[Music] [Music] this is a recording of moet's malaysian university english test paper 2 speaking for part 1 each candidate is given a task sheet then they each have 2 minutes to prepare their responses after which they would be given 2 minutes to present for part 2 candidates would turn to the next page of the task sheet they would be given three minutes to prepare and eight to twelve minutes to discuss the topic in the discussion they may support or oppose the other candidate's views at the end of the discussion candidates try to come to a
decision on which of the suggestions is the best this is the seating arrangement good morning everyone and welcome to this morning's moet test there are two parts to this test we'll start with part one first so in this part of the test i'm going to give each of you a question i'd like you to talk about your question on your own for about two minutes so here are your questions candidate a candidate b candidate c and candidate d right your questions are all about ways to keep healthy you now have two minutes to prepare your
presentation right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay candidate a it's your turn first talk about the importance of what and when people eat you may begin good morning examiners and friends so it is important to be healthy what are the ways to keep healthy so in my opinion it is very important to know what and when people eat for example as we all know the saying goes an apple a day keeps the doctor away we need to know what are the good what are the type of food that we need to eat which will keep us
healthy and it is important because we need to have a because it makes a strong and a balanced diet for example consume more fruits and vegetables when we consume more fruits and vegetables it has a lot of minerals and vitamins which will make which you which will prevent a lot of diseases such as obesity which is a common problem in malaysia besides that we need to consume less fried food or junk foods especially in among the children children love junk food and we need to and we need to address to them that this food is
bad they need to eat more vegetables and other than that it is also important that they know when is the right time to eat a lot of people especially malaysians we love supper and supper is actually unhealthy because after we eat the food we have no time to actually use this energy because after that we just go for a long rest and ready for the next day and this will cause all this food to be to just come to be converted into fats and lead to obesity hence we need to ensure that we eat three
meals a day breakfast lunch and dinner because these are the right time where especially breakfast when we eat breakfast then we go to school or we go to work which is where you actually use up the calories and it's also important to note that we need to have we need to eat more carbohydrates especially for the teenagers the younger generations they need all these energies to carry out their daily activities and of course they need to eat insufficient amount and that's why i believe that it is important to know what and when people eat all
right thank you candidate a candidate b talk about the importance of exercise right very good morning to examiners and my fellow candidates today i'll be talking about the importance of exercise that were able to keep us healthy in daily life first first and foremost i was oh i feel like keep uh while you're exercising you are able to stay away from sicknesses and diseases when you exercise your excitatory system goes to work and your sweat which will excrete up from your sweat glands consists of mineral salts and your all these toxic substances while you excrete
out it's able to eliminate and able to help your body to function normally and when you eliminate all this toxic you're able to keep yourself healthy by eliminating all the possibility of getting diseases such as obesity that will lead to diabetes heart attack and blood pressure for example obesity if you do not exercise and you eat and eat your fat to acclimate and somehow it will clog your blood vessels and this will lead the blood to not be transported to your parts of your body and this will actually lead to heart attack and may result
in death and this is not a healthy lifestyle my second point will be it helps with mental health normally when you exercise you're able to release a hormone called dopamine and this will actually help you to become a happier it's a happy hormone and when you have dopamine you're able to reduce the chances of getting depressed and while exercise also you are able to release stress and my last point would be instead of talking about physically and mentally we could also talk about exercising you are able to have develop a healthy relationship among one another
that's also a healthy lifestyle when you're exercising you're able to interact with one another you're able to talk with one another discuss and have fun and this will actually help you to also uh release stress and also have a healthy relationship with one another in conclusion i believe that exercising could actually keep you healthy all right thank you candidate b candidate c talk about the importance of seeing the doctor regularly you may begin a very good morning to the examiners and my fellow candidates why do i feel like seeing the doctor is very important in
order for us to be healthy one reason is that when we are able to see a doctor regularly we are able to go for checkups often that's one of the reasons why we go see the doctor so when we get checkups often we know um if our body is in a healthy condition or not we are able to detect like an early detection of any kind of diseases like cancer diabetes or probably or probably if you're prone to heart attacks also when we go for checkups often we know how to improve our health if we
are having let's say if we were to have early stages of diabetes we know how to improve ourselves you know probably the doctor will give us medication or he will tell us what kind of foods for us to eat so in order for us to be healthy also um when we're able to go for when we when we when we see the doctor regularly uh early detection of diseases can be prevented uh prevent it from spreading we can know how to make ourselves better also when we are also when we see a doctor regularly we
are able to keep ourselves healthy because because in conclusion i believe that um it's important to see the doctor regularly in order for us to be healthy all right thank you candidates see candidate d talk about the importance of getting enough rest now when we talk about rest i believe that there are two parts to this rest involves both sleep and relaxation as well so through rest the first thing is that you get to reduce your stress now one of the one of the few famous well-known people such as steve jobs he would spend at
least around 10 to 20 minutes a day in his office just to meditate to relax and rest whereas elon musk will always spend his sundays his full sundays just to relax and spend time with his family so this is ways that people they schedule time to really just rest and relax because they understand the importance of rest that it helps reduce the stress from the workload that they have next following that is that rest will help control your alertness and your mood now when you lack rest your alertness towards your surroundings drop this could pose
a health risk whereas when you are walking you are unable to walk properly and you do not notice certain things such as sharp edges of the table or when you're going down a staircase and you may trip and fall so that's a risk for your health and your mood as well because if you do not have the right mood you get angry you get stressed out easily and this affects your mental health lack of sleep could also even lead to hallucination which is dangerous where you start seeing things where you're not supposed to next thing
about rest could also relate to your growth so there's a there's a proven relationship between enough sleep and your growth if you lack sleep you do you are unable to develop in your growth properly this is why parents teachers and everyone else keep always encourage kids to sleep early and get at least about eight hours of sleep a day especially if you are a child who are still growing up last but not least rest does support your immune system as well there was this man who couldn't sleep who developed the disease where he couldn't sleep
so as he went on and went on and couldn't sleep he ended up dying because his immune system just couldn't continue supporting him anymore in conclusion i believe that having enough rest is very important for your health all right thank you candidate d so that's the end of part one now we'll move on to part two turn to the other side of your paper now in this part of the test you're going to discuss for about eight to 12 minutes about how health care can best be improved on this page there are some ideas to
help you in your discussion you may support or oppose the other candidate's views and at the end of the discussion try to decide on the best suggestion you now have three minutes to prepare [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so let's start with our discussion so discuss how healthcare can best be improved you may begin a very good morning to examine and my fellow candidates i believe that one of the two of the best way to improve health care will be having more doctors because the wait time for general hospital is too long for example general
hospital in university hospital university we have to take turns and when you like to do an operation you need to wait for your call which is which acclimate to days and weeks and months and this will actually affect people to go to private university university but normally people go to general university a general hospital are people who don't have sufficient money to go to the private so if they go if they are forced and they they have to wait to go to the general hospital they are forced to go to private but do not have
enough money to uh go for treatment and this will actually result in health care malaysia to drop because they are not able to treat their sicknesses and looking at the education if we're able to educate the people of malaysia for example taking care of our own hygiene where for example we are able to clean uh we have to educate the malaysians to wash our hands before and after taking food and this will actually eliminate reduce the possibility of getting sicknesses what do you guys think i partially agree with you candidate b i disagree with the
part that you say that we need more doctors to improve the quality of health care in malaysia because i believe the number of doctors in malaysia there's quite a lot that is pursuing the the doctor field but i think what's more important is to train the nurses better because they most of them that from what we know is that they are they need to be trained to be more sharp and more alert to assist the doctors and some nurses because they are not the doctor they are not the one that is mainly in charge of
the of the patients they might have they might lose the sense of responsibility to make sure that the patient is treated properly and that's why and some also don't take their their jobs seriously like they're playing their phones during uh when they are working and we need to train we need to train all these nurses to be better but i agree with you that education is very important as we all know in the past that there is the cholera disease this this pandemic disease right and or more recently the ebola virus all these things happen
because there is not enough education to educate the public and it can be done in several ways for example we can use through social media or news it will educate the public that this virus will cause very serious problems what do you think i agree with candidate a and b that education and more doctors do help but i think one point that we could actually look at is cleanliness quality of the country now see looking at the cleanliness quality thinking about how diseases come about in the first place is because of field because of bacteria
because of viruses so if the cleanliness quality of the country is well maintained this will reduce the risk of having and developing diseases in the first place for example h1n1 which was a disease beginning from the pig was good if i'm not mistaken correct so if the health quality of our country was maintained in the first place that virus would not have developed and would not have spread throughout and hence our quality of health would have been maintained what do you guys think i agree with what you've said all of you but also i have
to say one way that we can improve healthcare in malaysia is is by improving our hospital buildings you see right now most of the hospitals that we have here especially the general hospitals they're all run down they are old they don't have many facilities that are able to hold many people since we do have a large number of people in malaysia who do require health care especially in general hospitals so it's very important that we do fix up these places we do add more warts we do have bigger waiting areas and also so that we're
able to handle many people so they're able to look at many people who are waiting to receive medical attention also i feel that we should also improve and have more doctors but not only to have more doctors but also to have more qualified doctors doctors who are able to give their time and effort into helping people and not just doing it for the money and we should also get professional doctors who don't just do half past six work when they're treating a patient because every patient requires important attention by a professionally trained doctor what do
you guys think can you see so i think there is a strong link between more doctors more hospital buildings and well-trained nurses as well because even though you have more doctors you require more hospital buildings to have to place them in the first place and a doctor will not work well without having a proper assistance which is well trained nurses that can take care of the patients i agree with you candidate d that it has a strong link but if you want to look at the best way to improve health care i will still stay
on the point that education is important as one you have mentioned earlier that cleanliness and all is still very important to be maintained but how would it be maintained you need to have people who are educated that they know that cleanliness if the if if the place is not well maintained that all these diseases viruses would actually would actually start spreading and like what can it be mentioned earlier about washing hands and all this so it all stems from education i believe education is the grassroot that of the way that can actually improve health care
i agree with candidate and candidates see about the point with saying more doctors and also education but looking at more doctors if you have more doctors and if you have more doctors you need more hospital buildings because as what candidate has said that there are a lot of doctors and so in order to actually accommodate all these doctors we need more hospital buildings and instead of making more hospitals in the cities why don't we do it in the rural areas where people who are unable to reach out to all these general hospitals they're able to
uh they're able to travel to the hospital nearby and get their treatment and this actually related back to the cost of less looking at the point of cost of medicine because rural areas people they don't have much money to actually get a medicine which the price of medicine are quite uh not that cheap so when we lower down the cost of medicine we're able to let more people uh increase the chance of people who are unable to purchase these medicines to able to project purchase the medicines and look at education agree with candidates points saying
that education uh also one of the best ways to improve health care um if we are able to educate people for example um dengue dengue is a quite a serious case in selangor which is the highest case since language if we're able to educate the people in slang or in malaysia about how to prevent dengue and this will actually help a lot and improve our healthcare malaysia what do you guys think i agree with you candidate b when you were talking about the costs of medicine i do agree that cost of medicine should be taken
a look at in malaysia especially the medicine nowadays is very expensive not many people can afford it and they don't have time to wait in a hospital to get their turn in order for them to get good proper medicine so most people usually revert back to generic medicine which may cause a lot of side effects which are not which will add more to whatever sickness that they're having now so when we do and so when we are able to improve the cost of medicine reducing it many people will finally be able to get good proper
medicine in order to treat themselves which is also very very important also candidate b when you're talking about education yes it is very very important not many people know nowadays what the difference between generic medicine good medicine what kind of diseases they are having so we should be educated in order to improve health care i agree i saw candidate b and candidates see that actually your cost of medicine plays an important factor even though we may have more doctors well-trained nurses and many hospital buildings if you have access to those but you are unable to
afford the medicine it is basically pointless to have a checkup with the doctor and i agree as well that education is like what candidate a said the very roots to developing a good healthcare in the country because with education everyone is aware and exposed to how they may protect their own health how they can have a balanced diet in the first place to keep themselves well how they are educated to keep their houses clean and clean wash their hands before they just begin eating some simple little things that can lead to a better health i
agree that course of medicine is one of important way to improve healthcare but but in another point of view right cost of medicine would be a problem if it's a private hospital because usually when you talk about private hospitals is where the medical bills and everything is really really high but in like government hospitals there's there's the problem is lesser the problem is more on the from what candidates he said that they have to wait for a very long line so it feels like there are several problems that require different ways to approach correct but
i think we can agree that education has would lead to all these solutions for example through education with a better education you get to encourage more doctors to be passionate about their job and you get to train nurses to be better and take more responsibility over the patients as well with education you also understand what type of medicines you need to consume and the proper prices for it so you do not get caught by perhaps pharmacies that are not properly regulated education may also teach you as well as to how to take care of yourself
because not every disease will require a medical checkup but if you are if you don't know then you often have to go for medical checkups which would just cost you too much i agree with candidate a and candidate d about the points of education is very important for example if there is no education uh vaccination for the the vaccination case which happened in the united states may happen in malaysia if education is not uh spread widely about the vaccination people are believing the false rumors about vaccination that it cause autism and so on so if
there is no advication parents people who believe the forced rumor will actually um not vaccinate their child and this will actually affect and would actually make a new maybe a virus outbreak again for example measles that has been tamed after a few years if they do not have vaccinate their children this disease may come back again look at another point more doctors i agree with candidacy about having more passionate and responsible doctors there's a good example in kuala lumpur there is a doctor called teddy doctor who actually provide a teddy bear doctor who provide free
services to homeless people and this is the doctor we need in malaysia to improve our health care i think we're looking a lot at physical health as well but we're missing one important factor of mental health as well why having doctors hospitals well-trained nurses or even course of medicine will not help your mental health but what will help is good education where we are taught how we are taught to be aware of and mental health when to get help and how to handle mental health as well i agree with candidate d on the educational mental
health we nowadays we don't really see mental health it's what we feel on the inside and it's very very important that we know what we are going through and being educated by this it's one way that we can improve healthcare i think we can all agree that education is the most important factor of improving our healthcare in the country all right thank you very much so can i have back your task sheets please thank you thank you so that's the end of our exam for today thank you very much