to stay away but if you thought Tech gangster was bad he's just the tip of the iceberg because this next person took advantage of people and made an organized business out of it the adult business on May
19 2022 a VR chat YouTuber named verum exposed the secret Crimes of the user maze vsf it turns out that maze ran an adult video business centered around VR chat this gave him quite the reputation with the community and not a good one he was placed on multiple Kos lists and has been banned from the game over 26 times you might think that people hated him because of his business but that's only part of the reason people truly hated him because of his methods of finding models for his videos maze would log on to servers
and search for vulnerable female users then manipulate them with his lies and charm to make them want to join the business yeah no I mean I pay well like people that are with me they're happy like there was one girl who quit her day job because it you know pays it pays really well once they're interested he would ask pictures of their IDs passports driver's licenses and anything to confirm their adults but that's not why he asked for their identification he asked because once the girl sent their personal information over they had fallen into maze's
trap he can use it against them he would also use other techniques to make girls feel a sense of security he would say things to make them feel special why do you think I ran up to you why do you think it was you who I went up to you're beautiful for who you are you would also make these girls believe that he was in love with them and engaged in relationships with them and in the real world these are the same methods that Criminal used to lure women into during these relationships Maize would secretly
record their RP sessions and would make the girls send him pictures of themselves and not just pictures in VR chat but actual pictures of themselves in real life so that when they realized maze was exploiting them Maize could blackmail them into silence because I'm telling this right now if I smell you if I [ __ ] smell you near any of my friends or any of my patrons if I can hear your name I'm gonna make you regret ever and Crossing me it really makes you wonder what kind of man would do this well the
same man who would engage in multiple relationships while being married himself the same man who was also a father of two children maze had no shame and was even proud of his manipulation skills if I manipulate someone into doing what's better for them so if you're not doing the job of the air kick your ass out or be you'll get manipulated into doing what you should be doing in the first place the little did maze know that verum was on his Trail and recorded everything and Maze finally got what was coming to him just a
few days after varum uploaded the video he released an update on the 23rd of May verham's video led to a virtual Witch Hunt to chase maze off the art chat shut down his company and rescue the girls maze was left powerless and came crawling to varum begging for mercy please please delete please let me die you win You've Won you've accomplished your goal I am not joking you are not ever gonna hear from me again the rest of your life you will go on you might think of me from time to time and you can
feel Victorious because you were goodbye I hope maze faces the Justice he deserves and the girls find the peace they need but this happy ending is a rare one believe me most stories don't end like this because sometimes these people cross the bridge from virtual reality to reality a mother's worst fear what's a childhood fear you remember the most maybe it was the thought of what lurks under your bed or was it a fear of something hiding in your closet well one day that fear came true for someone in 2020 a mother heard strange noises
coming from her daughter's bedroom her daughter has been acting strange for the last month she was secretive anxious and was spending more time in her room than with her family and these noises were the last straw the mother stormed into her daughter's room and heard shuffling in her closet she flung The Closet open she screamed standing in the closet was a man covering himself up in her daughter's clothing the man was Jr and he was living in a girl's closet for over a month and they met on VR chat the girl was using a fake
account on vrchat and told Jr that she was an adult after some time Jr drove all the way from Louisiana to Spring Hill to meet her which is an eight-hour drive Jr then convinced this girl to let him stain her house and hide in the closet whenever someone was home this went on for over a month before he was found and arrested the public world's on VR chat can be a direct line to vulnerable young people who fall prey to these monsters there's still one more to talk about and this person created a cult filled
with young people The Imposter in August of 2022 Brandon FM exposed occult operating on VR chat it was called the dark Guild and was run by Alyssa Afton on the surface The Guild was a large Discord server that held virtual meetings through vrchat Alyssa welcomed people of all ages to hang out and chat in a friendly environment but Alyssa's true intentions were far more evil The Guild wanted to start operations where they would nap criminals like dealers bank robbers and such Alyssa was encouraging young people to engage in criminal activity and used her reputation to
encourage her Guild to do what she says so I know you might be scared to kill an actual person it's up to you I know for least I'm doing it again it's too fun Alyssa claimed that she ended five people whether this is true or not it didn't matter it terrified the other members which is exactly what Alyssa wanted and this leads to what we believe is the real purpose of the dark Guild to gather these young people for Alyssa's own desires Alyssa engaged in multiple relationships with young people in her Guild it doesn't matter
image and I'm dating it he's he's how old he's seen this audio was secretly recorded by Brandon when he went undercover as a teenager to find information about Alyssa at that time Alyssa was not only dating that boy but also married to another person virtually on VR chat someone who is attending summer school at the time during that same recording Alyssa tried to role play with Brandon even though he said he was too young it depends are you up or anything you mean like Erp yeah Alyssa did this with so many people in her Guild
and some were affected mentally the mental scars this whole experience has put on my mind are so extreme that I was recently diagnosed with Stockholm syndrome thankfully Brandon managed to shut down the entire server the dark Guild was disbanded and Alyssa's Powers were gone right well this is where the story should end but sadly Alyssa is still out there but Alyssa's name tells us a lot Alyssa Afton the name Aspen is a reference to the series Five Nights at Freddy's after the character ended the lives of five people so when she claimed to have done
the same it's clearly a lie she's nothing more than an imposter people will still go on VR chat and that's okay right because my goal is not to get you guys off any platform but to be aware of the platform so how do you stay safe the best way to stay safe on vrcha would definitely have to be to have moral grounding as a human being so first figure out who you are what you stand for and stand firmly on it and then you can enter VR chat because only then you will have a positive
experience in the game and it won't actually ruin you as a person because it does feel like you're playing tug of war with the devil sometimes on that game where everyone's getting drunk and all these avatars are get into all the clubs and all of the above but if you have a good standing before you press a run on the exe file you're going to be okay matter of fact it might even be a positive game for you to play doing research on VR chat felt different it was unlike any other platform we covered because
the other platforms were in the palm of your hands but virtual reality makes you feel like you're living in another world when people escape reality to go to VR chat it truly becomes their reality like I said it's like dreaming with your eyes open just a few years back virtual reality was a dream of Science Fiction but the internet was also once a dream and so were computers and smartphones the future is coming and my request to you is to spread this message so that we can be prepared once the future is here visual venture
[Music] okay [Music] foreign every single person that I've met in VR chat has no objective morality so everything that they do and say that they think is right versus wrong either comes from the laws of the land that they live in or from their own hedonistic Pleasures there's obviously many many flaws with this type of thinking and that's the majority of the school of thought of people inside of VR chat nearly every single person lives by that religion wow it's completely flawed because just as the person who would think that if you ask them you're
like hey are you depressed dude they're gonna say yes make any sense I don't think they really have like the ability to like understand like that is what's causing their unhappiness right like trying like like trying to chase happiness is the specific thing it's leading them away from it 100 exactly what you just said yeah them chasing happiness and solely happiness is the reason that they'll never find it wait before you go click this playlist right here to watch more dark internet documentaries because the algorithm needs to know that you guys watched all of my
video if you're a talented script writer or a video editor and want to join my team click the link in the description to apply I love you all peace
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