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Dark Force
Video Transcript:
I don't know anymore man I thought I thought it was supposed to get easier you put in the work you fight harder you suffer and it's all supposed to mean something right but I'm still here knees in the dirt with nothing but scars and regrets everything I ever touched everything I ever bled for it's all gone they don't tell you how lonely it gets how cold it feels when you're the last one standing what's Victory huh what's winning when you've got nobody left to stand with you I thought I thought if I just pushed harder
if I just kept fighting I could outrun the pain outrun the ghosts but here I am drowning in them you ever stare into the dark darkess so long that it starts Whispering back telling you lies that feels so damn real that's me now every face I couldn't save every hand I didn't reach for it's all I see when I close my eyes and when I open them it's worse cuz the world doesn't care it just keeps moving leaving me in the dust broken alone you ever screamed so loud that your own fault why stop sounding
like yours that's what it feels like every time I lift my sword every time I take a step it's like screaming into the void no one hears no one gives a damn and me I'm just here trying to find a reason to keep going trying to convince myself that I ain't done yet but I'm tired man I'm so damn tired but I can't quit can I no cuz that's the joke that's the cruel Twist of it all Warriors like me we don't get to stop we don't get to rest even when there's nothing left to
fight for even when the ground soaked with Blood and Tears we got to stand we got to keep moving cuz if we stop it's over over and I ain't going out like that but the weight it's heavy bro it's crushing me every step is a battle every breath feels like a struggle you know how it feels to be drowning while everyone else just watches yeah that's me that's been me for a long time now and the worst part no one ever talks about the fear not everyone thinks we're Fearless that we're made a steel that
nothing breaks us but let me tell you something fear is the only thing I got left fear what comes next fear of waking up tomorrow and feeling the same all over again fear that I've lost so much that there's nothing left of me to lose [Music] but here's the thing this is what they don't understand fear it's not weakness now fear is what keeps me going it's what keeps me fighting it's the only thing that reminds me I'm still alive even when it feels like I'm not so yeah I'm scared I'm scared every day but
I keep going I keep pushing because what else is there what else do I have left I ain't got no family no friends no home to go back to it's just me out here just this damn sord in the darkness but I'll tell you something there's power in that power in being broken and Nothing Left to Lose cuz when you've lost everything there's nothing left to fear except yourself and that's when you're dangerous but even now even when I'm on my knees I know one thing the world may have beaten me down it may have
taken everything from me but I ain't done yet not by a long shot cuz as long as I'm still breathing as long as my heart's still beating there's a fight left in me I don't know what tomorrow brings hell I don't even know if I'll see tomorrow but today right now I'm still here broken bleeding scared but I'm still here and that means something that's got to mean something so to the darkness that thinks it's one to the pain that thinks it's beaten me I'm still standing I'm still breathing and as long as I can
stand as long as I can fight I'll keep moving forward broken or not I don't care if I'm the last one I don't care if there's no one left to hear me scream I'll scream anyway I'll Roar until my voice is nothing but a [Music] whisper and when that whisper Fades I'll still be here still fighting still pushing you know what really messes me up it's not the pain not the scars it's the silence the silence that comes after every fight after every loss that's when it gets real when there's no sword in your your
hand no enemy in front of you just you and your thoughts that's the hardest battle man that's the one that eats you alive I ain't just fighting battles out there I'm fighting them in here Aster risk he Taps his Temple his voice shaking that's the war no one talks about the one inside and it's the hardest war of all cuz there's no win in it there's no end it's just you your thoughts and the Darkness and every day you wake up and it's waiting for you smiling mocking but I'm still here I don't know how
but I am and maybe that's enough maybe just surviving is enough even if you're limping even if you're crawling as long as you're still breathing you still got a shot right that's what I keep telling myself anyway it's just you and your thoughts that's the hardest battle you know the one nobody sees nobody talks about it creeps in what when everything goes quiet when you've got nothing left but the Echoes of your own mind that's the fight that can tear you apart Peace by peace without ever laying a hand on you sometimes I think about
all the faces I've seen all the people I've lost they don't leave man and they're always there just Out Of Reach haunting me with the what ifs and could haves it's like a weight pressing down on me reminding me that no matter how hard I fight I can't save everyone and maybe I was never meant [Music] to but even with all that I keep going I don't know if it's stubbornness or survival but I can't stop it's like there's something inside that refuses to let me quit maybe it's because deep down I believe there's still
something worth fighting for even if I don't see it right now even if I don't feel it there's got to be something more you ever look up at the sky and wonder what it feel like to just let go to just stop fting W in stop [Music] caring man I've been there I've thought about it hell I've stood on the edge more times than I can count but every time something pulls me back I don't know if it's hope or fear or some stupid sense of Duty but something keeps me here you ever look in
the mirror and not recognize the face staring back that's me now every scar every bruise they're all pieces of a man I don't know anymore I see the eyes of someone who's been through hell but what's the point of surviving hell if you lose yourself along the way I used to have a purpose a reason to fight but now now it just feels like I'm singing in the dark hoping to hit something before the darkness swallows me whole but that's the thing about the dark it never gives you a break it doesn't care if you're
tired if you're broken it just keeps coming keeps pushing until you either stand up or get buried under it I've seen men crushed by that weight I've seen them give up but I can't as much as I want to as much as every part of me is screaming to just stop I can't something deep inside something Primal refuses to let me fall maybe that's the curse of a warrior huh we don't get to walk away we don't get to choose peace we're built to fight to endure even when there's nothing left people think we're strong
that we're Invincible but they don't see the cracks they don't see the pieces of us that break every time we pick up that sword but we do it anyway because that's all we know that's all we've ever known there's a voice inside me though small quiet voice was whispered that maybe just maybe there's something more something beyond the blood beyond the pain but I don't know if I can listen to it I don't know if I believe it when you've been in the dark for so long the light feels like a lie like it's too
far out of reach and maybe it is but still that voice it won't show shut up and so I keep moving One Step than another not because I want to not because I have to but because it's all I know how to do maybe one day I'll find that light maybe one day I'll believe in it again but for now for now I'm still fighting still standing and maybe just maybe that's enough maybe it's that voice inside that says you're not done yet that tiny little spark that refuses to go out even when everything around
me is ashes maybe that's what keeps me going I don't know but I'm still here and I'm still standing barely but I'm standing so I'll keep pushing even when it feels like there's nothing left inside me I'll keep standing even when the weight feels un un bearable because giving up that's not an option not for me I may be broken I may be battered but as long as there's breath in my lungs as long as I can lift my head I'll fight I don't know where this road ends or if there's even an end at
all but but until I find out I'll keep walking because maybe just maybe there's still something out there worth all this pain [Music]
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