It's Go Time.

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Go Time. A narrative on finding the bravery to relentlessly pursue your dreams through adversity. ...
Video Transcript:
starting tomorrow what are you going to do that'll make a change in your life's Direction what are you going to do starting tomorrow that'll make a difference now see if you don't do something starting tomorrow that'll make a difference guess what it's going to be the same and see that way you can guess what the next five years are going to be like cuz the next five are going to be like the last five unless you major key tomorrow change it all the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always fallen short always
quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great everybody has a turn back moment you have a moment where you could go forward or you can give up but the thing you have to keep in mind before you give up is that if you give up the guarantee is it will never happen it's easy to give up it's the easiest thing in the world to do I man I'm I'm done I ain't
going I ain't going to keep going I don't feel like going to work done it's easy it's very easy but was hard is going yo yesterday I got nothing from working as hard as I could nothing happened from that I'm going to do the same thing again today but I'm going to try to go harder we all have these moments these moments in time that either make you or break you that can determine the rest of your life 19 years ago 300 lb I made a decision to try to be a Navy SEAL my whole
goal was to go on this path every day after work and to run a mile to mile and a half there wasn't some inspirational quote there wasn't some it wasn't nothing it was me myself and it was freezing out here I had to make a decision decision I make was to get up and keep on going people look at Champions and try and find something that that champion has that they don't have but it's not that at all they lack something everyone else has which is an off button they just don't stop you have to
have the ability to go to the deep end no matter whether or not you'll ever go there and some people are like well I'm never going to go to the deep end but you should be able to 100% you have to be trained to do it you have to be trained for it for when that time comes you're like okay I'm deep in qualified the winners always show up they're willing to lose in order to gain this body is great as you are as sharp as you make the Arsenal it can't do anything if you
don't have confidence in yourself We All Fall Down in life the question is who gets better back up you go after and you give it all you had if you lose at least you try man I failed it's 10 times more of a man than someone said what if they said why is it that you're working out so hard 5 hours a day 6 hours a day and you have always a smile on your face the others are working out just as hard as you do and they look sour in the face why is that
I'm shooting for a goal so every rep that I do gets me closer to accomplishing that goal to make this goal this Vision turned into reality every single set that I do every repetition every weight that I lift will get me a step closer to turn this score into reality to be successful at anything the truth is you don't have to be special you just have to be what most people aren't consistent determined and willing to work for it I get happier about the harder it is because I know that no one else will follow
if you can shift from this is hard to no one else will be able to do this then it it's it flips from being this thing that you're like oh poor me to oh poor everyone else who's going to have to try the easiest thing in the world to do is to complain blame and quit and settle that's the easiest thing in the world to do but it takes real work to deconstruct and to reconstruct the thought process and the mindset of an individual when they're trying to change something that's why I always say to
people what's more important what what we acquire or who we become confucious had a great saying that uh you know every man has two lives and the second starts when he realizes he has just one do the thing that your heart is asking you to do regardless of the external circumstances basically regardless of what it looks like not because of what you might get by taking action in the direction of your dreams because the goal the prize on the other end of it is not nearly as powerful it's who you become when you do the
damn thing now why don't you set a goal to become a millionaire for what it will make of you to achieve it and I thought wow that's a whole different philosophy set a goal to become a millionaire for what for the person you have to become in order to be worth uh a million dollars then he said once you've become a millionaire you can give the money away because what's important is not what you got but the person you became and I got the message most men live lives of quiet desperation and I've been that
guy just in this world where you just can't wait to just run away you have to take a path that's dangerous and most people want to take the safe path the safe path leaves you stuck in quiet desperation almost every time the enemy of greatness in life is good when people are going through life if things are okay they aren't feeling enough pain to make a change it's that level above where your comfort zone is that's where I want you to shoot for don't go through life burning at 10 watts or 50 be a 100
watt person and burn bright don't settle for average a lot of people their excuses are it's it's easier said than done it's too hard well it's supposed to be [ __ ] hard if growing stronger and building muscle were easy you'd have no reason to go to the gym you'd have no there would be no growth if there was no challenge realize that it's supposed to be hard it's supposed to be difficult if it wasn't difficult then there'd be no growth there would be no resistance there'd be nothing to force you to grow stronger with
and that's why I say the most important reason the most important thing the most important gift that you receive by taking action in the dire of your dreams is not attaining your dream it's you growing stronger and becoming a stronger version of yourself through the challenges through the resistance and because it's hard that's the hardest thing in the world to get up every day and give 100% And and be in the same position that you were each day but mentally know that you're trying and trying and trying that's that's a real that's a real grind
you guys know that you know if you do the work you work hard enough dreams come true you know that we all know that but hopefully what you get from tonight is your understanding that those times when you get up early and you work hard those times when you stay up late and you work hard those times when you don't feel like working you're too tired you don't want to push yourself but you do it anyway um that is actually the dream that's the dream it's not the destination it's the journey and if you guys
if you guys can understand that that then what you'll see happen is that you won't accomplish your dreams your dreams won't come true something greater will it's time to unwrap the potential you can be superior man it's within you it's within every single one of us and the people that have that have have risen to that level were no different than any one of us it's just they believe this and they're willing to work their ass off to get it right now in life your family is looking for that one guy right now they're looking
for that one guy who's strong who's that pillar for the family at Hard Times make sure when they look around they look around and find you these are the times right now for you to step up be that guy that can take anything if you don't accept that challenge if you don't step up and step into that cold water I I can tell you this is not a good move move towards that challenge whatever that challenge is move towards that challenge and go attack it and you may be successful and you may not be successful
but you will be better and the next challenge after that you're going to be even more prepared for and you're going to fail and you're going to fail and then you're going to win I once had a gallin counsel tell me that I shouldn't play basketball that it would never amount to anything for me I took that counselor's advice I took it and I used it to be the best basketball player I could be his negativity towards me Made Me Stronger you can't stop people from trying to limit your dreams but you can stop it
from becoming a reality I never watch what somebody else does it does not matter ber M got to do a thing so what did you think what was your ultimate goal what did you want to do to be the best to be the best Within Myself uhhuh I'm not in competition with anybody I think if you focus on being the best within yourself all that stuff will come I hear people say get your money on get your money on I hate that I hate you I mean and and that's your motivation if you do well
the money will come when I was young I had a lot of people telling me you have to adjust to the other ones you have to be like the other ones I was listening but I wasn't always following I did my own thing judge yourself against no one but yourself you're you're racing against no one but yourself and when you continuously think that you're we when you can compare yourself to other people you are losing the race and like this race is you against you man so don't get caught up in all this out here
of the social media this is where I'm at this is what I'm doing this is how great I am leave all that behind man worry about yourself worry about what you're doing and worry about where you're going and only where you're going to be your best s I'm obsessed with finding myself now and not having to prove anything to anybody other than myself and realizing that that is enough you know what I'm saying like that like giving your best is enough and and sometimes we lose track of that you are one of a kind so
that is your source of power to waste that is just the worst thing you can do in your life and what what the power is is finding that uniqueness it's not about the shoes it's about knowing where you're going not forgetting where you started it's about having the courage to fail not breaking when you are broken take everything you have been given and making something better it's about work before glory and what's inside of you it's doing what they say you can't it's not about the shoes it's about what you do in them it's about
being who you were born to be you can't wait for everything to be perfect to start living your life man I'm so guilty of that I'm always waiting for everything to be perfect before I live my life life I want everything to be perfect before something happens that's how I am I want everything to be look as soon as everything gets all lined up gets all perfect then this will happen as soon as these things line up I'm going to live my life as soon as I've got it all looking the way I want I'm
going to show up for you and for me you can't wait for everything to be perfect to start living your life what's your life going to look like if you don't go out and build what the you want to build that you have this little vision in your heart and in your mind of what your life should be like and what are you going to feel like if you don't go do that what are you going to feel like in a year 5 years 10 years I can promise you bro that dream ain't going away
that dream was placed in your heart and in your mind by God it is your purpose and you are obligated to go build it and for you to go build that it's going to require executing when you don't feel like it if you think the price of winning is too high wait till you get the bill from regret and that bill from regret is generational that bill has been passed on from generation to generation and you are holding that bill right now and somebody in some one of your Generations has to pay that bill off
and the only way that Bill gets paid off is you got to be willing to make the hardest decisions your gift will make room for you now what is your gift it's the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort that's your gift quit running away from the gift your gift will make room for you if there's potential inside of you which you know it's there but you're too scared to tell anyone else about it it and you go on and on get older and older and older and older and
the windows of opportunity start to close and you knew it could have been given birth to but you never did it I promise you it will haunt you it'll be more it's a living nightmare dude that fact that you have the ability to do something and you're too weak to turn the key and start the engine on it is a greater disappointment and a greater burden to carry than any of this physical Sweat Equity or pain in the gy or SW or or sacrifice all that is just nothing compared to a life where you're burdened
by regret guys it's all in your mind whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life if you continue to believe as you have always believed you will continue to act as you have always acted you will continue to get what you have always gotten if you want different results in your life or your work all you have to do is change change your mind we all ask why we should work this hard why take that many classes why go to school that many years you know why take the notes why
read the books why work that hard why put yourself through the push-ups and the disciplines why good question why best answer to why I think is the second question why not why not see how many books you can read how many classes you can take how many skills you can develop why not see how valuable you can become to the marketplace and to your friends and to your family why not see what you can make of yourself why not see how far you can go how much you can see how much you can earn how
much you can share why not we're all writing a book what's your book look like what does your book look like like your your life is a book you got a bunch of chapters in your book but when they closed that book how good was the book how good was your book what was the ending to your book all the things that can be associated with you and your existence become a part of the chapters in your book don't go through life whatever average means to you don't let that be your life don't go through
life just say you know what I'm okay being average average sucks it does I promise you this when you learn to not settle forested extraordinary your own it's basically your own standard you will live a life that's so full of joy and happiness but so much joy and so much passion that's where it is it's an extraordinary standards don't settle for average because you'll look back one day when you're old and gray almost like I am right and you'll say you know what that freaking sucked cuz those few moments in my life when I was
extraordinary that was what I felt most alive you go through like you have One Life to Live right just go go through it and and don't sell for anything less than total and utter Excellence I see a lot of players take vacations with other players that are close friends and we just take vacations just to take vacations or just hang out just to hang out like I I'm not I never did that why not go why why why didn't you do that well because when I retired I didn't want to have to say I wish
I would have done more I don't want that if they can do it I can do it that's the mentality if somebody else can do it you can do it and I said to myself I will do it and I will do it better when I do something want to be the best I will not be happy being the second third or the fourth my inspiration is that above everybody else and that's in everything I do it wasn't about the potential it wasn't about the genetics it was about the perseverance and it was about being
the hardest worker in the room that's what got him there and it didn't happen overnight they got knocked down more than they ever stood up but they kept going and kept going and kept going and kept going cuz what else is the alternative to be average again that sucks man and it really sucks when you've tasted success at one point in your life when you taste these Finer Things of Life all the pain all the work all the sacrifice to get them is well worth it if anything it's a small down payment for the price
and the reward you got and that feeling and once felt how do you ever turn your back on it develop the quality of being Unstoppable say in yourself that no matter what life throws at me it'll never stop me no matter how rough it gets I will never quit and nothing will ever stop me make the decision that you can be tired you can be worn out but nothing is ever going to stop you
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