welcome everybody I've got some very good news tonight we discovered that this was a brand new white board and it still had the plastic coating on it so we're not going to have any problems tonight I can use and rub and use and rub isn't that good news tonight our lecture is on the acid alkaline balance and if you've ever had a swimming pool you test the acid alkaline every morning because if the water goes to acid the pipes corrode if the water goes to Al to alkaline algae grows on the pipes just as acid
alkaline is important in the swimming pool in the garden it is also very important in the body so we'll Begin by looking at the acid alkaline scale and as we go through this we will see its importance so at one end we've got acid this is the pH scale and pH means potential hydrogen when you dissolve acid in a solution it gives off hydrogen ions so pH means potential hydrogen that's what you're testing when you test for acid alkaline up the other end we've got alkaline and its reading is 14 and in the middle we've
got neutral so neutral is neither acid nor alkaline blood has a reading on the pH scale and blood's reading is between 7.35 and 7.4 if blood pH goes up to eight the person will go into a coma and die of alkalosis and if blood pH drops down to 722 the person will go into a coma and die of acidosis so there cannot be much variation there can there and we don't have to worry about the pH of our blood because there are two organs that are constantly uh monitoring and balancing the pH of the blood
one is the lungs and this explains why when you did your high intensity this morning which I'm sure you all did as you started to go running up those Hills or on your exercise bike or on your push-ups notice your breathing changed your breathing starts to go very very deep and the reason for that is that all the little muscle cells are burning more oxygen they're giving off more uh carbon dioxide lactic acid creating a more acid condition in the blood and so the brain says to the lungs breathe deep because oxygen alkalizes and when
you're breathing out you're breathing out some of the carbon dioxide which creates an acid environment so it's in that way that your breathing helps to to control the acid alkaline balance the other organ that has a part to play in monitoring this is the kidneys now the kidneys do it in a fascinating way so let me draw let me show you how this happens this is is the smallest unit in the kidney and the most important it's a nephron and this is the little Bowman's capsule which is the little filtering unit now there are 1
million in one kidney so we have approximately 2 million of these and in those little filtering units the blood is filtered and then the blood weaves around these tubules and then it comes out into the bladder where it's urinated out so the the blood comes in it weaves around the filtering units and then it comes out and weaves around the tubules in your kidneys which is basically like this those little filtering units are all on the edge like this called the cortex and these tubules basically weave weave weave like that into the Ura into the
bladder and then there's the Ura from the other kidney so that's what it looks like in a 24-hour period day those little filtering units filter 1,800 lers of blood now we don't have that much blood but every 2 minutes 1.2 lers is being filtered so it's continually going through out of that 80 L of blood sorry 1,800 L of blood 180 L of filtrate is filtered out but we only urinate 1.5 L aren't you glad we don't urinate 180 l a day otherwise you'd be leaving this lecture every five minutes God is good what an
amazing body we live in well where's the other approximately 160 L well there's a reabsorption in the tubal area so with this little Bowman's capsule this little filtering unit in the kidney and there they all are on the edge the blood comes in it's filtered the filtrate goes around the tubules to be urinated out but notice how the blood weaves around the tubules and it is in this reabsorption area where your pH is being monitored now let's say the pH of the blood is getting too acid well it is here that extra acid is dropped
into the tubules to be urinated out but let's say the pH of the blood is getting too alkaline it is here that extra acid is pulled out of the tubules and back into the blood so every 2 minutes 1.2 lers is being filtered so there's this constant monitoring to keep the blood pH within that range and you can see why otherwise we die did you know your body's ever trying to keep you alive in this reabsorption area a couple of other things happen too uh blood pressure is also monitored balanced sodium and water levels in
the body are also monitored and balanced in this area you'll never look at your kidneys the same again will you no wonder it's important to be mindful of the kidneys I love the proverb Proverbs 14:6 knowledge is easy to him that understands when you understand how this is all balanced then you begin to then you have the knowledge on how to treat the kidney and what does the kidney love the kidney loves it when your blood is thin how do you make your blood thin you drink 2 lers of water a day and on a
day like today whoo I didn't realize New Zealand got this hot it is it's was a beautiful day on a day like today we need to be sipping a lot of water and did you try that salt you see because the more you perspire the more salt that you you lose it's not rocket science is it and as I showed you last night the misconception has come because of this refined salt only containing two minerals but we need all the minerals so it is in that way that the sorry it's not wonderful I can rub
it off it is in that way that your lungs and your kidneys are constantly monitoring unbalancing the pH of your blood so the pH of your blood cannot change as you can see no need to have your pH of your blood tested because it'll be the same but the pH at the cellular level can change now the pH at the cellular level should be approximately 6.5 now that's very slightly acid and there is a reason for that you see the most acidic substance is sulfuric acid and sulfuric acid travels at the speed of light the
most alkaline mineral is calcium and on the scale of speed calcium doesn't even move so it's a speed thing let me give you an illustration the hydroponic Gardener is always testing the pH of the water that the roots of his plants sit in because if the water goes to acid The Roots burn if the water goes to alkaline he doesn't get the speed of uptake of minerals out of the water and into the plant can you see it's a speed thing now let's go to our cell now we've been going into the CBD the central
business district of the human body do you remember we'll just do a half cell today half cell remember the glucose goes in and there's a 20-step pathway okay students how much energy does that give us two units of energy end result of that 20 step pathway is a chemical form of glucose called pyruvate pyruvate is the chemical form of glucose that gets fed into the PowerHouse called the PowerHouse because this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight step pathway delivers for us a whopping 36 units of energy did you experience that this morning after
your morning walk run heels so it's an eight-step pathway eight little chemical reactions but actually what's happening is that's an oxygen pathway what's happening is every chemical reaction you're getting sometimes three units of energy sometimes four units of energy so at every chemical reaction it's giving off that energy now if the cellular level is getting too acid that's all going too fast if at the cellular level it's going too slow it's all going too slow and our body runs according to Precision balance can you see why ideally the cell is slightly acid so you get
that speed of working in all your little chemical reactions The Gardener aims for a soil pH of 6.4 very close to the cell the Bible says in Genesis 3:19 we come from dust we go back to dust where dust interesting to note that the soil and the cell very similar pH but in a cellular pH of 5.5 that is where cancer thrives and in a cellular pH of 5.5 this is where fungus thrives and earlier in the week we looked at the fungal link with many diseases where does Coca Cola set 2.6 that's Coke and
it might come as a great surprise to you but some people drink it it's true many is sick through ignorance they don't realize it you have a look at Coca-Cola the most fantastic advertising campaign that's ever been embarked on surrounds Coca-Cola and you know why cuz they got nothing else it's a poison it's probably good to clean the oil off your cement pathway I can't think of anything else that it has any use for I don't know about you but some of my family and my friends break every law of Health every day let's have
a quick look at these laws law number one is pure air and if someone's breathing in bad air especially while they're sleeping we spend a third of our life in there moldy pillows has everyone had a look at their pillows today was a good day yeah to put your pillows and your quilts out in that sun where I'm sleeping at the moment my bed and Amelia's bed we've got twin beds there flood with sun in the morning very very nice it's wonderful if the sunshine can get into that bedroom you see we spend a lot
of time in that bedroom so if you've got trees around your bedroom window cut them down you've got to have nice pure air while you're breathing bad air which basically is usually moldy Laden air creates an acid condition law number two is sunshine and I'm sure everyone got their vitamin D today too much Sunshine not enough Sunshine creates an acid condition number three number three is called Temperance I'll just make a no list and we've looked at a few NOS the foods that we should not be having is refined sugar we've looked at at the
wheat we've looked at caffeine alcohol cigarettes they all create a very acid condition so number four law is rest too much sleep not enough sleep both create an acid condition just the right amount alkaline condition number five is exercise 6 hours of aerobic exercise a day will create an acid condition but most people are guilty of no exercise and that can create an acid condition law number six is proper diet last night we looked at Foods we looked at Foods also when we looked at diabetes abetes and we'll also be looking at Foods tonight from
the acid alkaline angle so the right amount or the proper food that will give an alkaline environment is vegetables vegetables are the most alkaline foods we'll Define that in a minute law number seven is water we've looked at this a few times very important to drink adequate water I haven't met anyone who drinks too much water yet in fact Dr Christopher in America he said here's a sign to see if you're drinking too much water put your head on the side and if the water comes out your ears in other words it's almost impossible to
drink too much water the only way you can drink too much water if you're not also having adequate salt and the eighth law is trust in divine power so basically trusting in divine power takes in all the emotional really mental and spiritual aspects of disease and you can have someone doing don't know where that came from should be power you can be doing everything all right you can be going to bed early have a nice clean bedroom you can be uh eating the right food you can be exercising but if you're tightly stressed out and
anxious about everything that can create an acid condition there's a beautiful verse in Philippians and says Be be anxious in nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be known to God and the peace of God which passeth all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ isn't that beautiful and there's another one in Isaiah 26:3 it says Thou will keep him in perfect peace he whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee that's an alkaline condition so some of my family and friends break
every law every day lungs and kidneys are challenged they're struggling and then on top of that the person has a can of Coke or a coffee with a few teaspoons of sugar lungs and kidneys were already challenged blood pH starts to drop 7.35 7.34 7.33 alarm Bells go off and the last resort buffer system is called on calcium the most alkaline mineral is pulled out of its biggest storage house where's that the bones it comes into the blood in a form of calcium phosphate it's like a crystal form it immediately alkalizes that Rising acid environment
in the blood 7.33 34 35 we're safe but at a cost we now have these calcium crystals floating through the blood what's the body going to do with it it'll settle it in the joints is gout arthritis it'll settle it uh in the kidneys kidney stones uh gallbladder G Stones it'll contribute to the building up in the arteries it'll uh it'll also um go on your bones as bone spurs you've heard of bone spurs if anyone's had a bone spur they're very very painful things but tomorrow afternoon between 6:00 and 8 I'm going to be
demonstrating natural remedies and I'll show you how to make a cter o compress which can break down a bone spur isn't that good news these are all illustrations of Newton's third law of motion to every action there is an equal and an opposite reaction but what probably affects the acid alkaline more than anything that else that we do really is the food that we eat so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a list of alkaline forming foods and I'm going to make a list of acid forming Foods the most alkaline forming
food that you can put into your body is the lemon and you might say no no the lemon's acid well it's acid where it should be there is only one part of your body that should be acid where's that students stomach stomach in fact if someone says to me I've got a very acid stomach I say fantastic it should be because that's the only thing that can break up all those little chemical bonds in your protein you see it's in the stomach that protein's broken down and that's how we break up the protein into amino
acids and then I say but how do you know it's acid well I can feel it so my next uh statement is well you mustn't have a very good lining on your stomach because I can't feel my acid well why would someone had a thin lining on their stomach because of dehydration our our stomach has a thick mucosa lining on it and when we're dehydrated that's one of the first places that the lining is taken from because in dehydration our body goes into a form of drought management you see full blood volume must be kept
in the major arteries and veins and so what the body does says well we'll take a bit from here we'll take a bit from there and one of the first places it takes from is the thick lining that coats the stomach another person said to me well I know I have an acid stomach the acid keeps coming up H why would the acid keep coming up you've got two very good Gates there let me show you why so many people today they have their large meal at the end of the day you see we should
be having breakfast like a king lunch like a queen tea like a paer and a lot of people have breakfast like the paa lunch like the paa and the tea is the king and the queen together H and then they sit down on the easy chair in front of the television and what happens within 10 minutes they're fast asleep and they go to bed and let's have a look at their stomach this is stomach on this is what stomach looks like when you're sleeping and instead of instead of being like this where the food's like
this and bit by bit going through here where's the food now because of gravity it's like this and these two little Gates here it pushes and pushes and like the dripping tap on a stone weakens that little gate it's called the it's called the cardiac sphincter cardiac because it's so close to where your heart is that's why it's called the cardiac sphincter and the cardiac sphincter is a muscle and when the muscle is relaxed it's closed but so it's like this there's the muscle your cardiac sphincter basically looks like that and when it tightens it
opens so if someone's stressed out and their muscles tighten what happens to the cardiac spctor it tightens too so there are two main things that cause reflux or heart burn and one is eating too late at night and the other is on top of that the stress everyone that comes to Misty Mountain Health retreat with reflux or uh heartburn goes home without it because we serve breakfast like a king lunch like a queen tea like a POA and if they have a reflux problem I give them magnesium four times a day with each well with
the two main meals with the thin soup we serve at night and then just before bed and they have no more now what most people go on if they have reflux is Nexium you've heard of Nexium and all Nexium does is stop the acid so the acid doesn't come up but that makes no sense at all what's going to break the protein down now and do you know what research is showing people that have been on long-term Nexium are they're finding that they are more susceptible to colon cancer because the food's not getting broken down
properly in the stomach it gets down to the large colon excess bacteria has to be made to deal with the partially digested protein that actually can start damaging the wall of the colon H and when someone says to me I've been on Nexium 10 years is it working is it working I'd like to suggest not because if the body's designed to heal itself it should heal it should heal very very quickly it will heal itself if you give it the right conditions so back to the stomach the stomach should be acid but when the lemon
goes into the gastrointestinal tract the enzymes break the lemon down to two singular particles one's glucose and one's fructose then they're absorbed into the blood then the blood takes it to the main uh project manager liver and then the liver breaks the fructose down to glucose and the glucose gets sent to the cell we're following the Journey of the glucose from the lemon comes through the 20 step pathway comes into the eight-step pathway this pathway this little pathway is often called the furnace it's also called the PowerHouse for those technical amongst us this is the
glycolytic pathway this is the mitochondria with the KB cycle so the crab cycle is basically that little eight-step pathway so the glucose and the oxygen are burnt in there to give off the energy and all matter on planet Earth when it is burnt leaves an ash mhm and the ash that's left in the cell can be the acid or alkaline depending on the food we eat lemon is acid where it should be in the stomach and it is alkaline where it should be which is down at the cell what determines what determines the difference it
is the mineral composition of the plant or the food so these Foods here are high in the alkaline minerals which is sodium potassium calcium magnesium and iron they are the main alkaline minerals and these Foods are high in those alkaline minerals so they're burnt at the cell they leave an alkaline Ash that's why these Foods here are the alkaline forming Foods mm and these foods which we will look at in a minute are the acid forming Foods well what minerals do they have they have sulfur which is an acid mineral and chlorine and phosphorus they're
the acid forming minerals let's move on our alkaline list dark green leafy vegetables dark green leafy vegetables are very high in the alkaline minerals we should be eating dark green leafy vegetables every single day have you had a nice big dark green salad today some people say oh but it's hot in the winter when it's cold well you can heat up your salad with C pepper and crushed garlic I can assure you it'll heat it up you see raw food will deliver what cooked won't and cooked will deliver what raw won't we need to be
having what I aim for is I aim for a 50 cooked and a 50 raw and that will give a nice balance whether the food be cooked or whether the food be raw it doesn't change the acid alkaline because it's the minerals in the plant that determine how it is burnt in the cell vegetables vegetables also have an alkaline effect now before I Define vegetables let me just go back to dark green leafy vegetables now this explains why things like green barley spirulina wheat glass green smoothies have been become popular because they are so Al
Aline and as you can see from here it is an acid environment basically that breeds disease so we can do a lot to alkaline the tissues of our body by eating more greens vegetables most vegetables are alkaline forming but there is a question mark with one group of vegetables so one group of vegetables for some people has an acid effect and for some people it has an alkaline effect that's the Tomato it's The Nightshade group of vegetables capsicum in two weeks I'll be lecturing in America and I can't say capsicum I have to say bell
pepper they don't know what a capsicum is but I think here in New Zealand you call it capsicum yeah sweet pepper and potato and I'm not referring to the sweet potato but in New Zealand you call it Kumer don't you but in Australia we call it the sweet potato I'm not referring to that I'm referring to what's commonly called the Irish potato these are from the nightshade family and if someone has an inflammatory condition in their body and they eat these Foods it can accelerate the inflammation let me give you the story of a lady
and her husband that came to our health Retreat there were in there probably early to mid 70s and the lady said to me do you know uh 2 years ago we booked ourselves into an aged Care Facility she said we were late 60s she said we're both a bit both a bit overweight she said I had quite a bit of arthritis my husband had some gout and our daughter gave us a set of your DVDs she said we watch them we learn about exercise drinking more water breakfast like a king lunch like a queen tea
like a paa uh we heard the acid alkaline and about the night shades and we thought we're retired now we can do what we want let's give this a go she said within 6 months they'd both lost 10 kilos she said the pain from her arthritis had gone she was off all her medication even the joints were going back to normal did everyone hear that the joints in a lady in her late 60s are going back to normal she said we booked out of aged care she said we bought a big van and a car
and we decided to travel Australia and they got to uh mid East Coast came into our health Retreat which is about an hour off the highway and spent a week with us doing our health program you could not wipe the smile off this lady's face she said I'm early 70s now she said I feel better now than I felt in my 40s how many people don't realize how good they could feel life should be good right up till the day we die M and there is a Formula she said to me I haven't eaten any
of these foods for a year now for over a year now she said do you think I could start eating them I said give it a try who will tell her her body will tell her how will her body tell her well some people say as soon as they eat some of those Foods the joints start aching one lady said well my joints don't act straight away but it repeats on me so there are different ways that it may speak to you my mother died at 51 a in a wheelchair with rheumatoid arthritis she was
wheelchair bound for the last six years of her life now I have strong inherited genes towards rheumatoid arthritis I have a loaded gun but I'm not going to pull a trigger remember genetics loads the gun lifestyle pulls the trigger my mother did not know that her Cups of Tea and her white bread and her white biscuits and her meat as you will see she didn't realize that she was eating all the acid foods so many people are sick through ignorance isn't that right every now and then some of my joints start knocking what do I
mean like that well I've my left knee sometimes knocks you see when I was 50 I did a I did a skydive with my daughter for her let's see she she was 20 I was 50 she wanted me to do a skydive with her for her birthday so I did and I didn't land quite right and I was on crutches something happened to the foot now that that foot's perfect now all healed but because I put so much weight on this knee I think this knee was a bit challenged and every now and then that
joint gets a little sore now when it gets sore what's my body saying excuse me um could you do something here so whenever it gets sore I might drastically drop the night shades concentrate more on the alkaline foods and I usually take high dose uh turmeric and then after about a a month it stops again it's perfectly all right now and that's what you'll find every now and again and it's usually because of our genetic weaknesses there'll be a little knock how nice to know what you can do to relieve that knock because you know
what the drugs do we got a knock all the drugs do is they quieten it but what's still happening even though you can't hear it it's deteriorating more and more so there's a question mark I don't know what your body will say to you this is what my body says to me a little tomato organic I can handle homegrown most days capsicum my body says don't even think about it now I choose not to eat it but if I have a dish with capsicum in it it repeats on me all afternoon and my energy levels
just go bang we were at uh Amilia and I were in devonport today a friend took us around and we had Mexican for lunch and it was a nice kidney bean stew with avocado and I looked at ailia and I went oh I forgot to ask if there was capsicum but there wasn't I don't choose to eat it but sometimes I'll have a dish with it's in before I realize it and my body says to me again got to keep off this one do you know the day might come when I can eat a bit
I never used to be able to eat tomatoes at all but now I can eat a little bit I'm just telling you what me my body says to me your body will speak to you now let's say I've got 10 professors of nutrition in front of me saying this is ridiculous capsicum is an excellent food it's high in antioxidants high in vitamin C you should be eating it who am I going to listen to well I I'm the one that lives in here aren't I you see you are the best person to be your doctor
because only you know how you feel only you know how your body responds or reacts to different things and only you know what your body likes and does not like and if your body says that was good go with it if your body says back off back off and what you can eat today you may not be able to eat in 6 months and what you can't eat today you might be able to eat in 6 months you keep testing and trying but if the body speaks listen because if you don't speak to the first
little tap what happens to the Taps they get louder and louder trying to get your attention drugs don't cure disease they just change the form and location of it we got to listen we got to act now and tomorrow afternoon when I go through the natural remedies I'll be showing you a lot of wonderful little things that can ease nox I know if my knee has been sore I grade up Ginger wrap it in a poters I'll show you how to do that tomorrow afternoon cover it with plastic and wrap it on and ah that
brings such relief just a simple Ginger palter there there are lots of little things you can do to bring relief without having to go to to harmful medications so I don't know what your body will say to you if you have arthritis and you love that food I will still advise you stop it and until your arthritis is conquered a lady said to me one day but I love that food I said well how much do you love your arthritis and it's not forever it's just until you conquer it so the question mark remains my
husband loves potato he's an Irishman he has about five times the potato that I have so you might make some adjustments one lady said I can have raw capsicum but not cooked another lady said I can have cooked but not raw another lady said I can have red but not green and another lady said well I can have the green and not the red I love these stories what are they stories of people who are listening people who are listening to what their body says fruit has a question mark why does fruit have a question
mark if someone has a yeast presence in their body the sugar in the fruit will feed the yeast because it's its favorite food and if you're not going to give refined sugar to the yeast it'll happily accept the sugar in the fruit and as it feeds on the sugar in the fruit it gives off lactic acid it gives off uric acid sorry that shouldn't be there that should be acid lactic acid uric acid acetic acid and alcohol so can you see what yeast does it furthers its nest so the more fruit a person eats that
have a yeast problem the more acid is created and this creates the environment that yeast and fungus love on Tuesday night we looked at the link between Cancer and fungus so when someone comes to me wanting help To Conquer Cancer I take them off all fruit for six weeks one lady said but Barbara God made Fruit good I said oh he sure did fruit is wonderful but if someone has a condition in their body that that's got a high yeast presence they need to either greatly reduce it or stop it for a Ser for a
period of time so cancer is a very serious condition and it needs serious steps to conquer it the good news is we've seen many have a total turnaround from cancer isn't that good news all you need is the right conditions if someone comes to me with cancer I say well I've seen three outcomes number one I've seen turnarounds number two I've seen six months go to six years number three I've Seen the Last Days made more comfortable it all depends on how serious how advanced it is and we had one poor girl only 33 come
from Quebec and she had very Advanced Breast Cancer and she was in so much pain and so much discomfort all the things that we usually can do we can could not do to we're so sad all we actually could do was go to the local Dock and get us some more pain killers and I think she passed away a month later ideally she would have come to us when she heard the first little lump by the time she came to us the breast was the size of a boulder and it was rock hard with the
skin breaking down ah too late too late now we we always do what we can but you know when someone is very Advanced it's it's very difficult all you can really do is try and make them more comfortable so fruit has a question mark how do you know if you have a yeast presence and by the way you can have a yeast presence and not have cancer but if it is not addressed it certainly can develop to that one of the clearest signs is a white tongue tongues should be pink now if detoxing there might
be a layer of white that you can scrape off that's not yeast that's waste but if there is a white presence on your tongue and you cannot scrape it off it's usually little fungus buds but probably the most common symptoms are things like um thrush uh that's vaginal thrush or anal thrush or jockage or uh athletes foot Tina uh fungus toenails psoriasis eczema they also can be uh yeast yeast problems and also are sinus that's a very common yeast one so they are some of the some of the things there is a formula and if
you give the body the right formula you can get a a healing condition one lady she went on grapefruit nothing but grapefruit for her fruit CU it's very low sugar for 18 months 18 months well she'd had the problem for 30 years so 80 months is pretty good didn't take a 30 years to to conquer but it did take her 80 months she says today 8 years later that she's never felt so good so it depends depends on the severity depends on how long it's been around and it also very much dependent there's no use
going on a a Candida diet a yeast free and low fruit diet with the herbs and you're still breathing in mold every night so that definitely has to be assessed so fruit has a question mark the most alkaline legumes are limma beans and lentils and soy soy is only a problem if it's been genetically modified and if it's been uh grown with herbicides insecticides but if you buy organic soy and probably the way we mostly have it maybe a tofu if it's organic and you can buy organic tofu in most supermarkets then um it should
not have genetically modified because if an organic farmer uses genetically modified seed he loses his organic status Millet Millet is the most alkaline grain what's Millet bird seed what do the budgies do spit out the hull and eat the kernel well you can buy HED millet and it Cooks up to a a very nice porridge but instead of two cups of water water to one cup of grain with Millet it's about three cups of water to one cup of grain it's the most alkaline and it's also gluten-free another grain that is alkaline and gluten-free is
quinoa usually called Kima another one is bakit the love their buckwheat Aussies and new zealanders take a bit more time to get used to it but buckwheat pancakes are delicious and Amarth amarath is a grain that is not well known but it's getting popular because it's gluten-free and it's about the size of a grain of sand and if you cook it up like a porridge it goes like a lump of glug and it's not very nice but you can put some amarath with your Millet if you're having that as a porridge you can put some
amarath with kimoa you see amarath is phenomenally high in calcium in protein that's an excellent grain you can also have it as a flour um in some gluten-free mixes if you do buckwheat pancakes you can put a bit of amarath in there it'll help to bind it spelt and kamut now the first four grains are gluten-free whereas these two have a very fragile gluten structure so let me give you the wheat story I will go over it again and I did last night but I'm going to go into it in a bit more detail tonight
and for those who weren't here last night um I'm going to give it again when God made wheat that that wheat was called enor wheat and it had a very fragile protein or gluten structure fragile protein or gluten structure means very easy to be broken down in the grinding and the cooking and the enzymes in them and the chewing fragile structure means easily broken down easily digested a few thousand years ago that ank hord did a did a wild hybrid with a field grass and came up with the Emma wheat so the Emma is another
strain of wheat that structure is not as fragile but it's still fairly fragile in the 1950s Emma wheat was put through intensive cross breeding Dr Norman bulag and a team of scientists in Mexico put Emma we through intensive cross breeding to produce a plant with a very high yield at first the stalk just broke and they lost their crop so they went back to the drawing board and they came with a a plant that only grows this High has a very thick stem and a very high yield now it can hold the yield some farmers
are saying they're getting 10 times more grain per acre compared to the old Emma strain of wheat no wonder the farmers love it 1969 Dr n Norman bulag got a Nobel Prize for his hybridized wheat 1970s went worldwide so by the 1990s in America England Australia all over the world New Zealand every wheat every pasta every cereal every biscuit every cake every donut what's it made out of the hybridized wheat let me show you the gluten or the protein structure of the hybridized wheat you see no one complains that the star ation crisis was relieved
with this grain and the farmers love it but what was never addressed was the effect of this Grain on the human body and what it created was an incredibly complex pro protein or gluten structure and it's almost only a castin gut that can break that down now if that hybridized wheat is made into a sour dough bread the culturing pro process C in the sourdough bread breaks down the protein or the gluten in the Grain and makes it a little bit more fragile but it's still not as fragile as this you can still get field
hybrids from this emmae it's called spelt and Kut now spelt and Kut both have that original fragile structure that Emma wheat had and if you make the spelt or the kot into a sourdough bread it breaks down the structure even more so you can bring it back to that original enk horn structure now celiacs what's a Celiac that's a severe gluten intolerance they can't even handle the spelt but someone who is tolerant tolerant just means um so gluten intolerant means not as severe as Celiac they can probably have uh half a slice of bread a
week they don't react as much but they're still best of it whereas Gluten Sensitive means they can probably have a slice of bread twice a week but certainly not like many Aussies and new zealanders are doing it uh cereal and toast for breakfast cake midm morning sandwiches for lunch cake midafternoon pasta for tea what's that that's almost a 100% of this hybridized wheat no wonder there's so much gluten intolerance many people don't realize they have gluten intolerance let me list some of the symptoms of a gluten intolerance sinus hay fever allergies asthma eczema soris irritable
bowel constipation brain fog got that how many people have brain fog we used to have a cook working for us he was Fijian 19 I could tell when he was eating gluten because he'd forget everything and I'd be talking to him at 900 in the morning and he's yawning and he's 19 I said Zack have you been eating wheat and he'd go he couldn't hide it when he wasn't eating wheat wow he was Sparky many people don't realize how good life could be how many people blame it on the fact that they've just turned 40
huh or just turned 50 50 is only halfway to 100 huh he's not old many people suffer from the symptoms of a gluten intolerance there's only one way to check if you are sensitive or intolerant or Celiac and that is to stop all wheat for two months two 2 months well you can eat a slice of bread and it'll be out of your body in 24 hours but the effect can remain for up to 6 weeks well what do you do after two months well how do you feel if you feel good stay on it
what's the well an old loie saying is if you're on a good thing stick to it the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 prove all things and hold fast to that which is good two months is not long make a note on your calendar if you want to do this don't do it until the wheat's out of your house and all the millets and the kimoa and the B Wheats and the spelt Breads in the freezer then start make it easy on yourself no wonder there's so much gluten intolerance but there's more Aussies are just
and new zealanders they're just overdoing the wheat and as I showed you on the diabetic night it's this overload of this wheat that is a big contributing factor to the diabetic pandemic that we're seeing today it it's not a it's not a um it's nothing short of a crisis I should say nothing short of a crisis so many but there's more the wheat in Australia is grown with super phosphate it kills the microorganisms in the soil locks up the calcium in the soil so the wheat is deficient in all the basic Co enzymes that required
to digest it there's more children are being fed food too young see the first teeth we get is four at the bottom four at the top and they're called milk teeth do you know why they're called milk teeth that's all baby should have you find a lactation consultant you find a a a nurse that's been a nurse for 50 years and she will tell you that when she was a young nurse babies were fed milk well what's this big thrust to feed babies food some babies are being fed food and they haven't even got any
teeth how that defies reason one lady said my baby won't chew I said do your baby have any teeth no well no wonder won't you huh it's like a young Fijian girl she said my baby's crying all night how old your baby 5 months does your baby have any teeth she said no I said well the baby are you giving the baby any food I just started today I said why my auntie and my mother and the old ladies and the baby Health Center said I must be giving my baby food now here's this rolly
poly gorgeous looking baby that's obviously thriving well on just the breast milk I said now the baby has no teeth oh she said I saw her a week later cuz I was in Fiji for 2 weeks I said how's your baby she said very happy I said are you giving the baby food no no food no food and oh how easy is that not having to make food for baby I said what did your auntie and your grandmother and your mother say they said why aren't you giving the baby food she said but the baby
has no teeth and they were silenced it defies reason you know there's been a death and no one attended the funeral because no one knew he' died it was the death of common sense but let me tell you how serious this thing is a baby doesn't get MERS they're the next ones until a baby is anywhere between 16 and 20 months of age and when the MERS come through and what are MERS they grind the the little glands in the mouth now produce Tylen Tylen is an Amal it's the enzyme that breaks down starch now
do you know what this means a baby has no ability to break down starch till they have MERS so all the babies that are being fed and it's not the mother's fault they're just doing what they're told and the mother just wants to do the best by her baby but the babies are being fed this pulverized slop sorry I'm not interested in eating slop I never made baby food I never gave gave my babies any food till they had teeth now when they had the four at the top the four at the bottom maybe a
couple at top I used to give them little bits that's taste time say a corn a cob of corn with all the corn eaten off it and they suck away on that or a hunk of celery or a hunk of Apple in a net bag just little suck things little taste times but they really weren't eating anything to speak of till they're about 16 months of age in fact my daughter Emma she's got twin girls they're 10 11 now but when they were both 16 months old they had not tasted food you never hear such
a thing do you they were these little ones are running down and they' never tasted food she said one's got teeth the other hasn't so I'm not going to give it to one without the other she was breastfeeding them and and she certainly used to drink about 8 lers of water a day I think to make enough milk for those babies 100 years ago babies didn't eat food did you know that it's a recent phenomenon who's going to make money out of the mother that starts feeding her baby food at 4 months of age can
you see that the baby food companies one mother rang me up she said my first baby I used to give it food everywhere I went I had to have little containers she said this baby I'm not doing any of that it's so easy one lady said but my maybe keeps grabbing for food that anything they'll eat caterpillars they'll eat it's not that they're hungry that's how they taste things they'll put their big toes in their mouth that's not the guide the guide that a baby is ready to eat is it can sit it can put
things in its mouth and it has the teeth to chew it it's as simple as that that's another reason why we're having this gluten intolerance because babies are being fed too young and Mal absorb abion syndrome is being setting up in the gut because food is reaching the intestines that has not been broken down but there's another problem let me show you this this is the Villi that line our gastrointestinal track and as I showed you the other day there is a thick Turf wall lining our gastrointestinal tract and it's made out of lactobacillus acidophilus
and B this bacterium actually it's made out of trillions but those two are the permanent ones that all are made from there's a literal jungle down there or should be but there are things that are knocking off our friendly Flora antibiotics knock it off cortisone drugs knock it off uh neurin painkillers knock it off contraceptive pill statin drugs they're all your cholesterol Ling medication they knock off the gut Flora now these cells here are nourished by the gut Flora that's a happy cell that's an unhappy cell no gut Flora to nourish it when this hybridize
week comes down into the gut it's broken down to gluto Morphine what's morphine it's an opiate derivative so let's have a look at this there's glut there's Morphine gluto Morphine comes here and this happy cell because it's nourished and strong it can knock off the morphine and only gluto gets in but if gluto morphine comes here that cell because it's not properly nourished it can't knock off morphine and so gluto morphine gets into the blood gluto morphine goes to the brain and the opiate recept toyes on the brain pick it up and it's contributing to
mental illness there are two books that show this in detail one is by a neurologist his name is Dr T David perm it's called grain brain and he shows the effect on this common hybridized wheat grain and it's contributing to mental illness how scary is that he gives stories of psychiatrists who've taken bipolar schizophrenic patients off eat and they get a 50% Improvement the other book is by a Dr Natasha Campbell McBride called gut and psychology she looks at the gut and this breakdown of the gut from so many medications combined with this hybridized wheat
see both these doctors have Decades of clinical practice up their sleeve showing very very clearly that this hybridized wheat is not just causing Rush is just not causing allergies is just not causing hay fever but it's also contributing to mental illness now it is well documented that if you take an autistic child off wheat off Dairy off refined sugar they will get a 50% Improvement and Dr Bruce 5 in his book stop autism now he explores that very well and in in a lot of detail wow so this hybridized wheat it's worth trying isn't it
and there are so many Alternatives today I say to people start exploring the other grains start giving your body the requirements that it would love to give you Optimum performance this is just not Optimum performance in your body but also in your mind in protein they're the highest in calcium and they're the highest in iron and I think that's why they probably make it into a milk now and uh you get Armond milk if someone has a baby I would never suggest they give the almond milk from the shop to the baby it's not formulated
for a baby in fact if a baby cannot have breast milk the milk that is the closest to breast milk is goat's milk so if a mother cannot feed the baby the goats milk is the best there are a lot of babies who have ax eczema asthma ear problems all because they're on cow's milk now cow's milk is perfect milk for baby calves did you hear that that's it and the milk that's in the formula is a homogenous IED and pasteurized and if homogenized and pasteurized milk is given to a baby cal did you know
that Cal will die so it is not the best milk for babies so if a mother cannot breastfeed the goat's milk is the next best I do know a mother who gave her baby carrot Sy and apple juice instead of milk now this baby could not have any type of milk could not even handle her milk and this baby had a skin disease is where the the skin was just falling off every day um there were layers of skin coming off the baby had a terrible skin condition and the natural path put this baby on
carrot Sy and apple juice that's 80% carrot 10% celery 10% apple and the baby thrived on that so it's often called the vegetarian milk now in Fiji traditionally they've always given babies boo juice now BO juice is the milk in the immature coconut not the mature coconut the immature coconut because in the immature coconut all the nutrients are in the in the fluid and if you open an immature coconut you get a thin soft white jelly lining that's the immature coconut and all the nutrients are in there but in a mature coconut all the nutrients
are on the thick hard white uh water and that's what coconut cream and coconut milk and coconut oil are made out of that thick coat but I have known a mother to give her baby almond milk and she would uh blend up the almonds and dates with a bit of water and strain it and the baby went well on that but if a mother can't feed her baby she's best to go to the uh goat goat's milk and if she can't go to that it's probably almost best that she be under a nutritionist just to
get the right milk for that baby I've been uh helping a lady in New York and her little baby has two teeth and this little one's 80 months old and he's just they had him on huge amounts of food and his stomach just swells and his arms are thin and I said the baby should be still having milk cuz the baby only has a few teeth so she's had to cut the food right back and give the baby most of the nutrients via milk and she's been giving the carrots and apple juice to this little
one and his stomach has gone right down and sometimes that can happen they can say he's so thin so you give heaps amount of food but the gut has to heal before the the stomach can handle that food anyway they're quite excited how the baby's beginning to respond so every case is different but Armond is called the king of all nuts it's the most alkaline nut it's the highest in protein the highest in calcium and the highest in iron Brazil nuts are also an alkaline nut now Brazil nuts are phenomenally high in selenium and selenium
is a very important mineral you see the the um the thyroid needs selenium because it needs selenium to convert iodine into thyroxin now mercury has an affinity for selenium so if people people have mercury fillings in their mouth that can gobble up all their selenium you only need five Brazil nuts a day to get all the selenium that you need for a day and even though in Australia the selenium levels in the soil are very low we get our Brazil nuts from Brazil and of course in Brazil the the land is okay all your seeds
that's uh sesame seeds sunflowers uh chia seeds flax seeds pumpkin seeds they are also on the alkaline list the most acid forming substance you can put in your body I'm sorry I cannot call it a food because I consider it a poison and that is the pure crystallized acid that's been extracted from the sugar cane plant it's a highly concentrated substance whether it be white whether it be tan or whether it be brown and one of the problems well another problem with sugar today is it's highly sprayed because the bugs attack it because the sugar
cane is grown in the same ground again and again and again so the ground is very depleted in nutrients so there are many reasons why sugar should never be eaten and there is no need for us to eat sugar we've got beautiful sweeteners like honey maple syrup uh you've also got coconut sugar or Palm sugars that's just the crystallized nectar from the Palm flour so there are are many uh sweetness so you don't have to go to the poison uh meat meat is very high in the alkal in the acid minerals when meat breaks down
in the body it gives off a high sulfur waste and this creates a very acid condition in his book The China Study Dr Colin Campbell he explains that in detail he says could turn cancer on and off like a switch depending on how much meat and dairy products he was giving the Rats the book is called The China Study because in China they're able to compare the City Chinese to the country Chinese who were still eating the native food so they get this clear comparison there and the cancer rates in the cities are about the
same as in the industrialized nations your hybridized wheat the hybridization of the wheat created uh it it changed the molecular structure of the wheat so that there are more acid forming minerals aged cheese notice we didn't give you any blue vein cheese to nibble on what's the blue in the blue vein cheese it's mold mold is very acid so there's your your acid environment but I put over here here pH of seven are fresh cheeses so this is feta this is uh riotta and cottage these are fresh cheeses so they don't have the acid effect
I myself choose not to although sometimes if I'm traveling and there's not much to offer I might have a little Fetter but you can get some very nice goat and even sheep Fetters today also caffeine all your caffeine foods and drinks create an an acid environment alcohol it's not a food but it creates an acid environment tobacco is not a food but it creates an acid environment all your other grains all your other legumes and all your other nuts other than the ones on the alkaline side now to maintain the 6.5 environment at the cellular
level we should be having 20 to 30% acid forming foods and 70 to 80% alkaline forming Foods now this 20 to 30% ideally should be from this little section here how many people today are reading 90% acid 10% alkaline mhm this is the diet I just uh described before cereal and toaste for breakfast sandwiches for lunch pasta for tea maybe biscuits cakes midm morning midafternoon that's almost 100% acid the easiest way to alkalize your food program is to eat more vegetables more grains start pursuing the other grains that's the easiest way to do it that's
the easiest way to keep the balance one lady said oh no rice is here I said yes rice isn't bad you need a little acid walnuts are here yeah walnuts are great I love them and you need a little acid you see it's all am matter of balance and if you're having a lot of fresh veggies greens have a highly alkaline diet you can handle a little bit of the acid ones Macadamia likes how I love them they're perfectly fine you need a little acid it's just the balance so what one of the easiest ways
is to be mindful of more veggies if you don't have a yeast problem fruits over to these these these uh legumes chick Peas I love chickpeas we had them for lunch yesterday I had H kidney beans for lunch today kidney beans and chickp are over here but you eat them with lots of veggies and salad it brings a nice balance so it's all a matter of balance now the gardener he can play with the pH of his soil to get different effects in different vegetables he familiar with the hydranga plant the hydranga plant is a
big bush and it has big flowers and every flower has lots of little flowers in it and sometimes you'll see a hranger plant and the flowers are pink sometimes they'll be a rich dark pink like magenta sometimes the flowers will be purple sometimes the flowers will be blue now they're not different types of hyd Ranger plants The Gardener plays with the pH of the soil to get different colored flowers so just as the gardener plays with the pH of the soil to get different colored flowers you can play with the pH of your cell and
get different Health sickness results happening in your body as I showed you recently drastically dropping even wiping out the night shades going to a more alkaline diet checking the air in your home having Sun every day stopping all the acids or all this acid group anyway going to bed earlier exercising every day being mindful of this equation drinking adequate water the best time to drink water is between meals because if you drink water with your meal that's a good way to dilute your stomach acid remember you don't want to dilute that you want that nice
and Sparky so that you can break down your protein we should stop drinking half an hour before a meal and resume drinking about an hour and a half after a meal that is ideal now if someone's thirsty after the meal by all means have a mouthful that's not going to dilute too much but if you sit to your meal well hydrated you should not need to drink large amount large amounts with your meal and that's another habit so common today isn't it to drink large amounts with the meal so being mindful of the acid alkaline
you can play with the health status of your body are there any questions as we close yes what's the effect of apple cider vinegar I don't use apple cider vinegar the the lemon has a far more alkalizing effect the only place I advise apple cider vinegar is on the toes if someone one has Tina or athletes foot there are a lot of claims about apple cider vinegar but all of those claims you can apply to the lemon uh a habit that we have at Misty Mountain Health Retreat is to put lemon in the water first
thing in the morning lemon is one of the best liver tonics there is and the lemons are just coming on in the trees aren't they as we go into winter and if you have lemon trees and you've got an abundance you can squeeze them all pour them into ice cube containers freeze them and then throw them into a little snaplock bag and keep them in the freezer yes can you drink too much soy milk you certainly can people say to me what milk do you drink Barbara I say I'm weed I eat food I have
teeth you see when my children had teeth um they ate food so my babies were on breast milk until they had teeth and then slowly I didn't feed them anymore so you definitely can drink too much soy milk because we really shouldn't be drinking soy milk what we should be drinking is water or herb teas or maybe for a tonic effect half an hour before a meal or for an evening meal you could have a a vegetable juice so I personally in my home don't use soy milk I don't use any milk sometimes if I
make my husband an apple strudel you can eat well you know I'll put a lump of coconut cream on top of that or maybe I'll blend up cashews to a fine powder and then put a tin of pears in Naturals juice in it and blend it again make a beautiful cream out of that so that's more how I would use it some say well what about mashed potato when I mash potato I try and cook the potatoes in the little bit of water so by the time they're cooked there's no water left and then I
pour olive oil and Celtic salt and mash and mash and you get a beautiful mashed potato any other questions yeah beet sugar and cane sugar basically both come under this yeah yeah now sugar cane is over here but when you extract that pure acid out it becomes over here and the Ant acid medication now just think for a moment if someone takes ant acid what's going to happen to the acid in their stomach it wipes it out so yeah it interferes with digestion because it inhibits uh protein digestion and that person can suffer from um
protein deficiency because if you don't have the enzymes in your gut to break down the protein it can't get into the blood on the first nighte I said your gastrointestinal tract is a holot tube and anything that goes into that Holly tube doesn't become part of you or me until it gets broken down to Tiny substances and absorbed into the blood so if you haven't got the enzymes the acids to break down your food it can't get into the blood and so the person can suffer from malnutrition it's taken usually because of reflux um the
acid coming up and so in that you've just got to restore that valve you see by taking ant acids is like shooting all of the horses because they keep getting out of the Gateway just shut the gate and that that's all you have to do here is shut that gate now another man told me he'd been on a he'd been on Nexium or the equivalent for 25 years and he started taking C pepper now if you take C pepper it it's that the stimulating effect in your stomach wakens all your gastric glands and you produce
nice amounts of gastric acid and what he did because he increased his gastric acid his food was starting to be breaken down properly and he had had no more reflux some people have reflux because they haven't got enough acid in the stomach to break down the food and that food starts to ferment and sometimes that's the acid that's coming up I have yet to meet a person with too much acid in their stomach it's it's almost a uh a fallacy this this high acid in the stomach yes yep what's the best time to take C
pepper the best time to take C pepper is just before your meal or on your meal because that's when you're stimulate digestion don't take it before you go to bed or you'll be because it'll wake everything up question okay very good question uh baby is one and a half and uh how many teeth one year in two months he's only got his front teeth so and he's eating lots of food I would stop all grain win him off all the grain he can have vegetables he can have sweet potato and broccoli all the vegetables but
not grain yet and the MERS until the four cusps are through on all the teeth only then will the TI and come through yes yeah what type of milk goats milk's the best and you can get Car Care goats milk formulas which some mothers find that very very helpful very easy too or you can if you've got a juice of carrot Sy and apple juice at that age is fine and the babies quite like it cuz it's nice with that little bit of uh 80% carrot 10% Apple 10% celery can replace the milk mhm now
I have had some women start to beat themselves up over this one woman started crying said I've done everything wrong I said you must not beat yourself up because you were doing the best that you knew and there's a lovely verse in the Bible it's acts 30:17 it says God Winks at our ignorance so should we got that but today's another the day and you can start doing it right there's a question up there what's the effect of having Citrus with your meal if you have the citrus lemon with your meal it uh helps digestion
if you have orange with your meal and I would have um orange say with a fruit meal it's perfectly fine how about orange juice you shouldn't have a lot of juice with the meal and some people um work all day no time to drink sit down to their meal and eat large mugs of juice with their meal but that that is not a good idea because there's a lot of sugar in juice and you just um juice an orange and it takes about three big oranges to make a whole glass of orange juice I think
juice should take the place of food it should not be it should not really be done with the meal now if I'm at a wedding as I was recently and you toast the bride and you've got some lovely grape juice there couple of mouth to it's not a problem you see it's not the odd day you do it and the odd day you don't do it it's what you do every day every meal it has the effect on the body yes I don't use grape seed oil it was probably a about 80 years ago that
they developed equipment to be able to extract oils from hard seeds and it takes chemicals and heat to get it out so the two oils that you can extract very easily from the Flesh of the plant are the olive oil and the coconut oil so they're the only oils that I advise yes where does fish come into it um fish is a meat on the acid side Unfortunately today there is rarely a fish you can buy that is not tainted with chemicals or poisons um fish is very high the recent Fisheries testing in Australia was
they could not find one fish without mercury in it I know about three years ago they banned all fishing from Sydney hmer because the children of the fishermen had high levels of dioxin and Mer in them so unfortunately because of the state of our seas and our Rivers today fish really is not a safe food yes probiotic supplements probiotic supplements are great do you remember that uh Villa I just drew with its thick Turf wall and how a lot of it had been broken down well how you can replace that thick Turf wall is take
number one a probiotic supplement and probiotic means for life and a probiotic supplement is best taken 3/4 of an hour before breakfast so it goes down there and there are two herbs that can help to coat line and seal uh the lining of the gut one is aloe vera bit slimy that's exactly what your gut is and the other herb is slippery elm and as the L as the name implies when you put water with it it does go a little bit slippery and slimy but excellent for healing the lining of the gut Hippocrates said
let said all disease begins in the gut and when you consider what I've showed you this evening all the things that break down that that thick Turf wall and then the different foods that can come in and further aggravate that it's uh it's was quite prophetic for him say that yes what causes arthritis what causes arthritis is usually an overload of acid and and I just look at my dear mother who did not realize it but she ate mostly from this side now there is a bit of genetics there remember genetics loads the gun but
it is lifestyle that pulls the trigger yes what sort of powder Lotus powder I'm not I don't know Lotus powder P okay um I'm not familiar with the Lotus powder I'm sorry okay well I'd be interested to see what its actives and its effects are the Lotus powder thank you for your attention tonight remember um if you've got some bigger questions we've got we're going to be devoting um Sunday afternoon at 6 o' is it no 2:00 I have to be at the airport at 6:30 from is that right 4:30 sorry I'll be on the
plane at 6:30 but at from 2:00 to 4:00 we're going to be looking at questions so we can pursue that in a bit more detail tomorrow morning at 11:00 here I'm going to be showing you how to rewire your brain I'm going to be showing you how your brain can get younger as you age and um Pastor William has kindly let me take the usual church service here so there'll be there'll be a couple of songs and a prayer and they'll be taking up an offering you don't have to do that if you don't want
to and then we'll be going straight into how you can rewire your mind and then tomorrow afternoon Ah that's the 6:00 isn't it 6 till 8:00 we'll be having practical demonstration on on uh natural remedies so bring your pen and paper with you tomorrow tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow morning to know how to rewire your brain please bow your heads as I close Father in Heaven thank you so much again for this amazing body thank you for the knowledge on the acid alkaline more conditions to give the body to get Optimum performance out of it I
pray that each of us will be inspired father to look a little differently at our body and to respect it and to look after it because it's the only one we've got and the person who will benefit the most from giving it the right conditions of course is us so may you help us may you inspire us and may you encourage Us in this walk is my prayer in jesus' name amen thank you [Music]