I Bought a Limited Edition Maybach (1 of 5)

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Iman Gadzhi
BIG DAY - https://big-day.com Connect With Me On Other Platforms: Instagram: @imangadzhi Twitter: ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] no that's I think that could be a division mhm good big night so if you take a look at the actual value the come it's in there sure thank you so these are these are midmarket companies between 100 million and 500 million M it's perfect [Music] yeah I'm home now it's over now she got a thing for Chanel vintage that Dro before she can speak English do you love me and love seeking attention I mean which one is it you keep calling me twin but twins ain't this different mentally I'm already on next year
that's some 2020 Clear Vision you saying let you finish iin [Music] hear all right so this is big day my new drinks company and very quick I'm going to tell you what it is why I decided to create it and also let you know that is now available on our website or by the time that this gets uploaded within 2 or 3 weeks we should be available ailable on Amazon as well so both us and UK Amazon within 2 to 3 weeks will'll be available on there 1 second this honestly never gets old this right
here is coffee nothing particularly wrong with it but I face a few issues with this number one it actually just doesn't work for me like coffee I don't know what it is I could have a double I could have a Triple Espresso it just does not work for me now if I have that same amount of caffeine in an energy drink or in a different form let's say even a caffeine tablet I feel the effects so just something about coffee doesn't do anything for me that's just me personally anyways that's number one number two stains
your teeth number three kind of makes your breath smell a little bad number four obviously dehydrates you a lot and you're actually going to face that with pretty much all forms of caffeine that you intake now if coffee doesn't work for you the next thing people look at is energy drinks and here is where there are a lot of problems so first of all let's talk about the amount of caffeine in these things You' got things like celus 200 mg of caffeine that's ridiculous you've got C4 which I believe is a 160 Mig of caffeine
which once again it's just too much and then we've got something like Red Bull which only has I believe 80 Mig of caffeine but anyone has had Red Bull it makes you feel very funny the 80 Mig of caffeine in here it's not steady it's not smooth and it comes with a big big crash so that's the health side of things all of these except for this have way too much caffeine you're not going to drink any of these and think for 1 second oh you know what what a great start to the day I
can't be drinking these in a serious business meeting because you just look like an idiot so my friend this is where big day comes in big day has 80 Mig of caffeine that's about the same as a single shot of espresso it's enough to give you that little pickme up not too much that it [ __ ] your adrenals and gives you a crash afterwards I could sit here and tell you the way that caffeine affects you but you won't know until you try it the only way I can describe it is it's just a
very soft Landing there's no weird crashes or anything like that so I decided let me combine lightly flavored sparkling water that's just very refreshing and you want to sip on throughout the day and most importantly and this is what no one does let me put some electrolytes in this and I'm talking real actual electrolytes so that is big day lightly flavored sparkling water low level of caffeine and electrolytes I can hand on heart say it is the perfect drink and it's available right now so those are the cans now let's talk about the electrolyte sachet
most people wake up and they drink coffee first things first that's not good the thing you need to do first thing in the morning is rehydrate and water is not rehydrating and that is why I drink one of these electrolyte sachets first things first every single morning with a liter of water and you force yourself to drink it then if I'm having a day where I'm having a really intense workout then I'll do a second one of these as well so pretty much every single company except for one their electrolyte sachet are [ __ ]
there's honestly no point even buying them there's nothing of value inside so that is also why I came out with my own electrolyte packets one of these packs come with 30 electrolytes and one of the crates come with 12 cans so that is my new drinks company big day and as I said it's available first link in the description to purchase and on that note let's get back to this Vlog you sure you don't want to tart a cake a sandwich paid like $450,000 for it so take a free cupcake and it was your birthday
two days ago everyone in the comments say happy birthday well by the time they watch it it was my birthday like 6 weeks ago they w't know that basically that video that kind of went viral on short form that everyone thought we staged now in this guy what a five you can't let him get bored bro he's sitting at a beach club and just order a [ __ ] May [Music] B people think we stag that yeah bro see the comments dude it's so funny like people in the comments are like like quick dude take
out your phone and record I'm going to say I bought a May back that's funny well anyway we're here oh yeah it's there so yeah I had to wait 6 months but it came didn't know what to get you okay because uh I threw in so much at the beginning so it was very difficult for me to match something as last time so I said okay you know what we have a nice Meb collection uh take your pick okay so we can go for the accessories connected to your car especially the black leather accessories a
document holder or even you know a wallet the key ring and in case you're fond of pens or you want to keep something exclusive pen I got the car you can get the gift take you take your pick what do you want sick thanks bro no actually you know [ __ ] you you get enough GI so ahead and you pick something man you pick something what do you want take the wallet sir take take your pick anything you want 10 wallet son likes the cause yeah I know think take a model car bro what
do you think son I think that's sick thing where you going to put it uh on my table Yeah by the workstation yeah I think let's do this one let's good [Music] w w r in the back it's a May it's a May 32 shots in a k and a k marath i really run a a a a say you touch [Music] me this I hope you like the way I've uh a couple of things beautiful so it's actually the second champagne class champag glass Alex yeah cuz we're going sober in 2024 we can use
this for a big day see this let me see what's cool let's hold it very cool bro congrat you want to do for so yeah yeah all right so that's SI his legs are out um just want to make sure first IM man's car legs inside yeah so if I press lock his door will close and if I press unlock open if I go to say uh for example system off you'll see the speakers change color and then they go in and then if I turn it back on strut surviving came to see my mom
this DBS is what she driving my bills multiplying but my money ising happy looks beautiful wheel all right let's go home bro let's go home let's [ __ ] go home a little [ __ ] disco party here huh actually look at this champagne glasses the all the ambient lighting literally a [ __ ] disco bro all right bro you want me to get comfortable I want you to get comfortable let's see what what this thing does you want me to get comfortable I think it's that button that slides open like that damn bro yeah
that's that's cozy so why did you decide May back since you have a phantom already why yeah cuz I'm bored let him get bored no honestly like if you want the honest truth I like I'm not super big into my super cars for now because in Dubai you can't really enjoy them I take the GT3 for a spin but even that you can't really like make the most out of it here so when you don't really have supercars and stuff like that and you know I don't really drive that much then it just comes down
to chauffeur cars so obviously got the Phantom got the mayback the two best chauffeur cars the top-of-the-line Range Rover I think those are personally slept on um I really love those cars but yeah if you want the truth I just kind of ran out makes sense chur cars to buy I think for night drive this like cool get an ice cream bro you know sometimes we just we've been working so hard you just want to like go get a fro yo yeah like drive-thru uh and you know should go do that now yeah I feel
like that's that's probably pretty appropriate walk homeless in a Rolex just got off the stage on show and I basically Fess morning brother 12 in the morning cook rehydrate yes sir get it in so it just got to London I hope you guys enjoy the mayback stuff funly enough the mayback has been sitting in the Mercedes AMG showroom for I think 6 weeks now and there's already been so many people who have tried to pay extra and buy it off of me and a lot of people were really confused they're like wait if someone owns
this car why is this just sitting here and Mercedes had to explain like I don't know he just hasn't had any time so speaking of having no time came collected the car had a couple days of using it and yeah now we're in London so I have a couple property projects here some Investments and some Ventures to check in on and then apart from that the usual sort of stuff when I'm in London pick up a few watches pick up a couple bags from Hermes and then yeah just do a lot of running I love
running in London so as I said get a little big day electrolyte packet in I'm going to down this do a little stretching and then let's get started look we elevat we don't have to trap harder now my back say size is B SE Park I a't putting no suit and tire I turned on the Met mom kick me out to be fair I was beefing my step I put on first class with a four was Jack H look yes my guy good [ __ ] [ __ ] I try to keep up but too
Facey huh yeah too Facey how far was that it's not too far to be honest quick 8K in the bag a big day can we talk about big day actually I don't know dude I kind of enjoy that it's like our thing and no one knows about it I've just told all my friends yeah I just like made it for myself no one's allowed to have it bro it's been the best in a fridge in Dubai no it's nice just not like I don't know coffee just makes me feel you get that weird like taste
in your mouth makes your breath smell like [ __ ] and at the end of the day it dehydrates you like there's no point in having caffeine first thing in the morning if you're not going to rehydrate yourself so just having this as a replacement for coffee in the morning and just throughout the day like you know when you're just having like a long day well actually when you're having a big day and you know you need that like extra kick I don't know for me I just don't want to be that guy I'm sitting
in a meeting like an imported meeting we're talking about a multi multi-million dollar deal and I'm sat there with a Red Bull you know but and coffees don't do anything for me anyways I don't know maybe I'm just that random person but for me like I could have a double stresser before bed and nothing so I guess like all good things in life it was just something that I wanted to create for myself and we drank so much sparking water at home that's it we already drink Sparkling Water that's lightly flavored we already drink caffeine
and we already take electrolytes so why not just take the Holy Trinity and put them together and that's basically what we did with the can so the can is just something that you sip on multiple of them just throughout the day for just clean steady energy and then for the actual electrolyte sachets most electrolyte companies just don't actually have enough salt in there they don't have enough sodium so there's no point you know obviously I'm not going to say the company but you know who I'm talking about there's companies that are like electrolyte experts and
you have to put three of them in a bottle just cuz it's not enough and then for me at least the only electrolyte company that has the right profile it's just like it's too salty yeah doesn't it's not something you want to drink all day it's something you have to like force yourself to drink whereas obviously our big day electrolyte saet they're nice they're refreshing it's like a little dessert but healthy for you so let's go on with the rest of the [Music] day do my Sunday dreaming oh yeah and all my Sunday scheming every
minute so it's £4,000 I have in cash balance 14 something so so watch is free the watch is 13,850 and I can buy lunch as well yeah no bad decent man free watch can't complain what did you buy where I buy another bag another day another bag I don't even know what color this is It's a conance matte Croc there we go I don't really know what else say vanilla Matt Croc consant for your mom yeah for my mom as if she doesn't have enough B and what you got a free watch did you record
that I did yeah yeah it turns out I had like the watch was like 14 Grand or something and yeah just turns out I had enough points to pay for it so yeah got love Harris oh I'm hoping to discover a certain kind of lover who will show so it's showing February at the moment and it's also showing the first year of the fouryear leap cycle mhm okay okay so you just pick up 5740 notless it is accurate including leap years all the way until 2100 is I got I don't need to adjust anything on
here for another 75 years or next week when I forget to put on a watch Winder and my date and time and month is set wrong which yeah always happens to me so beautiful nice
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