Do Not Go To Sleep Without Listening To This Prayer | Blessed Prayers For Sleep In God's Presence

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
I'm sure that each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we faced difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you will go through that situation trying to figure out how will this work for my good when we are in trouble how many of us want details from God how many of us ask God why am I going through this how many of us ask God questions like like God if you're going to make a way out for me how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time
will you come to my rescue how long will I have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good but God doesn't always give us answers while we are in the fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found in nem 1:7 which says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in psalm 55:22 which says cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall
sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature can be found in his word in the Bible God is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faithful he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you are facing whether you are in a valley or on top of the mountain we
should be seeking the Lord always we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is extraordinary when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so
much power power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield in my defense I declare your word in Joshua 1:9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened
and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare your word to be true in my life today I will be wrong because of you Jesus I am courageous Because of You Jesus I am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my Lord Jesus be my comfort and peace I bless your name for being faithful my Risen King my Chief Cornerstone Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I speak to This Promise To Be True in my life
King Jesus whether I am at work I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I have the skill to do things efficiently and well through Christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I ask that you be with me wherever I go I ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work and wherever I may go may your presence go with me may your hand be upon me in whatever I do may your hand be
upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp unto my feet and show me where to go Lord I have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of Jesus I praise you for your goodness I Praise You for Your Love which knows no bounds I ask that your presence may be upon us I pray that even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and favor be so strong upon
me that they will feel it father I declare that I am blessed in the morning I am blessed at noon day and I am blessed in the evening I pray that today the favor of God will go before me the blood of Jesus Christ will come over me May the Holy Spirit lead me and speak to me it's in you King Jesus that I seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you Jesus that I place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints
my heavenly father I praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised I praise you because your word in Isaiah 40:29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you Lord Jesus are greater than anything on this Earth father when I feel as though I am lacking or when I feel as though I don't have enough may
I be reminded that your word says in Psalm 34:10 the Lions May grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing I lack nothing because you are a good shepherd Your Rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you Lord Jesus that leads me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me
through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when I am weak and tired TI even when I am afraid you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a Defender and a strong tower I bless your name and thank you for your loving kindness protect me today in all ways I pray that you cover me Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my prayer I bless your name for being a loving God a God who
looks upon me favorably Blessed Be Your Holy Name Lord in Jesus name I pray amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of
the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives Liv we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4: 3:4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5-7 the devil
continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus ansed Ed and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but
once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want
worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word
in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be
ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape
that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah 41 verse 13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who
say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the
Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that
I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there there is nothing that is beyond him you see
our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold
I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes
can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but with God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural
eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I Stay in
faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and great greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord
with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a
chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a pecu your people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 121 verse 1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes
from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth Earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not Slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall Preserve preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and even forever more I find this to be
a special promise because we as God's children are told that help comes from the Lord help comes from the one who neither Slumbers nor sleeps and so so I would like to speak this blessing upon you from Psalm 121 may you find the Lord to be your keeper may you find him to be an anchor for your soul and steady ground for your feet may you find god Jehovah to be your keeper your protection may God protect you from all evil from this time forth and forever more there's a level of protection and peace that
comes only from the lord and there is nothing equal to or close to the kind of protection offered by the Lord so I encourage you to put your trust in him let us pray heavenly father I thank you for your word that says in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the waters they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you we're thankful for your protection thank you for being our safe place for being our
strong Refuge I am thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies Lord we're seeking your powerful F hand of protection over our lives over our homes and our families I am aware King Jesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord this highlights the need that we have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cover us and our families your word in Psalm 34:7 says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear
Him and delivers them thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm that offers such a blessed hope I pray that your angels would encamp around our homes and offer us Divine protection from the enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that we Face daily strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give us the power to overcome give us peace and do not allow fear and anxiety y to
hold us back we put our trust in you we will rejoice always because of you I pray that you give us a bold and courageous spirit because your word says greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world Lord protect us from the enemy each and every day remind me of the promise I have in your word protect us from the hidden traps of the enemy don't let us be enticed by the sinful desires of the Flesh in my heart and mind I pray that I would be continually transformed may
I be renewed and refreshed protect me from all manner and form of evil father don't let me be deceived but give me wisdom to discern what is your perfect and pleasing will cast out everything that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder my spirit from seeking you drive out all the darkness around and Deliver Me From Evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but Lord you give life in you there is fullness of joy and and at your right hand are Pleasures forever more help me to put on the full armor of God
so that I may always be ready to withstand all of the enemy's attacks Lord Jesus you are greater and stronger than any other power in heaven or on Earth you have already conquered sin and death by your finished work on the cross at your voice the demons tremble in fear in your presence no other power can stand and I praise you thank you God for your protection thank you for your faithfulness thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen I'm sure that each of us when we've gone through certain things in
life when we Face difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you will go through that situation trying to figure out how will this work for my good when we are in trouble how many of us want details from God how many of us ask God why am I going through this how many of us ask God questions like God if you're going to make a way out for me how how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time will you come to my rescue how long will I have to go
through this before things actually start turning around for my good but God doesn't always give us answers while we are in the fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found in NM 1:7 which says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in psalm 55:22 which says cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see
in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature can be found in his word in the Bible God is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faithful he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless less of what you are facing whether you are in a valley or on top of the mountain we should be seeking the Lord always we need him to lead and
guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is EXT extraordinary when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the
arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense I declare your word in Joshua 1:9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with
you wherever you go I declare your word to be true in my life today I will be strong because of you Jesus I am courageous because of you you Jesus I am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my Lord Jesus be my comfort and peace I bless your name for being faithful my Risen King my Chief Cornerstone Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I speak this promise to be true in my life King Jesus whether I am at work I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me I have the skill to do things efficiently and well through Christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I ask that you be with me wherever I go I ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work and wherever I may go may your presence go with me may your hand be upon me in whatever I do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me
to walk in safety may you be a lamp unto my feet and show me where to go Lord I have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of Jesus I praise you for your goodness I Praise You for Your Love love which knows no bounds I ask that your presence may be upon us I pray that even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father I declare that I
am blessed in the morning I am blessed at noon day and I am blessed in the evening I pray that today the favor of God will go before for me the blood of Jesus Christ will come over me May the Holy Spirit lead me and speak to me it's in you King Jesus that I seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you Jesus that I place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father I praise you for you alone are
worthy to be praised I praise you because your word in Isaiah 40: 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you Lord Jesus are G than anything on this Earth father when I feel as though I am lacking or when I feel as though I don't have enough may I be reminded that your word says in Psalm
34:10 the Lions May grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing I lack nothing because you are a good shepherd Your Rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you Lord Jesus that leads me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead
me through the valley and even when I am weak and tired even when I am afraid you still make it known that you are are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a Defender and a strong tower I bless your name and thank you for your Lov and kindness protect me today in always ways I pray that you cover me Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my prayer I bless your name for being a loving God a God who looks upon me favorably bless Blessed Be Your
Holy Name Lord in Jesus name I pray amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place
in our lives we have a Divine and heavenly insur insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke chap 4: 3-4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5-7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus
the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from him here but once again Jesus responds in Luke
4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the
kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was intent he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need
to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the
devil try to tempt me let your word r up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear
it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah [Music] 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the
one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom
Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that
I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our our god holds time in his hands he's
Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All
Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen you're the God who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may
see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it
sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work
miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget
not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A
peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 121 verse 1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth he will
not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not Slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forever more I find this to be a special promise because we as God's children are told that help
comes from the Lord help comes from the one who neither Slumbers nor sleeps and so I would like to speak this blessing upon you from psalm 1 121 may you find the Lord to be your keeper may you find him to be an anchor for your soul and steady ground for your feet may you find god Jehovah to be your keeper your protection may God protect you from all evil from this time forth and forever more there's a level of protection and peace that comes only from the lord and there is nothing equal to or
close to the kind of protection offered by the Lord so I encourage you to put your trust in him let us pray heavenly father I thank you for your word that says in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the waters they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you we're thankful for your protection thank you for being our safe place for being our strong Refuge I am thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies
Lord we're seeking your powerful hand of protection over our lives over our homes and our families I am aware King Jesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord this highlights the need that we have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cover us and our families your word in Psalm 34:7 says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm
that offers such a blessed hope I pray that your angels would encamp around our homes and offer us Divine protection from the enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that we Face daily strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give us the power to overcome give us peace and do not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you you we will rejoice always
because of you I pray that you give us a bold and courageous spirit because your word says greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world Lord protect us from the enemy each and every day remind me of the promises I have in your word protect us from The Hidden traps of the enemy don't let us be enticed by the sinful desires of the Flesh in my heart and mind I pray that I would be continually transformed may I be renewed and refreshed protect me from all manner and form of
evil father don't let me be deceived but give me wisdom to discern what is your perfect and pleasing will cast out everything that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder my spirit from seeking you drive out all the darkness around and Deliver Me From Evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but Lord you give life in you there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are Pleasures forever more help me to put on the full armor of God so that I may always be ready to withstand all of the enemy's attacks
Lord Jesus you are greater and stronger than any other power in heaven or on Earth you have already conquered sin in death by your finished work on the cross at your voice the demons tremble in fear in your presence no other power can stand and I praise you thank you God for your protection thank you for your faithfulness thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen I'm sure that each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we Face difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you
will go through that situation trying to figure out how will this work for my good when we are in trouble how many of us want details from God how many of us ask God why am I going through this how many of us ask God questions like God if you're going to make a way out for me how exactly are you going to do it and precisely what time will you come to my rescue how long will I have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good but God doesn't always
give us answers while we are in the fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found in nem 1: 7 which says the Lord is good a stronghold in the the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in psalm 55:22 which says cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature
can be found in his word in the Bible God is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faithful he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you are facing whether you are in a valy or on top of the mountain we should be seeking the Lord always we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection
to keep us safe as we go about our business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is extraordinary when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find divine strength it's only in God that
you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my sheeld in my defense I declare your word in Joshua 1:9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare your word to be true in my life today
I will be strong because of you Jesus I am courageous Because of You Jesus I am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my Lord Jesus be my comfort and peace I bless your name for being faithful my Risen King my Chief Cornerstone Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I speak this promise to be true in my life King Jesus whether I am at work I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I have the skill to do things efficiently and well through
Christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I ask that you be with me wherever I go I ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work and wherever I may go may your presence go with me may your hand be upon me in whatever I do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp unto my feet and show me where
to go Lord I have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of Jesus I praise you for your goodness I Praise You for Your Love which knows no bounds I ask that your presence may be upon us I pray that even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father I declare that I am blessed in the morning I am blessed at noon day and I am blessed in the
evening I pray that today the favor of God will go before me the blood of Jesus Christ will come over me May the Holy Spirit lead me and speak to me it's in you King Jesus that I seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you Jesus that I plac My Hope My Hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father I praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised I praise you because your word in Isaiah 40: 29 says he gives power
to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you Lord Jesus are greater than anything on this Earth father when I feel as though I am am lacking or when I feel as though I don't have enough may I be reminded that your word says in Psalm 34:10 the Lions May grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good
thing I lack nothing because you are a good shepherd Your Rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you Lord Jesus that leads me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when I am weak and tired even when I am afraid
you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you you are with me as a Defender and a strong tower I bless your name and thank you for your loving kindness protect me today in all ways I pray that you cover me Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my prayer I bless your name for being a loving God a God who looks upon me favorably Blessed Be Your Holy Name Lord in Jesus name I pray pray amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom
Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now
I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4: 3-4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread of alone but by every word of God in verses 5-7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered
and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in
their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus
responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know
about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word May be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try
to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if
I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah 41: 13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my
help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid
although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and Si sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood
of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean
on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and
that is why we praise you we give you all all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see
a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but
my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith remind Ed me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I want I want to
praise you for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you
have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you Lifted Me Up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar your people God I thank you for calling us out of the
darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 121 verse 1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will
not slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and even forever more I find this to be a special promise because we as God's children are told that help comes from the Lord help comes from the one who neither Slumbers
nor sleeps and so I would like to speak this blessing upon you from Psalm 121 may you find the Lord to be your keeper may you find him to be an anchor for your soul and steady ground for your feet may you find god Jehovah to be your keeper your protection may God protect you from all evil from this time forth and forever more there's a level of protection and peace that comes only from the lord and there is nothing equal to or close to the kind of protection on offered by the Lord so I
encourage you to put your trust in him let us pray heavenly father I thank you for your word that says in Isaiah 43: 2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the waters they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you we're thankful for your protection thank you for being our safe place for being our strong Refuge I am thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies Lord we're seeking your powerful hand of protection over our
lives over our homes and our families I am aware King Jesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord this highlights the need that we have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cover us and our families your word in psalm 34:7 [Music] says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm that offers such a blessed hope I pray that
your angels would encamp around our homes and offer us Divine protection from the enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen us so that we we will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that we Face daily strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give us the power to overcome give us peace and do not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you we will rejoice always because of you I pray that you give us
a bold and courageous spirit because your word says greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world Lord protect us from the enemy each and every day remind me of the promises I have in your word protect us from the hidden traps of the enemy don't let us be enticed by the sinful desires of the Flesh in my heart and mind I pray that I would be continually transformed may I be renewed and refreshed protect me from all manner and form of evil father don't let me be deceived but give
me wisdom to discern what is your perfect and pleasing will cast out everything that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder my spirit from seeking you drive out all the darkness around and Deliver Me From Evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but Lord you give life in you there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are Pleasures forever more help me to put on the full armor of God so that I may always be ready to withstand all of the enemy's attacks Lord Jesus you are greater and stronger than any
other power in heaven or on Earth you have already conquered sin and death by your finished work on the cross at your voice the demons tremble in fear in your presence no other power can St hand and I praise you thank you God for your protection thank you for your faithfulness thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen I'm sure that each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we fa difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you will go through that situation trying to figure
out how will this work for my good when we are in trouble how many of us want details from God how many of us ask God why am I going through this how many of us ask God questions like God if you're going to make a way out for me how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time will you come to my rescue how long will I have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good but God doesn't always give us answers while we are in the
fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found in nem 1:7 which says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in psalm 55:22 which says cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature can be found in his word in the Bible God
is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faithful he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you are facing whether you are in a valley or on top of the mountain we should be seeking the Lord lord always we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our
business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is extraordinary when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only
in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense I declare your word in Joshua 1:9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare your word to be true in my life today I will be strong because of you Jesus I
am courageous Because of You Jesus I am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my Lord Jesus be my comfort and peace I bless your name for being faithful my Risen King my chief Corner Stone Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I speak this promise to be true in my life King Jesus whether I am at work I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I have the skill to do things efficiently and well through Christ who strengthens me whether it's related to
school or my studies I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I ask that you be with me wherever I go I ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work and wherever I may go may your presence go with me may your hand be upon me in whatever I do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp unto my feet and show me where to go Lord I have the strength to
face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of Jesus I praise you for your goodness I Praise You for Your Love which knows no bounds I ask that your presence may be upon us I pray that even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father I declare that I am blessed in the morning I am blessed at noon day and I am blessed in the evening I pray that today the favor of
God will go before me the blood of Jesus Christ will come over me May the Holy Spirit lead me and speak to me if it's in you King Jesus that I seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you Jesus that I place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father I praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised I praise you because your word in Isaiah 40: 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who
has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you Lord Jesus are greater than anything on this Earth father when I feel as though I am lacking or when I feel as though I don't have enough may I be reminded that your word says in Psalm 34:10 the Lions May grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing I lack nothing because you are a
good shepherd Your Rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you Lord Jesus that leads me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when I am weak and tired even when I am afraid you still make it known that you are
there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a Defender and a strong tower I bless your name and thank you for your loving kindness protect me today in alwayss I pray that you cover me Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my prayer I bless your name for being a loving God a God who looks upon me favorably Blessed Be Your Holy Name Lord in Jesus name I pray amen [Music] the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my
life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely
mostly Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4 verse 3- 4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5 to7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me
Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up
lest you dash your foot against the stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then
proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to
defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or
with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word in First Corinthians 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus
because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah [Music] 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work
against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes
and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you
for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen Jeremiah 32:17 says a Sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to
the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 3227 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all
of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of
despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been
times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ [Music] so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God God
your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because
you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by
your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 121 verse 1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not Slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor
sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve you're going out and you're coming in from this time forth and even forever more I find this to be a special promise because we as God's children are told that help comes from the Lord help comes from the one who neither Slumbers nor sleeps and so I would like to speak this blessing
upon you from Psalm 121 may you find the Lord to be your keeper may you find him to be an anchor for your soul and steady ground for your feet may you find god Jehovah to be your keeper your protection may God protect you from all evil from this time forth and forever more there's a level of protection and peace that comes only from the lord and there is nothing equal to or close to the kind of protection offered by the Lord so I encourage you to put your trust in him let us pray heavenly
father I thank you for your word that says in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the waters they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you we're thankful for your protection thank you for being our safe place for being our strong Refuge I am thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies Lord we're seeking your powerful hand of protection over our lives over our homes and our families I am aware King Jesus that we
wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord this highlights the need that we have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cover us and our families your word in Psalm 34 verse 7 says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them thank you for your promise of protection aalm that offers such a blessed hope I pray that your angels would encamp around our homes and offer us Divine protection from the
enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that we Face daily strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give us the power to overcome give us peace and do not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you we will rejoice always because of you I pray that you give us a bold and courageous spirit spirit because your word says greater is he who is
in me than he who is in the world Lord protect us from the enemy each and every day remind me of the promises I have in your word protect us from the hidden traps of the enemy don't let us be enticed by the sinful desires of the Flesh in my heart and mind I pray that I would be continually transformed may I be renewed and refreshed protect me from all manner and form of evil father don't let me be deceived but give me wisdom to discern what is your perfect and pleasing will cast out everything
that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder my spirit from seeking you drive out all the darkness around and Deliver Me From Evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but Lord you give life in you there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are Pleasures forever more help me to put on the full armor of God so that I may always be ready to withstand all of the enemy's attacks Lord Jesus you are greater and stronger than any other power in heaven or on Earth you have already conquered sin and death
by your finished work on the cross at your voice the demons tremble in fear in your presence no other power can stand and I praise you thank you God for your protection thank you for your faithfulness thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen I'm sure that each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we Face difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you will go through that situation trying to figure out how will this work for my good when we are in trouble how many
of us want details from God how many of us ask God why am I going through this how many of us ask God questions like God if you're going to make a way out for me how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time will you come to my rescue how long will I have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good but God doesn't always give us answers while we are in the fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found
in nem 1: 7 which says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in psalm 55:22 which says cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature can be found in his word in the Bible God is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faith F
he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you are facing whether you are in a valley or on top of the mountain we should be seeking the Lord always we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is extraordinary
when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so
now let us pray my king and Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense I declare your word in Joshua 1:9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare your word to be true in my life today I will be strong because of you Jesus I am courageous Because of You Jesus I am not frightened or dismayed by the
enemy because of you my Lord Jesus be my comfort and peace I bless your name for being faithful my Risen King my Chief Cornerstone Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I speak this promise to be true in my life King Jesus whether I am at work I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I have the skill to do things efficiently and well through Christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I
ask that you be with me wherever I go I ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work and wherever I may go may your presence go with me may your hand be upon me in whatever I do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and Lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp unto my feet and show me where to go Lord I have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of Jesus I
praise you for your goodness I Praise You for Your Love which knows no bounds I ask that your presence may be upon us I pray that even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father I declare that I am blessed in the morning I am blessed at noon day and I am blessed in the evening I pray that today the favor of God will go before me the blood of Jesus Christ will come over me May
the Holy Spirit lead me and speak to me it's in you King Jesus that I seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you Jesus that I place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father I praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised I praise you because your word in Isaiah 40: 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give
me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you Lord Jesus are greater than anything on this Earth father when I feel as though I am lacking or when I feel as though I don't have enough may I be reminded that your word says in Psalm 34:10 the Lions May grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing I lack nothing because you are a good shepherd Your Rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word
says God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you Lord Jesus that leads me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when I am weak and tired even when I am afraid you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a
Defender and a strong tower I bless your name and thank you for your loving kindness protect me today in always ways I pray that you cover me Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my prayer I bless your name for being a loving God a God who looks upon me favorably Blessed Be Your Holy Name Lord in Jesus name I pray amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs
are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke chapter 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4:
3-4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5-7 the devil continues his advancing is and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve
now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10 to1 saying for it is written he shall give his Ang Angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone now I want you to understand that the
devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil
tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are
Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help
me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living
Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah [Music] 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against
me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I
am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray
amen Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face
he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent Dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord
You're creator of all you are div Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word
you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith
reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome some wonder and in Psalm 150:2
it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such
a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in
faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 121 verse 1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not Slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right
hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forever more I find this to be a special promise because we as God's children are told that help comes from the Lord help comes from the one who neither Slumbers nor sleeps and so I would like to speak this blessing upon you from Psalm 121 may you find the Lord to be your keeper
may you find him to be an anchor for your soul and steady ground for your feet may you find god Jehovah to be your keeper your protection may God protect you from all evil from this time forth and forever more there's a level of protection and peace that comes only from the lord and there is nothing equal to or close to the kind of protection offered by the Lord so I encourage you to put your trust in him let us pray heavenly father I thank you for your word that says in Isaiah 43 Verse two
when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the waters they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you we're thankful for your protection thank you for for being our safe place for being our strong Refuge I am thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies Lord we're seeking your powerful hand of protection over our lives over our homes and our families I am aware King Jesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers
against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord this highlights the need that we have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cover us and our families your word in Psalm 34:7 says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them thank thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm that offers such a blessed hope I pray that your angels would encamp around our homes and offer us Divine protection from the enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen
us so that we will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that we Face daily strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give us the power to overcome give us peace and do not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you we will rejoice always because of you I pray that you give us a bold and courageous spirit because your word says greater is is he who is in me than he who is in the world Lord protect
us from the enemy each and every day remind me of the promises I have in your word protect us from the hidden traps of the enemy don't let us be enticed by the sinful desires of the Flesh in my heart and mind I pray that I would be continually trans formed may I be renewed and refreshed protect me from all manner and form of evil father don't let me be deceived but give me wisdom to discern what is your perfect and pleasing will cast out everything that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder my spirit from
seeking you drive out all the darkness around and Deliver Me From Evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but Lord you give life in you there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are Pleasures forever more help me to put on the full armor of God so that I may always be ready to withand all of the enemy's attacks Lord Jesus you are greater and stronger than any other power in heaven or on Earth you have already conquered sin and death by your finished work on the cross at your voice
the demons tremble in fear in your presence no other power can stand and I praise you thank you God for your protection thank you for your faithfulness thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen I'm sure that each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we fac difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you will go through that situation trying to figure out how will this work for my good when we are in trouble how many of us want details from God how many of us
ask God why am I going through this how many of us ask God questions like God if you're going to make a way out for me how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time will you come to my rescue how long will I have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good but God doesn't always give us answers while we are in the fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found in nem 1:7 which says the Lord is good a
strong hold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in psalm 55:22 which says cast your bird burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature can be found in his word in the Bible God is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faithful he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the
beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you are facing whether you are in a valley or on top of the mountain we should be seeking the Lord always we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is extraordinary when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love
when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and Lord Jesus Christ
thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense I declare your word in Joshua 1:9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God God is with you wherever you go I declare your word to be true in my life today I will be strong because of you Jesus I am courageous Because of You Jesus I am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my Lord Jesus be my
comfort and peace I bless your name for being faithful my Risen King my Chief Cornerstone Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I speak this promise to be true in my life King Jesus whether I am at work I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I have the skill to do things efficiently and well through Christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I ask that you be with me wherever I go
I ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work and wherever I may go may your presence go with me may your hand be upon me in whatever I do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp unto my feet and show me where to go Lord I have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of Jesus I praise you for your goodness I Praise You for
Your Love which knows no bounds I ask that your presence may be upon us I pray that even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father I declare that I am blessed in the morning I am blessed at noon day and I am blessed in the evening I pray that today the favor of God will go before me the blood of Jesus Christ will come over me May the Holy Spirit lead me and speak to me
it's in you King Jesus that I seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you Jesus that I place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father I praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised I praise you because your word in Isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face
each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you Lord Jesus are greater than anything on this Earth father when I feel as though I am lacking or when I feel as though I don't have enough may I be reminded that your word says in Psalm 34:1 the Lions May grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord Lord lack no good thing I lack nothing because you are a good shepherd Your Rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says God is Not Human that he
should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you Lord Jesus that leads me through the valley of The Shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when I am weak and tired even when I am afraid you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a Defender and a strong tower I bless
your name and thank you for your love and kindness protect me today in all ways I pray that you cover me Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my prayer I bless your name for being a loving God a God who looks upon me favorably Blessed Be Your Holy Name Lord in Jesus name I pray amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the
word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4:3 to four the Bible says and
the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5 to7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was
audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse vers 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times
and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you
respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that
your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word
in First Corinthians chap 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong
Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to
be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises
you are a God who has never lost a battle a god God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen Jeremiah 32:17 says
a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than than every complication you can face he's bigger
than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator
of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is
there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider better God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me
that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him
for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you
lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in
anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 121 verse 1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not Slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not
strike you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and even forever more I find this to be a special promise because we as God's children are told that help comes from the Lord help comes from the one who neither Slumbers nor sleeps and so I would like to speak this blessing upon you from Psalm 121 may you find the Lord to be your keeper may you find him to
be an anchor for your soul and steady ground for your feet may you find god Jehovah to be your keeper your protection May God protect you from all evil from this time forth and forever more there's a level of protection and peace that comes only from the lord and there is nothing equal to or close to the kind of protection offered by the Lord so I encourage you to put your trust in him let us pray heavenly father I thank you for your word that says in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I
will be with you and through the waters they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you we're thankful for your protection thank you for being our safe place for being our strong Refuge I am thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies Lord we're seeking your powerful hand of protection over our lives over our homes and our families I am aware King Jesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord
Lord this highlights the need that we have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cover us and our families your word in Psalm 34:7 says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm that offers such a blessed hope I pray that your angels would encamp around our homes and offer us Divine protection from the enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen us so that we will be able to
withstand the storms of life and the challenges that we Face daily strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give us the power to overcome give us peace and do not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you we will rejoice always because of you I pray that you give us a bold and courageous spirit because your word says greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world Lord protect us from the enemy each and every day remind
me of the promises I have in your word protect us from the hidden traps of the enemy don't let us be enticed by the sinful desires of the Flesh in my heart and mind I pray that I would be continually transformed may I be renewed and refreshed protect me from all manner and form of evil father don't let me be deceived but give me wisdom to discern what is your perfect and pleasing will cast out everything that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder my spirit from seeking you drive out all the darkness around and Deliver
Me From Evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and Destroy but Lord you give life in you there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are Pleasures forever more help me to put on the full armor of God so that I may always be ready to withstand all of the enemy's attacks Lord Jesus you are greater and stronger than any other power in heaven or on Earth you have already conquered sin and death by your finished work on the cross at your voice the demons tremble in fear in your presence no other
power can stand and I praise you thank you God for your protection thank you for your faithfulness thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen I'm sure that each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we Face difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you will go through that situation trying to figure out how will this work for my good when we are in trouble how many of us want details from God how many of us ask God why am I going through this this how
many of us ask God questions like God if you're going to make a way out for me how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time will you come to my rescue how long will I have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good but God doesn't always give us answers while we are in the fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found in nem 1:7 which says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows
those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in psalm 55:22 which says cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature can be found in his word in the Bible God is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faithful he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and
so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you are facing whether you are in a valley or on top of the mountain we should be seeking the Lord always we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is extraordinary when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there
is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much power that you can do all things things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards
me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense I declare your word in Joshua 1:9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare your word to be true in my life today I will be strong because of you Jesus I am courageous Because of You Jesus I am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my Lord Jesus be my comfort and peace I bless your name for being faithful my
Risen King my Chief Cornerstone Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I speak this promise to be true in my life King Jesus whether I am at work I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I have the skill to do things efficiently and well through Christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I ask that you be with me me wherever I go I ask that you be with me in my home
at my place of work and wherever I may go may your presence go with me may your hand be upon me in whatever I do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp unto my feet and show me where to go Lord I have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of Jesus I praise you for your goodness I Praise You for Your Love which knows no bounds I ask that your
presence may be upon us I pray that even those who are around me and those who will be around me may your presence and favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father I declare that I am blessed in the morning I am blessed at noon day and I am blessed in the evening I pray that today the favor of God will go before me the blood of Jesus Christ will come over me May the Holy Spirit lead me and speak to me it's in you King Jesus that I seek strength the
strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you Jesus that I place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father I praise you for you alone are worthy to be praised I praise you because your word in Isaiah 40: 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing
because you Lord Jesus are greater than anything on this Earth father when I feel as though I am lacking or when I feel as though I don't have enough may I be reminded that your word says in Psalm 34:10 the Lions May grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing I lack nothing but because you are a good shepherd Your Rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his
mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you Lord Jesus that leads me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when I am weak and tired even when I am afraid you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a Defender and a strong tower I bless your name and thank you for your loving kindness protect me
today in always ways I pray that you cover me Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my prayer I bless your name for being a loving God a God who looks upon me favorably bless be your Holy Name Lord in Jesus name I pray amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I why be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us
the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4: 3-4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God
command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5 to7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in
verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against against a stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked
three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of
your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a
life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10: 13 says no temptation has over taken you except such
as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your
word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000
at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never
been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen Jeremiah 32:17 says Ah Sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched
arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you [Music] and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go
to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 3227 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are
not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things
are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are
a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be
praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help
it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this
prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 121 verse 1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not Slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the Moon By Night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he
shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forever more I find this to be a special promise because we as God's children are told that help comes from the Lord help comes from the one one who neither Slumbers nor sleeps and so I would like to speak this blessing upon you from Psalm 121 may you find the Lord to be your keeper may you find him to be an anchor for your soul and steady ground for your feet may you find god Jehovah
to be your keeper your protection may God protect you from all evil from this time forth and for forever more there's a level of protection and peace that comes only from the lord and there is nothing equal to or close to the kind of protection offered by the Lord so I encourage you to put your trust in him let us pray heavenly father I thank you for your word that says in Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the waters they shall not overflow you when you walk
through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you we're thankful for your protection thank you for being our safe place for being our strong Refuge I am thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies Lord we're seeking your powerful hand of protection over our lives over our homes and our families I am aware King Jesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord this highlights the need that we have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for
the blood of Jesus Christ to cover us and our families your word in Psalm 34:7 says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm that offers such a blessed hope I pray that your angels would Camp around our homes and offer us Divine protection from the enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that we Face daily strengthen us so that we
will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give us the power to overcome give us peace and do not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you we will rejoice always because of you I pray that you give us a bold and courageous spirit because your word says greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world Lord protect us from the enemy each and every day remind me of the promises I have in your word protect us from the hidden traps of the
enemy don't let us be enticed by the sinful desires of the Flesh in my heart and mind I pray that I would be continually transformed may I be renewed and refreshed protect me from all manner and form of evil father mother don't let me be deceived but give me wisdom to discern what is your perfect and pleasing will cast out everything that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder my spirit from seeking you drive out all the darkness around and Deliver Me From Evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but Lord you give
life in you there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are Pleasures forever more help me to put on the full armor of God so that I may always be ready to withstand all of the enemy's attacks Lord Jesus you are greater and stronger than any other power in heaven or on Earth you have already conquered sin and death by your finished work on the cross at your voice the demons tremble in fear in your presence no other power can stand and I praise you thank you God for your protection thank you for
your faithfulness thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen I'm sure that each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we fac difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you will go through that situation trying to figure out how will this work for my good when we are in trouble how many of us want details from God how many of us ask God why am I going through this how many of us ask God questions like God if you're going to make a way out for
me how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time will you come to my rescue how long will I have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good but God doesn't always give us answers while we are in the fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found in nem 1:7 which says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in
psalm 55:22 which says cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature can be found in his word in the Bible God is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faithful he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you are facing
whether you are in a valley or on top of the mountain we should be seeking the Lord always we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is extraordinary when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence there is power so much
power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you and so now let us pray my king and Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your goodness for your pure love towards me guard me against the devil lord be my shield and my defense I declare your word in
Joshua 1:9 which says be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I declare your word to be true in my life today I will be strong because of you Jesus I am courageous Because of You Jesus I am not frightened or dismayed by the enemy because of you my Lord Jesus be my comfort and peace I bless your name for being faithful my Risen King my Chief Cornerstone Philippians 4:13 says that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens
me I speak this promise to be be true in my life King Jesus whether I am at work I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I have the skill to do things efficiently and well through Christ who strengthens me whether it's related to school or my studies I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I ask that you be with me wherever I go I ask that you be with me in my home at my place of work and wherever I may go may your presence go with me may your
hand be upon me in whatever I do may your hand be upon my loved ones may you guide my steps and lead me to walk in safety may you be a lamp unto my feet and show me where to go Lord I have the strength to face each new day because of the power that's in the blood of Jesus I I praise you for your goodness I Praise You for Your Love which knows no bounds I ask that your presence may be upon us I pray that even those who are around me and those who
will be around me may your presence and favor be so strong upon me that they will feel it father I declare that I am blessed in the morning I am blessed at noon day and I am blessed in the evening I pray that today the favor of God will go before me the blood of Jesus Christ will come over me May the Holy Spirit lead me and speak to me it's in you King Jesus that I seek strength the strength to get up and face each day with joy gladness and boldness it's in you Jesus
that I place my hope my hope in the one who never disappoints my heavenly father I pray you for you alone are worthy to be praised I praise you because your word in Isaiah 40: 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength father increase my strength let me not faint but give me the strength father the strength to face each day with confidence the type of confidence that fears nothing because you Lord Jesus are greater than anything on this Earth father when I feel as though
I am lacking or when I feel as though I don't have enough may I be reminded that your word says in Psalm 34:10 the Lions May grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing I lack nothing because you are a good shepherd Your Rod and staff they keep me close and they guide me your word says God is Not Human that he should lie not a human being that he should change his mind does he speak and then not act does he promise and not fulfill it's you Lord Jesus
that leads me through the valley of the shadow of death you lead me through it and still offer me peace you lead me through the valley and even when I am weak and tired even when I am afraid you still make it known that you are there you're a friend that sticks closer than a brother you are with me as a Defender and a strong tower I bless your name and thank you for your loving kindness protect me today in all ways I pray that you cover me Lord Jesus I thank you for hearing my
prayer I bless your name for being a loving God a God who looks upon me favorably Blessed Be Your Holy Name Lord in jesus' name I pray amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be [Music] afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our
Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4: 3-4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by
bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5-7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if
you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10 to1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if
it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough
of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil Lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will
bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10:13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are
able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you You My Heart Will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah [Music] 41:13 for I
the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus in indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my
refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of Whom Shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a
strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out
of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mine let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and
omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and
to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of
silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think
and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the
Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all
our worship because you Lord have made us you've you made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 121 verse 1-8 I will lift up my
eyes to the hills from whence comes my help my help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps you will not Slumber behold he who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is your keeper the Lord is your shade at your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and you're coming in from this time
forth and even forever more I find this to be a special promise because we as God's children are told that help comes from the Lord help comes from the one who neither Slumbers nor sleeps and so I I would like to speak this blessing upon you from Psalm 121 may you find the Lord to be your keeper may you find him to be an anchor for your soul and steady ground for your feet may you find god Jehovah to be your keeper your protection may God protect you from all evil from this time forth and
forever more there's a level of protection and peace that comes comes only from the lord and there is nothing equal to or close to the kind of protection offered by the Lord so I encourage you to put your trust in him let us pray heavenly father I thank you for your word that says in Isaiah 43 Verse two when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the waters they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you we're thankful
for your protection thank you for being our safe place for being our strong Refuge I am thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies Lord we're seeking your powerful hand of prot protection over our lives over our homes and our families I am aware King Jesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord this highlights the need that we have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cover us and our families your word in Psalm
34:7 says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm that offers such a blessed hope I pray that your angels would encamp around our homes and offer us Divine protection from the enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that we Face daily strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give us the power to
overcome give us peace and do not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you we will rejoice always because of you I pray that you give us a bold and courageous spirit because your word says greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world Lord protect us from the enemy each and every day remind me of the promises I had have in your word protect us from the hidden traps of the enemy don't let us be enticed by the sinful desires of the Flesh in
my heart and mind I pray that I would be continually transformed may I be renewed and refreshed protect me from all manner and form of evil father don't let me be deceived but give me wisdom to discern what is your perfect and pleasing will cast out everything that seeks to corrupt disturb or hinder my spirit from seeking you drive out all the darkness around and Deliver Me From Evil the enemy seeks only to steal kill and destroy but Lord you give life in you there is fullness of joy and at your right hand are Pleasures
forever more help me to put on the full armor of God so that I may always be ready to withstand all of the enemy's attacks Lord Jesus you are greater and stronger than any other power in heaven or on Earth you have already conquered sin and death by your finished work on the cross at your voice the demons tremble in fear in your presence no other power can stand and I praise you thank you God for your protection thank you for your faithfulness thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus' name I pray amen for
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