Have you ever stopped to understand what Public Policies are? In a country the size of ours with the complexity of social challenges and which is still slowly moving towards ideal public transparency, knowing the meaning and importance of public policies is something basic and essential after all, they are directly related to the issue of planning in the public sector and the quality of this planning and its effectiveness is totally related to the quality of our life well, public policies affect all of us citizens regardless of educational level, sex, race, religion or social level also cover all
areas such as education, health security, mobility, environment, housing, among others ie public policies are sets of programs, actions and decisions taken by governments (federal, state and municipal) with the participation, directly or indirectly, of public or private entities this in order to ensure a certain citizenship right for various groups of society or a specific segment, for example, a city hall program that benefits your neighborhood is a public policy actions in favor of education in the city also in this sense, it is important to realize that a public policy has a political bias , where decisions involve
conflicts of interest in most cases and an administrative bias , because they are fundamental for the improvement of society at last, it is important to know that we can speak as much about State policy, that is, a policy that does not depend on who is in the government and is supported by the Federal Constitution as well as talking about a policy Government, this is already related to a specific government that has the opportunity to create its own planning with projects and programs. Right? Now that you know a little more about public policies, you are better
prepared to discuss social issues properly and if you want to go deeper, the invitation is to visit the Politize channel and read the full article on this topic . !