ADHD Is a Curse… Until You Learn This

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Video Transcript:
ADHD can feel like living with a curse that's been spelled on you why because compared to the norm your brain can make your life totally chaotic and depressing and if you don't manage to avoid falling into this curse that's the prison population that's the addicted population that's the unemployed population the marginalized the people who can't stay in a relationship the people whose dreams never come true and to Die Young yeah it can literally take years off your life it's almost like 95% of people are starting at level 1 whilst you are starting at level min-1
however if you manage ADHD properly if you learn to master this curse you can actually become super successful and despite what you might believe it can actually become a blessing and I'm going to show you how you can easily do that in just a minute but first let's start out by analyzing why it's always so black and white why is it that you will either fail completely or become massively successful well it's the same reason why you either exercise really hard or not at all why you either eat really healthy or really unhealthy why you're
either hyperfocused or not focused at all and why you either feel like you're having really good days or absolutely terrible ones because if you have ADHD you can't do the ordinary you don't do the okay or meh it's always all or nothing because your brain has a a disregulation of dopamine meaning your levels of mood motivation and focus either Spike up or down there's literally no middle ground and if you don't know how to hack this dopamine regulation you will end up in a downward spiral that is difficult to get out of because these negative
days then comfortably compound over your life which is when you may find yourself so deep down the pit that you're completely lost isolated and feel hopeless on a path that often feels like it's predetermined by Fate because you feel like you've lost all control but what if we could compound the great days instead what would happen then well I can tell you what would happen our brain would level up faster than any neurotypical person ever could and there's a way to do that fellow adhders like Michael Phelps Simone biles Jim Carrey or Bill Gates have
figured it out or do you think Bill Gates has trouble staying consistent no it's easy for him you simply need to choose the path path you want your life with ADHD to take either you remain where you are right now accepting that you'll be stuck there indefinitely if you don't take action and make the few simple changes I'm about to share with you or you go down the path of beating the ADHD curse and watch your life transform you have the power to do that and it's never too late to go down that route no
matter how hard things are feeling right now you don't have to be a slave to your brain equipped with the right knowledge systems and tools you can learn to trust yourself again you can learn to have hope again and you can beat the ADHD curse in just three easy steps this is what I'm going to share with you right now make sure to watch until the end because all the steps built on top of each other and steps one and two would be nothing without step three step one if you're watching this chances are you're
stuck chasing fast dopamine and feel out of control you may not believe that change is possible and I get it I've been there after my diagnosis 7 years ago I discovered that all the problems that ADHD attracts into my life are driven by my brain's inability to say no to insant gratification AKA fast dopamine and it all starts a new every single day think about it when you wake up what's the first thing you do do you check your phone or do you make your bed do you watch a YouTube video or get dressed immediately
then then what does that lead to the reason I'm asking is because even though it may seem minor these small actions in the morning are often the predetermining factor for the rest of your day you either get stuck in a negative dopamine cycle after checking your phone and losing yourself on Instagram or you get stuck in a positive feedback loop of accomplishment that gives you momentum to tackle more because while things like checking social media make you feel really good right away we know that they are also a lot more shortlived the pleas pleasure is
artificial and therefore Fades quickly leaving a desire for more and opening up the potential for addiction especially when you have a disregulation of dopamine and so if you chase dopamine in the morning you will end up in a dopamine seeking Loop for the rest of your day for example if you check your phone in the morning you will much more likely get distracted by it again later because when your brain is looking to scratch that itch it almost instinctively reaches for that phone before you even realize it you're distracted again Doom scrolling not doing what
you actually wanted to do and when you put your phone down and try to concentrate it gets more difficult every single time if this was a game this would almost be like if you kept choosing the same passage where a spider keeps attacking you until you're dead you keep leveling down and have less and less power after the 50th time it's almost like you're in a trance just clicking on that passage not knowing why it's it's like you're a puppet with no control but we all know those ADHD mornings right those mornings where your restless
brain didn't let you sleep where you literally lie in bed and tell yourself that today is lost you start thinking about all the things you should be doing and the day just becomes bigger and bigger and more overwhelming and how are you going to be able to follow through with this for the next couple of weeks what are people going to think let's just check your phone for some quick relief and stop breathe what's the first thing you can do right now is it just getting out of bed okay let's do that wow that was
actually all right okay now let's get under the shower and see what happens okay time to make the bed wow I'm feeling better already okay now let's just sit down and try to focus do you see what we did there one little exception for us adhders can Cascade like a domino effect and so instead of getting stuck in a negative dopamine cycle it's almost like we charge ourselves up instead of stressing about the day and thinking about everything we needed to get done we built an on-ramp for our ADHD brains I know those negative thoughts
when you're lying in bed are so stimulating I'm not this person today I can't do it this is too much but for us very often it's just about showing up and seeing what happens we get overwhelmed by thinking about everything that needs to get done and everything changes once we focus on just the first couple of steps just making your bed and seeing what happens just sitting down in front of your PC and working on something for 5 minutes starting with the easy fills up your dopamine so you can tackle more later it allows you
to decrease the level of difficulty you start working at and is absolutely essential for your ADHD brain this is the first step to leveling [Music] up step two the truth is it's not just about your morning because even if you start your morning right most of the time you are still chasing the wrong activities which multiplies your chances of slipping into Oblivion because you're more impulsive and driven to fast rewards if you don't see a fun and easy Way Forward by the way what did that word easy just do to you did it feel bad
that we needed to be easy here's something I want you to internalize forever something Society doesn't knowled is for is the fact that we're interest driven and that we therefore need to chase the easy think back to your childhood you either did great at subjects you loved or terrible in the ones you hated right the same principle still applies to your adult life you can't force yourself to do things because your brain is allergic to shs needing to do something not because you want to but because that's the way it's done however the sad truth
is that everyone tells us to do exactly that friends family even loved ones may mean well when telling us that we should be nicer to ourselves we should see the positive more but what they don't know is that for every should our brain depletes its almost empty dopamine reserves even more because all of a sudden it's a task it's no longer something that we want to inherently do and so the most important question you need to ask yourself is this what are things that I look forward to and how can I find interest in the
things I'm currently doing this question then applies to two areas of your life your activities and your main mission in both of these areas you're always presented with your opportunity to char yourself up level up or suck yourself dry level down activities are things that live next to your main mission think of activities as small side quests that either level you up or Lead You astray the types of people you meet up with the things you do with them the things you do alone when you're bored I want you to ask yourself do these things
usually charge you up do you have more energy after are you doing things that you actually enjoy or are you living someone else's life are you finding that you need to constantly force yourself to do something are you finding that you're constantly masking your true self with the people you're with can you actually connect with your people and have safy your social needs here's a good test if you find yourself chasing fast dopamine after the activity like through fast food or alcohol chances are these people or things are poisoning your mind to chase instant gratification
and aren't truly satisfying you if that's you don't worry because it's never too late to change these activities what we want to start doing is getting dopamine from them instead of them getting dopamine from us I want you to imagine for a second what it would be like if it was easy to get dopamine from exercise connection or work sounds weird right for some reason it's never something we associate with being easy it always sounds like a chore you should exercise more you should call your friends more you should work more so deflating I immediately
don't want to do it but what about wanting instead of weightlifting which may feel like a chore to you playing a sport you actually like instead of needing to reach out to people that you don't really care about devoting your time to the people that truly matter to you whose lives you're genuinely interested in where you laugh unconditionally that's good dopamine right there you see chasing good dopamine instead of fast dopamine is not just about needing to make the right decision for us you got to make good dopamine easy to Chase and bad dopamine hard
to chase it's about creating a new normal where you don't even have to make decisions anymore changing your environment to be true to you knowing your differences not abandoning yourself and understanding that you have these basic needs like connection that you are allowed to get met your way now here's the crazy part research shows that you built the best dopamine through things that you enjoy in other words once you stop people pleasing and learn to listen to yourself you're life will change its trajectory your reward is a free life a happy life and if you
have ADHD you now know that you literally need to live an authentic life to not go under there is no other option which leads me to my last and most important step step three when we land in jobs or careers that promise safety but aren't something we genuinely want to do as adhders we often end up chasing fast dopamine in our free time time through partying or playing video games because we're not getting it elsewhere we are not charging ourselves up we're sucking ourselves dry every single day even though it may feel like you're leveling
up in reality you're leveling down because you're sacrificing yourself for the external money status it doesn't mean much if you don't like what you're doing and so instead of having an occupation or following a career you need a mission truly something bigger than you where it's easy to make the right decision of starting that positive feedback loop every morning because you have something to look forward to I strongly believe that if you have ADHD you can only truly Thrive once you live life on your own terms we lose the game once days become effortful and
win once they become effortless we need to think about what comes easy to you and then make the decision to actively engage in these these domains more erasing the belief that easy is bad now here's the Twist and why the game of ADHD can make you hyper successful exponentially once you follow the easy and you have a mission you actually have an unfair Advantage because of your dopamine deficiency because while our brain can trap us in negativity it can also be the reason why we're able to hyperfocus on things that we love you may have
noticed time passing at incredible speeds when you're playing a game you like the same can happen with your mission all of a sudden you need that mission instead of those destructive things we talked about earlier to fuel you which makes all the difference and all of this is possible once you get hyper fixated on building your dream life for me it's been becoming a full-time content creator which shows that even with ADHD you can stay consistent for over 3 years I've never missed an upload for longer than a week during this time but where can
you start yes you watching this video I didn't forget about you the first step to getting hyper fixated on building a life you love is by finding out what your personality type is so you can see where your areas of Interest lie and then pursue those areas relentlessly actually taking an mbti 16 personality test and checking what areas of jobs or careers are recommended maybe it's writing or video editing maybe it's networking or or art maybe it's standup comedy there is no wrong answer here and nobody absolutely nobody can tell you what that answer is
except for you this may well be a huge aha moment for you after you figure that out you need to craft your why in order to get interested in building a life you love you need to find interest in it and so you need a mission statement that resonates with you deeply and authentically ask yourself these questions what is your contribution who do you impact and why does it matter reflecting on these questions can provide valuable insights into your why guiding you towards more purposeful and meaningful life there's a reason why Simon cynic one of
the most well-known motivational speakers has ADHD and literally wrote a book on finding your why if finding your why sounds too overwhelming ask yourself what you're curious about we can't fake that and simply following your curiosity will lead to the authentic life that we're referencing here now at this point you may be asking yourself this is all great and I'll leave a like because I'm inspired thanks for that by the way but chances are I'll forget this tomorrow and won't turn my life around this video was just a quick dopamine hit from my brain and
I'll never be able to achieve my dreams well if that's what you're thinking I don't blame you a lot of us adhders have stopped believing and have lost hope because of of the amount of times we told ourselves that we'll change it all and didn't that's why I want to help you kickart this and actually turn your life around this time by far the most crucial step to fully integrating the lessons from this video into your life is to consistently and intentionally work on them with Focus however as we all know this can be very
challenging for those of us with ADHD but most people have no idea that there's actually an extremely simple way to cons consistently Focus execute and stay on track without falling into this Loop of procrastination and executive dysfunction we all know too well it works by using something called curated external triggers and countless adhders are already taking advantage of it if you're interested in understanding how it works and how you can apply the strategy into your own life click the link in the video description in it there's another free video that explains everything in detail so
click the link below and we'll see each other in the next one
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